Fix my own brown paper bag in RtlFillMemoryUlong().
RtlGetNtVersionNumbers() should never return < 5.
Remove RtlCopyMemory(), its not an ntdll export.
Implement RtlCompareMemoryUlong(), RtlComputeCrc32().
Documentation updates.
- in impacted functions, ensure that we only use ntdll functions
- for internal loading, start using NTDLL style for error reporting
- making use of new LdrLoadDll
- exported a few functions/global vars from module.h while we move
code from loader/module.c to dlls/ntdll/loader.c
- implemented LdrShutdownProcess, LdrShutdownThread and
LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll (and made use of them)
RtlInt64ToUnicodeString, RtlIntegerToChar, RtlIntegerToUnicodeString,
RtlLargeIntegerToChar, RtlUnicodeStringToInteger and
- Use toupperW instead of toupper in RtlCompareUnicodeString.