![]() Remove "||s3.amazonaws.com$third-party" as this break e.g. screenshot uploading at GitHub More details: URL: https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/ Type: Ajax Source: github.com Filter: ||s3.amazonaws.com^$third-party |
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Top500 |
This is a minimial blocklist based on surveys on most used webtechnology related to advertising and tracking in Western Europe and North America. Although title is Top500, it are actually a over 500 analysis, advertising, tagmanagement and tracking servers (domains), because new players mentioned in advertising websites which were also mentioned on Google's Ad technology list were added also.
In advertising the number one (Google) has a marketshare of around 40 percent, Facebook the number two hits the 20 percent mark while the number three Comscore just has a little over 2.5% marketshare. For comparison Amazon with its huge webstore generates about the same advertising traffic on its own website. Number 100 on this list is probably used at 5000 websites of the Alexa Top 300.000 websites, while number 250 may only track you on 500 websites of the Alexa Top 300.000 (websited with more than 3000 unique visitors per day).
When you want a common use well maintained small blocklist, use Disconnect's Simple Ad-filter or Peter Low's blocklist. These lists also aim to block adnetworks in stead of adsvertismens on websites (that is why they only have over 3000 blacklisted URL's). When you prefer large blocklist have a look at Steven's Black hostfile.
When you still want to use this blocklist, feel free to use it and provide feedback on errors. You can post issues, but I will only have a look at it when the issue causes a problem on an COM, INF, NET or ORG domain. You can fix a problem easily yourself in most adblock extensions (e.g. AdBlockPlus, Adguard, uBlockOrigin). Look for UserFilter or MyFilter in the extension options. For instance when this filter causes a problem on website ABC_example.com, simply add a badfilter using this syntax: