### Compile threat-intelligence Blocklist ### Config: ** Build - 4: hosts adblock localpush checkfordead -- Excludelists - 1: ../../doh-vpn-proxy-bypass.txt -- Deadlists - 1: ../../data/dead.list - White - 95: threat-intelligence.white -- Whitelists - 5: ../../data/exclude.list ../../data/white.list.apple ../../data/white.list.microsoft ../../data/white.list.hl2guide ../../data/networks/google.list Initialize ... # Download and convert Sourcelists ... Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File 1 | 5010 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/phishing-filter-hosts.txt 2 | 380 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/pup-filter-hosts.txt 3 | 9788 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter-hosts.txt 4 | 3496 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/hosts_browser 5 | 39611 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains_hosts.txt 6 | 550 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://paulgb.github.io/BarbBlock/blacklists/hosts-file.txt 7 | 6108 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Alternate%20versions%20Anti-Malware%20List/AntiMalwareHosts.txt 8 | 2202 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FadeMind/hosts.extras/master/add.Risk/hosts 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domains | http | OFFLINE | unchanged | USE LOCAL COPY: feeds.alphasoc.net_ryuk.txt 26 | 9233 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://gitlab.com/KevinThomas0/cryptoscamdb-lists/-/raw/master/cryptoscamdb-blocklist.txt 27 | 344 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://gitlab.com/quidsup/notrack-blocklists/raw/master/notrack-malware.txt 28 | 39611 | domains | http | online | changed | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains.txt 29 | 74341 | domains | http | online | changed | https://joewein.net/dl/bl/dom-bl-base.txt 30 | 633 | domains | http | online | changed | https://joewein.net/dl/bl/dom-bl.txt 31 | 2000 | domains | http | online | changed | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_covid_domains.txt 32 | 1999 | domains | http | online | changed | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_malicious_domains.txt 33 | 397 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_ransomware_feeds.txt 34 | 2258 | domains | http | online | unchanged | 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137 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hpthreatresearch/iocs/main/IcedID/domains.txt 51 | 720 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hpthreatresearch/iocs/main/TA551/domains.txt 52 | 6554 | domains | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iam-py-test/my_filters_001/main/Alternative%20list%20formats/antimalware_domains.txt 53 | 2079 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist/master/spammers.txt 54 | 71286 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/Phishing.Database/master/phishing-domains-ACTIVE.txt 55 | 586 | domains | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellkrogza/Phishing.Database/master/phishing-domains-NEW-today.txt 56 | 10000 | domains | http | online | unchanged | 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https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-certego.txt 64 | 1010 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-citizenlabs.txt 65 | 1810 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-csirt.txt 66 | 110 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-cyble.txt 67 | 211 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-drweb.txt 68 | 222 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-eset.txt 69 | 24 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-kaspersky.txt 70 | 9940 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-main.txt 71 | 1918 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-malware-traffic.txt 72 | 3334 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-personal.txt 73 | 147 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-sentinelone.txt 74 | 86 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-tag.txt 75 | 512 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-unit42-playbook.txt 76 | 23232 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-unit42-silverterrier.txt 77 | 3813 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-zscaler.txt 78 | 155957 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/aux/master/maltrail-malware-domains.txt 79 | 17084 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/blackbook/master/blackbook.txt 80 | 500 | domains | http | OFFLINE | unchanged | USE LOCAL COPY: rescure.me_covid.txt 81 | 500 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://rescure.me/rescure_domain_blacklist.txt 82 | 508 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.domain.raw 83 | 90 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.hostname.raw 84 | 35875 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/toxic_domains_whole.txt 85 | 107375 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.usom.gov.tr/url-list.txt 86 | 140 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.threat-intelligence # Build threat-intelligence Domainlist ... Stats threat-intelligence: ** Source (raw): 1313273 == Source (unique): 888349 (-424924) -- Exclude: 888344 (-5) -- White: 887546 (-798) -- White(*): 881356 (-6190) -- Dead: 375233 (-506123) 375233 unique Domains - Version 2021.1214.191633 MD5 Domains RAW: 9c04a153bc64fb80873b5c18eb5803b9 # Convert threat-intelligence to Hostlist ... # Convert threat-intelligence to AdBlocklist ... Prepare domain list for compiling ... done. ℹ Starting @adguard/hostlist-compiler v1.0.12 ℹ Starting the compiler ℹ Configuration: { "name": "threat-intelligence", "sources": [ { "source": "threat-intelligence.adblock.raw", "type": "adblock" } ], "transformations": [ "Compress" ] } ℹ Start compiling threat-intelligence.adblock.raw ℹ Original length is 354402 ℹ Length after applying transformations is 354402 ℹ The list was compressed from 354405 to 324691 ℹ Final length of the list is 324697 ℹ Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/threat-intelligence/out/threat-intelligence.adblock ℹ Finished compiling # Attach header to threat-intelligence Domainlist ... # Push threat-intelligence to local Repositories ...