
312 lines
5.7 KiB

title: featured_tags API methods
description: Feature tags that you use frequently on your profile.
weight: 100
name: featured_tags
parent: methods-accounts
identifier: methods-featured_tags
aliases: [
#TableOfContents ul ul ul {display: none}
## View your featured tags {#get}
GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/featured_tags HTTP/1.1
List all hashtags featured on your profile.
**Returns:** Array of [FeaturedTag]({{< relref "entities/featuredtag" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `read:accounts`\
**Version history:**\
3.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
"id": "627",
"name": "nowplaying",
"url": "",
"statuses_count": 70,
"last_status_at": "2022-08-29T12:03:35.061Z"
##### 401: Unauthorized
Invalid or missing Authorization header.
"error": "The access token is invalid"
## Feature a tag {#feature}
POST https://mastodon.example/api/v1/featured_tags HTTP/1.1
Promote a hashtag on your profile.
**Returns:** [FeaturedTag]({{< relref "entities/featuredtag" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `write:accounts`\
**Version history:**\
3.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Form data parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The hashtag to be featured, without the hash sign.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
A FeaturedTag will be created with the specified `name`.
"id": "13174",
"name": "circasurvive",
"url": "",
"statuses_count": 23,
"last_status_at": "2021-10-22T14:47:35.357Z"
##### 401: Unauthorized
Invalid or missing Authorization header.
"error": "The access token is invalid"
##### 422: Unprocessable entity
If `name` is not a valid hashtag, e.g. contains illegal characters or only numbers
"error": "Validation failed: Tag is invalid"
## Unfeature a tag {unfeature}
DELETE https://mastodon.example/api/v1/featured_tags/:id HTTP/1.1
Stop promoting a hashtag on your profile.
**Returns:** empty object\
**OAuth:** User token + `write:accounts`\
**Version history:**\
3.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Path parameters
: {{<required>}} String. The ID of the FeaturedTag in the database.
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
The tag was unfeatured.
##### 401: Unauthorized
Invalid or missing Authorization header.
"error": "The access token is invalid"
##### 404: Not found
FeaturedTag is not owned by you or does not exist
"error": "Record not found"
## View suggested tags to feature {#suggestions}
GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions HTTP/1.1
Shows up to 10 recently-used tags.
**Returns:** Array of [Tag]({{< relref "entities/Tag" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `read:accounts`\
**Version history:**\
3.0.0 - added
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
Truncated results to first and last tag.
"name": "nowplaying",
"url": "",
"history": [
"day": "1574553600",
"uses": "200",
"accounts": "31"
"day": "1574467200",
"uses": "272",
"accounts": "39"
"day": "1574380800",
"uses": "345",
"accounts": "40"
"day": "1574294400",
"uses": "366",
"accounts": "46"
"day": "1574208000",
"uses": "226",
"accounts": "32"
"day": "1574121600",
"uses": "217",
"accounts": "42"
"day": "1574035200",
"uses": "214",
"accounts": "34"
// ...
"name": "mastothemes",
"url": "",
"history": [
"day": "1574553600",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574467200",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574380800",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574294400",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574208000",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574121600",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
"day": "1574035200",
"uses": "0",
"accounts": "0"
##### 401: Unauthorized
Invalid or missing Authorization header.
"error": "The access token is invalid"
## See also
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/featured_tags_controller.rb" >}}
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/featured_tags/suggestions_controller.rb" >}}