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Authentication How to authenticate with OAuth 2 on Mastodon
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Mastodon is federated, therefore you can't be expected to manually register your application on all potential servers your users might want to login on. For this reason, there is an open app registration API, so obtaining OAuth 2 credentials for OAuth 2 authorization can be automated.

Make sure that you allow your users to specify the domain they want to connect to before login. Use that domain to acquire a client id/secret for OAuth 2 and then proceed with normal OAuth 2 also using that domain to build the URLs.

Mastodon supports the following OAuth 2 flows:

  • Authorization code flow: For end-users
  • Password grant flow: For bots and other single-user applications
  • Client credentials flow: For applications that do not act on behalf of users

OAuth 2 endpoints

The following descriptions are taken from the Doorkeeper documentation. Mastodon uses Doorkeeper to implement OAuth 2.

GET /oauth/authorize

Redirect here with response_type=code, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, scope. Displays an authorization form to the user. If approved, it will create and return an authorization code, then redirect to the desired redirect_uri, or show the authorization code if urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob was requested.

POST /oauth/token

Post here with authorization_code for authorization code grant type or username and password for password grant type. Returns an access token. This corresponds to the token endpoint, section 3.2 of the OAuth 2 RFC.

POST /oauth/revoke

Post here with client credentials (in basic auth or in params client_id and client_secret) to revoke an access token. This corresponds to the token endpoint, using the OAuth 2.0 Token Revocation RFC (RFC 7009).

Example authorization code flow

  1. Get client_id and client_secret from your local cache. If you don't have the two, you need to [register the application]({{< relref "api/rest/" >}}). Store client_id and client_secret in your local cache for next time. We actually don't need the id returned from this call.
  2. Tell the user to visit /oauth/authorize with parameters scope, response_type=code, redirect_uri, and your client_id. The user clicks on the URL and gets shown a page asking them to authorize your app for the scopes you requested. If the user clicks on the right button, they are redirected back to your redirect_uri with a code param in the query string. That is the authorization code.
  3. Send a POST request to /oauth/token with the parameters client_id, client_secret, grant_type=authorization_code, code, redirect_uri. Save the access_token you get back in your local cache. Note that an authorization code can only be used once. If it has been used already, you need to repeat step two to get a new one.

Once you have the access token, add the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer ... to any API call.

Common gotchas

  • The OAuth param name is scope, but when registering the application using Mastodon's REST API, the param name is scopes. The OAuth param can be a subset of the scopes you registered initially, but cannot include anything that wasn't in the original set.
  • The OAuth param name is redirect_uri, but when registering the application using Mastodon's REST API, the param name is redirect_uris. The latter can actually consist of multiple allowed URIs, separated by newlines.
  • The redirect_uri in all OAuth requests must either be the same as the one registered with the application, or one of them, if you registered multiple URIs separated by newlines with the application.