
934 B


This is a little pile of scripts to configure stuff on the AWS cloud. In general, create a setup script under src/startup/your_service_name.sh.etlua, Then add your_service_name to config.lua under the services, and machines. your_service_name.sh.etlua will be preprocessed with etlua, then run in a chroot on the machine configured in machines. Everything else is configured in src/main.tf.etlua and should generally not be touched.


There are a few one-time set up things:

  • Register your domain name, put it in the config.lua file

  • Create an s3 bucket with any name, and put it's name in the config.lua file.

  • run make

  • Create a hosted zone for your domain name, and set up your registrar with AWS's DNS servers.

  • Wait for DNS to resolve

  • Connect to the sidecar server, and run certbot:

  • while in sidecar server, run service httpd start and check that it works in your browser