
177 lines
8.5 KiB
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2020-10-16 00:17:12 +02:00
# Original script by
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
if [[ $TERM == dumb ]]; then
if [[ $(whoami) != "root" ]] ; then
printf "[$(tput setaf 9 && tput blink)PANIC$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 9)This script needs to run as root$(tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-16 17:10:07 +02:00
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
tput setaf 208
2020-10-16 17:10:07 +02:00
cat << "EOF"
_ _ _ _ _
| | (_)__ _| |_| |_ __ ___ _ _ __| |
| |__| / _` | ' \ _/ _/ _ \ '_/ _` |
|____|_\__, |_||_\__\__\___/_| \__,_|
Linux Installer and Updater
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
tput sgr0
2020-10-16 17:10:07 +02:00
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)This script depends on unzip! Install that package first!$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "Please select\n";
printf "1: Install Lightcord\n";
printf "2: Uninstall Lightcord\n";
printf "3: Update Lightcord\n"
printf "4: Troubleshooting\n"
printf "\n";
#Repeat only if the user hasn't entered an integer...
while ! [[ $selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];
read selection;
#if the entered value was not an integer, show this
if ! [[ $selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
sleep 1;
printf "$(tput setaf 9)Please try again$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "1: Install Lightcord\n";
printf "2: Uninstall Lightcord\n";
printf "3: Update Lightcord\n"
printf "4: Troubleshooting\n"
printf "\n";
case $selection in
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Installing Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Downloading Lightcord zip to $(pwd && tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf Lightcord.*;
rm -rf Lightcord;
rm -rf lightcord-linux-x64.*;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Unzipping$(tput sgr0)\n";
unzip -d Lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Deleting zip$(tput sgr0)\n";
prev_pwd = pwd;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Changing directory into $(pwd)/Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
cd Lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Giving $(pwd)/lightcord executable execute permissions$(tput sgr0)\n";
chmod +x ./lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Changing directory into ${prev_pwd}$(tput sgr0)\n";
cd ..;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Moving $(pwd)/Lightcord folder to /opt$(tput sgr0)\n";
mv Lightcord/ /opt/;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Deleting $(pwd)/Lightcord folder$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm Lightcord/;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Downloading lightcord.svg icon to $(pwd && tput sgr0)\n";
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Moving $(pwd)/lightcord.svg file to /usr/share/pixmaps$(tput sgr0)\n";
mv lightcord.svg /usr/share/pixmaps;
2020-10-27 17:55:09 +01:00
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Generating and moving Lightcord.desktop file to /usr/share/Lightcord.desktop$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm -rf /usr/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop
echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nName=Lightcord\nComment[fr_FR]=Un client Discord simple et personalisable\nComment=A simple - customizable - Discord Client\nExec=/opt/Lightcord/lightcord\nIcon=lightcord\nTerminal=false\nType=Application\nCategories=Network;InstantMessaging;P2P;" >> /usr/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Cleaning up$(tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf Lightcord.*;
rm -rf Lightcord;
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf lightcord-linux-x64.*;
printf "[$(tput setaf 10 && tput blink)FINISH$(tput sgr0)] Installation complete\n";
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Uninstalling Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Deleting /opt/Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm -r /opt/Lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Deleting /usr/share/pixmaps/lightcord.svg$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm /usr/share/pixmaps/lightcord.svg;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Deleting /usr/share/Lightcord.desktop$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm /usr/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop;
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Deleting /home/*/.local/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm -f /home/*/.local/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop;
printf "[$(tput setaf 10 && tput blink)FINISH$(tput sgr0)] Uninstall complete\n";
2020-10-16 16:11:52 +02:00
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Updating Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Deleting /opt/Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm -r /opt/Lightcord;
2020-10-16 16:11:52 +02:00
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Downloading Lightcord zip to $(pwd && tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf Lightcord.*;
rm -rf Lightcord;
rm -rf lightcord-linux-x64.*;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Unzipping$(tput sgr0)\n";
unzip -d Lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Deleting zip$(tput sgr0)\n";
prev_pwd = pwd;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Changing directory into $(pwd)/Lightcord$(tput sgr0)\n";
cd Lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Giving $(pwd)/lightcord executable execute permissions$(tput sgr0)\n";
chmod +x ./lightcord;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Changing directory into ${prev_pwd}$(tput sgr0)\n";
cd ..;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Moving $(pwd)/Lightcord folder to /opt$(tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-16 16:11:52 +02:00
mv Lightcord/ /opt/;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Deleting $(pwd)/Lightcord folder$(tput sgr0)\n";
rm Lightcord/;
printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Cleaning up$(tput sgr0)\n";
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf Lightcord.*;
2020-10-16 16:11:52 +02:00
rm -rf Lightcord;
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
rm -rf lightcord-linux-x64.*;
printf "[$(tput setaf 10 && tput blink)FINISH$(tput sgr0)] Update complete\n";
2020-10-25 21:20:51 +01:00
printf "Please select\n";
printf "1: \"/opt/Lightcord/Lightcord not found\"\n";
printf "2: None of the above\n"
printf "\n";
#Repeat only if the user hasn't entered an integer...
while ! [[ $troubleshooting_selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];
read troubleshooting_selection;
#if the entered value was not an integer, show this
if ! [[ $troubleshooting_selection =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
sleep 1;
printf "$(tput setaf 9)Please try again$(tput sgr0)\n";
printf "1: \"/opt/Lightcord/Lightcord not found\"\n";
printf "2: None of the above\n"
printf "\n";
2020-10-27 17:55:09 +01:00
# case $troubleshooting_selection in
# 1)
# printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 7)Modifying /usr/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop$(tput sgr0)\n";
# sed -i 's/Lightcord\/Lightcord/Lightcord\/lightcord/' /usr/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop > /dev/null 2>&1;
# sed -i 's/Lightcord\/Lightcord/Lightcord\/lightcord/' /home/*/.local/share/applications/Lightcord.desktop > /dev/null 2>&1;
# printf "[$(tput setaf 10 && tput blink)FINISH$(tput sgr0)] Done\n";
# ;;
# 2)
# printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 15)Visit the official server for support:$(tput sgr0)\n";
# ;;
# *)
# printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Exiting troubleshooting$(tput sgr0)\n";
# ;;
# esac
# ;;
# *)
# printf "[$(tput setaf 12 && tput blink)INFO$(tput sgr0)] $(tput setaf 12)Exiting script$(tput sgr0)\n";
# ;;