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## Development
### Quickstart
- `npm install`, the postinstall runs
- `npm run rebuild`
- might need to install some build tools depending on your platform
- `npm run typeorm:migrate` for installing the database
- `npm run tsc` for backend
- `npm run webpack` for frontend
- `npm run dev`
### Git Commits
This project uses [Conventional Commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.or) with the following types:
- `feat`: features, if any part of your commit implements a new functionality, use this
- `fix`: bugfixes
- `refactor`: code refactoring
- `update`: updating dependencies and associated code changes
- `doc`: documentation
- `config`: changing configuration (linters, build process)
Always try to split up your changes into coherent commits, a single commit should do a single thing. If your commit needs to do more than one thing it should be labeled with the type coming first in this list.
### Database Migrations
Migrations are stored in [src/main/migrations](src/main/migrations) and handled by typeorm.
To auto-generate a migration:
`node_modules/.bin/typeorm migration:generate -n <migration name> -c <connection name>`
To create an empty creation which can be filled with custom migration code:
`node_modules/.bin/typeorm migration:create -n <migration name> -c <connection name>`
To run migrations:
`node_modules/.bin/typeorm migration:run -c <connection name>`
This is also pre-defined in the npm script `typeorm:migrate`.