Added support for nonrandom dither, auto dither, refactored test suite again

This commit is contained in:
Niles Rogoff 2016-07-21 09:43:11 -07:00
parent b4d8fedf74
commit eca976891f
3 changed files with 71 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -2,21 +2,38 @@ bits = 2
outfile = "out.png"
per_color = False
dither = False
use_non_random_dither = False
# End of the configuration section
import PIL.Image, sys, random
import as libbar
def format_dither(d):
d = float(int(float(dither) * 1000)) / 10
return str(d) + "%"
def auto_dither(bits):
return 1.0 / (bits + 1)
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
outfile = sys.argv[2]
if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
bits = int(sys.argv[3])
args = [f.lower() for f in sys.argv]
if "--dither" in args:
dither = float(args[args.index("--dither") + 1].replace("%",""))
dither = args[args.index("--dither") + 1].replace("%","")
if dither == "auto":
dither = auto_dither(bits)
print("Using dither of " + format_dither(dither))
dither = float(dither)
if dither > 1:
dither /= 100
per_color = "--per-color" in args
use_non_random_dither = "--non-random-dither" in args
if use_non_random_dither:
counter_max = int(args[args.index("--non-random-dither") + 1])
if not dither:
dither = auto_dither(bits)
print("Non-random dither has no effect if dither is disabled. Guessing you want "+format_dither(dither)+"% dither")
def binprecision(start, bits, length):
end = bin(int(start))[2:]
while len(end) < bits:
@ -33,13 +50,20 @@ colors = [int(i*255.0/(2**bits-1)) for i in range(2**bits)]
bar = libbar.IncrementalBar(max = image.height * image.width)
i = 0
if use_non_random_dither:
counter = 1
for x in range(image.width):
for y in range(image.height):
i += 1
if use_non_random_dither:
counter += 1
counter %= counter_max + 1
bar.index = i
if i % 193 == 0: bar.update() # I used to use 200 but then the last two digits of the current status were always "00" which made it look like the progress bar was fake
pos = (x,y)
color = image.getpixel(pos)
if type(color) == int:
color = (color,)
if len(color) == 4:
color = color[:3] # Exclude alpha layer
color = list(color)
@ -47,7 +71,13 @@ for x in range(image.width):
color = [float(sum(color))/len(color)]
for z in range(len(color)):
if dither:
color[z] += 255 * random.uniform(-dither,dither)
val = 255 * random.uniform(-dither, dither)
if use_non_random_dither:
val = 255*float(counter)/counter_max # goes from 0 to 255
val *= dither # for dither = .1 and counter max = 4 it goes from 0 to 25.5
val -= 255 * dither / 2 # for those values it goes from -12.75 to 12.75
val = int(val)
color[z] += val
color[z] = min(color[z], 255)
color[z] = max(color[z], 0)
index = int(binprecision(color[z], 8, bits), 2)

View File

@ -2,10 +2,14 @@
Inspired by [2bit](
Usage: `python3 infile.png [outfile.png] [bits] [--per-color] [--dither dither_value]`
Usage: `python3 infile.png [outfile.png] [bits] [--per-color] [--dither dither_value] [--non-random-dither num_pixels]`
dither\_value can be like `50%`, `50` or `.5`
Note that using `--non-random-dither` without a dither argument will attempt to guess what dither percentage you want based on the number of bits
The best number for num\_pixels is usually 7, but it should ideally be coprime with the height of the image
Warning: Will probably turn transparency black
You can change the number of bits for different results. 1 would be just black and white, while 8 would be the original image in greyscale.

View File

@ -5,28 +5,12 @@ try:
files = glob.glob("*")
del files[files.index("")]
del files[files.index("")]
if not os.path.isdir("out"): os.mkdir("out")
i = 0
max_i = len(files) * (16*3)
def getparams(i):
percolor = dither = False
i %= 48
if i % 16 >= 8:
percolor = True
if i >= 16:
dither = '15'
if i >= 32:
dither = '50'
return percolor, dither
for f in files:
if (os.path.isdir(f)): continue
if (f[-3:]) == '.py': continue
for bits in range(16*3):
bits += 1
percolor, dither = getparams(i)
max_i = len(files) * (112)
def run(bits, percolor, dither, nonrandom):
if not percolor:
percolor = []
pc = ""
@ -39,10 +23,26 @@ for f in files:
dc = "dither-" + dither + "%-"
dither = ["--dither", dither]
print(str(int(float(1000*i)/max_i)/10) + "% done")
bits_formatted = str((bits-1)%8+1)
outfilename = "out/" + ".".join(f.split(".")[:-1]) + "-output-" + pc + dc + bits_formatted + "bits.png"
if not nonrandom:
nonrandom = []
nc = ""
nc = "nonrandom-dither-" + nonrandom + "pixels-"
nonrandom = ["--non-random-dither", nonrandom]
bits_formatted = str(bits + 1)
outfilename = "out/" + ".".join(f.split(".")[:-1]) + "-output-" + pc + dc + nc + bits_formatted + "bits.png"
print("On " + outfilename)["python3", "../", f, outfilename, bits_formatted, *percolor, *dither])["python3", "../", f, outfilename, bits_formatted, *percolor, *dither, *nonrandom])
print(str(max_i) + " images to generate")
for f in files:
if (os.path.isdir(f)): continue
if (f[-3:]) == '.py': continue
for bits in range(8):
for dither in [False, "15", "50", "auto"]:
for nonrandom in [False, "7", "10"]:
for percolor in [False, True]:
i += 1
run(bits, percolor, dither, nonrandom)
print(str(int(float(1000*i)/max_i)/10) + "% done")