
618 lines
25 KiB
Raw Blame History

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"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Inténtao de novo.",
"please_try_again_later": "Inténtao de novo máis tarde."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Fallou o rexistro"
"server_error": {
"title": "Erro do servidor"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Fallou a votación",
"poll_ended": "A enquisa rematou"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Descartar Borrador",
"message": "Confirma que queres descartar o contido do borrador."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Fallou a publicación",
"message": "Fallou a publicación.\nComproba a conexión a internet.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "Non podes anexar un vídeo a unha publicación que xa contén imaxes.",
"more_than_one_video": "Non podes anexar máis de un vídeo."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Erro ao editar o perfil",
"message": "Non se editou o perfil. Inténtao máis tarde."
"sign_out": {
"title": "Pechar sesión",
"message": "Tes a certeza de queres pechar a sesión?",
"confirm": "Pechar sesión"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Tes a certeza de querer bloquear todo de %s? Na meirande parte dos casos uns bloqueos ou silenciados específicos son suficientes e preferibles. Non verás máis o contido deste dominio en ningunha cronoloxía pública e as túas seguidoras deste dominio serán eliminadas.",
"block_entire_domain": "Bloquear Dominio"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Erro ao gardar a fotografía",
"message": "Activa o permiso de acceso á galería de fotos para gardar a foto."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Eliminar publicación",
"message": "Tes a certeza de querer eliminar esta publicación?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Limpar caché",
"message": "Baleirouse %s da caché correctamente."
"controls": {
"actions": {
"back": "Volver",
"next": "Seguinte",
"previous": "Anterior",
"open": "Abrir",
"add": "Engadir",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"edit": "Editar",
"save": "Gardar",
"ok": "OK",
"done": "Feito",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"continue": "Continuar",
"compose": "Escribir",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"discard": "Descartar",
"try_again": "Intentar de novo",
"take_photo": "Facer foto",
"save_photo": "Gardar foto",
"copy_photo": "Copiar foto",
"sign_in": "Acceder",
"sign_up": "Inscribirse",
"see_more": "Ver máis",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"share": "Compartir",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
"open_in_safari": "Open in Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
"find_people": "Find people to follow",
"manually_search": "Manually search instead",
"skip": "Skip",
"reply": "Reply",
"report_user": "Report %s",
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
"switch_to_tab": "Switch to %s",
"compose_new_post": "Compose New Post",
"show_favorites": "Show Favorites",
"open_settings": "Open Settings"
"timeline": {
"previous_status": "Previous Post",
"next_status": "Next Post",
"open_status": "Open Post",
"open_author_profile": "Open Author's Profile",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Open Reblogger's Profile",
"reply_status": "Reply to Post",
"toggle_reblog": "Toggle Reblog on Post",
"toggle_favorite": "Toggle Favorite on Post",
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"preview_image": "Preview Image"
"segmented_control": {
"previous_section": "Previous Section",
"next_section": "Next Section"
"status": {
"user_reblogged": "%s reblogged",
"user_replied_to": "Replied to %s",
"show_post": "Show Post",
"show_user_profile": "Show user profile",
"content_warning": "Content Warning",
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
"actions": {
"reply": "Reply",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"unreblog": "Undo reblog",
"favorite": "Favorite",
"unfavorite": "Unfavorite",
"menu": "Menu",
"hide": "Hide",
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
"mention": "Mention",
"link": "Link",
"hashtag": "Hashtag",
"email": "Email",
"emoji": "Emoji"
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Everyone can see this post but not display in the public timeline.",
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"friendship": {
"follow": "Follow",
"following": "Following",
"request": "Request",
"pending": "Pending",
"block": "Block",
"block_user": "Block %s",
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock": "Unblock",
"unblock_user": "Unblock %s",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"mute": "Mute",
"mute_user": "Mute %s",
"unmute": "Unmute",
"unmute_user": "Unmute %s",
"muted": "Muted",
"edit_info": "Edit Info"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Filtered",
"timestamp": {
"now": "Now"
"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Load missing posts",
"loading_missing_posts": "Loading missing posts...",
"show_more_replies": "Show more replies"
"header": {
"no_status_found": "No Post Found",
"blocking_warning": "You cant view this user's profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"user_blocking_warning": "You cant view %ss profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"blocked_warning": "You cant view this users profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"user_blocked_warning": "You cant view %ss profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"suspended_warning": "This user has been suspended.",
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different communities.",
"subtitle": "Pick a community based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one.",
"subtitle_extend": "Pick a community based on your interests, region, or a general purpose one. Each community is operated by an entirely independent organization or individual.",
"button": {
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
"academia": "academia",
"activism": "activism",
"food": "food",
"furry": "furry",
"games": "games",
"general": "general",
"journalism": "journalism",
"lgbt": "lgbt",
"regional": "regional",
"art": "art",
"music": "music",
"tech": "tech"
"see_less": "See Less",
"see_more": "See More"
"label": {
"language": "LANGUAGE",
"users": "USERS",
"category": "CATEGORY"
"input": {
"placeholder": "Search communities"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"register": {
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
"email": {
"placeholder": "email"
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "checked",
"unchecked": "unchecked"
"hint": "Your password needs at least eight characters"
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Why do you want to join?"
"error": {
"item": {
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"agreement": "Agreement",
"locale": "Locale",
"reason": "Reason"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
"invalid": "%s is invalid",
"too_long": "%s is too long",
"too_short": "%s is too short",
"inclusion": "%s is not a supported value"
"special": {
"username_invalid": "Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores",
"username_too_long": "Username is too long (cant be longer than 30 characters)",
"email_invalid": "This is not a valid email address",
"password_too_short": "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
"server_rules": {
"title": "Some ground rules.",
"subtitle": "These are set and enforced by the %s moderators.",
"prompt": "By continuing, youre subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %s.",
"terms_of_service": "terms of service",
"privacy_policy": "privacy policy",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Home",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Offline",
"new_posts": "See new posts",
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post..."
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
"photo_library": "Photo Library",
"browse": "Browse"
"content_input_placeholder": "Type or paste whats on your mind",
"compose_action": "Publish",
"replying_to_user": "replying to %s",
"attachment": {
"photo": "photo",
"video": "video",
"attachment_broken": "This %s is broken and cant be\nuploaded to Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Describe the photo for the visually-impaired...",
"description_video": "Describe the video for the visually-impaired..."
"poll": {
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
"six_hours": "6 Hours",
"one_day": "1 Day",
"three_days": "3 Days",
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
"private": "Followers only",
"direct": "Only people I mention"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "Space to add"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Add Attachment",
"append_poll": "Add Poll",
"remove_poll": "Remove Poll",
"custom_emoji_picker": "Custom Emoji Picker",
"enable_content_warning": "Enable Content Warning",
"disable_content_warning": "Disable Content Warning",
"post_visibility_menu": "Post Visibility Menu"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Discard Post",
"publish_post": "Publish Post",
"toggle_poll": "Toggle Poll",
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"profile": {
"dashboard": {
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
"content": "Content"
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Posts",
"replies": "Replies",
"posts_and_replies": "Posts and Replies",
"media": "Media",
"about": "About"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Mute Account",
"message": "Confirm to mute %s"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Unmute Account",
"message": "Confirm to unmute %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Block Account",
"message": "Confirm to block %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Unblock Account",
"message": "Confirm to unblock %s"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Show avatar image",
"edit_avatar_image": "Edit avatar image",
"show_banner_image": "Show banner image",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Double tap to open the list"
"follower": {
"footer": "Followers from other servers are not displayed."
"following": {
"footer": "Follows from other servers are not displayed."
"search": {
"title": "Search",
"search_bar": {
"placeholder": "Search hashtags and users",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"recommend": {
"button_text": "See All",
"hash_tag": {
"title": "Trending on Mastodon",
"description": "Hashtags that are getting quite a bit of attention",
"people_talking": "%s people are talking"
"accounts": {
"title": "Accounts you might like",
"description": "You may like to follow these accounts",
"follow": "Follow"
"searching": {
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear": "Clear"
"discovery": {
"tabs": {
"posts": "Posts",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"news": "News",
"for_you": "For You"
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
"Everything": "Everything",
"Mentions": "Mentions"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "followed you",
"favorited_your_post": "favorited your post",
"reblogged_your_post": "reblogged your post",
"mentioned_you": "mentioned you",
"request_to_follow_you": "request to follow you",
"poll_has_ended": "poll has ended"
"keyobard": {
"show_everything": "Show Everything",
"show_mentions": "Show Mentions"
"thread": {
"back_title": "Post",
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
"title_report": "Report",
"title": "Report %s",
"step1": "Step 1 of 2",
"step2": "Step 2 of 2",
"content1": "Are there any other posts youd like to add to the report?",
"content2": "Is there anything the moderators should know about this report?",
"report_sent_title": "Thanks for reporting, well look into this.",
"send": "Send Report",
"skip_to_send": "Send without comment",
"text_placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
"reported": "REPORTED"
"preview": {
"keyboard": {
"close_preview": "Close Preview",
"show_next": "Show Next",
"show_previous": "Show Previous"
"account_list": {
"tab_bar_hint": "Current selected profile: %s. Double tap then hold to show account switcher",
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"