
379 lines
8.0 KiB

title: admin/domain_blocks API methods
description: Disallow certain domains to federate.
name: domain_blocks
parent: methods-admin
identifier: methods-admin-domain_blocks
aliases: [
#TableOfContents ul ul ul {display: none}
## List all blocked domains {#get}
GET /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks HTTP/1.1
Show information about all blocked domains.
**Returns:** Array of [Admin::DomainBlock]({{< relref "entities/Admin_DomainBlock" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:read:domain_blocks`\
**Permissions:** Manage Federation\
**Version history:**\
4.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Query parameters
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100 blocks. Max 200 blocks.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
"id": "1",
"domain": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-16T08:15:34.238Z",
"severity": "noop",
"reject_media": false,
"reject_reports": false,
"private_comment": null,
"public_comment": null,
"obfuscate": false
// ...
Because DomainBlock IDs are generally not exposed via any API responses, you will have to parse the HTTP `Link` header to load older or newer results. See [Paginating through API responses]({{<relref "api/guidelines#pagination">}}) for more information.
Link: <http://mastodon.example/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks?limit=2&max_id=2>; rel="next", <http://mastodon.example/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks?limit=2&since_id=1>; rel="prev"
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
## Get a single blocked domain {#get-one}
GET /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/:id HTTP/1.1
Show information about a single blocked domain.
**Returns:** [Admin::DomainBlock]({{< relref "entities/Admin_DomainBlock" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:read:domain_blocks`\
**Permissions:** Manage Federation\
**Version history:**\
4.0.0 - added
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the DomainBlock in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
"id": "1",
"domain": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-16T08:15:34.238Z",
"severity": "noop",
"reject_media": false,
"reject_reports": false,
"private_comment": null,
"public_comment": null,
"obfuscate": false
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
##### 404: Not found
DomainBlock with the given ID does not exist
"error": "Record not found"
## Block a domain from federating {#create}
POST /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks HTTP/1.1
Add a domain to the list of domains blocked from federating.
**Returns:** [Admin::DomainBlock]({{< relref "entities/Admin_DomainBlock" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:domain_blocks`\
**Permissions:** Manage Federation\
**Version history:**\
4.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Form data parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The domain to block federation with.
: String. Whether to apply a `silence`, `suspend`, or `noop` to the domain. Defaults to `silence`
: Boolean. Whether media attachments should be rejected. Defaults to false
: Boolean. Whether reports from this domain should be rejected. Defaults to false
: String. A private note about this domain block, visible only to admins.
: String. A public note about this domain block, optionally shown on the about page.
: Boolean. Whether to partially censor the domain when shown in public. Defaults to false
#### Response
##### 200: OK
Domain has been blocked from federating.
"id": "1",
"domain": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-16T08:15:34.238Z",
"severity": "noop",
"reject_media": false,
"reject_reports": false,
"private_comment": null,
"public_comment": null,
"obfuscate": false
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
##### 422: Unprocessable entity
The domain parameter was not provided
"error": "Validation failed: Domain can't be blank"
## Update a domain block {#update}
PUT /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/:id HTTP/1.1
Change parameters for an existing domain block.
**Returns:** [Admin::DomainBlock]({{< relref "entities/Admin_DomainBlock" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:domain_blocks`\
**Permissions:** Manage Federation\
**Version history:**\
4.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the DomainAllow in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Form data parameters
: String. Whether to apply a `silence`, `suspend`, or `noop` to the domain. Defaults to `silence`
: Boolean. Whether media attachments should be rejected. Defaults to false
: Boolean. Whether reports from this domain should be rejected. Defaults to false
: String. A private note about this domain block, visible only to admins.
: String. A public note about this domain block, optionally shown on the about page.
: Boolean. Whether to partially censor the domain when shown in public. Defaults to false
#### Response
##### 200: OK
Domain block has been updated
"id": "1",
"domain": "",
"created_at": "2022-11-16T08:15:34.238Z",
"severity": "noop",
"reject_media": false,
"reject_reports": false,
"private_comment": null,
"public_comment": null,
"obfuscate": false
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
##### 500: Server error
<!-- TODO: remove when is fixed -->
Invalid severity
## Remove a domain block {#delete}
DELETE /api/v1/admin/domain_blocks/:id HTTP/1.1
Lift a block against a domain.
**Returns:** [Admin::DomainBlock]({{< relref "entities/Admin_DomainBlock" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `admin:write:domain_blocks`\
**Permissions:** Manage Federation\
**Version history:**\
4.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the DomainAllow in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The domain has been removed from the block list
##### 403: Forbidden
Authorized user is not allowed to perform this action, or invalid or missing Authorization header
"error": "This action is not allowed"
##### 404: Not found
DomainBlock with the given ID does not exist
"error": "Record not found"
## See also
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/admin/domain_blocks_controller.rb" >}}