
220 lines
9.3 KiB

import ErrorBoundary from "./errorBoundary";
import ContentColumn from "./contentColumn";
import Tools from "./tools";
import ReloadIcon from "./reloadIcon";
import AddonCard from "./addoncard";
import Scroller from "./scroller";
import Dropdown from "./components/dropdown";
import Search from "./components/search";
import {settingsCookie, pluginCookie, themeCookie} from "../0globals";
import ContentManager from "../modules/contentManager";
import BDV2 from "../modules/v2";
import pluginModule from "../modules/pluginModule";
import themeModule from "../modules/themeModule";
import WebpackModules from "../modules/webpackModules";
import BdApi from "../modules/bdApi";
import Utils from "../modules/utils";
import tooltipWrap from "./tooltipWrap";
const Tooltip = WebpackModules.findByDisplayName("Tooltip");
const React = BDV2.react;
export default class CardList extends BDV2.reactComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {sort: "name", ascending: true, query: ""};
this.isPlugins = this.props.type == "plugins";
this.cookie = this.isPlugins ? pluginCookie : themeCookie;
this.manager = this.isPlugins ? pluginModule : themeModule;
this.sort = this.sort.bind(this);
this.reverse = this.reverse.bind(this); =;
openFolder() {
require("electron").shell.openItem(this.isPlugins ? ContentManager.pluginsFolder : ContentManager.themesFolder);
edit(name) {
async delete(name) {
const shouldDelete = await this.confirmDelete(name);
if (!shouldDelete) return;
confirmDelete(name) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Are You Sure?", `Are you sure you want to delete ${name}?`, {
danger: true,
confirmText: "Delete",
onConfirm: () => {resolve(true);},
onCancel: () => {resolve(false);}
get sortOptions() {
return [
{label: "Name", value: "name"},
{label: "Author", value: "author"},
{label: "Version", value: "version"},
{label: "Recently Added", value: "added"},
{label: "Last Modified", value: "modified"},
{label: "File Size", value: "size"},
get directions() {
return [
{label: "Ascending", value: true},
{label: "Descending", value: false}
reverse(value) {
this.setState({ascending: value});
sort(value) {
this.setState({sort: value});
search(event) {
getProps(addon) {
return {
key: this.getName(addon),
enabled: this.cookie[this.getName(addon)],
toggle: this.manager.toggle.bind(this.manager),
edit: settingsCookie["fork-ps-7"] ? this.edit.bind(this) : null,
remove: this.delete.bind(this),
addon: addon,
hash: addon.hash
getString(value) {
if (!value) return "???";
return typeof value == "string" ? value : value.toString();
get list(){
return this.props.type === "plugins" ? Object.values(bdplugins) : Object.values(bdthemes);
getAddons() {
const sortedAddons = this.list.sort((a, b) => {
const cap = this.state.sort.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.state.sort.slice(1);
const first = a.plugin && a.plugin[`get${cap}`] ? this.getString(a.plugin[`get${cap}`]()) : a[this.state.sort];
const second = b.plugin && b.plugin[`get${cap}`] ? this.getString(b.plugin[`get${cap}`]()) : b[this.state.sort];
if (typeof(first) == "string") return first.toLocaleLowerCase().localeCompare(second.toLocaleLowerCase());
if (first > second) return 1;
if (second > first) return -1;
return 0;
if (!this.state.ascending) sortedAddons.reverse();
const rendered = [];
for (let a = 0; a < sortedAddons.length; a++) {
const addon = sortedAddons[a];
if (this.state.query) {
let matches = null;
const name = this.getName(addon);
const author = this.getAuthor(addon);
const description = this.getDescription(addon);
const version = this.getVersion(addon);
if (name) matches = name.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(this.state.query);
if (author) matches = matches || author.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(this.state.query);
if (description) matches = matches || description.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(this.state.query);
if (version) matches = matches || version.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(this.state.query);
if (!matches) continue;
const props = this.getProps(addon);
rendered.push(<ErrorBoundary><AddonCard {...props} reload={!settingsCookie["fork-ps-5"] && this.manager.reload.bind(this.manager)} /></ErrorBoundary>);
return rendered;
getName(addon) {return this.getString(addon.plugin ? addon.plugin.getName() :;}
getAuthor(addon) {return this.getString(addon.plugin ? addon.plugin.getAuthor() :;}
getDescription(addon) {return this.getString(addon.plugin ? addon.plugin.getDescription() : addon.description);}
getVersion(addon) {return this.getString(addon.plugin ? addon.plugin.getVersion() : addon.version);}
if(!window.ZeresPluginLibrary)return null
if(!window.PluginUpdates)return null
if(typeof window.PluginUpdates.checkAll !== "function")return null
if(!this.isPlugins)return null
return <tooltipWrap text="Checks for updates of plugins that support this feature. Right-click for a list.">
<span style={{marginLeft: "10px"}}>
<Lightcord.Api.Components.inputs.Button color="brand" look="filled" size="min" hoverColor="default" onClick={() => {
Utils.showToast("Plugin update check in progress.", {type: "info"})
.then(() => {
Utils.showToast("Plugin update check complete.", {type: "success"})
}).catch(err => {
Utils.showToast("An error occured while checking update.", {type: "error"})
Utils.showToast("An error occured while checking update.", {type: "error"})
}} wrapper={false} disabled={false}>
Check for Updates
render() {
const refreshIcon = <Tooltip color="black" position="top" text="Reload List">
{(props) =>
<ReloadIcon {...props} className="bd-icon bd-reload bd-reload-header" size="18px" onClick={async () => {
if (this.isPlugins) pluginModule.updatePluginList();
else themeModule.updateThemeList();
}} />
const addonCards = this.getAddons();
return <ContentColumn title={`${this.props.type.toUpperCase()}${addonCards.length}`}>
<button key="folder-button" className="bd-button bd-pfbtn" onClick={this.openFolder.bind(this)}>Open {this.isPlugins ? "Plugin" : "Theme"} Folder</button>
{!settingsCookie["fork-ps-5"] && refreshIcon}
<div className="bd-controls bd-addon-controls">
<Search onChange={} placeholder={`Search ${this.props.type}...`} />
<div className="bd-addon-dropdowns">
<div className="bd-select-wrapper">
<label className="bd-label">Sort by:</label>
<Dropdown options={this.sortOptions} onChange={this.sort} style="transparent" />
<div className="bd-select-wrapper">
<label className="bd-label">Order:</label>
<Dropdown options={this.directions} onChange={this.reverse} style="transparent" />
<div className="bda-slist bd-addon-list">{addonCards}</div>
const originalRender = CardList.prototype.render;
Object.defineProperty(CardList.prototype, "render", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
set: function() {console.warn("Addon policy for plugins #5");},
get: () => originalRender