
76 lines
2.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

### Compile doh-vpn-proxy-bypass Blocklist ###
** Build - 3:
-- Deadlists - 1:
- White - 10:
Initialize ...
# Download and convert Sourcelists ...
Nr | Count | Format | Source | Status | File | URL/File
1 | 257 | adblock | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travisboss/TheGreatWall/master/doh.txt
2 | 288 | hosts | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oneoffdallas/dohservers/master/list.txt
3 | 610 | domains | http | online | unchanged | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nextdns/metadata/master/parentalcontrol/bypass-methods
# Build doh-vpn-proxy-bypass Domainlist ...
Stats doh-vpn-proxy-bypass:
** Source (raw): 1155
== Source (unique): 750 (-405)
++ Black: 750 (+0)
-- White: 740 (-10)
-- Dead: 700 (-40)
700 unique Domains - Version 2021.1025.204324
MD5 Domains RAW: 0ae644b14d449a030006c9f97e6392d9
# Convert doh-vpn-proxy-bypass to Hostlist ...
# Convert doh-vpn-proxy-bypass to AdBlocklist ...
Prepare domain list for compiling ... done.
Starting @adguard/hostlist-compiler v1.0.12
Starting the compiler
Configuration: {
"name": "doh-vpn-proxy-bypass",
"sources": [
"source": "doh-vpn-proxy-bypass.adblock.raw",
"type": "adblock",
"transformations": [
"transformations": [
Start compiling doh-vpn-proxy-bypass.adblock.raw
Original length is 701
Length after applying transformations is 701
The list was compressed from 704 to 673
Final length of the list is 679
Writing output to /media/nas/git/rpi/pihole/blocklists/build/doh-vpn-proxy-bypass/out/doh-vpn-proxy-bypass.adblock
Finished compiling
# Attach header to doh-vpn-proxy-bypass Domainlist ...
# Push doh-vpn-proxy-bypass to local Repositories ...