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filters API methods Create and manage filters.
weight name parent identifier
60 filters methods-accounts methods-filters

{{}} This page is under construction. {{}}

Server-side (v2) methods

Since Mastodon 3.6, filters can contain multiple keywords and are matched server-side. Clients apply the filter action based on [the status's filtered attribute]({{< relref "entities/Status#filtered" >}}).

View all filters

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters HTTP/1.1

View a specific filter

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

Create a filter

POST https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters HTTP/1.1

Update a filter

PUT https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

Delete a filter

DELETE https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

View keywords added to a filter

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:id/keywords HTTP/1.1

View a single keyword within a filter

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords/:id HTTP/1.1

Add a keyword to a filter

POST https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/:filter_id/keywords HTTP/1.1

Edit a keyword within a filter

PUT https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/keywords/:id HTTP/1.1

Remove keywords from a filter

DELETE https://mastodon.example/api/v2/filters/keywords/:id HTTP/1.1

Client-side (v1) methods

Prior to Mastodon 3.6, matching filters was done client-size and filters could only contain one phrase to filter against.

View your filters

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/filters HTTP/1.1

Returns: List of [V1::Filter]({{< relref "entities/V1_Filter" >}})
OAuth: User token + read:filters
Version history:
2.4.3 - added
4.0.0 - deprecated. For compatibility purposes, now returns a List of V1::Filter, with each V1::Filter representing one FilterKeyword (with the keyword being presented in the phrase attribute)


{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.


200: OK

Excerpts of various filters in different contexts.

    "id": "6191",
    "phrase": ":eurovision2019:",
    "context": [
    "whole_word": true,
    "expires_at": "2019-05-21T13:47:31.333Z",
    "irreversible": false
  // ...
    "id": "5580",
    "phrase": "",
    "context": [
    "whole_word": false,
    "expires_at": null,
    "irreversible": true
  // ...
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"

View a single filter

GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

Returns: [V1::Filter]({{< relref "entities/V1_Filter" >}})
OAuth: User token + read:filters
Version history:
2.4.3 - added
4.0.0 - deprecated. For compatibility purposes, now returns a V1::Filter representing one FilterKeyword (with the keyword being presented in the phrase attribute)


Path parameters
{{}} String. The ID of the FilterKeyword in the database.
{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.


200: OK
  "id": "8449",
  "phrase": "test",
  "context": [
  "whole_word": false,
  "expires_at": "2019-11-26T09:08:06.254Z",
  "irreversible": true
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"
404: Not found

Filter ID does not exist, or is not owned by you

  "error": "Record not found"

Create a filter

POST https://mastodon.example/api/v1/filters HTTP/1.1

Returns: [V1::Filter]({{< relref "entities/V1_Filter" >}})
OAuth: User token + write:filters
Version history:
2.4.3 - added
3.1.0 - added account context to filter in profile views
4.0.0 - deprecated. For compatibility purposes, now returns a V1::Filter representing one FilterKeyword (with the keyword being presented in the phrase attribute). This method will create a Filter that contains only one FilterKeyword. The title of the Filter and the keyword of the FilterKeyword will be set equal to the phrase provided.


{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.
Form data parameters
{{}} String. The text to be filtered.
{{}} Array of String. Where the filter should be applied. Specify at least one of home, notifications, public, thread, account.
Boolean. Should the server irreversibly drop matching entities from home and notifications? Defaults to false.
Boolean. Should the filter consider word boundaries for this keyword? Defaults to false.
Integer. Number of seconds from now that the filter should expire. Otherwise, null for a filter that doesn't expire.


200: OK

The newly-created filter will be returned.

  "id": "8449",
  "phrase": "test",
  "context": [
  "whole_word": false,
  "expires_at": "2019-11-26T09:08:06.254Z",
  "irreversible": true
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"
422: Unprocessable entity

If phrase is not provided properly:

  "error": "Validation failed: Phrase can't be blank"

If context is not provided properly:

  "error": "Validation failed: Context can't be blank, Context None or invalid context supplied"

Update a filter

PUT https://mastodon.example/api/v1/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

Replaces a filter's parameters in-place.

Returns: [V1::Filter]({{< relref "entities/V1_Filter" >}})
OAuth: User token + write:filters
Version history:
2.4.3 - added
3.1.0 - added account context to filter in profile views
4.0.0 - deprecated. or compatibility purposes, now returns a V1::Filter representing one FilterKeyword (with the keyword being presented in the phrase attribute). This method will return an error if you attempt to change expires_in, irreversible, or context for a filter with multiple keywords. Changing phrase and whole_word is always safe.


Path parameters
{{}} String. The ID of the FilterKeyword in the database.
{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.
Form data parameters
{{}} String. The text to be filtered.
{{}} Array of String. Specify at least one of home, notifications, public, thread, account.
Boolean. Should the server irreversibly drop matching entities from home and notifications? Defaults to false.
Boolean. Should the filter consider word boundaries? Defaults to false.
Integer. Number of seconds from now that the filter should expire. Otherwise, null for a filter that doesn't expire.


200: OK

Filter updated

  "id": "8449",
  "phrase": "test",
  "context": [
  "whole_word": false,
  "expires_at": null,
  "irreversible": true
401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"
404: Not found

Filter does not exist or is not owned by you

  "error": "Record not found"
422: Unprocessable entity

If phrase is not provided properly:

  "error": "Validation failed: Phrase can't be blank"

If context is not provided properly:

  "error": "Validation failed: Context can't be blank, Context None or invalid context supplied"

Remove a filter

DELETE https://mastodon.example/api/v1/filters/:id HTTP/1.1

Returns: empty object
OAuth: User token + write:filters
Version history:
2.4.3 - added
4.0.0 - deprecated. This method will delete only the FilterKeyword from its parent Filter. To delete the parent Filter, you must use the v2 filters API.


Path parameters
{{}} String. The ID of the SOMETHING in the database.
{{}} Provide this header with Bearer <user token> to gain authorized access to this API method.


200: OK

The filter has been deleted successfully, so an empty object will be returned.

401: Unauthorized

Invalid or missing Authorization header.

  "error": "The access token is invalid"
404: Not found

Filter does not exist or is not owned by you

  "error": "Record not found"

See also

{{< page-relref ref="api/guidelines#filters" caption="Implementation guidelines for filters" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v2/filters_controller.rb" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/filters/keywords_controller.rb" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/filters/statuses_controller.rb" >}}

{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/filters_controller.rb" >}}