
1.6 KiB


Save Configuration and STL of


  1. Go to
  2. Open the Javascript Console [F12], then click on Console
  3. Paste the following

Exporting the mount

Exporting the mount is not officially supportet, but with a bit of work, you can export the mount.

  1. Go to and design a Character with mount.
  2. Open the Javascript Console [F12], then click on Console
  3. Paste the following
  1. Open a new tab and go to
  2. Copy the whole content
  3. Paste it in the javascript console in the HeroForge tab, but do NOT press ENTER
  4. Find the line
    var stlString = exporter.parse(CK.activeCharacter.threeObj.children[max_obj])
  1. Replace max_obj with 2, so that it reads
    var stlString = exporter.parse(CK.activeCharacter.threeObj.children[2])
  1. Now the stl export only exports the mount.


  • Some details of the figures are implemented via shaders. These are not exported :(
  • The base of the character is not exported, only the character. This made printing more easy.