Do not enable tx-carrier for non-interactive --file sessions

The logic that determined whether to 'block_input' was backwards with
respect to non-interactive --file sessions, such that using --file
*enabled* the tx-carrier behavior when it should have disabled it.
This went unnoticed because on reasonably fast systems, reading the
input data from the file never induce the timeout anyway -- only very
slow machines reveal the problem: long gaps of 'mark' between each
frame, as if each input character was slowly typed interactively.

Fixes: ecebf01 Add ability to output a carrier while waiting for data
This commit is contained in:
Kamal Mostafa 2015-08-24 13:35:03 -07:00
parent 6d9b4d2e0c
commit 2b5e2c6a40
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static void fsk_transmit_stdin(
{0, 0} // it_value
int block_input = !( tx_interactive && txcarrier );
int block_input = tx_interactive && !txcarrier;
if ( block_input )
signal(SIGALRM, tx_stop_transmit_sighandler);