396 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
396 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
/* rocksolid overboard - overboard for rslight
* Download: https://news.novabbs.com/getrslight
* E-Mail: retroguy@novabbs.com
* Web: https://news.novabbs.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
include "config.inc.php";
include "auth.inc";
include "$file_newsportal";
if(isset($frames_on) && $frames_on === true) {
var contentURL=window.location.pathname+window.location.search+window.location.hash;
if ( window.self !== window.top ) {
/* Great! now we move along */
} else {
window.location.href = '../index.php?content='+encodeURIComponent(contentURL);
top.history.replaceState({}, 'Title', 'index.php?content='+encodeURIComponent(contentURL));
if (isset($_GET['thisgroup'])) {
$title.=" - "._rawurldecode(_rawurldecode($_GET['thisgroup']))." - latest messages";
} else {
$title.=" - ".$config_name." - overboard";
include "head.inc";
$CONFIG = include($config_file);
# How many days old should articles be displayed?
if (isset($_GET['thisgroup'])) {
$article_age = 30;
} else {
$article_age = 30;
# How long in seconds to cache results
$cachetime = 60;
# Maximum number of articles to show
$maxdisplay = 1000;
# How many characters of the body to display per article
$snippetlength = 240;
$spoolpath_regexp = '/'.preg_replace('/\//', '\\/', $spoolpath).'/';
$thissite = '.';
$oldest = (time() - (86400 * $article_age));
if (isset($_GET['thisgroup'])) {
$grouplist = array();
$grouplist[0] = _rawurldecode(_rawurldecode($_GET['thisgroup']));
} else {
$grouplist = file($groupconfig, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
/* If cache is less than ? seconds old, use it */
if(is_file($cachefile)) {
$stats = stat($cachefile);
$oldest = $stats[9];
$cached_overboard = unserialize(file_get_contents($cachefile));
if($stats[9] > (time() - $cachetime)) {
echo '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="np_results_table">';
foreach($cached_overboard as $result) {
if(($results % 2) != 0){
echo '<tr class="np_result_line1"><td class="np_result_line1" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
} else {
echo '<tr class="np_result_line2"><td class="np_result_line2" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
echo $result;
show_overboard_footer($stats, $results, true);
# Iterate through groups
$database = $spooldir.'/articles-overview.db3';
$table = 'overview';
$dbh = rslight_db_open($database, $table);
$query = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE newsgroup=:findgroup AND date >= '.$oldest.' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT '.$maxdisplay);
$articles = array();
$db_articles = array();
foreach($grouplist as $findgroup) {
$groups = preg_split("/(\ |\t)/", $findgroup, 2);
$findgroup = $groups[0];
$overboard_noshow = explode(' ', $CONFIG['overboard_noshow']);
foreach($overboard_noshow as $noshow) {
if ((strpos($findgroup, $noshow) !== false) && !isset($_GET['thisgroup'])) {
continue 2;
$thisgroup = preg_replace('/\./', '/', $findgroup);
if($dbh) {
$query->execute(['findgroup' => $findgroup]);
while (($overviewline = $query->fetch()) !== false) {
$articles[] = $spoolpath.$thisgroup.'/'.$overviewline['number'];
$db_articles[] = $findgroup.':'.$overviewline['number'].':'.$overviewline['date'].':'.$overviewline['name'];
if($i > $maxdisplay) {
$dbh = null;
$files = array();
if($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
foreach($db_articles as $article) {
$order=explode(':', $article);
$files[$order[2]] = $article;
} else {
foreach($articles as $article) {
if(is_dir($article)) {
$files[filemtime($article)] = $article;
echo '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="np_results_table">';
foreach($files as $article) {
if($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$data = explode(':', $article);
$articledata = np_get_db_article($data[1], $data[0], 0);
} else {
$articledata = file_get_contents($article);
$bodystart = strpos($articledata, $localeol);
$header = substr($articledata, 0, $bodystart);
$body = substr($articledata, $bodystart+1);
$body = substr($body, strpos($body, PHP_EOL));
if(($multi = strpos($body, 'Content-Type: text/plain')) != false) {
$bodystart = strpos($body, $localeol);
$body = substr($body, $bodystart+1);
$body = substr($body, strpos($body, PHP_EOL));
# Find group name and article number
if($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$group = $data[0];
$articlenumber = $data[1];
$groupname = $group;
} else {
$group = preg_replace($spoolpath_regexp, '', $article);
$group = preg_replace('/\//', '.', $group);
$findme = strrpos($group, '.');
$groupname = substr($group, 0, $findme);
$articlenumber = substr($group, $findme+1);
# Generate link
$url = $thissite."/article-flat.php?id=".$articlenumber."&group="._rawurlencode($groupname)."#".$articlenumber;
$groupurl = $thissite."/thread.php?group="._rawurlencode($groupname);
preg_match('/Subject:.*/', $header, $subject);
$output = explode("Subject: ",$subject[0], 2);
preg_match('/Date:.*/', $header, $articledate);
$dateoutput = explode("Date: ",$articledate[0]);
$thisdate = strtotime($dateoutput[1]);
if(($thisdate > time()) || ($thisdate < $oldest)) {
if(!isset($cachedate)) {
$cachedate = time();
if(preg_match('/X-Rslight-Site:.*/', $header, $site)) {
$site_match = explode("X-Rslight-Site: ", $site[0]);
preg_match('/Message-ID:.*/', $header, $mid);
$mid_match = explode("Message-ID: ",$mid[0]);
$rslight_site = $site_match[1];
$rslight_mid = $mid_match[1];
if(password_verify($CONFIG['thissitekey'].$rslight_mid, $rslight_site)) {
preg_match('/Content-Transfer-Encoding:.*/', $header, $te);
$content_transfer_encoding = explode("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", $te[0]);
preg_match('/.*charset=.*/', $header, $te);
$content_type = explode("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=", $te[0]);
$date_interval = $dateoutput[1];
preg_match('/Content-Transfer-Encoding:.*/', $header, $encoding);
$this_encoding = explode("Content-Transfer-Encoding: ", $encoding[0]);
if(trim($this_encoding[1]) == "base64") {
if($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$articlefrom[0] = $data[3];
} else {
preg_match('/From:.*/', htmlspecialchars($header), $articlefrom);
$isfrom = explode("From: ", $articlefrom[0]);
$articlefrom[0] = $isfrom[1];
$fromoutput = explode("<", html_entity_decode($articlefrom[0]));
// Just an email address?
if(strlen($fromoutput[0]) < 2) {
preg_match("/\<([^\)]*)\@/", html_entity_decode($articlefrom[0]), $fromaddress);
$fromoutput[0] = $fromaddress[1];
if(strpos($fromoutput[0], "(")) {
preg_match("/\(([^\)]*)\)/", html_entity_decode($articlefrom[0]), $fromaddress);
$fromoutput[0] = $fromaddress[1];
if(($results % 2) != 0){
$this_output = '<tr class="np_result_line1"><td class="np_result_line1" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
} else {
$this_output = '<tr class="np_result_line2"><td class="np_result_line2" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
$this_output = '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$this_output.= '<b><a href="'.$url.'">'.mb_decode_mimeheader($output[1])."</a></b>\r\n";
$this_output.= '</p><p class=np_ob_group>';
$this_output.= '<a href="'.$groupurl.'"><span class="visited">'.$groupname.'</span></a>';
$this_output.= '</p>';
if((isset($CONFIG['hide_email']) && $CONFIG['hide_email'] == true) && (strpos($fromoutput[0], '@') !== false)) {
$poster_name = truncate_email($fromoutput[0]);
} else {
$poster_name = $fromoutput[0];
if($local_poster) {
$this_output.= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: '.$date_interval.' by: <i>'.create_name_link(mb_decode_mimeheader($poster_name)).'</i></p>';
} else {
$this_output.= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: '.$date_interval.' by: '.create_name_link(mb_decode_mimeheader($poster_name)).'</p>';
# Try to display useful snippet
if($stop=strpos($body, "begin 644 "))
$body=substr($body, 0, $stop);
$body = quoted_printable_decode($body);
$mysnippet = recode_charset($body, $content_type[1], "utf8");
if($bodyend=strrpos($mysnippet, "\n---\n")) {
$mysnippet = substr($mysnippet, 0, $bodyend);
} else {
if($bodyend=strrpos($mysnippet, "\n-- ")) {
$mysnippet = substr($mysnippet, 0, $bodyend);
} else {
if($bodyend=strrpos($mysnippet, "\n.")) {
$mysnippet = substr($mysnippet, 0, $bodyend);
$mysnippet = preg_replace('/\n.{0,5}>(.*)/', '', $mysnippet);
$snipstart = strpos($mysnippet, ":\n");
if(substr_count(trim(substr($mysnippet, 0, $snipstart)), "\n") < 2) {
$mysnippet = substr($mysnippet, $snipstart + 1, $snippetlength);
} else {
$mysnippet = substr($mysnippet, 0, $snippetlength);
$this_output.= "<p class=np_ob_body>".htmlspecialchars($mysnippet, ENT_QUOTES)."</p>\r\n";
$this_output.= '</td></tr>';
$this_overboard[] = $this_output;
if($results++ > ($maxdisplay - 2))
if(isset($cached_overboard) && isset($this_overboard)) {
$new_overboard = array_merge($this_overboard, $cached_overboard);
file_put_contents($cachefile, serialize($new_overboard));
} elseif(isset($this_overboard)) {
$new_overboard = $this_overboard;
file_put_contents($cachefile, serialize($new_overboard));
} else {
$new_overboard = $cached_overboard;
if(isset($cachedate)) {
touch($cachefile, $cachedate);
$results = 0;
foreach($new_overboard as $result) {
if(($results % 2) != 0){
echo '<tr class="np_result_line1"><td class="np_result_line1" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
} else {
echo '<tr class="np_result_line2"><td class="np_result_line2" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
echo $result;
if($results++ > ($maxdisplay - 2))
show_overboard_footer(null, $results, null);
echo '</body></html>';
function show_overboard_header($grouplist) {
global $text_thread, $text_article, $file_index, $file_thread;
if (isset($_GET['thisgroup'])) {
echo '<h1 class="np_thread_headline">';
echo '<a href="'.$file_index.'" target='.$frame['menu'].'>'.basename(getcwd()).'</a> / ';
echo '<a href="'.$file_thread.'?group='.rawurlencode($grouplist[0]).'" target='.$frame[content].'>'.htmlspecialchars(group_displaY_name($grouplist[0])).'</a> / ';
echo ' latest</h1>';
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="np_buttonbar"><tr>';
// Refresh button
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action="overboard.php">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="thisgroup" value="'.$_GET['thisgroup'].'"/>';
echo '<button class="np_button_link" type="submit">'.$text_article["refresh"].'</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
// Article List button
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action="'.$file_thread.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="group" value="'.$grouplist[0].'"/>';
echo '<button class="np_button_link" type="submit">'.htmlspecialchars(group_display_name($grouplist[0])).'</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
// Newsgroups button (hidden)
if(isset($frames_on) && $frames_on === true) {
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action="'.$file_index.'">';
echo '<button class="np_button_hidden" type="submit">'.$text_thread["button_grouplist"].'</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
echo '<td width=100%></td></tr></table>';
} else {
echo '<h1 class="np_thread_headline">';
echo '<a href="'.$file_index.'" target='.$frame['menu'].'>'.basename(getcwd()).'</a> / ';
echo 'latest messages</h1>';
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="np_buttonbar"><tr>';
// Refresh button
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action="overboard.php">';
echo '<button class="np_button_link" type="submit">'.$text_article["refresh"].'</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
// Newsgroups button (hidden)
if(isset($frames_on) && $frames_on === true) {
echo '<td>';
echo '<form action="'.$file_index.'">';
echo '<button class="np_button_hidden" type="submit">'.$text_thread["button_grouplist"].'</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '</td>';
echo '<td width=100%></td></tr></table>';
function show_overboard_footer($stats, $results, $iscached) {
echo '</table>';
echo "<p class=np_ob_tail><b>".$results."</b> recent articles found.</p>\r\n";
#echo "<center><i>Rocksolid Overboard</i> version ".$version;
include "tail.inc";
if($iscached) {
echo "<p class=np_ob_tail><font size='1em'>cached copy: ".date("D M j G:i:s T Y", $stats[9])."</font></p>\r\n";