# A VirtualBox box for Mastodon This VirtualBox base box contains all the required packages and configuration for running/instantiating a Mastodon instance. It is build using [Hashicorp's Packer](https://packer.io), the provisioning is done with Ansible through a dedicated git submodule called [mastodon-ansible](https://github.com/moritzheiber/mastodon-ansible). The tests are using [ServerSpec](https://serverspec.org). ## Prerequisites - VirtualBox >= 5.1.x - Packer >= 1.0.0 - Python >= 2.x - pip/python-pip >= 8.x for testing purposes: - Vagrant >= 1.9.3 ## Setup ```sh $ virtualenv env $ source env/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Building the box TODO ## Testing TODO