Docker container for premiere deulge
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andy10niggabit 47d8384366 Make Docker more usable 2020-05-16 14:14:51 +02:00
Dockerfile Make Docker more usable 2020-05-16 14:14:51 +02:00 Make Docker more usable 2020-05-16 14:14:51 +02:00 initial commit 2020-05-15 09:02:45 -07:00

Premiere Deluge Docker

This helps build the premiere Deluge plugin and libtorrent inside of a Docker container. To read more about what premiere mode does, see below.

How to install

  1. Install Docker (instructions here
  2. Run docker build . -t premiere-deluge in the same directory as this repo's Dockerfile
  3. Run docker run --network host -it premiere-deluge or docker run -p 8112:8112 -it premiere-deluge
  4. You should be able to connect to the web UI running locally on port 8112
  5. Default password is "deluge"
  6. Right click torrents and select "Premiere Mode" to put them in premiere mode

Persistent storage

To have Deluge keep its settings and files between restarts you need to mount volumes. Add to the docker run command: -v "${PWD}/Downloads:/root/Downloads" -v "${PWD}/config:/root/.config"

Public ports

To have Deluge be connectable you need to have it listen to your public IP.

  1. Force a listening port in Deluge configuration
  2. Add -p to the docker run command if your port is 12345 and your ip is

What is "Premiere Mode"?

Setting a torrent to premiere mode causes all of its pieces to become unavailble to peers except the first piece. After all peers in the swarm have completely downloaded the first piece, the second piece gets announced as available and peers may download it. This continues on until the last piece.

This plugin requires a forked version of libtorrent that supports setting pieces into premiere mode.