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- Badges Everywhere - Displays Badges (Nitro, Hypesquad, etc...) in the Chat/MemberList/UserPopout
- Better Friend List - Adds extra Controls to the Friends Page, for example sort by Name/Status, Search and All/Request/Blocked Amount
- Better NSFW Tag - Adds a more noticeable Tag to NSFW Channels
- Better Search Page - Adds some extra Controls to the Search Results Page
- Char Counter - Adds a Character Counter to most Inputs
- Chat Aliases - Allows you to configure your own Aliases/Commands
- Chat Filter - Allows you to censor Words or block complete Messages/Statuses
- Complete Timestamps - Replaces Timestamps with your own custom Timestamps
- Copy Raw Message - Allows you to copy the raw Contents of a Message
- Creation Date - Displays the Creation Date of an Account in the UserPopout and UserModal
- Custom Quoter - Brings back the Quote Feature and allows you to set your own Quote Formats
- Custom Status Presets - Allows you to save Custom Statuses as Quick Select
- Display Large Messages - Injects 'message.txt' into Discord or open any '.txt' File in a Window
- Display Servers As Channels - Displays Servers in a similar way as Channels
- Edit Channels - Allows you to locally edit Channels
- Edit Servers - Allows you to locally edit Servers
- Edit Users - Allows you to locally edit Users
- Emoji Statistics - Shows you an Overview of Emojis and Emoji Servers
- Force Image Previews - Forces unrendered embedded Image Previews to render
- Friend Notifications - Shows a Notification when a Friend or a User, you choose to observe, changes their Status
- Google Search Replace - Replaces the default Google Text Search with a custom Search Engine
- Google Translate Option - Allows you to translate Messages and your outgoing Message within Discord
- Hide Muted Categories - Hides muted Categories, if muted Channels are hidden
- Image Utilities - Adds several Utilities for Images/Videos (Gallery, Download, Reverse Search, Zoom, Copy, etc.)
- Joined At Date - Displays the Joined At Date of a Member in the UserPopout and UserModal
- Last Message Date - Displays the Last Message Date of a Member for the current Server/DM in the UserPopout and UserModal
- Message Utilities - Adds several Quick Actions for Messages (Delete, Edit, Pin, etc.)
- Notification Sounds - Allows you to replace the native Sounds with custom Sounds
- Old Title Bar - Allows you to switch to Discord's old Titlebar or add the native OS Titlebar
- Owner Tag - Adds a Tag/Crown to Server Owners (or Admins/Management)
- Personal Pins - Allows you to locally pin Messages
- Pin DMs - Allows you to pin DMs, making them appear at the top of your DMs/ServerList
- Quick Mention - Adds a Mention Button to the Message Options Bar
- Read All Notifications Button - Adds a Clear Button to the Server List and the Mentions Popout
- Remove Blocked Messages - Removes blocked Messages/Users
- Remove Nicknames - Replaces Nicknames with Accountnames
- Reveal All Spoilers Option - Allows you to reveal all Spoilers within a Message
- Send Large Messages - Allows you to enter larger Messages, which will automatically split into several smaller Messages
- Server Counter - Adds a Server Counter to the Server List
- Server Details - Shows Server Details in the Server List Tooltip
- Server Folders - Changes Discord's Folders, Servers open in a new Container, also adds extra Features to more easily organize, customize and manage your Folders
- Server Hider - Allows you to hide certain Servers in your Server List
- Show Hidden Channels - Displays all hidden Channels, which can't be accessed due to Role Restrictions, this won't allow you to read them (impossible)
- Spell Check - Adds a Spell Check to all Message Inputs
- Spotify Controls - Adds a Control Panel while listening to Spotify on a connected Account
- Steam Profile Link - Opens Steam Links in Steam instead of your Browser
- Theme Settings - Allows you to change Theme Variables within Discord
- Timed Light Dark Mode - Adds a Time Slider to the Appearance Settings
- Top Role Everywhere - Adds the highest Role of a User as a Tag
- User Notes - Allows you to write User Notes locally
- Write UpperCase - Changes the first Letter of each Sentence in Message Inputs to Uppercase