
139 lines
4.4 KiB

title: endorsements API methods
description: Feature other profiles on your own profile. See also accounts/:id/{pin,unpin}
weight: 90
name: endorsements
parent: methods-accounts
identifier: methods-endorsements
aliases: [
#TableOfContents ul ul ul {display: none}
## View currently featured profiles {#get}
GET https://mastodon.example/api/v1/endorsements HTTP/1.1
Accounts that the user is currently featuring on their profile.
**Returns:** Array of [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}})\
**OAuth:** User token + `read:accounts`\
**Version history:**\
2.5.0 - added\
3.3.0 - both `min_id` and `max_id` can be used at the same time now
#### Request
##### Headers
: {{<required>}} Provide this header with `Bearer <user token>` to gain authorized access to this API method.
##### Query parameters
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: **Internal parameter.** Use HTTP `Link` header for pagination.
: Integer. Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 40.
#### Response
##### 200: OK
Sample call with limit=2.
"id": "952529",
"username": "alayna",
"acct": "",
"display_name": "Alayna Desirae",
"locked": true,
"bot": false,
"created_at": "2019-10-26T23:12:06.570Z",
"note": "experiencing ________ difficulties<br>22y/o INFP in Oklahoma",
"url": "",
"avatar": "",
"avatar_static": "",
"header": "",
"header_static": "",
"followers_count": 0,
"following_count": 0,
"statuses_count": 955,
"last_status_at": "2019-11-23T07:05:50.682Z",
"emojis": [],
"fields": []
"id": "832844",
"username": "a9",
"acct": "",
"display_name": "vivienne :collar: ",
"locked": true,
"bot": false,
"created_at": "2019-06-12T18:55:12.053Z",
"note": "borderline nsfw, considered a schedule I drug by nixon<br>waiting for the year of the illumos desktop",
"url": "",
"avatar": "",
"avatar_static": "",
"header": "",
"header_static": "",
"followers_count": 43,
"following_count": 67,
"statuses_count": 5906,
"last_status_at": "2019-11-23T05:23:47.911Z",
"emojis": [
"shortcode": "collar",
"url": "",
"static_url": "",
"visible_in_picker": true
"fields": []
Because AccountPin IDs are generally not exposed via any API responses, you will have to parse the HTTP `Link` header to load older or newer results. See [Paginating through API responses]({{<relref "api/guidelines#pagination">}}) for more information.
Link: <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"
##### 401: Unauthorized
Invalid or missing Authorization header.
"error": "The access token is invalid"
## See also
{{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#pin" caption="POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/pin" >}}
{{< page-relref ref="methods/accounts#unpin" caption="POST /api/v1/accounts/:id/unpin" >}}
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/controllers/api/v1/endorsements_controller.rb" >}}