### Compile big Blocklist ### Config: ** Build - 4: hosts adblock no_adblock_convert localpush Initialize ... # Download and convert Sourcelists ... Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File 1 | 472358 | domains | local | online | changed | multi.txt 2 | 45618 | domains | local | online | changed | fake.txt 3 | 107915 | domains | local | online | unchanged | big_extension.domains 4 | 1012666 | domains | http | online | changed | https://dbl.oisd.nl # Build big Domainlist ... Stats big: ** Source (raw): 1638557 == Source (unique): 1355299 (-283258) # Convert big to Hostlist ... # Convert big to AdBlocklist ... ℹ Starting @adguard/hostlist-compiler v1.0.12 ℹ Starting the compiler ℹ Configuration: { "name": "Big", "sources": [ { "source": "/media/nas/git/adguard/multi.adblock", "type": "adblock", "transformations": [ "RemoveComments", "Validate" ] }, { "source": "/media/nas/git/adguard/fake.adblock", "type": "adblock", "transformations": [ "RemoveComments", "Validate" ] }, { "source": "../../big_extension/out/big_extension.adblock", "type": "adblock", "transformations": [ "RemoveComments", "Validate" ] }, { "source": "https://abp.oisd.nl/", "type": "adblock", "transformations": [ "RemoveComments", "Validate" ] } ], "transformations": [ "RemoveComments", "Compress" ] } ℹ Start compiling /media/nas/git/adguard/multi.adblock ℹ Original length is 259280 ℹ Removed 125 comments ℹ Length after applying transformations is 259153 ℹ Start compiling /media/nas/git/adguard/fake.adblock ℹ Original length is 23158 ℹ Removed 41 comments ℹ Length after applying transformations is 23117 ℹ Start compiling ../../big_extension/out/big_extension.adblock # Attach header to big Domainlist ... # Push big to local Repositories ...