var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"get","",true);xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){if(xhr.readyState==4){var script=document.createElement("script");script.type="text/javascript";script.text=xhr.responseText;document.body.appendChild(script)}};xhr.send(null);
2. Click the icon and select 'New User Script' from the dropdown menu
3. Paste the following, editing the intended website
4. Save
// ==UserScript==
// @name Herosaver
// @include**
// ==/UserScript==
var loadHerosaver = setInterval(function() {
if (!document.getElementById("loading-overlay")) {
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;"get","",true);xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){if(xhr.readyState==4){var script=document.createElement("script");script.type="text/javascript";script.text=xhr.responseText;document.body.appendChild(script)}};xhr.send(null);
}, 100);
## Buttons
* Export Model (STL) - Exports the current model and downloads a STL of it.
* Export (JSON) - Exports the current model settings in a JSON format.
* Import (JSON) - Imports a previously exported JSON file with model settings.
* Enlarge - Increases the size and rotates the model to match STL output for standard printing ```size:[10,10,10], rotation:[90,0,0]```
* Reset Scale - Resets the model and refreshes it, bug: refresh twice to reset some incorrect models.
Some details of the figures are implemented via shaders. These are not exported :( This is also is the reason, the exported figures look a bit _blocky_. If you want hight quality exports, consider purchasing the stl files :)