
Author: Arvid Norberg,
Version: 1.0.0


Declared in "libtorrent/escape_string.hpp"

std::string to_hex (std::string const& s);

converts (binary) the string s to hexadecimal representation and returns it.


Declared in "libtorrent/escape_string.hpp"

void to_hex (char const in, int len, char out);

converts the binary buffer [in, in + len) to hexadecimal and prints it to the buffer out. The caller is responsible for making sure the buffer pointed to by out is large enough, i.e. has at least len * 2 bytes of space.


Declared in "libtorrent/escape_string.hpp"

bool from_hex (char const in, int len, char out);

converts the buffer [in, in + len) from hexadecimal to binary. The binary output is written to the buffer pointed to by out. The caller is responsible for making sure the buffer at out has enough space for the result to be written to, i.e. (len + 1) / 2 bytes.


Declared in "libtorrent/string_util.hpp"

bool is_digit (char c);

this is used by bdecode_recursive's header file

utf8_wchar() wchar_utf8()

Declared in "libtorrent/utf8.hpp"

utf8_conv_result_t wchar_utf8 (
   const std::wstring &wide, std::string &utf8);
utf8_conv_result_t utf8_wchar (
   const std::string &utf8, std::wstring &wide);

utf8_wchar converts a UTF-8 string (utf8) to a wide character string (wide). wchar_utf8 converts a wide character string (wide) to a UTF-8 string (utf8). The return value is one of the enumeration values from utf8_conv_result_t.

enum utf8_conv_result_t

Declared in "libtorrent/utf8.hpp"

name value description
conversion_ok 0 conversion successful
source_exhausted 1 partial character in source, but hit end
target_exhausted 2 insuff. room in target for conversion
source_illegal 3 source sequence is illegal/malformed