
213 lines
5.5 KiB

title: Admin::Account
description: Admin-level information about a given account.
parent: entities
aliases: [
## Example
"id": "108965278956942133",
"username": "admin",
"domain": null,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T23:03:26.762Z",
"email": "admin@mastodon.local",
"ip": "",
"role": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Owner",
"color": "",
"position": 1000,
"permissions": 1,
"highlighted": true,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.983Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-08T22:48:07.983Z"
"confirmed": true,
"suspended": false,
"silenced": false,
"disabled": false,
"approved": true,
"locale": null,
"invite_request": null,
"ips": [
"ip": "",
"used_at": "2022-09-15T01:38:58.851Z"
"account": {
"id": "108965278956942133",
"username": "admin",
"acct": "admin",
"display_name": "",
"locked": false,
"bot": false,
"discoverable": null,
"group": false,
"created_at": "2022-09-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"note": "",
"url": "http://mastodon.local/@admin",
"avatar": "http://mastodon.local/avatars/original/missing.png",
"avatar_static": "http://mastodon.local/avatars/original/missing.png",
"header": "http://mastodon.local/headers/original/missing.png",
"header_static": "http://mastodon.local/headers/original/missing.png",
"followers_count": 0,
"following_count": 0,
"statuses_count": 0,
"last_status_at": null,
"emojis": [],
"fields": []
## Attributes
### `id` {#id}
**Description:** The ID of the account in the database.\
**Type:** String (cast from an integer, but not guaranteed to be a number)\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `username` {#username}
**Description:** The username of the account.\
**Type:** String\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `domain` {#domain}
**Description:** The domain of the account, if it is remote.\
**Type:** {{<nullable>}} String, or null for local accounts\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `created_at` {#created_at}
**Description:** When the account was first discovered.\
**Type:** String (ISO 8601 Datetime)\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `email` {#email}
**Description:** The email address associated with the account.\
**Type:** String\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `ip` {#ip}
**Description:** The IP address last used to login to this account.\
**Type:** {{<nullable>}} String\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
3.5.0 - return type changed from String to [Admin::Ip]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Ip" >}}) due to a bug
4.0.0 - bug fixed, return type is now a String again
### `ips` {#ip}
**Description:** All known IP addresses associated with this account.\
**Type:** Array of [Admin::Ip]({{< relref "entities/Admin_Ip" >}})\
**Version history:**\
3.5.0 - added
### `locale` {#locale}
**Description:** The locale of the account.\
**Type:** String (ISO 639 Part 1 two-letter language code)\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `invite_request` {#invite_request}
**Description:** The reason given when requesting an invite (for instances that require manual approval of registrations)\
**Type:** {{<nullable>}} String\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `role` {#role}
**Description:** The current role of the account.\
**Type:** [Role]({{<relref "entities/role">}})\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added, returns a String (enumerable, oneOf `user` `moderator` `admin`)
4.0.0 - now uses Role entity
### `confirmed` {#confirmed}
**Description:** Whether the account has confirmed their email address.\
**Type:** Boolean\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `approved` {#approved}
**Description:** Whether the account is currently approved.\
**Type:** Boolean\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `disabled` {#disabled}
**Description:** Whether the account is currently disabled.\
**Type:** Boolean\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `silenced` {#silenced}
**Description:** Whether the account is currently silenced.
**Type:** Boolean\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `suspended` {#suspended}
**Description:** Whether the account is currently suspended.\
**Type:** Boolean\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `account` {#account}
**Description:** User-level information about the account.\
**Type:** [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}})\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `created_by_application_id` {{%optional%}} {#created_by_application_id}
**Description:** The ID of the [Application]({{< relref "entities/application" >}}) that created this account, if applicable.\
**Type:** String (cast from an integer, but not guaranteed to be a number)\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
### `invited_by_account_id` {{%optional%}} {#invited_by_account_id}
**Description:** The ID of the [Account]({{< relref "entities/account" >}}) that invited this user, if applicable.\
**Type:** String (cast from an integer, but not guaranteed to be a number)\
**Version history:**\
2.9.1 - added
## See also
{{< page-relref ref="methods/admin/accounts" caption="admin/accounts API methods" >}}
{{< caption-link url="" caption="app/serializers/rest/admin/account_serializer.rb" >}}