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report false positive domains. -# -# It is updated daily and is available in -# the following formats: -# domains, hosts and adblock. -# See: https://github.com/Zelo72 -# -# Created for purely personal, private use. -# Keep the internet clean and safe! -# -# ----------------------------------------- -# Support/Report false positive: -# GitHub: https://github.com/Zelo72 -# Discord: Zelo72#7513 -# Mail: zelo72@dismail.de -# ----------------------------------------- -# -# Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File -# 1 | 6447 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/phishing-filter-hosts.txt -# 2 | 409 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/pup-filter-hosts.txt -# 3 | 8884 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://curben.gitlab.io/malware-filter/urlhaus-filter-hosts.txt -# 4 | 3496 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://gitlab.com/ZeroDot1/CoinBlockerLists/raw/master/hosts_browser -# 5 | 33681 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains_hosts.txt -# 6 | 550 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://paulgb.github.io/BarbBlock/blacklists/hosts-file.txt -# 7 | 5997 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Alternate%20versions%20Anti-Malware%20List/AntiMalwareHosts.txt -# 8 | 2204 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FadeMind/hosts.extras/master/add.Risk/hosts -# 9 | 59 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FadeMind/hosts.extras/master/add.Spam/hosts -# 10 | 44 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidonzo/Threat-Intel/master/lists/latestdomains.piHole.txt -# 11 | 1060 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist/master/hosts.txt -# 12 | 8624 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | 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https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_covid_domains.txt -# 29 | 1997 | domains | http | online | changed | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_malicious_domains.txt -# 30 | 397 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_ransomware_feeds.txt -# 31 | 2245 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://orca.pet/notonmyshift/domains.txt -# 32 | 44 | domains | http | online | changed | https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/lists/latestdomains.txt -# 33 | 44812 | domains | http | online | changed | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist.txt -# 34 | 54454 | domains | http | online | changed | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist_extended.txt -# 35 | 1406 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmnestyTech/investigations/master/2021-07-18_nso/domains.txt -# 36 | 27 | domains | http | online | unchanged | 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unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-amnenstytech.txt -# 58 | 307 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-certego.txt -# 59 | 1010 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-citizenlabs.txt -# 60 | 47 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-cyble.txt -# 61 | 211 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-drweb.txt -# 62 | 158 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-eset.txt -# 63 | 3 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-kaspersky.txt -# 64 | 10592 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-main.txt -# 65 | 1872 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-malware-traffic.txt -# 66 | 2925 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-personal.txt -# 67 | 147 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-sentinelone.txt -# 68 | 512 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-unit42-playbook.txt -# 69 | 23232 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-unit42-silverterrier.txt -# 70 | 3791 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scafroglia93/blocklists/master/blocklists-zscaler.txt -# 71 | 150425 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/aux/master/maltrail-malware-domains.txt -# 72 | 16909 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stamparm/blackbook/master/blackbook.txt -# 73 | 500 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://rescure.me/covid.txt -# 74 | 500 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://rescure.me/rescure_domain_blacklist.txt -# 75 | 77 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.domain.raw -# 76 | 29 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.hostname.raw -# 77 | 35079 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/toxic_domains_whole.txt -# 78 | 101660 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.usom.gov.tr/url-list.txt -# 79 | 29 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.threat-intelligence -# -# 369772 unique Domains - Version 2021.1024.090201 -# 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+ 5 | 33681 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains_hosts.txt 6 | 550 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://paulgb.github.io/BarbBlock/blacklists/hosts-file.txt 7 | 5997 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DandelionSprout/adfilt/master/Alternate%20versions%20Anti-Malware%20List/AntiMalwareHosts.txt 8 | 2204 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FadeMind/hosts.extras/master/add.Risk/hosts 9 | 59 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FadeMind/hosts.extras/master/add.Spam/hosts - 10 | 44 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidonzo/Threat-Intel/master/lists/latestdomains.piHole.txt - 11 | 1060 | hosts | http | online | changed | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist/master/hosts.txt + 10 | 44 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | 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https://gitlab.com/quidsup/notrack-blocklists/raw/master/notrack-malware.txt - 25 | 33681 | domains | http | online | changed | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains.txt - 26 | 73301 | domains | http | online | changed | https://joewein.net/dl/bl/dom-bl-base.txt + 25 | 33681 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://hole.cert.pl/domains/domains.txt + 26 | 73301 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://joewein.net/dl/bl/dom-bl-base.txt 27 | 771 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://joewein.net/dl/bl/dom-bl.txt - 28 | 1999 | domains | http | online | changed | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_covid_domains.txt - 29 | 1997 | domains | http | online | changed | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_malicious_domains.txt + 28 | 1999 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_covid_domains.txt + 29 | 1997 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_malicious_domains.txt 30 | 397 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://kriskintel.com/feeds/ktip_ransomware_feeds.txt 31 | 2245 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://orca.pet/notonmyshift/domains.txt - 32 | 44 | domains | http | online | changed | https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/lists/latestdomains.txt - 33 | 44812 | domains | http | online | changed | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist.txt - 34 | 54454 | domains | http | online | changed | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist_extended.txt + 32 | 44 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://osint.digitalside.it/Threat-Intel/lists/latestdomains.txt + 33 | 44812 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist.txt + 34 | 54454 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://phishing.army/download/phishing_army_blocklist_extended.txt 35 | 1406 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmnestyTech/investigations/master/2021-07-18_nso/domains.txt 36 | 27 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DRSDavidSoft/additional-hosts/master/domains/blacklist/fake-domains.txt 37 | 35464 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PolishFiltersTeam/KADhosts/master/KADomains.txt @@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ Initialize ... 74 | 500 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://rescure.me/rescure_domain_blacklist.txt 75 | 77 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.domain.raw 76 | 29 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.botvrij.eu/data/ioclist.hostname.raw - 77 | 35079 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/toxic_domains_whole.txt - 78 | 101660 | domains | http | online | changed | https://www.usom.gov.tr/url-list.txt + 77 | 35079 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.stopforumspam.com/downloads/toxic_domains_whole.txt + 78 | 101660 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://www.usom.gov.tr/url-list.txt 79 | 29 | domains | local | online | unchanged | black.list.threat-intelligence # Build threat-intelligence Domainlist ... @@ -114,41 +114,7 @@ Stats threat-intelligence: -- White(*): 860084 (-1648) -- Dead: 369772 (-490312) -369772 unique Domains - Version 2021.1024.090201 -MD5 Domains RAW: 1e2436b44c8ccffebd55c91b4a963f6d - -# Convert threat-intelligence to Hostlist ... - -# Convert threat-intelligence to AdBlocklist ... - -Prepare domain list for compiling ... done. - -ℹ Starting @adguard/hostlist-compiler v1.0.12 -ℹ Starting the compiler -ℹ Configuration: { - "name": "threat-intelligence", - "sources": [ - { - "source": "threat-intelligence.adblock.raw", - "type": "adblock", - "transformations": [ - "Validate" - ] - } - ], - "transformations": [ - "Compress" - ] -} -ℹ Start compiling threat-intelligence.adblock.raw -ℹ Original length is 349529 -ℹ Length after applying transformations is 349529 -ℹ The list was compressed from 349532 to 321255 -ℹ Final length of the list is 321261 -ℹ Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/threat-intelligence/out/threat-intelligence.adblock -ℹ Finished compiling - -# Attach header to threat-intelligence Domainlist ... - -# Push threat-intelligence to local Repositories ... +***************************************************** +* No changes to the previous repo version detected! * +***************************************************** diff --git a/pihole/blocklists/sources/azorult-tracker.net_api_list.txt b/pihole/blocklists/sources/azorult-tracker.net_api_list.txt index 3af75cac..276a74e0 100644 --- a/pihole/blocklists/sources/azorult-tracker.net_api_list.txt +++ b/pihole/blocklists/sources/azorult-tracker.net_api_list.txt @@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ narkoman1337.000webhostapp.com akinseltv.com azor.myjino.ru aurumboy.com -seth-nick.duckdns.org emdholdings.co.za +seth-nick.duckdns.org inboxindexwin.kebapkokorec.com tillivilli.website ha4cker.000webhostapp.com @@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ 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