
226 lines
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// APIService+CoreData+Status.swift
// Mastodon
// Created by sxiaojian on 2021/2/3.
import Foundation
import CoreData
import CoreDataStack
import CommonOSLog
import MastodonSDK
extension APIService.CoreData {
static func createOrMergeStatus(
into managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext,
for requestMastodonUser: MastodonUser?,
domain: String,
entity: Mastodon.Entity.Status,
statusCache: APIService.Persist.PersistCache<Status>?,
userCache: APIService.Persist.PersistCache<MastodonUser>?,
networkDate: Date,
log: OSLog
) -> (status: Status, isStatusCreated: Bool, isMastodonUserCreated: Bool) {
let processEntityTaskSignpostID = OSSignpostID(log: log)
os_signpost(.begin, log: log, name: "update database - process entity: createOrMergeStatus", signpostID: processEntityTaskSignpostID, "process status %{public}s",
defer {
os_signpost(.end, log: log, name: "update database - process entity: createOrMergeStatus", signpostID: processEntityTaskSignpostID, "process status %{public}s",
// build tree
let reblog = entity.reblog.flatMap { entity -> Status in
let (status, _, _) = createOrMergeStatus(
into: managedObjectContext,
for: requestMastodonUser,
domain: domain,
entity: entity,
statusCache: statusCache,
userCache: userCache,
networkDate: networkDate,
log: log
return status
// fetch old Status
let oldStatus: Status? = {
if let statusCache = statusCache {
return statusCache.dictionary[]
} else {
let request = Status.sortedFetchRequest
request.predicate = Status.predicate(domain: domain, id:
request.fetchLimit = 1
request.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
do {
return try managedObjectContext.fetch(request).first
} catch {
return nil
if let oldStatus = oldStatus {
// merge old Status
APIService.CoreData.merge(status: oldStatus, entity: entity, requestMastodonUser: requestMastodonUser, domain: domain, networkDate: networkDate)
return (oldStatus, false, false)
} else {
let (mastodonUser, isMastodonUserCreated) = createOrMergeMastodonUser(into: managedObjectContext, for: requestMastodonUser,in: domain, entity: entity.account, userCache: userCache, networkDate: networkDate, log: log)
let application = entity.application.flatMap { app -> Application? in
Application.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: Application.Property(name:, website:, vapidKey: app.vapidKey))
let replyTo: Status? = {
// could be nil if target replyTo status's persist task in the queue
guard let inReplyToID = entity.inReplyToID,
let replyTo = statusCache?.dictionary[inReplyToID] else { return nil }
return replyTo
let poll = entity.poll.flatMap { poll -> Poll in
let options = poll.options.enumerated().map { i, option -> PollOption in
let votedBy: MastodonUser? = (poll.ownVotes ?? []).contains(i) ? requestMastodonUser : nil
return PollOption.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: PollOption.Property(index: i, title: option.title, votesCount: option.votesCount, networkDate: networkDate), votedBy: votedBy)
let votedBy: MastodonUser? = (poll.voted ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil
let object = Poll.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: Poll.Property(id:, expiresAt: poll.expiresAt, expired: poll.expired, multiple: poll.multiple, votesCount: poll.votesCount, votersCount: poll.votersCount, networkDate: networkDate), votedBy: votedBy, options: options)
return object
let mentions = entity.mentions?.enumerated().compactMap { index, mention -> Mention in
Mention.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: Mention.Property(id:, username: mention.username, acct: mention.acct, url: mention.url), index: index)
let mediaAttachments: [Attachment]? = {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
var attachments: [Attachment] = []
for (index, attachment) in (entity.mediaAttachments ?? []).enumerated() {
let metaData = attachment.meta.flatMap { meta in
try? encoder.encode(meta)
let property = Attachment.Property(domain: domain, index: index, id:, typeRaw: attachment.type.rawValue, url: attachment.url ?? "", previewURL: attachment.previewURL, remoteURL: attachment.remoteURL, metaData: metaData, textURL: attachment.textURL, descriptionString: attachment.description, blurhash: attachment.blurhash, networkDate: networkDate)
attachments.append(Attachment.insert(into: managedObjectContext, property: property))
guard !attachments.isEmpty else { return nil }
return attachments
let statusProperty = Status.Property(entity: entity, domain: domain, networkDate: networkDate)
let status = Status.insert(
into: managedObjectContext,
property: statusProperty,
author: mastodonUser,
reblog: reblog,
application: application,
replyTo: replyTo,
poll: poll,
mentions: mentions,
mediaAttachments: mediaAttachments,
favouritedBy: (entity.favourited ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil,
rebloggedBy: (entity.reblogged ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil,
mutedBy: (entity.muted ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil,
bookmarkedBy: (entity.bookmarked ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil,
pinnedBy: (entity.pinned ?? false) ? requestMastodonUser : nil
statusCache?.dictionary[] = status
os_signpost(.event, log: log, name: "update database - process entity: createOrMergeStatus", signpostID: processEntityTaskSignpostID, "did insert new tweet %{public}s: %s", mastodonUser.identifier,
return (status, true, isMastodonUserCreated)
extension APIService.CoreData {
static func merge(
status: Status,
entity: Mastodon.Entity.Status,
requestMastodonUser: MastodonUser?,
domain: String,
networkDate: Date
) {
guard networkDate > status.updatedAt else { return }
// merge poll
if let poll = status.poll, let entity = entity.poll {
merge(poll: poll, entity: entity, requestMastodonUser: requestMastodonUser, domain: domain, networkDate: networkDate)
// merge metrics
if entity.favouritesCount != status.favouritesCount.intValue {
status.update(favouritesCount:NSNumber(value: entity.favouritesCount))
if let repliesCount = entity.repliesCount {
if (repliesCount != status.repliesCount?.intValue) {
status.update(repliesCount:NSNumber(value: repliesCount))
if entity.reblogsCount != status.reblogsCount.intValue {
status.update(reblogsCount:NSNumber(value: entity.reblogsCount))
// merge relationship
if let mastodonUser = requestMastodonUser {
if let favourited = entity.favourited {
status.update(liked: favourited, by: mastodonUser)
if let reblogged = entity.reblogged {
status.update(reblogged: reblogged, by: mastodonUser)
if let muted = entity.muted {
status.update(muted: muted, by: mastodonUser)
if let bookmarked = entity.bookmarked {
status.update(bookmarked: bookmarked, by: mastodonUser)
// set updateAt
status.didUpdate(at: networkDate)
// merge user
entity: entity.account,
requestMastodonUser: requestMastodonUser,
domain: domain,
networkDate: networkDate
// merge indirect reblog
if let reblog = status.reblog, let reblogEntity = entity.reblog {
status: reblog,
entity: reblogEntity,
requestMastodonUser: requestMastodonUser,
domain: domain,
networkDate: networkDate
extension APIService.CoreData {
static func merge(
poll: Poll,
entity: Mastodon.Entity.Poll,
requestMastodonUser: MastodonUser?,
domain: String,
networkDate: Date
) {
poll.update(expiresAt: entity.expiresAt)
poll.update(expired: entity.expired)
poll.update(votesCount: entity.votesCount)
poll.update(votersCount: entity.votersCount)
requestMastodonUser.flatMap {
poll.update(voted: entity.voted ?? false, by: $0)
let oldOptions = poll.options.sorted(by: { $0.index.intValue < $1.index.intValue })
for (i, (optionEntity, option)) in zip(entity.options, oldOptions).enumerated() {
let voted: Bool = (entity.ownVotes ?? []).contains(i)
option.update(votesCount: optionEntity.votesCount)
requestMastodonUser.flatMap { option.update(voted: voted, by: $0) }
option.didUpdate(at: networkDate)
poll.didUpdate(at: networkDate)