# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Settings::ImportsController do render_views let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) } before do sign_in user, scope: :user end describe 'GET #index' do let!(:import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account) } let!(:other_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import) } before do get :index end it 'assigns the expected imports', :aggregate_failures do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response.headers['Cache-Control']).to include('private, no-store') expect(response.body) .to include("bulk_import_#{import.id}") .and not_include("bulk_import_#{other_import.id}") end end describe 'GET #show' do before do get :show, params: { id: bulk_import.id } end context 'with someone else\'s import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'returns http not found' do expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an already-confirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :in_progress) } it 'returns http not found' do expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an unconfirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(200) end end end describe 'POST #confirm' do subject { post :confirm, params: { id: bulk_import.id } } before do allow(BulkImportWorker).to receive(:perform_async) end context 'with someone else\'s import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'does not change the import\'s state and returns missing', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to_not(change { bulk_import.reload.state }) expect(BulkImportWorker).to_not have_received(:perform_async) expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an already-confirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :in_progress) } it 'does not change the import\'s state and returns missing', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to_not(change { bulk_import.reload.state }) expect(BulkImportWorker).to_not have_received(:perform_async) expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an unconfirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'changes the import\'s state to scheduled and redirects', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to change { bulk_import.reload.state.to_sym }.from(:unconfirmed).to(:scheduled) expect(BulkImportWorker).to have_received(:perform_async).with(bulk_import.id) expect(response).to redirect_to(settings_imports_path) end end end describe 'DELETE #destroy' do subject { delete :destroy, params: { id: bulk_import.id } } context 'with someone else\'s import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'does not delete the import and returns missing', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to_not(change { BulkImport.exists?(bulk_import.id) }) expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an already-confirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :in_progress) } it 'does not delete the import and returns missing', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to_not(change { BulkImport.exists?(bulk_import.id) }) expect(response).to have_http_status(404) end end context 'with an unconfirmed import' do let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, state: :unconfirmed) } it 'deletes the import and redirects', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to change { BulkImport.exists?(bulk_import.id) }.from(true).to(false) expect(response).to redirect_to(settings_imports_path) end end end describe 'GET #failures' do subject { get :failures, params: { id: bulk_import.id }, format: :csv } shared_examples 'export failed rows' do |expected_contents| let(:bulk_import) { Fabricate(:bulk_import, account: user.account, type: import_type, state: :finished) } before do rows.each { |data| Fabricate(:bulk_import_row, bulk_import: bulk_import, data: data) } bulk_import.update(total_items: bulk_import.rows.count, processed_items: bulk_import.rows.count, imported_items: 0) end it 'returns expected contents', :aggregate_failures do subject expect(response).to have_http_status(200) expect(response.body).to eq expected_contents end end context 'with follows' do let(:import_type) { 'following' } let(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'foo@bar' }, { 'acct' => 'user@bar', 'show_reblogs' => false, 'notify' => true, 'languages' => %w(fr de) }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "Account address,Show boosts,Notify on new posts,Languages\nfoo@bar,true,false,\nuser@bar,false,true,\"fr, de\"\n" end context 'with blocks' do let(:import_type) { 'blocking' } let(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'foo@bar' }, { 'acct' => 'user@bar' }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "foo@bar\nuser@bar\n" end context 'with mutes' do let(:import_type) { 'muting' } let(:rows) do [ { 'acct' => 'foo@bar' }, { 'acct' => 'user@bar', 'hide_notifications' => false }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "Account address,Hide notifications\nfoo@bar,true\nuser@bar,false\n" end context 'with domain blocks' do let(:import_type) { 'domain_blocking' } let(:rows) do [ { 'domain' => 'bad.domain' }, { 'domain' => 'evil.domain' }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "bad.domain\nevil.domain\n" end context 'with bookmarks' do let(:import_type) { 'bookmarks' } let(:rows) do [ { 'uri' => 'https://foo.com/1' }, { 'uri' => 'https://foo.com/2' }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "https://foo.com/1\nhttps://foo.com/2\n" end context 'with lists' do let(:import_type) { 'lists' } let(:rows) do [ { 'list_name' => 'Amigos', 'acct' => 'user@example.com' }, { 'list_name' => 'Frenemies', 'acct' => 'user@org.org' }, ] end include_examples 'export failed rows', "Amigos,user@example.com\nFrenemies,user@org.org\n" end end describe 'POST #create' do subject do post :create, params: { form_import: { type: import_type, mode: import_mode, data: fixture_file_upload(import_file), }, } end shared_examples 'successful import' do |type, file, mode| let(:import_type) { type } let(:import_file) { file } let(:import_mode) { mode } it 'creates an unconfirmed bulk_import with expected type and redirects', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to change { user.account.bulk_imports.pluck(:state, :type) }.from([]).to([['unconfirmed', import_type]]) expect(response).to redirect_to(settings_import_path(user.account.bulk_imports.first)) end end shared_examples 'unsuccessful import' do |type, file, mode| let(:import_type) { type } let(:import_file) { file } let(:import_mode) { mode } it 'does not creates an unconfirmed bulk_import', :aggregate_failures do expect { subject }.to_not(change { user.account.bulk_imports.count }) expect(response.body) .to include('field_with_errors') end end it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'following', 'imports.txt', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'following', 'imports.txt', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'blocking', 'imports.txt', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'blocking', 'imports.txt', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'muting', 'imports.txt', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'muting', 'imports.txt', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'domain_blocking', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'domain_blocking', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'bookmarks', 'bookmark-imports.txt', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'successful import', 'bookmarks', 'bookmark-imports.txt', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'following', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'following', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'blocking', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'blocking', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'muting', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'muting', 'domain_blocks.csv', 'overwrite' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'following', 'empty.csv', 'merge' it_behaves_like 'unsuccessful import', 'following', 'empty.csv', 'overwrite' end end