
47 lines
2.2 KiB

"name": "lightcord",
"version": "0.1.3",
"description": "A simple - customizable - Discord Client.",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"scripts": {
"compile": "node compile.js",
"test": "npm run compile && electron .",
"run": "electron .",
"build": "npm run build:minify && npm run build:electron && npm run build:after",
"build:electron": "npm run build:electron_win && npm run build:electron_linux",
"build:electron_win": "electron-packager ./distApp --ignore=\"(distApp|builds|\\.ts|\\.so\\.4)\" --arch=ia32 --win32metadata.ProductName=\"Lightcord\" --win32metadata.CompanyName=\"Lightcord\" --protocol=discord --platform=\"win32\" --out=builds --icon=app.ico --executable-name=\"Lightcord\" --asar.unpack=*.{node,dll} --overwrite",
"build:electron_linux": "electron-packager ./distApp --ignore=\"(distApp|builds|\\.ts|\\.dll)\" --arch=x64 --protocol=discord --platform=\"linux\" --out=builds --icon=app.ico --executable-name=\"Lightcord\" --asar.unpack=*.{node,so.4} --overwrite",
"build:minify": "node build.js",
"build:after": "node afterbuild.js",
"devInstall": "npm i --save-dev --arch=ia32 electron@8.4.0 && node installSubModules.js && echo \"Everything is installed. You should be able to do `npm run test` to compile everything and launch.\"",
"devInstall:64": "npm i --save-dev --arch=x64 electron@8.4.0 && node installSubModules.js && echo \"Everything is installed. You should be able to do `npm run test` to compile everything and launch.\""
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"auto-launch": "^5.0.5",
"custom-electron-titlebar": "^3.2.2-hotfix62",
"glasstron": "0.0.3",
"mkdirp": "^1.0.4",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.0",
"request": "^2.88.2",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"tmp": "^0.2.1",
"yauzl": "^2.10.0"
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"@types/auto-launch": "^5.0.1",
"@types/electron-devtools-installer": "^2.2.0",
"@types/mkdirp": "^1.0.0",
"@types/node": "12.12.39",
"@types/rimraf": "^3.0.0",
"@types/uuid": "^8.0.0",
"@types/yauzl": "^2.9.1",
"cross-spawn": "^7.0.3",
"electron": "^8.4.0",
"terser": "^4.7.0",
"yazl": "^2.5.1"