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emails API methods Request a new confirmation email, potentially to a new email address.
weight name parent identifier
20 emails methods-apps methods-emails

Resend confirmation email

POST /api/v1/emails/confirmations HTTP/1.1

Returns: Empty object
OAuth: User token issued to the client that created the unconfirmed user
Version history:
3.4.0 - added


{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.
Form data parameters
If provided, updates the unconfirmed user's email before resending the confirmation email.


200: OK
403: Forbidden

The client associated with the token does not own the unconfirmed user.

	"error": "This method is only available to the application the user originally signed-up with"

Alternatively, the user has already confirmed their email.

  "error": "This method is only available while the e-mail is awaiting confirmation"

See also

{{< page-relref ref="methods/apps#create" caption="POST /api/v1/apps" >}}

{{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#create" caption="POST /api/v1/accounts" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/emails/confirmations_controller.rb" >}}