Work on bio editing

This commit is contained in:
Robin Malley 2022-09-19 22:03:45 +00:00
parent 49d0b0a397
commit 223cfb9e46
2 changed files with 50 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -20,86 +20,26 @@ function configure(...)
return oldconfigure(...) return oldconfigure(...)
end end
local function edit_post(req) local function edit_bio(req)
local host = http_request_get_host(req) local host = http_request_get_host(req)
local path = http_request_get_path(req) local path = http_request_get_path(req)
local author, author_id = session.get(req) local author, author_id = session.get(req)
http_request_populate_post(req) http_request_populate_post(req)
local storyid = tonumber(assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"story")))
local title = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"title"))
local text = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"text")) local text = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"text"))
local pasteas = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"pasteas"))
local markup = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"markup")) local markup = assert(http_argument_get_string(req,"markup"))
local unlisted = http_argument_get_string(req,"unlisted") == "on"
local tags_str = http_argument_get_string(req,"tags")
id = storyid
local err = util.do_sql(stmnt_author_of)
if err ~= sql.ROW then
local msg = string.format("No author found for story: %d", storyid)
local response = pages.error{
errcode = 404,
errcodemsg = "Not Found",
explanation = msg,
should_traceback = true,
local data = stmnt_author_of:get_values()
local realauthor = data[1]
assert(realauthor == author_id) --Make sure the author of the story is the currently logged in user
local parsed = parsers[markup](text) local parsed = parsers[markup](text)
local compr_raw = zlib.compress(text) local compr_raw = zlib.compress(text)
local compr = zlib.compress(parsed) local compr = zlib.compress(parsed)
local tags = {}
if tags_str then assert(stmnt_update_bio:bind_blob(1,compr_raw) == sql.OK)
tags = util.parse_tags(tags_str) assert(stmnt_update_bio:bind(2, author_id) == sql.OK)
end assert(util.do_sql(stmnt_update_bio) == sql.DONE, "Failed to update biography")
assert(stmnt_update_raw:bind_blob(1,compr_raw) == sql.OK) stmnt_update_bio:reset()
assert(stmnt_update_raw:bind(2,markup) == sql.OK) local loc = string.format("https://%s.%s",author,config.domain)
assert(stmnt_update_raw:bind(3,storyid) == sql.OK) -- Dirty the cache for the author's index, the only place where the bio is displayed.
assert(util.do_sql(stmnt_update_raw) == sql.DONE, "Failed to update raw") cache.dirty(string.format("%s.%s",author,config.domain))
assert(stmnt_update:bind(1,title) == sql.OK)
assert(stmnt_update:bind_blob(2,compr) == sql.OK)
assert(stmnt_update:bind(3,pasteas == "anonymous" and 1 or 0) == sql.OK)
assert(stmnt_update:bind(4,unlisted) == sql.OK)
assert(stmnt_update:bind(5,storyid) == sql.OK)
assert(util.do_sql(stmnt_update) == sql.DONE, "Failed to update text")
local id_enc = util.encode_id(storyid)
local hash
local loc = string.format("https://%s/%s",config.domain,id_enc)
if unlisted then
local err = util.do_sql(stmnt_hash)
if err ~= sql.ROW then
error("Failed to get a post's hash while trying to make it unlisted")
local hash = stmnt_hash:get_value(0)
-- TODO: Remove this
-- Posts added before the unlisted feature will throw errors
-- when their hash is used to display them, or their url's.
-- when proper database migration tools are in place, remove
-- this bit of code.
if hash == -1 then
error("This post was created before the unlisting feature was added. Temporarily, this breaks. You will be able to unlist it in the future.")
loc = loc .. "?pwd=" .. util.encode_unlisted(hash)
--Turning something from not unlisted to unlisted should dirty all these
--places anyway, so the post can now be hidden.
cache.dirty(string.format("%s/%s",config.domain,id_enc)) -- This place to read this post
cache.dirty(string.format("%s",config.domain)) -- The site index (ex, if the author changed the paste from their's to "Anonymous", the cache should reflect that).
cache.dirty(string.format("%s.%s",author,config.domain)) -- The author's index, same reasoning as above.
http_response_header(req,"Location",loc) http_response_header(req,"Location",loc)
http_response(req,303,"") http_response(req,303,"")
return return

src/pages/edit_bio.etlua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<% if author then %>
<meta name="author" content="<%= author %>">
<% end %>
<% if title then %>
<title><%- title %></title>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<link href="/_css/milligram.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/_css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<% if extra_load then %>
<% for _,load in ipairs(extra_load) do %>
<%- load %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<body class="container">
<main class="wrapper">
<h1 class="title">
Edit Biography for <%= user %>
<% if err then %><em class="error"><%= err %></em><% end %>
<form action="https://<%= user %>.<%= domain %>/_bio" method="post" class="container">
<input type="hidden" name="author" value="<%= user %>">
<div class="row">
<textarea name="text" cols=80 rows=24 class="column"><%= text %></textarea><br/>
<input type="submit">