dbghelp: Implement UnDecorateSymbolNameW.

Also fixes a bug in UnDecorateSymbolName when undecorated_length == 0.
This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Lackner 2015-08-06 08:22:22 +02:00 committed by Alexandre Julliard
parent 82dffc9567
commit fa4dfa4325
2 changed files with 52 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
@ stdcall SymUnDName64(ptr str long)
@ stdcall SymUnloadModule(long long)
@ stdcall SymUnloadModule64(long int64)
@ stdcall UnDecorateSymbolName(str str long long)
@ stub UnDecorateSymbolNameW
@ stdcall UnDecorateSymbolName(str ptr long long)
@ stdcall UnDecorateSymbolNameW(wstr ptr long long)
@ stdcall UnmapDebugInformation(ptr)
@ stdcall WinDbgExtensionDllInit(ptr long long)
#@ stub block

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@ -1752,32 +1752,69 @@ BOOL WINAPI SymUnDName64(PIMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 sym, PSTR UnDecName, DWORD UnDecName
static void * CDECL und_alloc(size_t len) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len); }
static void CDECL und_free (void* ptr) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr); }
* UnDecorateSymbolName (DBGHELP.@)
DWORD WINAPI UnDecorateSymbolName(PCSTR DecoratedName, PSTR UnDecoratedName,
DWORD UndecoratedLength, DWORD Flags)
static char *und_name(char *buffer, const char *mangled, int buflen, unsigned short flags)
/* undocumented from msvcrt */
static HANDLE hMsvcrt;
static char* (CDECL *p_undname)(char*, const char*, int, void* (CDECL*)(size_t), void (CDECL*)(void*), unsigned short);
static const WCHAR szMsvcrt[] = {'m','s','v','c','r','t','.','d','l','l',0};
TRACE("(%s, %p, %d, 0x%08x)\n",
debugstr_a(DecoratedName), UnDecoratedName, UndecoratedLength, Flags);
if (!p_undname)
if (!hMsvcrt) hMsvcrt = LoadLibraryW(szMsvcrt);
if (hMsvcrt) p_undname = (void*)GetProcAddress(hMsvcrt, "__unDName");
if (!p_undname) return 0;
if (!p_undname) return NULL;
if (!UnDecoratedName) return 0;
if (!p_undname(UnDecoratedName, DecoratedName, UndecoratedLength,
und_alloc, und_free, Flags))
return p_undname(buffer, mangled, buflen, und_alloc, und_free, flags);
* UnDecorateSymbolName (DBGHELP.@)
DWORD WINAPI UnDecorateSymbolName(const char *decorated_name, char *undecorated_name,
DWORD undecorated_length, DWORD flags)
TRACE("(%s, %p, %d, 0x%08x)\n",
debugstr_a(decorated_name), undecorated_name, undecorated_length, flags);
if (!undecorated_name || !undecorated_length)
return 0;
return strlen(UnDecoratedName);
if (!und_name(undecorated_name, decorated_name, undecorated_length, flags))
return 0;
return strlen(undecorated_name);
* UnDecorateSymbolNameW (DBGHELP.@)
DWORD WINAPI UnDecorateSymbolNameW(const WCHAR *decorated_name, WCHAR *undecorated_name,
DWORD undecorated_length, DWORD flags)
char *buf, *ptr;
int len, ret = 0;
TRACE("(%s, %p, %d, 0x%08x)\n",
debugstr_w(decorated_name), undecorated_name, undecorated_length, flags);
if (!undecorated_name || !undecorated_length)
return 0;
len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, decorated_name, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if ((buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len)))
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, decorated_name, -1, buf, len, NULL, NULL);
if ((ptr = und_name(NULL, buf, 0, flags)))
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ptr, -1, undecorated_name, undecorated_length);
undecorated_name[undecorated_length - 1] = 0;
ret = strlenW(undecorated_name);
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, buf);
return ret;
#define WILDCHAR(x) (-(x))