
95 lines
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/* BetterDiscordApp Entry
* Version: 1.2
* Author: Jiiks |
* Date: 27/08/2015 - 15:51
* Last Update: 30/08/2015 - 13:10
var _config = require("./config.json");
var _utils = require("./utils");
var _version;
var _mainWindow;
var _updater;
var _hash;
function BetterDiscord(mainWindow) {
_mainWindow = mainWindow;
_version = _config.Core.Version;
_utils = new _utils.Utils(mainWindow);
BetterDiscord.prototype.getUtils = function() {
return _utils;
BetterDiscord.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this;
//Get latest commit hash
this.getUtils().getHash(function(hash) {
_hash = hash;
self.getUtils().log("Latest Hash: " + _hash);
//Get updater
self.getUtils().download("", "/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp/"+hash+"/updater.json", function(updater) {
_updater = JSON.parse(updater);
self.getUtils().log("Latest Version: " + _updater.LatestVersion);
self.getUtils().log("CDN: " + _updater.CDN);
BetterDiscord.prototype.start = function() {
var self = this;
this.getUtils().log(" v" + _version + " Initialized");
if(_updater.LatestVersion > _version) {
this.getUtils().log("Update available!");
//Event handlers
self.getUtils().getWebContents().on('did-finish-load', function() {
self.getUtils().getWebContents().on('dom-ready', function() {
if(_updater.LatestVersion > _version) self.getUtils().execJs('alert("An update for BetterDiscord is available(v'+ _updater.LatestVersion +')! Run the installer or download the latest version from GitHub!")');
//Version var
self.getUtils().execJs('var version = "'+_version+'"');
//Load jquery
self.getUtils().execJs('function injectMainCss() { $(\'head\').append( \'<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text\/css\" href=\"\/\/'+_updater.CDN+'\/Jiiks\/BetterDiscordApp\/'+_hash+'\/css\/main.min.css\">\' ) }');
self.getUtils().execJs('var deferCount = 0; function defer() { if(window.jQuery) { injectMainCss() } else { setTimeout( function() { if(deferCount < 100) { deferCount++; defer(); } else { alert("BetterDiscord failed to load :( try restarting Discord. code:0x01"); } }, 100 ); } } deferCount = 0; defer();');
self.getUtils().injectJavaScript("//", true);
self.getUtils().injectJavaScript("//" + _updater.CDN + "/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp/"+_hash+"/js/main.min.js", true);
self.getUtils().download(_updater.CDN , "/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp/"+_hash+"/emotedata_twitch.json", function(emotedata) {
self.getUtils().execJs('var emotesTwitch = JSON.parse(\''+emotedata+'\');');
self.getUtils().download(_updater.CDN , "/Jiiks/BetterDiscordApp/"+_hash+"/emotedata_ffz.json", function(emotedata) {
self.getUtils().execJs('var emotesFfz = JSON.parse(\''+emotedata+'\');');
//Start BDA
self.getUtils().execJs('var mainCore; var startBda = function() { mainCore = new Core(); mainCore.init(); }');
self.getUtils().execJs("function startDefer() { if(window.Core && window.jQuery && $.cookie){ startBda(); } else { setTimeout(function() { startDefer(); }, 100) } } startDefer(); ")
exports.BetterDiscord = BetterDiscord;