# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe LanguagesHelper do describe 'the SUPPORTED_LOCALES constant' do it 'includes all i18n locales' do expect(Set.new(described_class::SUPPORTED_LOCALES.keys + described_class::REGIONAL_LOCALE_NAMES.keys)).to include(*I18n.available_locales) end end describe 'native_locale_name' do context 'with a blank locale' do it 'defaults to a generic value' do expect(helper.native_locale_name(nil)).to eq(I18n.t('generic.none')) end end context 'with a locale of `und`' do it 'defaults to a generic value' do expect(helper.native_locale_name('und')).to eq(I18n.t('generic.none')) end end context 'with a supported locale' do it 'finds the human readable native name from a key' do expect(helper.native_locale_name(:de)).to eq('Deutsch') end end context 'with a regional locale' do it 'finds the human readable regional name from a key' do expect(helper.native_locale_name('en-GB')).to eq('English (British)') end end context 'with a non-existent locale' do it 'returns the supplied locale value' do expect(helper.native_locale_name(:xxx)).to eq(:xxx) end end end describe 'standard_locale_name' do context 'with a blank locale' do it 'defaults to a generic value' do expect(helper.standard_locale_name(nil)).to eq(I18n.t('generic.none')) end end context 'with a non-existent locale' do it 'returns the supplied locale value' do expect(helper.standard_locale_name(:xxx)).to eq(:xxx) end end context 'with a supported locale' do it 'finds the human readable standard name from a key' do expect(helper.standard_locale_name(:de)).to eq('German') end end end describe 'sorted_locales' do context 'when sorting with native name' do it 'returns Suomi after Gàidhlig' do expect(described_class.sorted_locale_keys(%w(fi gd))).to eq(%w(gd fi)) end end context 'when sorting with diacritics' do it 'returns Íslensk before Suomi' do expect(described_class.sorted_locale_keys(%w(fi is))).to eq(%w(is fi)) end end context 'when sorting with non-Latin' do it 'returns Suomi before Amharic' do expect(described_class.sorted_locale_keys(%w(am fi))).to eq(%w(fi am)) end end context 'when sorting with local variants' do it 'returns variant in-line' do expect(described_class.sorted_locale_keys(%w(en eo en-GB))).to eq(%w(en en-GB eo)) end end end end