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Save Configuration and STL of
You can use HeroSaver in one of two fashions. Either you let it load as soon as you visit HeroForge (You need a browser extension for that), or you load it manually through your browsers console (No extension needed).
### Automatically
You can automatically load HeroSaver when you visit HeroForge by adding a GreaseMonkey/TamperMonkey script. For that you need to install GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey (Click [here]( or [here]( for Firefox, or [here]( for Chrome, and install the addon).
after a script manager is installed click following link to add the script:
you are done.
*Note:* There is a version of TamperMonkey for Opera Next, Safari and Edge, but I never tried them. It is very much possible, that the same workflow works for those browsers.
### Manually
Alternatively you can load the HeroSaver manually everytime you visit HeroForge.
1. Go to
2. Open the Javascript Console [F12], then click on Console
3. Paste the following
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"get","",true);xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){if(xhr.readyState==4){var script=document.createElement("script");script.type="text/javascript";script.text=xhr.responseText;document.body.appendChild(script)}};xhr.send(null);
### Buttons
Once HeroSaver is loaded, you have these additional buttons on the top bar:
* Export Model (STL) - Exports the current model and downloads a STL of it.
* Export (JSON) - Exports the current model settings in a JSON format.
* Import (JSON) - Imports a previously exported JSON file with model settings.
Some details of the figures are implemented via shaders. These are not exported :( This is also the reason, the exported figures look a bit _blocky_. If you want hight quality exports, consider purchasing the stl files from heroforge :)