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Setting up a dev environment
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Run following commands in the project directory bundle install, yarn install.

In the development environment, Mastodon will use PostgreSQL as the currently signed-in Linux user using the ident method, which usually works out of the box. The one command you need to run is rails db:setup which will create the databases mastodon_development and mastodon_test, load the schema into them, and then create seed data defined in db/seed.rb in mastodon_development. The only seed data is an admin account with the credentials admin@localhost:3000 / mastodonadmin.

Please keep in mind, by default Mastodon will run on port 3000. If you configure a different port for it, the generated admin account will use that number.


There are multiple processes that need to be run for the full set of Mastodons functionality, although they can be selectively omitted. To run all of them with just one command, you can install Foreman with gem install foreman --no-document and then use:

foreman start

In the Mastodon directory. This will start processes defined in, which will give you: A Rails server, a Webpack server, a streaming API server, and Sidekiq. Of course, you can run any of those things stand-alone depending on your needs.


Command Description
rspec Run the Ruby test suite
yarn run test Run the JavaScript test suite
rubocop Check the Ruby code for conformance with our code style