
550 lines
12 KiB

title: admin/reports API methods
description: Perform moderation actions with reports.
name: reports
parent: methods-admin
identifier: methods-admin-reports
aliases: [
#TableOfContents ul ul ul {display: none}
## View all reports {#get}
GET /api/v1/admin/reports HTTP/1.1
View information about all reports.
**Returns:** Array of [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:read:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Query parameters
: Boolean. Filter for resolved reports?
: String. Filter for reports filed by this account.
: String. Filter for reports targeting this account.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100 reports. Max 200 reports.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
"id": "3",
"action_taken": false,
"action_taken_at": null,
"category": "spam",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:19:23.085Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-09T21:19:23.085Z",
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.985Z",
"email": "admin@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"acct": "admin",
// ...
"target_account": {
"id": "108965430868193066",
"username": "goody",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T23:42:04.731Z",
"email": "goody@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965430868193066",
"username": "goody",
"acct": "goody",
// ...
"assigned_account": null,
"action_taken_by_account": null,
"statuses": [],
"rules": []
// ...
Because Report IDs are generally not exposed via any API responses, you will have to parse the HTTP `Link` header to load older or newer results. See [Paginating through API responses]({{<relref "api/guidelines#pagination">}}) for more information.
Link: <http://mastodon.example/api/v1/admin/reports?limit=2&max_id=2>; rel="next", <http://mastodon.example/api/v1/admin/reports?limit=2&since_id=1>; rel="prev"
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## View a single report {#get-one}
GET /api/v1/admin/reports/:id HTTP/1.1
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:read:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
"id": "2",
"action_taken": true,
"action_taken_at": "2022-09-09T21:38:54.679Z",
"category": "spam",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:19:44.021Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-09T21:38:54.681Z",
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.985Z",
"email": "admin@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"acct": "admin",
// ...
"target_account": {
"id": "108965430868193066",
"username": "goody",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T23:42:04.731Z",
"email": "goody@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965430868193066",
"username": "goody",
"acct": "goody",
// ...
"assigned_account": null,
"action_taken_by_account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.985Z",
"email": "admin@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"acct": "admin",
// ...
"statuses": [],
"rules": []
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Update a report {#update}
PUT /api/v1/admin/reports/:id HTTP/1.1
Change metadata for a report.
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
3.5.0 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Form data parameters
: String. Change the classification of the report to `spam`, `violation`, or `other`.
: Array of Integer. For `violation` category reports, specify the ID of the exact rules broken. Rules and their IDs are available via [GET /api/v1/instance/rules]({{< relref "methods/instance#rules" >}}) and [GET /api/v1/instance]({{< relref "methods/instance#get" >}}).
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The report category and/or rule IDs should now be updated.
"id": "3",
"action_taken": false,
"action_taken_at": null,
"category": "other",
// ...
"rules": []
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Assign report to self {#assign_to_self}
POST /api/v1/admin/reports/:id/assign_to_self HTTP/1.1
Claim the handling of this report to yourself.
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The report should now be assigned to you, or it was already assigned to you.
"id": "3",
"action_taken": false,
"action_taken_at": null,
"category": "other",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:21:01.204Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-11T14:39:01.531Z",
// ...
"assigned_account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.985Z",
"email": "admin@mastodon.local",
// ...
"account": {
"id": "108965218747268792",
"username": "admin",
"acct": "admin",
// ...
"action_taken_by_account": null,
"statuses": [],
"rules": []
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Unassign report {#unassign}
POST /api/v1/admin/reports/:id/unassign HTTP/1.1
Unassign a report so that someone else can claim it.
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The report should no longer be assigned to you, or it was already not assigned to anyone.
"id": "3",
"action_taken": false,
"action_taken_at": null,
"category": "other",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:21:01.204Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-11T14:39:01.531Z",
// ...
"assigned_account": null,
"action_taken_by_account": null,
"statuses": [],
"rules": []
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Mark report as resolved {#resolve}
POST /api/v1/admin/reports/:id/resolve HTTP/1.1
Mark a report as resolved with no further action taken.
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The report is now resolved, or it was already resolved.
"id": "2",
"action_taken": true,
"action_taken_at": "2022-09-11T14:46:22.936Z",
"category": "spam",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:19:44.021Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-11T14:46:22.945Z",
// ...
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Reopen a closed report {#reopen}
POST /api/v1/admin/reports/:id/reopen HTTP/1.1
Reopen a currently closed report, if it is closed.
**Returns:** [Admin::Report]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Report" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:reports`\
**Permissions:** Manage Reports\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added\
4.0.0 - support custom roles and permissions
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the Report in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The report no longer has an action taken, or it already had no action taken.
"id": "2",
"action_taken": false,
"action_taken_at": null,
"category": "spam",
"comment": "",
"forwarded": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-09T21:19:44.021Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-11T14:42:21.855Z",
// ...
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## See also
{{< page-relref ref="methods/admin/accounts#action" caption="POST /api/v1/admin/accounts/:id/action" >}}
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/admin/reports_controller.rb" >}}