
143 lines
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Raw Normal View History

export const minimumDiscordVersion = "0.0.308";
export const currentDiscordVersion = (window.DiscordNative && window.DiscordNative.remoteApp && window.DiscordNative.remoteApp.getVersion && window.DiscordNative.remoteApp.getVersion()) || "0.0.308";
2020-09-05 22:50:45 +02:00
export const minSupportedVersion = "0.3.0";
export const bbdVersion = "0.3.5";
export const bbdChangelog = {
description: "Big things are coming.",
changes: [
title: "Bug Fixes",
type: "fixed",
items: [
"Some fixes related to showing modals in the `BdApi`.",
"Fixed the open folder buttons for plugins and themes"
export const settings = {
"Custom css live update": {id: "bda-css-0", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"},
"Custom css auto udpate": {id: "bda-css-1", info: "", implemented: true, hidden: true, cat: "core"},
"BetterDiscord Blue": {id: "bda-gs-b", info: "Replace Discord blue with BD Blue", implemented: false, hidden: false, cat: "core"},
/* Core */
/* ====== */
"Public Servers": {id: "bda-gs-1", info: "Display public servers button", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Minimal Mode": {id: "bda-gs-2", info: "Hide elements and reduce the size of elements.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Voice Mode": {id: "bda-gs-4", info: "Only show voice chat", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Hide Channels": {id: "bda-gs-3", info: "Hide channels in minimal mode", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Dark Mode": {id: "bda-gs-5", info: "Make certain elements dark by default(wip)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Voice Disconnect": {id: "bda-dc-0", info: "Disconnect from voice server when closing Discord", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"24 Hour Timestamps": {id: "bda-gs-6", info: "Replace 12hr timestamps with proper ones", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Colored Text": {id: "bda-gs-7", info: "Make text color the same as role color", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
"Normalize Classes": {id: "fork-ps-4", info: "Adds stable classes to elements to help themes. (e.g. adds .da-channels to .channels-Ie2l6A)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "modules"},
/* Content */
"Content Error Modal": {id: "fork-ps-1", info: "Shows a modal with plugin/theme errors", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Scan Plugins": {id: "fork-ps-6", info: "Scan plugins for any threat that can be hidden inside.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Show Toasts": {id: "fork-ps-2", info: "Shows a small notification for important information", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Scroll To Settings": {id: "fork-ps-3", info: "Auto-scrolls to a plugin's settings when the button is clicked (only if out of view)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Automatic Loading": {id: "fork-ps-5", info: "Automatically loads, reloads, and unloads plugins and themes", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Enable Edit Button": {id: "fork-ps-7", info: "Enable an Edit Button on the plugin and theme panel.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager"},
"Themes in Popout Window": {id: "lightcord-9", info: "Enable themes in Popout Window. (For example, when detaching screenshare.)", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "content manager", experimental: true},
/* Developer */
"Developer Mode": {id: "bda-gs-8", info: "Developer Mode Toggle", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"},
"Copy Selector": {id: "fork-dm-1", info: "Adds a \"Copy Selector\" option to context menus when developer mode is active", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "core", category: "developer settings"},
/** Lightcord */
"Disable BetterDiscord": {id: "bd-disable", info: "Disable Betterdiscord (plugins, themes, etc) (Not implemented).", implemented: false, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Blur Personal Information": {id: "lightcord-6", info: "Blur sensitive informations like email, payment infos and more.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Calling Ring Beat": {id: "lightcord-2", info: "Enable Discord's special calling beat.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Developer Options": {id: "lightcord-1", info: "Enable Discord's & Lightcord's Internal Developer Options. This allow the \"Experiments\" tab, the \"Developer Options\" tab and the \"Lightcord Api\" section.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Ad Block": {id: "lightcord-4", info: "Block any BOT that dms you with an invite link. Even in an embed.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Enable Lightcord Servers": {id: "lightcord-5", info: "Enable Lightcord's servers. Disabling this will disable custom badges.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Disable typing": {id: "lightcord-7", info: "Don't let other see you're typing.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord"},
"Lightcord Tabs": {id: "lightcord-8", info: "Allows you to launch multiple instances of Lightcord in the same window.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord", experimental: true},
"Use Notification Shim": {id: "lightcord-10", info: "Basically don't use Windows's Notifications.", implemented: true, hidden: process.platform !== "win32", cat: "lightcord", category: "Lightcord", experimental: false},
/** Lightcord Window */
"Always-on-Top": {id: "lightcord-3", info: "Enable the window's Always-on-Top mode, where Lightcord stays on top of other applications.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Window"},
"No Window Bounds": {id: "no_window_bound", info: "Disable Window Bounds. Can be useful if you use a window manager.", implemented: true, hidden: process.platform !== "linux", cat: "lightcord", category: "Window"},
"Enable Glasstron": {id: "enable_glasstron", info: "Enable Glasstron. If you're not using transparent themes, this can reduce lag.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "lightcord", category: "Window"},
/** RichPresence */
"Enable": {id: "lightcord-presence-1", info: "Enable RichPresence below.", implemented: true, hidden: false, cat: "status"}
export const defaultCookie = {
"bda-gs-1": true,
"bda-gs-2": false,
"bda-gs-3": false,
"bda-gs-4": false,
"bda-gs-5": true,
"bda-gs-6": false,
"bda-gs-7": false,
"bda-gs-8": false,
"bda-es-0": true,
"bda-es-1": true,
"bda-es-2": true,
"bda-es-4": false,
"bda-es-6": true,
"bda-es-7": true,
"bda-gs-b": false,
"bda-es-8": true,
"bda-dc-0": false,
"bda-css-0": false,
"bda-css-1": false,
"bda-es-9": true,
"fork-dm-1": false,
"fork-ps-1": true,
"fork-ps-2": true,
"fork-ps-3": true,
"fork-ps-4": true,
"fork-ps-5": true,
"fork-ps-6": true,
"fork-ps-7": false,
"fork-es-2": false,
"fork-es-3": true,
"fork-wp-1": false,
"fork-wp-2": false,
"fork-beta": true,
"lightcord-1": false,
"lightcord-2": true,
"lightcord-presence-1": false,
"lightcord-3": false,
"lightcord-4": false,
"lightcord-5": true,
"lightcord-6": true,
"lightcord-7": false,
"lightcord-8": false,
"lightcord-9": false,
"lightcord-10": false,
"no_window_bound": false,
export const settingsCookie = {};
export const settingsRPC = {};
export const defaultRPC = {
"name": "Lightcord",
"application_id": "711416957718757418",
"state": "Lightcord Client",
"details": "Browsing Discord",
"assets.small": null,
"assets.large": "712323821037682791"
export const lightcordSettings = {};
export const defaultLightcordSettings = {};
export const bdpluginErrors = [];
export const bdthemeErrors = []; // define for backwards compatibility
export const bdConfig = Object.create(BetterDiscordConfig);
export const bdthemes = {};
export const bdplugins = {};
export const pluginCookie = {};
2020-05-22 18:43:03 +02:00
export const themeCookie = {};