winmm: Convert translations to po files.

This commit is contained in:
Alexandre Julliard 2011-01-06 17:50:17 +01:00
parent b31d2311b2
commit 8aefc9081c
65 changed files with 22802 additions and 2809 deletions

configure vendored
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@ -15280,7 +15280,7 @@ wine_fn_config_dll winhttp enable_winhttp implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/winhttp/tests winhttp_test
wine_fn_config_dll wininet enable_wininet implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/wininet/tests wininet_test
wine_fn_config_dll winmm enable_winmm implib
wine_fn_config_dll winmm enable_winmm po,implib
wine_fn_config_test dlls/winmm/tests winmm_test
wine_fn_config_dll winnls.dll16 enable_win16
wine_fn_config_dll winnls32 enable_winnls32 implib

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@ -2809,7 +2809,7 @@ WINE_CONFIG_DLL(winhttp,,[implib])

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@ -14,27 +14,9 @@ C_SRCS = \
winmm_Cs.rc \
winmm_Da.rc \
winmm_De.rc \
winmm_En.rc \
winmm_Es.rc \
winmm_Fr.rc \
winmm_It.rc \
winmm_Ja.rc \
winmm_Ko.rc \
winmm_Lt.rc \
winmm_Nl.rc \
winmm_No.rc \
winmm_Pl.rc \
winmm_Pt.rc \
winmm_Ro.rc \
winmm_Ru.rc \
winmm_Si.rc \
winmm_Sk.rc \
winmm_Sv.rc \
winmm_Tr.rc \
winmm_Uk.rc \
winmm.rc \
PO_SRCS = winmm.rc

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@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
/* Hey, Emacs, open this file with -*- coding: cp1250 -*-
* Czech resources for winmm
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2004 David Kredba
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* Czech strings in CP1250 */
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Určený příkaz byl proveden."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Nedefinovaná vnější chyba."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Použité ID zařízení je mimo možnosti systému."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Ovladač nebyl povolen."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Zařízení je dosud používáno. Vyčkejte na jeho uvolnění a zkuste to znovu."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Ukazatel na zařízení je neplatný."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "V systému není nainstalován žádný ovladač !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Není dost paměti pro tuto úlohu. Ukončete jednu nebo víc aplikací k získání více volné paměti a zkuste to znovu."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Tato funkce není podporována. Použijte funkci Capabilities k určení, jaké funkce a zprávy ovladač podporuje."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Uvedené číslo chyby není v systému definováno."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Systémové funkci byl předán neplatný příznak."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Systémové funkci byl předán neplatný parametr."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Tento formát není podporován nebo nemůže být přeložen. Použijte funkci Capabilities k určení podporovaného formátu."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nemohu provést tuto operaci dokud jsou data přehrávána. Zresetujte multimediální zařízení nebo vyčkejte na konec přehrávání."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Wave hlavička nebyla připravena. Použijte funkci Prepare k její konstrukci a pak to zkuste znovu."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Nemohu otevřít zařízení bez použití příznaku WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Použijte ho a zkuste to znovu."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI hlavička nebyla připravena. Použijte funkci Prepare k její konstrukci a pak to zkuste znovu."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nemohu provést tuto operaci dokud jsou data přehrávána. Zresetujte multimediální zařízení nebo vyčkejte na konec přehrávání."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "MIDI map nebyla nalezena. To může ukazovat na problém s ovladačem nebo je soubor MIDIMAP.CFG poškozen či chybí."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Port přenáší data na zařízení. Počkejte na dokončení přenosu a zkuste to znovu."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Současné nastavení MIDI mapperu se odkazuje na MIDI zařízení nepřítomné v systému. Upravte nastavení MIDI mapperu."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Současné nastavení MIDI je poškozené. Přepište soubor MIDIMAP.CFG ve Windows složce SYSTEM originálem a zkuste to znovu."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Neplatný identifikátor MCI zařízení. Použijte identifikátor vrácený při otevření MCI zařízení."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Ovladač nepřipouští použitý parametr příkazu."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Ovladač nepřipouští použitý příkaz."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "S multimediálním zařízením něco není v pořádku. Ujistěte se, že pracuje jak má, případně oslovte jeho výrobce."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Uvedené zařízení není použitelné nebo není podporované MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Není dost paměti na provedení této úlohy.\nUkončete jednu nebo víc aplikací a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Jméno zařízení už je použito jako alias touto aplikací. Použijte unikátní alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Vyskytl se nerozpoznatelný problém při zavádění uvedeného ovladače."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nebyl zadán žádný příkaz."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Výstupní řetězec se nevejde do výstupního zásobníku. Zvětšete velikost zásobníku."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Tento příkaz vyžaduje textový parametr. Zadejte jeden."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Toto číslo je neplatné pro tento příkaz."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Ovladač zařízení vrátil neplatný návratový typ. Zeptejte se dodavatele zařízení na nový ovladač."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Byl rozpoznán problém s ovladačem. Získejte od výrobce nový ovladač."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Tento příkaz vyžaduje parametr. Zadejte ho."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Vámi použité MCI zařízení nepodporuje uvedený příkaz."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Soubor nebyl nalezen. Ujistěte se, že cesta k souboru a jeho jméno jsou platné."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Ovladač zařízení není připraven."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Při inicialiazaci MCI došlo k problémům. Zkuste zrestartovat Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Ovladač má problémy a ukončil svou činnost. Ovladač nevrátil popis chyby."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Nemohu použít 'all' jako jméno zařízení při provádění tohoto příkazu."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Vyskytly se chyby na více zařízeních. Zadejte příkazy zvlášť pro každé jedno zařízeníify, aby bylo zjištěno, které zařízení chybuje."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Nedokáži přiřadit soubor s touto příponou vhodnému zařízení."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Uvedený parametr je mimo meze uvedeného příkazu."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Tyto parametry nemohou být požity spolu."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Nemohu uložit soubor. Ujistěte se, že je dost místa na disku nebo je-li Vaše síťové připojení průchozí."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Nemohu najít požadované zařízení. Ujistěte se, že je nainstalováno, nebo že jste jeho název uvedli přesně."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Toto zařízení je právě uzavíráno. Vyčkejte několik sekund a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Tento alias je už používán v této aplikaci. Použijte jiné jméno."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Uvedený parametr je neplatný pro tento příkaz."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Uvedené zařízení je už používáno. Chcete-li ho sdílet, použijte 'shareable' parametr s každým příkazem 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Tento příkaz vyžaduje alias, soubor, ovladač nebo název zařízení. Uveďte jeden prosím."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Použitý formát času je neplatný. Nahlédněte do MCI dokumentace a zjistěte si platné formáty."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Hodnota parametru není uzavřena uvozovkami. Doplňte je."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Parametr nebo hodnota byla zadána dvakrát. Zadejte jen jeden/jednu."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Tento soubor nemůže být přehrán na tomto MCI zařízení. Soubor může být poškozen nebo nemá správný formát."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "MCI byl předán prázdný blok parametrů."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Nemohu uložit soubor bez názvu. Zadejte název."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Při použití parametru 'new' musíte zadat alias."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Nelze použít parametr 'notify' s automaticky otevřeným zařízením."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Nelze použít soubor s tímto zařízením."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Nelze dokončit skupinu příkazů v tomto pořadí. Opravte pořadí příkazů a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Tento příkaz nelze dokončit na automaticky otevřeném zařízení. Vyčkejte na zavření zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Název souboru je neplatný. Ujistěte se, že název souboru má 8 znaků následovaných tečkou a příponou."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Nelze zadat znaky za řetězec uzavřený uvozovkami."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Toto zařízení není v systému nainstalováno. Nainstalujte ho v Ovládacím panelu, na záložce Ovladače."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení. Změňte adresář nebo restartujte Váš počítač."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení, protože aplikace nemůže změnit adresář."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení, protože aplikace nemůže změnit jednotku disku."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Určete zařízení nebo ovladač jehož název je kratší než 79 znaků."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Určete zařízení nebo ovladač jehož název je kratší než 69 znaků."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Tento příkaz vyžaduje celočíselný parametr. Použijte ho prosím."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Všechna wave zařízení, která by mohla přehrát soubory s tímto formátem jsou používána. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Nemohu nastavit toto wave zařízení na playback, jelikož je používáno. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Všechna wave zařízení, která by mohla nahrávat oubory s tímto formátem jsou používána. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Nemohu nastavit toto wave zařízení na nahrávání, jelikož je používáno. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Jakékoliv waveform kompatibilní přehrávací zařízení může být použito."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Jakékoliv waveform kompatibilní nahrávací zařízení může být použito."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Není nainstalováno žádné wave zařízení, které by bylo schopno přehrát soubory v tomto formátu. Použijte záložku Ovladače k instalaci wave zařízení."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Přehrávací zařízení nedokázalo rozpoznat formát souboru."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Není nainstalováno žádné wave zařízení, které by bylo schopno nahrát soubory v tomto formátu. Použijte záložku Ovladače k instalaci wave zařízení."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Zařízení, ze kterého zkoušíte nahrávat, nedokáže rozpoznat formát výstupního souboru."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Okno display chybí."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Nemohu vytvořit nebo použít okno."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Nemohu přečíst zadaný soubor. Ujistěte se, že soubor stále existuje a zkontrolujte svůj disk nebo síťovou konektivitu."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Nemohu zapisovat do zadaného souboru. Ujistěte se, že máte dost místa na disku nebo zda jste připojeni k síti."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Formáty času ""song pointer"" a SMPTE jsou vzájemně výlučné. Nemůžete je použít současně."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "V systému nejsou nainstalovány MIDI zařízení. Nainstalujte je ze záložky Ovladač v Ovládacím panelu."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Tento MIDI port je používán. Vyčkejte na jeho uvolnění; pak to zkuste znovu."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Nastavení MIDI mapperu odkazuje na MIDI zařízení, které není v systému nainstalováno. Nainstalujte ho pomocí záložky MIDI Mapper v Ovládacím panelu."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Nastala chyba při práci s tímto portem."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Toto MIDI zařízení není nainstalováno v systému. Nainstalujte ho v Ovládacím panelu na záložce Driver."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Systém nezná tento MIDI port."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Všechny časovače multimédií jsou používány aplikacemi. Ukončete jednu z těchto aplikací a zkuste to znovu."

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2008 Jens Albretsen
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Den specificerede kommando blev udført."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Udefineret ekstern fejl."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Et enheds ID som er udenfor rækkevidde er blevet brugt på dit system."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Driveren blev ikke aktiveret."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Den specificerede enhed er allerede i brug. Vent til den er ledig og prøv igen."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Det specificerede enheds handle er ugyldigt."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Det er ingen driver installeret på systemet.\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Ikke nok hukommelse tilrådig til denne operation. Afslut et eller flere programmer for at frigøre hukommelse og prøv igen."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Denne funktion understøttes ikke. Brug funktionen 'Capabilities' for at finde ud af hvilke funktioner og meddelser driveren understøtter."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Et udefineret fejlnummer blev specificeret."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Et ugyldigt flag blev overført til en systemfunktion."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "En ugyldig parameter blev overført til en systemfunktion."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Det specificerede format understøttes ikke eller kan ikke oversættes. Brug funktionen 'Capabilities' for at se de understøttede formater."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan ikke udfører denne operation mens medie data afspilles. Genstart enheden, eller vent til den er færdig."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Wafe headeren var ikke klargjort. Brug funktionen 'Prepare' for at klargøre headeren og prøv derefter igen."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Kan ikke åbne enheden uden at bruke flagget 'WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Brug flagget og prøv igen."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI headeren var ikke klargjort. Brug funktionen 'Prepare' for at klargøre headeren og prøv derefter igen."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan ikke udfører denne operation når medie data afspilles. Genstart enheden, eller vent til den er færdig."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "En MIDI map blev ikke fundet. Der er måske et problem med driveren, eller også er filen 'MIDIMAP.CFG' korrupt eller mangler."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Porten sender data til enheden. Vent til dataerne er sendt og prøv igen."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Den nuværende Mapper opsætning peger på en MIDI enhed der ikke er installeret i systemet. brug MIDI Mapper'en til editere opsætningen."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Den nuværende MIDI opsætning er skadet. Kopier den originale MIDIMAP.CFG fil ind i Windows SYSTEM folderen, og prøv igen."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Ugyldig MCI enheds ID. Brug ID'et som returneres når MCI-enhetdn åbnes."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Driveren kunne ikke genkende den specificerede kommandoparameter."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Driveren kunne ikke genkende den specificerede kommando."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Det er et problem med medieenheden. Sørg for at den virker ordentlig eller kontakt leverandøren."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Den specificerede enhed er ikke åben, eller ikke genkendt af MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Ikke nok hukommelse til denne operation.\nAfslut et eller flere programmer for at frigøre hukommelse og prøv igen."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Enhedsnafnet bruges allerede som et alies af dette program. Brug et unikt alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Et ukendt problem opstod under indlæsningen af den specificerede driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Der blev ikke specificeret nogen kommando."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Den skrevne streng var for stor til at være i retur bufferen. Forøg størrelsen på bufferen."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Den specificerede kommando kræver en tegnstrengs parameter. Angiv en."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Det specificerede heltal er ugyldigt til denne kommando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Enhedsdriveren returnerede en ugyldig retur type. Kontakt producenten for at få en ny driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Der er et problem med enhedsdriveren. Kontakt producenten for at få en ny driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Den specificerede kommando kræver en parameter. Angiv en."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "MCI enheden som bruges understøtter ikke den specificerede kommando."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Kunne ikke finde den specificerede fil. Kontroller at stien og filnafnet er rigtigt."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Enhedsdriveren er ikke klar."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Et problem opstod under initaliseringen af MCI. Prøv at genstarte Wine."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Der er et problem med enhedsdriveren. Driveren blev lukket, ingen adgang fejl."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Kan ikke bruge 'all' som enhedsnafn med den specificerede kommando."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Der opstod fejl i mere end en enhed. Angiv hver kommando og enhed seperat for at finde ud hvilken enhed som forårsagede fejlen."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Kan ikke bestemme enhedstypen ud fra den opgivede fil efternafn."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Den specificerede parameter er udenfor rækkevidde for den specificerede kommando."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "De specificerede parametere kan ikke bruges sammen."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Kunne ikke gemme den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri diskplads eller at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Fandt ikke den specificerede enhedn. Kontroller at den er installeret eller at enhedsnafnet er rigtigt stafet."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Den specificerede enhed er igang med at blive lukket. Vent et par sekunder og prøv igen."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Det specificerede alias bruges allerede i dette program. Brug et unikt alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Den specificerede parameter er ugyldig til denne kommando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Enhedsdriveren er allerede i brug. Brug parameteren 'shareable' for hver 'open'-kommando for at dele den."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Den specificerede kommando kræver et alias, en fil, driver eller et enhedsnafn."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Den specificerede værdi for tidsformatet er ugyldigt. Se i MCI dokumentationen efter gyldige formater."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Et afsluttende anførelsestegn mangler i parameter værdien. Tilføj et."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Parameteren eller værdien blev angivet to ganger. Angiv det kun en gang."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Den specificerede fil kan ikke spilles af på den specificerede MCI enhed. Filen er måske korrupt, eller i forkert format."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "En null parameter blok blev givet til MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Kan ikke gemme en fil uden nafn. Angiv et filnafn."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Du skal specificere et alias når du bruger parameteren 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan ikke bruge flagget 'notify' med automatisk åbnede enheder."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Kan ikke bruge et filnafn med den specificerede enhed."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Kunne ikke udføre kommandoen i den specificerede rækkefølge. Ret rækkefølgen og prøv igen."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Kunne ikke udføre den specificerede kommando på en automatisk åbnet enhed. Vent til enheden er lukket og prøv igen."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Filnafnet er ugyldigt. Kontroller at filnafnet ikke er længere end 8 tegn, efterfulgt af et punktum og en fil type (3 tegn)."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Kan ikke specificere ekstra tegn efter en streng omgivet af anførelsestegn."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Den specificerede enhed er ikke installeret i systemet. Brug valget 'Drivere' i Kontrolpanelet for at installere enheden."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed. Prøv at ændre folder eller at genstarte din computer."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed fordi programmet ikke kan skifte folder."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed fordi programmet ikke kan skifte drev."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Specificer en enhed eller drivernafn som er mindre en 79 tegn."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Specificer en enhed eller drivernafn som er mindre en 69 tegn."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Den specificerede kommando har brug for en heltals parameter. Angiv et."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Alle lydenheder som kan afspille filer i det pågældende format er optagede. Vent til at en af lydenhederne er ledige og prøv igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Kunne ikke sætte den gældende lydenhed til afspilning fordi den er i brug. Vent til at enheden er ledig og prøv igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Alle lydenheder som kan optage filer i det gældende format er optagede. Vent til at en af lydenhederne er ledige og prøv igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Kunne ikke sætte den gældende lydenhed til at optage fordi den er i brug. Vent til at enheden er ledig og prøv igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Enhver kompatibel enhed til lydafspilling kan bruges."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Enhver kompatibel enhed til lydoptagening kan bruges."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen lydenhed som kan afspille filer i det gældende formatet er installeret. Brug 'Drivere' for at installere lydenheden."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Enheden du prøver at afspille fra, genkender ikke det gældende filformat."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen lydenhed som kan optage filer i det gældende format er installeret. Brug 'Drivere' for at installere lydenheden."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Enheden du prøver at optage på, genkender ikke det gældende filformat."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Der er ikke noget vindue."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Kunne ikke oprette eller bruge vinduet."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Kunne ikke læse den specificerede fil. Kontroller at filen fortsat findes, og kontroller forbindelsen til disken eller netværket."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Kunne ikke skrive til den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri diskplads, og at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Tidsformatet til ""song pointer"" og 'SMPTE' kan ikke bruges sammen."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Systemet har ikke nogen installerede MIDI enheder. Brug 'Drivere' i Kontrolpanelet for at installere en MIDI driver."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Den specificerede MIDI port er allerede i brug. Vent til den er ledig og prøv igen."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Det gældende opsætning for MIDI mapperen refererer til en MIDI enhed som ikke er installeret i systemet. Brug 'MIDI mapper' i Kontrolpanelet for at ændre opsætningen."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "En fejl opstod med den specificerede port.."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Den specificerede MIDI enhed er ikke installeret på systemet. Brug 'Drivere' i Kontrollpanelet for at installere en MIDI enhed."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Systemet har ikke specificeret en gældende MIDI port."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Alle multimediatidstagere bruges af andre programmer. Luk et af de programmer og prøv igen."

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2004 Henning Gerhardt
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Der angeforderte Befehl wurde ausgeführt."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Unbekannter externer Fehler."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Die derzeit verwendete Gerätekennung ist außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs für Ihr System."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Der Treiber konnte nicht gestartet werden."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Das Gerät wird bereits verwendet. Warten Sie, bis es freigegeben ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Das angegebende Gerätehandle ist ungültig."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Es ist kein Treiber auf Ihrem System installiert !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Nicht genügend Speicher für diesen Befehl. Beenden Sie eine oder mehrere Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Diese Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Benutzen Sie die Funktion 'Capabilities', um zu ermitteln, welche Funktion dieser Treiber unterstützt."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Die angegebene Fehlernummer ist für dieses System nicht definiert."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Ein ungültiges Flag wurde an eine Systemfunktion übergeben."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Ein ungültiger Parameter wurde an eine Systemfunktion übergeben."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Dieses Format wird nicht unterstützt oder kann nicht übersetzt werden. Benutzen Sie die Funktion 'Capabilities', um die unterstützten Formate zu ermitteln."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Die Funktion kann nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn noch Mediendateien wiedergegeben werden. Starten Sie das Gerät neu, oder warten Sie bis keine Daten mehr wiedergegeben werden."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Der WAVE - Header wurde nicht vorbereitet. Benutzen Sie die Funktion 'Prepare' zum Vorbereiten des Headers und versuchen Sie es erneut."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Das Gerät kann nicht ohne das WAVE_ALLOWSYNC - Flag geöffnet werden. Benutzen Sie dieses Flag und versuchen Sie es erneut."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "Der MIDI - Header wurde nicht vorbereitet. Benutzen Sie die Funktion 'Prepare' zum Vorbereiten des Headers und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Die Funktion kann nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn noch Mediendateien wiedergegeben werden. Starten Sie das Gerät neu, oder warten Sie bis keine Daten mehr wiedergegeben werden."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Es wurde keine MIDI - Map gefunden. Es könnte ein Problem mit dem Treiber geben oder die Datei MIDIMAP.CFG fehlt oder ist beschädigt."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Der Anschluss ist mit der Datenausgabe belegt. Warten Sie, bis die Daten übertragen wurden und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Das gegenwärtige MIDI - Mapper Setup benutzt ein MIDI - Gerät, das nicht installiert ist. Benutzen Sie den MIDI - Mapper, um das Setup zu ändern."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Das aktuelle MIDI Setup ist beschädigt. Kopieren sie die ursprüngliche Datei MIDIMAP.CFG ind das Windows - Systemverzeichnis und versuchen Sie es erneut."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Ungültige MCI - Gerätekennung. Benutzen Sie die zurückgegebene ID, wenn Sie das MCI - Gerät öffnen."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Der Treiber kann den angegebenen Befehlsparameter nicht anerkennen."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Der Treiber kann den angegebenen Befehl nicht anerkennen."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrem Media - Gerät. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es richtig arbeitet oder fragen Sie den Gerätehersteller."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Das angegebene Gerät ist nicht geöffnet oder wird vom MCI nicht erkannt."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Nicht genügend Speicher für den angeforderten Vorgang.\nBeenden Sie eine oder mehrere Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Der Gerätename wird von dieser Anwendung bereits als Alias benutzt. Benutzen Sie einen eindeutigen Alias"
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Es gibt ein unbekanntes Problem beim Laden des angegebenen Gerätetreibers."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Kein Befehl wurde angegeben."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Die Ausgabezeichenkette war zu lang für den Rückgabepuffer. Erhöhen Sie die Puffergröße."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Der Befehl erfordert einen Zeichenkettenparameter. Bitte stellen Sie einen bereit."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Die Angabe einer ganzen Zahl ist für diesen Befehl ungültig."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Der Gerätetreiber hat einen ungültigen Rückgabewert geliefert. Fragen Sie den Gerätehersteller nach einem neuen Treiber."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Ein Treiberfehler ist aufgetreten. Fragen Sie den Gerätehersteller nach einem neuen Treiber."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen Parameter. Bitte geben Sie einen an."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Das verwendete MCI - Gerät unterstützt diesen Befehl nicht."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Die angeforderte Datei wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Pfad- und Dateiname richtig sind."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Der Gerätetreiber ist nicht bereit."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Ein Fehler ereignete sich beim Starten von MCI. Versuche Windows neu zu starten."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Es gibt ein Problem mit dem Gerätetreiber. Der Treiber wird geschlossen. Ein Fehler kann nicht gemeldet werden."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Der Gerätename 'all' ist nicht in diesem Befehl erlaubt."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Es traten Fehler in mehr als einem Gerät auf. Geben Sie jeden Befehl für jedes Gerät einzeln an, um zu bestimmen, welches Gerät die Fehler verursachte."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Kann keinen Gerätetyp aus der angegebenen Dateinamenerweiterung ermitteln."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Der angegebene Parameter liegt außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs für diesen Befehl."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Die Parameter können nicht zusammen verwendet werden."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Die Datei kann nicht gespeichert werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass genügend Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist oder Ihre Netzwerkverbindung noch besteht."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Das angegebene Gerät wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es installiert ist oder der Gerätename richtig geschrieben ist."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Das angegebene Gerät wird geschlossen. Warten Sie einige Sekunden, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Der angegebene Alias wird von dieser Anwendung bereits verwendet. Wählen Sie einen eindeutigen Alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Der angegebene Parameter für diesen Befehl ungültig."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Das Gerät ist bereits geöffnet. Benutzen Sie den 'shareable' - Parameter bei jedem 'open' - Befehl."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen Alias-, Datei-, Treiber- oder Gerätenamen. Bitte geben Sie einen an."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Der angegebene Wert für das Zeitformat ist ungültig. Lesen Sie in der MCI - Dokumentation nach gültigen Formaten nach."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Ein abschließendes Anführungszeichen fehlt im Parameter. Bitte geben Sie eins an."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Ein Parameter oder Wert wurde zweimal angegeben. Geben Sie in nur einzeln an."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Die angegebene Datei kann auf dem MCI - Gerät nicht wiedergegeben werden. Die Datei ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt oder in einem ungültigen Format."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Der Parameterblock, der zu MCI übergeben wurde, war NULL."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Es kann keine unbenannte Datei gespeichert werden. Geben Sie einen Dateinamen an."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Sie müssen einen Alias mit dem 'new' - Parameter angeben."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Das 'notify' Flag ist unzulässig für selbstöffnende Geräte."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Ein Dateiname kann mit diesem Gerät nicht verwendet werden."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Die Befehle sind in der angegebenen Reihenfolge nicht ausführbar. Ändern Sie die Reihenfolge, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Der Befehl kann nicht auf ein selbstöffnedes Gerät angewandt werden. Warten Sie, bis das Gerät geschlossen wurde und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Der Dateiname ist ungültig. Der Dateiname muss aus maximal 8 Zeichen, gefolgt von einem Punkt und einer Dateinamenerweiterung bestehen."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Zusätzliche Zeichen nach einer Zeichenkette mit Anführungszeichen sind nicht erlaubt."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Das angegebene Gerät ist nicht auf Ihren System installiert. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um das Gerät zu installieren."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Versuchen Sie, das Verzeichnis zu wechseln oder das System neu zu starten."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden, weil die Anwendung nicht das Verzeichnis wechseln kann."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden, weil die Anwendung nicht das Laufwerk wechseln kann."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Geben Sie einen Geräte- oder Treibernamen mit weniger als 79 Zeichen an."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Geben Sie einen Geräte- oder Treibernamen mit weniger als 69 Zeichen an."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen ganzzahligen Parameter. Bitte geben Sie einen an."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Alle Waveformgeräte, die diese Dateien in dem gegenwärtigen Format wiedergeben könnten, sind in Benutzung. Warten Sie, bis ein Waveformgerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Das gegenwärtige Waveformgerät kann nicht wiedergeben, weil es gerade benutzt wird. Warten Sie, bis das Gerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Es ist kein Waveformgerät frei, das das gegenwärtige Format aufzeichnen könnte. Warten Sie, bis ein Waveformgerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Das gegenwärtige Waveformgerät kann nicht aufzeichnen, weil es gerade verwendet wird. Warten Sie, bis das Gerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Jedes kompatible Waveform - Wiedergabegerät kann verwendet werden."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Jedes kompatible Waveform - Aufnahmegerät kann verwendet werden."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Es ist kein Waveformgerät installiert, das Dateien im aktuellen Format wiedergeben kann. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um ein Waveformgerät zu installieren."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Das Wiedergabegerät erkennt das gegenwärtige Dateiformat nicht."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Es ist kein Waveformgerät installiert, das Dateien im aktuellen Format aufnehmen kann. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um ein Waveformgerät zu installieren."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Das Gerät, mit dem Sie aufzeichnen möchten, erkennt das gegenwärtige Dateiformat nicht."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Es gibt kein Anzeigefenster."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Fenster konnte nicht erzeugt oder verwendet werden."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Die Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Datei existiert oder Ihre Netzwerkverbindung noch besteht."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass genügend Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist, oder dass die Netzwerkverbindung noch besteht."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Die Zeitformate von ""song pointer"" und SMPTE schliessen sich gegenseitig aus. Sie können sie nicht zusammen verwenden."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Es sind keine MIDI - Geräte auf dem System installiert. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um einen MIDI - Treiber zu installieren."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Der angegebene MIDI - Anschluss wird bereits verwendet. Warten Sie bis der Anschluss frei ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Das gegenwärtige MIDI - Mapper Setup benutzt ein MIDI - Gerät, dass nicht auf Ihren System installiert ist. Benutzen Sie den MIDI - Mapper in der Systemsteuerung, um das Setup zu ändern."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Beim Benutzen des angegebenen Anschlusses trat ein Fehler auf."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Es sind keine angegebnen MIDI - Geräte auf dem System installiert. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um ein MIDI - Gerät zu installieren."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Es gibt keinen aktuellen MIDI - Anschluss auf dem System."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Alle Multimediazeitgeber werden von anderen Anwendungen verwendet. Beenden Sie eine dieser Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."

View File

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Julio Cesar Gazquez
* Copyright 2005 José Manuel Ferrer Ortiz
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "El comando especificado fue ejecutado."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Error externo indefinido."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Un identificador de dispositivo que ha sido usado está fuera de rango para su sistema."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "El manejador no fue activado."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "El dispositivo especificado aún está en uso. Espere hasta que esté libre e intente nuevamente."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "El handle de dispositivo especificado es inválido."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "¡No hay un manejador instalado en su sistema!\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "No hay suficiente memoria disponible para esta tarea. Cierre una o más aplicaciones para aumentar la memoria disponible e inténtelo de nuevo."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Esta función no está soportada. Use la función Capacidades para determinar qué funciones y mensajes soporta el manejador."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Se ha especificado un número de error que no está definido en el sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Se ha pasado una bandera no válida a una función del sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Se ha pasado un parámetro no válido a una función del sistema."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "El formato especificado no está soportado o no puede ser traducido. Use la función Capacidades para determinar los formatos soportados."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Esta operación no puede ejecutarse mientras continúa la reproducción. Reinicie el dispositivo, o espere hasta que la reproducción termine."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "La cabecera de onda no está preparada. Use la función Preparar para prepararla, e inténtelo de nuevo."
WAVERR_SYNC, "No puede abrirse el dispositivo sin usar la bandera WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Utilícela, e inténtelo de nuevo."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "La cabecera MIDI no está preparada. Use la función Preparar para prepararla, e inténtelo de nuevo."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Esta operación no puede ejecutarse mientras se continúa tocando. Reinicie el dispositivo, o espera hasta que termine de tocar."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "No se encontró un mapa MIDI. Puede haber un problema con el controlador, el el fichero MIDIMAP.CFG puede faltar o estar corrupto."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "El puerto está transmitiendo datos al dispositivo. Espera hasta que los datos hayan sido transmitidos, e intente nuevamente."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "La configuración actual del mapeador MIDI refiere a un dispositivo MIDI que no está instalado en el sistema. Use el mapeador MIDI para editar la configuración."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "La configuración actual de MIDI está dañada. Copie el fichero MIDIMAP.CFG original al directorio SYSTEM de Windows SYSTEM, e intente nuevamente."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Identificador de dispositivo MCI inválido. Use el identificador devuelto al abrir el dispositivo MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "El controlador no puede reconocer el parámetro de comando especificado."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "El controlador no puede reconocer el comando especificado."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Hay un problema con su dispositivo. Asegúrese de que esté funcionando correctamente o contacte al fabricante del dispositivo."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "El dispositivo especificado no está abierto o no es reconocido por MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "No hay suficiente memoria para esta tarea.\nCierre una o más aplicaciones para aumentar la memoria disponible e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "El nombre de dispositivo ya está siendo usado como un alias por esta aplicación. Use un alias único."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Hay un problema no detectable en la carga del controlador de dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "No se ha especificado un comando."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "La cadena de salida es muy grande para caber en el buffer de retorno. Aumente el tamaño del buffer."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "El comando especificado requiere un parámetro de cadena de caracteres. Por favor provea uno."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "El entero especificado es inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "El controlador de dispositivo devolvió un tipo de retorno inválido. Contacte al fabricante del dispositivo para obtener un nuevo controlador."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Hay un problema con el controlador de dispositivo. Contacte al fabricante del dispositivo para obtener un nuevo controlador."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "El comando especificado requiere un parámetro. Por favor provea uno."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "El dispositivo MCI que está usando no soporta el comando especificado."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "No se encuentra el fichero especificado. Asegúrese que el path y el nombre del fichero son correctos."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "El controlador de dispositivo no está listo."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Un problema ha ocurrido inicializando el MCI. Intente reiniciar Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Hay un problema con el controlador del dispositivo. El controlador se ha cerrado. Intente reenviar el comando."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Utilice un nombre de dispositivo específico para este comando."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Han ocurrido errores en más de un dispositivo. Especifique cada comando y dispositivo por separado para determinar que dispositivos causaron el error."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "No puede determinarse el tipo de dispositivo a partir de la extensión de fichero dada."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "El parámetro especificado está fuera del rango para el comando especificado."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Los parámetros especificados no pueden usarse juntos."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "No puede encontrarse el dispositivo especificado. Asegúrese de que está instalado o de que el nombre del dispositivo está escrito correctamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "El dispositivo especificado está siendo cerrado. Espere unos segundos e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "El alias especificado ya está siendo usado por esta aplicación. Use un alias único."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "El parámetro especificado es inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "El controlador de dispositivo ya está en uso. Para compartirlo, use el parámetro 'compartible' ('shareable') con cada comando 'abrir' ('open')."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "El comando especificado requiere un alias, fichero, controlador o nombre de dispositivo. Por favor provea uno."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "El valor especificado para el formato de tiempo es inválido. Verifique los formatos válidos en la documentación de MCI."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Una comilla de cierre está faltando en el valor del parámetro. Por favor provea una."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Un parámetro o valor fue especificado dos veces. Especifíquelo una sola vez."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "El fichero especificado no puede ser tocado en el dispositivo MCI especificado. El fichero puede estar corrupto o en un formato incorrecto."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Se ha pasado un bloque de parámetros nulo al MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "No puede guardarse un fichero sin nombre. Provea un nombre para el fichero."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Debe especificar un alias cuando utilice el parámetro 'nuevo'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "No puede usar el flag 'notificar' con dispositivos de apertura automática."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "No puede usar un nombre de fichero con el dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "No pueden ejecutarse los comandos en el orden especificado. Corrija la secuencia de comandos e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "No puede ejecutarse el comando especificado en un dispositivo de apertura automática. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté cerrado e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "El nombre del fichero es inválido. Asegúrese de que el nombre del fichero no es mayor de 8 caracteres, seguido por un punto y una extensión."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "No puede especificar caracteres extra después de una cadena encerrada entre comillas."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "El dispositivo especificado no está instalado en el sistema. Use la opción Controladores en el Panel de Control para instalar el dispositivo."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado. Intente cambiando de directorio o reiniciando el equipo."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado porque la aplicación no puede cambiar de directorio."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado porque la aplicación no puede cambiar de unidad."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Especifique un dispositivo o nombre de controlador de menos de 79 caracteres."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Especifique un dispositivo o nombre de controlador de menos de 69 caracteres."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "El comando especificado requiere un parámetro entero. Por favor provea uno."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Todos los dispositivos que pueden tocar ficheros en este formato están en uso. Espere hasta que se libere un dispositivo e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "No puede prepararse el dispositivo de forma de onda para reproducción porque está en uso. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté libre e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Todos los dispositivos que pueden grabar ficheros en este formato están en uso. Espere hasta que se libere un dispositivo e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "No puede prepararse el dispositivo de forma de onda para grabación porque está en uso. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté libre e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Cualquier dispositivo compatible de reproducción de forma de onda puede ser usado."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Cualquier dispositivo compatible de grabación de forma de onda puede ser usado."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "No hay ningún dispositivo de forma de onda instalado capaz de reproducir ficheros en este formato. Use la opción Dispositivos para instalar el dispositivo de forma de onda."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"El dispositivo con el que intenta reproducir no puede reconocer el formato de fichero."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "No hay ningún dispositivo de forma de onda instalado capaz de grabar ficheros en este formato. Use la opción Dispositivos para instalar el dispositivo de forma de onda."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "El dispositivo con el que intenta grabar no puede reconocer el formato de fichero."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "No hay una ventana."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "No puede crearse o usar una ventana."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "No puede leerse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de que el fichero aún está presente, o revise su disco o conexión de red."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Los formatos de tiempo de ""song pointer"" y SMPTE son mutuamente exclusivos. No pueden utilizarse a la vez."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "El sistema no tiene dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use la opción Controladores en el Panel de Control para instalar el dispositivo."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "El puerto MIDI especificado ya está en uso. Espere hasta que esté libre e intente nuevamente."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "La configuración actual del mapeador MIDI refiere a un dispositivo MIDI que no está instalado en el sistema. Use el la opción del mapeador MIDI en el Panel de Control para editar la configuración."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Ha ocurrido un error con el puerto especificado."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "El dispositivo MIDI especificado no está instalado en el sistema. Use la opción Dispositivos en el Panel de Control para instalar un dispositivo MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "El sistema no tiene actualmente un puerto MIDI especificado."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Todos los temporizadores de multimedia están siendo usados por otras aplicaciones. Cierre una de esas aplicaciones e intente nuevamente."

View File

@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
* Winmm
* French language support
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "La commande spécifiée a été exécutée."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Erreur externe non définie."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Un identificateur de périphérique hors des limites pour votre système a été utilisé."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Le pilote n'a pas été activé."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Le périphérique spécifié est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'il soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Le handle de périphérique spécifié n'est pas valide."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Il n'y a pas de pilote installé sur votre système."
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Mémoire insuffisante pour cette tâche. Quittez un ou plusieurs programmes, puis essayez à nouveau."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Fonction non prise en charge. Utilisez la fonction Capacités pour obtenir les fonctions de ce pilote."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Un numéro d'erreur non défini dans le système a été spécifié."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Un indicateur non valide a été transmis à une fonction système."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Un paramètre non valide a été passé à une fonction système."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Le format choisi ne peut être traduit ou utilisé. Utilisez Capacités pour voir les formats pris en charge."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Le Lecteur multimédia continue à lire des données. Réinitialisez-le ou attendez que toutes les données aient été lues."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "L'en-tête du son n'a pas été préparé. Utilisez la fonction Préparer pour le faire, puis essayez à nouveau."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Impossible d'ouvrir le périphérique sans utiliser l'indicateur WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Utilisez l'indicateur, puis essayez à nouveau."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "L'en-tête MIDI n'a pas été préparé. Utilisez la fonction Préparer pour le faire, puis essayez à nouveau."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Le Lecteur multimédia continue à lire des données. Réinitialisez-le ou attendez que toutes les données aient été. lues."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Il n'y a pas d'instrument défini pour un mappeur MIDI. Utiliser l'onglet MIDI dans Propriétés multimédia pour installer les instruments."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Le port transmet des données au périphérique. Attendez la fin de la transmission, puis essayez à nouveau."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Le fichier de description d'instrument MIDI (.IDF) n'est pas valide. Pour plus d'informations, contactez le constructeur de l'instrument."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Un appel MIDI non valide dans le mode d'ouverture en cours a été émis. Ouvrez à nouveau le périphérique en employant le mode correct."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "ID de périphérique MCI non valide. Utilisez l'ID renvoyé lorsque vous avez ouvert le périphérique MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Le paramètre de commande utilisé n'est pas défini dans l'ensemble de commandes MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "La commande utilisée n'est pas une commande MCI valide."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Votre périphérique multimédia présente un problème. Vérifiez qu'il fonctionne convenablement ou contactez le constructeur."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Ce n'est pas un périphérique MCI connu."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Mémoire insuffisante pour cette tâche. Quittez un ou plusieurs programmes, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Cet alias est déjà utilisé par ce programme. Employez un alias unique plutôt que le nom du périphérique."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Le pilote de périphérique n'a pas pu être chargé. Vérifiez qu'il est installé correctement."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "La chaîne de commande est vide."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "La chaîne de sortie était trop grande pour tenir dans la mémoire tampon de retour. Augmentez la taille de la mémoire tampon."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "La commande spécifiée nécessite un paramètre chaîne de caractères : veuillez l'entrer."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Le nombre entier que vous avez spécifié n'est pas valide pour cette commande. Entrez un nombre."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Le pilote de périphérique a renvoyé une réponse de type non valide. Pour obtenir un nouveau pilote, contactez le constructeur du périphérique."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Le pilote de périphérique présente un problème. Demandez au constructeur du périphérique de vous fournir un nouveau pilote."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Il manque un paramètre dans la commande spécifiée : veuillez l'entrer."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Le périphérique MCI que vous utilisez ne prend pas en charge la commande spécifiée."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin d'accès et le nom de fichier sont corrects."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Le pilote de périphérique n'est pas prêt. Attendez une minute avant d'essayer à nouveau."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Un problème est survenu lors de l'initialisation de MCI. Essayez de redémarrer Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Une erreur spécifique au pilote a provoqué sa fermeture. Essayez de relancer la commande."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Utilisez un nom de périphérique spécifique pour cette commande."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Des erreurs se sont produites dans plusieurs périphériques. Spécifiez chaque commande et chaque périphérique séparément afin de déterminer les périphériques qui ont provoqué les erreurs."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Impossible de jouer ce fichier. Vérifiez le nom de fichier ou installez un pilote qui reconnaît ce type de fichier."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Le paramètre est hors limites pour la commande spécifiée."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Les paramètres spécifiés ne peuvent être utilisés ensemble."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Il est impossible d'enregistrer le fichier spécifié. Vérifiez que vous avez assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours connecté au réseau."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Le périphérique spécifié est introuvable. Vérifiez s'il est installé ou si son nom est correctement orthographié."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Le périphérique spécifié est en cours de fermeture. Attendez quelques secondes puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "L'alias spécifié est déjà utilisé dans cette application. Utilisez un alias unique."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "La constante utilisée n'est pas correcte pour cette commande."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Le pilote de périphérique est déjà utilisé en ce moment. Pour le partager, utilisez le paramètre de partage ('shareable') dans chaque commande d'ouverture ('open')."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "La commande spécifiée requiert un nom d'alias, de fichier, de pilote ou de périphérique : veuillez l'entrer."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "La valeur spécifiée comme format horaire n'est pas valide. Les formats valides sont indiqués dans la documentation MCI."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Un guillemet double fermant manque dans la valeur du paramètre. Ajoutez-le."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Un paramètre ou une valeur a été spécifié deux fois et ne peut être spécifié qu'une seule fois."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Le fichier ne peut pas être exécuté sur un périphérique MCI spécifié. Le fichier est endommagé ou son format n'est pas correct."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Un bloc de paramètres nuls a été passé à MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Impossible d'enregistrer un fichier sans nom. Entrez un nom de fichier."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Vous devez spécifier un alias lorsque vous employez le paramètre 'nouveau'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Il est impossible d'utiliser l'indicateur 'notifier' avec les périphériques à ouverture automatique."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Impossible d'utiliser un nom de fichier avec le périphérique spécifié."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Impossible d'exécuter les commandes dans l'ordre spécifié. Corrigez l'ordre des commandes, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Impossible d'exécuter cette commande sur un périphérique à ouverture automatique. Attendez que le périphérique soit fermé pour essayer à nouveau."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Le nom de fichier est incorrect."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Il est impossible de spécifier des caractères supplémentaires après une chaîne placée entre guillemets."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Ce périphérique n'est pas installé. Pour installer un nouveau pilote, double-cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le Panneau de configuration."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié. Essayez de changer de répertoire ou de redémarrer votre ordinateur."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié, car l'application ne peut pas changer de répertoire."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié, car l'application ne peut pas changer de lecteur."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Spécifiez un nom de périphérique ou de pilote de moins de 79 caractères."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Spécifiez un nom de périphérique ou de pilote comptant moins de 69 caractères."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "La commande spécifiée nécessite un paramètre numérique. Exemple : ""jouer jusqu'à 10"". Entrez ce paramètre."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Tous les périphériques audio capables de jouer des fichiers sous ce format sont en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'un périphérique audio soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Le périphérique audio de lecture est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'il soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Tous les périphériques audio capables d'enregistrer des fichiers sous ce format sont en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'un périphérique audio soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Le périphérique audio d'enregistrement est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'il soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "N'importe quel périphérique audio de lecture peut être utilisé."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "N'importe quel périphérique audio d'enregistrement peut être utilisé."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Aucun périphérique audio capable de jouer des fichiers sous le format en cours n'a été installé."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Ce périphérique ne parvient pas à reconnaître le format du fichier actuel. Sélectionnez un autre périphérique, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Aucun périphérique audio capable d'enregistrer des fichiers sous le format en cours n'a été installé."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Ce périphérique ne parvient pas à reconnaître le format du fichier actuel. Sélectionnez un autre périphérique, puis essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Il n'y pas de fenêtre d'affichage."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Impossible d'utiliser ou de créer une fenêtre."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Impossible de lire ce fichier. Assurez-vous qu'il n'a pas été supprimé ou vérifiez votre disque ou votre connexion réseau."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Il est impossible d'écrire des informations dans le fichier spécifié. Vérifiez que vous avez assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours connecté au réseau."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Il est impossible d'utiliser le format horaire pointeur de piste et le format horaire SMPTE en même temps."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Le système n'a pas de périphériques MIDI installés. Pour installer un nouveau pilote, double-cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le Panneau de configuration."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Le port MIDI spécifié est déjà utilisé. Attendez qu'il soit libre et essayez à nouveau."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "La configuration actuelle du mappeur MIDI fait référence à un périphérique MIDI non installé sur votre système. Utilisez l'option mappeur MIDI dans le Panneau de Configuration pour changer la configuration."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Une erreur est survenue sur le port spécifié."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Ce périphérique n'est pas installé. Pour installer un nouveau pilote, double-cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le Panneau de configuration."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Le système n'a pas spécifié de port MIDI par défaut."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Tous les temporisateurs multimédia sont en cours d'utilisation par d'autres applications. Quittez une de ces applications et essayez à nouveau."

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2003 Ivan Leo Puoti
* Copyright 2010 Luca Bennati
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Il comando specificato è stato eseguito."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Errore esterno non definito."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "È stato usato l'ID di un dispositivo che è fuori dalla portata del sistema."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Il driver non era abilitato."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Il dispositivo specificato è già in uso. Attendere che sia nuovamente disponibile e riprovare."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "L'handle del dispositivo specificato non è valido."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Non è stato installato nessun driver nel sistema !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Memoria insufficente per eseguire questa operazione. Chiudere una o più applicazioni per aumentare la memoria disponibile, e riprovare."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Questa funzione non è supportata. Usare la funzione Capabilities per determinare quali funzioni e messaggi sono supportati dal driver."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "È stato specificato un numero di errore non definito dal sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Una flag non valida è stata passata a una funzione di sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Un parametro non valido è stato pasato a una funzione di sistema."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Il formato specificato non è supportato o non può essere tradotto. Usare la funzione Capabilities per determinare le funzioni supportate"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Impossibile effettuare questa operazione mentre il supporto di dati è ancora in esecuzione. Reinizializzare il dispositivo o attendere la fine dell'esecuzione."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "L'header wave non è stato preparato. Usare la funzione Prepare per preparare l'header e riprovare."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Impossibile aprire il dispositivo senza usare la flag WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Usare la flag e riprovare."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "L'header MIDI non è stato preparato. Usare la funzione Prepare per preparare l'header e riprovare."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Impossibile effettuare questa operazione mentre il supporto di dati è ancora in esecuzione. Reinizializzare il dispositivo o attendere la fine dell'esecuzione."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Non è stata trovata una mappa MIDI. Ci potrebbe essere un problema con il driver o il file MIDIMAP.CFG potrebbe essere danneggiato o mancante."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "La porta sta trasmettendo dati al dispositivo. Attendere la fine della trasmissione dati e riprovare."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "La configurazione attuale del Mapper MIDI si riferisce a un dispositivo MIDI che non è presente nel sistema. Usare il Mapper MIDI per modificare la configurazione."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "La configurazione MIDI attuale è danneggiata. Copiare l'originale del file MIDIMAP.CFG nella directory SYSTEM di Windows e riprovare."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "ID del dispositivo MCI non valido. Usare l'ID restituito quando il dispositivo MCI è stato inizializzato."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Il driver non riconosce il parametro specificato del comando."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Il driver non riconosce il comando specificato."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "C'è un problema con il dispositivo multimediale. Controllare che funzioni correttamente o contattare il produttore."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Il dispositivo specificato non è inizializzato o non è riconosciuto da MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Memoria insufficente per eseguire questa operazione.\nChiudere una o più applicazioni per aumentare la memoria disponibile e riprovare."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Il nome del dispositivo è già in uso come alias da parte di questa applicazione. Usare un alias univoco."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Si è verificato un problema non rilevabile nel caricamento del driver specificato."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Non è stato specificato nessun comando."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "La stringa di output è troppo grande per entrare nel buffer di ritorno. Aumentare la dimensione del buffer."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Il comando specificato richiede un parametro che sia una stringa di caratteri. Fornirne uno."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Il numero intero specificato non è valido per questo comando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Il driver ha restituito un tipo non valido. Contattare il produttore del dispositivo per ottenere un nuovo driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "C'è un problema con il driver. Contattare il produttore del dispositivo per ottenere un nuovo driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Il comando specificato richiede un parametro. Fornirne uno."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Il dispositivo MCI in uso non supporta il comando specificato."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Il file specificato non è stato trovato. Controllare che l'indirizzo e il nome del file siano corretti."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Il driver del dispositivo non è pronto."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Si è verificato un problema nell'inizializzazione di MCI. Provare a riavviare Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Si è verificato un errore nel driver. Il driver è stato chiuso. Errore non accessibile."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Non è possibile usare 'all' come nome del dispositivo con il comando specificato."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Si sono verificati degli errori in più di un dispositivo. Specificare ogni comando e dispositivo separatamente per determinare quale dispositivo ha causato l'errore"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Impossibile determinare il tipo di dispositivo dall'estensione data."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Il parametro specificato è fuori dalla portata del comando specificato."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "I parametri specificati non possono essere usati insieme."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Impossibile salvare il file specificato. Controllare di avere abbastanza spazio libero o di essere ancora connessi alla rete."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Impossibile trovare il dispositivo specificato. Controllare che sia installato e che il nome sia digitato correttamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Il dispositivo specificato verrà chiuso. Attendere alcuni secondi e riprovare."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "L'alias specificato è già in uso da parte di questa applicazione. Usare un alias univoco."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Il parametro specificato non è valido per questo comando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Il driver è già in uso. Per condividerlo, usare il parametro 'shareable' con ogni comando 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Il comando specificato richiede un alias, un file, un driver o il nome di un dispositivo. Fornirne uno."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Il valore specificato non è valido per il formato dell'orario. Consultare la documentazione dell'MCI per i formati validi."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Manca un doppio apice di chiusura dal valore del parametro. Fornirne uno."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Un valore o un parametro è stato specificato due volte. Specificarlo solo una volta."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Il file specificato non può essere aperto con il dispositivo MCI specificato. Il file potrebbe essere daneggiato o in un formato errato."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Un null parameter block è stato passato a MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Non è possibile salvare un file senza nome. Fornire un nome al file."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "È necessario specificare un alias quando si usa il parametro 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Impossibile usare il flag 'notify' con dispositivi auto-inizializzati."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Impossibile usare un nome file con il dispositivo specificato."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Impossibile eseguire i comandi nell'ordine specificato. Correggere la sequenza e riprovare."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Impossibile eseguire il comando specificato con un dispositivo auto-inizializzato. Attendere la chiusura del dispositivo e riprovare."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Il nome del file non è valido. Controllare che il nome del file non sia più lungo di 8 caratteri, seguito da un punto e un'estensione."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Impossibile specificare altri caratteri dopo una stringa compresa tra apici."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Il dispositivo specificato non è installato nel sistema. Usare l'opzione Drivers nel Pannello di Controllo per installare il dispositivo."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato. Provare a cambiare la cartella o riavviare il computer."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato perché l'applicazione non può cambiare cartella."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato perché l'applicazione non può cambiare unità."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Specificare un driver o dispositivo con meno di 79 caratteri."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Specificare un driver o dispositivo con meno di 69 caratteri."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Il comando specificato richiede un numero intero come parametro. Fornirne uno."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Tutti i dispositivi wave che possono leggere il file nel formato attuale sono in uso. Attendere che un dispositivo wave sia libero e riprovare."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Impossibile impostare il dispositivo wave attuale per il play back perché in uso. Attendere che il dispositivo sia libero e riprovare."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Tutti i dispositivi wave che possono registrare nel formato attuale sono in uso. Attendere che un dispositivo wave sia disponibile e riprovare."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Impossibile impostare il dispositivo per registrare perché in uso. Attendere che il dispositivo sia disponibile e riprovare."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Può essere usato qualunque dispositivo compatibile waveform per la riproduzione."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Può essere usato qualunque dispositivo compatibile waveform per la registrazione."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nessun dispositivo wave installato può riprodurre i file nel formato attuale. Usare l'opzione Drivers per installare un dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Il dispositivo che si sta usando per riprodurre il file non riconosce il formato del file attuale."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nessun dispositivo wave installato può registrare dei file nel formato attuale. Usare l'opzione Drivers per installare un dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Il dispositivo che si sta usando per registrare non riconosce il formato del file attuale."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Non c'è nessuna finestra di visualizzazione."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Impossibile usare o creare la finestra."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Impossibile leggere il file specificato. Assicurarsi che il file sia ancora presente o controllare il disco o la connessione di rete."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Impossibile scrivere il file specificato. Controllare di avere spazio libero sufficiente sul disco o di essere ancora connessi alla rete."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "I formati dell'orario del ""song pointer"" e SMPTE si escludono vicendevolmente. Non si possono usare insieme."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Nel sistema non sono installati dispositivi MIDI. Usare l'opzione Drivers dal Pannello di Controllo per installare un driver MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "La porta MIDI specificata è già in uso. Attendere che sia libera e riprovare."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "La configurazione del Mapper MIDI si riferisce a un dispositivo MIDI che non è installato nel sistema. Usare l'opzione Mapper MIDI nel Pannello di Controllo per cambiare la configurazione."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Si è verificato un errore con la porta specificata."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Il dispositivo MIDI specificato non è installato nel sistema. Usare l'opzione Drivers nel Pannello di Controllo per installare un dispositivo MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Non è stata specificata una porta MIDI nel sistema."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Tutti i timer multimediali sono in uso da parte di altre applicazioni. Chiudere una di questa applicazioni e riprovare."

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2004 Hajime Segawa
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "指定されたコマンドを実行できませんでした。"
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "不明な外部エラーです。"
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "ドライバが有効になっていません。"
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "指定されたデバイスは使用中です。デバイスが解放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "無効なデバイスハンドルです。"
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "システムにドライバがインストールされていません!\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "この操作を実行するためのメモリが不足しています。いくつかのアプリケーションを終了して空きメモリを増やしてやり直して下さい。"
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "この機能はサポートされていません。Capabilities関数を使用してドライバがサポートする機能とメッセージを確認して下さい。"
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "指定されたエラー番号は定義されていません。"
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "システム関数に無効なフラグが渡されました。"
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "システム関数に無効なパラメータが渡されました。"
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "指定されたフォーマットはサポートされていないか、解釈できません。Capabilities関数を使用してサポートされているフォーマットを確認して下さい。"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "メディア再生中にはこの操作を実行できません。デバイスをリセットするか再生が終わるまで待って下さい。"
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "waveヘッダが準備されていません。Prepare関数を使用してヘッダを準備してやり直して下さい。"
WAVERR_SYNC, "WAVE_ALLOWSYNCフラグなしではデバイスをオープンできません。フラグを指定してやり直して下さい。"
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDIヘッダが準備されていません。Prepare関数を使用してヘッダを準備してやり直して下さい。"
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "メディア再生中にはこの操作を実行できません。デバイスをリセットするか再生が終わるまで待って下さい。"
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "MIDIマップが見つかりません。ドライバの問題か、MIDIMAP.CFGファイルが破損しているか存在しない可能性があります。"
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "ポートはデバイスにデータを送信中です。データの送信が終わるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "MIDIマッパの設定がシステムに装着されていないデバイスを参照しています。設定を変更するにはコントロールパネルの「MIDIマッパ」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "MIDIの設定が破損しています。オリジナルのMIDIMAP.CFGファイルをWindowsのSYSTEMディレクトリからコピーしてやり直して下さい。"
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "無効なMCIデバイスIDです。MCIデバイスをオープンしたときに返されたIDを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "ドライバは指定されたコマンドのパラメータを認識できませんでした。"
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "ドライバは指定されたコマンドを認識できませんでした。"
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "メディアデバイスに問題が発生しました。デバイスが正常に動作しているか確認するか、製造元に問い合わせて下さい。"
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "指定されたデバイスはオープンされていないか、MCIに認識されていません。"
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "この操作を実行するためのメモリが不足しています。\nいくつかのアプリケーションを終了して空きメモリを増やしてやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "デバイス名はこのアプリケーションによってエイリアスとして使用されています。独自のエイリアスを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "指定されたデバイスドライバのロード中に不明なエラーが発生しました。"
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "出力された文字列がバッファに入り切りません。バッファのサイズを増やして下さい。"
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "指定されたコマンドには文字列のパラメータが必要です。"
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "指定された整数値はこのコマンドには無効です。"
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "デバイスドライバが無効な形式の値を返しました。製造元に新しいドライバが無いか問い合わせて下さい。"
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "デバイスドライバに問題が発生しました。製造元に新しいドライバが無いか問い合わせて下さい。"
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "指定されたコマンドにはパラメータが必要です。"
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "使用しているMCIデバイスは指定されたコマンドをサポートしていません。"
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "指定されたファイルは見つかりません。ファイル名とパスを確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "デバイスドライバの準備ができていません。"
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "MCIの初期化中に問題が発生しました。Windowsを再起動して下さい。"
MCIERR_DRIVER, "デバイスドライバに問題が発生しました。ドライバはクローズされています。エラーにアクセスできません。"
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "指定されたコマンドは「all」をデバイス名として使用することができません。"
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "複数のデバイスでエラーが発生しました。どのデバイスでエラーが発生したか確認するには、コマンドとデバイスを別個に指定して下さい。"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "指定されたファイルの拡張子からデバイスの種類を特定できません。"
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "指定されたコマンドに対して指定されたパラメータは範囲外です。"
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "指定されたパラメータは同時に使用できません。"
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "指定されたファイルは保存できませんでした。ディスクに十分な空き容量があるか、あるいはネットワークに接続されているか確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "指定されたデバイスは見つかりませんでした。デバイスが装着されていて、デバイス名のつづりが正しいか確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "指定されたデバイスはクローズ処理中です。数秒待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "指定されたエイリアスはこのアプリケーションによってエイリアスとして使用されています。独自のエイリアスを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "指定されたパラメータはこのコマンドには無効です。"
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "デバイスドライバは使用中です。デバイスを共有するには「open」コマンドごとに「shareable」パラメータを指定して下さい。"
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "指定されたコマンドにはエイリアス、ファイル、ドライバまたはデバイス名を指定する必要があります。"
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "指定された時間のフォーマットが無効です。使用できるフォーマットに関してはMCIのドキュメントを参照して下さい。"
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "ダブルクオーテーションが閉じていません。"
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "パラメータが二重に指定されています。"
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "指定されたファイルは指定されたMCIデバイスでは再生できません。ファイルが破損しているか、フォーマットが不正です。"
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "ファイル名が指定されていないため保存できません。ファイル名を指定して下さい。"
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "「new」パラメータを使用する場合はエイリアスを指定する必要があります。"
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "オートオープンされたデバイスに「notify」フラグを使用することはできません。"
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "指定されたデバイスに対してファイル名を使用することはできません。"
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "指定された順序でコマンドを実行できません。コマンドシーケンスを修正してやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "オートオープンされたデバイスに対して指定されたコマンドを実行できません。デバイスがクローズするまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "ファイル名が無効です。ファイル名が半角8文字以内で、ピリオドに続いて拡張子が付いていることを確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "クオーテーションマークに囲われた文字列に続く余分な文字を特定できません。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "指定されたデバイスはインストールされていません。デバイスをインストールするにはコントロールパネル内の「ハードウェアの追加と削除」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_GET_CD, "指定されたファイルまたはMCIデバイスにアクセスできません。ディレクトリを変更するか、コンピュータを再起動して下さい。"
MCIERR_SET_CD, "アプリケーションがディレクトリを変更できないため、指定されたファイルまたはMCIデバイスにアクセスできません。"
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "アプリケーションがドライブを変更できないため、指定されたファイルまたはMCIデバイスにアクセスできません。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "デバイス名またはドライバ名は半角79文字以内で指定して下さい。"
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "デバイス名またはドライバ名は半角69文字以内で指定して下さい。"
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "指定されたコマンドには整数値のパラメータが必要です。"
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "ファイルを現在のフォーマットで再生できるwaveデバイスは全て使用中です。デバイスが解放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "現在のwaveデバイスは使用中なので再生モードに設定できません。デバイスが解放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "現在のフォーマットで録音が可能な全てのwaveデバイスは使用中です。デバイスが解放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "現在のwaveデバイスは使用中なので録音モードに設定できません。デバイスが解放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "互換性のある再生デバイスのどれかが使用されます。"
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "互換性のある録音デバイスのどれかが使用されます。"
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "現在のフォーマットでファイルを再生できるwaveデバイスはインストールされていません。waveデバイスをインストールするにはコントロールパネル内の「ハードウェアの追加と削除」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "現在のフォーマットでファイルを録音できるwaveデバイスはインストールされていません。waveデバイスをインストールするにはコントロールパネル内の「ハードウェアの追加と削除」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "録音しようとしているデバイスは現在のファイルフォーマットを認識できません。"
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "表示ウィンドウがありません。"
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "ウィンドウの作成または使用ができません。"
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "指定したファイルを読み込めません。ファイルが存在するか確認して下さい、あるいはディスクかネットワーク接続を確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "指定されたファイルに書き込めません。ディスクに十分な空き容量があるか、あるいはネットワークに接続されているか確認して下さい。"
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "「ソングポインタ」とSMPTEの時間フォーマットを同時に使用することはできません。"
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "MIDIデバイスはインストールされていません。MIDIドライバをインストールするにはコントロールパネル内の「ハードウェアの追加と削除」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "指定されたMIDIポートは使用中です。MIDIポートが開放されるまで待ってからやり直して下さい。"
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "MIDIマッパの設定がシステムに装着されていないデバイスを参照しています。設定を変更するにはコントロールパネルの「MIDIマッパ」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "指定されたポートでエラーが発生しました。"
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "指定されたMIDIデバイスはシステムに装着されていません。MIDIデバイスをインストールするにはコントロールパネル内の「ハードウェアの追加と削除」アプレットを使用して下さい。"
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "システムに現在のMIDIポートが指定されていません。"
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "全てのマルチメディアタイマは他のアプリケーションによって使用されています。タイマを使用しているアプリケーションを一つ終了してからやり直して下さい。"

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2005 YunSong Hwang
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "지정된 명령이 실행되었습니다."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "알수 없는 외부 에러."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "이 장치ID는 당신의 시스템 범위 밖에서 사용되고 있습니다."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "이 드라이버는 가능하지 않습니다."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "지정된 장치는 이미 사용중입니다.자유롭게 될때까지 기다리고 다시 시도하십시오."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "지정된 장치 핸들은 적합하지 않습니다."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "당신의 시스템에는 어떤 드라이버도 설치되어 있지 않습니다 !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "이 작업을 위한 충분한 메모리가 없습니다.하나나더 많은 풀그림을 끝내아서 메모리를 늘리고 다시 시도하십시오."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "이 기능은 지원되지 않습니다. 드라이버가 지원하는 메세지와 함수들을 결정할 수 있는 함수를 사용하십시오."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "이 에러 넘버는 시스템에서 정의되지 않았습니다."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "잘못된 플래그는 시스템 함수에서 무시했습니다."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "잘못된 매개변수는 시스템 함수에서 무시했습니다."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "지정된 형식은 지원하지 않거나 전송할 수 없습니다. 지원하는 형식을 결정하는 가능한 함수를 사용하십시오"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "미디어 데이타가 재생되는 동안 이 작업을 실행 할 수 없습니다. 장치를 리셋하거나, 데이타 재생이 끝날때까지 기다리십시오."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "웨이브 헤더는 준비되지 않았습니다. 헤더를 준비하기 위해 준비된 함수를 사용하십시오, 그리고 다시 시도하십시오."
WAVERR_SYNC, " WAVE_ALLOWSYNC 플래그를 사용하지 않고 장치를 열 수 없습니다. 이 플래그를 사용해서 다시 시도하십시오."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI 헤더는 준비되지 않았습니다. 헤더를 준비시키기 위해 준비 함수를 사용하십시오, 그리고 다시 시도하십시오n."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "미디어 데이타가 재생되는 동안 이 작업을 실행 할 수 없습니다. 장치를 리셋하거나, 데이타 재생이 끝날때까지 기다리십시오."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "MIDI 맵은 찾을 수 없습니다. 드라이버의 문제이거나, MIDIMAP.CFG 파일이 망가졌거나 없는 문제일 수도 있습니다."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "이 포트는 장치로 데이타를 옮기는 중입니다. 데이타가 다 옮겨질 때까지 기다리십시오,그리고 다시 시도하십시오"
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "MIDI 장치를 지원하는 MIDI Mapper 설정은 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. MIDI Mapper 를 사용해서 설정을 고치십시오."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "현재 MIDI 설정은 손상되었습니다. 본래 MIDIMAP.CFG 파일을 윈도우즈 SYSTEM 디렉토리에 복사하고, 다시 시도하십시오."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "잘못된 MCI 장치 ID. MCI 장치를 열 때 반환한 ID를 사용하십시오."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "이 드라이버는 지정된 명령 매개변수를 인식할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "이 드라이버는 지정된 명령을 인식할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "이것은 당신의 미디어 장치 문제입니다. 반드시 올바르게 작동한다고 확신한다면 장치 제조자에게 연락하십시오"
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "지정된 장치는 열수 없거나 MCI에서 인식 할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "이 작업을 위한 충분한 메모리가 없습니다.\n하나나 더 많은 풀그림을 종료시켜서 가능한 메모리를 증가시키시오, 그리고 다시 시도하시오."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "이 장치 이름은 이미 다른 풀그림에서 별명으로 사용중입니다. 유일한 별명을 사용하십시오."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "이 지정된 장치 드라이버를 불러오는 중에 감지되지 않은 에러가 있습니다."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "출력 문자열은 반환 버퍼에 채우기에는 너무 큽니다. 버퍼 크기를 증가시키십시오."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "지정된 명령은 캐릭터-문자열 매개변수를 요구합니다. 지정해 주십시오."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "지정된 정수는 이 명령에 적합하지 않습니다."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "이 장치 드라이버는 잘못된 반환 값을 반환하였습니다. 장치 제조자에게서 새 드라이버를 얻을수 있는지 체크하십시오."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "이것은 장치 드라이버 문제입니다. 장치 제조자에게서 새 드라이버를 얻을수 있는지 체크하십시오."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "지정된 명령은 매개변수를 요구합니다. 매개변수를 추가하십시오."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "당신이 사용한 MCI 장치는 지정된 명령을 지원하지 않습니다."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "지정된 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.경로와 파일이름이 올바른지 확인하십시오."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "장치 드라이버는 준비되지 않았습니다."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "MCI 초기화시 문제가 발생했습니다. 윈도우를 재시작하고 시도해보세요."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "이것은 장치 드라이버 문제입니다. 드라이버가 닫혔습니다. 에러에 접근 할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "지정된 명령의 장치 이름으로 'all'은 사용할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "하나나 더 많은 장치에서 에러 발생. 장치가 발생시키는 에러를 처리 할수 있도록 각가의 장치에 명령을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "주어진 파일 확장자로 장치 타입을 결정할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "지정된 매개변수는 지정된 명령 범위 밖에 있습니다."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "지정된 매개변수는 함께 사용할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "지정된 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 충분한 공간이 있는지 확인하거나.내트워크가 연결되어있는지 확인하세요."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "지정된 장치를 찾을 수 없습니다.이것이 설치된게 확실하다면 장치이름이 올바른지 확인하십시오."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "지정된 장치는 지금 닫혔습니다. 잠시 기다린 후에 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "지정된 별명은 이미 프로그램에 의해 사용중입니다. 중복되지 않는 별명을 사용하십시오."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "지정된 매개변수는 이 명령에 적합하지 않습니다."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "이 장치 드라이버는 이미 사용중입니다. 이것을 공유하려면, 'shareable' 매개변수를 'open'명령과 같이 사용하십시오."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "지정된 명령은 별명,파일,드라이버나 장치 이름을 필요로 합니다. 이것을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "시간 형식에 지정된 값은 올바르지 않습니다. MCI 문서에서 올바를 형식을 확인하십시오."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "매개변수 값에서 닫힌 쌍 따옴표 하나가 빠졌습니다. 이것을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "이 값의 매개변수는 두번 지정되었습니다. 오직 하나만 지정하십시오"
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "이 지정된 파일은 지정된 MCI장치에서 재생 할 수 없습니다. 이 파일이 깨졌거나 올바르지 않은 형식입니다."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "이 빈 매개변수 블럭은 MCI에서 무시되었습니다."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "이름없는 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 파일 이름을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, " '반드시 new'매개변수를 사용할 별명을 지정해주어야 합니다."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "'notify' 플래그는 자동으로 열린 장치에 사용할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "지정된 장치하고 파일이름은 같이 사용할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "명령을 지정된 순서대로 보낼 수 없습니다. 명령 순서를 고치고 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "지정된 명령을 자동으로 열린 장치에 보낼 수 없습니다. 장치가 닫히기를 기다리고 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "이 파일이름은 올바르지 않습니다. 파일이름이 점과 확장자를 더해서 8자보다 길지 않은지 확인하십시오."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "인용부호로 둘러 싼 문자 뒤에 추가 문자를 지정 할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "지정된 장치는 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 제어판에서 드라이버 옵션을 사용해서 장치를 설치하십시오."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "지정된 파일이나 MCI 장치에 접근할 수 없습니다. 디렉토리를 바꾸거나 컴퓨터를 재시작하십시오."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "풀그림이 디렉토리를 바꿀 수 없기 때문에 지정된 특정한 파일이나 MCI장치에 접근할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "풀그림이 디렉토리를 바꿀 수 없기 때문에 지정한 파일이나 MCI장치에 접근할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "79자보다 적게 장치나 드라이버 이름을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "69자보다 적게 장치나 드라이버 이름을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "지정된 명령은 정수 매개 변수를 요구합니다. 이것을 지정하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "현재 형식의 파일을 재생하는 모든 웨이브 장치는 사용중입니다. 웨이브 장치가 자유롭게 될 때 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "사용중이므로 현재 웨이브 장치를 플레이 백으로 설정 할 수 없습니다. 장치가 자유롭게 될때까지 기다리고, 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "현재 형식의 파일을 녹음하는 모든 웨이브 장치는 사용중입니다. 웨이브 장치가 자유롭게 될 때 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "사용중이므로 현재 웨이브 장치를 녹음으로 설정 할 수 없습니다. 장치가 자유롭게 될때까지 기다리고, 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "어떤 호환성이 있는 웨이브폼 플레이백 장치도 사용될수 있습니다."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "어떤 호환성이 있는 웨이브폼 녹음 장치도 사용될수 있습니다."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "현재 형식의 파일을 재생할 수 있는 어떤 웨이브 장치도 없습니다. 드라이버 옵션에서 웨이브 장치를 설치하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"당신이 재생하려는 장치는 현재 파일 형식을 인식 할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "현재 형식의 파일을 녹음할 수 있는 어떤 웨이브 장치도 없습니다. 드라이버 옵션에서 웨이브 장치를 설치하십시오."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "당신이 녹음하려는 장치는 현재 파일 형식을 인식할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "어떤 디스플레이 창도 없습니다."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "창을 사용하거나 만들 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "지정된 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다. 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나,당신의 디스크나 네트워트 연결를 체크해보십시오."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "지정된 파일에 기록할 수 없습니다. 디스크 공간이 충분한지 확인하거나. 네트워크에 연결중인지 확인하십시오"
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, " ""song pointer""의 시간 형식하고 SMPTE 는 서로 배타적입니다. 이것들을 같이 사용할 수 없습니다."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "이 시스템에는 설치된 MIDI 장치가 없습니다. 제어판의 장치 옵션에서MIDI 드라이버를 설치하십시오."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "지정된 MIDI 포트는 이미 사용중입니다.자유롭게 될 때까지 기다리고 다시 시도하십시오."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "MIDI 정차에 관련된 MIDI Mapper 설정은 시스템에 설치되어있지 않습니다. 제어판의 MIDI Mapper 옵션을 사용해서 설정을 고치십시오."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "지정된 포트에 에러가 발생했습니다."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "지정된 MIDI 장치는 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 제어판에서 장치 옵션을 사용해서 MIDI 장치를 설치하십시오."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "이 시스템은 현재 열거된 MIDI포트를 가지고 있지 않습니다."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "모든 멀티미디어 타이머는 다른 풀그림에 의해 사용중입니다. 최소한 하나의 풀그림을 끝내고 다시 시도하십시오."

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2009 Aurimas Fišeras <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Nurodyta komanda buvo atlikta."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Neapibrėžta išorinė klaida."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Buvo panaudotas įrenginio identifikatorius, kuris nepatenka į sistemos rėžius."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Tvarkyklė nebuvo įjungta."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Nurodytas įrenginys jau naudojamas. Palaukite, kol jis atsilaisvins, tada mėginkite vėl."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Nurodyta įrenginio rodyklė yra netinkama."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Sistemoje nėra įdiegta tvarkyklė!\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Trūksta atminties šiai užduočiai. Išeikite iš vienos ar daugiau programų laisvos atminties kiekiui padidinti ir mėginkite vėl."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Ši funkcija yra nepalaikoma. Naudokite gebėjimų (Capabilities) funkciją, kad nustatytumėte, kurias funkcijas ir pranešimus tvarkyklė palaiko."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Buvo nurodytas klaidos kodas, kuris yra neapibrėžtas sistemoje."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Sisteminei funkcijai buvo perduotas neteisingas žymos bitas."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Sisteminei funkcijai buvo perduotas neteisingas parametras."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Nurodytas formatas yra nepalaikomas arba negali būti perskaičiuotas. Naudokite gebėjimų (Capabilities) funkciją palaikomiems formatams nustatyti"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Negalima įvykdyti šios operacijos kol medijos duomenys dar groja. Paleiskite įrenginį iš naujo arba laukite kol duomenys bus baigti groti."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Wave antraštė nebuvo paruošta. Naudokite paruošimo (Prepare) funkciją antraštei paruošti ir mėginkite vėl."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Negalima atverti įrenginio nenaudojat WAVE_ALLOWSYNC žymos bito. Naudokite žymos bitą ir mėginkite vėl."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI antraštė nebuvo paruošta. Naudokite paruošimo (Prepare) funkciją antraštei paruošti ir mėginkite vėl."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Negalima įvykdyti šios operacijos, kol medijos duomenys dar groja. Paleiskite įrenginį iš naujo arba laukite kol duomenys bus baigti groti."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "MIDI atvaizdis nerastas. Tai gali būti problema su tvarkykle arba trūksta MIDIMAP.CFG failo arba jis yra pažeistas."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Prievadas perduoda duomenis įrenginiui. Palaukite kol duomenys bus perduoti ir mėginkite vėl."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Dabartinė MIDI atvaizdžio konfigūracija kreipiasi į MIDI įrenginį, kuris nėra įdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite MIDI Mapper konfigūracijai redaguoti."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Dabartinė MIDI konfigūracija yra pažeista. Nukopijuokite originalų MIDIMAP.CFG failą į Windows SYSTEM katalogą ir mėginkite vėl."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Klaidingas MCI įrenginio identifikatorius. Naudokite identifikatorių grąžintą atveriant MCI įrenginį."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Tvarkyklė negali atpažinti nurodyto komandos parametro."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Tvarkyklė negali atpažinti nurodytos komandos."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Iškilo problema su jūsų medijos įrenginiu. Įsitikinkite, kad jis veikia teisingai arba kreipkitės į įrenginio gamintoją."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Nurodytas įrenginys nėra atvertas arba yra neatpažintas MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Trūksta atminties šiai užduočiai.\nIšeikite iš vienos ar daugiau programų laisvos atminties kiekiui padidinti ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Įrenginio vardas jau yra naudojamas programos kaip alternatyvus vardas. Naudokite unikalų alternatyvų vardą."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Iškilo neaptinkama klaida įkeliant nurodytą įrenginio tvarkyklę."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nenurodyta jokia komanda."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Išvedimo eilutė buvo per ilga, kad tilptų į buferį. Padidinkite buferio dydį."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Nurodytai komandai reikalingas simbolių eilutės parametras. Prašome jį nurodyti."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Nurodytas sveikasis skaičius yra klaidingas šiai komandai."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Įrenginio tvarkyklė grąžino klaidingą atsakymo tipą. Susisiekite su įrenginio gamintoju dėl naujos tvarkyklės gavimo."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Yra problema su įrenginio tvarkykle. Susisiekite su įrenginio gamintoju dėl naujos tvarkyklės gavimo."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Nurodytai komandai yra privalomas parametras. Prašome jį nurodyti."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "MCI įrenginys, kurį jūs naudojate, nepalaiko nurodytos komandos."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Nepavyko rasti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad kelias ir failo vardas yra teisingi."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Įrenginio tvarkyklė neparengta."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Įvyko klaida inicijuojant MCI. Mėginkite perkrauti Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Yra problema su įrenginio tvarkykle. Tvarkyklė buvo užverta. Nepavyko gauti klaidos."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Negalima naudoti „all“ kaip įrenginio vardo nurodytai komandai."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Įvyko klaidų daugiau kaip viename įrenginyje. Nurodykite kiekvieną komandą ir įrenginį atskirai, kad nustatytumėte, kurie įrenginiai sukėlė klaidą."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Nepavyko nustatyti įrenginio tipo iš duoto failo prievardžio."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Nurodytas parametras nepatenka į rėžius nurodytai komandai."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Nurodyti parametrai negali būti naudojami kartu."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Nepavyko išsaugoti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad diske yra pakankamai vietos, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Nepavyko rasti nurodyto įrenginio. Įsitikinkite, kad jis įdiegtas ir ar teisingai įrašytas įrenginio vardas."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Nurodytas įrenginys yra užveriamas. Palaukite kelias sekundes ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Nurodytas alternatyvus vardas jau yra naudojamas šioje programoje. Naudokite unikalų alternatyvų vardą."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Nurodytas parametras yra klaidingas šiai komandai."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Įrenginio tvarkyklė jau naudojama. Norėdami naudoti bendrai, naudokite parametrą „shareable“ su kiekviena „open“ komanda."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Nurodytai komandai reikalingas alternatyvus vardas, failo, tvarkyklės ar įrenginio vardas. Prašome jį pateikti."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Nurodyta reikšmė laiko formatui yra klaidinga. Skaitykite MCI dokumentaciją tinkamiems formatams rasti."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Parametro reikšmei trūksta reikalingų užveriančių dvigubų kabučių. Prašome jas pateikti."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Parametras ar reikšmė buvo nurodyta du kartus. Nurodykite tik vieną kartą."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Nurodytas failas negali būti grojamas per nurodytą MCI įrenginį. Failas gali būti sugadintas arba netinkamo formato."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Nulinis parametrų blokas buvo perduotas į MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Negalima išsaugoti bevardžio failo. Nurodykite failo vardą."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Jūs privalote pateikti alternatyvų vardą, kai naudojate parametrą „new“."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Negalima naudoti „notify“ žymos bito su automatiškai atvertais įrenginiais."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Negalima naudoti failo vardo su nurodytu įrenginiu."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Negalima įvykdyti komandų nurodyta tvarka. Ištaisykite komandų seką ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Negalima įvykdyti nurodytos komandos automatiškai atvertam įrenginiui. Palaukite, kol įrenginys bus užvertas ir tada mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Netinkamas failo vardas. Įsitikinkite, kad failo vardas yra neilgesnis kaip 8 simbolių, o po jų seka taškas ir plėtinys."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Negalima nurodyti papildomų simbolių po eilutės apsuptos kabutėmis."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Nurodytas įrenginys neįdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį valdymo skydelyje įrenginiui įdiegti."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį. Mėginkite keisti katalogus ar perkrauti kompiuterį."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį, nes programa negali pakeisti katalogų."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį, nes programa negali pakeisti diskų."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Nurodykite įrenginio ar tvarkyklės vardą, kuris yra trumpesnis nei 79 simboliai."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Nurodykite įrenginio ar tvarkyklės vardą, kuris yra trumpesnis nei 69 simboliai."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Nurodytai komandai reikalingas sveikojo skaičiaus parametras. Prašome jį pateikti."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Visi wave įrenginiai, kurie gali groti dabartinio formato failus yra naudojami. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Negalima nustatyti dabartinio wave įrenginio grojimui, nes jis yra naudojamas. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Visi wave įrenginiai, kurie gali įrašyti failus dabartiniu formatu yra naudojami. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Negalima nustatyti dabartinio wave įrenginio įrašymui, nes jis yra naudojamas. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Bet kuris derantis wave tipo grojimo įrenginys gali būti naudojamas."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Bet kuris derantis wave tipo įrašymo įrenginys gali būti naudojamas."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nėra įdiegtas joks wave įrenginys galintis groti dabartinio formato failus. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį wave įrenginiui įdiegti."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE, "Įrenginys per kurį mėginate groti negali atpažinti dabartinio failo formato."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nėra įdiegtas joks wave įrenginys galintis įrašyti dabartinio formato failus. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį wave įrenginiui įdiegti."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Įrenginys iš kurio mėginate įrašyti negali atpažinti dabartinio failo formato."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Nėra rodymo lango."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Nepavyko sukurti ar naudoti lango."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Nepavyko skaityti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad failas vis dar egzistuoja arba patikrinkite diską ar tinklo ryšį."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Nepavyko rašyti į nurodytą failą. Įsitikinkite, kad yra pakankamai laisvos vietos diske, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "„Dainos rodyklės“ ir SMPTE laiko formatai yra nesuderinami. Negalite jų naudoti kartu."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Sistemoje nėra įdiegtų MIDI įrenginių. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį valdymo skydelyje MIDI tvarkyklei įdiegti."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Nurodytas MIDI prievadas jau naudojamas. Palaukite, kol jis bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Dabartinė MIDI Mapper konfigūracija kreipiasi į MIDI įrenginį, kuris nėra įdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite MIDI Mapper nuostatą valdymo skydelyje konfigūracijai redaguoti."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Įvyko klaida su nurodytu prievadu."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Nurodytas MIDI įrenginys yra neįdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite tvarkyklių nuostatą valdymo skydelyje MIDI įrenginiui įdiegti."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Sistemoje nėra nurodytas dabartinis MIDI prievadas."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Visi įvairialypės terpės laikmačiai yra naudojami kitų programų. Išeikite iš vienos tokios programos ir mėginkite vėl."

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Klaas van Gend
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "De gespecificeerde opdracht is uitgevoerd."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Ongedefinieerde fout van buitenaf."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Een apparaat-ID werd gebruikt dat buiten de grenzen van uw systeem ligt."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "De driver is niet geactiveerd."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Het gewenste apparaat is in gebruik. Wacht totdat het vrijkomt en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "De gespecificeerde apparaatverwijzing is ongeldig."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Er is geen driver geïnstalleerd op uw systeem !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Er is niet genoeg geheugen beschikbaar voor deze taak. Sluit enkele programma's af om meer geheugen vrij te krijgen en doe dan nog een poging."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Deze functie wordt niet ondersteund. Gebruik de 'Capabilities' functie om uit te zoeken welke toepassingen en boodschappen de driver ondersteund."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Een niet binnen het systeem bekend foutnummer werd gebruikt."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Een ongeldige vlag werd aan een systeemfunctie gevoerd."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Een systeemfunctie kreeg een ongeldige parameter te eten."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Het aangegeven formaat wordt niet ondersteund of geconverteerd. Gebruik de 'Capabilities' functie om de ondersteunde formaten te vinden"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan deze opdracht niet uitvoeren zolang er afgespeeld wordt. Herstart het apparaat of wacht totdat het apparaat klaar is met spelen."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "De Wave Header was niet aanwezig. Gebruik de 'Prepare' functie om de Header te genereren en probeer het dan opnieuw."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Kan het apparaat niet openen zonder de WAVE_ALLOWSYNC vlag. Zet de vlag en probeer opnieuw."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "De MIDI Header was niet aanwezig. Gebruik de 'Prepare' functie om de Header te genereren en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan deze opdracht niet uitvoeren zolang afgespeeld wordt. Herstart het apparaat of wacht totdat het apparaat klaar is met spelen."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Er is geen MIDI Map gevonden. Er zou een driver probleem kunnen zijn of de MIDIMAP.CFG file is verminkt of afwezig."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "De poort is bezig data ter versturen naar het apparaat. Wacht totdat alle data is verstuurd en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "De huidige MIDI Mapper setup verwijst naar een MIDI-apparaat dat niet op het systeem aanwezig is. Gebruik MIDI Mapper om de instellingen aan te passen."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "De huidige MIDI setup is beschadigd. Kopieer de originele MIDIMAP.CFG file naar de Windows SYSTEM directory en probeer het daarna weer."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Ongeldig MCI-apparaat-ID. Gebruik het teruggegeven ID als u dit MCI-apparaat opent."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "De driver herkent de opgegeven opdrachtparameter niet."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "De driver herkent de opgegeven opdracht niet."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Er is een probleem met uw media-apparaat. Controleer of hij correct werkt of neem contact op met de leverancier."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Het opgegeven apparaat is niet geopend of wordt niet door MCI herkend."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Er is niet genoeg geheugen beschikbaar voor deze taak. Sluit enkele programma's af om meer geheugen vrij te krijgen en probeer opnieuw."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Een apparaat met die naam is al als alias in gebruik door deze applicatie. Gebruik een unieke alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Er is een onbekende fout ontstaan tijdens het laden van de apparaatdriver."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Er was geen opdracht opgegeven."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "De output string was te groot om in de antwoordbuffer te passen. Vergroot de buffer."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "De gegeven opdracht vereist een character-stringparameter. Lever er s.v.p. één aan"
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "De gegeven integer is niet geldig bij dit commando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "De apparaat driver retourneerde een ongeldige waarde. Vraag de fabrikant om een andere driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Er is een probleem met de apparaat driver. Vraag de fabrikant om een andere driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "De gegeven opdracht heeft een parameter nodig. Vult u deze a.u.b. in."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Het MCI-apparaat dat u gebruikt ondersteund het gegeven commando niet."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden. Zorg ervoor dat het pad en de bestandsnaam correct zijn."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "De apparaatdriver is niet gereed."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Tijdens het initialiseren van MCI ontstond een probleem. Probeer dit te verhelpen door Windows opnieuw te starten."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Er is een probleem met de apparaatdriver. Daarom is de driver afgesloten. Derhalve een toegangsfout."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Kan 'all' niet gebruiken als apparaatnaam bij het opgegeven commando."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "In meer dan één apparaat zijn fouten opgetreden. Geef elk commando en apparaat apart op om te achterhalen welke apparaten fouten veroorzaken."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Kan het apparaat type niet achterhalen uit de gegeven bestandsextensie."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "De gegeven parameter is buiten het bereik van het opgegeven commando."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "De gegeven parameters kunnen niet samen gebruikt worden."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Kan de opgegeven file niet opslaan. Zorg ervoor dat er voldoende schijfruimte is of dat u nog steeds met het netwerk verbonden bent."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Kan het opgegeven apparaat niet vinden. Verzeker u ervan dat het correct geïnstalleerd is en dat de apparaatnaam correct is opgegeven."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Het opgegeven apparaat wordt nu gesloten. Wacht s.v.p. enkele seconden en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "De opgegeven alias is al in gebruik door dit programma. Gebruik een unieke alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "De opgegeven parameter is ongeldig voor dit commando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "De apparaatdriver is al in gebruik. Om het te delen, gebruik de 'deelbaar' parameter met elk 'open' commando."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Het gegeven commando vereist een alias, bestand, driver of apparaatnaam. Geeft u er svp een in."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "De gegeven waarde voor het tijdsformaat is ongeldig. Zoek in de MCI handleidingen naar geldige formaten."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Een afsluitende dubbele apostrof ontbreekt van de parameter waarde. Geeft u er s.v.p. één op."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Een parameter of waarde werd dubbel opgegeven. Doe dat s.v.p. maar één keer."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Het gegeven bestand kan niet op het MCI-apparaat worden afgespeeld. Het bestand is misschien corrupt of niet in het juiste formaat."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Een leeg parameterblok werd doorgegeven aan MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Kan een bestand zonder naam niet opslaan. Geef een bestandsnaam s.v.p."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "U moet een alias opgeven als u de 'new' parameter gebruikt."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan de 'notify' vlag niet gebruiken met automatisch geopende apparaten."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Kan voor het huidige apparaat geen bestandsnaam gebruiken."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Kan de opgegeven commando's niet in deze volgorde uitvoeren. Corrigeer de commandoreeks en probeer opnieuw."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan het opgegeven commando niet uitvoeren op een automatisch geopend apparaat. Wacht totdat het apparaat is afgesloten en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "De bestandsnaam is ongeldig. Zorg ervoor dat de bestandsnaam aan het 8.3 formaat voldoet."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Het is niet mogelijk om extra lettertekens toe te voegen na een string in aanhalingstekens."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Het opgegeven apparaat is niet geïnstalleerd op het systeem. Gebruik de 'Drivers'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om het apparaat te installeren."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen. Probeer de directory te wijzigen of de computer opnieuw te starten."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen omdat de applicatie de directory niet kan wijzigen."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen omdat de applicatie de directory niet kan wijzigen."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Geef een apparaat of driver naam op met minder dan 79 lettertekens."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Geef een apparaat of driver naam op met minder dan 79 lettertekens."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Het gegeven commando vereist een integer parameter. Geef er s.v.p. één."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Alle WAVE-apparaten die in staat zijn om een bestand in dit formaat af te spelen, zijn in gebruik. Wacht totdat een WAVE-apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Kan het huidige WAVE-apparaat niet gebruiken omdat het in gebruik is. Wacht totdat het apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Alle WAVE-apparaten die in staat zijn om een bestand in dit formaat op te nemen, zijn in gebruik. Wacht totdat een WAVE-apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Kan het huidige WAVE-apparaat niet gebruiken om op te nemen omdat het in gebruik is. Wacht totdat het apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Elk compatibel WAVE-afspeelapparaat kan worden gebruikt."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Elk compatibel WAVE-opnameapparaat kan worden gebruikt."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Er is momenteel geen WAVE-apparaat geïnstalleerd dat bestanden in het huidige formaat kan afspelen. Gebruik de 'Drivers' optie om zo'n WAVE-apparaat te installeren."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Het apparaat waar u mee probeert af te spelen is niet in staat om het huidige formaat te herkennen."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Er is momenteel geen WAVE-apparaat geïnstalleerd dat bestanden in het huidige formaat kan opnemen. Gebruik de 'Drivers' optie om zo'n WAVE-apparaat te installeren."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Het apparaat waar u mee probeert op te nemen is niet in staat om het huidige formaat te herkennen."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Er is geen weergave venster."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Kon geen venster maken of gebruiken."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Kan het opgegeven bestand niet lezen. Controleer of het bestand nog steeds bestaat, en controleer de verbinding naar de disk of het netwerk."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Kan het opgegeven bestand niet schrijven. Controleer of er voldoende schijfruimte is, en controleer de verbinding met het netwerk."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Van tijdsformaten van 'song pointer' en SMPTE kan er maar een in gebruik zijn. U kunt ze niet beide tegelijkertijd gebruiken."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Het systeem heeft geen MIDI apparaten geïnstalleerd. Gebruik de 'Drivers'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om een MIDI-apparaat te installeren."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "De opgegeven MIDI poort is al in gebruik. Wacht totdat deze vrij is en probeer dan opnieuw."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "De huidige MIDI Mapper setup verwijst naar een MIDI-apparaat dat niet op het systeem is geïnstalleerd. Gebruik de 'MIDI mapper'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om een MIDI-apparaat te installeren."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de opgegeven poort."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Het opgegeven MIDI Mapper apparaat is niet op het systeem geïnstalleerd. Gebruik de 'MIDI mapper'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om het te installeren."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Het systeem heeft momenteel geen aangewezen MIDI poort."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Alle multimedia timers zijn in gebruik door andere applicaties. Sluit een van deze applicaties, probeer het dan opnieuw."

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2005 Alexander N. Sørnes <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Den oppgitte kommandoen ble utført."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Udefinert ekstern feil."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "En enhets-ID som er utenfor rekkevidde på ditt system er brukt."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Driveren ble ikke aktivert."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Den oppgitte enheten er allerede i brukuse. Vent til den er ledig og prøv igjen."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Det oppgitte enhetshåndtaket er ugyldig."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Det er ingen driver installert på systemet.\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Ikke nok minne for denne operasjonen. Avslutt ett eller flere programmer for å frigjøre minne og prøv igjen."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Denne funksjonen støttes ikke. Bruk funksjonen 'Capabilities' for å finne ut hvilke funksjoner og meldinger driveren støtter."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Et feilnummer som ikke er definert i systemet ble oppgitt."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Et ugyldig flagg ble gitt til en systemfunksjon."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "En ugyldig parameter ble gitt til en systemfunksjon."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Det oppgitte formatet støttes ikke eller kan ikke oversettes. Bruk funksjonen 'Capabilities' for å se de støttede formaten."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan ikke utføre denne operasjonen mens medie-data spilles. Tilbakestill enheten, eller vent til dataene er spilt av."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Digitallydhodet var ikke forberedt. Bruk funksjonen 'Prepare' for å forberede hodet og prøv deretter igjen."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Kan ikke åpne enheten uten å bruke flagget 'WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Bruk flagget og prøv igjen."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI-hodet var ikke forberedt. Bruk funksjonen 'Prepare' for å forberede hodet og prøv deretter igjen."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan ikke utføre denne operasjonen når medie-data avspilles. Tilbakestill enheten, elelr vent til dataene er ferdig avspilt."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Fant ikke et MIDI-kart. Det kan være et problem med driveren, eller filen 'MIDIMAP.CFG' kan være korrupt eller mangle."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Porten sender data til enheten. Vent til datene er ferdig sendt og prøv igen."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Oppsettet for MIDI-kartleggeren refererer til en MIDI-enhet som ikke er installert på systemet. Bruk MIDI-kartleggeren til å redigere oppsettet."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Det gjeldende MIDI-oppsettet er skadet. Kopier den opprinnelige 'MIDIMAP.CFG'-filen til Windows' system-katalog og prøv igjen."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Ugyldig MCI enhets-ID. Bruk ID'en som returneres når MCI-enheten åpnes."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Driveren kunne ikke gjenkjenne den oppgitte kommandoparameteren."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Driveren kunne ikke gjenkjenne den oppgitte kommandoen."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Det er et problem med medieenheten. Sørg for at den virker ordentlig eller kontakt leverandøren."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Den oppgitte enheten er ikke åpen, eller ikke gjenkjent av MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Ikke nok minne for denne operasjonen.\nAvslutt ett eller flere programmer for å frigjøre minne og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Enhetsnavnet brukes allerede som et alies av dette programmet. Bruk et unikt alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Et uoppdagelig problem oppstod under lastingen av den oppgitte driveren."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Ikke kommando ble oppgitt."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Skrevne strengen var for stor til å passe i returhurtigminnet. Øk størrelsen på hurtigminnet."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Den oppgitte kommandoen krever en tegnstreng-parameter. Oppgi en."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Det oppgitte heltallet er ugyldig for denne kommandoen."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Enhetsdriveren returnerte en ugyldig returtype. Kontakt produsenten for å få en ny driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Det er et problem med enhetsdriveren. Kontakt produsenten for å få en ny driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Den oppgitte kommandoen krever en parameter. Oppgi en."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "MCI-enheten som brukes støtter ikke den oppgitte kommandoen."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Kunne ikke finne den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at stien og filnavnet er riktig."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Enhetsdriveren er ikke klar."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Et problem oppstod under initaliseringen av MCi. Prøv å starte Windows på nytt."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Det er et problem med enhetsdriveren. Driveren har avsluttet, får ikke tilgang til feil."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Kan ikke bruke 'all' som enhetsnavn med den oppgitte kommandoen."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Feil oppstod i mer enn én enhet. Oppgi hver kommando og enhet seperat for å finne ut hvilken enhet som forårsaket feilen."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Kan ikke bestemme enhetstypen fra den oppgitte filens etternavn."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Den oppgitte parameteren er utenfor rekkevidde for den oppgitte kommandoen."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "De oppgitte parameterne kan ikke brukes sammen."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Kunne ikke lagre den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok diskplass, og at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Fant ikke den oppgitte enheten. Kontroller at den er installert eller at enhetsnavnet er riktig stavet."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Den oppgitte enheten er iferd med å avsluttes. Vent et par sekunder og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Det oppgitte aliaset brukes allerede i dette programmet. Bruk et unikt alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Den oppgitte parameteren er ugyldig for denne kommandoen."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Enhetsdriveren er allerede i bruk. Bruk parameteren 'shareable' for hver 'open'-kommando for å dele den."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Den oppgitte kommandoen krever et alias, en fil, driver eller et enhetsnavn."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Den oppgitte vardien for tidsformatet er ugyldig. Se i MCI-dokumentasjonen for gyldige formater."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Et dobbelt hermetegn for lukking mangler fra parameterverdien. Oppgi et."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "En parameter eller verdi ble oppgitt to ganger. Oppgi det kun én gang."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Den oppgitte filen kan ikke spilles av på den oppgitte MCI-enheten. Filen er kanskje korrupt, eller i feil format."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "En nullparamterblokk ble gitt til MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Kan ikke lagre en fil uten avn. Oppgi et filnavn."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Du må oppgi et alias når du bruker parameteren 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan ikke bruke flagget 'notify' med automatisk åpnete enheter."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Kan ikke bruke et filnavn med den oppgitte enheten."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Kunne ikke utføre kommandoen i den oppgitte rekkefølgen. Ordne rekkefølgden og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Kunne ikke utføre den oppgitte kommandoen på en automatisk åpnet enhet. Vent til enheten er lukket og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Filnavnet er ugyldig. Kontroller at filnavnet ikek er lengre enn 8 tegn, etterfulgt av et punktum og et etternavn."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Kan ikke oppgi ekstra tegn etter en streng omsluttet av doble anførselstegn."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Den oppgitte enheten er ikke installert på systemet. Bruk valget 'Drivere' i Kontrollpanel for å installere enheten."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCi-enheten. Prøv å endre kataloger eller starte maskinen på nytt."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCI-enheten fordi programmet ikke kan endre arbeidskatalog."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCI-enheten fordi programmet ikke kan endre arbeidskatalog."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Oppgi en enhet eller drivernavn som er mindre enn 79 tegn."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Oppgi en enhet eller drivernavn somer mindre enn 69 tegn."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Den oppgitte kommandoen trenger en heltall-parameter. Oppgi en."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Alle digitallydenheten som kan spille av filer i det gjeldende formatet er opptatt. Vent til en digitallydenhet er ledig og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Kunne ikke sette den gjeldende digitallydenheten til avspilling fordi den er i bruk. Vent til enheten er ledig og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Alle digitallydenheter som kan ta opp filer i det gjeldende formatet er opptatt. Vent til en digitallydenhet er ledig og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Kunne ikke sette den gjeldende digitallydenheten til opptak fordi den er i bruk. Vent til enheten er ledig og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Enhver kompatibel enhet for digitallydavspilling kan brukes."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Enhver kompatibel lydopptakenhet kan brukes."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen digitallydenhet som kan spille av filer i det gjeldende formatet er installert. Bruk valget 'Drivere' for å installere digitallydenheten."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Enheten du prøver å spille av på gjenkjenner ikke det gjeldende filformatet."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen digitallydenhet som kan ta opp filer i det gjeldende formatet er installert. Bruk 'Drivere'-valget for å installere digitallydenheten."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Enheten du prøver å ta opp fra gjenkjenner ikke det gjeldende filformatet."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Det er ikke noe visningsvindu."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Kunne ikke opprette eller bruke vindu."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Kunne ikke lese den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at filen fortsatt finnes, og kontroller forbindelsen til disken eller nettverket."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Kunne ikke skrive til den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok ledig diskplass, og at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Tidsformatet til ""song pointer"" og 'SMPTE' kan ikke brukes sammen."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Systemet har ikke noen installerte MIDI-enheter. Bruk valget 'Drivere' i Kontrollpanelet for å installere en MIDI-driver."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Den oppgitte MIDI-porten er allerede i bruk. Vent til den er ledig og prøv igjen."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Det gjeldende oppsettet for MIDI-kartleggeren refererer til en MIDI-enhet som ikke er installert på systemet. Bruk valget 'MIDI-kartlegger' i Kontrollpanelet for å endre oppsettet."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "En feil oppstod med den oppgitte porten.."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Den oppgitte MIDI-enheten er ikke installert på systemet. Bruk valget 'Drivere' i Kontrollpanelet for å installere en MIDI-enhet."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Systemet har ikke spesifisert en gjeldende MIDI-port."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Alle multimediatidtakere brukes av andre programmer. Avslutt ett av disse programmene og prøv igjen."

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2009 Łukasz Wojniłowicz
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Wykonano podane polecenie."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Niezdefiniowany zewnętrzny błąd."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Został użyty identyfikator urządzenia, który jest poza zakresem twojego systemu."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Sterownik nie został włączony."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Podane urządzenie jest już w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż się zwolni i spróbuj ponownie."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Uchwyt podanego urządzenia jest niepoprawny."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Na twoim systemie nie ma zainstalowanego sterownika !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Masz zbyt mało dostępnej pamięci do tego zadania.\n Zakończ jedną lub więcej aplikacji, aby zwiększyć rozmiar dostępnej pamięci i spróbuj ponownie."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Ta funkcja nie jest wspierana. Użyj funkcji 'Capabilities' aby określić, które funkcje i wiadomości są wspierane przez sterownik."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Określono numer błędu, który nie jest zdefiniowany w systemie."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Przekazano niepoprawną flagę do funkcji systemowej."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Przekazano niepoprawny parametr do funkcji systemowej."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Określony format nie jest wspierany lub nie może być przetłumaczony. Użyj funkcji 'Capabilities' aby określić wspierane formaty"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nie można wykonać tej operacji w czasie gdy dane z nośnika nadal są odtwarzane. Zresetuj urządzenie lub poczekaj, aż dane skończą być odtwarzane."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Nagłówek wav'u nie jest przygotowany. Użyj funkcji 'Prepare' aby przygotować nagłówek i spróbuj ponownie."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Nie można otworzyć urządzenia bez użycia flagi WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Użyj tej flagi i spróbuj ponownie."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "Nagłówek MIDI nie jest przygotowany. Użyj funkcji 'Prepare' aby przygotować nagłówek i spróbuj ponownie."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nie można wykonać tej operacji w czasie gdy dane z nośnika nadal są odtwarzane. Zresetuj urządzenie lub poczekaj, aż dane skończą być odtwarzane."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Map MIDI nie znalezione. Problem może być ze sterownikiem lub zepsutym albo brakującym plikiem MIDIMAP.CFG."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Port przesyła dane do urządzenia. Poczekaj, aż dane zostaną przesłane i spróbuj ponownie."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Aktualne ustawienie MIDI Mapera odnosi się do urządzenia MIDI które nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj MIDI Mapera do edycji ustawień."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Aktualne ustawienia MIDI są uszkodzone. Skopiuj oryginalny plik MIDIMAP.CFG do Windowsowego folderu SYSTEM i wtedy spróbuj ponownie."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Niepoprawny identyfikator urządzenia MCI. Użyj identyfikatora zwróconego podczas otwierania urządzenia MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Sterownik nie może rozpoznać podanego parametru w poleceniu."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Sterownik nie może rozpoznać podanego polecenia."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Wystąpił problem z twoim urządzeniem multimedialnym. Upewnij się, że działa poprawnie lub skontaktuj się z producentem urządzenia."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Podane urządzenie nie jest otwarte lub nie jest rozpoznawane przez MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Masz zbyt mało dostępnej pamięci do tego zadania.\n Zakończ jedną lub więcej aplikacji aby zwiększyć rozmiar dostępnej pamięci i wtedy spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Nazwa urządzenia została już użyta przez tą aplikację jako pseudo. Użyj unikalnego pseudo."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Wystąpił niewykrywalny problem podczas ładowania podanego sterownika urządzenia."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Brak podanego polecenia."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Łańcuch znaków wyjściowych był zbyt długi, aby zmieścić się do zwracanego bufora. Zwiększ rozmiar bufora."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Podane polecenie wymaga znaku/łańcucha znaków jako parametru. Proszę podać jedno z tych."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Określona liczba całkowita jest niepoprawna dla tego polecenia."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Sterownik urządzenia zwrócił niepoprawny typ zwracany. Sprawdź czy możesz pobrać nowy sterownik u producenta urządzenia."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Wystąpił problem ze sterownikiem urządzenia. Sprawdź czy możesz pobrać nowy sterownik u producenta urządzenia."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Podane polecenie wymaga parametru. Proszę podać jakiś."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Urządzenie MCI, którego używasz nie wspiera podanego polecenia."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Nie można znaleźć podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że ścieżka i nazwa pliku są prawidłowe."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Sterownik urządzenia nie jest gotowy."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Wystąpił problem podczas inicjalizacji MCI. Spróbuj uruchomić ponownie Windowsa."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Wystąpił problem ze sterownikiem urządzenia. Sterownik zakończył. Błąd niemożności dostępu."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Nie można użyć 'all' jako nazwy urządzenia z określonym poleceniem."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Wystąpiły błędy w więcej niż jednym urządzeniu. Podaj oddzielnie każde polecenie i urządzenie, aby określić, które urządzenia wywołują błąd"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Nie można określić typu urządzenia z podanego rozszerzenia pliku."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Określony parametr jest spoza zakresu dla podanego polecenia."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Podane parametry nie mogą być użyte razem."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Nie można zapisać podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że masz wystarczająco miejsca na dysku lub czy jesteś jeszcze podłączonym do sieci."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Nie można znaleźć podanego urządzenia. Upewnij się, że jest zainstalowane lub, że nazwa jest wpisana prawidłowo."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Podane urządzenie jest w tej chwili zamykane. Poczekaj kilka sekund i wtedy spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Podane pseudo jest w tej chwili używane w tej aplikacji. Użyj unikalnego pseudo."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Podany parametr jest niepoprawny dla tego polecenia."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Urządzenie jest już w użyciu. Aby je współdzielić użyj parametru 'shareable' z każdym poleceniem 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Podane polecenie potrzebuje pseudo, pliku, sterownika, lub nazwy urządzenia. Proszę podać jedno z tych."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Podana wartość dla formatu czasu jest niepoprawna. Odnieś się do dokumentacji MCI w sprawie poprawnych formatów."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Brakuje zamykającego cudzysłowu w wartości parametru. Proszę wpisz go."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Parametr lub wartość była podana dwukrotnie. Podaj tylko jednokrotnie."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Podany plik nie może być odtworzony w podanym urządzeniu MCI. Plik może być zepsuty lub w niewłaściwym formacie."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Zerowy blok parametrów został przekazany od MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Nie można zapisać nienazwanego pliku. Podaj nazwę pliku."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Musisz podać pseudo przy użyciu parametru 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Nie można użyć flagi 'notify' z automatycznie otwartymi urządzeniami."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Nie można użyć nazwy pliku z podanym urządzeniem."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Nie można wykonać poleceń w podanej kolejności. Popraw sekwencję poleceń i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Nie można wykonać podanych poleceń na automatycznie otwartym urządzeniu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zakończy i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Nazwa pliku jest niepoprawna. Upewnij się, że nazwa pliku nie ma więcej niż 8 znaków, zakończonych kropką i rozszerzeniem."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Nie można podać dodatkowych znaków po tym jak łańcuch znaków został zamknięty w cudzysłowie."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Podane urządzenie nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' w Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować urządzenie."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI. Spróbuj zmienić foldery lub uruchom ponownie komputer."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI, ponieważ aplikacja nie może zmienić folderów."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI, ponieważ aplikacja nie może zmienić urządzeń."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Podaj urządzenie albo nazwę sterownika o liczbie znaków mniejszej niż 79."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Podaj urządzenie albo nazwę sterownika o liczbie znaków mniejszej niż 69."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Podane polecenie wymaga liczby całkowitej jako parametru. Proszę podaj jakąś."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Wszystkie urządzenia wave które mogą odtwarzać pliki w aktualnym formacie są w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie wave zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Nie można ustawić aktualnego urządzenia wave na odtwarzanie, ponieważ jest w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Wszystkie urządzenia, które mogą nagrywać pliki w aktualnym formacie są w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie wave zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Nie można ustawić aktualnego urządzenia wave na nagrywanie, ponieważ jest w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Każde urządzenie kompatybilne z odtwarzaniem waveform może być użyte."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Każde urządzenie kompatybilne z nagrywaniem waveform może być użyte."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Brak zainstalowanego urządzenia wave, które może odtwarzać pliki w aktualnym formacie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' aby zainstalować urządzenie wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Urządzenie, którym próbujesz odtworzyć nie może rozpoznać aktualnego formatu plików."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Brak zainstalowanego urządzenia wave, które może nagrywać pliki w aktualnym formacie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' aby zainstalować urządzenie wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Urządzenie, którym próbujesz nagrać nie może rozpoznać aktualnego formatu plików."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Nie ma okna wyświetlającego."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Nie można stworzyć lub użyć okna."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Nie można odczytać podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że plik nadal istnieje lub sprawdź twój dysk lub połączenie sieciowe."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Nie można zapisać do podanego pliku. Upewnij się że masz wystarczająco miejsca na dysku lub czy jesteś nadal podłączony do sieci."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Formaty czasu dla ""song pointer"" i SMPTE są wzajemnie wykluczające się. Nie możesz użyć ich razem."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Urządzenia MIDI nie są zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' z Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować sterownik MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Podany port MIDI jest już w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż się zwolni i spróbuj ponownie."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Aktualne ustawienie Mapera MIDI odnosi się do urządzenia MIDI, które nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'MIDI Mapper' z Panelu Sterowania, aby edytować ustawienie."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Wystąpił błąd z podanym portem."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Podane urządzenie MIDI nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' z Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować urządzenie MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Nie podano aktualnego portu MIDI w systemie."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Wszystkie wyzwalacze multimedialne są używane przez inne aplikacje. Zamknij jedną z tych aplikacji i spróbuj ponownie."

View File

@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Gustavo Junior Alves
* Copyright 2003 Marcelo Duarte
* Copyright 2006-2007 Américo José Melo
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "O comando especificado foi descarregado."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Erro externo indefinido."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "O ID do dispositivo utilizado está fora dos parâmetros do seu sistema."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "O driver não foi habilitado."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "O dispositivo especificado já está em uso. Aguarde até que seja liberado, e então tente novamente."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "O handle do dispositivo especificado é inválido."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Não há nenhum driver instalado em seu sistema !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Não há memória disponível suficiente para essa tarefa. Feche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Essa função não é suportada. Utilize a função Capacidades para determinar quais funções e mensagens o driver suporta."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Um número de erro foi especificado e não está definido em seu sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Um flag inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Um parâmetro inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "O formato especificado não é suportado ou não pode ser traduzido. Use a função Capacidades para determinar os formatos suportados."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Não é possível executar esta operação enquando os dados de mídia estiverem tocando. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até o término da execução."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "O cabeçalho do wave não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Não é possível abrir o dispositivo sem utilizar a flag WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Use a flag, e então tente novamente."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "O cabeçalho MIDI não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Não é possível executar esta operação enquanto os dados da mídia estiverem sendo executados. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até os dados terminarem de ser tocados."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "O mapa MIDI não foi encontrado. Talvez seja um problema com o driver, ou o arquivo MIDIMAP.CFG pode estar corrompido ou faltando."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "A porta está transmitindo dados para o dispositivo. Aguarde até os dados terminarem de ser transmitidos, e então tente novamente."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "A configuração atual do MIDI Mapper refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não está instalado no sistema. Use MIDI Mapper para editar a configuração."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "A configuração atual do MIDI está corrompida. Copie o arquivo original MIDIMAP.CFG para o diretório Windows SYSTEM, e então tente novamente."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "ID inválido do dispositivo MCI. Use o ID retornado para abrir o dispositivo MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "O driver não pode reconhecer o parâmetro de comando especificado."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "O driver não pode reconhecer o comando especificado."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Há um problema com seu dispositivo de mídia. Tenha certeza que esteja funcionando corretamente ou contacte o fabricante do dispositivo."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "O dispositivo especificado não está aberto ou não é reconhecido pelo MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Não já memória disponível sufuciente para esta tarefa.\nFeche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "O nome do dispositivo já está sendo usado como um alias por esta aplicação. Use um alias único."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Aconteceu um problema desconhecido enquanto carregava o driver do dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nenhum comando foi especificado."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "A string de saída foi muito grande para ser colocada no buffer de retorno. Aumente o tamanho do buffer."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "O comando especificado requer como parâmetro uma string de caracters. Por favor, forneça-a."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "O inteiro especificado é inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "O driver do dispositivo retornou um tipo inválido. Verifique com o fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Existe um problema com o seu driver de dispositivo. Verifique com o fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "O comando especificado requer um parâmetro. Por favor forneça-o."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "O dispositivo MCI que você está usando não suporta o comando especificado."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Não é possível encontrar o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que o caminho e o nome do arquivo estão corretos."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "O driver do dispositivo não está preparado."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Um problema ocorreu na inicialização do MCI. Tente reiniciar o Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Há um problema com o driver do dispositivo. O driver foi fechado. Não é possível acessar o erro."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Não é possível usar 'all' como nome do dispositivo com o comando especificado."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Erros ocorreram em mais de um dispositivo. Especifique cada comando e dispositivo separadamente para determinar quais dispositivos causaram o erro."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Não é possível determinar o tipo de dispositivo dada a extensão de arquivo."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "O parâmetro especificado está fora da escala para o comando especificado."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Os parâmetros especificados não podem ser utilizados juntos."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Não é possível salvar o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que tenha espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado a rede."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Não é possível encontrar o dispositivo especificado. Certifique-se que está instalado ou que o nome do dispositivo foi escrito corretamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "O dispositivo especificado está sendo fechado agora. Aguarde alguns segundos, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "O alias especificado já está sendo utilizado nesta aplicação. Use um alias único."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "O parâmetro especificado é inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "O driver de dispositivo já está em uso. Para compartilha-lo, use o parâmetro 'shareable' para cada comando 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "O comando especificado requer um alias, arquivo, driver ou nome de dispositivo. Por favor, forneça um."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "O valor especificado para o formato de hora é inválido. Verifique na documentação do MCI sobre formatos válidos."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "A aspa-dupla de fechamento está faltando para o valor do parâmetro. Por favor forneça uma."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Um parâmetro ou valor foi especificado duas vezes. Apenas especifique-o uma única vez."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "O arquivo espeficidado não pode ser tocado no dispositivo MCI especificado. O arquivo pode estar corrompido, ou não estar no formato correto."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Um bloco de parâmetro nulo foi passado para o MCI.."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Não é possível salvar um arquivo sem nome. Por favor forneça um nome de arquivo."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Você precisa especificar um alias quando utilizar o parâmetro 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Não é possível utilizar o flag 'notify' em dispositivos abertos automaticamente."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Não é possível usar um nome de arquivo com o dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Não é possível descarregar os comandos na ordem especificada. Corrija a sequência dos comandos, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Não é possível descarregar o comando especificado em um dispositivo aberto automanticamente. Aguarde até o dispositivo ser fechado, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "O nome do arquivo é inválido. Certifique-se que o nome do arquivo não é maior que 8 caracteres, seguido por um ponto e uma extensão."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Não é possível especificar caracteres extras após uma string entre aspas."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "O dispositivo especificado não esta instalado no sistema. Utilize o opção Drivers no Painel de Controle para instalar o dispositivo."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Não é possível acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI. Tente mudar de diretório ou reiniciar seu computador."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Não é possível acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a aplicação não pode mudar de diretório."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Não posso acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a aplicação não pode mudar de drive."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Especifique um dispositivo ou nome de driver que seja menor que 79 caracteres."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Especifique um dispositivo ou nome de driver que seja menor que 69 caracteres."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "O comando especificado requer um parâmetro inteiro. Por favor forneça um."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Todos os dispositivos wave que podem tocar arquivos no formato atual estão em uso. Aguarde até um dispositivo wave ficar ocioso e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Não é possível definir o dispositivo wave atual para tocar porque está em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo ficar ocioso e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Todos os dispositivos wave que podem gravar arquivos no formato atual estão em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo wave ficar ocioso, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Não foi possivel definir o dispositivo wave corrente para gravar porque ele está em uso. Aguarde até ele ficar livre, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Qualquer dispositivo tocador compatível com o formato wave pode ser utilizado."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Qualquer dispositivo gravador compatível com o formato wave pode ser utilizado."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa tocar arquivos no formato wave está instalado. Use a opção Drivers para instalar o dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"O dispositivo que você está tentando tocar não reconhece o formato do arquivo atual."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa gravar arquivos no formato atual está instalado. Use o opção Drivers para instalar o dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "O dispositivo de onde você está tentando gravar não pode reconhecer o formato do arquivo atual."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Não há nenhuma janela de visualização."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Não é possível criar ou utilizar a janela."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Não é possível ler o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que o arquivo ainda está presente, ou verifique seu disco ou conecção de rede."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Não é possível gravar no arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que você possui espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado na rede."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "O formato de hora do ""song pointer"" e SMPTE são mutualmente exclusivos. Você não pode utilizá-los juntos."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "O sistema não possui dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use a opção Drivers no Painel de Controle para instalar um driver MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "A porta MIDI especificada já esta em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e tente novamente."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "A configuração atual do MIDI Mapper refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não está instalado em seu sistema. Use a opção MIDI Mapper do Painel de Controle para editar a configuração."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Um erro ocorreu com a porta especificada."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "O dispositivo MIDI especificado não está instalado em seu sistema. Use a opção Drivers no Painel de Controle para instalar um dispositivo MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "O sistema não têm atualmente uma porta MIDI especificada."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Todos os temporizadores de multimídia estão sendo utilizados por outras aplicações. Feche uma dessas aplicações, então tente novamente."
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "O comando indicado foi realizado."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Erro externo não definido."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "O ID de um dispositivo usado está fora dos parâmetros do seu sistema."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "O controlador não foi activado."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "O dispositivo indicado já está em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e então tente novamente."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "O manuseamento do dispositivo indicado é inválido."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Não existe nenhum controlador instalado no seu sistema !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Não existe memória disponível suficiente para esta tarefa. Feche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Esta função não é suportada. Use a função Capacidades para determinar que funções e mensagens o controlador suporta."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Um número de erro foi indicado que não está definido no seu sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Uma opção inválida foi passada para uma função do sistema."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Um parâmetro inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "O formato indicado não é suportado ou não pode ser traduzido. Use a função Capacidades para determinar os formatos suportados."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Não é possível executar esta operação enquando os dados da média estiverem a reproduzir. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até que a reprodução dos dados termine."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "O cabeçalho do wave não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Não é possível abrir o dispositivo sem usar a opção WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Use a opção, e então tente novamente."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "O cabeçalho MIDI não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Não é possível executar esta operação enquanto os dados da média estiverem a ser reproduzidos. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até que a reprodução dos dados termine."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Não foi encontrado um mapa MIDI. Talvez seja um problema com o controlador, ou o ficheiro MIDIMAP.CFG pode estar corrompido ou em falta."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "O porto está a transmitir dados para o dispositivo. Aguarde até que os dados terminem de ser transmitidos, e então tente novamente."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "A configuração actual do Mapeador MIDI refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não está instalado no sistema. Use o Mapeador MIDI para editar a configuração."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "A configuração actual do MIDI está corrompida. Copie o ficheiro original MIDIMAP.CFG para o directório Windows SYSTEM, e então tente novamente."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "ID inválido do dispositivo MCI. Use o ID retornado para abrir o dispositivo MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "O controlador não pode reconhecer o parâmetro do comando indicado."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "O controlador não pode reconhecer o comando indicado."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Existe um problema com o seu dispositivo de média. Certifique-se que está a funcionar correctamente ou contacte o fabricante do dispositivo."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "O dispositivo indicado não está aberto ou não é reconhecido pelo MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Não há memória disponível suficiente para esta tarefa.\nFeche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "O nome do dispositivo já está a ser usado como uma alias por esta aplicação. Use uma alias única."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Ocorreu um problema desconhecido enquanto carregava o controlador do dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nenhum comando indicado."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "A string de saída era demasdiado comprida para ser colocada no 'buffer' de retorno. Aumente o tamanho do 'buffer'."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "O comando indicado requer como parâmetro uma string de caracteres. Por favor, forneça-a."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "O inteiro indicado é inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "O controlador do dispositivo retornou um tipo inválido. Verifique com o fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo controlador."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Ocorreu um problema com o seu controlador de dispositivo. Verifique com o fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo controlador."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "O comando indicado requer um parâmetro. Por favor forneça-o."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "O dispositivo MCI que está a usar não suporta o comando indicado."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Não é possível encontrar o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que a localização e o nome do ficheiro estão correctos."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "O controlador do dispositivo não está preparado."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Ocorreu um problema na inicialização do MCI. Tente reiniciar o Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Existe um problema com o controlador do dispositivo. O controlador foi fechado. Não é possível aceder ao erro."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Não é possível usar 'all' como nome do dispositivo com o comando indicado."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Ocorreram erros em mais de um dispositivo. Indique cada comando e dispositivo separadamente para determinar que dispositivos causaram o erro."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Não é possível determinar o tipo de dispositivo dada a extensão do ficheiro."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "O parâmetro indicado está fora da escala para o comando indicado."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Os parâmetros indicados não podem ser utilizados juntos."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Não é possível gravar o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que tem espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Não é possível encontrar o dispositivo indicado. Certifique-se que está instalado ou que o nome do dispositivo foi escrito correctamente."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "O dispositivo inicado está a ser fechado agora. Aguarde alguns segundos, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "A 'alias' indicada já está a ser usada nesta aplicação. Use uma alias única."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "O parâmetro indicado é inválido para este comando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "O controlador de dispositivo já está em uso. Para o partilhar, use o parâmetro 'shareable' para cada comando 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "O comando indicado requer uma 'alias', ficheiro, controlador ou nome de dispositivo. Por favor, forneça um."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "O valor indicado para o formato horário é inválido. Verifique na documentação MCI acerca dos formatos válidos."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "A aspa-dupla de fecho está em falta para o valor do parâmetro. Por favor forneça uma."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Um parâmetro ou valor foi indicado duas vezes. Indique-o apenas uma única vez."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "O ficheiro indicado não pode ser reproduzido no dispositivo MCI especificado. O ficheiro pode estar corrompido, ou pode não estar no formato correcto."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Um bloco de parâmetro nulo foi passado para o MCI.."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Não é possível gravar um ficheiro sem nome. Por favor indique um nome de ficheiro."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Precisa indicar uma 'alias' quando usar o parâmetro 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Não é possível usar a opção 'notify' em dispositivos abertos automaticamente."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Não é possível usar um nome de ficheiro com o dispositivo especificado."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Não é possível descarregar os comandos na ordem indicada. Corrija a sequência de comandos, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Não é possível descarregar o comando indicado num dispositivo aberto automanticamente. Aguarde até que o dispositivo esteja fechado, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "O nome do ficheiro é inválido. Certifique-se que o nome do ficheiro não é maior que 8 caracteres, seguido por um ponto e uma extensão."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Não é possível indicar caracteres extras após uma string entre aspas."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "O dispositivo indicado não está instalado no sistema. Use a opção Controladores no Painel de Controlo para instalar o dispositivo."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou ao dispositivo MCI. Tente mudar de directório ou reinicie o seu computador."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou ao dispositivo MCI porque a aplicação não pode mudar de directório."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a aplicação não pode mudar de controlador."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Indique um dispositivo ou nome de controlador que seja menor que 79 caracteres."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Indique um dispositivo ou nome de controlador que seja menor que 69 caracteres."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "O comando indicado requer um parâmetro inteiro. Por favor forneça um."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Todos os dispositivos wave que podem reproduzir ficheiros no formato actual estão em uso. Aguarde até um dispositivo wave fique livre e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Não é possível definir o dispositivo wave actual para reproduzir porque está em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo fique livre e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Todos os dispositivos wave que podem gravar ficheiros no formato actual estão em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo wave fique livre, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Não foi possivel definir o dispositivo wave actual para gravar porque está em uso. Aguarde até que o dispositivo fique livre, e então tente novamente."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Qualquer dispositivo compatível que reproduz no formato wave pode ser usado."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Qualquer dispositivo compatível que grave no formato wave pode ser usado."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa reproduzir ficheiros no formato wave está instalado. Use a opção Controladores para instalar o dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"O dispositivo que está a tentar reproduzir não reconhece o formato do ficheiro actual."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa gravar ficheiros no formato actual está instalado. Use a opção Controladores para instalar o dispositivo wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "O dispositivo que está a usar para gravar não pode reconhecer o formato do ficheiro actual."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Não existe nenhuma janela de visualização."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Não é possível criar ou usar a janela."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Não é possível ler o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que o ficheiro ainda está presente, ou verifique o seu disco ou conexão da rede."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Não é possível gravar no ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que possui espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "O formato de hora do ""song pointer"" e SMPTE são mutualmente exclusivos. Não pode usá-los juntos."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "O sistema não possui dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use a opção Controladores no Painel de Controlo para instalar um controlador MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "O porto MIDI indicado já está em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e tente novamente."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "A configuração actual do Mapeador MIDI refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não está instalado no seu sistema. Use a opção Mapeador MIDI do Painel de Controlo para editar a configuração."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Ocorreu um erro no porto indicado."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "O dispositivo MIDI indicado não está instalado no seu sistema. Use a opção Controladores no Painel de Controlo para instalar um dispositivo MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "O sistema actualmente não tem um porto MIDI definido."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Todos os temporizadores de multimédia estão a ser usados por outras aplicações. Feche uma dessas aplicações, então tente novamente."

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2010 Claudia Cotună
* Michael Stefaniuc
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Comanda specificată a fost executată."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Eroare externă nedeterminată."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "A fost utilizat un ID de dispozitiv incompatibil cu sistemul dvs."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Driverul nu a fost activat."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Dispozitivul specificat se află deja în uz. Așteptați până se eliberează și încercați din nou."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Handle specificat pentru dispozitiv nu este valid."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Nu este instalat nici un driver în sistem !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Memoria disponibilă nu este suficientă pentru această sarcină. Închideți una sau mai multe aplicații pentru a mări memoria disponibilă, apoi încercați din nou."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Această funcție nu este suportată. Utilizați funcția Capabilities pentru a determina funcțiile și mesajele suportate de driver."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "A fost specificat un număr de eroare care nu este definit în sistem."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Sa pasat un fanion nevalid unei funcții a sistemului."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Sa pasat un parametru nevalid unei funcții a sistemului."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Formatul specificat nu este suportat sau nu poate fi interpretat. Utilizați funcția Capabilities pentru a determina formatele suportate."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nu se poate realiza această operațiune în timp ce se redau datele media. Resetați dispozitivul sau așteptați finalizarea redării."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Antetul wave nu a fost pregătit. Utilizați funcția Prepare pentru a pregăti antetul, apoi încercați din nou."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Nu se poate deschide dispozitivul fără utilizarea fanionului WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Utilizați fanionul și apoi încercați din nou."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "Antetul MIDI nu a fost pregătit. Utilizați funcția Prepare pentru a pregăti antetul, apoi încercați din nou."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Nu se poate realiza această operațiune în timp ce se redau datele media. Resetați dispozitivul sau așteptați finalizarea redării."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Nu a fost găsită o mapare MIDI. Poate exista o problemă la driver sau fișierul MIDIMAP.CFG poate să fie corupt sau să lipsească."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Portul transmite date către dispozitiv. Așteptați finalizarea transmiterii și apoi încercați din nou."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Configurația curentă pentru MIDI Mapper se referă la un dispozitiv MIDI care nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați MIDI Mapper pentru a edita configurația."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Configurația curentă MIDI este deteriorată. Copiați fișierul MIDIMAP.CFG original în directorul Windows SYSTEM și apoi încercați din nou."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "ID-ul pentru dispozitivul MCI nu este valid. Utilizați ID-ul primit la deschiderea dispozitivului MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Driverul nu poate recunoaște parametrul de comandă specificat."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Driverul nu poate recunoaște comanda specificată."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Există o problemă la dispozitivul media. Asigurați-vă că acesta funcționează corect sau contactați producătorul său."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Dispozitivul specificat nu este deschis sau nu este recunoscut de MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Memoria disponibilă nu este suficientă pentru această sarcină.\nÎnchideți una sau mai multe aplicații pentru a mări memoria disponibilă, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Numele dispozitivului este deja utilizat ca alias de către această aplicație. Utilizați un alias unic."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Există o problemă nedetectabilă la încărcarea driverului pentru dispozitivul specificat."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nu a fost specificată nici o comandă."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Șirul rezultant era prea mare pentru memoria tampon. Măriți zona de memorie tampon."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Comanda specificată necesită un parametru șir de caractere. Furnizați unul."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Numărul întreg specificat nu este valid pentru această comandă."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Driverul dispozitivului a returnat un tip nevalid de răspuns. Încercați să obțineți un nou driver de la producătorul dispozitivului."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Există o problemă la driverul dispozitivului. Încercați să obțineți un nou driver de la producătorul dispozitivului."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Comanda specificată necesită un parametru. Furnizați unul."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Dispozitivul MCI pe care îl utilizați nu suportă comanda specificată."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Fișierul specificat nu poate fi găsit. Asigurați-vă că numele fișierului și calea sunt corecte."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Driverul dispozitivului nu este pregătit."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "A intervenit o problemă la inițializarea MCI. Încercați să reporniți Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Există o problemă la driverul dispozitivului. Driverul s-a închis și eroarea nu poate fi accesată."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Nu se poate utiliza „toate” ca nume de dispozitiv pentru comanda specificată."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Au survenit erori în mai multe dispozitive. Specificați separat fiecare comandă și dispozitiv pentru a determina care dispozitive au provocat eroarea"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Nu se poate determina tipul dispozitivului după extensia numelui fișierului dat."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Parametrul specificat nu se încadrează în domeniul comenzii specificate."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Parametrii specificați nu pot fi utilizați împreună."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Fișierul specificat nu poate fi salvat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Dispozitivul specificat nu poate fi găsit. Asigurați-vă că este instalat sau că numele său este scris corect."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Dispozitivul specificat este în curs de închidere. Așteptați câteva secunde, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Aliasul specificat este deja utilizat de către această aplicație. Utilizați un alias unic."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Parametrul specificat nu este valid pentru această comandă."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Driverul dispozitivului este deja utilizat. Pentru a-l partaja, utilizați parametrul „partajabil” pentru fiecare comandă „deschide”."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Comanda specificată necesită un alias, fișier, driver sau nume de dispozitiv. Furnizați unul."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Valoarea specificată pentru formatul orei nu este validă. Consultați documentația MCI pentru formatele valide."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Din valoarea parametrului lipsesc ghilimelele duble de închidere. Furnizați-le."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Un parametru sau o valoare a fost specificat(ă) de două ori. Specificați-l(o) o singură dată. "
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Fișierul specificat nu poate fi redat pe dispozitivul MCI specificat. Fișierul poate fi corupt sau într-un format incorect."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Un parametru de block nul a fost pasat la MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Nu se poate salva un fișier nedenumit. Specificați un nume de fișier."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Trebuie să specificați un alias când utilizați parametrul „nou”."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Nu se poate utiliza fanionul „notificare” pentru dispozitive cu deschidere automată."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Nu se poate utiliza un nume de fișier pentru dispozitivul specificat."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Comenzile nu pot fi executate în ordinea specificată. Corectați ordinea comenzilor, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Comanda specificată nu se poate executa pe un dispozitiv cu deschidere automată. Așteptați închiderea dispozitivului, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Numele de fișier nu este valid. Asigurați-vă că nu este mai mare de 8 caractere, urmate de un punct și o extensie."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Nu pot fi specificate caractere suplimentare după un șir încadrat între ghilimele."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Dispozitivul specificat nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea Drivere din Panoul de control pentru a instala dispozitivul."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat. Încercați să schimbați directoarele sau să reporniți calculatorul."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat pentru că aplicația nu poate schimba directoarele."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat pentru că aplicația nu poate schimba unitățile."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Specificați un nume de dispozitiv sau de driver cu mai puțin de 79 de caractere."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Specificați un nume de dispozitiv sau de driver cu mai puțin de 69 de caractere."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Comanda specificată necesită un parametru de număr integral. Furnizați unul."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Toate dispozitivele wave care pot reda fișiere în formatul curent sunt deja în uz. Așteptați eliberarea unuia dintre ele, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Dispozitivul wave curent nu poate fi configurat pentru redare pentru că este deja în uz. Așteptați să se elibereze, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Toate dispozitivele wave care pot înregistra fișiere în formatul curent sunt deja în uz. Așteptați eliberarea unuia dintre ele, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Dispozitivul wave curent nu poate fi configurat pentru înregistrare pentru că este deja în uz. Așteptați să se elibereze, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Orice dispozitiv compatibil de redare poate fi utilizat pentru formatul wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Orice dispozitiv compatibil de înregistrare poate fi utilizat pentru formatul wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nu este instalat nici un dispozitiv care poate reda fișierele în formatul curent. Utilizați opțiunea „Drivere” pentru a instala dispozitivul wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Dispozitivul cu care încercați redarea nu poate recunoaște formatul de fișier curent."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nu este instalat nici un dispozitiv care poate înregistra fișierele în formatul curent. Utilizați opțiunea „Drivere” pentru a instala dispozitivul wave."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Dispozitivul de pe care încercați înregistrarea nu poate recunoaște formatul de fișier curent."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Nu există fereastră de afișare."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Fereastra nu a putut fi creată sau utilizată."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Fișierul specificat nu poate fi citit. Asigurați-vă că acesta mai este prezent sau verificați discul sau conexiunea la rețea."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Nu se poate scrie în fișierul specificat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Formatele de timp ale ""song pointer"" și SMPTE se exclud reciproc. Nu le puteți utiliza împreună."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Sistemul nu are instalate dispozitive MIDI. Utilizați opțiunea Drivere din Panoul de control pentru a instala un driver MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Portul MIDI specificat este deja utilizat. Așteptați până când va fi liber, apoi încercați din nou."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Configurația curentă a MIDI Mapper se referă la un dispozitiv MIDI care nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea MIDI Mapper din panoul de control pentru a edita configurația."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "A apărut o eroare la portul specificat."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Dispozitivul MIDI specificat nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea Drivere din Panoul de control pentru a instala un dispozitiv MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Sistemul nu are specificat un port MIDI curent."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Toate cronometrele multimedia sunt utilizate de alte aplicații. Închideți una dintre aceste aplicații, apoi încercați din nou."

View File

@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2000 Oleg Korda
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* Russian strings in UTF-8 */
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Неизвестная ошибка."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Используемый код устройства (device ID) выходит за допустимые пределы."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Драйвер не был подключен."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Указанное устройство уже используется. Подождите пока оно освободится, затем попробуйте ещё раз."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Указанный идентификатор устройства (device handle) неверен."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "В системе не установлен драйвер!\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Не хватает памяти для задачи. Закройте одно или несколько приложений и попробуйте заново."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Эта функция не поддерживается. Используйте функцию Capabilities, чтобы определить функции и сообщения, которые поддерживает драйвер."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Указанный код ошибки не определён в системе."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Недопустимый флажок передан системной функции."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Недопустимый параметр передан системной функции."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Указанный формат не поддерживается или не может быть оттранслирован. Используйте функцию Capabilities, чтобы определить поддерживаемые форматы."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Невозможно произвести операцию, пока устройство в режиме воспроизведения. Сбросьте устройство, или подождите пока устройство не окончит воспроизведение."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Заголовок wave не был подготовлен. Используйте функцию Prepare, чтобы подготовить заголовок и попробуйте заново."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Невозможно открыть устройство, не используя флаг WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Используйте флаг и попробуйте заново."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "Заголовок MIDI не был подготовлен. Используйте функцию Prepare, чтобы подготовить заголовок и попробуйте заново."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Невозможно произвести операцию, пока устройство в режиме воспроизведения. Сбросьте устройство, или подождите пока устройство не окончит воспроизведение."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Карта (map) MIDI не найдена. Возможно, это ошибка драйвера, или файл MIDIMAP.CFG отсутствует или поврежден."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Порт передает информацию в устройство. Подождите, пока информация будет передана и попробуйте заново."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Текущие установки MIDI Mapper ссылаются на устройство MIDI, которое не установлено в системе. Используйте MIDI Mapper для редактирования установок."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Текущие установки MIDI повреждены. Скопируйте исходный файл MIDIMAP.CFG в директорию Windows SYSTEM, и попробуйте заново."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Недопустимый код устройства MCI. Используйте код, возвращенный при открытии устройства MCI."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Драйвер не может определить указанный параметр команды."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Драйвер не может определить указанную команду."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Ошибка мультимедиа устройства. Убедитесь, что устройство работает нормально или свяжитесь с изготовителем устройства."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Указанное устройство не открыто или не опознано MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Не хватает памяти для задачи.\nЗакройте одно или несколько приложений, чтобы освободить память и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Название устройства уже используется приложением как псевдоним. Используйте уникальное имя."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Неопределённая ошибка при загрузке указанного драйвера."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Возвращаемая строка слишком велика, чтобы поместиться в буфере. Увеличьте размер буфера."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Указанная команда требует строковый параметр."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Указанное целое недопустимо для этой команды."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Драйвер устройства возвратил недопустимый при возвращении тип. Свяжитесь с изготовителем драйвера для получения новой версии драйвера."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Ошибка драйвера устройства. Свяжитесь с изготовителем драйвера для получения новой версии драйвера."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Указанная команда требует параметр."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Используемое вами устройство MCI не поддерживает указанную команду."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Невозможно найти указанный файл. Убедитесь в правильности пути и имени файла."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Драйвер устройства не готов."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Ошибка при инициализации MCI. Попробуйте перезапустить Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Ошибка в драйвере устройства. Драйвер закрыт, сообщение об ошибке недоступно."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Невозможно использовать 'all' в качестве имени устройства в указанной команде."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Ошибки в нескольких устройствах. Укажите отдельно каждую команду и устройство, чтобы определить, какие устройства вызывали ошибки."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Невозможно определить тип устройства по данному расширению файла."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Указанный параметр выходит за допустимые пределы для указанной команды."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Указанные параметры нельзя использовать вместе."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Невозможно сохранить указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно места, или проверьте сетевое подключение."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Невозможно найти указанное устройство. Убедитесь, что оно установлено, и что устройство указано правильно."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Указанное устройство сейчас закрывается. Подождите несколько секунд и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Название устройства уже используется приложением как псевдоним. Используйте уникальное имя."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Указанный параметр недопустим для этой команды."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Драйвер устройства уже используется. Для совместного доступа используйте параметр 'shareable' в каждой команде 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Указанная команда требует псевдоним, файл, драйвер, или имя устройства. Укажите его."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Указанное значение в формате времени неверно. Обратитесь к документации MCI для выяснения допустимых форматов."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Закрывающая кавычка отсутствует в значении параметра. Поставьте ее ;-)"
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Параметр или значение указано дважды. Требуется указывать только один раз."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Указанный файл не может быть проигран на выбранном устройстве MCI. Файл может быть поврежден или имеет некорректный формат."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "MCI был передан пустой блок параметров."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Невозможно сохранить неназванный файл. Назовите его."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Вы должны указать псевдоним при использовании параметра 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Невозможно использовать флаг 'notify' с устройствами, открытыми автоматически."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Невозможно использовать имя файла с указанным устройством."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Невозможно исполнить команды в указанном порядке. Исправьте последовательность команд и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Невозможно исполнить команду для устройства, открытого автоматически. Подождите пока устройство не будет закрыто и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Недопустимое имя файла. Убедитесь, что имя файла не длиннее 8 символов, за ним следует точка и расширение."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Нельзя указывать символы после строки, заключенной в кавычки."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Указанное устройство не установлено в системе. Используйте Control Panel для установки драйвера."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству МCI. Попробуйте перезапустить компьютер ;-)"
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству MCI, потому что приложение не может менять директории."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству MCI, потому что приложение не может менять диски."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Имя драйвера или устройства должно быть короче 79 символов."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Имя драйвера или устройства должно быть короче 69 символов."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Указанная команда требует параметр целого типа."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Все wave-устройства, которые могут воспроизводить файлы в текущем формате, заняты. Подождите пока освободится wave-устройство, и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для воспроизведения, т.к. оно занято. Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для записи, т.к. оно занято. Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для воспроизведения, т.к. оно занято. Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Может быть использовано любое устройство для проигрывания звука."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Может быть использовано любое устройство для записи звука."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Нет устройства для воспроизведения файлов в текущем формате. Используйте опцию Drivers для установки звукового устройства."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Устройство, на которое вы проигрываете, не поддерживает формат текущего файла."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Нет устройства для записи файлов в текущем формате. Используйте опцию Drivers для установки звукового устройства."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Устройство, с которого вы записываете, не может распознать текущий формат файла."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Нет окна для отображения."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Невозможно создать или использовать окно."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Невозможно прочитать указанный файл. Убедитесь, что файл существует, или проверьте диск или сетевое подключение. "
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Невозможно записать в указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно места, или проверьте сетевое подключение."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Форматы времени ""song pointer"" и SMPTE взаимно исключаемые. Нельзя использовать их вместе."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "В системе не установлены устройства MIDI. Используйте Drivers в Control Panel, чтобы установить драйвер MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Указанный порт MIDI уже используется. Подождите, пока он освободится, и попробуйте заново."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Текущие установки MIDI Mapper ссылаются на не установленное в системе устройство MIDI. Используйте MIDI Mapper в Control Panel, чтобы отредактировать установки."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Ошибка указанного порта."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "В системе не установлены устройства MIDI. Используйте Drivers в Control Panel, чтобы установить драйвер MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "В системе не указан текущий порт MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Все таймеры мультимедиа используются другими приложениями. Закройте одно из этих приложений и попробуйте заново."
/* translation by Zahar Hodoley (mail: */

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2002, 2003, 2008 Rok Mandeljc
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Navedeni ukaz je bil uspešno izveden."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Neznana zunanja napaka."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Uporabljena oznaka naprave je zunaj dopustnega obsega za vaš sistem."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Gonilnik ni bil omogočen."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Navedena naprava je že v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite znova."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Navedena koda za dostop do naprave je neveljavna."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Nameščen ni noben gonilnik!"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Za opravilo ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Zaprite enega ali več programov in poskusite znova."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Ta funkcija ni podprta. Če želite ugotoviti, katere funkcije gonilnik podpira, uporabite možnost 'Zmožnosti'."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Navedena je bila številka napake, ki v sistemu ni definirana."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Sistemski funkciji je bila posredovana neveljavna zastavica."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Sistemski funkciji je bil posredovan neveljaven parameter."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Navedena oblika zapisa ni podprta ali pa je ni mogoće prevesti. Če želite ugotoviti, katere oblike so podprte, uporabite možnost 'Zmožnosti'."
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Predvajanje je še v teku. Ponastavite napravo ali pa počakajte do konca predvajanja."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Glava podatkov vrste wave ni bila pripravljena. Pripravite glavo tako, da uporabite funkcijo 'Pripravi' (Prepare), in poskusite znova."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Naprave ni mogoče odpreti brez zastavice WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Uporabite zastavico in poskusite znova."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI glava ni bila pripravljena. Pripravite glavo tako, da uporabite funkcijo 'Pripravi' (Prepare), in poskusite znova."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Predvajanje je še v teku. Ponastavite napravo ali pa počakajte do konca predvajanja."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Razporeditve MIDI ni mogoče najti. To je lahko posledica težav z gonilnikom, ali pa manjkajoče oziroma poškodovane datoteke MIDIMAP.CFG."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Prek vrat trenutno poteka prenos podatkov. Počakajte na konec prenosa in poskusite znova."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Trenutna nastavitev MIDI se sklicuje na MIDI napravo, ki ni prisotna. Uporabite MIDI Mapper in spremenite nastavitve."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Trenutna nastavitev MIDI je pošodovana. Namestite originalno datoteko MIDIMAP.CFG v sistemsko mapo Oken in poskusite znova."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Neveljaven ID MCI naprave. Uporabite ID, ki ga vrne odpiranje MCI naprave."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Naveden parameter ukaza ni definiran v naboru MCI ukazov."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Naveden ukaz je neveljaven MCI ukaz."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Z večpredstavnostno napravo so težave. Preverite, ali naprava deluje pravilno ali pa se posvetujte z izdelovalcem."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Navedena naprava ni registrirana MCI naprava."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Za to opravilo ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika.\nZaprite enega ali več programov in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Program že uporablja ta vzdevek. Namesto imena naprave uporabite še neuporabljen vzdevek."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Naprave ni bilo mogoče naložiti. Preverite, ali je gonilnik pravilno nameščen."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Ukazni niz je prazen."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Izhodni niz je bil prevelik, da bi ga bilo mogoèe shraniti v povratni medpomnilnik. Povečajte medpomnilnik."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Navedeni ukaz zahteva parameter (niz znakov). Vnesite ga."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Vneseno celo število za ta ukaz je neveljavno. Vnesite veljavno število."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Gonilnik za napravo je vrnil neveljavno vrsto vrednosti. Od izdelovalca naprave poskusite dobiti nov gonilnik."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Z gonilnikom za napravo so težave. Od izdelovalca naprave poskusite dobiti nov gonilnik."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "V navedenem ukazu manjka parameter. Vnesite ga."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "MCI naprava, ki jo uporabljate, ne podpira navedenega ukaza."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Navedene datoteke ni mogoče najti. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vnesli ime in pot do datoteke."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Gonilnik za napravo ni pripravljen. Malo počakajte in nato poskusite znova."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Pri inicializaciji MCI naprave je prišlo do težav. Znova zaženite Okna."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Zaradi napake, značilne za gonilnik, je bil le-ta zaprt. Ponovite ukaz."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "V tem ukazu uporabite ime točno določene naprave."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "V več napravah je prišlo do napak. Ločeno vnesite vsak ukaz in vsako napravo. Tako boste lahko ugotovili, katere naprave povzročajo napake."
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Iz pripone datoteke ni mogoče ugotoviti vrste zahtevane naprave."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Parameter je zunaj dovoljenega obsega."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Navedenih parametrov ne smete uporabiti hkrati."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Navedene datoteke ni mogoče shraniti. Preverite, ali je na disku dovolj prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Navedene naprave ni mogoče najti. Preverite, ali je naprava nameščena oz. ali je bilo njeno ime pravilno navedeno."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Poteka zapiranje navedene naprave. Malo počakajte in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Program že uporablja navedeni vzdevek. Uporabite še neuporabljen vzdevek."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Uporabljena konstanta v tem ukazu je neveljavna."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Gonilnik naprave je že v uporabi. Če ga želite dati v skupno rabo, z vsakim ukazom 'open' uporabite parameter 'shareable'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Navedeni ukaz zahteva vzdevek, datoteko, gonilnik ali ime naprave. Vnesite ustrezno ime."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Navedena vrednost za obliko zapisa časa je neveljavna. Veljavne oblike poiščite v dokumentaciji MCI naprave."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "V vrednosti za parameter manjka zaključni dvojni narekovaj. Vnesite ga."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Parameter ali vrednost ste navedli dvakrat. Navedite ga samo enkrat."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Te datoteke ne morete predvajati z navedeno MCI napravo. Datoteka je morda poškodovana ali pa ima napaćno obliko zapisa."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "MCI napravi je bil podan 'null parameter block'."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Datoteke brez imena ni mogoče shraniti. Vnesite ime."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Ko uporabljate parameter 'new', morate navesti vzdevek."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Zastavice 'notify' ni mogoče uporabiti s samodejno oprtimi napravami."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "V povezavi z navedeno napravo ne morete uporabiti imena datoteke."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Ukazov ni mogoče izvesti v navedenem zaporedju. Spremenite zaporedje in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Ukaza ni mogoče izvesti v povezavi s samodejno odprto napravo. Počakajte, da se naprava zapre, in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Neveljavno ime datoteke. Preverite, da vsebuje največ 8 znakov, ki jim sledita pika in pripona."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Za nizom znakov, ki je obdan z narekovaji, ni mogoče zapisati dodatnih znakov."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Naprava ni nameščena. Če želite namestiti nov gonilnik, na Nadzorni Plošči dvokliknite ikono 'Dodajanje strojne opreme'."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč. Zamenjajte imenik ali pa znova zaženite računalnik."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč, ker program ne more zamenjati imenika."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč, ker program ne more zamenjati pogona."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Navedite ime za napravo ali gonilnik, ki je krajše od 79 znakov."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Navedite ime za napravo ali gonilnik, ki je krajše od 69 znakov."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Navedeni ukaz zahteva celoštevilčen parameter (npr. 'play to 10'). Vnesite ga."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Vse naprave, ki lahko predvajajo datoteke v obliki wave, so v uporabi. Poskusite znova, ko bo katera od njih na voljo."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Trenutna wave naprava je v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Vse naprave, ki lahko snemajo datoteke v obliki wave, so v uporabi. Poskusite znova, ko bo katera od njih na voljo."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Trenutna wave naprava je v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Predvajalna naprava je v uporabi. Poskusite znova po koncu predvajanja."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Snemalna naprava je v uporabi. Poskusite znova po koncu snemanja."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nameščena ni nobena naprava za wave, ki bi lahko predvajala datoteke v trenutni obliki."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Naprava ne prepozna trenutne oblike zapisa datoteke. Izberite drugo napravo in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Nameščena ni nobena naprava za wave, ki bi lahko snemala datoteke v trenutni obliki."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Naprava ne prepozna trenutne oblike zapisa datoteke. Izberite drugo napravo in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Ni okna za prikaz."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Okna ni bilo mogoče ustvariti ali uporabiti."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Iz navedene datoteke ni mogoče brati. Preverite, ali datoteka še vedno obstaja oz. preverite svoj disk in omrežne povezave."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "V navedeno datoteko ni mogoče pisati. Preverite, ali je na disku še dovolj prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Sočasna uporaba oblik zapisa časa 'song-pointer' in SMPTE ni mogoča."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Nameščna ni nobena MIDI naprava. Za namestitev MIDI gonilnika uporabite možnost 'Drivers' na Nadzorni plošći."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Navedena MIDI naprava je že v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo prosta, in poskusite znova."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Trenutna nastavitev MIDI se sklicuje na manjkajočo napravo. Uporabite možnost 'MIDI Mapper' na Nadzorni plošči in spremenite nastavitev."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Na navedenih vratih je prišlo do napake."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Ta naprava ni nameščena. Če želite namestiti nov gonilnik, na nadzorni plošči dvokliknite ikono 'Dodajanje strojne opreme'."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Zahtevana MIDI vrata niso nameščena."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Vsi većpredstavnostni števci so zasedeni. Zaprite enega od večpredstavnostih programov in poskusite znova."

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2000 Peter Ivanyi
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Špecifikovaný príkaz bol vykonaný."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Nedefinovaná externá chyba."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "The driver was not enabled."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try again."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "The specified device handle is invalid."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine which functions and messages the driver supports."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the header, and then try again."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, and then try again."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the header, and then try again."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been transmitted, and then try again."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly or contact the device manufacturer."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Not enough memory available for this task.\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a unique alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Nebol špecifikovaný žiadny príkaz."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "The output string was to large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the size of the buffer."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide one."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Ovládaè zariadenia nie je pripravený."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot access error."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device separately to determine which devices caused the error"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are still connected to the network."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the device name is spelled correctly."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try again."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' parameter with each 'open' command."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. Please supply one."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI documentation for valid formats."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please supply one."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command sequence, and then try again."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until the device is closed, and then try again."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 characters, followed by a period and an extension."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option in Control Panel to install the device."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or restarting your computer."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application cannot change directories."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot change drives."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait until the device is free, and then try again."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait until the device is free, and then try again."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use the Drivers option to install the wave device."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file format."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use the Drivers option to install the wave device."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file format."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "There is no display window."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Nemôžem vytvori<72> alebo použi<C5BE> okno."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or check your disk or network connection."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are still connected to the network."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "The time formats of the ""song pointer"" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. You can't use them together."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try again."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the setup."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "An error occurred with the specified port."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "The system doesnot have a current MIDI port specified."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of these applications; then, try again."

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2010 Anders Jonsson
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Det angivna kommandot utfördes."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Odefinierat externt fel."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Ett enhets-ID som använts är utanför räckvidden för ditt system."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Drivrutinen aktiverades inte."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Angiven enhet används redan. Vänta tills den är ledig och försök igen."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Angiven handle för enheten är ogiltig."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Ingen drivrutin finns installerad på ditt system !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Det finns inte tillräckligt minne tillgängligt för denna uppgift. Avsluta ett eller flera program för att utöka tillgängligt minne och försök sedan igen."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Denna funktion stöds inte. Använd funktionen Capabilities för att avgöra vilka funktioner och meddelanden som drivrutinen stöder."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Ett felnummer som inte är definierat i systemet angavs."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "En ogiltig flagga skickades till en systemfunktion."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "En ogiltig parameter skickades till en systemfunktion."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Angivet format stöds inte eller kan inte översättas. Använd funktionen Capabilities för att avgöra vilka format som stöds"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan inte uföra denna operation medan mediadata fortfarande spelas. Starta om enheten eller vänta tills data spelats klart."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Wave-headern var inte förberedd. Använd funktionen Prepare för att förbereda headern och försök sedan igen."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Kan inte öppna enheten utan att använda flaggan WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Använd flaggan och försök igen."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI-headern var inte förberedd. Använd funktionen Prepare för att förbereda headern och försök sedan igen."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Kan inte utföra denna operation medan mediadata fortfarande spelar. Starta om enheten eller vänta tills data spelats klart."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Ingen MIDI-mappning hittades. Det kan vara ett problem med drivrutinen, eller så kan filen MIDIMAP.CFG vara korrupt eller saknas."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Porten överför data till enheten. Vänta till allt data överförts och försök sedan igen."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Den nuvarande MIDI Mapper-installationen refererar till en MIDI-enhet som inte är installerad på systemet. Använd MIDI Mapper för att ändra installationen."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Den nuvarande MIDI-installationen är skadad. Kopiera den ursprungliga MIDIMAP.CFG till Windows SYSTEM-katalog och försök sedan igen."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Ogiltigt ID på MCI-enheten. Använd det ID som returneras när MCI-enheten öppnas."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Drivrutinen känner inte igen den angivna kommandoparametern."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Drivrutinen känner inte igen det angivna kommandot."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Ett problem uppstod med din mediaenhet. Kontrollera att den fungerar korrekt, kontakta annars enhetens tillverkare."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Angiven enhet är inte öppen eller känns inte igen av MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Otillräckligt minne tillgängligt för denna uppgift.\nAvsluta ett eller flera program för att utöka tillgängligt minne och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Enhetsnamnet används redan som ett alias av detta program. Använd ett unikt alias."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Ett oupptäckbart problem uppstod då den angivna enhetsdrivrutinen skulle laddas."
MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING, "Inget kommando angavs."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Utskriftssträngen var för stor för att rymmas i returbuffern. Utöka bufferns storlek."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Det angivna kommandot kräver en teckensträngsparameter. Var god uppge en sådan."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Det angivna heltalet är ogiltigt för detta kommando."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Enhetsdrivrutinen returnerade en ogiltig returtyp. Hör med enhetens tillverkare om att få en ny drivrutin."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Ett problem uppstod med enhetsdrivrutinen. Hör med enhetens tillverkare om att få en ny drivrutin."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Angivet kommando kräver en parameter. Var god uppge en sådan."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "MCI-enheten du använder stöder inte det angivna kommandot."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Kan inte hitta angiven fil. Säkerställ att sökvägen och filnamnet stämmer."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Enhetsdrivrutinen är inte redo."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Ett problem uppstod då MCI initialiserades. Försök starta om Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Ett problem uppstod med enhetsdrivrutinen. Drivrutinen har avslutats. Kan inte komma åt fel."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Kan inte använda 'all' som enhetsnamn med det angivna kommandot."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Fel uppstod i mer än en enhet. Ange varje kommando och enhet separat för att avgöra vilka enheter som orsakade felet"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Kan inte avgöra enhetens typ från den givna filändelsen."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Angiven parameter är utanför räckvidden för det angivna kommandot."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "De angivna parametrarna kan inte användas tillsammans."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Kan inte spara angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt diskutrymme och fortfarande är ansluten till nätverket."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Kan inte hitta angiven enhet. Kontrollera att den är installerad och att enhetsnamnets stavning är korrekt."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Den angivna enheten stängs nu. Vänta några sekunder och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Angivet alias används redan i detta program. Använd ett unikt alias."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Den angivna parametern är ogiltig för detta kommando."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Enhetsdrivrutinen används redan. Använd parametern 'shareable' med varje 'open'-kommando för att dela den."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Angivet kommando kräver ett alias, en fil, en drivrutin eller ett enhetsnamn. Var god uppge någon av dessa."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Angivet värde för tidsformatet är ogiltigt. Läs dokumentationen för MCI för att se giltiga format."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Ett avslutande dubbelt citationstecken saknas från parametervärdet. Var god lägg till ett sådant."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "En parameter eller ett värde angavs två gånger. Ange det bara en gång."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Den angivna filen kan inte spelas på den angivna MCI-enheten. Filen kan vara korrupt eller i fel format."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "Ett nullparameterblock skickades till MCI."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Kan inte spara en namnlös fil. Ange ett filnamn."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Du måste ange ett alias då du använder parametern 'new'."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan inte använda flaggan 'notify' med auto-öppnade enheter."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Kan inte använda ett filnamn med den angivna enheten."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Kan inte utföra kommandona i angiven ordning. Rätta till kommandoordningen och försök igen."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Kan inte utföra det angivna kommandot på en auto-öppnad enhet. Vänta tills enheten är stängd och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Filnamnet är ogiltigt. Säkerställ att filnamnet har högst 8 tecken följt av en punkt och en ändelse."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Kan inte ange extra tecken efter en sträng omsluten av citationstecken."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Angiven enhet är inte installerad på systemet. Använd valet Drivers i Control Panel för att installera enheten."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet. Försök byta katalog eller starta om din dator."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet eftersom programmet inte kan byta katalog."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet eftersom programmet inte kan byta diskenhet."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Ange ett enhets- eller drivrutinsnamn kortare än 79 tecken."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Ange ett enhets- eller drivrutinsnamn kortare än 69 tecken."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Angivet kommando kräver en heltalsparameter. Var god uppge en sådan."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Alla wave-enheter som kan spela filer i det aktuella formatet används. Vänta tills en wave-enhet är ledig och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Kan inte sätta aktuell wave-enhet till uppspelning eftersom den används. Vänta tills enheten är ledig och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Alla wave-enheter som kan spela in filer i aktuellt format används. Vänta tills en wave-enhet är ledig och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Kan inte sätta aktuell wave-enhet till inspelning eftersom den används. Vänta tills enheten är ledig och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Varje kompatibel wave-uppspelningsenhet kan användas."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Varje kompatibel wave-inspelningsenhet kan användas."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen wave-enhet som kan spela filer i det aktuella formatet är installerad. Använd valet Drivers för att installera wave-enheten."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Enheten du försöker spela till känner inte igen det aktuella filformatet."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Ingen wave-enhet som kan spela in filer i det aktuella formatet finns installerad. Använd valet Drivers för att installera wave-enheten."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Enheten du försöker spela in från känner inte igen aktuellt filformat."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Det finns inget visningsfönster."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Kunde inte skapa eller använda fönster."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Kan inte läsa angiven fil. Kontrollera att filen fortfarande är kvar, eller kontrollera hårddisken eller nätverksanslutningen."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Kan inte skriva till angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt minne eller är ansluten till nätverket."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Tidsformaten för ""song pointer"" och SMPTE är ömsesidigt exklusiva. De kan inte användas tillsammans."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Systemet har inga installerade MIDI-enheter. Använd valet Drivers från Control Panel för att installera en MIDI-drivrutin."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Angiven MIDI-port används redan. Vänta tills den är ledig och försök sedan igen."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Aktuell MIDI Mapper-installation refererar till en MIDI-enhet som inte är installerad på systemet. Använd valet MIDI Mapper från Control Panel för att ändra installationen."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Ett fel inträffade med den angivna porten."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Den angivna MIDI-enheten är inte installerad på systemet. Använd valet Drivers från Control Panel för att installera en MIDI-enhet."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Ingen aktuell MIDI-port är angiven i systemet."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Alla multimediatimers används av andra program. Avsluta ett av dessa program och försök sedan igen."

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
* Turkish Resources
* Copyright 2006 Fatih Aşıcı
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Belirtilen komut gerçekleştirildi."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Tanımlanamayan dış hata."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Sisteminiz için geçerli olmayan bir aygıt kimliği kullanıldı."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Sürücü etkinleştirilmemiş."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Belirtilen aygıt kullanımda. Boş kalana kadar bekleyip yeniden deneyin."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Belirtilen aygıt işleyici geçersiz."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "Sisteminizde yüklü sürücü yok!\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Bu görev için yeterli kullanılabilir bellek yok. Kullanılabilen belleği arttırmak için bir veya daha fazla uygulamadan çıkıp yeniden deneyin."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Bu işlev desteklenmiyor. Sürücünün hangi işlevleri ve iletileri desteklediğini belirlemek için Kapasite işlevini kullanın."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Sistemde tanımlanmamış bir hata numarası belirtilmiş."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "Bir sistem işlevine geçersiz bir bayrak geçilmiş."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "Bir sistem işlevine geçersiz bir parametre geçilmiş."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Belirtilen biçim desteklenmiyor veya çevrilemiyor. Desteklenen biçimleri belirlemek için Kapasite işlevini kullanın"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Ortam verisi yürütülürken bu işlem yürütülemez. Aygıtı sıfırlayın veya verinin yürütülmesinin tamamlanmasını bekleyin."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Dalga başlığı hazırlanmamış. Başlığı hazırlamak için Hazırla işlevini kullanıp yeniden deneyin."
WAVERR_SYNC, "WAVE_ALLOWSYNC bayrağı kullanılmadan aygıt açılamıyor. Bayrağı kullanıp yeniden deneyin."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "MIDI başlığı hazırlanmamış. Başlığı hazırlamak için Hazırla işlevini kullanıp yeniden deneyin."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Ortam verisi yürütülürken bu işlem yürütülemez. Aygıtı sıfırlayın veya verinin yürütülmesinin tamamlanmasını bekleyin."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "MIDI haritası bulunmadı. Sürücüde bir sorun olabilir veya MIDIMAP.CFG dosyası bozuk veya eksik olabilir."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Bağlantı noktası aygıta veri gönderiyor. Veri gönderilene kadar bekleyip yeniden deneyin."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Geçerli MIDI Eşleyicisi kurulumu sistemde yüklü olmayan bir MIDI aygıtını gösteriyor. Kurulumu düzenlemek için MIDI Eşleyicisini kullanın."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Geçerli MIDI kurulumu zarar görmüş. Özgün MIDIMAP.CFG dosyasını Windows SYSTEM dizinine kopyalayın ve yeniden deneyin."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Geçersiz MCI aygıt tanıtıcısı. MCI aygıtııldığında döndürülen tanıtıcıyı kullanın."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Sürücü kullanılan komut parametresini tanımıyor."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Sürücü kullanılan komutu tanımıyor."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Ortam aygıtınızda bir sorun var. Doğru çalıştığından emin olun veya aygıt üreticisine başvurun."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Belirtilen aygıt açık değil veya MCI tarafından tanınmıyor."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Bu görev için yeterli kullanılabilir bellek yok.\nKullanılabilen belleği arttırmak için bir veya daha fazla uygulamadan çıkıp yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Aygıt adı bu uygulama tarafından zaten bir takma ad olarak kullanılıyor. Benzersiz bir takma ad kullanın."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Belirtilen aygıt sürücüsü yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir sorun oluştu."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Çıkış dizesi dönüş arabelleğine sığmayacak kadar büyük. Arabelleğin boyutunu büyütün."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Belirtilen komut karakter dizisinden oluşan bir parametre gerektiriyor. Lütfen bir tane sağlayın."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Girilen tamsayı bu komut için geçersiz."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Aygıt sürücüsü geçersiz bir tür döndürdü. Yeni sürücüyü edinmek için aygıt üreticisine başvurun."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Aygıt sürücüsünde bir sorun var. Yeni bir sürücü edinmek için aygıtın üreticisiyle bağlantı kurun."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Belirtilen komut için bir parametre gerekir. Lütfen bir tane girin."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Kullandığınız MCI aygıtı belirtilen komutu desteklemiyor."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Belirtilen dosya bulunamıyor. Yol ve dosya adının doğru olduğundan emin olun."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Aygıt sürücüsü hazır değil."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "MCI başlatılırken bir sorun oluştu. Windows'u yeniden başlatmayı deneyin."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Aygıt sürücüsünde bir sorun var. Sürücü kapatıldı. Hataya ulaşılamıyor."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Belirtilen komut ile 'all' aygıt adı kullanılamaz."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Birden fazla aygıtta hatalar oluştu. Hangi aygıtların hataya neden olduğunu belirlemek için her komutu ve aygıtı ayrı ayrı belirleyin"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Verilen dosya uzantısından aygıt türü belirlenemiyor."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Belirtilen parametre kullanılan komut için aralık dışında."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Belirtilen parametreler birlikte kullanılamaz."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Belirtilen dosya kaydedilemiyor. Yeterli boş disk alanına sahip olduğunuzdan ya da ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Belirtilen aygıt bulunamadı. Aygıtın kurulu olduğundan ya da adının doğru yazıldığından emin olun."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Belirtilen aygıt şimdi kapatılıyor. Lütfen birkaç saniye bekleyip yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Belirtilen takma ad bu uygulamada zaten kullanılıyor. Benzersiz bir takma ad kullanın."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Belirtilen parametre bu komut için geçersiz."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Aygıt sürücüsü zaten kullanımda. Paylaşmak için her 'open' komutuyla beraber 'shareable' parametresini kullanın."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Belirtilen komut bir takma ad, dosya, sürücü veya aygıt adı gerektiriyor. Lütfen bir tane sağlayın."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Saat biçimi için verilen değer geçersiz. Geçerli biçimler için MCI belgelerine başvurun."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "Parametre değerinde çift tırnak kapatma işareti eksik. Lütfen tırnağı kapatın."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Bir parametre veya değer iki kez belirtilmiş. Sadece bir kez tanımlayın."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Belirtilen dosya belirtilen MCI aygıtı üzerinde yürütülemez. Dosya bozulmuş olabilir veya doğru biçimde olmayabilir."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "'MCI'ya bir boş parametre bloğu geçildi."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Adsız bir dosya kaydedilemez. Bir dosya adı yazın."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "'yeni' parametresini kullanırken bir takma ad kullanın."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Otomatik açılan aygıtlarla 'bildir' bayrağı kullanılamaz."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Belirtilen aygıtla bir dosya adı kullanılamaz."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Komutlar belirtilen sırada gerçekleştirilemiyor. Komut sıralamasını düzeltip yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Otomatik açılan aygıtta belirtilen komut çalıştırılamaz. Aygıt kapanana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Dosya adı geçersiz. Dosya adının 8 karakterden uzun olmadığından ve nokta ve uzantı içerdiğinden emin olun."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Tırnak işaretleri içindeki bir dizeden sonra fazladan karakterler belirtemezsiniz."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Belirtilen aygıt sistemde yüklü değil. Aygıtı yüklemek için Denetim Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini seçin."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Dizinleri değiştirmeyi veya bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatmayı deneyin."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Çünkü uygulama dizinleri değiştiremiyor."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Çünkü uygulama sürücüleri değiştiremiyor."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "79 karakterden daha az bir aygıt veya sürücü adı belirtin."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "69 karakterden daha az bir aygıt veya sürücü adı belirtin."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Belirtilen komut bir tamsayı parametre gerektiriyor. Lütfen bir tamsayı girin."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları yürüten tüm dalga aygıtları kullanımda. Bir dalga aygıtı boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Geçerli dalga aygıtı kullanımda olduğundan yürütme için açılamıyor. Aygıt boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları kaydedebilen tüm dalga aygıtları kullanımda. Bir dalga aygıtı boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Geçerli dalga aygıtı kullanımda olduğundan kaydetme işlemi için açılamıyor. Aygıt boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Herhangi bir uyumlu dalga çıkış aygıtı belirlenmemiş."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Herhangi bir uyumlu dalga giriş aygıtı belirlenmemiş."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları yürütebilen dalga aygıtı bulunamadı. Dalga aygıtını yüklemek için Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Yürütmeye çalıştığınız aygıt geçerli dosya biçimini tanımıyor."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları kaydedebilen dalga aygıtı bulunamadı. Dalga aygıtını yüklemek için Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Kaydetmeye çalıştığınız aygıt geçerli dosya biçimini tanımıyor."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Hiç görüntü penceresi yok."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Pencere oluşturulamıyor veya kullanılamıyor."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Belirtilen dosya okunamadı. Dosyanın var olduğundan emin olun ya da diskinizi veya ağ bağlantızı denetleyin."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Belirtilen dosyaya yazılamıyor. Yeterli kullanılabilir disk alanına sahip olduğunuzdan veya ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, """Şarkı işaretçisi"" saat biçimini ve SMPTE saat biçimini birlikte kullanamazsınız."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "Sistemde MIDI aygıtı yüklü değil. Bir MIDI sürücüsü yüklemek için Denetim Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Belirtilen MIDI aygıtı şu an kullanımda. Boşalana kadar bekleyip yeniden deneyin."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Geçerli MIDI haritalama ayarı sistemde yüklü olmayan bir MIDI aygıtını işaret ediyor. Ayarları düzenlemek için Denetim Masası'ndan MIDI haritalama seçeneğini kullanın."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Belirtilen bağlantı noktasında hata oluştu."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Belirtilen MIDI aygıtı sistemde yüklü değil. Bir MIDI aygıtı yüklemek için Denetim Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "Sistemde belirtilen MIDI bağlantı noktası yok."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Tüm çokluortam zamanlayıcıları diğer uygulamalar tarafından kullanılıyor. Bu uygulamalardan birini kapatıp yeniden deneyin."

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 1999 Eric Pouech
* Copyright 2007 Artem Reznikov
* Copyright 2010 Igor Paliychuk
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
/* MMSYS errors */
MMSYSERR_NOERROR, "Вказану команду виконано."
MMSYSERR_ERROR, "Невідома зовнішня помилка."
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID, "Вказано код пристрою, який не використовується в системі."
MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED, "Драйвер не підключений."
MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED, "Вказаний пристрій уже використовується. Зачекайте, поки він звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE, "Вказано неправильний дескриптор пристрою."
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER, "У системі немає встановлених драйверів !\n"
MMSYSERR_NOMEM, "Недостатньо пам'яті для виконання цього завдання. Закрийте один або декілька додатків шоб звільнити пам'ять і повторіть спробу."
MMSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED, "Ця функція не підтримується. Скористайтеся функцією Capabilities, щоб одержати список функцій і повідомлень, які підтримує драйвер."
MMSYSERR_BADERRNUM, "Вказаний номер помилки не визначений у системі."
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG, "До системної функції передано неправильний прапор."
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM, "До системної функції передано неправильний параметр."
/* WAVE errors */
WAVERR_BADFORMAT, "Указаний формат не підтримується, або його неможливо перетворити. Скористайтеся функцією Capabilities, щоб одержати список форматів, які підтримуються"
WAVERR_STILLPLAYING, "Неможливо виконати цю операцію під час відтворення даних із носія. Зупиніть відтворення даних або зачекайте на його закінчення."
WAVERR_UNPREPARED, "Заголовок wave не підготовлений. Скористайтеся функцією Prepare, щоб підготувати його, і повторіть спробу."
WAVERR_SYNC, "Неможливо відкрити цей пристрій без використання прапорця WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Установіть цей прапорець і повторіть спробу."
/* MIDI errors */
MIDIERR_UNPREPARED, "Заголовок MIDI не підготовлений. Скористайтеся функцією Prepare, щоб підготувати його, і повторіть спробу."
MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING, "Неможливо виконати цю операцію під час відтворення даних із носія. Зупиніть відтворення даних або зачекайте на його закінчення."
MIDIERR_NOMAP, "Не знайдено карту MIDI. Можливо, виникли проблеми з драйвером, або файл MIDIMAP.CFG пошкоджений або відсутній."
MIDIERR_NOTREADY, "Порт передає дані до пристрою. Зачекайте, поки дані будуть передані, і повторіть спробу."
MIDIERR_NODEVICE, "Поточні налаштування MIDI Mapper посилаються на пристрій, не установлений у системі. Змініть параметри за допомогою MIDI Mapper."
MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP, "Поточні налаштування MIDI пошкоджені. Скопіюйте вихідний файл MIDIMAP.CFG до підтеки SYSTEM теки Windows і повторіть спробу."
/* MCI errors */
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID, "Невірний код пристрою MCI. Використайте код, який було повернуто після відкриття пристрою."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD, "Драйвер не може розпізнати вказаний параметр команди."
MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, "Драйвер не може розпізнати вказану команду."
MCIERR_HARDWARE, "Виникла проблема з пристроєм мультимедіа. Переконайтеся, що пристрій працює правильно, або зверніться до його виробника."
MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME, "Вказаний пристрій не відкритий або не розпізнається інтерфейсом MCI."
MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Недостатньо пам'яті для виконання цього завдання.\nЗакрийте один або декілька додатків шоб звільнити пам'ять і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN, "Це ім'я пристрою вже використовується додатком як псевдонім. Використайте унікальний псевдонім."
MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER, "Сталася невідома помилка під час завантаження вказаного драйвера пристрою."
MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW, "Довжина рядка виводу перевищує розмір буфера. Збільшіть розмір буфера."
MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT, "Вказана команда потребує текстовий параметр. Укажіть його."
MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER, "Вказане ціле число непридатне для цієї команди."
MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL, "Драйвер пристрою повернув значення неприпустимого типу. Зверніться до виробника пристрою, щоб отримати новий драйвер."
MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL, "Виникла проблема з драйвером пристрою. Зверніться до виробника пристрою, щоб отримати новий драйвер."
MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER, "Указана команда потребує параметр. Укажіть його."
MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION, "Пристрій MCI, який використовується, не підтримує вказану команду."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Неможливо знайти вказаний файл. Перевірте, чи правильно вказані шлях та ім'я файлу."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY, "Драйвер пристрою не готовий."
MCIERR_INTERNAL, "Сталася помилка під час ініціалізації MCI. Спробуйте перезапустити Windows."
MCIERR_DRIVER, "Виникла проблема із драйвером пристрою. Драйвер був закритий. Неможливо отримати код помилки."
MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL, "Неможливо використовувати 'all' як ім'я пристрою для вказаної команди."
MCIERR_MULTIPLE, "Сталося декілька помилок на різних пристроях. Щоб визначити джерело помилок, виконайте окремо кожну команду для кожного пристрою"
MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND, "Неможливо визначити тип пристрою за вказаним розширенням імені файлу."
MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE, "Вказаний параметр має неприпустиме значення для вказаної команди."
MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE, "Вказані параметри неможливо використовувати одночасно."
MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED, "Неможливо зберегти вказаний файл. Переконайтеся, що на диску достатньо вільного місця, або що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі."
MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED, "Неможливо знайти вказаний пристрій. Переконайтеся, що він установлений, або що ім'я пристрою введено правильно."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED, "Вказаний пристрій зараз закривається. Зачекайте декілька секунд, а потім повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS, "Вказаний псевдонім уже використовується в цьому додатку. Використайте унікальний псевдонім."
MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT, "Вказаний параметр неприпустимий для цієї команди."
MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE, "Драйвер пристрою вже використовується. Щоб дозволити спільний доступ до драйвера, необхідно використати параметр 'shareable' із кожною командою 'open'."
MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME, "Вказана команда потребує псевдонім або ім'я файлу, драйвера або пристрою. Укажіть його."
MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT, "Вказано невірне значення формату часу. Припустимі формати вказані в документації з MCI."
MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE, "При вводі значення параметра було пропущено закриваючі лапки. Введіть їх."
MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, "Параметр або значення вказані двічі. Укажіть його лише один раз."
MCIERR_INVALID_FILE, "Вказаний файл не може бути відтворений на вибраному пристрої MCI. Можливо, файл пошкоджений чи має неприпустимий формат."
MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK, "До MCI було передано порожній блок параметрів."
MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE, "Неможливо зберегти файл без імені. Введіть ім'я файлу."
MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS, "Якщо використовується параметр 'new', необхідно вказати псевдонім."
MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN, "Прапор 'notify' неможливо використовувати для пристроїв, відкритих автоматично."
MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED, "Неможливо використати ім'я файлу для вказаного пристрою."
MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION, "Неможливо виконати команди у вказаній послідовності. Змініть послідовність команд і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN, "Неможливо виконати вказану команду для пристрою, що відкривається автоматично. Зачекайте, поки пристрій буде закрито, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED, "Ім'я файлу невірне. Переконайтеся, що довжина імені файлу не перевищує 8 символів, після яких стоїть крапка й розширення."
MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS, "Неможливо вводити додаткові символи після рядка, забраного в лапки."
MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED, "Вказаний пристрій не установлений у системі. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери в Панелі керування, щоб установити пристрій."
MCIERR_GET_CD, "Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI. Спробуйте змінити теку чи перезавантажити комп'ютер."
MCIERR_SET_CD, "Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI, тому що додаток не може змінити теку."
MCIERR_SET_DRIVE, "Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI, тому що додаток не може змінити диск."
MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH, "Довжина імені пристрою або драйвера не може перевищувати 79 символів."
MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH, "Довжина імені пристрою або драйвера не може перевищувати 69 символів."
MCIERR_NO_INTEGER, "Вказана команда потребує цілий параметр. Введіть його."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE, "Усі пристрої, які можуть відтворювати файли поточного формату, зараз зайняті. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE, "Неможливо ввімкнути режим відтворення для поточного звукового пристрою, тому що він зайнятий. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE, "Усі пристрої, які можуть записувати файли поточного формату, зараз зайняті. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE, "Неможливо ввімкнути режим запису для поточного звукового пристрою, тому що він зайнятий. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Можна використовувати будь-які сумісні пристрої відтворення звуку."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED, "Можна використовувати будь-які сумісні пристрої запису звуку."
MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Не установлено жодного пристрою, який може відтворювати файли поточного формату. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери, щоб установити звуковий пристрій."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE,"Пристрій, на якому ви намагаєтесь відтворити звук, не розпізнає поточного формату файлу."
MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE, "Не установлено жодного пристрою, який може записувати файли поточного формату. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери, щоб установити звуковий пристрій."
MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE, "Пристрій, з якого ви намагаєтеся записати звук, не розпізнає поточного формату файлу."
MCIERR_NO_WINDOW, "Немає вікна перегляду."
MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW, "Неможливо створити або використати вікно."
MCIERR_FILE_READ, "Неможливо прочитати вказаний файл. Переконайтеся, що файл не видалений, і перевірте підключення до диску або мережі."
MCIERR_FILE_WRITE, "Неможливо записати до вказаного файлу. Переконайтеся, що на диску є достатньо вільного простору та що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі."
MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE, "Формати часу ""song pointer"" та SMPTE взаємовиключні. Неможливо використовувати їх одночасно."
MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT, "У системі немає установлених пристроїв MIDI. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери в Панелі керування, щоб установити драйвер MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE, "Указаний порт MIDI уже використовується. Зачекайте, поки він звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE, "Поточні параметри MIDI Mapper посилаються на пристрій, не установлений у системі. Скористайтесь пунктом MIDI Mapper в Панелі керування для редагування налаштувань."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR, "Сталася помилка зі вказаним портом."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT, "Вказаний пристрій MIDI не установлений у системі. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери в Панелі керування, щоб установити пристрій MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED, "В системі не вказаний поточний порт MIDI."
MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER, "Усі таймери мультимедіа використовуються іншими додатками. Закрийте один із цих додатків і повторіть спробу."

View File

@ -1629,6 +1629,498 @@ msgstr "Страница нагоре"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1623,6 +1623,594 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Určený příkaz byl proveden."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Nedefinovaná vnější chyba."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Použité ID zařízení je mimo možnosti systému."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Ovladač nebyl povolen."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Zařízení je dosud používáno. Vyčkejte na jeho uvolnění a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Ukazatel na zařízení je neplatný."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "V systému není nainstalován žádný ovladač !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Není dost paměti pro tuto úlohu. Ukončete jednu nebo víc aplikací k získání "
"více volné paměti a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Tato funkce není podporována. Použijte funkci Capabilities k určení, jaké "
"funkce a zprávy ovladač podporuje."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Uvedené číslo chyby není v systému definováno."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Systémové funkci byl předán neplatný příznak."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Systémové funkci byl předán neplatný parametr."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Tento formát není podporován nebo nemůže být přeložen. Použijte funkci "
"Capabilities k určení podporovaného formátu."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu provést tuto operaci dokud jsou data přehrávána. Zresetujte "
"multimediální zařízení nebo vyčkejte na konec přehrávání."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wave hlavička nebyla připravena. Použijte funkci Prepare k její konstrukci a "
"pak to zkuste znovu."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu otevřít zařízení bez použití příznaku WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Použijte ho a "
"zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI hlavička nebyla připravena. Použijte funkci Prepare k její konstrukci a "
"pak to zkuste znovu."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"MIDI map nebyla nalezena. To může ukazovat na problém s ovladačem nebo je "
"soubor MIDIMAP.CFG poškozen či chybí."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Port přenáší data na zařízení. Počkejte na dokončení přenosu a zkuste to "
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Současné nastavení MIDI mapperu se odkazuje na MIDI zařízení nepřítomné v "
"systému. Upravte nastavení MIDI mapperu."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Současné nastavení MIDI je poškozené. Přepište soubor MIDIMAP.CFG ve Windows "
"složce SYSTEM originálem a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Neplatný identifikátor MCI zařízení. Použijte identifikátor vrácený při "
"otevření MCI zařízení."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Ovladač nepřipouští použitý parametr příkazu."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Ovladač nepřipouští použitý příkaz."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"S multimediálním zařízením něco není v pořádku. Ujistěte se, že pracuje jak "
"má, případně oslovte jeho výrobce."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Uvedené zařízení není použitelné nebo není podporované MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Není dost paměti na provedení této úlohy.\n"
"Ukončete jednu nebo víc aplikací a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Jméno zařízení už je použito jako alias touto aplikací. Použijte unikátní "
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "Vyskytl se nerozpoznatelný problém při zavádění uvedeného ovladače."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nebyl zadán žádný příkaz."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Výstupní řetězec se nevejde do výstupního zásobníku. Zvětšete velikost "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Tento příkaz vyžaduje textový parametr. Zadejte jeden."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Toto číslo je neplatné pro tento příkaz."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Ovladač zařízení vrátil neplatný návratový typ. Zeptejte se dodavatele "
"zařízení na nový ovladač."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr "Byl rozpoznán problém s ovladačem. Získejte od výrobce nový ovladač."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Tento příkaz vyžaduje parametr. Zadejte ho."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Vámi použité MCI zařízení nepodporuje uvedený příkaz."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Soubor nebyl nalezen. Ujistěte se, že cesta k souboru a jeho jméno jsou "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Ovladač zařízení není připraven."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "Při inicialiazaci MCI došlo k problémům. Zkuste zrestartovat Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Ovladač má problémy a ukončil svou činnost. Ovladač nevrátil popis chyby."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Nemohu použít 'all' jako jméno zařízení při provádění tohoto příkazu."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Vyskytly se chyby na více zařízeních. Zadejte příkazy zvlášť pro každé jedno "
"zařízeníify, aby bylo zjištěno, které zařízení chybuje."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Nedokáži přiřadit soubor s touto příponou vhodnému zařízení."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Uvedený parametr je mimo meze uvedeného příkazu."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Tyto parametry nemohou být požity spolu."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu uložit soubor. Ujistěte se, že je dost místa na disku nebo je-li Vaše "
"síťové připojení průchozí."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu najít požadované zařízení. Ujistěte se, že je nainstalováno, nebo že "
"jste jeho název uvedli přesně."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Toto zařízení je právě uzavíráno. Vyčkejte několik sekund a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr "Tento alias je už používán v této aplikaci. Použijte jiné jméno."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Uvedený parametr je neplatný pro tento příkaz."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Uvedené zařízení je už používáno. Chcete-li ho sdílet, použijte 'shareable' "
"parametr s každým příkazem 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz vyžaduje alias, soubor, ovladač nebo název zařízení. Uveďte "
"jeden prosím."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Použitý formát času je neplatný. Nahlédněte do MCI dokumentace a zjistěte si "
"platné formáty."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "Hodnota parametru není uzavřena uvozovkami. Doplňte je."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "Parametr nebo hodnota byla zadána dvakrát. Zadejte jen jeden/jednu."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Tento soubor nemůže být přehrán na tomto MCI zařízení. Soubor může být "
"poškozen nebo nemá správný formát."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "MCI byl předán prázdný blok parametrů."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Nemohu uložit soubor bez názvu. Zadejte název."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Při použití parametru 'new' musíte zadat alias."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Nelze použít parametr 'notify' s automaticky otevřeným zařízením."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Nelze použít soubor s tímto zařízením."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nelze dokončit skupinu příkazů v tomto pořadí. Opravte pořadí příkazů a "
"zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Tento příkaz nelze dokončit na automaticky otevřeném zařízení. Vyčkejte na "
"zavření zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Název souboru je neplatný. Ujistěte se, že název souboru má 8 znaků "
"následovaných tečkou a příponou."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "Nelze zadat znaky za řetězec uzavřený uvozovkami."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Toto zařízení není v systému nainstalováno. Nainstalujte ho v Ovládacím "
"panelu, na záložce Ovladače."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení. Změňte adresář nebo "
"restartujte Váš počítač."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení, protože aplikace "
"nemůže změnit adresář."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu přistoupit k uvedenému souboru nebo MCI zařízení, protože aplikace "
"nemůže změnit jednotku disku."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Určete zařízení nebo ovladač jehož název je kratší než 79 znaků."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Určete zařízení nebo ovladač jehož název je kratší než 69 znaků."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "Tento příkaz vyžaduje celočíselný parametr. Použijte ho prosím."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Všechna wave zařízení, která by mohla přehrát soubory s tímto formátem jsou "
"používána. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu nastavit toto wave zařízení na playback, jelikož je používáno. "
"Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Všechna wave zařízení, která by mohla nahrávat oubory s tímto formátem jsou "
"používána. Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu nastavit toto wave zařízení na nahrávání, jelikož je používáno. "
"Vyčkejte na uvolnění zařízení a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Jakékoliv waveform kompatibilní přehrávací zařízení může být použito."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Jakékoliv waveform kompatibilní nahrávací zařízení může být použito."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Není nainstalováno žádné wave zařízení, které by bylo schopno přehrát "
"soubory v tomto formátu. Použijte záložku Ovladače k instalaci wave zařízení."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Přehrávací zařízení nedokázalo rozpoznat formát souboru."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Není nainstalováno žádné wave zařízení, které by bylo schopno nahrát soubory "
"v tomto formátu. Použijte záložku Ovladače k instalaci wave zařízení."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Zařízení, ze kterého zkoušíte nahrávat, nedokáže rozpoznat formát výstupního "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Formáty času \"song pointer\" a SMPTE jsou vzájemně výlučné. Nemůžete je "
"použít současně."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Tento MIDI port je používán. Vyčkejte na jeho uvolnění; pak to zkuste znovu."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Toto MIDI zařízení není nainstalováno v systému. Nainstalujte ho v Ovládacím "
"panelu na záložce Driver."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Nastavení MIDI mapperu odkazuje na MIDI zařízení, které není v systému "
"nainstalováno. Nainstalujte ho pomocí záložky MIDI Mapper v Ovládacím panelu."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Nastala chyba při práci s tímto portem."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Všechny časovače multimédií jsou používány aplikacemi. Ukončete jednu z "
"těchto aplikací a zkuste to znovu."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Systém nezná tento MIDI port."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"V systému nejsou nainstalovány MIDI zařízení. Nainstalujte je ze záložky "
"Ovladač v Ovládacím panelu."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Okno display chybí."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Nemohu vytvořit nebo použít okno."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu přečíst zadaný soubor. Ujistěte se, že soubor stále existuje a "
"zkontrolujte svůj disk nebo síťovou konektivitu."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nemohu zapisovat do zadaného souboru. Ujistěte se, že máte dost místa na "
"disku nebo zda jste připojeni k síti."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logové"

View File

@ -1649,6 +1649,604 @@ msgstr "&w&bSide &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Den specificerede kommando blev udført."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Udefineret ekstern fejl."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Et enheds ID som er udenfor rækkevidde er blevet brugt på dit system."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Driveren blev ikke aktiveret."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede enhed er allerede i brug. Vent til den er ledig og prøv "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Det specificerede enheds handle er ugyldigt."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Det er ingen driver installeret på systemet.\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Ikke nok hukommelse tilrådig til denne operation. Afslut et eller flere "
"programmer for at frigøre hukommelse og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Denne funktion understøttes ikke. Brug funktionen 'Capabilities' for at "
"finde ud af hvilke funktioner og meddelser driveren understøtter."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Et udefineret fejlnummer blev specificeret."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Et ugyldigt flag blev overført til en systemfunktion."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "En ugyldig parameter blev overført til en systemfunktion."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Det specificerede format understøttes ikke eller kan ikke oversættes. Brug "
"funktionen 'Capabilities' for at se de understøttede formater."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke udfører denne operation mens medie data afspilles. Genstart "
"enheden, eller vent til den er færdig."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wafe headeren var ikke klargjort. Brug funktionen 'Prepare' for at klargøre "
"headeren og prøv derefter igen."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke åbne enheden uden at bruke flagget 'WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Brug flagget og "
"prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI headeren var ikke klargjort. Brug funktionen 'Prepare' for at klargøre "
"headeren og prøv derefter igen."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"En MIDI map blev ikke fundet. Der er måske et problem med driveren, eller "
"også er filen 'MIDIMAP.CFG' korrupt eller mangler."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Porten sender data til enheden. Vent til dataerne er sendt og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Den nuværende Mapper opsætning peger på en MIDI enhed der ikke er "
"installeret i systemet. brug MIDI Mapper'en til editere opsætningen."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Den nuværende MIDI opsætning er skadet. Kopier den originale MIDIMAP.CFG fil "
"ind i Windows SYSTEM folderen, og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Ugyldig MCI enheds ID. Brug ID'et som returneres når MCI-enhetdn åbnes."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Driveren kunne ikke genkende den specificerede kommandoparameter."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Driveren kunne ikke genkende den specificerede kommando."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Det er et problem med medieenheden. Sørg for at den virker ordentlig eller "
"kontakt leverandøren."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Den specificerede enhed er ikke åben, eller ikke genkendt af MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Ikke nok hukommelse til denne operation.\n"
"Afslut et eller flere programmer for at frigøre hukommelse og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Enhedsnafnet bruges allerede som et alies af dette program. Brug et unikt "
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Et ukendt problem opstod under indlæsningen af den specificerede driver."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Der blev ikke specificeret nogen kommando."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Den skrevne streng var for stor til at være i retur bufferen. Forøg "
"størrelsen på bufferen."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Den specificerede kommando kræver en tegnstrengs parameter. Angiv en."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Det specificerede heltal er ugyldigt til denne kommando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Enhedsdriveren returnerede en ugyldig retur type. Kontakt producenten for at "
"få en ny driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Der er et problem med enhedsdriveren. Kontakt producenten for at få en ny "
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Den specificerede kommando kræver en parameter. Angiv en."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "MCI enheden som bruges understøtter ikke den specificerede kommando."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke finde den specificerede fil. Kontroller at stien og filnafnet er "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Enhedsdriveren er ikke klar."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Et problem opstod under initaliseringen af MCI. Prøv at genstarte Wine."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Der er et problem med enhedsdriveren. Driveren blev lukket, ingen adgang "
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruge 'all' som enhedsnafn med den specificerede kommando."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Der opstod fejl i mere end en enhed. Angiv hver kommando og enhed seperat "
"for at finde ud hvilken enhed som forårsagede fejlen."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Kan ikke bestemme enhedstypen ud fra den opgivede fil efternafn."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede parameter er udenfor rækkevidde for den specificerede "
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "De specificerede parametere kan ikke bruges sammen."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke gemme den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri "
"diskplads eller at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Fandt ikke den specificerede enhedn. Kontroller at den er installeret eller "
"at enhedsnafnet er rigtigt stafet."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede enhed er igang med at blive lukket. Vent et par sekunder "
"og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Det specificerede alias bruges allerede i dette program. Brug et unikt alias."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Den specificerede parameter er ugyldig til denne kommando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Enhedsdriveren er allerede i brug. Brug parameteren 'shareable' for hver "
"'open'-kommando for at dele den."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede kommando kræver et alias, en fil, driver eller et "
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede værdi for tidsformatet er ugyldigt. Se i MCI "
"dokumentationen efter gyldige formater."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "Et afsluttende anførelsestegn mangler i parameter værdien. Tilføj et."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Parameteren eller værdien blev angivet to ganger. Angiv det kun en gang."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede fil kan ikke spilles af på den specificerede MCI enhed. "
"Filen er måske korrupt, eller i forkert format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "En null parameter blok blev givet til MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Kan ikke gemme en fil uden nafn. Angiv et filnafn."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Du skal specificere et alias når du bruger parameteren 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruge flagget 'notify' med automatisk åbnede enheder."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruge et filnafn med den specificerede enhed."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke udføre kommandoen i den specificerede rækkefølge. Ret rækkefølgen "
"og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke udføre den specificerede kommando på en automatisk åbnet enhed. "
"Vent til enheden er lukket og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Filnafnet er ugyldigt. Kontroller at filnafnet ikke er længere end 8 tegn, "
"efterfulgt af et punktum og en fil type (3 tegn)."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke specificere ekstra tegn efter en streng omgivet af anførelsestegn."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede enhed er ikke installeret i systemet. Brug valget "
"'Drivere' i Kontrolpanelet for at installere enheden."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed. Prøv at ændre folder "
"eller at genstarte din computer."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed fordi programmet ikke "
"kan skifte folder."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke tilgå den specificerede fil eller MCI enhed fordi programmet ikke "
"kan skifte drev."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Specificer en enhed eller drivernafn som er mindre en 79 tegn."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Specificer en enhed eller drivernafn som er mindre en 69 tegn."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede kommando har brug for en heltals parameter. Angiv et."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle lydenheder som kan afspille filer i det pågældende format er optagede. "
"Vent til at en af lydenhederne er ledige og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke sætte den gældende lydenhed til afspilning fordi den er i brug. "
"Vent til at enheden er ledig og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle lydenheder som kan optage filer i det gældende format er optagede. Vent "
"til at en af lydenhederne er ledige og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke sætte den gældende lydenhed til at optage fordi den er i brug. "
"Vent til at enheden er ledig og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Enhver kompatibel enhed til lydafspilling kan bruges."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Enhver kompatibel enhed til lydoptagening kan bruges."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen lydenhed som kan afspille filer i det gældende formatet er "
"installeret. Brug 'Drivere' for at installere lydenheden."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Enheden du prøver at afspille fra, genkender ikke det gældende filformat."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen lydenhed som kan optage filer i det gældende format er installeret. "
"Brug 'Drivere' for at installere lydenheden."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Enheden du prøver at optage på, genkender ikke det gældende filformat."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr "Tidsformatet til \"song pointer\" og 'SMPTE' kan ikke bruges sammen."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede MIDI port er allerede i brug. Vent til den er ledig og "
"prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Den specificerede MIDI enhed er ikke installeret på systemet. Brug 'Drivere' "
"i Kontrollpanelet for at installere en MIDI enhed."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Det gældende opsætning for MIDI mapperen refererer til en MIDI enhed som "
"ikke er installeret i systemet. Brug 'MIDI mapper' i Kontrolpanelet for at "
"ændre opsætningen."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "En fejl opstod med den specificerede port.."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle multimediatidstagere bruges af andre programmer. Luk et af de "
"programmer og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Systemet har ikke specificeret en gældende MIDI port."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Systemet har ikke nogen installerede MIDI enheder. Brug 'Drivere' i "
"Kontrolpanelet for at installere en MIDI driver."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Der er ikke noget vindue."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette eller bruge vinduet."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke læse den specificerede fil. Kontroller at filen fortsat findes, "
"og kontroller forbindelsen til disken eller netværket."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke skrive til den specificerede fil. Kontroller at du har nok fri "
"diskplads, og at du fortsat er tilkoblet netværket."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analog"

View File

@ -1645,6 +1645,639 @@ msgstr "&w&bSeite &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Der angeforderte Befehl wurde ausgeführt."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Unbekannter externer Fehler."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Die derzeit verwendete Gerätekennung ist außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs "
"für Ihr System."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Der Treiber konnte nicht gestartet werden."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Das Gerät wird bereits verwendet. Warten Sie, bis es freigegeben ist, und "
"versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Das angegebende Gerätehandle ist ungültig."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Es ist kein Treiber auf Ihrem System installiert !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nicht genügend Speicher für diesen Befehl. Beenden Sie eine oder mehrere "
"Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Diese Funktion wird nicht unterstützt. Benutzen Sie die Funktion "
"'Capabilities', um zu ermitteln, welche Funktion dieser Treiber unterstützt."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Die angegebene Fehlernummer ist für dieses System nicht definiert."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Ein ungültiges Flag wurde an eine Systemfunktion übergeben."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Ein ungültiger Parameter wurde an eine Systemfunktion übergeben."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Dieses Format wird nicht unterstützt oder kann nicht übersetzt werden. "
"Benutzen Sie die Funktion 'Capabilities', um die unterstützten Formate zu "
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Die Funktion kann nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn noch Mediendateien "
"wiedergegeben werden. Starten Sie das Gerät neu, oder warten Sie bis keine "
"Daten mehr wiedergegeben werden."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Der WAVE - Header wurde nicht vorbereitet. Benutzen Sie die Funktion "
"'Prepare' zum Vorbereiten des Headers und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Das Gerät kann nicht ohne das WAVE_ALLOWSYNC - Flag geöffnet werden. "
"Benutzen Sie dieses Flag und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Der MIDI - Header wurde nicht vorbereitet. Benutzen Sie die Funktion "
"'Prepare' zum Vorbereiten des Headers und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Es wurde keine MIDI - Map gefunden. Es könnte ein Problem mit dem Treiber "
"geben oder die Datei MIDIMAP.CFG fehlt oder ist beschädigt."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Der Anschluss ist mit der Datenausgabe belegt. Warten Sie, bis die Daten "
"übertragen wurden und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Das gegenwärtige MIDI - Mapper Setup benutzt ein MIDI - Gerät, das nicht "
"installiert ist. Benutzen Sie den MIDI - Mapper, um das Setup zu ändern."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Das aktuelle MIDI Setup ist beschädigt. Kopieren sie die ursprüngliche Datei "
"MIDIMAP.CFG ind das Windows - Systemverzeichnis und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Ungültige MCI - Gerätekennung. Benutzen Sie die zurückgegebene ID, wenn Sie "
"das MCI - Gerät öffnen."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Der Treiber kann den angegebenen Befehlsparameter nicht anerkennen."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Der Treiber kann den angegebenen Befehl nicht anerkennen."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Es gibt ein Problem mit Ihrem Media - Gerät. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es "
"richtig arbeitet oder fragen Sie den Gerätehersteller."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
"Das angegebene Gerät ist nicht geöffnet oder wird vom MCI nicht erkannt."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Nicht genügend Speicher für den angeforderten Vorgang.\n"
"Beenden Sie eine oder mehrere Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Der Gerätename wird von dieser Anwendung bereits als Alias benutzt. Benutzen "
"Sie einen eindeutigen Alias"
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Es gibt ein unbekanntes Problem beim Laden des angegebenen Gerätetreibers."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Kein Befehl wurde angegeben."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Die Ausgabezeichenkette war zu lang für den Rückgabepuffer. Erhöhen Sie die "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Der Befehl erfordert einen Zeichenkettenparameter. Bitte stellen Sie einen "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Die Angabe einer ganzen Zahl ist für diesen Befehl ungültig."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Der Gerätetreiber hat einen ungültigen Rückgabewert geliefert. Fragen Sie "
"den Gerätehersteller nach einem neuen Treiber."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Ein Treiberfehler ist aufgetreten. Fragen Sie den Gerätehersteller nach "
"einem neuen Treiber."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen Parameter. Bitte geben Sie einen an."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Das verwendete MCI - Gerät unterstützt diesen Befehl nicht."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Die angeforderte Datei wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Pfad- "
"und Dateiname richtig sind."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Der Gerätetreiber ist nicht bereit."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Ein Fehler ereignete sich beim Starten von MCI. Versuche Windows neu zu "
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Es gibt ein Problem mit dem Gerätetreiber. Der Treiber wird geschlossen. Ein "
"Fehler kann nicht gemeldet werden."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Der Gerätename 'all' ist nicht in diesem Befehl erlaubt."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Es traten Fehler in mehr als einem Gerät auf. Geben Sie jeden Befehl für "
"jedes Gerät einzeln an, um zu bestimmen, welches Gerät die Fehler "
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Kann keinen Gerätetyp aus der angegebenen Dateinamenerweiterung ermitteln."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Parameter liegt außerhalb des zulässigen Bereichs für diesen "
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Die Parameter können nicht zusammen verwendet werden."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Die Datei kann nicht gespeichert werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass genügend "
"Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist oder Ihre Netzwerkverbindung noch "
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Das angegebene Gerät wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es "
"installiert ist oder der Gerätename richtig geschrieben ist."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Das angegebene Gerät wird geschlossen. Warten Sie einige Sekunden, und "
"versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Alias wird von dieser Anwendung bereits verwendet. Wählen Sie "
"einen eindeutigen Alias."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Der angegebene Parameter für diesen Befehl ungültig."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Das Gerät ist bereits geöffnet. Benutzen Sie den 'shareable' - Parameter bei "
"jedem 'open' - Befehl."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen Alias-, Datei-, Treiber- oder "
"Gerätenamen. Bitte geben Sie einen an."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Wert für das Zeitformat ist ungültig. Lesen Sie in der MCI - "
"Dokumentation nach gültigen Formaten nach."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Ein abschließendes Anführungszeichen fehlt im Parameter. Bitte geben Sie "
"eins an."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Ein Parameter oder Wert wurde zweimal angegeben. Geben Sie in nur einzeln an."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Die angegebene Datei kann auf dem MCI - Gerät nicht wiedergegeben werden. "
"Die Datei ist wahrscheinlich beschädigt oder in einem ungültigen Format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Der Parameterblock, der zu MCI übergeben wurde, war NULL."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
"Es kann keine unbenannte Datei gespeichert werden. Geben Sie einen "
"Dateinamen an."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Sie müssen einen Alias mit dem 'new' - Parameter angeben."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Das 'notify' Flag ist unzulässig für selbstöffnende Geräte."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Ein Dateiname kann mit diesem Gerät nicht verwendet werden."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Die Befehle sind in der angegebenen Reihenfolge nicht ausführbar. Ändern Sie "
"die Reihenfolge, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Der Befehl kann nicht auf ein selbstöffnedes Gerät angewandt werden. Warten "
"Sie, bis das Gerät geschlossen wurde und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Der Dateiname ist ungültig. Der Dateiname muss aus maximal 8 Zeichen, "
"gefolgt von einem Punkt und einer Dateinamenerweiterung bestehen."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Zusätzliche Zeichen nach einer Zeichenkette mit Anführungszeichen sind nicht "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Das angegebene Gerät ist nicht auf Ihren System installiert. Benutzen Sie "
"die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um das Gerät zu installieren."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden. "
"Versuchen Sie, das Verzeichnis zu wechseln oder das System neu zu starten."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden, "
"weil die Anwendung nicht das Verzeichnis wechseln kann."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Auf die angegebene Datei oder das MCI - Gerät kann nicht zugegriffen werden, "
"weil die Anwendung nicht das Laufwerk wechseln kann."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie einen Geräte- oder Treibernamen mit weniger als 79 Zeichen an."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Geben Sie einen Geräte- oder Treibernamen mit weniger als 69 Zeichen an."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene Befehl erfordert einen ganzzahligen Parameter. Bitte geben "
"Sie einen an."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle Waveformgeräte, die diese Dateien in dem gegenwärtigen Format "
"wiedergeben könnten, sind in Benutzung. Warten Sie, bis ein Waveformgerät "
"frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Das gegenwärtige Waveformgerät kann nicht wiedergeben, weil es gerade "
"benutzt wird. Warten Sie, bis das Gerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den "
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Es ist kein Waveformgerät frei, das das gegenwärtige Format aufzeichnen "
"könnte. Warten Sie, bis ein Waveformgerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den "
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Das gegenwärtige Waveformgerät kann nicht aufzeichnen, weil es gerade "
"verwendet wird. Warten Sie, bis das Gerät frei ist, und wiederholen Sie den "
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Jedes kompatible Waveform - Wiedergabegerät kann verwendet werden."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Jedes kompatible Waveform - Aufnahmegerät kann verwendet werden."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Es ist kein Waveformgerät installiert, das Dateien im aktuellen Format "
"wiedergeben kann. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, "
"um ein Waveformgerät zu installieren."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Das Wiedergabegerät erkennt das gegenwärtige Dateiformat nicht."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Es ist kein Waveformgerät installiert, das Dateien im aktuellen Format "
"aufnehmen kann. Benutzen Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, "
"um ein Waveformgerät zu installieren."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Das Gerät, mit dem Sie aufzeichnen möchten, erkennt das gegenwärtige "
"Dateiformat nicht."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Die Zeitformate von \"song pointer\" und SMPTE schliessen sich gegenseitig "
"aus. Sie können sie nicht zusammen verwenden."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Der angegebene MIDI - Anschluss wird bereits verwendet. Warten Sie bis der "
"Anschluss frei ist, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Es sind keine angegebnen MIDI - Geräte auf dem System installiert. Benutzen "
"Sie die Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um ein MIDI - Gerät zu "
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Das gegenwärtige MIDI - Mapper Setup benutzt ein MIDI - Gerät, dass nicht "
"auf Ihren System installiert ist. Benutzen Sie den MIDI - Mapper in der "
"Systemsteuerung, um das Setup zu ändern."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Beim Benutzen des angegebenen Anschlusses trat ein Fehler auf."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle Multimediazeitgeber werden von anderen Anwendungen verwendet. Beenden "
"Sie eine dieser Anwendungen, und versuchen Sie es erneut."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Es gibt keinen aktuellen MIDI - Anschluss auf dem System."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Es sind keine MIDI - Geräte auf dem System installiert. Benutzen Sie die "
"Hardwareerkennung in der Systemsteuerung, um einen MIDI - Treiber zu "
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Es gibt kein Anzeigefenster."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Fenster konnte nicht erzeugt oder verwendet werden."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Die Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Datei "
"existiert oder Ihre Netzwerkverbindung noch besteht."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Die Datei konnte nicht geschrieben werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass genügend "
"Platz auf dem Datenträger verfügbar ist, oder dass die Netzwerkverbindung "
"noch besteht."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1602,6 +1602,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1598,6 +1598,499 @@ msgstr "Page Up"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
#, fuzzy
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Could not get handle to service.\n"
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1629,6 +1629,611 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "The specified command was carried out."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Undefined external error."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "The driver was not enabled."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "The specified device handle is invalid."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "No command was specified."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "The device driver is not ready."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "An error occurred with the specified port."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "There is no display window."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Could not create or use window."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1631,6 +1631,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&loga"

View File

@ -1655,6 +1655,637 @@ msgstr "&w&bPágina &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "El comando especificado fue ejecutado."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Error externo indefinido."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Un identificador de dispositivo que ha sido usado está fuera de rango para "
"su sistema."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "El manejador no fue activado."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo especificado aún está en uso. Espere hasta que esté libre e "
"intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "El handle de dispositivo especificado es inválido."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "¡No hay un manejador instalado en su sistema!\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No hay suficiente memoria disponible para esta tarea. Cierre una o más "
"aplicaciones para aumentar la memoria disponible e inténtelo de nuevo."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Esta función no está soportada. Use la función Capacidades para determinar "
"qué funciones y mensajes soporta el manejador."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
"Se ha especificado un número de error que no está definido en el sistema."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Se ha pasado una bandera no válida a una función del sistema."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Se ha pasado un parámetro no válido a una función del sistema."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"El formato especificado no está soportado o no puede ser traducido. Use la "
"función Capacidades para determinar los formatos soportados."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Esta operación no puede ejecutarse mientras continúa la reproducción. "
"Reinicie el dispositivo, o espere hasta que la reproducción termine."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"La cabecera de onda no está preparada. Use la función Preparar para "
"prepararla, e inténtelo de nuevo."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No puede abrirse el dispositivo sin usar la bandera WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. "
"Utilícela, e inténtelo de nuevo."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"La cabecera MIDI no está preparada. Use la función Preparar para prepararla, "
"e inténtelo de nuevo."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"No se encontró un mapa MIDI. Puede haber un problema con el controlador, el "
"el fichero MIDIMAP.CFG puede faltar o estar corrupto."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"El puerto está transmitiendo datos al dispositivo. Espera hasta que los "
"datos hayan sido transmitidos, e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"La configuración actual del mapeador MIDI refiere a un dispositivo MIDI que "
"no está instalado en el sistema. Use el mapeador MIDI para editar la "
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"La configuración actual de MIDI está dañada. Copie el fichero MIDIMAP.CFG "
"original al directorio SYSTEM de Windows SYSTEM, e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Identificador de dispositivo MCI inválido. Use el identificador devuelto al "
"abrir el dispositivo MCI."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
"El controlador no puede reconocer el parámetro de comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "El controlador no puede reconocer el comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Hay un problema con su dispositivo. Asegúrese de que esté funcionando "
"correctamente o contacte al fabricante del dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo especificado no está abierto o no es reconocido por MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"No hay suficiente memoria para esta tarea.\n"
"Cierre una o más aplicaciones para aumentar la memoria disponible e intente "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"El nombre de dispositivo ya está siendo usado como un alias por esta "
"aplicación. Use un alias único."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Hay un problema no detectable en la carga del controlador de dispositivo "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "No se ha especificado un comando."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"La cadena de salida es muy grande para caber en el buffer de retorno. "
"Aumente el tamaño del buffer."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"El comando especificado requiere un parámetro de cadena de caracteres. Por "
"favor provea uno."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "El entero especificado es inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"El controlador de dispositivo devolvió un tipo de retorno inválido. Contacte "
"al fabricante del dispositivo para obtener un nuevo controlador."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Hay un problema con el controlador de dispositivo. Contacte al fabricante "
"del dispositivo para obtener un nuevo controlador."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "El comando especificado requiere un parámetro. Por favor provea uno."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "El dispositivo MCI que está usando no soporta el comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"No se encuentra el fichero especificado. Asegúrese que el path y el nombre "
"del fichero son correctos."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "El controlador de dispositivo no está listo."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Un problema ha ocurrido inicializando el MCI. Intente reiniciar Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Hay un problema con el controlador del dispositivo. El controlador se ha "
"cerrado. Intente reenviar el comando."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Utilice un nombre de dispositivo específico para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Han ocurrido errores en más de un dispositivo. Especifique cada comando y "
"dispositivo por separado para determinar que dispositivos causaron el error."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"No puede determinarse el tipo de dispositivo a partir de la extensión de "
"fichero dada."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"El parámetro especificado está fuera del rango para el comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Los parámetros especificados no pueden usarse juntos."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente "
"espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"No puede encontrarse el dispositivo especificado. Asegúrese de que está "
"instalado o de que el nombre del dispositivo está escrito correctamente."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo especificado está siendo cerrado. Espere unos segundos e "
"intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"El alias especificado ya está siendo usado por esta aplicación. Use un alias "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "El parámetro especificado es inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"El controlador de dispositivo ya está en uso. Para compartirlo, use el "
"parámetro 'compartible' ('shareable') con cada comando 'abrir' ('open')."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"El comando especificado requiere un alias, fichero, controlador o nombre de "
"dispositivo. Por favor provea uno."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"El valor especificado para el formato de tiempo es inválido. Verifique los "
"formatos válidos en la documentación de MCI."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Una comilla de cierre está faltando en el valor del parámetro. Por favor "
"provea una."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Un parámetro o valor fue especificado dos veces. Especifíquelo una sola vez."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"El fichero especificado no puede ser tocado en el dispositivo MCI "
"especificado. El fichero puede estar corrupto o en un formato incorrecto."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Se ha pasado un bloque de parámetros nulo al MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
"No puede guardarse un fichero sin nombre. Provea un nombre para el fichero."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Debe especificar un alias cuando utilice el parámetro 'nuevo'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"No puede usar el flag 'notificar' con dispositivos de apertura automática."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "No puede usar un nombre de fichero con el dispositivo especificado."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No pueden ejecutarse los comandos en el orden especificado. Corrija la "
"secuencia de comandos e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No puede ejecutarse el comando especificado en un dispositivo de apertura "
"automática. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté cerrado e intente "
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"El nombre del fichero es inválido. Asegúrese de que el nombre del fichero no "
"es mayor de 8 caracteres, seguido por un punto y una extensión."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"No puede especificar caracteres extra después de una cadena encerrada entre "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo especificado no está instalado en el sistema. Use la opción "
"Controladores en el Panel de Control para instalar el dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado. Intente "
"cambiando de directorio o reiniciando el equipo."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado porque la "
"aplicación no puede cambiar de directorio."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"No puede accederse al fichero o dispositivo MCI especificado porque la "
"aplicación no puede cambiar de unidad."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Especifique un dispositivo o nombre de controlador de menos de 79 caracteres."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Especifique un dispositivo o nombre de controlador de menos de 69 caracteres."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"El comando especificado requiere un parámetro entero. Por favor provea uno."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos los dispositivos que pueden tocar ficheros en este formato están en "
"uso. Espere hasta que se libere un dispositivo e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No puede prepararse el dispositivo de forma de onda para reproducción porque "
"está en uso. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté libre e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos los dispositivos que pueden grabar ficheros en este formato están en "
"uso. Espere hasta que se libere un dispositivo e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"No puede prepararse el dispositivo de forma de onda para grabación porque "
"está en uso. Espere hasta que el dispositivo esté libre e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Cualquier dispositivo compatible de reproducción de forma de onda puede ser "
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Cualquier dispositivo compatible de grabación de forma de onda puede ser "
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No hay ningún dispositivo de forma de onda instalado capaz de reproducir "
"ficheros en este formato. Use la opción Dispositivos para instalar el "
"dispositivo de forma de onda."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo con el que intenta reproducir no puede reconocer el formato "
"de fichero."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No hay ningún dispositivo de forma de onda instalado capaz de grabar "
"ficheros en este formato. Use la opción Dispositivos para instalar el "
"dispositivo de forma de onda."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo con el que intenta grabar no puede reconocer el formato de "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Los formatos de tiempo de \"song pointer\" y SMPTE son mutuamente "
"exclusivos. No pueden utilizarse a la vez."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"El puerto MIDI especificado ya está en uso. Espere hasta que esté libre e "
"intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"El dispositivo MIDI especificado no está instalado en el sistema. Use la "
"opción Dispositivos en el Panel de Control para instalar un dispositivo MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"La configuración actual del mapeador MIDI refiere a un dispositivo MIDI que "
"no está instalado en el sistema. Use el la opción del mapeador MIDI en el "
"Panel de Control para editar la configuración."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Ha ocurrido un error con el puerto especificado."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos los temporizadores de multimedia están siendo usados por otras "
"aplicaciones. Cierre una de esas aplicaciones e intente nuevamente."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "El sistema no tiene actualmente un puerto MIDI especificado."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"El sistema no tiene dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use la opción "
"Controladores en el Panel de Control para instalar el dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "No hay una ventana."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "No puede crearse o usar una ventana."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"No puede leerse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de que el fichero aún "
"está presente, o revise su disco o conexión de red."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"No puede grabarse el fichero especificado. Asegúrese de tener suficiente "
"espacio en disco o de que permanece conectado a la red."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico"

View File

@ -1639,6 +1639,498 @@ msgstr "Sivu Ylös"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analoginen"

View File

@ -1645,6 +1645,641 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "La commande spécifiée a été exécutée."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Erreur externe non définie."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Un identificateur de périphérique hors des limites pour votre système a été "
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Le pilote n'a pas été activé."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique spécifié est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'il soit "
"libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Le handle de périphérique spécifié n'est pas valide."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Il n'y a pas de pilote installé sur votre système."
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Mémoire insuffisante pour cette tâche. Quittez un ou plusieurs programmes, "
"puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Fonction non prise en charge. Utilisez la fonction Capacités pour obtenir "
"les fonctions de ce pilote."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Un numéro d'erreur non défini dans le système a été spécifié."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Un indicateur non valide a été transmis à une fonction système."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Un paramètre non valide a été passé à une fonction système."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Le format choisi ne peut être traduit ou utilisé. Utilisez Capacités pour "
"voir les formats pris en charge."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Le Lecteur multimédia continue à lire des données. Réinitialisez-le ou "
"attendez que toutes les données aient été lues."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"L'en-tête du son n'a pas été préparé. Utilisez la fonction Préparer pour le "
"faire, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'ouvrir le périphérique sans utiliser l'indicateur "
"WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Utilisez l'indicateur, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"L'en-tête MIDI n'a pas été préparé. Utilisez la fonction Préparer pour le "
"faire, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Il n'y a pas d'instrument défini pour un mappeur MIDI. Utiliser l'onglet "
"MIDI dans Propriétés multimédia pour installer les instruments."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Le port transmet des données au périphérique. Attendez la fin de la "
"transmission, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier de description d'instrument MIDI (.IDF) n'est pas valide. Pour "
"plus d'informations, contactez le constructeur de l'instrument."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Un appel MIDI non valide dans le mode d'ouverture en cours a été émis. "
"Ouvrez à nouveau le périphérique en employant le mode correct."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"ID de périphérique MCI non valide. Utilisez l'ID renvoyé lorsque vous avez "
"ouvert le périphérique MCI."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
"Le paramètre de commande utilisé n'est pas défini dans l'ensemble de "
"commandes MCI."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "La commande utilisée n'est pas une commande MCI valide."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Votre périphérique multimédia présente un problème. Vérifiez qu'il "
"fonctionne convenablement ou contactez le constructeur."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Ce n'est pas un périphérique MCI connu."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Mémoire insuffisante pour cette tâche. Quittez un ou plusieurs programmes, "
"puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Cet alias est déjà utilisé par ce programme. Employez un alias unique plutôt "
"que le nom du périphérique."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Le pilote de périphérique n'a pas pu être chargé. Vérifiez qu'il est "
"installé correctement."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "La chaîne de commande est vide."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"La chaîne de sortie était trop grande pour tenir dans la mémoire tampon de "
"retour. Augmentez la taille de la mémoire tampon."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"La commande spécifiée nécessite un paramètre chaîne de caractères : veuillez "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
"Le nombre entier que vous avez spécifié n'est pas valide pour cette "
"commande. Entrez un nombre."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Le pilote de périphérique a renvoyé une réponse de type non valide. Pour "
"obtenir un nouveau pilote, contactez le constructeur du périphérique."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Le pilote de périphérique présente un problème. Demandez au constructeur du "
"périphérique de vous fournir un nouveau pilote."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Il manque un paramètre dans la commande spécifiée : veuillez l'entrer."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique MCI que vous utilisez ne prend pas en charge la commande "
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin d'accès et le "
"nom de fichier sont corrects."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
"Le pilote de périphérique n'est pas prêt. Attendez une minute avant "
"d'essayer à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Un problème est survenu lors de l'initialisation de MCI. Essayez de "
"redémarrer Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Une erreur spécifique au pilote a provoqué sa fermeture. Essayez de relancer "
"la commande."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Utilisez un nom de périphérique spécifique pour cette commande."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Des erreurs se sont produites dans plusieurs périphériques. Spécifiez chaque "
"commande et chaque périphérique séparément afin de déterminer les "
"périphériques qui ont provoqué les erreurs."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de jouer ce fichier. Vérifiez le nom de fichier ou installez un "
"pilote qui reconnaît ce type de fichier."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Le paramètre est hors limites pour la commande spécifiée."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Les paramètres spécifiés ne peuvent être utilisés ensemble."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Il est impossible d'enregistrer le fichier spécifié. Vérifiez que vous avez "
"assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours connecté au réseau."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique spécifié est introuvable. Vérifiez s'il est installé ou si "
"son nom est correctement orthographié."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique spécifié est en cours de fermeture. Attendez quelques "
"secondes puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"L'alias spécifié est déjà utilisé dans cette application. Utilisez un alias "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "La constante utilisée n'est pas correcte pour cette commande."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Le pilote de périphérique est déjà utilisé en ce moment. Pour le partager, "
"utilisez le paramètre de partage ('shareable') dans chaque commande "
"d'ouverture ('open')."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"La commande spécifiée requiert un nom d'alias, de fichier, de pilote ou de "
"périphérique : veuillez l'entrer."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"La valeur spécifiée comme format horaire n'est pas valide. Les formats "
"valides sont indiqués dans la documentation MCI."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Un guillemet double fermant manque dans la valeur du paramètre. Ajoutez-le."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Un paramètre ou une valeur a été spécifié deux fois et ne peut être spécifié "
"qu'une seule fois."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Le fichier ne peut pas être exécuté sur un périphérique MCI spécifié. Le "
"fichier est endommagé ou son format n'est pas correct."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Un bloc de paramètres nuls a été passé à MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'enregistrer un fichier sans nom. Entrez un nom de fichier."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
"Vous devez spécifier un alias lorsque vous employez le paramètre 'nouveau'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Il est impossible d'utiliser l'indicateur 'notifier' avec les périphériques "
"à ouverture automatique."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser un nom de fichier avec le périphérique spécifié."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'exécuter les commandes dans l'ordre spécifié. Corrigez l'ordre "
"des commandes, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'exécuter cette commande sur un périphérique à ouverture "
"automatique. Attendez que le périphérique soit fermé pour essayer à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr "Le nom de fichier est incorrect."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Il est impossible de spécifier des caractères supplémentaires après une "
"chaîne placée entre guillemets."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Ce périphérique n'est pas installé. Pour installer un nouveau pilote, double-"
"cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le Panneau de configuration."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié. Essayez de "
"changer de répertoire ou de redémarrer votre ordinateur."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié, car "
"l'application ne peut pas changer de répertoire."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'accéder au fichier ou au périphérique MCI spécifié, car "
"l'application ne peut pas changer de lecteur."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Spécifiez un nom de périphérique ou de pilote de moins de 79 caractères."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Spécifiez un nom de périphérique ou de pilote comptant moins de 69 "
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"La commande spécifiée nécessite un paramètre numérique. Exemple : \"jouer "
"jusqu'à 10\". Entrez ce paramètre."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Tous les périphériques audio capables de jouer des fichiers sous ce format "
"sont en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'un périphérique audio soit libre, "
"puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique audio de lecture est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'il "
"soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Tous les périphériques audio capables d'enregistrer des fichiers sous ce "
"format sont en cours d'utilisation. Attendez qu'un périphérique audio soit "
"libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Le périphérique audio d'enregistrement est en cours d'utilisation. Attendez "
"qu'il soit libre, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "N'importe quel périphérique audio de lecture peut être utilisé."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "N'importe quel périphérique audio d'enregistrement peut être utilisé."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Aucun périphérique audio capable de jouer des fichiers sous le format en "
"cours n'a été installé."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Ce périphérique ne parvient pas à reconnaître le format du fichier actuel. "
"Sélectionnez un autre périphérique, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Aucun périphérique audio capable d'enregistrer des fichiers sous le format "
"en cours n'a été installé."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Ce périphérique ne parvient pas à reconnaître le format du fichier actuel. "
"Sélectionnez un autre périphérique, puis essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Il est impossible d'utiliser le format horaire pointeur de piste et le "
"format horaire SMPTE en même temps."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Le port MIDI spécifié est déjà utilisé. Attendez qu'il soit libre et essayez "
"à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Ce périphérique n'est pas installé. Pour installer un nouveau pilote, double-"
"cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le Panneau de configuration."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"La configuration actuelle du mappeur MIDI fait référence à un périphérique "
"MIDI non installé sur votre système. Utilisez l'option mappeur MIDI dans le "
"Panneau de Configuration pour changer la configuration."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue sur le port spécifié."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Tous les temporisateurs multimédia sont en cours d'utilisation par d'autres "
"applications. Quittez une de ces applications et essayez à nouveau."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Le système n'a pas spécifié de port MIDI par défaut."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Le système n'a pas de périphériques MIDI installés. Pour installer un "
"nouveau pilote, double-cliquez sur l'icône Ajout de périphérique dans le "
"Panneau de configuration."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Il n'y pas de fenêtre d'affichage."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser ou de créer une fenêtre."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de lire ce fichier. Assurez-vous qu'il n'a pas été supprimé ou "
"vérifiez votre disque ou votre connexion réseau."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Il est impossible d'écrire des informations dans le fichier spécifié. "
"Vérifiez que vous avez assez d'espace disque ou que vous êtes toujours "
"connecté au réseau."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logique"

View File

@ -1605,6 +1605,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bעמוד &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&אנלוגי"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "एनालॉग (&l)"

View File

@ -1647,6 +1647,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bOldal &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&lóg"

View File

@ -1640,6 +1640,630 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Il comando specificato è stato eseguito."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Errore esterno non definito."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"È stato usato l'ID di un dispositivo che è fuori dalla portata del sistema."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Il driver non era abilitato."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo specificato è già in uso. Attendere che sia nuovamente "
"disponibile e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "L'handle del dispositivo specificato non è valido."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Non è stato installato nessun driver nel sistema !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Memoria insufficente per eseguire questa operazione. Chiudere una o più "
"applicazioni per aumentare la memoria disponibile, e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Questa funzione non è supportata. Usare la funzione Capabilities per "
"determinare quali funzioni e messaggi sono supportati dal driver."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "È stato specificato un numero di errore non definito dal sistema."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Una flag non valida è stata passata a una funzione di sistema."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Un parametro non valido è stato pasato a una funzione di sistema."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Il formato specificato non è supportato o non può essere tradotto. Usare la "
"funzione Capabilities per determinare le funzioni supportate"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile effettuare questa operazione mentre il supporto di dati è ancora "
"in esecuzione. Reinizializzare il dispositivo o attendere la fine "
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"L'header wave non è stato preparato. Usare la funzione Prepare per preparare "
"l'header e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aprire il dispositivo senza usare la flag WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Usare "
"la flag e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"L'header MIDI non è stato preparato. Usare la funzione Prepare per preparare "
"l'header e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Non è stata trovata una mappa MIDI. Ci potrebbe essere un problema con il "
"driver o il file MIDIMAP.CFG potrebbe essere danneggiato o mancante."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"La porta sta trasmettendo dati al dispositivo. Attendere la fine della "
"trasmissione dati e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"La configurazione attuale del Mapper MIDI si riferisce a un dispositivo MIDI "
"che non è presente nel sistema. Usare il Mapper MIDI per modificare la "
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"La configurazione MIDI attuale è danneggiata. Copiare l'originale del file "
"MIDIMAP.CFG nella directory SYSTEM di Windows e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"ID del dispositivo MCI non valido. Usare l'ID restituito quando il "
"dispositivo MCI è stato inizializzato."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Il driver non riconosce il parametro specificato del comando."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Il driver non riconosce il comando specificato."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"C'è un problema con il dispositivo multimediale. Controllare che funzioni "
"correttamente o contattare il produttore."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo specificato non è inizializzato o non è riconosciuto da MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Memoria insufficente per eseguire questa operazione.\n"
"Chiudere una o più applicazioni per aumentare la memoria disponibile e "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Il nome del dispositivo è già in uso come alias da parte di questa "
"applicazione. Usare un alias univoco."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Si è verificato un problema non rilevabile nel caricamento del driver "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Non è stato specificato nessun comando."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"La stringa di output è troppo grande per entrare nel buffer di ritorno. "
"Aumentare la dimensione del buffer."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Il comando specificato richiede un parametro che sia una stringa di "
"caratteri. Fornirne uno."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Il numero intero specificato non è valido per questo comando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Il driver ha restituito un tipo non valido. Contattare il produttore del "
"dispositivo per ottenere un nuovo driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"C'è un problema con il driver. Contattare il produttore del dispositivo per "
"ottenere un nuovo driver."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Il comando specificato richiede un parametro. Fornirne uno."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Il dispositivo MCI in uso non supporta il comando specificato."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Il file specificato non è stato trovato. Controllare che l'indirizzo e il "
"nome del file siano corretti."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Il driver del dispositivo non è pronto."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Si è verificato un problema nell'inizializzazione di MCI. Provare a "
"riavviare Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Si è verificato un errore nel driver. Il driver è stato chiuso. Errore non "
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Non è possibile usare 'all' come nome del dispositivo con il comando "
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Si sono verificati degli errori in più di un dispositivo. Specificare ogni "
"comando e dispositivo separatamente per determinare quale dispositivo ha "
"causato l'errore"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Impossibile determinare il tipo di dispositivo dall'estensione data."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Il parametro specificato è fuori dalla portata del comando specificato."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "I parametri specificati non possono essere usati insieme."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile salvare il file specificato. Controllare di avere abbastanza "
"spazio libero o di essere ancora connessi alla rete."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il dispositivo specificato. Controllare che sia "
"installato e che il nome sia digitato correttamente."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo specificato verrà chiuso. Attendere alcuni secondi e "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"L'alias specificato è già in uso da parte di questa applicazione. Usare un "
"alias univoco."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Il parametro specificato non è valido per questo comando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Il driver è già in uso. Per condividerlo, usare il parametro 'shareable' "
"con ogni comando 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Il comando specificato richiede un alias, un file, un driver o il nome di un "
"dispositivo. Fornirne uno."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Il valore specificato non è valido per il formato dell'orario. Consultare la "
"documentazione dell'MCI per i formati validi."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Manca un doppio apice di chiusura dal valore del parametro. Fornirne uno."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Un valore o un parametro è stato specificato due volte. Specificarlo solo "
"una volta."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Il file specificato non può essere aperto con il dispositivo MCI "
"specificato. Il file potrebbe essere daneggiato o in un formato errato."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Un null parameter block è stato passato a MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Non è possibile salvare un file senza nome. Fornire un nome al file."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "È necessario specificare un alias quando si usa il parametro 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Impossibile usare il flag 'notify' con dispositivi auto-inizializzati."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Impossibile usare un nome file con il dispositivo specificato."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile eseguire i comandi nell'ordine specificato. Correggere la "
"sequenza e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile eseguire il comando specificato con un dispositivo auto-"
"inizializzato. Attendere la chiusura del dispositivo e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Il nome del file non è valido. Controllare che il nome del file non sia più "
"lungo di 8 caratteri, seguito da un punto e un'estensione."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile specificare altri caratteri dopo una stringa compresa tra apici."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo specificato non è installato nel sistema. Usare l'opzione "
"Drivers nel Pannello di Controllo per installare il dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato. Provare a "
"cambiare la cartella o riavviare il computer."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato perché "
"l'applicazione non può cambiare cartella."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile accedere al file o dispositivo MCI specificato perché "
"l'applicazione non può cambiare unità."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Specificare un driver o dispositivo con meno di 79 caratteri."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Specificare un driver o dispositivo con meno di 69 caratteri."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Il comando specificato richiede un numero intero come parametro. Fornirne "
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Tutti i dispositivi wave che possono leggere il file nel formato attuale "
"sono in uso. Attendere che un dispositivo wave sia libero e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile impostare il dispositivo wave attuale per il play back perché in "
"uso. Attendere che il dispositivo sia libero e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Tutti i dispositivi wave che possono registrare nel formato attuale sono in "
"uso. Attendere che un dispositivo wave sia disponibile e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile impostare il dispositivo per registrare perché in uso. Attendere "
"che il dispositivo sia disponibile e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Può essere usato qualunque dispositivo compatibile waveform per la "
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Può essere usato qualunque dispositivo compatibile waveform per la "
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nessun dispositivo wave installato può riprodurre i file nel formato "
"attuale. Usare l'opzione Drivers per installare un dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo che si sta usando per riprodurre il file non riconosce il "
"formato del file attuale."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nessun dispositivo wave installato può registrare dei file nel formato "
"attuale. Usare l'opzione Drivers per installare un dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo che si sta usando per registrare non riconosce il formato del "
"file attuale."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"I formati dell'orario del \"song pointer\" e SMPTE si escludono "
"vicendevolmente. Non si possono usare insieme."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"La porta MIDI specificata è già in uso. Attendere che sia libera e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Il dispositivo MIDI specificato non è installato nel sistema. Usare "
"l'opzione Drivers nel Pannello di Controllo per installare un dispositivo "
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"La configurazione del Mapper MIDI si riferisce a un dispositivo MIDI che non "
"è installato nel sistema. Usare l'opzione Mapper MIDI nel Pannello di "
"Controllo per cambiare la configurazione."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore con la porta specificata."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Tutti i timer multimediali sono in uso da parte di altre applicazioni. "
"Chiudere una di questa applicazioni e riprovare."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Non è stata specificata una porta MIDI nel sistema."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Nel sistema non sono installati dispositivi MIDI. Usare l'opzione Drivers "
"dal Pannello di Controllo per installare un driver MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Non c'è nessuna finestra di visualizzazione."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Impossibile usare o creare la finestra."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile leggere il file specificato. Assicurarsi che il file sia ancora "
"presente o controllare il disco o la connessione di rete."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile scrivere il file specificato. Controllare di avere spazio libero "
"sufficiente sul disco o di essere ancora connessi alla rete."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logico"

View File

@ -1610,6 +1610,607 @@ msgstr "&w&b&pページ"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "指定されたコマンドを実行できませんでした。"
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "不明な外部エラーです。"
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "無効なデバイスIDです。"
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "ドライバが有効になっていません。"
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "無効なデバイスハンドルです。"
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "システムにドライバがインストールされていません!\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "指定されたエラー番号は定義されていません。"
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "システム関数に無効なフラグが渡されました。"
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "システム関数に無効なパラメータが渡されました。"
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "ドライバは指定されたコマンドのパラメータを認識できませんでした。"
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "ドライバは指定されたコマンドを認識できませんでした。"
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "指定されたデバイスはオープンされていないか、MCIに認識されていません。"
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "指定されたデバイスドライバのロード中に不明なエラーが発生しました。"
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "コマンドが指定されていません。"
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "指定されたコマンドには文字列のパラメータが必要です。"
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "指定された整数値はこのコマンドには無効です。"
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "指定されたコマンドにはパラメータが必要です。"
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "使用しているMCIデバイスは指定されたコマンドをサポートしていません。"
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr "指定されたファイルは見つかりません。ファイル名とパスを確認して下さい。"
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "デバイスドライバの準備ができていません。"
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "MCIの初期化中に問題が発生しました。Windowsを再起動して下さい。"
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "指定されたファイルの拡張子からデバイスの種類を特定できません。"
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "指定されたコマンドに対して指定されたパラメータは範囲外です。"
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "指定されたパラメータは同時に使用できません。"
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "指定されたパラメータはこのコマンドには無効です。"
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "ダブルクオーテーションが閉じていません。"
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "パラメータが二重に指定されています。"
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "ヌルパラメータがMCIに渡されました。"
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "「new」パラメータを使用する場合はエイリアスを指定する必要があります。"
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "指定されたデバイスに対してファイル名を使用することはできません。"
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "デバイス名またはドライバ名は半角79文字以内で指定して下さい。"
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "デバイス名またはドライバ名は半角69文字以内で指定して下さい。"
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "指定されたコマンドには整数値のパラメータが必要です。"
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "互換性のある再生デバイスのどれかが使用されます。"
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "互換性のある録音デバイスのどれかが使用されます。"
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "指定されたポートでエラーが発生しました。"
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "システムに現在のMIDIポートが指定されていません。"
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "表示ウィンドウがありません。"
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "ウィンドウの作成または使用ができません。"
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "アナログ(&L)"

View File

@ -1637,6 +1637,594 @@ msgstr "&w&b페이지 &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "지정된 명령이 실행되었습니다."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "알수 없는 외부 에러."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "이 장치ID는 당신의 시스템 범위 밖에서 사용되고 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "이 드라이버는 가능하지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"지정된 장치는 이미 사용중입니다.자유롭게 될때까지 기다리고 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "지정된 장치 핸들은 적합하지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "당신의 시스템에는 어떤 드라이버도 설치되어 있지 않습니다 !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"이 작업을 위한 충분한 메모리가 없습니다.하나나더 많은 풀그림을 끝내아서 메모"
"리를 늘리고 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"이 기능은 지원되지 않습니다. 드라이버가 지원하는 메세지와 함수들을 결정할 "
"수 있는 함수를 사용하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "이 에러 넘버는 시스템에서 정의되지 않았습니다."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "잘못된 플래그는 시스템 함수에서 무시했습니다."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "잘못된 매개변수는 시스템 함수에서 무시했습니다."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"지정된 형식은 지원하지 않거나 전송할 수 없습니다. 지원하는 형식을 결정하는 가"
"능한 함수를 사용하십시오"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"미디어 데이타가 재생되는 동안 이 작업을 실행 할 수 없습니다. 장치를 리셋하거"
"나, 데이타 재생이 끝날때까지 기다리십시오."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"웨이브 헤더는 준비되지 않았습니다. 헤더를 준비하기 위해 준비된 함수를 사용하"
"십시오, 그리고 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
" WAVE_ALLOWSYNC 플래그를 사용하지 않고 장치를 열 수 없습니다. 이 플래그를 사"
"용해서 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI 헤더는 준비되지 않았습니다. 헤더를 준비시키기 위해 준비 함수를 사용하십"
"시오, 그리고 다시 시도하십시오n."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"MIDI 맵은 찾을 수 없습니다. 드라이버의 문제이거나, MIDIMAP.CFG 파일이 망가졌"
"거나 없는 문제일 수도 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"이 포트는 장치로 데이타를 옮기는 중입니다. 데이타가 다 옮겨질 때까지 기다리십"
"시오,그리고 다시 시도하십시오"
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"MIDI 장치를 지원하는 MIDI Mapper 설정은 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. "
"MIDI Mapper 를 사용해서 설정을 고치십시오."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"현재 MIDI 설정은 손상되었습니다. 본래 MIDIMAP.CFG 파일을 윈도우즈 SYSTEM "
"디렉토리에 복사하고, 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr "잘못된 MCI 장치 ID. MCI 장치를 열 때 반환한 ID를 사용하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "이 드라이버는 지정된 명령 매개변수를 인식할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "이 드라이버는 지정된 명령을 인식할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"이것은 당신의 미디어 장치 문제입니다. 반드시 올바르게 작동한다고 확신한다면 "
"장치 제조자에게 연락하십시오"
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "지정된 장치는 열수 없거나 MCI에서 인식 할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"이 작업을 위한 충분한 메모리가 없습니다.\n"
"하나나 더 많은 풀그림을 종료시켜서 가능한 메모리를 증가시키시오, 그리고 다시 "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"이 장치 이름은 이미 다른 풀그림에서 별명으로 사용중입니다. 유일한 별명을 사용"
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "이 지정된 장치 드라이버를 불러오는 중에 감지되지 않은 에러가 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "어떤 명령도 정의되지 않았습니다."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"출력 문자열은 반환 버퍼에 채우기에는 너무 큽니다. 버퍼 크기를 증가시키십시오."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "지정된 명령은 캐릭터-문자열 매개변수를 요구합니다. 지정해 주십시오."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "지정된 정수는 이 명령에 적합하지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"이 장치 드라이버는 잘못된 반환 값을 반환하였습니다. 장치 제조자에게서 새 드"
"라이버를 얻을수 있는지 체크하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"이것은 장치 드라이버 문제입니다. 장치 제조자에게서 새 드라이버를 얻을수 있는"
"지 체크하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "지정된 명령은 매개변수를 요구합니다. 매개변수를 추가하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "당신이 사용한 MCI 장치는 지정된 명령을 지원하지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"지정된 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.경로와 파일이름이 올바른지 확인하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "장치 드라이버는 준비되지 않았습니다."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "MCI 초기화시 문제가 발생했습니다. 윈도우를 재시작하고 시도해보세요."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"이것은 장치 드라이버 문제입니다. 드라이버가 닫혔습니다. 에러에 접근 할 수 없"
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "지정된 명령의 장치 이름으로 'all'은 사용할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"하나나 더 많은 장치에서 에러 발생. 장치가 발생시키는 에러를 처리 할수 있도록 "
"각가의 장치에 명령을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "주어진 파일 확장자로 장치 타입을 결정할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "지정된 매개변수는 지정된 명령 범위 밖에 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "지정된 매개변수는 함께 사용할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"지정된 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 충분한 공간이 있는지 확인하거나.내트워크가 "
"연결되어있는지 확인하세요."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"지정된 장치를 찾을 수 없습니다.이것이 설치된게 확실하다면 장치이름이 올바른"
"지 확인하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr "지정된 장치는 지금 닫혔습니다. 잠시 기다린 후에 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"지정된 별명은 이미 프로그램에 의해 사용중입니다. 중복되지 않는 별명을 사용하"
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "지정된 매개변수는 이 명령에 적합하지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"이 장치 드라이버는 이미 사용중입니다. 이것을 공유하려면, 'shareable' 매개변수"
"를 'open'명령과 같이 사용하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"지정된 명령은 별명,파일,드라이버나 장치 이름을 필요로 합니다. 이것을 지정하십"
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"시간 형식에 지정된 값은 올바르지 않습니다. MCI 문서에서 올바를 형식을 확인하"
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "매개변수 값에서 닫힌 쌍 따옴표 하나가 빠졌습니다. 이것을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "이 값의 매개변수는 두번 지정되었습니다. 오직 하나만 지정하십시오"
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"이 지정된 파일은 지정된 MCI장치에서 재생 할 수 없습니다. 이 파일이 깨졌거나 "
"올바르지 않은 형식입니다."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "이 빈 매개변수 블럭은 MCI에서 무시되었습니다."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "이름없는 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다. 파일 이름을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr " '반드시 new'매개변수를 사용할 별명을 지정해주어야 합니다."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "'notify' 플래그는 자동으로 열린 장치에 사용할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "지정된 장치하고 파일이름은 같이 사용할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"명령을 지정된 순서대로 보낼 수 없습니다. 명령 순서를 고치고 다시 시도하십시"
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"지정된 명령을 자동으로 열린 장치에 보낼 수 없습니다. 장치가 닫히기를 기다리"
"고 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"이 파일이름은 올바르지 않습니다. 파일이름이 점과 확장자를 더해서 8자보다 길"
"지 않은지 확인하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "인용부호로 둘러 싼 문자 뒤에 추가 문자를 지정 할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"지정된 장치는 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 제어판에서 드라이버 옵션을 사"
"용해서 장치를 설치하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"지정된 파일이나 MCI 장치에 접근할 수 없습니다. 디렉토리를 바꾸거나 컴퓨터를 "
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"풀그림이 디렉토리를 바꿀 수 없기 때문에 지정된 특정한 파일이나 MCI장치에 접근"
"할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"풀그림이 디렉토리를 바꿀 수 없기 때문에 지정한 파일이나 MCI장치에 접근할 수 "
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "79자보다 적게 장치나 드라이버 이름을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "69자보다 적게 장치나 드라이버 이름을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "지정된 명령은 정수 매개 변수를 요구합니다. 이것을 지정하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"현재 형식의 파일을 재생하는 모든 웨이브 장치는 사용중입니다. 웨이브 장치가 자"
"유롭게 될 때 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"사용중이므로 현재 웨이브 장치를 플레이 백으로 설정 할 수 없습니다. 장치가 자"
"유롭게 될때까지 기다리고, 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"현재 형식의 파일을 녹음하는 모든 웨이브 장치는 사용중입니다. 웨이브 장치가 자"
"유롭게 될 때 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"사용중이므로 현재 웨이브 장치를 녹음으로 설정 할 수 없습니다. 장치가 자유롭"
"게 될때까지 기다리고, 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "어떤 호환성이 있는 웨이브폼 플레이백 장치도 사용될수 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "어떤 호환성이 있는 웨이브폼 녹음 장치도 사용될수 있습니다."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"현재 형식의 파일을 재생할 수 있는 어떤 웨이브 장치도 없습니다. 드라이버 옵션"
"에서 웨이브 장치를 설치하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "당신이 재생하려는 장치는 현재 파일 형식을 인식 할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"현재 형식의 파일을 녹음할 수 있는 어떤 웨이브 장치도 없습니다. 드라이버 옵션"
"에서 웨이브 장치를 설치하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "당신이 녹음하려는 장치는 현재 파일 형식을 인식할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
" \"song pointer\"의 시간 형식하고 SMPTE 는 서로 배타적입니다. 이것들을 같이 "
"사용할 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"지정된 MIDI 포트는 이미 사용중입니다.자유롭게 될 때까지 기다리고 다시 시도하"
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"지정된 MIDI 장치는 시스템에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 제어판에서 장치 옵션을 사"
"용해서 MIDI 장치를 설치하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"MIDI 정차에 관련된 MIDI Mapper 설정은 시스템에 설치되어있지 않습니다. 제어판"
"의 MIDI Mapper 옵션을 사용해서 설정을 고치십시오."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "지정된 포트에 에러가 발생했습니다."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"모든 멀티미디어 타이머는 다른 풀그림에 의해 사용중입니다. 최소한 하나의 풀그"
"림을 끝내고 다시 시도하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "이 시스템은 현재 열거된 MIDI포트를 가지고 있지 않습니다."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"이 시스템에는 설치된 MIDI 장치가 없습니다. 제어판의 장치 옵션에서MIDI 드라이"
"버를 설치하십시오."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "어떤 디스플레이 창도 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "창을 사용하거나 만들 수 없습니다."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"지정된 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다. 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나,당신의 디스크나 "
"네트워트 연결를 체크해보십시오."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"지정된 파일에 기록할 수 없습니다. 디스크 공간이 충분한지 확인하거나. 네트워크"
"에 연결중인지 확인하십시오"
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "아날로그(&L)"

View File

@ -1638,6 +1638,619 @@ msgstr "&w&bPuslapis &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Nurodyta komanda buvo atlikta."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Neapibrėžta išorinė klaida."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Buvo panaudotas įrenginio identifikatorius, kuris nepatenka į sistemos "
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Tvarkyklė nebuvo įjungta."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas įrenginys jau naudojamas. Palaukite, kol jis atsilaisvins, tada "
"mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Nurodyta įrenginio rodyklė yra netinkama."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Sistemoje nėra įdiegta tvarkyklė!\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Trūksta atminties šiai užduočiai. Išeikite iš vienos ar daugiau programų "
"laisvos atminties kiekiui padidinti ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Ši funkcija yra nepalaikoma. Naudokite gebėjimų (Capabilities) funkciją, kad "
"nustatytumėte, kurias funkcijas ir pranešimus tvarkyklė palaiko."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Buvo nurodytas klaidos kodas, kuris yra neapibrėžtas sistemoje."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sisteminei funkcijai buvo perduotas neteisingas žymos bitas."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sisteminei funkcijai buvo perduotas neteisingas parametras."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas formatas yra nepalaikomas arba negali būti perskaičiuotas. "
"Naudokite gebėjimų (Capabilities) funkciją palaikomiems formatams nustatyti"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Negalima įvykdyti šios operacijos kol medijos duomenys dar groja. Paleiskite "
"įrenginį iš naujo arba laukite kol duomenys bus baigti groti."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wave antraštė nebuvo paruošta. Naudokite paruošimo (Prepare) funkciją "
"antraštei paruošti ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Negalima atverti įrenginio nenaudojat WAVE_ALLOWSYNC žymos bito. Naudokite "
"žymos bitą ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI antraštė nebuvo paruošta. Naudokite paruošimo (Prepare) funkciją "
"antraštei paruošti ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"MIDI atvaizdis nerastas. Tai gali būti problema su tvarkykle arba trūksta "
"MIDIMAP.CFG failo arba jis yra pažeistas."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Prievadas perduoda duomenis įrenginiui. Palaukite kol duomenys bus perduoti "
"ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Dabartinė MIDI atvaizdžio konfigūracija kreipiasi į MIDI įrenginį, kuris "
"nėra įdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite MIDI Mapper konfigūracijai redaguoti."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Dabartinė MIDI konfigūracija yra pažeista. Nukopijuokite originalų MIDIMAP."
"CFG failą į Windows SYSTEM katalogą ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Klaidingas MCI įrenginio identifikatorius. Naudokite identifikatorių "
"grąžintą atveriant MCI įrenginį."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Tvarkyklė negali atpažinti nurodyto komandos parametro."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Tvarkyklė negali atpažinti nurodytos komandos."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Iškilo problema su jūsų medijos įrenginiu. Įsitikinkite, kad jis veikia "
"teisingai arba kreipkitės į įrenginio gamintoją."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Nurodytas įrenginys nėra atvertas arba yra neatpažintas MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Trūksta atminties šiai užduočiai.\n"
"Išeikite iš vienos ar daugiau programų laisvos atminties kiekiui padidinti "
"ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Įrenginio vardas jau yra naudojamas programos kaip alternatyvus vardas. "
"Naudokite unikalų alternatyvų vardą."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "Iškilo neaptinkama klaida įkeliant nurodytą įrenginio tvarkyklę."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nenurodyta jokia komanda."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Išvedimo eilutė buvo per ilga, kad tilptų į buferį. Padidinkite buferio dydį."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Nurodytai komandai reikalingas simbolių eilutės parametras. Prašome jį "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Nurodytas sveikasis skaičius yra klaidingas šiai komandai."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Įrenginio tvarkyklė grąžino klaidingą atsakymo tipą. Susisiekite su "
"įrenginio gamintoju dėl naujos tvarkyklės gavimo."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Yra problema su įrenginio tvarkykle. Susisiekite su įrenginio gamintoju dėl "
"naujos tvarkyklės gavimo."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Nurodytai komandai yra privalomas parametras. Prašome jį nurodyti."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "MCI įrenginys, kurį jūs naudojate, nepalaiko nurodytos komandos."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko rasti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad kelias ir failo vardas yra "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Įrenginio tvarkyklė neparengta."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "Įvyko klaida inicijuojant MCI. Mėginkite perkrauti Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Yra problema su įrenginio tvarkykle. Tvarkyklė buvo užverta. Nepavyko gauti "
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Negalima naudoti „all“ kaip įrenginio vardo nurodytai komandai."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Įvyko klaidų daugiau kaip viename įrenginyje. Nurodykite kiekvieną komandą "
"ir įrenginį atskirai, kad nustatytumėte, kurie įrenginiai sukėlė klaidą."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti įrenginio tipo iš duoto failo prievardžio."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Nurodytas parametras nepatenka į rėžius nurodytai komandai."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Nurodyti parametrai negali būti naudojami kartu."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko išsaugoti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad diske yra pakankamai "
"vietos, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko rasti nurodyto įrenginio. Įsitikinkite, kad jis įdiegtas ir ar "
"teisingai įrašytas įrenginio vardas."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas įrenginys yra užveriamas. Palaukite kelias sekundes ir mėginkite "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas alternatyvus vardas jau yra naudojamas šioje programoje. Naudokite "
"unikalų alternatyvų vardą."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Nurodytas parametras yra klaidingas šiai komandai."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Įrenginio tvarkyklė jau naudojama. Norėdami naudoti bendrai, naudokite "
"parametrą „shareable“ su kiekviena „open“ komanda."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Nurodytai komandai reikalingas alternatyvus vardas, failo, tvarkyklės ar "
"įrenginio vardas. Prašome jį pateikti."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Nurodyta reikšmė laiko formatui yra klaidinga. Skaitykite MCI dokumentaciją "
"tinkamiems formatams rasti."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Parametro reikšmei trūksta reikalingų užveriančių dvigubų kabučių. Prašome "
"jas pateikti."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Parametras ar reikšmė buvo nurodyta du kartus. Nurodykite tik vieną kartą."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas failas negali būti grojamas per nurodytą MCI įrenginį. Failas gali "
"būti sugadintas arba netinkamo formato."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Nulinis parametrų blokas buvo perduotas į MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Negalima išsaugoti bevardžio failo. Nurodykite failo vardą."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
"Jūs privalote pateikti alternatyvų vardą, kai naudojate parametrą „new“."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Negalima naudoti „notify“ žymos bito su automatiškai atvertais įrenginiais."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Negalima naudoti failo vardo su nurodytu įrenginiu."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Negalima įvykdyti komandų nurodyta tvarka. Ištaisykite komandų seką ir "
"mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Negalima įvykdyti nurodytos komandos automatiškai atvertam įrenginiui. "
"Palaukite, kol įrenginys bus užvertas ir tada mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Netinkamas failo vardas. Įsitikinkite, kad failo vardas yra neilgesnis kaip "
"8 simbolių, o po jų seka taškas ir plėtinys."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "Negalima nurodyti papildomų simbolių po eilutės apsuptos kabutėmis."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas įrenginys neįdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį "
"valdymo skydelyje įrenginiui įdiegti."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį. Mėginkite keisti "
"katalogus ar perkrauti kompiuterį."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį, nes programa negali "
"pakeisti katalogų."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko kreiptis į nurodytą failą ar MCI įrenginį, nes programa negali "
"pakeisti diskų."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Nurodykite įrenginio ar tvarkyklės vardą, kuris yra trumpesnis nei 79 "
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Nurodykite įrenginio ar tvarkyklės vardą, kuris yra trumpesnis nei 69 "
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Nurodytai komandai reikalingas sveikojo skaičiaus parametras. Prašome jį "
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Visi wave įrenginiai, kurie gali groti dabartinio formato failus yra "
"naudojami. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Negalima nustatyti dabartinio wave įrenginio grojimui, nes jis yra "
"naudojamas. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Visi wave įrenginiai, kurie gali įrašyti failus dabartiniu formatu yra "
"naudojami. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Negalima nustatyti dabartinio wave įrenginio įrašymui, nes jis yra "
"naudojamas. Palaukite kol wave įrenginys bus laisvas ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Bet kuris derantis wave tipo grojimo įrenginys gali būti naudojamas."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Bet kuris derantis wave tipo įrašymo įrenginys gali būti naudojamas."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nėra įdiegtas joks wave įrenginys galintis groti dabartinio formato failus. "
"Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį wave įrenginiui įdiegti."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Įrenginys per kurį mėginate groti negali atpažinti dabartinio failo formato."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nėra įdiegtas joks wave įrenginys galintis įrašyti dabartinio formato "
"failus. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį wave įrenginiui įdiegti."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Įrenginys iš kurio mėginate įrašyti negali atpažinti dabartinio failo "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"„Dainos rodyklės“ ir SMPTE laiko formatai yra nesuderinami. Negalite jų "
"naudoti kartu."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas MIDI prievadas jau naudojamas. Palaukite, kol jis bus laisvas ir "
"mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Nurodytas MIDI įrenginys yra neįdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite tvarkyklių "
"nuostatą valdymo skydelyje MIDI įrenginiui įdiegti."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Dabartinė MIDI Mapper konfigūracija kreipiasi į MIDI įrenginį, kuris nėra "
"įdiegtas sistemoje. Naudokite MIDI Mapper nuostatą valdymo skydelyje "
"konfigūracijai redaguoti."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Įvyko klaida su nurodytu prievadu."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Visi įvairialypės terpės laikmačiai yra naudojami kitų programų. Išeikite iš "
"vienos tokios programos ir mėginkite vėl."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Sistemoje nėra nurodytas dabartinis MIDI prievadas."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Sistemoje nėra įdiegtų MIDI įrenginių. Naudokite tvarkyklių parinktį valdymo "
"skydelyje MIDI tvarkyklei įdiegti."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Nėra rodymo lango."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti ar naudoti lango."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko skaityti nurodyto failo. Įsitikinkite, kad failas vis dar "
"egzistuoja arba patikrinkite diską ar tinklo ryšį."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nepavyko rašyti į nurodytą failą. Įsitikinkite, kad yra pakankamai laisvos "
"vietos diske, ar vis dar prisijungę prie tinklo."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&loginis"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "_അനലോഗ്"

View File

@ -1640,6 +1640,603 @@ msgstr "&w&bSide &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Den oppgitte kommandoen ble utført."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Udefinert ekstern feil."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "En enhets-ID som er utenfor rekkevidde på ditt system er brukt."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Driveren ble ikke aktivert."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte enheten er allerede i brukuse. Vent til den er ledig og prøv "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Det oppgitte enhetshåndtaket er ugyldig."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Det er ingen driver installert på systemet.\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Ikke nok minne for denne operasjonen. Avslutt ett eller flere programmer for "
"å frigjøre minne og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Denne funksjonen støttes ikke. Bruk funksjonen 'Capabilities' for å finne ut "
"hvilke funksjoner og meldinger driveren støtter."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Et feilnummer som ikke er definert i systemet ble oppgitt."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Et ugyldig flagg ble gitt til en systemfunksjon."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "En ugyldig parameter ble gitt til en systemfunksjon."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Det oppgitte formatet støttes ikke eller kan ikke oversettes. Bruk "
"funksjonen 'Capabilities' for å se de støttede formaten."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke utføre denne operasjonen mens medie-data spilles. Tilbakestill "
"enheten, eller vent til dataene er spilt av."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Digitallydhodet var ikke forberedt. Bruk funksjonen 'Prepare' for å "
"forberede hodet og prøv deretter igjen."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke åpne enheten uten å bruke flagget 'WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Bruk flagget og "
"prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI-hodet var ikke forberedt. Bruk funksjonen 'Prepare' for å forberede "
"hodet og prøv deretter igjen."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Fant ikke et MIDI-kart. Det kan være et problem med driveren, eller filen "
"'MIDIMAP.CFG' kan være korrupt eller mangle."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Porten sender data til enheten. Vent til datene er ferdig sendt og prøv igen."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Oppsettet for MIDI-kartleggeren refererer til en MIDI-enhet som ikke er "
"installert på systemet. Bruk MIDI-kartleggeren til å redigere oppsettet."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Det gjeldende MIDI-oppsettet er skadet. Kopier den opprinnelige 'MIDIMAP."
"CFG'-filen til Windows' system-katalog og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Ugyldig MCI enhets-ID. Bruk ID'en som returneres når MCI-enheten åpnes."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Driveren kunne ikke gjenkjenne den oppgitte kommandoparameteren."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Driveren kunne ikke gjenkjenne den oppgitte kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Det er et problem med medieenheten. Sørg for at den virker ordentlig eller "
"kontakt leverandøren."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Den oppgitte enheten er ikke åpen, eller ikke gjenkjent av MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Ikke nok minne for denne operasjonen.\n"
"Avslutt ett eller flere programmer for å frigjøre minne og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsnavnet brukes allerede som et alies av dette programmet. Bruk et unikt "
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Et uoppdagelig problem oppstod under lastingen av den oppgitte driveren."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Ikke kommando ble oppgitt."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Skrevne strengen var for stor til å passe i returhurtigminnet. Øk størrelsen "
"på hurtigminnet."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Den oppgitte kommandoen krever en tegnstreng-parameter. Oppgi en."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Det oppgitte heltallet er ugyldig for denne kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsdriveren returnerte en ugyldig returtype. Kontakt produsenten for å få "
"en ny driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Det er et problem med enhetsdriveren. Kontakt produsenten for å få en ny "
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Den oppgitte kommandoen krever en parameter. Oppgi en."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "MCI-enheten som brukes støtter ikke den oppgitte kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke finne den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at stien og filnavnet er "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Enhetsdriveren er ikke klar."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Et problem oppstod under initaliseringen av MCi. Prøv å starte Windows på "
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Det er et problem med enhetsdriveren. Driveren har avsluttet, får ikke "
"tilgang til feil."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruke 'all' som enhetsnavn med den oppgitte kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Feil oppstod i mer enn én enhet. Oppgi hver kommando og enhet seperat for å "
"finne ut hvilken enhet som forårsaket feilen."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Kan ikke bestemme enhetstypen fra den oppgitte filens etternavn."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte parameteren er utenfor rekkevidde for den oppgitte kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "De oppgitte parameterne kan ikke brukes sammen."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke lagre den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok diskplass, og "
"at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Fant ikke den oppgitte enheten. Kontroller at den er installert eller at "
"enhetsnavnet er riktig stavet."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte enheten er iferd med å avsluttes. Vent et par sekunder og prøv "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Det oppgitte aliaset brukes allerede i dette programmet. Bruk et unikt alias."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Den oppgitte parameteren er ugyldig for denne kommandoen."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsdriveren er allerede i bruk. Bruk parameteren 'shareable' for hver "
"'open'-kommando for å dele den."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte kommandoen krever et alias, en fil, driver eller et enhetsnavn."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte vardien for tidsformatet er ugyldig. Se i MCI-dokumentasjonen "
"for gyldige formater."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Et dobbelt hermetegn for lukking mangler fra parameterverdien. Oppgi et."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "En parameter eller verdi ble oppgitt to ganger. Oppgi det kun én gang."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte filen kan ikke spilles av på den oppgitte MCI-enheten. Filen er "
"kanskje korrupt, eller i feil format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "En nullparamterblokk ble gitt til MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Kan ikke lagre en fil uten avn. Oppgi et filnavn."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Du må oppgi et alias når du bruker parameteren 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruke flagget 'notify' med automatisk åpnete enheter."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Kan ikke bruke et filnavn med den oppgitte enheten."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke utføre kommandoen i den oppgitte rekkefølgen. Ordne rekkefølgden "
"og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke utføre den oppgitte kommandoen på en automatisk åpnet enhet. Vent "
"til enheten er lukket og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Filnavnet er ugyldig. Kontroller at filnavnet ikek er lengre enn 8 tegn, "
"etterfulgt av et punktum og et etternavn."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Kan ikke oppgi ekstra tegn etter en streng omsluttet av doble anførselstegn."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte enheten er ikke installert på systemet. Bruk valget 'Drivere' i "
"Kontrollpanel for å installere enheten."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCi-enheten. Prøv å endre "
"kataloger eller starte maskinen på nytt."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCI-enheten fordi programmet "
"ikke kan endre arbeidskatalog."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Fikk ikke tilgang til den oppgitte filen eller MCI-enheten fordi programmet "
"ikke kan endre arbeidskatalog."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Oppgi en enhet eller drivernavn som er mindre enn 79 tegn."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Oppgi en enhet eller drivernavn somer mindre enn 69 tegn."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "Den oppgitte kommandoen trenger en heltall-parameter. Oppgi en."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle digitallydenheten som kan spille av filer i det gjeldende formatet er "
"opptatt. Vent til en digitallydenhet er ledig og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke sette den gjeldende digitallydenheten til avspilling fordi den er "
"i bruk. Vent til enheten er ledig og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle digitallydenheter som kan ta opp filer i det gjeldende formatet er "
"opptatt. Vent til en digitallydenhet er ledig og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke sette den gjeldende digitallydenheten til opptak fordi den er i "
"bruk. Vent til enheten er ledig og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Enhver kompatibel enhet for digitallydavspilling kan brukes."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Enhver kompatibel lydopptakenhet kan brukes."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen digitallydenhet som kan spille av filer i det gjeldende formatet er "
"installert. Bruk valget 'Drivere' for å installere digitallydenheten."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Enheten du prøver å spille av på gjenkjenner ikke det gjeldende filformatet."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen digitallydenhet som kan ta opp filer i det gjeldende formatet er "
"installert. Bruk 'Drivere'-valget for å installere digitallydenheten."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Enheten du prøver å ta opp fra gjenkjenner ikke det gjeldende filformatet."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr "Tidsformatet til \"song pointer\" og 'SMPTE' kan ikke brukes sammen."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte MIDI-porten er allerede i bruk. Vent til den er ledig og prøv "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Den oppgitte MIDI-enheten er ikke installert på systemet. Bruk valget "
"'Drivere' i Kontrollpanelet for å installere en MIDI-enhet."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Det gjeldende oppsettet for MIDI-kartleggeren refererer til en MIDI-enhet "
"som ikke er installert på systemet. Bruk valget 'MIDI-kartlegger' i "
"Kontrollpanelet for å endre oppsettet."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "En feil oppstod med den oppgitte porten.."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle multimediatidtakere brukes av andre programmer. Avslutt ett av disse "
"programmene og prøv igjen."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Systemet har ikke spesifisert en gjeldende MIDI-port."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Systemet har ikke noen installerte MIDI-enheter. Bruk valget 'Drivere' i "
"Kontrollpanelet for å installere en MIDI-driver."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Det er ikke noe visningsvindu."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette eller bruke vindu."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke lese den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at filen fortsatt finnes, og "
"kontroller forbindelsen til disken eller nettverket."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kunne ikke skrive til den oppgitte filen. Kontroller at du har nok ledig "
"diskplass, og at du fortsatt er tilkoblet nettverket."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1635,6 +1635,624 @@ msgstr "&w&bPagina &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "De gespecificeerde opdracht is uitgevoerd."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Ongedefinieerde fout van buitenaf."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Een apparaat-ID werd gebruikt dat buiten de grenzen van uw systeem ligt."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "De driver is niet geactiveerd."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Het gewenste apparaat is in gebruik. Wacht totdat het vrijkomt en probeer "
"het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "De gespecificeerde apparaatverwijzing is ongeldig."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Er is geen driver geïnstalleerd op uw systeem !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Er is niet genoeg geheugen beschikbaar voor deze taak. Sluit enkele "
"programma's af om meer geheugen vrij te krijgen en doe dan nog een poging."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Deze functie wordt niet ondersteund. Gebruik de 'Capabilities' functie om "
"uit te zoeken welke toepassingen en boodschappen de driver ondersteund."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Een niet binnen het systeem bekend foutnummer werd gebruikt."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Een ongeldige vlag werd aan een systeemfunctie gevoerd."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Een systeemfunctie kreeg een ongeldige parameter te eten."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Het aangegeven formaat wordt niet ondersteund of geconverteerd. Gebruik de "
"'Capabilities' functie om de ondersteunde formaten te vinden"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Kan deze opdracht niet uitvoeren zolang er afgespeeld wordt. Herstart het "
"apparaat of wacht totdat het apparaat klaar is met spelen."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"De Wave Header was niet aanwezig. Gebruik de 'Prepare' functie om de Header "
"te genereren en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan het apparaat niet openen zonder de WAVE_ALLOWSYNC vlag. Zet de vlag en "
"probeer opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"De MIDI Header was niet aanwezig. Gebruik de 'Prepare' functie om de Header "
"te genereren en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Er is geen MIDI Map gevonden. Er zou een driver probleem kunnen zijn of de "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file is verminkt of afwezig."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"De poort is bezig data ter versturen naar het apparaat. Wacht totdat alle "
"data is verstuurd en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"De huidige MIDI Mapper setup verwijst naar een MIDI-apparaat dat niet op het "
"systeem aanwezig is. Gebruik MIDI Mapper om de instellingen aan te passen."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"De huidige MIDI setup is beschadigd. Kopieer de originele MIDIMAP.CFG file "
"naar de Windows SYSTEM directory en probeer het daarna weer."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Ongeldig MCI-apparaat-ID. Gebruik het teruggegeven ID als u dit MCI-apparaat "
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "De driver herkent de opgegeven opdrachtparameter niet."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "De driver herkent de opgegeven opdracht niet."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Er is een probleem met uw media-apparaat. Controleer of hij correct werkt of "
"neem contact op met de leverancier."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Het opgegeven apparaat is niet geopend of wordt niet door MCI herkend."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Er is niet genoeg geheugen beschikbaar voor deze taak. Sluit enkele "
"programma's af om meer geheugen vrij te krijgen en probeer opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Een apparaat met die naam is al als alias in gebruik door deze applicatie. "
"Gebruik een unieke alias."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Er is een onbekende fout ontstaan tijdens het laden van de apparaatdriver."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Er was geen opdracht opgegeven."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"De output string was te groot om in de antwoordbuffer te passen. Vergroot de "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"De gegeven opdracht vereist een character-stringparameter. Lever er s.v.p. "
"één aan"
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "De gegeven integer is niet geldig bij dit commando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"De apparaat driver retourneerde een ongeldige waarde. Vraag de fabrikant om "
"een andere driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Er is een probleem met de apparaat driver. Vraag de fabrikant om een andere "
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "De gegeven opdracht heeft een parameter nodig. Vult u deze a.u.b. in."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Het MCI-apparaat dat u gebruikt ondersteund het gegeven commando niet."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden. Zorg ervoor dat het pad en de "
"bestandsnaam correct zijn."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "De apparaatdriver is niet gereed."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Tijdens het initialiseren van MCI ontstond een probleem. Probeer dit te "
"verhelpen door Windows opnieuw te starten."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Er is een probleem met de apparaatdriver. Daarom is de driver afgesloten. "
"Derhalve een toegangsfout."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Kan 'all' niet gebruiken als apparaatnaam bij het opgegeven commando."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"In meer dan één apparaat zijn fouten opgetreden. Geef elk commando en "
"apparaat apart op om te achterhalen welke apparaten fouten veroorzaken."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Kan het apparaat type niet achterhalen uit de gegeven bestandsextensie."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "De gegeven parameter is buiten het bereik van het opgegeven commando."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "De gegeven parameters kunnen niet samen gebruikt worden."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kan de opgegeven file niet opslaan. Zorg ervoor dat er voldoende "
"schijfruimte is of dat u nog steeds met het netwerk verbonden bent."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven apparaat niet vinden. Verzeker u ervan dat het correct "
"geïnstalleerd is en dat de apparaatnaam correct is opgegeven."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Het opgegeven apparaat wordt nu gesloten. Wacht s.v.p. enkele seconden en "
"probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"De opgegeven alias is al in gebruik door dit programma. Gebruik een unieke "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "De opgegeven parameter is ongeldig voor dit commando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"De apparaatdriver is al in gebruik. Om het te delen, gebruik de 'deelbaar' "
"parameter met elk 'open' commando."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Het gegeven commando vereist een alias, bestand, driver of apparaatnaam. "
"Geeft u er svp een in."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"De gegeven waarde voor het tijdsformaat is ongeldig. Zoek in de MCI "
"handleidingen naar geldige formaten."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Een afsluitende dubbele apostrof ontbreekt van de parameter waarde. Geeft u "
"er s.v.p. één op."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Een parameter of waarde werd dubbel opgegeven. Doe dat s.v.p. maar één keer."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Het gegeven bestand kan niet op het MCI-apparaat worden afgespeeld. Het "
"bestand is misschien corrupt of niet in het juiste formaat."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Een leeg parameterblok werd doorgegeven aan MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Kan een bestand zonder naam niet opslaan. Geef een bestandsnaam s.v.p."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "U moet een alias opgeven als u de 'new' parameter gebruikt."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Kan de 'notify' vlag niet gebruiken met automatisch geopende apparaten."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Kan voor het huidige apparaat geen bestandsnaam gebruiken."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan de opgegeven commando's niet in deze volgorde uitvoeren. Corrigeer de "
"commandoreeks en probeer opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven commando niet uitvoeren op een automatisch geopend "
"apparaat. Wacht totdat het apparaat is afgesloten en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"De bestandsnaam is ongeldig. Zorg ervoor dat de bestandsnaam aan het 8.3 "
"formaat voldoet."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Het is niet mogelijk om extra lettertekens toe te voegen na een string in "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Het opgegeven apparaat is niet geïnstalleerd op het systeem. Gebruik de "
"'Drivers'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om het apparaat te installeren."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen. Probeer de directory "
"te wijzigen of de computer opnieuw te starten."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen omdat de applicatie de "
"directory niet kan wijzigen."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand of MCI-apparaat niet openen omdat de applicatie de "
"directory niet kan wijzigen."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Geef een apparaat of driver naam op met minder dan 79 lettertekens."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Geef een apparaat of driver naam op met minder dan 79 lettertekens."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Het gegeven commando vereist een integer parameter. Geef er s.v.p. één."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle WAVE-apparaten die in staat zijn om een bestand in dit formaat af te "
"spelen, zijn in gebruik. Wacht totdat een WAVE-apparaat vrij is en probeer "
"het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan het huidige WAVE-apparaat niet gebruiken omdat het in gebruik is. Wacht "
"totdat het apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle WAVE-apparaten die in staat zijn om een bestand in dit formaat op te "
"nemen, zijn in gebruik. Wacht totdat een WAVE-apparaat vrij is en probeer "
"het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan het huidige WAVE-apparaat niet gebruiken om op te nemen omdat het in "
"gebruik is. Wacht totdat het apparaat vrij is en probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Elk compatibel WAVE-afspeelapparaat kan worden gebruikt."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Elk compatibel WAVE-opnameapparaat kan worden gebruikt."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Er is momenteel geen WAVE-apparaat geïnstalleerd dat bestanden in het "
"huidige formaat kan afspelen. Gebruik de 'Drivers' optie om zo'n WAVE-"
"apparaat te installeren."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Het apparaat waar u mee probeert af te spelen is niet in staat om het "
"huidige formaat te herkennen."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Er is momenteel geen WAVE-apparaat geïnstalleerd dat bestanden in het "
"huidige formaat kan opnemen. Gebruik de 'Drivers' optie om zo'n WAVE-"
"apparaat te installeren."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Het apparaat waar u mee probeert op te nemen is niet in staat om het huidige "
"formaat te herkennen."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Van tijdsformaten van 'song pointer' en SMPTE kan er maar een in gebruik "
"zijn. U kunt ze niet beide tegelijkertijd gebruiken."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"De opgegeven MIDI poort is al in gebruik. Wacht totdat deze vrij is en "
"probeer dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Het opgegeven MIDI Mapper apparaat is niet op het systeem geïnstalleerd. "
"Gebruik de 'MIDI mapper'-optie in het Configuratiescherm om het te "
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"De huidige MIDI Mapper setup verwijst naar een MIDI-apparaat dat niet op het "
"systeem is geïnstalleerd. Gebruik de 'MIDI mapper'-optie in het "
"Configuratiescherm om een MIDI-apparaat te installeren."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de opgegeven poort."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Alle multimedia timers zijn in gebruik door andere applicaties. Sluit een "
"van deze applicaties, probeer het dan opnieuw."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Het systeem heeft momenteel geen aangewezen MIDI poort."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Het systeem heeft geen MIDI apparaten geïnstalleerd. Gebruik de 'Drivers'-"
"optie in het Configuratiescherm om een MIDI-apparaat te installeren."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Er is geen weergave venster."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Kon geen venster maken of gebruiken."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand niet lezen. Controleer of het bestand nog steeds "
"bestaat, en controleer de verbinding naar de disk of het netwerk."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kan het opgegeven bestand niet schrijven. Controleer of er voldoende "
"schijfruimte is, en controleer de verbinding met het netwerk."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analoog"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ଆନାଲଗ (&l)"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ਐਨਾਲਾਗ(&l)"

View File

@ -1640,6 +1640,621 @@ msgstr "&w&bStrona &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Wykonano podane polecenie."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Niezdefiniowany zewnętrzny błąd."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
"Został użyty identyfikator urządzenia, który jest poza zakresem twojego "
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Sterownik nie został włączony."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Podane urządzenie jest już w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż się zwolni i spróbuj "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Uchwyt podanego urządzenia jest niepoprawny."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Na twoim systemie nie ma zainstalowanego sterownika !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Masz zbyt mało dostępnej pamięci do tego zadania.\n"
" Zakończ jedną lub więcej aplikacji, aby zwiększyć rozmiar dostępnej pamięci "
"i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Ta funkcja nie jest wspierana. Użyj funkcji 'Capabilities' aby określić, "
"które funkcje i wiadomości są wspierane przez sterownik."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Określono numer błędu, który nie jest zdefiniowany w systemie."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Przekazano niepoprawną flagę do funkcji systemowej."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Przekazano niepoprawny parametr do funkcji systemowej."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Określony format nie jest wspierany lub nie może być przetłumaczony. Użyj "
"funkcji 'Capabilities' aby określić wspierane formaty"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Nie można wykonać tej operacji w czasie gdy dane z nośnika nadal są "
"odtwarzane. Zresetuj urządzenie lub poczekaj, aż dane skończą być odtwarzane."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nagłówek wav'u nie jest przygotowany. Użyj funkcji 'Prepare' aby przygotować "
"nagłówek i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nie można otworzyć urządzenia bez użycia flagi WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Użyj tej "
"flagi i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nagłówek MIDI nie jest przygotowany. Użyj funkcji 'Prepare' aby przygotować "
"nagłówek i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Map MIDI nie znalezione. Problem może być ze sterownikiem lub zepsutym albo "
"brakującym plikiem MIDIMAP.CFG."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Port przesyła dane do urządzenia. Poczekaj, aż dane zostaną przesłane i "
"spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Aktualne ustawienie MIDI Mapera odnosi się do urządzenia MIDI które nie jest "
"zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj MIDI Mapera do edycji ustawień."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Aktualne ustawienia MIDI są uszkodzone. Skopiuj oryginalny plik MIDIMAP.CFG "
"do Windowsowego folderu SYSTEM i wtedy spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Niepoprawny identyfikator urządzenia MCI. Użyj identyfikatora zwróconego "
"podczas otwierania urządzenia MCI."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Sterownik nie może rozpoznać podanego parametru w poleceniu."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Sterownik nie może rozpoznać podanego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił problem z twoim urządzeniem multimedialnym. Upewnij się, że działa "
"poprawnie lub skontaktuj się z producentem urządzenia."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
"Podane urządzenie nie jest otwarte lub nie jest rozpoznawane przez MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Masz zbyt mało dostępnej pamięci do tego zadania.\n"
" Zakończ jedną lub więcej aplikacji aby zwiększyć rozmiar dostępnej pamięci "
"i wtedy spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Nazwa urządzenia została już użyta przez tą aplikację jako pseudo. Użyj "
"unikalnego pseudo."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił niewykrywalny problem podczas ładowania podanego sterownika "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Brak podanego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Łańcuch znaków wyjściowych był zbyt długi, aby zmieścić się do zwracanego "
"bufora. Zwiększ rozmiar bufora."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Podane polecenie wymaga znaku/łańcucha znaków jako parametru. Proszę podać "
"jedno z tych."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Określona liczba całkowita jest niepoprawna dla tego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Sterownik urządzenia zwrócił niepoprawny typ zwracany. Sprawdź czy możesz "
"pobrać nowy sterownik u producenta urządzenia."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił problem ze sterownikiem urządzenia. Sprawdź czy możesz pobrać nowy "
"sterownik u producenta urządzenia."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Podane polecenie wymaga parametru. Proszę podać jakiś."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Urządzenie MCI, którego używasz nie wspiera podanego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Nie można znaleźć podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że ścieżka i nazwa pliku są "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Sterownik urządzenia nie jest gotowy."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił problem podczas inicjalizacji MCI. Spróbuj uruchomić ponownie "
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Wystąpił problem ze sterownikiem urządzenia. Sterownik zakończył. Błąd "
"niemożności dostępu."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Nie można użyć 'all' jako nazwy urządzenia z określonym poleceniem."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Wystąpiły błędy w więcej niż jednym urządzeniu. Podaj oddzielnie każde "
"polecenie i urządzenie, aby określić, które urządzenia wywołują błąd"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Nie można określić typu urządzenia z podanego rozszerzenia pliku."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Określony parametr jest spoza zakresu dla podanego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Podane parametry nie mogą być użyte razem."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nie można zapisać podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że masz wystarczająco miejsca "
"na dysku lub czy jesteś jeszcze podłączonym do sieci."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nie można znaleźć podanego urządzenia. Upewnij się, że jest zainstalowane "
"lub, że nazwa jest wpisana prawidłowo."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Podane urządzenie jest w tej chwili zamykane. Poczekaj kilka sekund i wtedy "
"spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Podane pseudo jest w tej chwili używane w tej aplikacji. Użyj unikalnego "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Podany parametr jest niepoprawny dla tego polecenia."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Urządzenie jest już w użyciu. Aby je współdzielić użyj parametru 'shareable' "
"z każdym poleceniem 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Podane polecenie potrzebuje pseudo, pliku, sterownika, lub nazwy urządzenia. "
"Proszę podać jedno z tych."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Podana wartość dla formatu czasu jest niepoprawna. Odnieś się do "
"dokumentacji MCI w sprawie poprawnych formatów."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "Brakuje zamykającego cudzysłowu w wartości parametru. Proszę wpisz go."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "Parametr lub wartość była podana dwukrotnie. Podaj tylko jednokrotnie."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Podany plik nie może być odtworzony w podanym urządzeniu MCI. Plik może być "
"zepsuty lub w niewłaściwym formacie."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Zerowy blok parametrów został przekazany od MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Nie można zapisać nienazwanego pliku. Podaj nazwę pliku."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Musisz podać pseudo przy użyciu parametru 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Nie można użyć flagi 'notify' z automatycznie otwartymi urządzeniami."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Nie można użyć nazwy pliku z podanym urządzeniem."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nie można wykonać poleceń w podanej kolejności. Popraw sekwencję poleceń i "
"spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nie można wykonać podanych poleceń na automatycznie otwartym urządzeniu. "
"Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zakończy i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Nazwa pliku jest niepoprawna. Upewnij się, że nazwa pliku nie ma więcej niż "
"8 znaków, zakończonych kropką i rozszerzeniem."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Nie można podać dodatkowych znaków po tym jak łańcuch znaków został "
"zamknięty w cudzysłowie."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Podane urządzenie nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' w "
"Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować urządzenie."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI. Spróbuj zmienić foldery "
"lub uruchom ponownie komputer."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI, ponieważ aplikacja nie "
"może zmienić folderów."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Brak dostępu do podanego pliku lub urządzenia MCI, ponieważ aplikacja nie "
"może zmienić urządzeń."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Podaj urządzenie albo nazwę sterownika o liczbie znaków mniejszej niż 79."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Podaj urządzenie albo nazwę sterownika o liczbie znaków mniejszej niż 69."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Podane polecenie wymaga liczby całkowitej jako parametru. Proszę podaj jakąś."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wszystkie urządzenia wave które mogą odtwarzać pliki w aktualnym formacie są "
"w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie wave zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nie można ustawić aktualnego urządzenia wave na odtwarzanie, ponieważ jest w "
"użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wszystkie urządzenia, które mogą nagrywać pliki w aktualnym formacie są w "
"użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie wave zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nie można ustawić aktualnego urządzenia wave na nagrywanie, ponieważ jest w "
"użyciu. Poczekaj, aż urządzenie zostanie zwolnione i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Każde urządzenie kompatybilne z odtwarzaniem waveform może być użyte."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Każde urządzenie kompatybilne z nagrywaniem waveform może być użyte."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Brak zainstalowanego urządzenia wave, które może odtwarzać pliki w aktualnym "
"formacie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' aby zainstalować urządzenie wave."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Urządzenie, którym próbujesz odtworzyć nie może rozpoznać aktualnego formatu "
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Brak zainstalowanego urządzenia wave, które może nagrywać pliki w aktualnym "
"formacie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' aby zainstalować urządzenie wave."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Urządzenie, którym próbujesz nagrać nie może rozpoznać aktualnego formatu "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Formaty czasu dla \"song pointer\" i SMPTE są wzajemnie wykluczające się. "
"Nie możesz użyć ich razem."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Podany port MIDI jest już w użyciu. Poczekaj, aż się zwolni i spróbuj "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Podane urządzenie MIDI nie jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji "
"'Drivers' z Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować urządzenie MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Aktualne ustawienie Mapera MIDI odnosi się do urządzenia MIDI, które nie "
"jest zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'MIDI Mapper' z Panelu Sterowania, "
"aby edytować ustawienie."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd z podanym portem."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Wszystkie wyzwalacze multimedialne są używane przez inne aplikacje. Zamknij "
"jedną z tych aplikacji i spróbuj ponownie."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Nie podano aktualnego portu MIDI w systemie."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Urządzenia MIDI nie są zainstalowane w systemie. Użyj opcji 'Drivers' z "
"Panelu Sterowania, aby zainstalować sterownik MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Nie ma okna wyświetlającego."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Nie można stworzyć lub użyć okna."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Nie można odczytać podanego pliku. Upewnij się, że plik nadal istnieje lub "
"sprawdź twój dysk lub połączenie sieciowe."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nie można zapisać do podanego pliku. Upewnij się że masz wystarczająco "
"miejsca na dysku lub czy jesteś nadal podłączony do sieci."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logowy"

View File

@ -1640,6 +1640,636 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "O comando especificado foi descarregado."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Erro externo indefinido."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "O ID do dispositivo utilizado está fora dos parâmetros do seu sistema."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "O driver não foi habilitado."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo especificado já está em uso. Aguarde até que seja liberado, e "
"então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "O handle do dispositivo especificado é inválido."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Não há nenhum driver instalado em seu sistema !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não há memória disponível suficiente para essa tarefa. Feche uma ou mais "
"aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Essa função não é suportada. Utilize a função Capacidades para determinar "
"quais funções e mensagens o driver suporta."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Um número de erro foi especificado e não está definido em seu sistema."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Um flag inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Um parâmetro inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"O formato especificado não é suportado ou não pode ser traduzido. Use a "
"função Capacidades para determinar os formatos suportados."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível executar esta operação enquando os dados de mídia estiverem "
"tocando. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até o término da execução."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"O cabeçalho do wave não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar "
"o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível abrir o dispositivo sem utilizar a flag WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Use a "
"flag, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"O cabeçalho MIDI não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o "
"cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"O mapa MIDI não foi encontrado. Talvez seja um problema com o driver, ou o "
"arquivo MIDIMAP.CFG pode estar corrompido ou faltando."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"A porta está transmitindo dados para o dispositivo. Aguarde até os dados "
"terminarem de ser transmitidos, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"A configuração atual do MIDI Mapper refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não "
"está instalado no sistema. Use MIDI Mapper para editar a configuração."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"A configuração atual do MIDI está corrompida. Copie o arquivo original "
"MIDIMAP.CFG para o diretório Windows SYSTEM, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"ID inválido do dispositivo MCI. Use o ID retornado para abrir o dispositivo "
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "O driver não pode reconhecer o parâmetro de comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "O driver não pode reconhecer o comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Há um problema com seu dispositivo de mídia. Tenha certeza que esteja "
"funcionando corretamente ou contacte o fabricante do dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo especificado não está aberto ou não é reconhecido pelo MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Não já memória disponível sufuciente para esta tarefa.\n"
"Feche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então "
"tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"O nome do dispositivo já está sendo usado como um alias por esta aplicação. "
"Use um alias único."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Aconteceu um problema desconhecido enquanto carregava o driver do "
"dispositivo especificado."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nenhum comando foi especificado."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"A string de saída foi muito grande para ser colocada no buffer de retorno. "
"Aumente o tamanho do buffer."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"O comando especificado requer como parâmetro uma string de caracters. Por "
"favor, forneça-a."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "O inteiro especificado é inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"O driver do dispositivo retornou um tipo inválido. Verifique com o "
"fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Existe um problema com o seu driver de dispositivo. Verifique com o "
"fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo driver."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "O comando especificado requer um parâmetro. Por favor forneça-o."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo MCI que você está usando não suporta o comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível encontrar o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que o caminho "
"e o nome do arquivo estão corretos."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "O driver do dispositivo não está preparado."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Um problema ocorreu na inicialização do MCI. Tente reiniciar o Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Há um problema com o driver do dispositivo. O driver foi fechado. Não é "
"possível acessar o erro."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível usar 'all' como nome do dispositivo com o comando "
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Erros ocorreram em mais de um dispositivo. Especifique cada comando e "
"dispositivo separadamente para determinar quais dispositivos causaram o erro."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível determinar o tipo de dispositivo dada a extensão de arquivo."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"O parâmetro especificado está fora da escala para o comando especificado."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Os parâmetros especificados não podem ser utilizados juntos."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível salvar o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que tenha espaço "
"em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado a rede."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível encontrar o dispositivo especificado. Certifique-se que está "
"instalado ou que o nome do dispositivo foi escrito corretamente."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo especificado está sendo fechado agora. Aguarde alguns "
"segundos, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"O alias especificado já está sendo utilizado nesta aplicação. Use um alias "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "O parâmetro especificado é inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"O driver de dispositivo já está em uso. Para compartilha-lo, use o parâmetro "
"'shareable' para cada comando 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"O comando especificado requer um alias, arquivo, driver ou nome de "
"dispositivo. Por favor, forneça um."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"O valor especificado para o formato de hora é inválido. Verifique na "
"documentação do MCI sobre formatos válidos."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"A aspa-dupla de fechamento está faltando para o valor do parâmetro. Por "
"favor forneça uma."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Um parâmetro ou valor foi especificado duas vezes. Apenas especifique-o uma "
"única vez."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"O arquivo espeficidado não pode ser tocado no dispositivo MCI especificado. "
"O arquivo pode estar corrompido, ou não estar no formato correto."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Um bloco de parâmetro nulo foi passado para o MCI.."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível salvar um arquivo sem nome. Por favor forneça um nome de "
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Você precisa especificar um alias quando utilizar o parâmetro 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível utilizar o flag 'notify' em dispositivos abertos "
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Não é possível usar um nome de arquivo com o dispositivo especificado."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível descarregar os comandos na ordem especificada. Corrija a "
"sequência dos comandos, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível descarregar o comando especificado em um dispositivo aberto "
"automanticamente. Aguarde até o dispositivo ser fechado, e então tente "
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"O nome do arquivo é inválido. Certifique-se que o nome do arquivo não é "
"maior que 8 caracteres, seguido por um ponto e uma extensão."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível especificar caracteres extras após uma string entre aspas."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo especificado não esta instalado no sistema. Utilize o opção "
"Drivers no Painel de Controle para instalar o dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI. Tente "
"mudar de diretório ou reiniciar seu computador."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a "
"aplicação não pode mudar de diretório."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Não posso acessar o arquivo especificado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a "
"aplicação não pode mudar de drive."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Especifique um dispositivo ou nome de driver que seja menor que 79 "
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Especifique um dispositivo ou nome de driver que seja menor que 69 "
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"O comando especificado requer um parâmetro inteiro. Por favor forneça um."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os dispositivos wave que podem tocar arquivos no formato atual estão "
"em uso. Aguarde até um dispositivo wave ficar ocioso e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível definir o dispositivo wave atual para tocar porque está em "
"uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo ficar ocioso e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os dispositivos wave que podem gravar arquivos no formato atual estão "
"em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo wave ficar ocioso, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não foi possivel definir o dispositivo wave corrente para gravar porque ele "
"está em uso. Aguarde até ele ficar livre, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Qualquer dispositivo tocador compatível com o formato wave pode ser "
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Qualquer dispositivo gravador compatível com o formato wave pode ser "
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa tocar arquivos no formato wave está "
"instalado. Use a opção Drivers para instalar o dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo que você está tentando tocar não reconhece o formato do "
"arquivo atual."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa gravar arquivos no formato atual está "
"instalado. Use o opção Drivers para instalar o dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo de onde você está tentando gravar não pode reconhecer o "
"formato do arquivo atual."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"O formato de hora do \"song pointer\" e SMPTE são mutualmente exclusivos. "
"Você não pode utilizá-los juntos."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"A porta MIDI especificada já esta em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e "
"tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo MIDI especificado não está instalado em seu sistema. Use a "
"opção Drivers no Painel de Controle para instalar um dispositivo MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"A configuração atual do MIDI Mapper refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que não "
"está instalado em seu sistema. Use a opção MIDI Mapper do Painel de Controle "
"para editar a configuração."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Um erro ocorreu com a porta especificada."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os temporizadores de multimídia estão sendo utilizados por outras "
"aplicações. Feche uma dessas aplicações, então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "O sistema não têm atualmente uma porta MIDI especificada."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"O sistema não possui dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use a opção Drivers no "
"Painel de Controle para instalar um driver MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Não há nenhuma janela de visualização."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Não é possível criar ou utilizar a janela."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível ler o arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que o arquivo ainda "
"está presente, ou verifique seu disco ou conecção de rede."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar no arquivo especificado. Certifique-se que você possui "
"espaço em disco suficiente ou que ainda esteja conectado na rede."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico"

View File

@ -1640,6 +1640,632 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "O comando indicado foi realizado."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Erro externo não definido."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "O ID de um dispositivo usado está fora dos parâmetros do seu sistema."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "O controlador não foi activado."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo indicado já está em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e então "
"tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "O manuseamento do dispositivo indicado é inválido."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Não existe nenhum controlador instalado no seu sistema !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não existe memória disponível suficiente para esta tarefa. Feche uma ou mais "
"aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Esta função não é suportada. Use a função Capacidades para determinar que "
"funções e mensagens o controlador suporta."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Um número de erro foi indicado que não está definido no seu sistema."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Uma opção inválida foi passada para uma função do sistema."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Um parâmetro inválido foi passado para uma função do sistema."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"O formato indicado não é suportado ou não pode ser traduzido. Use a função "
"Capacidades para determinar os formatos suportados."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível executar esta operação enquando os dados da média estiverem a "
"reproduzir. Reinicie o dispositivo, ou aguarde até que a reprodução dos "
"dados termine."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"O cabeçalho do wave não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar "
"o cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível abrir o dispositivo sem usar a opção WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Use a "
"opção, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"O cabeçalho MIDI não está preparado. Use a função Preparar para preparar o "
"cabeçalho, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Não foi encontrado um mapa MIDI. Talvez seja um problema com o controlador, "
"ou o ficheiro MIDIMAP.CFG pode estar corrompido ou em falta."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"O porto está a transmitir dados para o dispositivo. Aguarde até que os dados "
"terminem de ser transmitidos, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"A configuração actual do Mapeador MIDI refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que "
"não está instalado no sistema. Use o Mapeador MIDI para editar a "
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"A configuração actual do MIDI está corrompida. Copie o ficheiro original "
"MIDIMAP.CFG para o directório Windows SYSTEM, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"ID inválido do dispositivo MCI. Use o ID retornado para abrir o dispositivo "
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "O controlador não pode reconhecer o parâmetro do comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "O controlador não pode reconhecer o comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Existe um problema com o seu dispositivo de média. Certifique-se que está a "
"funcionar correctamente ou contacte o fabricante do dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "O dispositivo indicado não está aberto ou não é reconhecido pelo MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Não há memória disponível suficiente para esta tarefa.\n"
"Feche uma ou mais aplicações para aumentar a memória disponível, e então "
"tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"O nome do dispositivo já está a ser usado como uma alias por esta aplicação. "
"Use uma alias única."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Ocorreu um problema desconhecido enquanto carregava o controlador do "
"dispositivo especificado."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nenhum comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"A string de saída era demasdiado comprida para ser colocada no 'buffer' de "
"retorno. Aumente o tamanho do 'buffer'."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"O comando indicado requer como parâmetro uma string de caracteres. Por "
"favor, forneça-a."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "O inteiro indicado é inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"O controlador do dispositivo retornou um tipo inválido. Verifique com o "
"fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo controlador."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Ocorreu um problema com o seu controlador de dispositivo. Verifique com o "
"fabricante do dispositivo como obter um novo controlador."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "O comando indicado requer um parâmetro. Por favor forneça-o."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "O dispositivo MCI que está a usar não suporta o comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível encontrar o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que a "
"localização e o nome do ficheiro estão correctos."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "O controlador do dispositivo não está preparado."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Ocorreu um problema na inicialização do MCI. Tente reiniciar o Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Existe um problema com o controlador do dispositivo. O controlador foi "
"fechado. Não é possível aceder ao erro."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível usar 'all' como nome do dispositivo com o comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Ocorreram erros em mais de um dispositivo. Indique cada comando e "
"dispositivo separadamente para determinar que dispositivos causaram o erro."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível determinar o tipo de dispositivo dada a extensão do ficheiro."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "O parâmetro indicado está fora da escala para o comando indicado."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Os parâmetros indicados não podem ser utilizados juntos."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que tem espaço em "
"disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível encontrar o dispositivo indicado. Certifique-se que está "
"instalado ou que o nome do dispositivo foi escrito correctamente."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo inicado está a ser fechado agora. Aguarde alguns segundos, e "
"então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"A 'alias' indicada já está a ser usada nesta aplicação. Use uma alias única."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "O parâmetro indicado é inválido para este comando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"O controlador de dispositivo já está em uso. Para o partilhar, use o "
"parâmetro 'shareable' para cada comando 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"O comando indicado requer uma 'alias', ficheiro, controlador ou nome de "
"dispositivo. Por favor, forneça um."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"O valor indicado para o formato horário é inválido. Verifique na "
"documentação MCI acerca dos formatos válidos."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"A aspa-dupla de fecho está em falta para o valor do parâmetro. Por favor "
"forneça uma."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Um parâmetro ou valor foi indicado duas vezes. Indique-o apenas uma única "
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"O ficheiro indicado não pode ser reproduzido no dispositivo MCI "
"especificado. O ficheiro pode estar corrompido, ou pode não estar no formato "
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Um bloco de parâmetro nulo foi passado para o MCI.."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar um ficheiro sem nome. Por favor indique um nome de "
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Precisa indicar uma 'alias' quando usar o parâmetro 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível usar a opção 'notify' em dispositivos abertos automaticamente."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível usar um nome de ficheiro com o dispositivo especificado."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível descarregar os comandos na ordem indicada. Corrija a "
"sequência de comandos, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível descarregar o comando indicado num dispositivo aberto "
"automanticamente. Aguarde até que o dispositivo esteja fechado, e então "
"tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"O nome do ficheiro é inválido. Certifique-se que o nome do ficheiro não é "
"maior que 8 caracteres, seguido por um ponto e uma extensão."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "Não é possível indicar caracteres extras após uma string entre aspas."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo indicado não está instalado no sistema. Use a opção "
"Controladores no Painel de Controlo para instalar o dispositivo."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou ao dispositivo MCI. Tente "
"mudar de directório ou reinicie o seu computador."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou ao dispositivo MCI porque a "
"aplicação não pode mudar de directório."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro indicado ou o dispositivo MCI porque a "
"aplicação não pode mudar de controlador."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Indique um dispositivo ou nome de controlador que seja menor que 79 "
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Indique um dispositivo ou nome de controlador que seja menor que 69 "
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "O comando indicado requer um parâmetro inteiro. Por favor forneça um."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os dispositivos wave que podem reproduzir ficheiros no formato actual "
"estão em uso. Aguarde até um dispositivo wave fique livre e então tente "
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível definir o dispositivo wave actual para reproduzir porque está "
"em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo fique livre e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os dispositivos wave que podem gravar ficheiros no formato actual "
"estão em uso. Aguarde até o dispositivo wave fique livre, e então tente "
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Não foi possivel definir o dispositivo wave actual para gravar porque está "
"em uso. Aguarde até que o dispositivo fique livre, e então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Qualquer dispositivo compatível que reproduz no formato wave pode ser usado."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Qualquer dispositivo compatível que grave no formato wave pode ser usado."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa reproduzir ficheiros no formato wave está "
"instalado. Use a opção Controladores para instalar o dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo que está a tentar reproduzir não reconhece o formato do "
"ficheiro actual."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nenhum dispositivo wave que possa gravar ficheiros no formato actual está "
"instalado. Use a opção Controladores para instalar o dispositivo wave."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo que está a usar para gravar não pode reconhecer o formato do "
"ficheiro actual."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"O formato de hora do \"song pointer\" e SMPTE são mutualmente exclusivos. "
"Não pode usá-los juntos."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"O porto MIDI indicado já está em uso. Aguarde até que esteja livre, e tente "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"O dispositivo MIDI indicado não está instalado no seu sistema. Use a opção "
"Controladores no Painel de Controlo para instalar um dispositivo MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"A configuração actual do Mapeador MIDI refere-se a um dispositivo MIDI que "
"não está instalado no seu sistema. Use a opção Mapeador MIDI do Painel de "
"Controlo para editar a configuração."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro no porto indicado."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Todos os temporizadores de multimédia estão a ser usados por outras "
"aplicações. Feche uma dessas aplicações, então tente novamente."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "O sistema actualmente não tem um porto MIDI definido."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"O sistema não possui dispositivos MIDI instalados. Use a opção Controladores "
"no Painel de Controlo para instalar um controlador MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Não existe nenhuma janela de visualização."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Não é possível criar ou usar a janela."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível ler o ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que o ficheiro ainda "
"está presente, ou verifique o seu disco ou conexão da rede."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Não é possível gravar no ficheiro indicado. Certifique-se que possui espaço "
"em disco suficiente ou que ainda está conectado na rede."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analógico"

View File

@ -1641,6 +1641,633 @@ msgstr "&w&bPagina &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Comanda specificată a fost executată."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Eroare externă nedeterminată."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "A fost utilizat un ID de dispozitiv incompatibil cu sistemul dvs."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Driverul nu a fost activat."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul specificat se află deja în uz. Așteptați până se eliberează și "
"încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Handle specificat pentru dispozitiv nu este valid."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Nu este instalat nici un driver în sistem !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Memoria disponibilă nu este suficientă pentru această sarcină. Închideți una "
"sau mai multe aplicații pentru a mări memoria disponibilă, apoi încercați "
"din nou."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Această funcție nu este suportată. Utilizați funcția Capabilities pentru a "
"determina funcțiile și mesajele suportate de driver."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "A fost specificat un număr de eroare care nu este definit în sistem."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sa pasat un fanion nevalid unei funcții a sistemului."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sa pasat un parametru nevalid unei funcții a sistemului."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Formatul specificat nu este suportat sau nu poate fi interpretat. Utilizați "
"funcția Capabilities pentru a determina formatele suportate."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate realiza această operațiune în timp ce se redau datele media. "
"Resetați dispozitivul sau așteptați finalizarea redării."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Antetul wave nu a fost pregătit. Utilizați funcția Prepare pentru a pregăti "
"antetul, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate deschide dispozitivul fără utilizarea fanionului WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. "
"Utilizați fanionul și apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Antetul MIDI nu a fost pregătit. Utilizați funcția Prepare pentru a pregăti "
"antetul, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Nu a fost găsită o mapare MIDI. Poate exista o problemă la driver sau "
"fișierul MIDIMAP.CFG poate să fie corupt sau să lipsească."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Portul transmite date către dispozitiv. Așteptați finalizarea transmiterii "
"și apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Configurația curentă pentru MIDI Mapper se referă la un dispozitiv MIDI care "
"nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați MIDI Mapper pentru a edita "
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Configurația curentă MIDI este deteriorată. Copiați fișierul MIDIMAP.CFG "
"original în directorul Windows SYSTEM și apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"ID-ul pentru dispozitivul MCI nu este valid. Utilizați ID-ul primit la "
"deschiderea dispozitivului MCI."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Driverul nu poate recunoaște parametrul de comandă specificat."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Driverul nu poate recunoaște comanda specificată."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Există o problemă la dispozitivul media. Asigurați-vă că acesta funcționează "
"corect sau contactați producătorul său."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Dispozitivul specificat nu este deschis sau nu este recunoscut de MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Memoria disponibilă nu este suficientă pentru această sarcină.\n"
"Închideți una sau mai multe aplicații pentru a mări memoria disponibilă, "
"apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Numele dispozitivului este deja utilizat ca alias de către această "
"aplicație. Utilizați un alias unic."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Există o problemă nedetectabilă la încărcarea driverului pentru dispozitivul "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nu a fost specificată nici o comandă."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Șirul rezultant era prea mare pentru memoria tampon. Măriți zona de memorie "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Comanda specificată necesită un parametru șir de caractere. Furnizați unul."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Numărul întreg specificat nu este valid pentru această comandă."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Driverul dispozitivului a returnat un tip nevalid de răspuns. Încercați să "
"obțineți un nou driver de la producătorul dispozitivului."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Există o problemă la driverul dispozitivului. Încercați să obțineți un nou "
"driver de la producătorul dispozitivului."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Comanda specificată necesită un parametru. Furnizați unul."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Dispozitivul MCI pe care îl utilizați nu suportă comanda specificată."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul specificat nu poate fi găsit. Asigurați-vă că numele fișierului și "
"calea sunt corecte."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Driverul dispozitivului nu este pregătit."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"A intervenit o problemă la inițializarea MCI. Încercați să reporniți Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Există o problemă la driverul dispozitivului. Driverul s-a închis și eroarea "
"nu poate fi accesată."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate utiliza „toate” ca nume de dispozitiv pentru comanda specificată."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Au survenit erori în mai multe dispozitive. Specificați separat fiecare "
"comandă și dispozitiv pentru a determina care dispozitive au provocat eroarea"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate determina tipul dispozitivului după extensia numelui fișierului "
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Parametrul specificat nu se încadrează în domeniul comenzii specificate."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Parametrii specificați nu pot fi utilizați împreună."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul specificat nu poate fi salvat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient "
"spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul specificat nu poate fi găsit. Asigurați-vă că este instalat sau "
"că numele său este scris corect."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul specificat este în curs de închidere. Așteptați câteva secunde, "
"apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Aliasul specificat este deja utilizat de către această aplicație. Utilizați "
"un alias unic."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Parametrul specificat nu este valid pentru această comandă."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Driverul dispozitivului este deja utilizat. Pentru a-l partaja, utilizați "
"parametrul „partajabil” pentru fiecare comandă „deschide”."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Comanda specificată necesită un alias, fișier, driver sau nume de "
"dispozitiv. Furnizați unul."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Valoarea specificată pentru formatul orei nu este validă. Consultați "
"documentația MCI pentru formatele valide."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Din valoarea parametrului lipsesc ghilimelele duble de închidere. Furnizați-"
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Un parametru sau o valoare a fost specificat(ă) de două ori. Specificați-l"
"(o) o singură dată. "
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul specificat nu poate fi redat pe dispozitivul MCI specificat. "
"Fișierul poate fi corupt sau într-un format incorect."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Un parametru de block nul a fost pasat la MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Nu se poate salva un fișier nedenumit. Specificați un nume de fișier."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Trebuie să specificați un alias când utilizați parametrul „nou”."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate utiliza fanionul „notificare” pentru dispozitive cu deschidere "
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Nu se poate utiliza un nume de fișier pentru dispozitivul specificat."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Comenzile nu pot fi executate în ordinea specificată. Corectați ordinea "
"comenzilor, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Comanda specificată nu se poate executa pe un dispozitiv cu deschidere "
"automată. Așteptați închiderea dispozitivului, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Numele de fișier nu este valid. Asigurați-vă că nu este mai mare de 8 "
"caractere, urmate de un punct și o extensie."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Nu pot fi specificate caractere suplimentare după un șir încadrat între "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul specificat nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea "
"Drivere din Panoul de control pentru a instala dispozitivul."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat. Încercați să "
"schimbați directoarele sau să reporniți calculatorul."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat pentru că "
"aplicația nu poate schimba directoarele."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul sau dispozitivul MCI specificat nu poate fi accesat pentru că "
"aplicația nu poate schimba unitățile."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
"Specificați un nume de dispozitiv sau de driver cu mai puțin de 79 de "
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
"Specificați un nume de dispozitiv sau de driver cu mai puțin de 69 de "
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Comanda specificată necesită un parametru de număr integral. Furnizați unul."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Toate dispozitivele wave care pot reda fișiere în formatul curent sunt deja "
"în uz. Așteptați eliberarea unuia dintre ele, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul wave curent nu poate fi configurat pentru redare pentru că este "
"deja în uz. Așteptați să se elibereze, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Toate dispozitivele wave care pot înregistra fișiere în formatul curent sunt "
"deja în uz. Așteptați eliberarea unuia dintre ele, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul wave curent nu poate fi configurat pentru înregistrare pentru "
"că este deja în uz. Așteptați să se elibereze, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Orice dispozitiv compatibil de redare poate fi utilizat pentru formatul wave."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Orice dispozitiv compatibil de înregistrare poate fi utilizat pentru "
"formatul wave."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nu este instalat nici un dispozitiv care poate reda fișierele în formatul "
"curent. Utilizați opțiunea „Drivere” pentru a instala dispozitivul wave."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul cu care încercați redarea nu poate recunoaște formatul de "
"fișier curent."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nu este instalat nici un dispozitiv care poate înregistra fișierele în "
"formatul curent. Utilizați opțiunea „Drivere” pentru a instala dispozitivul "
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul de pe care încercați înregistrarea nu poate recunoaște formatul "
"de fișier curent."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Formatele de timp ale \"song pointer\" și SMPTE se exclud reciproc. Nu le "
"puteți utiliza împreună."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Portul MIDI specificat este deja utilizat. Așteptați până când va fi liber, "
"apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Dispozitivul MIDI specificat nu este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea "
"Drivere din Panoul de control pentru a instala un dispozitiv MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Configurația curentă a MIDI Mapper se referă la un dispozitiv MIDI care nu "
"este instalat în sistem. Utilizați opțiunea MIDI Mapper din panoul de "
"control pentru a edita configurația."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "A apărut o eroare la portul specificat."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Toate cronometrele multimedia sunt utilizate de alte aplicații. Închideți "
"una dintre aceste aplicații, apoi încercați din nou."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Sistemul nu are specificat un port MIDI curent."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Sistemul nu are instalate dispozitive MIDI. Utilizați opțiunea Drivere din "
"Panoul de control pentru a instala un driver MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Nu există fereastră de afișare."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Fereastra nu a putut fi creată sau utilizată."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Fișierul specificat nu poate fi citit. Asigurați-vă că acesta mai este "
"prezent sau verificați discul sau conexiunea la rețea."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Nu se poate scrie în fișierul specificat. Asigurați-vă că aveți suficient "
"spațiu pe disc sau că mai sunteți conectat la rețea."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logic"

View File

@ -1645,6 +1645,611 @@ msgstr "&w&bСтраница &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Нет ошибки."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Неизвестная ошибка."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Используемый код устройства (device ID) выходит за допустимые пределы."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Драйвер не был подключен."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Указанное устройство уже используется. Подождите пока оно освободится, затем "
"попробуйте ещё раз."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Указанный идентификатор устройства (device handle) неверен."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "В системе не установлен драйвер!\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Не хватает памяти для задачи. Закройте одно или несколько приложений и "
"попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Эта функция не поддерживается. Используйте функцию Capabilities, чтобы "
"определить функции и сообщения, которые поддерживает драйвер."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Указанный код ошибки не определён в системе."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Недопустимый флажок передан системной функции."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Недопустимый параметр передан системной функции."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Указанный формат не поддерживается или не может быть оттранслирован. "
"Используйте функцию Capabilities, чтобы определить поддерживаемые форматы."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно произвести операцию, пока устройство в режиме воспроизведения. "
"Сбросьте устройство, или подождите пока устройство не окончит "
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Заголовок wave не был подготовлен. Используйте функцию Prepare, чтобы "
"подготовить заголовок и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно открыть устройство, не используя флаг WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Используйте "
"флаг и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Заголовок MIDI не был подготовлен. Используйте функцию Prepare, чтобы "
"подготовить заголовок и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Карта (map) MIDI не найдена. Возможно, это ошибка драйвера, или файл MIDIMAP."
"CFG отсутствует или поврежден."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Порт передает информацию в устройство. Подождите, пока информация будет "
"передана и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Текущие установки MIDI Mapper ссылаются на устройство MIDI, которое не "
"установлено в системе. Используйте MIDI Mapper для редактирования установок."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Текущие установки MIDI повреждены. Скопируйте исходный файл MIDIMAP.CFG в "
"директорию Windows SYSTEM, и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Недопустимый код устройства MCI. Используйте код, возвращенный при открытии "
"устройства MCI."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Драйвер не может определить указанный параметр команды."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Драйвер не может определить указанную команду."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Ошибка мультимедиа устройства. Убедитесь, что устройство работает нормально "
"или свяжитесь с изготовителем устройства."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Указанное устройство не открыто или не опознано MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Не хватает памяти для задачи.\n"
"Закройте одно или несколько приложений, чтобы освободить память и попробуйте "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Название устройства уже используется приложением как псевдоним. Используйте "
"уникальное имя."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "Неопределённая ошибка при загрузке указанного драйвера."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Команда не указана."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Возвращаемая строка слишком велика, чтобы поместиться в буфере. Увеличьте "
"размер буфера."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Указанная команда требует строковый параметр."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Указанное целое недопустимо для этой команды."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Драйвер устройства возвратил недопустимый при возвращении тип. Свяжитесь с "
"изготовителем драйвера для получения новой версии драйвера."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Ошибка драйвера устройства. Свяжитесь с изготовителем драйвера для получения "
"новой версии драйвера."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Указанная команда требует параметр."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Используемое вами устройство MCI не поддерживает указанную команду."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно найти указанный файл. Убедитесь в правильности пути и имени файла."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Драйвер устройства не готов."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "Ошибка при инициализации MCI. Попробуйте перезапустить Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Ошибка в драйвере устройства. Драйвер закрыт, сообщение об ошибке недоступно."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно использовать 'all' в качестве имени устройства в указанной "
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Ошибки в нескольких устройствах. Укажите отдельно каждую команду и "
"устройство, чтобы определить, какие устройства вызывали ошибки."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Невозможно определить тип устройства по данному расширению файла."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
"Указанный параметр выходит за допустимые пределы для указанной команды."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Указанные параметры нельзя использовать вместе."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно сохранить указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно "
"места, или проверьте сетевое подключение."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно найти указанное устройство. Убедитесь, что оно установлено, и что "
"устройство указано правильно."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Указанное устройство сейчас закрывается. Подождите несколько секунд и "
"попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Название устройства уже используется приложением как псевдоним. Используйте "
"уникальное имя."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Указанный параметр недопустим для этой команды."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Драйвер устройства уже используется. Для совместного доступа используйте "
"параметр 'shareable' в каждой команде 'open'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Указанная команда требует псевдоним, файл, драйвер, или имя устройства. "
"Укажите его."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Указанное значение в формате времени неверно. Обратитесь к документации MCI "
"для выяснения допустимых форматов."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr "Закрывающая кавычка отсутствует в значении параметра. Поставьте ее ;-)"
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Параметр или значение указано дважды. Требуется указывать только один раз."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Указанный файл не может быть проигран на выбранном устройстве MCI. Файл "
"может быть поврежден или имеет некорректный формат."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "MCI был передан пустой блок параметров."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Невозможно сохранить неназванный файл. Назовите его."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Вы должны указать псевдоним при использовании параметра 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно использовать флаг 'notify' с устройствами, открытыми "
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Невозможно использовать имя файла с указанным устройством."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно исполнить команды в указанном порядке. Исправьте "
"последовательность команд и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно исполнить команду для устройства, открытого автоматически. "
"Подождите пока устройство не будет закрыто и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Недопустимое имя файла. Убедитесь, что имя файла не длиннее 8 символов, за "
"ним следует точка и расширение."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "Нельзя указывать символы после строки, заключенной в кавычки."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Указанное устройство не установлено в системе. Используйте Control Panel для "
"установки драйвера."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству МCI. Попробуйте перезапустить "
"компьютер ;-)"
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству MCI, потому что приложение не "
"может менять директории."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Нет доступа к указанному файлу или устройству MCI, потому что приложение не "
"может менять диски."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Имя драйвера или устройства должно быть короче 79 символов."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Имя драйвера или устройства должно быть короче 69 символов."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "Указанная команда требует параметр целого типа."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Все wave-устройства, которые могут воспроизводить файлы в текущем формате, "
"заняты. Подождите пока освободится wave-устройство, и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для воспроизведения, т.к. оно "
"занято. Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для записи, т.к. оно занято. "
"Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно использовать текущее устройство для воспроизведения, т.к. оно "
"занято. Подождите, пока устройство освободится, и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Может быть использовано любое устройство для проигрывания звука."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Может быть использовано любое устройство для записи звука."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Нет устройства для воспроизведения файлов в текущем формате. Используйте "
"опцию Drivers для установки звукового устройства."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Устройство, на которое вы проигрываете, не поддерживает формат текущего "
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Нет устройства для записи файлов в текущем формате. Используйте опцию "
"Drivers для установки звукового устройства."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Устройство, с которого вы записываете, не может распознать текущий формат "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Форматы времени \"song pointer\" и SMPTE взаимно исключаемые. Нельзя "
"использовать их вместе."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Указанный порт MIDI уже используется. Подождите, пока он освободится, и "
"попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"В системе не установлены устройства MIDI. Используйте Drivers в Control "
"Panel, чтобы установить драйвер MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Текущие установки MIDI Mapper ссылаются на не установленное в системе "
"устройство MIDI. Используйте MIDI Mapper в Control Panel, чтобы "
"отредактировать установки."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Ошибка указанного порта."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Все таймеры мультимедиа используются другими приложениями. Закройте одно из "
"этих приложений и попробуйте заново."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "В системе не указан текущий порт MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"В системе не установлены устройства MIDI. Используйте Drivers в Control "
"Panel, чтобы установить драйвер MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Нет окна для отображения."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Невозможно создать или использовать окно."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно прочитать указанный файл. Убедитесь, что файл существует, или "
"проверьте диск или сетевое подключение. "
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Невозможно записать в указанный файл. Убедитесь, что на диске достаточно "
"места, или проверьте сетевое подключение."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Аналовые"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,611 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Špecifikovaný príkaz bol vykonaný."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Nedefinovaná externá chyba."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "The driver was not enabled."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "The specified device handle is invalid."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Nebol špecifikovaný žiadny príkaz."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"The output string was to large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Ovládač zariadenia nie je pripravený."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "An error occurred with the specified port."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "The system doesnot have a current MIDI port specified."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "There is no display window."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Nemôžem vytvoriť alebo použiť okno."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&lógové"

View File

@ -1650,6 +1650,608 @@ msgstr "&w&bStran &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Navedeni ukaz je bil uspešno izveden."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Neznana zunanja napaka."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Uporabljena oznaka naprave je zunaj dopustnega obsega za vaš sistem."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Gonilnik ni bil omogočen."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Navedena naprava je že v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite "
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Navedena koda za dostop do naprave je neveljavna."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Nameščen ni noben gonilnik!"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Za opravilo ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika. Zaprite enega ali več programov "
"in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Ta funkcija ni podprta. Če želite ugotoviti, katere funkcije gonilnik "
"podpira, uporabite možnost 'Zmožnosti'."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Navedena je bila številka napake, ki v sistemu ni definirana."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sistemski funkciji je bila posredovana neveljavna zastavica."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Sistemski funkciji je bil posredovan neveljaven parameter."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Navedena oblika zapisa ni podprta ali pa je ni mogoće prevesti. Če želite "
"ugotoviti, katere oblike so podprte, uporabite možnost 'Zmožnosti'."
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Predvajanje je še v teku. Ponastavite napravo ali pa počakajte do konca "
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Glava podatkov vrste wave ni bila pripravljena. Pripravite glavo tako, da "
"uporabite funkcijo 'Pripravi' (Prepare), in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Naprave ni mogoče odpreti brez zastavice WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Uporabite zastavico "
"in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI glava ni bila pripravljena. Pripravite glavo tako, da uporabite "
"funkcijo 'Pripravi' (Prepare), in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Razporeditve MIDI ni mogoče najti. To je lahko posledica težav z gonilnikom, "
"ali pa manjkajoče oziroma poškodovane datoteke MIDIMAP.CFG."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Prek vrat trenutno poteka prenos podatkov. Počakajte na konec prenosa in "
"poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Trenutna nastavitev MIDI se sklicuje na MIDI napravo, ki ni prisotna. "
"Uporabite MIDI Mapper in spremenite nastavitve."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Trenutna nastavitev MIDI je pošodovana. Namestite originalno datoteko "
"MIDIMAP.CFG v sistemsko mapo Oken in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Neveljaven ID MCI naprave. Uporabite ID, ki ga vrne odpiranje MCI naprave."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Naveden parameter ukaza ni definiran v naboru MCI ukazov."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Naveden ukaz je neveljaven MCI ukaz."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Z večpredstavnostno napravo so težave. Preverite, ali naprava deluje "
"pravilno ali pa se posvetujte z izdelovalcem."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Navedena naprava ni registrirana MCI naprava."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Za to opravilo ni na voljo dovolj pomnilnika.\n"
"Zaprite enega ali več programov in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Program že uporablja ta vzdevek. Namesto imena naprave uporabite še "
"neuporabljen vzdevek."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Naprave ni bilo mogoče naložiti. Preverite, ali je gonilnik pravilno "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Ukazni niz je prazen."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Izhodni niz je bil prevelik, da bi ga bilo mogoèe shraniti v povratni "
"medpomnilnik. Povečajte medpomnilnik."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Navedeni ukaz zahteva parameter (niz znakov). Vnesite ga."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
"Vneseno celo število za ta ukaz je neveljavno. Vnesite veljavno število."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Gonilnik za napravo je vrnil neveljavno vrsto vrednosti. Od izdelovalca "
"naprave poskusite dobiti nov gonilnik."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Z gonilnikom za napravo so težave. Od izdelovalca naprave poskusite dobiti "
"nov gonilnik."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "V navedenem ukazu manjka parameter. Vnesite ga."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "MCI naprava, ki jo uporabljate, ne podpira navedenega ukaza."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Navedene datoteke ni mogoče najti. Preverite, ali ste pravilno vnesli ime in "
"pot do datoteke."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
"Gonilnik za napravo ni pripravljen. Malo počakajte in nato poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Pri inicializaciji MCI naprave je prišlo do težav. Znova zaženite Okna."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Zaradi napake, značilne za gonilnik, je bil le-ta zaprt. Ponovite ukaz."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "V tem ukazu uporabite ime točno določene naprave."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"V več napravah je prišlo do napak. Ločeno vnesite vsak ukaz in vsako "
"napravo. Tako boste lahko ugotovili, katere naprave povzročajo napake."
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Iz pripone datoteke ni mogoče ugotoviti vrste zahtevane naprave."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Parameter je zunaj dovoljenega obsega."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Navedenih parametrov ne smete uporabiti hkrati."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Navedene datoteke ni mogoče shraniti. Preverite, ali je na disku dovolj "
"prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Navedene naprave ni mogoče najti. Preverite, ali je naprava nameščena oz. "
"ali je bilo njeno ime pravilno navedeno."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr "Poteka zapiranje navedene naprave. Malo počakajte in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Program že uporablja navedeni vzdevek. Uporabite še neuporabljen vzdevek."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Uporabljena konstanta v tem ukazu je neveljavna."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Gonilnik naprave je že v uporabi. Če ga želite dati v skupno rabo, z vsakim "
"ukazom 'open' uporabite parameter 'shareable'."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Navedeni ukaz zahteva vzdevek, datoteko, gonilnik ali ime naprave. Vnesite "
"ustrezno ime."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Navedena vrednost za obliko zapisa časa je neveljavna. Veljavne oblike "
"poiščite v dokumentaciji MCI naprave."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"V vrednosti za parameter manjka zaključni dvojni narekovaj. Vnesite ga."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "Parameter ali vrednost ste navedli dvakrat. Navedite ga samo enkrat."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Te datoteke ne morete predvajati z navedeno MCI napravo. Datoteka je morda "
"poškodovana ali pa ima napaćno obliko zapisa."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "MCI napravi je bil podan 'null parameter block'."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Datoteke brez imena ni mogoče shraniti. Vnesite ime."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Ko uporabljate parameter 'new', morate navesti vzdevek."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Zastavice 'notify' ni mogoče uporabiti s samodejno oprtimi napravami."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "V povezavi z navedeno napravo ne morete uporabiti imena datoteke."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Ukazov ni mogoče izvesti v navedenem zaporedju. Spremenite zaporedje in "
"poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Ukaza ni mogoče izvesti v povezavi s samodejno odprto napravo. Počakajte, da "
"se naprava zapre, in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Neveljavno ime datoteke. Preverite, da vsebuje največ 8 znakov, ki jim "
"sledita pika in pripona."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Za nizom znakov, ki je obdan z narekovaji, ni mogoče zapisati dodatnih "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Naprava ni nameščena. Če želite namestiti nov gonilnik, na Nadzorni Plošči "
"dvokliknite ikono 'Dodajanje strojne opreme'."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč. Zamenjajte imenik ali "
"pa znova zaženite računalnik."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč, ker program ne more "
"zamenjati imenika."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Dostop do navedene datoteke ali MCI naprave ni mogoč, ker program ne more "
"zamenjati pogona."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Navedite ime za napravo ali gonilnik, ki je krajše od 79 znakov."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Navedite ime za napravo ali gonilnik, ki je krajše od 69 znakov."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Navedeni ukaz zahteva celoštevilčen parameter (npr. 'play to 10'). Vnesite "
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Vse naprave, ki lahko predvajajo datoteke v obliki wave, so v uporabi. "
"Poskusite znova, ko bo katera od njih na voljo."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Trenutna wave naprava je v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite "
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Vse naprave, ki lahko snemajo datoteke v obliki wave, so v uporabi. "
"Poskusite znova, ko bo katera od njih na voljo."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Trenutna wave naprava je v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo sproščena, in poskusite "
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
"Predvajalna naprava je v uporabi. Poskusite znova po koncu predvajanja."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Snemalna naprava je v uporabi. Poskusite znova po koncu snemanja."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nameščena ni nobena naprava za wave, ki bi lahko predvajala datoteke v "
"trenutni obliki."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Naprava ne prepozna trenutne oblike zapisa datoteke. Izberite drugo napravo "
"in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Nameščena ni nobena naprava za wave, ki bi lahko snemala datoteke v trenutni "
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Naprava ne prepozna trenutne oblike zapisa datoteke. Izberite drugo napravo "
"in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr "Sočasna uporaba oblik zapisa časa 'song-pointer' in SMPTE ni mogoča."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Navedena MIDI naprava je že v uporabi. Počakajte, da bo prosta, in poskusite "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Ta naprava ni nameščena. Če želite namestiti nov gonilnik, na nadzorni "
"plošči dvokliknite ikono 'Dodajanje strojne opreme'."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Trenutna nastavitev MIDI se sklicuje na manjkajočo napravo. Uporabite "
"možnost 'MIDI Mapper' na Nadzorni plošči in spremenite nastavitev."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Na navedenih vratih je prišlo do napake."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Vsi većpredstavnostni števci so zasedeni. Zaprite enega od večpredstavnostih "
"programov in poskusite znova."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Zahtevana MIDI vrata niso nameščena."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Nameščna ni nobena MIDI naprava. Za namestitev MIDI gonilnika uporabite "
"možnost 'Drivers' na Nadzorni plošći."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Ni okna za prikaz."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Okna ni bilo mogoče ustvariti ali uporabiti."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Iz navedene datoteke ni mogoče brati. Preverite, ali datoteka še vedno "
"obstaja oz. preverite svoj disk in omrežne povezave."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"V navedeno datoteko ni mogoče pisati. Preverite, ali je na disku še dovolj "
"prostora oz. ali je vaš računalnik še povezan z omrežjem."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&logna ura"

View File

@ -1633,6 +1633,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bStrana &p od &P"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analogni"

View File

@ -1633,6 +1633,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bСтрана &p од &P"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Аналогни"

View File

@ -1635,6 +1635,606 @@ msgstr "&w&bSida &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Det angivna kommandot utfördes."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Odefinierat externt fel."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Ett enhets-ID som använts är utanför räckvidden för ditt system."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Drivrutinen aktiverades inte."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr "Angiven enhet används redan. Vänta tills den är ledig och försök igen."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Angiven handle för enheten är ogiltig."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Ingen drivrutin finns installerad på ditt system !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Det finns inte tillräckligt minne tillgängligt för denna uppgift. Avsluta "
"ett eller flera program för att utöka tillgängligt minne och försök sedan "
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Denna funktion stöds inte. Använd funktionen Capabilities för att avgöra "
"vilka funktioner och meddelanden som drivrutinen stöder."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Ett felnummer som inte är definierat i systemet angavs."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "En ogiltig flagga skickades till en systemfunktion."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "En ogiltig parameter skickades till en systemfunktion."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Angivet format stöds inte eller kan inte översättas. Använd funktionen "
"Capabilities för att avgöra vilka format som stöds"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte uföra denna operation medan mediadata fortfarande spelas. Starta om "
"enheten eller vänta tills data spelats klart."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Wave-headern var inte förberedd. Använd funktionen Prepare för att förbereda "
"headern och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte öppna enheten utan att använda flaggan WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. Använd "
"flaggan och försök igen."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI-headern var inte förberedd. Använd funktionen Prepare för att förbereda "
"headern och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Ingen MIDI-mappning hittades. Det kan vara ett problem med drivrutinen, "
"eller så kan filen MIDIMAP.CFG vara korrupt eller saknas."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Porten överför data till enheten. Vänta till allt data överförts och försök "
"sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Den nuvarande MIDI Mapper-installationen refererar till en MIDI-enhet som "
"inte är installerad på systemet. Använd MIDI Mapper för att ändra "
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Den nuvarande MIDI-installationen är skadad. Kopiera den ursprungliga "
"MIDIMAP.CFG till Windows SYSTEM-katalog och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Ogiltigt ID på MCI-enheten. Använd det ID som returneras när MCI-enheten "
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Drivrutinen känner inte igen den angivna kommandoparametern."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Drivrutinen känner inte igen det angivna kommandot."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Ett problem uppstod med din mediaenhet. Kontrollera att den fungerar "
"korrekt, kontakta annars enhetens tillverkare."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Angiven enhet är inte öppen eller känns inte igen av MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Otillräckligt minne tillgängligt för denna uppgift.\n"
"Avsluta ett eller flera program för att utöka tillgängligt minne och försök "
"sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsnamnet används redan som ett alias av detta program. Använd ett unikt "
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Ett oupptäckbart problem uppstod då den angivna enhetsdrivrutinen skulle "
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Inget kommando angavs."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
"Utskriftssträngen var för stor för att rymmas i returbuffern. Utöka bufferns "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Det angivna kommandot kräver en teckensträngsparameter. Var god uppge en "
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Det angivna heltalet är ogiltigt för detta kommando."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsdrivrutinen returnerade en ogiltig returtyp. Hör med enhetens "
"tillverkare om att få en ny drivrutin."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Ett problem uppstod med enhetsdrivrutinen. Hör med enhetens tillverkare om "
"att få en ny drivrutin."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Angivet kommando kräver en parameter. Var god uppge en sådan."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "MCI-enheten du använder stöder inte det angivna kommandot."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte hitta angiven fil. Säkerställ att sökvägen och filnamnet stämmer."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Enhetsdrivrutinen är inte redo."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr "Ett problem uppstod då MCI initialiserades. Försök starta om Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Ett problem uppstod med enhetsdrivrutinen. Drivrutinen har avslutats. Kan "
"inte komma åt fel."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Kan inte använda 'all' som enhetsnamn med det angivna kommandot."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Fel uppstod i mer än en enhet. Ange varje kommando och enhet separat för att "
"avgöra vilka enheter som orsakade felet"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Kan inte avgöra enhetens typ från den givna filändelsen."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Angiven parameter är utanför räckvidden för det angivna kommandot."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "De angivna parametrarna kan inte användas tillsammans."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte spara angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt diskutrymme "
"och fortfarande är ansluten till nätverket."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte hitta angiven enhet. Kontrollera att den är installerad och att "
"enhetsnamnets stavning är korrekt."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Den angivna enheten stängs nu. Vänta några sekunder och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr "Angivet alias används redan i detta program. Använd ett unikt alias."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Den angivna parametern är ogiltig för detta kommando."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Enhetsdrivrutinen används redan. Använd parametern 'shareable' med varje "
"'open'-kommando för att dela den."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Angivet kommando kräver ett alias, en fil, en drivrutin eller ett "
"enhetsnamn. Var god uppge någon av dessa."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Angivet värde för tidsformatet är ogiltigt. Läs dokumentationen för MCI för "
"att se giltiga format."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Ett avslutande dubbelt citationstecken saknas från parametervärdet. Var god "
"lägg till ett sådant."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "En parameter eller ett värde angavs två gånger. Ange det bara en gång."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Den angivna filen kan inte spelas på den angivna MCI-enheten. Filen kan vara "
"korrupt eller i fel format."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "Ett nullparameterblock skickades till MCI."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Kan inte spara en namnlös fil. Ange ett filnamn."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Du måste ange ett alias då du använder parametern 'new'."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Kan inte använda flaggan 'notify' med auto-öppnade enheter."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Kan inte använda ett filnamn med den angivna enheten."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte utföra kommandona i angiven ordning. Rätta till kommandoordningen "
"och försök igen."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte utföra det angivna kommandot på en auto-öppnad enhet. Vänta tills "
"enheten är stängd och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Filnamnet är ogiltigt. Säkerställ att filnamnet har högst 8 tecken följt av "
"en punkt och en ändelse."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte ange extra tecken efter en sträng omsluten av citationstecken."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Angiven enhet är inte installerad på systemet. Använd valet Drivers i "
"Control Panel för att installera enheten."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet. Försök byta katalog eller "
"starta om din dator."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet eftersom programmet inte kan "
"byta katalog."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte komma åt angiven fil eller MCI-enhet eftersom programmet inte kan "
"byta diskenhet."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Ange ett enhets- eller drivrutinsnamn kortare än 79 tecken."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Ange ett enhets- eller drivrutinsnamn kortare än 69 tecken."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "Angivet kommando kräver en heltalsparameter. Var god uppge en sådan."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alla wave-enheter som kan spela filer i det aktuella formatet används. Vänta "
"tills en wave-enhet är ledig och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte sätta aktuell wave-enhet till uppspelning eftersom den används. "
"Vänta tills enheten är ledig och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Alla wave-enheter som kan spela in filer i aktuellt format används. Vänta "
"tills en wave-enhet är ledig och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte sätta aktuell wave-enhet till inspelning eftersom den används. "
"Vänta tills enheten är ledig och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Varje kompatibel wave-uppspelningsenhet kan användas."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Varje kompatibel wave-inspelningsenhet kan användas."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen wave-enhet som kan spela filer i det aktuella formatet är installerad. "
"Använd valet Drivers för att installera wave-enheten."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Enheten du försöker spela till känner inte igen det aktuella filformatet."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Ingen wave-enhet som kan spela in filer i det aktuella formatet finns "
"installerad. Använd valet Drivers för att installera wave-enheten."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Enheten du försöker spela in från känner inte igen aktuellt filformat."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Tidsformaten för \"song pointer\" och SMPTE är ömsesidigt exklusiva. De kan "
"inte användas tillsammans."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Angiven MIDI-port används redan. Vänta tills den är ledig och försök sedan "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Den angivna MIDI-enheten är inte installerad på systemet. Använd valet "
"Drivers från Control Panel för att installera en MIDI-enhet."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Aktuell MIDI Mapper-installation refererar till en MIDI-enhet som inte är "
"installerad på systemet. Använd valet MIDI Mapper från Control Panel för att "
"ändra installationen."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Ett fel inträffade med den angivna porten."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Alla multimediatimers används av andra program. Avsluta ett av dessa program "
"och försök sedan igen."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Ingen aktuell MIDI-port är angiven i systemet."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Systemet har inga installerade MIDI-enheter. Använd valet Drivers från "
"Control Panel för att installera en MIDI-drivrutin."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Det finns inget visningsfönster."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Kunde inte skapa eller använda fönster."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte läsa angiven fil. Kontrollera att filen fortfarande är kvar, eller "
"kontrollera hårddisken eller nätverksanslutningen."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Kan inte skriva till angiven fil. Kontrollera att du har tillräckligt minne "
"eller är ansluten till nätverket."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ఎనలాగ్ (&l)"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "ธรรมดา"

View File

@ -1648,6 +1648,609 @@ msgstr "Üstteki Sayfa"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Belirtilen komut gerçekleştirildi."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Tanımlanamayan dış hata."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Sisteminiz için geçerli olmayan bir aygıt kimliği kullanıldı."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Sürücü etkinleştirilmemiş."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen aygıt kullanımda. Boş kalana kadar bekleyip yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Belirtilen aygıt işleyici geçersiz."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "Sisteminizde yüklü sürücü yok!\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Bu görev için yeterli kullanılabilir bellek yok. Kullanılabilen belleği "
"arttırmak için bir veya daha fazla uygulamadan çıkıp yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Bu işlev desteklenmiyor. Sürücünün hangi işlevleri ve iletileri "
"desteklediğini belirlemek için Kapasite işlevini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Sistemde tanımlanmamış bir hata numarası belirtilmiş."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Bir sistem işlevine geçersiz bir bayrak geçilmiş."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "Bir sistem işlevine geçersiz bir parametre geçilmiş."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen biçim desteklenmiyor veya çevrilemiyor. Desteklenen biçimleri "
"belirlemek için Kapasite işlevini kullanın"
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Ortam verisi yürütülürken bu işlem yürütülemez. Aygıtı sıfırlayın veya "
"verinin yürütülmesinin tamamlanmasını bekleyin."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Dalga başlığı hazırlanmamış. Başlığı hazırlamak için Hazırla işlevini "
"kullanıp yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"WAVE_ALLOWSYNC bayrağı kullanılmadan aygıt açılamıyor. Bayrağı kullanıp "
"yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"MIDI başlığı hazırlanmamış. Başlığı hazırlamak için Hazırla işlevini "
"kullanıp yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"MIDI haritası bulunmadı. Sürücüde bir sorun olabilir veya MIDIMAP.CFG "
"dosyası bozuk veya eksik olabilir."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Bağlantı noktası aygıta veri gönderiyor. Veri gönderilene kadar bekleyip "
"yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli MIDI Eşleyicisi kurulumu sistemde yüklü olmayan bir MIDI aygıtını "
"gösteriyor. Kurulumu düzenlemek için MIDI Eşleyicisini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli MIDI kurulumu zarar görmüş. Özgün MIDIMAP.CFG dosyasını Windows "
"SYSTEM dizinine kopyalayın ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Geçersiz MCI aygıt tanıtıcısı. MCI aygıtııldığında döndürülen tanıtıcıyı "
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Sürücü kullanılan komut parametresini tanımıyor."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Sürücü kullanılan komutu tanımıyor."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Ortam aygıtınızda bir sorun var. Doğru çalıştığından emin olun veya aygıt "
"üreticisine başvurun."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Belirtilen aygıt açık değil veya MCI tarafından tanınmıyor."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Bu görev için yeterli kullanılabilir bellek yok.\n"
"Kullanılabilen belleği arttırmak için bir veya daha fazla uygulamadan çıkıp "
"yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Aygıt adı bu uygulama tarafından zaten bir takma ad olarak kullanılıyor. "
"Benzersiz bir takma ad kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr "Belirtilen aygıt sürücüsü yüklenirken bilinmeyen bir sorun oluştu."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Komut belirtilmemiş."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
ıkış dizesi dönüş arabelleğine sığmayacak kadar büyük. Arabelleğin boyutunu "
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen komut karakter dizisinden oluşan bir parametre gerektiriyor. "
"Lütfen bir tane sağlayın."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Girilen tamsayı bu komut için geçersiz."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Aygıt sürücüsü geçersiz bir tür döndürdü. Yeni sürücüyü edinmek için aygıt "
"üreticisine başvurun."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Aygıt sürücüsünde bir sorun var. Yeni bir sürücü edinmek için aygıtın "
"üreticisiyle bağlantı kurun."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Belirtilen komut için bir parametre gerekir. Lütfen bir tane girin."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Kullandığınız MCI aygıtı belirtilen komutu desteklemiyor."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosya bulunamıyor. Yol ve dosya adının doğru olduğundan emin olun."
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Aygıt sürücüsü hazır değil."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"MCI başlatılırken bir sorun oluştu. Windows'u yeniden başlatmayı deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Aygıt sürücüsünde bir sorun var. Sürücü kapatıldı. Hataya ulaşılamıyor."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Belirtilen komut ile 'all' aygıt adı kullanılamaz."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Birden fazla aygıtta hatalar oluştu. Hangi aygıtların hataya neden olduğunu "
"belirlemek için her komutu ve aygıtı ayrı ayrı belirleyin"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Verilen dosya uzantısından aygıt türü belirlenemiyor."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Belirtilen parametre kullanılan komut için aralık dışında."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Belirtilen parametreler birlikte kullanılamaz."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosya kaydedilemiyor. Yeterli boş disk alanına sahip olduğunuzdan "
"ya da ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen aygıt bulunamadı. Aygıtın kurulu olduğundan ya da adının doğru "
"yazıldığından emin olun."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen aygıt şimdi kapatılıyor. Lütfen birkaç saniye bekleyip yeniden "
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen takma ad bu uygulamada zaten kullanılıyor. Benzersiz bir takma ad "
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Belirtilen parametre bu komut için geçersiz."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Aygıt sürücüsü zaten kullanımda. Paylaşmak için her 'open' komutuyla beraber "
"'shareable' parametresini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen komut bir takma ad, dosya, sürücü veya aygıt adı gerektiriyor. "
"Lütfen bir tane sağlayın."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Saat biçimi için verilen değer geçersiz. Geçerli biçimler için MCI "
"belgelerine başvurun."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"Parametre değerinde çift tırnak kapatma işareti eksik. Lütfen tırnağı "
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
"Bir parametre veya değer iki kez belirtilmiş. Sadece bir kez tanımlayın."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosya belirtilen MCI aygıtı üzerinde yürütülemez. Dosya bozulmuş "
"olabilir veya doğru biçimde olmayabilir."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "'MCI'ya bir boş parametre bloğu geçildi."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Adsız bir dosya kaydedilemez. Bir dosya adı yazın."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "'yeni' parametresini kullanırken bir takma ad kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr "Otomatik açılan aygıtlarla 'bildir' bayrağı kullanılamaz."
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Belirtilen aygıtla bir dosya adı kullanılamaz."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Komutlar belirtilen sırada gerçekleştirilemiyor. Komut sıralamasını düzeltip "
"yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Otomatik açılan aygıtta belirtilen komut çalıştırılamaz. Aygıt kapanana "
"kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Dosya adı geçersiz. Dosya adının 8 karakterden uzun olmadığından ve nokta ve "
"uzantı içerdiğinden emin olun."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
"Tırnak işaretleri içindeki bir dizeden sonra fazladan karakterler "
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen aygıt sistemde yüklü değil. Aygıtı yüklemek için Denetim "
"Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini seçin."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Dizinleri değiştirmeyi "
"veya bilgisayarınızı yeniden başlatmayı deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Çünkü uygulama dizinleri "
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosyaya veya MCI aygıtına erişilemiyor. Çünkü uygulama sürücüleri "
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "79 karakterden daha az bir aygıt veya sürücü adı belirtin."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "69 karakterden daha az bir aygıt veya sürücü adı belirtin."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen komut bir tamsayı parametre gerektiriyor. Lütfen bir tamsayı "
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları yürüten tüm dalga aygıtları kullanımda. Bir "
"dalga aygıtı boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli dalga aygıtı kullanımda olduğundan yürütme için açılamıyor. Aygıt "
"boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları kaydedebilen tüm dalga aygıtları kullanımda. Bir "
"dalga aygıtı boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli dalga aygıtı kullanımda olduğundan kaydetme işlemi için açılamıyor. "
"Aygıt boşalana kadar bekleyin ve yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Herhangi bir uyumlu dalga çıkış aygıtı belirlenmemiş."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Herhangi bir uyumlu dalga giriş aygıtı belirlenmemiş."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları yürütebilen dalga aygıtı bulunamadı. Dalga "
"aygıtını yüklemek için Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Yürütmeye çalıştığınız aygıt geçerli dosya biçimini tanımıyor."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Geçerli biçimdeki dosyaları kaydedebilen dalga aygıtı bulunamadı. Dalga "
"aygıtını yüklemek için Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr "Kaydetmeye çalıştığınız aygıt geçerli dosya biçimini tanımıyor."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"\"Şarkı işaretçisi\" saat biçimini ve SMPTE saat biçimini birlikte "
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen MIDI aygıtı şu an kullanımda. Boşalana kadar bekleyip yeniden "
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen MIDI aygıtı sistemde yüklü değil. Bir MIDI aygıtı yüklemek için "
"Denetim Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Geçerli MIDI haritalama ayarı sistemde yüklü olmayan bir MIDI aygıtını "
"işaret ediyor. Ayarları düzenlemek için Denetim Masası'ndan MIDI haritalama "
"seçeneğini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Belirtilen bağlantı noktasında hata oluştu."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Tüm çokluortam zamanlayıcıları diğer uygulamalar tarafından kullanılıyor. Bu "
"uygulamalardan birini kapatıp yeniden deneyin."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "Sistemde belirtilen MIDI bağlantı noktası yok."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"Sistemde MIDI aygıtı yüklü değil. Bir MIDI sürücüsü yüklemek için Denetim "
"Masası'ndan Sürücüler seçeneğini kullanın."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Hiç görüntü penceresi yok."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Pencere oluşturulamıyor veya kullanılamıyor."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosya okunamadı. Dosyanın var olduğundan emin olun ya da "
"diskinizi veya ağ bağlantızı denetleyin."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Belirtilen dosyaya yazılamıyor. Yeterli kullanılabilir disk alanına sahip "
"olduğunuzdan veya ağa bağlı olduğunuzdan emin olun."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "Ana&log"

View File

@ -1639,6 +1639,610 @@ msgstr "Сторінка вверх"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr "Вказану команду виконано."
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr "Невідома зовнішня помилка."
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr "Вказано код пристрою, який не використовується в системі."
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr "Драйвер не підключений."
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Вказаний пристрій уже використовується. Зачекайте, поки він звільниться, і "
"повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr "Вказано неправильний дескриптор пристрою."
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr "У системі немає встановлених драйверів !\n"
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Недостатньо пам'яті для виконання цього завдання. Закрийте один або декілька "
"додатків шоб звільнити пам'ять і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
"Ця функція не підтримується. Скористайтеся функцією Capabilities, щоб "
"одержати список функцій і повідомлень, які підтримує драйвер."
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr "Вказаний номер помилки не визначений у системі."
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr "До системної функції передано неправильний прапор."
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr "До системної функції передано неправильний параметр."
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
"Указаний формат не підтримується, або його неможливо перетворити. "
"Скористайтеся функцією Capabilities, щоб одержати список форматів, які "
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо виконати цю операцію під час відтворення даних із носія. Зупиніть "
"відтворення даних або зачекайте на його закінчення."
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Заголовок wave не підготовлений. Скористайтеся функцією Prepare, щоб "
"підготувати його, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо відкрити цей пристрій без використання прапорця WAVE_ALLOWSYNC. "
"Установіть цей прапорець і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Заголовок MIDI не підготовлений. Скористайтеся функцією Prepare, щоб "
"підготувати його, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
"Не знайдено карту MIDI. Можливо, виникли проблеми з драйвером, або файл "
"MIDIMAP.CFG пошкоджений або відсутній."
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Порт передає дані до пристрою. Зачекайте, поки дані будуть передані, і "
"повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
"Поточні налаштування MIDI Mapper посилаються на пристрій, не установлений у "
"системі. Змініть параметри за допомогою MIDI Mapper."
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Поточні налаштування MIDI пошкоджені. Скопіюйте вихідний файл MIDIMAP.CFG до "
"підтеки SYSTEM теки Windows і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
"Невірний код пристрою MCI. Використайте код, який було повернуто після "
"відкриття пристрою."
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr "Драйвер не може розпізнати вказаний параметр команди."
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr "Драйвер не може розпізнати вказану команду."
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
"Виникла проблема з пристроєм мультимедіа. Переконайтеся, що пристрій працює "
"правильно, або зверніться до його виробника."
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr "Вказаний пристрій не відкритий або не розпізнається інтерфейсом MCI."
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Недостатньо пам'яті для виконання цього завдання.\n"
"Закрийте один або декілька додатків шоб звільнити пам'ять і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
"Це ім'я пристрою вже використовується додатком як псевдонім. Використайте "
"унікальний псевдонім."
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
"Сталася невідома помилка під час завантаження вказаного драйвера пристрою."
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr "Команда не вказана."
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr "Довжина рядка виводу перевищує розмір буфера. Збільшіть розмір буфера."
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr "Вказана команда потребує текстовий параметр. Укажіть його."
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Вказане ціле число непридатне для цієї команди."
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Драйвер пристрою повернув значення неприпустимого типу. Зверніться до "
"виробника пристрою, щоб отримати новий драйвер."
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
"Виникла проблема з драйвером пристрою. Зверніться до виробника пристрою, щоб "
"отримати новий драйвер."
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr "Указана команда потребує параметр. Укажіть його."
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr "Пристрій MCI, який використовується, не підтримує вказану команду."
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо знайти вказаний файл. Перевірте, чи правильно вказані шлях та ім'я "
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr "Драйвер пристрою не готовий."
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
"Сталася помилка під час ініціалізації MCI. Спробуйте перезапустити Windows."
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
"Виникла проблема із драйвером пристрою. Драйвер був закритий. Неможливо "
"отримати код помилки."
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr "Неможливо використовувати 'all' як ім'я пристрою для вказаної команди."
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
"Сталося декілька помилок на різних пристроях. Щоб визначити джерело помилок, "
"виконайте окремо кожну команду для кожного пристрою"
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr "Неможливо визначити тип пристрою за вказаним розширенням імені файлу."
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr "Вказаний параметр має неприпустиме значення для вказаної команди."
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr "Вказані параметри неможливо використовувати одночасно."
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо зберегти вказаний файл. Переконайтеся, що на диску достатньо "
"вільного місця, або що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі."
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо знайти вказаний пристрій. Переконайтеся, що він установлений, або "
"що ім'я пристрою введено правильно."
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
"Вказаний пристрій зараз закривається. Зачекайте декілька секунд, а потім "
"повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
"Вказаний псевдонім уже використовується в цьому додатку. Використайте "
"унікальний псевдонім."
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr "Вказаний параметр неприпустимий для цієї команди."
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
"Драйвер пристрою вже використовується. Щоб дозволити спільний доступ до "
"драйвера, необхідно використати параметр 'shareable' із кожною командою "
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
"Вказана команда потребує псевдонім або ім'я файлу, драйвера або пристрою. "
"Укажіть його."
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
"Вказано невірне значення формату часу. Припустимі формати вказані в "
"документації з MCI."
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
"При вводі значення параметра було пропущено закриваючі лапки. Введіть їх."
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr "Параметр або значення вказані двічі. Укажіть його лише один раз."
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
"Вказаний файл не може бути відтворений на вибраному пристрої MCI. Можливо, "
"файл пошкоджений чи має неприпустимий формат."
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr "До MCI було передано порожній блок параметрів."
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr "Неможливо зберегти файл без імені. Введіть ім'я файлу."
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr "Якщо використовується параметр 'new', необхідно вказати псевдонім."
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
"Прапор 'notify' неможливо використовувати для пристроїв, відкритих "
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr "Неможливо використати ім'я файлу для вказаного пристрою."
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо виконати команди у вказаній послідовності. Змініть послідовність "
"команд і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо виконати вказану команду для пристрою, що відкривається "
"автоматично. Зачекайте, поки пристрій буде закрито, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
"Ім'я файлу невірне. Переконайтеся, що довжина імені файлу не перевищує 8 "
"символів, після яких стоїть крапка й розширення."
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr "Неможливо вводити додаткові символи після рядка, забраного в лапки."
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
"Вказаний пристрій не установлений у системі. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери "
"в Панелі керування, щоб установити пристрій."
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI. Спробуйте "
"змінити теку чи перезавантажити комп'ютер."
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI, тому що "
"додаток не може змінити теку."
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо отримати доступ до вказаного файлу чи пристрою MCI, тому що "
"додаток не може змінити диск."
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr "Довжина імені пристрою або драйвера не може перевищувати 79 символів."
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr "Довжина імені пристрою або драйвера не може перевищувати 69 символів."
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr "Вказана команда потребує цілий параметр. Введіть його."
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Усі пристрої, які можуть відтворювати файли поточного формату, зараз "
"зайняті. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо ввімкнути режим відтворення для поточного звукового пристрою, тому "
"що він зайнятий. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Усі пристрої, які можуть записувати файли поточного формату, зараз зайняті. "
"Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо ввімкнути режим запису для поточного звукового пристрою, тому що "
"він зайнятий. Зачекайте, поки пристрій звільниться, і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr "Можна використовувати будь-які сумісні пристрої відтворення звуку."
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr "Можна використовувати будь-які сумісні пристрої запису звуку."
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Не установлено жодного пристрою, який може відтворювати файли поточного "
"формату. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери, щоб установити звуковий пристрій."
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Пристрій, на якому ви намагаєтесь відтворити звук, не розпізнає поточного "
"формату файлу."
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
"Не установлено жодного пристрою, який може записувати файли поточного "
"формату. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери, щоб установити звуковий пристрій."
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
"Пристрій, з якого ви намагаєтеся записати звук, не розпізнає поточного "
"формату файлу."
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
"Формати часу \"song pointer\" та SMPTE взаємовиключні. Неможливо "
"використовувати їх одночасно."
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
"Указаний порт MIDI уже використовується. Зачекайте, поки він звільниться, і "
"повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
"Вказаний пристрій MIDI не установлений у системі. Скористайтесь пунктом "
"Драйвери в Панелі керування, щоб установити пристрій MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
"Поточні параметри MIDI Mapper посилаються на пристрій, не установлений у "
"системі. Скористайтесь пунктом MIDI Mapper в Панелі керування для "
"редагування налаштувань."
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr "Сталася помилка зі вказаним портом."
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
"Усі таймери мультимедіа використовуються іншими додатками. Закрийте один із "
"цих додатків і повторіть спробу."
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr "В системі не вказаний поточний порт MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
"У системі немає установлених пристроїв MIDI. Скористайтесь пунктом Драйвери "
"в Панелі керування, щоб установити драйвер MIDI."
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr "Немає вікна перегляду."
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr "Неможливо створити або використати вікно."
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо прочитати вказаний файл. Переконайтеся, що файл не видалений, і "
"перевірте підключення до диску або мережі."
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
"Неможливо записати до вказаного файлу. Переконайтеся, що на диску є "
"достатньо вільного простору та що комп'ютер ще підключений до мережі."
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Анало&говий"

View File

@ -1600,6 +1600,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "&Analodjike"

View File

@ -1593,6 +1593,498 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1626,6 +1626,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "模拟时钟(&L)"

View File

@ -1626,6 +1626,498 @@ msgstr "&w&bPage &p"
msgid "&u&b&d"
msgstr "&u&b&d"
#: winmm.rc:28
msgid "The specified command was carried out."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:29
msgid "Undefined external error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:30
msgid "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:31
msgid "The driver was not enabled."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:32
msgid ""
"The specified device is already in use. Wait until it is free, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:33
msgid "The specified device handle is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:34
msgid "There is no driver installed on your system !\n"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:35
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to "
"increase available memory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:36
msgid ""
"This function is not supported. Use the Capabilities function to determine "
"which functions and messages the driver supports."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:37
msgid "An error number was specified that is not defined in the system."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:38
msgid "An invalid flag was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:39
msgid "An invalid parameter was passed to a system function."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:42
msgid ""
"The specified format is not supported or cannot be translated. Use the "
"Capabilities function to determine the supported formats"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:43 winmm.rc:49
msgid ""
"Cannot perform this operation while media data is still playing. Reset the "
"device, or wait until the data is finished playing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:44
msgid ""
"The wave header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:45
msgid ""
"Cannot open the device without using the WAVE_ALLOWSYNC flag. Use the flag, "
"and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:48
msgid ""
"The MIDI header was not prepared. Use the Prepare function to prepare the "
"header, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:50
msgid ""
"A MIDI map was not found. There may be a problem with the driver, or the "
"MIDIMAP.CFG file may be corrupt or missing."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:51
msgid ""
"The port is transmitting data to the device. Wait until the data has been "
"transmitted, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:52
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use MIDI Mapper to edit the setup."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:53
msgid ""
"The current MIDI setup is damaged. Copy the original MIDIMAP.CFG file to the "
"Windows SYSTEM directory, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:56
msgid "Invalid MCI device ID. Use the ID returned when opening the MCI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:57
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:58
msgid "The driver cannot recognize the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:59
msgid ""
"There is a problem with your media device. Make sure it is working correctly "
"or contact the device manufacturer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:60
msgid "The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:61
msgid ""
"Not enough memory available for this task.\n"
"Quit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:62
msgid ""
"The device name is already being used as an alias by this application. Use a "
"unique alias."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:63
msgid ""
"There is an undetectable problem in loading the specified device driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:64
msgid "No command was specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:65
msgid ""
"The output string was too large to fit in the return buffer. Increase the "
"size of the buffer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:66
msgid ""
"The specified command requires a character-string parameter. Please provide "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:67
msgid "The specified integer is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:68
msgid ""
"The device driver returned an invalid return type. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:69
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. Check with the device "
"manufacturer about obtaining a new driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:70
msgid "The specified command requires a parameter. Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:71
msgid "The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:72
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified file. Make sure the path and filename are correct."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:73
msgid "The device driver is not ready."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:74
msgid "A problem occurred in initializing MCI. Try restarting Windows."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:75
msgid ""
"There is a problem with the device driver. The driver has closed. Cannot "
"access error."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:76
msgid "Cannot use 'all' as the device name with the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:77
msgid ""
"Errors occurred in more than one device. Specify each command and device "
"separately to determine which devices caused the error"
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:78
msgid "Cannot determine the device type from the given filename extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:79
msgid "The specified parameter is out of range for the specified command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:80
msgid "The specified parameters cannot be used together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:81
msgid ""
"Cannot save the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or are "
"still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:82
msgid ""
"Cannot find the specified device. Make sure it is installed or that the "
"device name is spelled correctly."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:83
msgid ""
"The specified device is now being closed. Wait a few seconds, and then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:84
msgid ""
"The specified alias is already being used in this application. Use a unique "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:85
msgid "The specified parameter is invalid for this command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:86
msgid ""
"The device driver is already in use. To share it, use the 'shareable' "
"parameter with each 'open' command."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:87
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an alias, file, driver, or device name. "
"Please supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:88
msgid ""
"The specified value for the time format is invalid. Refer to the MCI "
"documentation for valid formats."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:89
msgid ""
"A closing double-quotation mark is missing from the parameter value. Please "
"supply one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:90
msgid "A parameter or value was specified twice. Only specify it once."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:91
msgid ""
"The specified file cannot be played on the specified MCI device. The file "
"may be corrupt, or not in the correct format."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:92
msgid "A null parameter block was passed to MCI."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:93
msgid "Cannot save an unnamed file. Supply a filename."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:94
msgid "You must specify an alias when using the 'new' parameter."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:95
msgid "Cannot use the 'notify' flag with auto-opened devices."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:96
msgid "Cannot use a filename with the specified device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:97
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the commands in the order specified. Correct the command "
"sequence, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:98
msgid ""
"Cannot carry out the specified command on an auto-opened device. Wait until "
"the device is closed, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:99
msgid ""
"The filename is invalid. Make sure the filename is not longer than 8 "
"characters, followed by a period and an extension."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:100
msgid ""
"Cannot specify extra characters after a string enclosed in quotation marks."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:101
msgid ""
"The specified device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers option "
"in Control Panel to install the device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:102
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device. Try changing directories or "
"restarting your computer."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:103
msgid ""
"Cannot access the specified file or MCI device because the application "
"cannot change directories."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:104
msgid ""
"Cannot access specified file or MCI device because the application cannot "
"change drives."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:105
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 79 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:106
msgid "Specify a device or driver name that is less than 69 characters."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:107
msgid ""
"The specified command requires an integer parameter. Please provide one."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:108
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can play files in the current format are in use. Wait "
"until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:109
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for play back because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:110
msgid ""
"All wave devices that can record files in the current format are in use. "
"Wait until a wave device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:111
msgid ""
"Cannot set the current wave device for recording because it is in use. Wait "
"until the device is free, and then try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:112
msgid "Any compatible waveform playback device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:113
msgid "Any compatible waveform recording device may be used."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:114
msgid ""
"No wave device that can play files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:115
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to play to cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:116
msgid ""
"No wave device that can record files in the current format is installed. Use "
"the Drivers option to install the wave device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:117
msgid ""
"The device you are trying to record from cannot recognize the current file "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:122
msgid ""
"The time formats of the \"song pointer\" and SMPTE are mutually exclusive. "
"You can't use them together."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:124
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI port is already in use. Wait until it is free; then try "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:127
msgid ""
"The specified MIDI device is not installed on the system. Use the Drivers "
"option from the Control Panel to install a MIDI device."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:125
msgid ""
"The current MIDI Mapper setup refers to a MIDI device that is not installed "
"on the system. Use the MIDI Mapper option from the Control Panel to edit the "
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:126
msgid "An error occurred with the specified port."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:129
msgid ""
"All multimedia timers are being used by other applications. Quit one of "
"these applications; then, try again."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:128
msgid "The system doesn't have a current MIDI port specified."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:123
msgid ""
"The system has no installed MIDI devices. Use the Drivers option from the "
"Control Panel to install a MIDI driver."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:118
msgid "There is no display window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:119
msgid "Could not create or use window."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:120
msgid ""
"Cannot read the specified file. Make sure the file is still present, or "
"check your disk or network connection."
msgstr ""
#: winmm.rc:121
msgid ""
"Cannot write to the specified file. Make sure you have enough disk space or "
"are still connected to the network."
msgstr ""
#: clock.rc:29
msgid "Ana&log"
msgstr "模擬時鐘(&L)"