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Light weight templates for react. Reasons that we love it:

  • No runtime libraries. No magic. Just simple pre-compilation to a clear code
  • Super easy to write panels. By panels we mean components that have a lot of HTML code and non-reusable logic
  • Very good separation of presentation and logic. Almost no HTML within the component file
  • Declerative coding for presentation. HTML that you write and inspect look similar
  • Easy syntax. Similar to HTML. All IDEs recognize this format

How does it work

React templates compiles a *.rt file (react template - extended HTML format) into a javascript file. Currently, this file supports requirejs format, that will return a function. This function, when applied, will return a virtual react DOM (based on React.DOM elements and user custom components). A common use case would be that a React component would require a JS file generated by a template, and then call func.apply(this), causing the template to have the component as its context.

Basic concepts for react templates:
  • Any valid HTML is a template (and comments)
  • {} to identify JS expression
  • rt-if
  • rt-repeat
  • rt-scope
  • rt-class
  • style
  • event handlers
  • doctype rt, require dependencies, and calling other components
Why not use JSX?

Some love jsx, some don't. We don't. Well, not that we don't like it, but it seems to fit only components with very little html inside, which could be done by creating elements in code. Also, we like to separate code and html. It just feels right.

Any valid HTML is a template

Writing any html is a valid template. This does not apply to event handlers ("on" methods). See the section about event handlers

{} to identify JS expression

In html attributes and text, you can replace context by a javascript expression. You do this by wrapping it in {}. If this is inside an attribute, it still needs to be wrapped by quotes. In text, you can just use it.


<a href="{this.state.linkRef}">{this.state.linkText}</a>


], function (React, _) {
    'use strict';
    return function () {
        return React.DOM.a({ 'href': this.state.linkRef }, this.state.linkText);

Note: within the special "rt-" directives, simple strings don't make sense, as all those directives apply on some execution context. Therefore, in these directives, there won't be a need to add the {} to identify execution context


This gives you the ability to add conditions to a sub-tree of html. If the condition is evaluated to true, the subree will be returned, otherwise, it will not be calculated. It is implemented by a trinary expression


<div rt-if="this.state.resultCode === 200">Success!</div>


], function (React, _) {
    'use strict';
    return function () {
        return this.state.resultCode === 200 ? React.DOM.div({}, 'Success!') : null;


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