100 lines
3.7 KiB
100 lines
3.7 KiB
'use strict';
This is a hack to get around the issues with electron-builder not including nested node_modules
We do this by simply making the asar ourselves using the parameters from the build.
const glob = require('fast-glob');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { promisify } = require('util')
const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf'))
const asar = require('asar');
const commonExclude = [
exports.default = async function afterPackHook(context){
const appDir = context.packager.info._appDir + "/"
const platform = context.packager.platform.nodeName
let resourcesDir = context.appOutDir + "/resources/"
// exception for resources dir for mac
if (platform == "darwin"){
resourcesDir = context.appOutDir + "/" + context.packager.appInfo.productFilename + ".app/Contents/Resources/"
const asarAppDir = resourcesDir + "app/"
let globPatterns = context.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.files || context.packager._configuration.files || []
let asarUnpackPattern = context.packager.platformSpecificBuildOptions.asarUnpack
// a limitation of this method is that the asarUnpack option can only be a single string
if (typeof asarUnpackPattern != "string"){
if (Array.isArray(asarUnpackPattern) && asarUnpackPattern.length == 1){
asarUnpackPattern = asarUnpackPattern[0]
} else {
throw Error("asarUnpack pattern can only be one string!")
// remove current asar files
await rimraf(resourcesDir + "app.asar")
await rimraf(resourcesDir + "app")
await rimraf(resourcesDir + "app.asar.unpacked")
// electron-builder automatically adds this to the files parameter, so we have to too
if (!globPatterns.includes("**/*")){
globPatterns = globPatterns.concat(commonExclude)
// Take the files from the app directory and copy them to make the asar.app directory
// according to the glob specified in the electron-builder config for this target
let files = glob.sync(globPatterns, { dot:true, cwd: appDir})
await new Promise ((resolve) => {
files.forEach(async (file, index, array)=>{
await fs.copy(appDir + file, asarAppDir + file)
if (index == array.length -1){
// The only part that's hardcoded and not dependent on the electron-build config,
// remove the unnecessary node-native files from the asar.app dir
let unpackedFiles = glob.sync(asarUnpackPattern, {dot:true, cwd: asarAppDir})
await new Promise ((resolve) => {
unpackedFiles.forEach(async (file, index, array)=>{
if (platform == "win32") {
if (file.includes(".node") && (file.includes("_linux") || file.includes("_darwin"))){
await fs.remove(asarAppDir + file)
if (file.includes(".node") && !file.includes("_" + platform) ){
await fs.remove(asarAppDir + file)
if (index == array.length -1){
// build the asar from the newly created app dir, unpacking the files necessary according to the glob
await asar.createPackageWithOptions(asarAppDir, resourcesDir + "app.asar", {unpack: asarUnpackPattern})
await rimraf(asarAppDir)
return true