// // ReportViewModel.swift // Mastodon // // Created by ihugo on 2021/4/19. // import Combine import CoreData import CoreDataStack import Foundation import MastodonSDK import UIKit import os.log class ReportViewModel: NSObject, NeedsDependency { typealias FileReportQuery = Mastodon.API.Reports.FileReportQuery enum Step: Int { case one case two } // confirm set only once weak var context: AppContext! { willSet { precondition(context == nil) } } weak var coordinator: SceneCoordinator! { willSet { precondition(coordinator == nil) } } var userId: String var statusId: String? var reportQuery: FileReportQuery var disposeBag = Set() let currentStep = CurrentValueSubject(.one) let statusFetchedResultsController: StatusFetchedResultsController var diffableDataSource: UITableViewDiffableDataSource? let continueEnableSubject = CurrentValueSubject(false) let sendEnableSubject = CurrentValueSubject(false) let reportSuccess = PassthroughSubject() struct Input { let didToggleSelected: AnyPublisher let comment: AnyPublisher let step1Continue: AnyPublisher let step1Skip: AnyPublisher let step2Continue: AnyPublisher let step2Skip: AnyPublisher let cancel: AnyPublisher let tableView: UITableView } struct Output { let currentStep: AnyPublisher let continueEnableSubject: AnyPublisher let sendEnableSubject: AnyPublisher let reportSuccess: AnyPublisher } init(context: AppContext, coordinator: SceneCoordinator, domain: String, userId: String, statusId: String? ) { self.context = context self.coordinator = coordinator self.userId = userId self.statusId = statusId self.statusFetchedResultsController = StatusFetchedResultsController( managedObjectContext: context.managedObjectContext, domain: domain, additionalTweetPredicate: Status.notDeleted() ) self.reportQuery = FileReportQuery( accountId: userId, statusIds: [], comment: nil, forward: nil ) super.init() } func transform(input: Input?) -> Output? { guard let input = input else { return nil } guard let activeMastodonAuthenticationBox = context.authenticationService.activeMastodonAuthenticationBox.value else { return nil } let domain = activeMastodonAuthenticationBox.domain setupDiffableDataSource( for: input.tableView, dependency: self ) // data binding bindData(input: input) // step1 and step2 binding bindForStep1(input: input) bindForStep2( input: input, domain: domain, activeMastodonAuthenticationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox ) requestRecentStatus( domain: domain, accountId: self.userId, authorizationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox ) fetchStatus() return Output( currentStep: currentStep.eraseToAnyPublisher(), continueEnableSubject: continueEnableSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher(), sendEnableSubject: sendEnableSubject.eraseToAnyPublisher(), reportSuccess: reportSuccess.eraseToAnyPublisher() ) } // MARK: - Private methods func bindData(input: Input) { input.didToggleSelected.sink { [weak self] (item) in guard let self = self else { return } guard case let .reportStatus(objectID, attribute) = item else { return } guard var snapshot = self.diffableDataSource?.snapshot() else { return } let managedObjectContext = self.statusFetchedResultsController.fetchedResultsController.managedObjectContext guard let status = managedObjectContext.object(with: objectID) as? Status else { return } attribute.isSelected = !attribute.isSelected if attribute.isSelected { self.reportQuery.append(statusId: status.id) } else { self.reportQuery.remove(statusId: status.id) } snapshot.reloadItems([item]) self.diffableDataSource?.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false) let continueEnable = (self.reportQuery.statusIds?.count ?? 0) > 0 self.continueEnableSubject.send(continueEnable) } .store(in: &disposeBag) input.comment.assign( to: \.comment, on: self.reportQuery ) .store(in: &disposeBag) input.comment.sink { [weak self] (comment) in guard let self = self else { return } let sendEnable = (comment?.length ?? 0) > 0 self.sendEnableSubject.send(sendEnable) } .store(in: &disposeBag) } func bindForStep1(input: Input) { let skip = input.step1Skip.map { [weak self] value -> Void in guard let self = self else { return value } self.reportQuery.statusIds?.removeAll() return value } Publishers.Merge(skip, input.step1Continue) .sink { [weak self] _ in self?.currentStep.value = .two self?.sendEnableSubject.send(false) } .store(in: &disposeBag) } func bindForStep2(input: Input, domain: String, activeMastodonAuthenticationBox: AuthenticationService.MastodonAuthenticationBox) { let skip = input.step2Skip.map { [weak self] value -> Void in guard let self = self else { return value } self.reportQuery.comment = nil return value } Publishers.Merge(skip, input.step2Continue) .sink { [weak self] _ in guard let self = self else { return } self.context.apiService.report( domain: domain, query: self.reportQuery, mastodonAuthenticationBox: activeMastodonAuthenticationBox ) .sink { [weak self](data) in switch data { case .failure(let error): os_log(.info, log: .debug, "%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: fail to file a report : %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, error.localizedDescription) let alertController = UIAlertController(for: error, title: nil, preferredStyle: .alert) let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil) alertController.addAction(okAction) self?.coordinator.present( scene: .alertController(alertController: alertController), from: nil, transition: .alertController(animated: true, completion: nil) ) case .finished: self?.reportSuccess.send() } } receiveValue: { (data) in } .store(in: &self.disposeBag) } .store(in: &disposeBag) } }