### Compile experimental Blocklist ### Config: ** Build - 4: extendWWWFLD hosts noheader adblock + Prioritized Block - 246: experimental.block ++ Prioritized Blocklists - 2: ../../data/black.list.block ../../data/rules.list.block -- Deadlists - 1: ../../data/dead.list -- Whitelists - 6: ../../data/white.list ../../data/white.list.bmj ../../data/white.list.sw ../../data/white.list.nt ../../data/white.list.adguard ../../data/white.list.referral -- Unblocklists - 1: ../../data/white.list.important Initialize ... # Download and convert Sourcelists ... Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File 1 | 378940 | domains | local | online | changed | multi.domains.unique 2 | 14101 | domains | local | online | changed | affiliatetracking.txt 3 | 44186 | domains | local | online | unchanged | fake.txt 4 | 375951 | domains | local | online | changed | threat-intelligence.txt 5 | 994085 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://dbl.oisd.nl # Build experimental Domainlist ... Stats experimental: ** Source (raw): 1807263 == Source (unique): 1350718 (-456545) -- White: 1349164 (-1554) -- White(*): 1343336 (-5828) -- Dead: 1239043 (-104293) ++ Block: 1239453 (+410) -- Unblock: 1239452 (-1) -- Unblock(*): 1239452 (-0) ++ FLD: 1252470 (+13018) ++ WWW: 1423727 (+171257) 1423727 unique Domains - Version 2021.1125.050949 MD5 Domains RAW: 22662086569524623b9e7e03ed50fddf # Convert experimental to Hostlist ... # Convert experimental to AdBlocklist ... Prepare domain list for compiling ... done. ℹ Starting @adguard/hostlist-compiler v1.0.12 ℹ Starting the compiler ℹ Configuration: { "name": "experimental", "sources": [ { "source": "experimental.adblock.raw", "type": "adblock" } ], "transformations": [ "Compress" ] } ℹ Start compiling experimental.adblock.raw ℹ Original length is 997297 ℹ Length after applying transformations is 997297 ℹ The list was compressed from 997300 to 554955 ℹ Final length of the list is 554961 ℹ Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/experimental/out/experimental.adblock ℹ Finished compiling End: 2021.11-25-05:29:48