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2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00
# {0} = map title
command.admin.set.success = Next map set to {0}
# {0} = map title and version
command.admin.mapreload.success = {0} successfully marked for reloading.
command.admin.mapreload.successAll = All maps successfully marked for reloading.
command.admin.cancel.success = All countdowns cancelled.
command.admin.autoStartEnabled = Auto-start enabled for this match
command.admin.autoStartDisabled = Auto-start disabled for this match
# {0} = map title and version
command.admin.skip.success = Successfully skipped over {0}
# {0} = singular / plural substitution
# {1} = map title and version
command.admin.skip.successMultiple = Successfully skipped {0} to {1}
# {0} = map title and version
command.admin.skipto.success = Successfully skipped to {0}
command.admin.pgm = Configuration successfully reloaded.
# {0} = map title and version = Next map: {0} = Not updated, map modified by active match = Successfully updated map = Failed to backup regions
# {0} = file name = Failed to delete {0}
# {0} = rotation name
command.rotation.set.success = Current rotation set to {0}
command.rotation.reload.success = Successfully reloaded the rotation
# {0} = map title
command.rotation.append.success = Successfully appended {0} to the rotation
# {0} = map title
# {1} = index
command.rotation.insert.success = {0} successfully inserted at index {1}
# {0} = map title
command.rotation.remove.success = Successfully removed all instances of {0} from the rotation
# {0} = index
command.rotation.removeat.success = Successfully removed map at index {0} from the rotation
# {0} = user being forced
# {1} = team being forced onto = {0} successfully forced onto {1} = Teams successfully shuffled.
# {0} = initial name
# {1} = new name = {0} successfully renamed to {1} = Changed default channel to team chat. = Message sent.
# {0} = team name
command.gameplay.myteam.message = You are on {0}
# {0} = the class = You have selected {0} = Changes will take effect on next spawn.
command.class.view.currentClass = Current class:
command.class.view.list = List all classes by typing '/classes'
command.development.clearErrors.success = Errors cleared!
command.development.listErrors.noErrors = No errors!
command.loadNewMaps.loading = Scanning for new maps...
# {0} = found map
command.loadNewMaps.foundSingleMap = Found new map {0}
# {0} = found amount
command.loadNewMaps.foundMultipleMaps = Found {0} new maps
command.loadNewMaps.noMaps = No maps found at all
command.loadNewMaps.noNewMaps = No new maps found
# {0} = mutation name(s)
command.mutation.enable.later.singular = You have enabled the {0} mutation for the next match
command.mutation.enable.later.plural = You have enabled the {0} mutations for the next match
command.mutation.disable.later.singular = You have disabled the {0} mutation for the next match
command.mutation.disable.later.plural = You have disabled the {0} mutations for the next match
2017-03-31 23:30:41 +02:00
# {0} = command sender
# {1} = mutation name(s) = {0} has enabled the {1} mutation = {0} has enabled the {1} mutations = {0} has disabled the {1} mutation = {0} has disabled the {1} mutations
command.mutation.error.mutate = An internal error occured with the '{0}' mutation
2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00
command.mutation.error.find = Unable to find mutation named '{0}'
2017-03-31 23:30:41 +02:00
command.mutation.error.enabled = {0} mutation is already enabled
command.mutation.error.enabled.all = All mutations have already been enabled
command.mutation.error.disabled = {0} mutation is already disabled
command.mutation.error.disabled.all = All mutations have already been disabled
2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00
command.mutation.list.current = Current Mutations
command.mutation.list.queued = Queued Mutations
# {0} = team name
ffa.join = You joined the match
team.join = You joined {0}
team.balanceWarning = Teams will be auto-balanced if {0} remains stacked
team.join.deferred.request = You will be assigned to a team at match start
team.join.deferred.cancel = Your request to join the match has been cancelled
team.join.forfeitWarning = {0}: This is a ranked match, and your team is depending on you to {1}! \
Abandoning your team will earn you a {2}, and possible {3} from ranked play.
team.join.forfeitWarning.emphasis.warning = WARNING
team.join.forfeitWarning.emphasis.playUntilTheEnd = play until the end
team.join.forfeitWarning.emphasis.doubleLoss = double loss
team.join.forfeitWarning.emphasis.suspension = suspension
team.join.forfeitWarning.timeLimit = If you cannot spend the next {0} playing this match, type {1} now
team.join.forfeitWarning.noTimeLimit = If you cannot commit to playing this entire match, type {0} now
# {0} = number of players that must join before the match can start
# {1} = team name
start.needMorePlayers.ffa.singular = Waiting for {0} more player to join
start.needMorePlayers.ffa.plural = Waiting for {0} more players to join = Waiting for {0} more player to join {1} = Waiting for {0} more players to join {1} = You defused world TNT.
# {0} = the player(s)
defuse.player = You defused {0}'s TNT.
ghostSquadron.landminePlanted = Landmine planted!
command.rate.successful = Your rating of {0} for {1} {2} has been saved.
command.rate.update = You changed your rating for {1} {2} from {3} to {0}.
rating.changeLater = You can change your rating later using the hopper, or by typing {0}
# {0} = team name
# {1}/{2} = score: 1 - 5
rating.create.notify = Someone on {0} rated this map {1}
rating.update.notify = Someone on {0} re-rated this map from {2} to {1}
# {0}/{1} = score: 1 - 5
rating.create.notify.ffa = Someone rated this map {0}
rating.update.notify.ffa = Someone re-rated this map from {1} to {0}
shop.plug.neverKicked = Premium users are never kicked off teams!
shop.plug.neverSwitched = Premium users are never forced to switch teams!
shop.plug.joinFull = Premium users can join full teams!
shop.plug.chooseTeam = Premium users can choose their team!
shop.plug.ffa.neverKicked = Premium users are never kicked from the match!
shop.plug.ffa.joinFull = Premium users can join full matches!
shop.plug.rankedMatches.unlimited = Premium users can play unlimited ranked matches!
shop.plug.rankedMatches.uniform = Premium users can play {0} ranked matches per day!
shop.plug.rankedMatches.upto = Premium users can play up to {0} ranked matches per day!
# {0} = one of engagement.result.*
engagement.matchRecorded = This match was recorded as a {0} for you = win
engagement.result.loss = loss
engagement.result.tie = tie
engagement.result.forfeit = forfeit
# Note: moved to join module
engagement.committed = You must finish this match before joining other servers
engagement.forfeitReason.continuousAbsence = You left the match for longer than {0}
engagement.forfeitReason.cumulativeAbsence = You missed more than {0} of the match
engagement.forfeitReason.participationPercent = You participated in less than {0}% of the match
engagement.forfeitReason.missedPart = You missed part of the match
engagement.statsLink = View your ranked stats at {0}
matchQuota.matchCounts = You have played {0} of your {1} ranked matches for today
matchQuota.outOfMatches = You cannot play any more ranked matches today
matchQuota.nextMatch = You can play your next ranked match in {0} = You need {0} more enemy kills before you can join ranked matches = Play on unranked servers to improve your skill and meet the requirements
huddle.instructions = Your team now has {0} to strategize before the match starts
mutation.type.blitz = Blitz
mutation.type.blitz.desc = no respawning
2017-03-31 23:30:41 +02:00
mutation.type.rage = Rage
2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00
mutation.type.rage.desc = instant kills
2017-03-31 23:30:41 +02:00
mutation.type.hardcore = Hardcore
mutation.type.hardcore.desc = no natural regeneration
mutation.type.jump = Jump
mutation.type.jump.desc = double jump and no fall
mutation.type.explosive = Explosive
mutation.type.explosive.desc = tnt and fire bows
mutation.type.elytra = Elytra
2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00
mutation.type.elytra.desc = fly around with an elytra
2017-03-31 23:30:41 +02:00
mutation.type.projectile = Projectile
mutation.type.projectile.desc = arrow potion effects
mutation.type.enchantment = Enchantment
mutation.type.enchantment.desc = random item enchantments
mutation.type.potion = Potion
mutation.type.potion.desc = random special potions
mutation.type.equestrian = Equestrian
mutation.type.equestrian.desc = ride a custom horse = Health = double health and gold apples
mutation.type.glow = Glow
mutation.type.glow.desc = glowing effect on all players
mutation.type.stealth = Stealth
mutation.type.stealth.desc = invisibility with no armor
mutation.type.armor = Armor
mutation.type.armor.desc = heavy diamond armor
mutation.type.mobs = Mobs
mutation.type.mobs.desc = mob spawning eggs
mutation.type.lightning = Lightning
mutation.type.lightning.desc = lightning strikes from the sky
mutation.type.bomber = Bomber
mutation.type.bomber.desc = tnt rain
mutation.type.apocalypse = Apocalypse
mutation.type.apocalypse.desc = mob spawning chaos
2017-01-30 01:43:34 +01:00 = You have a TNT license. You can surrender your license by typing {0} = You do not have a TNT license. You can request one by typing {0}
tnt.license.request.success = You have requested a TNT license. If you are helpful to your team, \
it will soon be granted automatically.
tnt.license.request.alreadyHas = You have already requested a TNT license, please be patient.
tnt.license.grant.success = You have been granted a TNT license because you helped your team by {0}. Good job!
tnt.license.grant.reason.enemy_kills = killing enemies
tnt.license.grant.reason.objectives = completing an objective
tnt.license.revoke.cancelled = Your request for a TNT license has been cancelled.
tnt.license.revoke.hasNotRequested = You have not requested for a TNT license yet.
tnt.license.revoke.success = Your TNT license has been revoked {0}. \
You can earn it back by killing enemies or \
completing objectives for your team.
tnt.license.revoke.reason.team_kills = due to excessive team killing
tnt.license.revoke.reason.command = since you requested it
tnt.license.use.restricted = You need a TNT license to use TNT or Redstone on this map. To apply for a license, type {0}
item.locked = This item cannot be removed from its slot
2017-02-18 07:08:38 +01:00
stats.hotbar = {0} kills ({1} streak) {2} deaths {3} K/D
2017-04-01 01:20:27 +02:00
2017-02-18 07:08:38 +01:00 = Announced server as online
announce.offline = Announced server as offline
2017-04-01 01:20:27 +02:00
blitz.countdown = Blitz mode will activate in {0}
blitz.activated = Blitz mode = Blitz mode is already enabled
blitz.queued = Blitz mode is already queued to activate
lives.change.gained.singular = You gained {0} more life
lives.change.gained.plural = You gained {0} more lives
lives.change.lost.singular = You lost {0} life
lives.change.lost.plural = You lost {0} lives
lives.remaining.individual.singular = You have {0} life left
lives.remaining.individual.plural = You have {0} lives left = Your team has {0} life left = Your team has {0} lives left
lives.status.eliminated = eliminated
lives.status.alive = {0} alive
lives.status.lives = {0} lives