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Streaming API How to use Mastodon's streaming API for live, real-time updates
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Your application can use a server-sent events endpoint to receive updates in real-time. Server-sent events is an incredibly simple transport method that relies entirely on chunked-encoding transfer, i.e. the HTTP connection is kept open and receives new data periodically.

Alternatively, a WebSocket connection can also be established.

Server-sent events (HTTP)


GET /api/v1/streaming/user

Returns events that are relevant to the authorized user, i.e. home timeline and notifications

GET /api/v1/streaming/public

Returns all public statuses

GET /api/v1/streaming/public/local

Returns all local statuses

GET /api/v1/streaming/hashtag?tag=:hashtag

Returns all public statuses for a particular hashtag

GET /api/v1/streaming/hashtag/local?tag=:hashtag

Returns all local statuses for a particular hashtag

GET /api/v1/streaming/list?list=:list_id

Returns statuses for a list

GET /api/v1/streaming/direct

Returns all direct messages

Stream contents

The stream will contain events as well as heartbeat comments. Lines that begin with a colon (:) can be ignored by parsers, they are simply there to keep the connection open. Events have this structure:

event: name
data: payload


For WebSockets, there is only one URL path (/api/v1/streaming). The access token as well as the endpoint you are interested in must be provided with query params, respectively access_token and stream. Query params list and tag are likewise supported for relevant endpoints.

Possible stream values:

  • user
  • public
  • public:local
  • hashtag
  • hashtag:local
  • list
  • direct

Event types

Event Description What's in the payload
update A new status has appeared [Status]({{< relref "" >}})
notification A new notification has appeared [Notification]({{< relref "" >}})
delete A status has been deleted ID of the deleted status
filters_changed Keyword filters have been changed

The payload is JSON-encoded.

Note: In case of filters_changed event, payload is not defined.