Add blocklist support to overboard.

This commit is contained in:
Retro_Guy 2024-04-26 06:04:58 -07:00
parent 0c6129af53
commit 62486e4c9a
1 changed files with 105 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ function expire_overboard($cachefile)
function display_threads($threads, $oldest)
global $CONFIG, $OVERRIDES, $thissite, $logfile, $config_name, $config_dir, $snippetlength, $maxdisplay, $this_overboard, $article_age;
global $CONFIG, $OVERRIDES, $thissite, $logfile, $config_name, $spooldir, $config_dir, $snippetlength, $maxdisplay, $this_overboard, $article_age;
$expireme = time() - ($article_age * 86400);
$display = '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="np_results_table">';
if (! isset($threads)) {
@ -272,6 +272,12 @@ function display_threads($threads, $oldest)
if ($userdata = get_user_mail_auth_data($_COOKIE['mail_name'])) {
$userfile = $spooldir . '/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '-articleviews.dat';
$user_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($config_dir . '/userconfig/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '.config'));
$userfile = $spooldir . '/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '-blocked_posters.dat';
if (file_exists($userfile)) {
$blocked_user_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($userfile));
} else {
$blocked_user_config = null;
if (! isset($user_config['hide_unsub'])) {
@ -331,16 +337,40 @@ function display_threads($threads, $oldest)
$display .= '<tr class="np_result_line1"><td class="np_result_line1" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
$display .= '<center>';
// Check user blocklist
$block = false;
foreach ($blocked_user_config as $key => $value) {
$blockme = '/' . addslashes($key) . '/';
if (preg_match($blockme, $target_head['name'])) {
$block = true;
if ($block) {}
$url = $thissite . "/article-flat.php?id=" . $target_head['number'] . "&group=" . _rawurlencode($target_head['newsgroup']) . "#" . $target_head['number'];
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . headerDecode($target_head['subject']) . '</span></a></b></p>';
$display .= '<a href="thread.php?group=' . _rawurlencode($target_head['newsgroup']) . '">' . $target_head['newsgroup'] . '</a>';
if ($result_count > 1 && isset($target_head['date'])) {
$poster = get_poster_name(mb_decode_mimeheader($target_head['name']));
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target_head['date'])) . ' by: ' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target_head['msgid'], $target_head['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= wordwrap(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength), ($snippetlength / 2), "<br />\n", true);
$block = false;
foreach ($blocked_user_config as $key => $value) {
$blockme = '/' . addslashes($key) . '/';
if (preg_match($blockme, $target_head['name'])) {
$block = true;
if ($block) {
$display .= '<br /><br />';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><span>(message #' . $target_head['number'] . ' hidden by your blocklist)</span></a></b>';
} else {
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target_head['date'])) . ' by: ' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target_head['msgid'], $target_head['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= wordwrap(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength), ($snippetlength / 2), "<br />\n", true);
$skip = $target_head['number'];
@ -350,26 +380,40 @@ function display_threads($threads, $oldest)
if ($skip != $target['number']) {
$poster = get_poster_name(mb_decode_mimeheader($target['name']));
$groupurl = $thissite . "/thread.php?group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']);
$url = $thissite . "/article-flat.php?id=" . $target['number'] . "&group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']) . "#" . $target['number'];
$display .= '<br /><br />';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . headerDecode($target['subject']) . '</span></a></b>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_body>';
$display .= 'by: <b><i><span class="visited">' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</span></i></b>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target['date'])) . ' in: <a href="' . $groupurl . '"><span class="visited">' . $target['newsgroup'] . '</span></a></p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target['msgid'], $target['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= htmlentities(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength));
$block = false;
foreach ($blocked_user_config as $key => $value) {
$blockme = '/' . addslashes($key) . '/';
if (preg_match($blockme, $target['name'])) {
$block = true;
if ($target['date'] < $expireme) {
file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Pruning: " . $target['newsgroup'] . ":" . $target['number'], FILE_APPEND);
if ($block) {
$display .= '<br /><br />';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><span>(message #' . $target['number'] . ' hidden by your blocklist)</span></a></b>';
} else {
$groupurl = $thissite . "/thread.php?group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']);
$url = $thissite . "/article-flat.php?id=" . $target['number'] . "&group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']) . "#" . $target['number'];
$display .= '<br /><br />';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . headerDecode($target['subject']) . '</span></a></b>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_body>';
$display .= 'by: <b><i><span class="visited">' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</span></i></b>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target['date'])) . ' in: <a href="' . $groupurl . '"><span class="visited">' . $target['newsgroup'] . '</span></a></p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target['msgid'], $target['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= htmlentities(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength));
if ($target['date'] < $expireme) {
file_put_contents($logfile, "\n" . format_log_date() . " " . $config_name . " Pruning: " . $target['newsgroup'] . ":" . $target['number'], FILE_APPEND);
@ -383,7 +427,7 @@ function display_threads($threads, $oldest)
function display_flat($threads, $oldest)
global $CONFIG, $OVERRIDES, $thissite, $logfile, $config_name, $config_dir, $snippetlength, $maxdisplay, $this_overboard, $article_age;
global $CONFIG, $OVERRIDES, $thissite, $logfile, $spooldir, $config_name, $config_dir, $snippetlength, $maxdisplay, $this_overboard, $article_age;
$expireme = time() - ($article_age * 86400);
$display = '<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="np_results_table">';
if (! isset($threads)) {
@ -397,6 +441,12 @@ function display_flat($threads, $oldest)
$userfile = $spooldir . '/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '-articleviews.dat';
$user_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($config_dir . '/userconfig/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '.config'));
$userfile = $spooldir . '/' . strtolower($_COOKIE['mail_name']) . '-blocked_posters.dat';
if (file_exists($userfile)) {
$blocked_user_config = unserialize(file_get_contents($userfile));
} else {
$blocked_user_config = null;
if (! isset($user_config['hide_unsub'])) {
if (isset($OVERRIDES['hide_unsub'])) {
@ -433,26 +483,39 @@ function display_flat($threads, $oldest)
} else {
$display .= '<tr class="np_result_line1"><td class="np_result_line1" style="word-wrap:break-word";>';
$url = $thissite . "/article-flat.php?id=" . $target['number'] . "&group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']) . "#" . $target['number'];
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . headerDecode($target['subject']) . '</span></a></b>';
// link for (thread), if possible
if (isset($this_overboard['threadlink'][$value])) {
$thread = get_data_from_msgid($this_overboard['threadlink'][$value], $target['newsgroup']);
if ($thread !== false) {
$display .= '<font class="np_ob_group"><a href="article-flat.php?id=' . $thread['number'] . '&group=' . rawurlencode($thread['newsgroup']) . '#' . $thread['number'] . '"> (thread)</a></font>';
$block = false;
foreach ($blocked_user_config as $key => $value) {
$blockme = '/' . addslashes($key) . '/';
if (preg_match($blockme, $target['name'])) {
$block = true;
if ($block) {
// $display .= '<br /><br />';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><span>(message #' . $target['number'] . ' hidden by your blocklist)</span></a></b>';
} else {
$url = $thissite . "/article-flat.php?id=" . $target['number'] . "&group=" . _rawurlencode($target['newsgroup']) . "#" . $target['number'];
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_subject>';
$display .= '<b><a href="' . $url . '"><span>' . headerDecode($target['subject']) . '</span></a></b>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '</p><p class=np_ob_group>';
$display .= '<a href="' . $groupurl . '"><span class="visited">' . $target['newsgroup'] . '</span></a>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target['date'])) . ' by: ' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target['msgid'], $target['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= htmlentities(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength));
// link for (thread), if possible
if (isset($this_overboard['threadlink'][$value])) {
$thread = get_data_from_msgid($this_overboard['threadlink'][$value], $target['newsgroup']);
if ($thread !== false) {
$display .= '<font class="np_ob_group"><a href="article-flat.php?id=' . $thread['number'] . '&group=' . rawurlencode($thread['newsgroup']) . '#' . $thread['number'] . '"> (thread)</a></font>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '</p><p class=np_ob_group>';
$display .= '<a href="' . $groupurl . '"><span class="visited">' . $target['newsgroup'] . '</span></a>';
$display .= '</p>';
$display .= '<p class=np_ob_posted_date>Posted: ' . get_date_interval(date("D, j M Y H:i T", $target['date'])) . ' by: ' . create_name_link($poster['name'], $poster['from']) . '</p>';
if ($CONFIG['article_database'] == '1') {
$article = get_db_data_from_msgid($target['msgid'], $target['newsgroup'], 1);
$display .= htmlentities(substr($article['search_snippet'], 0, $snippetlength));
$results ++;