# ----------------------------------------- # Zelo*s "Threat Intelligence Feeds" # ----------------------------------------- # # Title: Zelo72 - Threat Intelligence Feeds # # Malware, Crypto, Coin, Spam and Pishing # # Blocks: # domains known to spread malware, # launch phishing attacks and host # command-and-control servers. # # Increases secutity significantly. # # It was compiled from numerous sources. # # An attempt has been made to avoid false # positive domains, but still this list # may contain false positive domains. # Therefore, an admin should be available # to allow falsely blocked domains when # you use this list. # Please report false positive domains. # # It is updated daily and is available in # the following formats: # domains, hosts and adblock. # See: https://github.com/Zelo72 # # Created for purely personal, private use. # Keep the internet clean and safe! # # ----------------------------------------- # Support/Report false positive: # GitHub: https://github.com/Zelo72 # Discord: Zelo72#7513 # Mail: zelo72@dismail.de # -----------------------------------------