
181 lines
6.2 KiB

include "";
include "../spoolnews/";
include "../spoolnews/newsportal.php";
$title .= ' - Available Newsgroups';
include "";
if (disable_page_by_user_agent($client_device, "bot", "Grouplist")) {
echo "<center>Page Disabled</center>";
include "";
if (file_exists($config_dir . '/')) {
include $config_dir . '/';
if (isset($_REQUEST['groupsearch'])) {
$terms = trim($_REQUEST['groupsearch']);
} else {
$terms = '';
echo '<div class="grouplist_header_title">List of Available Newsgroups:</div>';
// Use cache if new enough
if (filemtime($grouplist_cache_filename) > (time() - 15000)) {
// Allow refresh from cron.php
if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == '.RELOAD') {
// Do not use cache, instead rebuild grouplist
$groups_array = build_group_list();
} else {
if ($enable_cache) {
$cache_time = filemtime($grouplist_cache_filename);
$memcache_key = $cache_key_prefix . '_grouplist-cache';
$groups_array = unserialize(cache_get($memcache_key, $memcacheD));
if ($enable_cache_logging) {
if (is_array($groups_array)) {
file_put_contents($cache_log, "\n" . logging_prefix() . ' (cache hit) ' . $memcache_key, FILE_APPEND);
} else {
file_put_contents($cache_log, "\n" . logging_prefix() . ' (cache miss) ' . $memcache_key, FILE_APPEND);
} else {
$groups_array = unserialize(file_get_contents($grouplist_cache_filename));
if (!is_array($groups_array)) {
$groups_array = build_group_list();
} else {
$groups_array = build_group_list();
// Search
echo '<table class="grouplist_table">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th class="grouplist_title_section_name">Section</th>';
echo '<th class="grouplist_title_newsgroup_name">Newsgroup</th>';
echo '<th class="grouplist_title_newsgroup_desc">Description</th>';
echo '<th class="grouplist_title_newsgroup_artnum">Messages</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($groups_array as $key) {
$section = $key['section'];
$group = $key['group'];
$url = $key['url'];
$title = $key['title'];
$messages = $key['messages'];
// Check if this is a search
if ($terms != '') {
if (!preg_match("/$terms/i", $group) && !preg_match("/$terms/i", $title))
echo '<tr><td class="grouplist_row_section_name">';
echo '&nbsp;' . $section;
echo '</td><td class="grouplist_row_newsgroup_name">';
echo '<a href="/' . $url . '">' . htmlspecialchars($group) . "</a><br>\r\n";
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="grouplist_row_newsgroup_desc">' . $title . '</td>';
echo '<td class="grouplist_row_newsgroup_artnum">';
echo "\n" . $messages;
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '<br>';
include "../spoolnews/";
echo '</body></html>';
function display_search_tools($home = true)
global $CONFIG, $terms;
echo '<form name="form1" method="get" action="grouplist.php">';
echo '<table class="grouplist_header_search">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td class="grouplist_header_search_prompt">Search Group Names and Descriptions: ';
echo '<input class="grouplist_search_form" name="groupsearch" type="text" id="groupsearch" value="' . $terms . '">&nbsp;';
echo '<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search">';
echo '&nbsp;<a href="grouplist.php">Show All Groups</a>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '</form>';
function build_group_list()
global $config_dir, $spooldir, $cache_log, $grouplist_cache_filename;
if (file_exists($config_dir . '/')) {
include $config_dir . '/';
$ns = nntp_open();
$menulist = get_section_menu_array();
$groups_array = array();
foreach ($menulist as $menu) {
$menuitem = explode(':', $menu);
if ($menuitem[0] == 'spoolnews') {
if ($menuitem[2] == '1') {
$in_gl = file($config_dir . $menuitem[0] . "/groups.txt");
foreach ($in_gl as $ok_group) {
if (($ok_group[0] == ':') || (trim($ok_group) == "")) {
$ok_group = preg_split("/[ \t]/", trim($ok_group), 2);
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['url'] = $menuitem[0] . '/thread.php?group=' . urlencode($ok_group[0]);
// Get group title
if (is_file($spooldir . '/' . $ok_group[0] . '-title')) {
$title = file_get_contents($spooldir . '/' . $ok_group[0] . '-title');
$title = strrchr($title, "\t");
} else {
$title = '';
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['title'] = $title;
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['section'] = $menuitem[0];
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['group'] = $ok_group[0];
// Get group message qty
fputs($ns, "group " . $ok_group[0] . "\r\n");
$response = line_read($ns);
$messages = explode(' ', $response);
if (strcmp(substr($response, 0, 3), "211") == 0) {
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['messages'] = $messages[1];
} else {
$groups_array[$ok_group[0]]['messages'] = 0;
if ($enable_cache) {
$memcache_key = $cache_key_prefix . '_grouplist-cache';
$nicole = cache_delete($memcache_key, $memcacheD);
cache_add($memcache_key, serialize($groups_array), $cache_ttl, $memcacheD);
if ($enable_cache_logging) {
if ($nicole) {
file_put_contents($cache_log, "\n" . logging_prefix() . " (cache update) $memcache_key", FILE_APPEND);
} else {
file_put_contents($cache_log, "\n" . logging_prefix() . " (cache write) $memcache_key", FILE_APPEND);
file_put_contents($grouplist_cache_filename, serialize($groups_array));
return $groups_array;