Compare commits


No commits in common. "2023.14" and "main" have entirely different histories.

1072 changed files with 27083 additions and 60084 deletions

View File

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
name: 🛠️ Feature Request
description: Suggest an idea to help us improve
title: "[Feature]: "
- "feature_request"
- type: markdown
value: |
**Thanks :heart: for taking the time to fill out this feature request report!**
We kindly ask that you search to see if an issue [already exists]( for your feature.
We are also happy to accept contributions from our users. For more details see [here](
- type: textarea
label: Description
description: |
A clear and concise description of the feature you're interested in.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Suggested Solution
description: |
Describe the solution you'd like. A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Alternatives
description: |
Describe alternatives you've considered.
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
required: false
- type: textarea
label: Additional Context
description: |
Add any other context about the problem here.
required: false

View File

@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ set -eo pipefail
xcodebuild -workspace Mastodon.xcworkspace \
-scheme Mastodon \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone SE (3rd generation)" \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone SE (2nd generation)" \
clean \
build | xcpretty

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
name: Deploy App Store
- develop
- release*
name: Deploy App Store
runs-on: macos-13
- name: Install SSH key
uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.5.3
ssh-private-key: |
${{ secrets.MATCH_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Setup Build Environment
NotificationEndpointDebug: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointDebug }}
NotificationEndpointRelease: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointRelease }}
run: exec ./.github/scripts/
- name: Select required Xcode version
run: sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
- name: Deploy App Store
ITC_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_KEY_ID }}
run: bundle exec fastlane ios deploy_appstore
- name: Tag commit
uses: tvdias/github-tagger@v0.0.1
repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
tag: "${{ env.GITHUB_TAG_NAME }}"

.github/workflows/develop-build.yml vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
name: Build for Develop TestFlight
- develop
- release*
- ci-test
name: Build
runs-on: macOS-12
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup
NotificationEndpointDebug: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointDebug }}
NotificationEndpointRelease: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointRelease }}
run: exec ./.github/scripts/
- name: Install codemagic-cli-tools
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: '3.11'
- run: |
pip3 install codemagic-cli-tools
- run: |
codemagic-cli-tools --version || true
- name: Import Code-Signing Certificates
uses: Apple-Actions/import-codesign-certs@v1 #
keychain: build-p12
p12-file-base64: ${{ secrets.BUILD_CERTIFICATE_BASE64 }}
p12-password: ${{ secrets.P12_PASSWORD }}
- name: Download Provisioning Profiles
uses: Apple-Actions/download-provisioning-profiles@v1 #
issuer-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_ISSUER_ID }}
api-key-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_KEY_ID }}
api-private-key: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Build
ENV_APP_ID: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
run: exec ./.github/scripts/
- name: Upload TestFlight Build
uses: Apple-Actions/upload-testflight-build@master
app-path: .build/Artifacts/Mastodon.ipa/Mastodon.ipa
issuer-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_ISSUER_ID }}
api-key-id: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_KEY_ID }}
api-private-key: ${{ secrets.APPSTORE_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Tag commit
uses: tvdias/github-tagger@v0.0.1
repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
tag: "${{ env.GITHUB_TAG_NAME }}"
- name: Clean up keychain and provisioning profile
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
security delete-keychain build-p12.keychain-db

View File

@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ name: CI
- master
- develop
- feature/*
- feature-*
- issue/*
- issue-*
- master
- develop
- feature/*
- feature-*
- issue/*
- issue-*
- develop
- develop
# macOS environments:
name: CI build
runs-on: macos-13
runs-on: macos-12
- name: Repository
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup Build Environment
- name: setup
NotificationEndpointDebug: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointDebug }}
NotificationEndpointRelease: ${{ secrets.NotificationEndpointRelease }}
run: exec ./.github/scripts/
- name: Build App
run: bundle exec fastlane ios build_only
- name: build
run: exec ./.github/scripts/

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -88,8 +88,6 @@ fastlane/report.xml
# Code Injection
# After new code Injection tools there's a generated folder /iOSInjectionProject
@ -127,13 +125,4 @@ Localization/StringsConvertor/output
## Ruby ###
# IDEs

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- [Fuzi](
- [Kanna](
- [KeychainAccess](
- [Kingfisher](
- [MetaTextKit](
- [Nuke-FLAnimatedImage-Plugin](
- [Nuke](

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Deployment
## Your Device
### As a Mastodon Collaborator WITH access to the Mastodon Apple Developer Program
To ensure you're able to build the App for your Device please create a `fastlane/devices.txt` and add your device's UDID.
You may use `fastlane/devices.text.example` as a starting point. Please note that fastlane expects you to use tabs in this file.
After adding your device please run `bundle exec fastlane ios register_devices` to add your device(s) to the Apple Develper Account.
Then run `bundle exec fastlane ios update_certificates` to re-generate the Codesigning Provisioning Profiles.
You should now be able to run the App using Xcode on your Device.
### As a Mastodon Contributor WITHOUT access to the Mastodon Apple Developer Program
To run the App on your Device you'll need to take care of Codesigning yourself by adjusting the App's Codesigning Settings in Xcode to your needs.
## App Store
We're using [Fastlane]( to deploy the App to App Store Connect. Please see the [Fastlane README](../fastlane/ on the available commands.

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
# How it works
The app is currently build for iOS and iPadOS. We use the MVVM architecture to construct the whole app. Some design detail may not be the best practice. And any suggestions for improvements are welcome.
## Data
A typical status timeline fetches results from the database using a predicate that fetch the active account's entities. Then data source dequeues an item then configure the view. Likes many other MVVM applications. The app binds the Core Data entity to view via Combine publisher. Because the RunLoop dispatch drawing on the next loop. So we could return quickly.
## Layout
A timeline has many posts and each post has many components. For example avatar, name, username, timestamp, content, media, toolbar and e.t.c. The app uses `AutoLayout` with `UIStackView` to place it and control whether it should hide or not.
## Performance
Although it's easily loading timeline with hundreds of thousands of entities due to the Core Data fault mechanism. Some old devices may have slow performance when I/O bottleneck. There are three potential profile chances for entities:
- preload fulfill
- layout in background
- limit the data fetching
## SwiftUI
Some view models already migrate to `@Published` annotated output. It's future-proof support for SwiftUI. There are some views already transformed to `SwiftUI` likes `MastodonRegisterView` and `ReportReasonView`.
# Take it apart
## Targets
The app builds with those targets:
- Mastodon: the app itself
- NotificationService: E2E push notification service
- ShareActionExtension: iOS share action
- MastodonIntent: Siri shortcuts
## MastodonSDK
There is a self-hosted Swift Package that contains the common libraries to build this app.
- CoreDataStack: Core Data model definition and util methods
- MastodonAsset: image and font assets
- MastodonCommon: store App Group ID
- MastodonCore: the logic for the app
- MastodonExtension: system API extension utility
- MastodonLocalization: i18n resources
- MastodonSDK: Mastodon API client
- MastodonUI: App UI components
#### CoreDataStack
App uses Core Data as the backend to persist all entitles from the server. So the app has the capability to keep the timeline and notifications. Another reason for using a database is it makes the app could respond to entity changes between different sources. For example, a user could skim in the home timeline and then interact with the same post on other pages with favorite or reblog action. Core Data will handle the property modifications and notify the home timeline to update the view.
To simplify the database operations. There is only one persistent store for all accounts. We use `domain` to identify entity for different servers (a.k.a instance). Do not mix the `domain` with the Mastodon remote server name. For example. The domain is `` whereever the post (e.g. post come from ``) and friends from for the account sign in ``. Also, do not only rely on `id` because it has conflict potential between different `domain`. The unique predicate is `domain` + `id`.
The app use "One stack, two context" setup. There is one main managed object context for UI displaying and another background managed context for entities creating and updating. We assert the background context performs in a queue. Also, the app could accept mulitple background context model. Then the flag ` 1` will be usful.
###### How to create a new Entity
First, select the `CoreData.xcdatamodeld` file and in menu `Editor > Add Model Version…` to create a new version. Make sure active the new version in the inspect panel. e.g. `Model Version. Current > "Core Data 5"`
Then use the `Add Entity` button create new Entity.
1. Give a name in data model inspect panel.
2. Also, set the `Module` to `CoreDataStack`.
3. Set the `Codegen` to `Manual/None`. We use `Sourcery` to generate the template code.
4. Create the `Entity.swift` file and declear the properties and relationships.
###### How to add or remove property for Entity
We using the Core Data lightweight migration. Please check the rules detail [here]( And keep in mind that we using two-way relationship. And a relationship could be one-to-one, one-to-many/many-to-one.
Please check the `Soucery` and use that generates getter and setter for properties and relationships. It's could save you time. To take the benefit from the dynamic property. We can declare a raw value property and then use compute property to construct the struct we want (e.g. `Feed.acct`). Or control the primitive by hand and declare the mirror type for this value (e.g `Status.attachments`).
###### How to persist the Entity
Please check the `Persistence+Status.swift`. We follow the pattern: migrate the old one if exists. Otherwise, create a new one. (Maybe some improvements could be adopted?)
#### MastodonAsset
Sourcery powered assets package.
#### MastodonCommon
Shared code for preference and configuration.
### MastodonCore
The core logic to drive the app.
#### MastodonExtension
Utility extension codes for SDK.
#### MastodonLocalization
Sourcery powered i18n package.
#### MastodonSDK
Mastodon API wrapper with Combine style API.
#### MastodonUI
Mastodon app UI components.
## NotificationService
Mastodon server accepts push notification register and we use the [toot-relay]( to pass the server notifications to APNs. The message is E2E encrypted. The app will create an on-device private key for notification and save it into the keychain.
When the push notification is incoming. iOS will spawn our NotificationService extension to handle the message. At that time the message is decrypted and displayed as a banner or in-app silent notification event when the app is in the foreground. All the notification count and deep-link logic are handled by the main app.
## ShareActionExtension
The iOS Share Extension allows users to share links or media from other apps. The app uses the same implementation for the main app and the share extension. Then different is less available memoery for extension so maybe some memory bounded task could crash the app. (Plesae file the issue)
## MastodonIntent
iOS Siri shortcut supports. It allows iOS directly publish posts via Shortcut without app launching.

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
## Requirements
- Xcode 14+
- Swift 5.7+
- Xcode 13+
- Swift 5.5+
- iOS 14.0+
@ -12,13 +12,20 @@ Install the latest version of Xcode from the App Store or Apple Developer Downlo
This guide may not suit your machine and actually setup procedure may change in the future. Please file the issue or Pull Request if there are any problems.
## CocoaPods
The app use [CocoaPods]() and [Arkana]( Ruby Gems are managed through Bundler. Make sure you have [Rosetta]( installed if you are using the M1 Mac.
The app use [CocoaPods]() and [Arkana]( Ruby Gems are managed through Bundler. The M1 Mac needs virtual ruby env to workaround compatibility issues. Make sure you have [Rosetta]( installed if you are using the M1 Mac.
#### Intel Mac
gem install bundler
bundle install
#### M1 Mac
# install the rbenv
brew install rbenv
# configure the terminal
which ruby
# > /usr/bin/ruby
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.zprofile
@ -26,12 +33,15 @@ source ~/.zprofile
which ruby
# > /Users/mainasuk/.rbenv/shims/ruby
# restart the terminal
# select ruby
rbenv install --list
# here we use the latest 3.0.x version
rbenv install 3.0.3
rbenv global 3.0.3
ruby --version
# > ruby 3.0.3p157 (2021-11-24 revision 3fb7d2cadc) [arm64-darwin21]
# install ruby (we use the version defined in .ruby-version)
rbenv install
# install gem dependencies
gem install bundler
bundle install

View File

@ -5,7 +5,3 @@ gem "cocoapods"
gem "cocoapods-clean"
gem "xcpretty"
# Fastlane
gem "fastlane"
plugins_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fastlane', 'Pluginfile')
eval_gemfile(plugins_path) if File.exist?(plugins_path)

View File

@ -1,58 +1,34 @@
CFPropertyList (3.0.6)
CFPropertyList (3.0.5)
activesupport (7.0.8)
activesupport (6.1.7)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
connection_pool (>= 2.2.5)
i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
minitest (>= 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 2.0)
addressable (2.8.5)
zeitwerk (~> 2.3)
addressable (2.8.1)
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0)
algoliasearch (1.27.5)
httpclient (~> 2.8, >= 2.8.3)
json (>= 1.5.1)
arkana (1.5.0)
arkana (1.2.0)
colorize (~> 0.8)
dotenv (~> 2.7)
rainbow (~> 3.1.1)
yaml (~> 0.2)
artifactory (3.0.15)
atomos (0.1.3)
aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
aws-partitions (1.833.0)
aws-sdk-core (3.185.0)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.651.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.5)
jmespath (~> 1, >= 1.6.1)
aws-sdk-kms (1.72.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.184.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-s3 (1.136.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.181.0)
aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.6)
aws-sigv4 (1.6.0)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
babosa (1.0.4)
base64 (0.1.1)
bigdecimal (3.1.4)
claide (1.1.0)
cocoapods (1.13.0)
cocoapods (1.11.3)
addressable (~> 2.8)
claide (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
cocoapods-core (= 1.13.0)
cocoapods-core (= 1.11.3)
cocoapods-deintegrate (>= 1.0.3, < 2.0)
cocoapods-downloader (>= 1.6.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-downloader (>= 1.4.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-plugins (>= 1.0.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-search (>= 1.0.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-trunk (>= 1.6.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-trunk (>= 1.4.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-try (>= 1.1.0, < 2.0)
colored2 (~> 3.1)
escape (~> 0.0.4)
@ -60,11 +36,11 @@ GEM
gh_inspector (~> 1.0)
molinillo (~> 0.8.0)
nap (~> 1.0)
ruby-macho (>= 2.3.0, < 3.0)
xcodeproj (>= 1.23.0, < 2.0)
ruby-macho (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
xcodeproj (>= 1.21.0, < 2.0)
cocoapods-clean (0.0.1)
cocoapods-core (1.13.0)
activesupport (>= 5.0, < 8)
cocoapods-core (1.11.3)
activesupport (>= 5.0, < 7)
addressable (~> 2.8)
algoliasearch (~> 1.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.1)
@ -82,201 +58,35 @@ GEM
nap (>= 0.8, < 2.0)
netrc (~> 0.11)
cocoapods-try (1.2.0)
colored (1.2)
colored2 (3.1.2)
commander (4.6.0)
highline (~> 2.0.0)
concurrent-ruby (1.2.2)
connection_pool (2.4.1)
declarative (0.0.20)
digest-crc (0.6.5)
rake (>= 12.0.0, < 14.0.0)
domain_name (0.5.20190701)
unf (>= 0.0.5, < 1.0.0)
colorize (0.8.1)
concurrent-ruby (1.1.10)
dotenv (2.8.1)
drb (2.1.1)
emoji_regex (3.2.3)
escape (0.0.4)
ethon (0.16.0)
ethon (0.15.0)
ffi (>= 1.15.0)
excon (0.104.0)
faraday (1.10.3)
faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (~> 1.0)
faraday-excon (~> 1.1)
faraday-httpclient (~> 1.0)
faraday-multipart (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http (~> 1.0)
faraday-net_http_persistent (~> 1.0)
faraday-patron (~> 1.0)
faraday-rack (~> 1.0)
faraday-retry (~> 1.0)
ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4)
faraday-cookie_jar (0.0.7)
faraday (>= 0.8.0)
http-cookie (~> 1.0.0)
faraday-em_http (1.0.0)
faraday-em_synchrony (1.0.0)
faraday-excon (1.1.0)
faraday-httpclient (1.0.1)
faraday-multipart (1.0.4)
multipart-post (~> 2)
faraday-net_http (1.0.1)
faraday-net_http_persistent (1.2.0)
faraday-patron (1.0.0)
faraday-rack (1.0.0)
faraday-retry (1.0.3)
faraday_middleware (1.2.0)
faraday (~> 1.0)
fastimage (2.2.7)
fastlane (2.216.0)
CFPropertyList (>= 2.3, < 4.0.0)
addressable (>= 2.8, < 3.0.0)
artifactory (~> 3.0)
aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.0)
babosa (>= 1.0.3, < 2.0.0)
bundler (>= 1.12.0, < 3.0.0)
commander (~> 4.6)
dotenv (>= 2.1.1, < 3.0.0)
emoji_regex (>= 0.1, < 4.0)
excon (>= 0.71.0, < 1.0.0)
faraday (~> 1.0)
faraday-cookie_jar (~> 0.0.6)
faraday_middleware (~> 1.0)
fastimage (>= 2.1.0, < 3.0.0)
gh_inspector (>= 1.1.2, < 2.0.0)
google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 (~> 0.3)
google-apis-playcustomapp_v1 (~> 0.1)
google-cloud-storage (~> 1.31)
highline (~> 2.0)
http-cookie (~> 1.0.5)
json (< 3.0.0)
jwt (>= 2.1.0, < 3)
mini_magick (>= 4.9.4, < 5.0.0)
multipart-post (>= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0)
naturally (~> 2.2)
optparse (~> 0.1.1)
plist (>= 3.1.0, < 4.0.0)
rubyzip (>= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0)
security (= 0.1.3)
simctl (~> 1.6.3)
terminal-notifier (>= 2.0.0, < 3.0.0)
terminal-table (~> 3)
tty-screen (>= 0.6.3, < 1.0.0)
tty-spinner (>= 0.8.0, < 1.0.0)
word_wrap (~> 1.0.0)
xcodeproj (>= 1.13.0, < 2.0.0)
xcpretty (~> 0.3.0)
xcpretty-travis-formatter (>= 0.0.3)
fastlane-plugin-versioning (0.5.2)
ffi (1.16.3)
ffi (1.15.5)
fourflusher (2.3.1)
fuzzy_match (2.0.4)
gh_inspector (1.1.3)
google-apis-androidpublisher_v3 (0.50.0)
google-apis-core (>= 0.11.0, < 2.a)
google-apis-core (0.11.1)
addressable (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.1)
googleauth (>= 0.16.2, < 2.a)
httpclient (>= 2.8.1, < 3.a)
mini_mime (~> 1.0)
representable (~> 3.0)
retriable (>= 2.0, < 4.a)
google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 (0.17.0)
google-apis-core (>= 0.11.0, < 2.a)
google-apis-playcustomapp_v1 (0.13.0)
google-apis-core (>= 0.11.0, < 2.a)
google-apis-storage_v1 (0.19.0)
google-apis-core (>= 0.9.0, < 2.a)
google-cloud-core (1.6.0)
google-cloud-env (~> 1.0)
google-cloud-errors (~> 1.0)
google-cloud-env (1.6.0)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3.0)
google-cloud-errors (1.3.1)
google-cloud-storage (1.44.0)
addressable (~> 2.8)
digest-crc (~> 0.4)
google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 (~> 0.1)
google-apis-storage_v1 (~> 0.19.0)
google-cloud-core (~> 1.6)
googleauth (>= 0.16.2, < 2.a)
mini_mime (~> 1.0)
googleauth (1.8.1)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3.a)
jwt (>= 1.4, < 3.0)
multi_json (~> 1.11)
os (>= 0.9, < 2.0)
signet (>= 0.16, < 2.a)
highline (2.0.3)
http-cookie (1.0.5)
domain_name (~> 0.5)
httpclient (2.8.3)
i18n (1.14.1)
i18n (1.12.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
jmespath (1.6.2)
json (2.6.3)
jwt (2.7.1)
mini_magick (4.12.0)
mini_mime (1.1.5)
minitest (5.20.0)
json (2.6.2)
minitest (5.16.3)
molinillo (0.8.0)
multi_json (1.15.0)
multipart-post (2.3.0)
mutex_m (0.1.2)
nanaimo (0.3.0)
nap (1.1.0)
naturally (2.2.1)
netrc (0.11.0)
optparse (0.1.1)
os (1.1.4)
plist (3.7.0)
public_suffix (4.0.7)
rainbow (3.1.1)
rake (13.0.6)
representable (3.2.0)
declarative (< 0.1.0)
trailblazer-option (>= 0.1.1, < 0.2.0)
uber (< 0.2.0)
retriable (3.1.2)
rexml (3.2.6)
rexml (3.2.5)
rouge (2.0.7)
ruby-macho (2.5.1)
ruby2_keywords (0.0.5)
rubyzip (2.3.2)
security (0.1.3)
signet (0.18.0)
addressable (~> 2.8)
faraday (>= 0.17.5, < 3.a)
jwt (>= 1.5, < 3.0)
multi_json (~> 1.10)
simctl (1.6.10)
terminal-notifier (2.0.0)
terminal-table (3.0.2)
unicode-display_width (>= 1.1.1, < 3)
trailblazer-option (0.1.2)
tty-cursor (0.7.1)
tty-screen (0.8.1)
tty-spinner (0.9.3)
tty-cursor (~> 0.7)
typhoeus (1.4.0)
ethon (>= 0.9.0)
tzinfo (2.0.6)
tzinfo (2.0.5)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
uber (0.1.0)
unf (0.1.4)
unf_ext (
unicode-display_width (2.5.0)
webrick (1.8.1)
word_wrap (1.0.0)
xcodeproj (1.23.0)
xcodeproj (1.22.0)
CFPropertyList (>= 2.3.3, < 4.0)
atomos (~> 0.1.3)
claide (>= 1.0.2, < 2.0)
@ -285,9 +95,8 @@ GEM
rexml (~> 3.2.4)
xcpretty (0.3.0)
rouge (~> 2.0.7)
xcpretty-travis-formatter (1.0.1)
xcpretty (~> 0.2, >= 0.0.7)
yaml (0.2.1)
yaml (0.2.0)
zeitwerk (2.6.3)
@ -299,9 +108,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
<string>no characters left</string>
<string>no characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -231,28 +231,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>0 re-blogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ If there are new translations, Crowdin pushes new commits to a branch called `l1
To update or add new translations, the workflow is as follows:
1. Merge the PR with `l10n_develop` into `develop`. It's usually called `New Crowdin Updates`
2. Run `` on your computer.
2. Run `` on your computer.
3. Commit the changes and push `develop`.

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Publicar en Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Conteniu de Texto";
"CsR7G2" = "Publicar en Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Qué conteniu publicar?";
"HdGikU" = "Publicación fallida";
"KDNTJ4" = "Motivo d'o Fallo";
"RHxKOw" = "Ninviar Publicación con conteniu de texto";
"RxSqsb" = "Publicación";
"WCIR3D" = "Publicar ${content} en Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Publicación";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibilidat";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilidat d'o Post";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "I hai ${count} opcions que coinciden con «Publico».";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "I hai ${count} opcions que coinciden con «Solo seguidores».";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Publico";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Nomás Seguidores";
"dUyuGg" = "Publicar en Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Publico";
"ehFLjY" = "Solo Seguidores";
"gfePDu" = "Publicación fallida. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Publicación ninviada con exito.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Nomás per confirmar, querebas «Publico»?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Nomás per confirmar, querebas «Nomás seguidores»?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Publicación ninviada con exito. ";

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>I hai %#@count_option@ coincidencias con «${content}».</string>
<string>1 opción</string>
<string>%ld opcions</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>I hai %#@count_option@ coincidencias con «${visibility}».</string>
<string>1 opción</string>
<string>%ld opcions</string>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"16wxgf" = "النَّشرُ عَلَى ماستدون";
"16wxgf" = "النَّشرُ عَلَى مَاستودُون";
"751xkl" = "محتوى نصي";
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}، المُتابِعُون فقط";
"dUyuGg" = "النَّشرُ عَلَى ماستدون";
"dUyuGg" = "النَّشرُ عَلَى مَاستودُون";
"dYQ5NN" = "لِلعَامَّة";

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Апублікаваць у Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Тэкставае змесціва";
"CsR7G2" = "Апублікаваць у Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Які кантэнт публікаваць?";
"HdGikU" = "Памылка пры публікацыі";
"KDNTJ4" = "Прычына памылкі";
"RHxKOw" = "Адправіць допіс з тэкстам";
"RxSqsb" = "Допіс";
"WCIR3D" = "Апублікаваць ${content} у Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Допіс";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Бачнасць";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Бачнасць допісу";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Знойдзена ${count} варыянтаў, якія адпавядаюць \"Публічны\".";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Знойдзена ${count} варыянтаў, якія адпавядаюць \"Толькі для падпісчыкаў\".";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, публічны";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, толькі для падпісчыкаў";
"dUyuGg" = "Апублікаваць у Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Публічны";
"ehFLjY" = "Толькі для падпісчыкаў";
"gfePDu" = "Памылка пры публікацыі. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Допіс паспяхова адпраўлены.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Вы хочаце, каб гэты допіс быў \"Публічны\"?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Вы хочаце, каб гэты допіс быў \"Толькі для падпісчыкаў\"?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Допіс паспяхова адпраўлены. ";

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Знойдзена %#@count_option@, якія адпавядаюць "${content}".</string>
<string>%ld варыянты</string>
<string>%ld варыянтаў</string>
<string>%ld варыянтаў</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Знойдзена %#@count_option@, якія адпавядаюць "${visibility}".</string>
<string>%ld варыянты</string>
<string>%ld варыянтаў</string>
<string>%ld варыянтаў</string>

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibilitat";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilitat de la publicació";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilitat de la Publicació";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Hi ha ${count} opcions que coincideixen amb Públic.";
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Públic";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Només seguidors";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Només Seguidors";
"dUyuGg" = "Publica a Mastodon";
"dUyuGg" = "Publicació";
"dYQ5NN" = "Públic";

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Existuje %#@count_option@ odpovídající „${visibility}“.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Postio ar Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Cynnwys Testun";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Postio ar Mastodon";
"CsR7G2" = "Post on Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Pa gynnwys i bostio?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Methwyd postio";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Rheswm y Gwall";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Cyhoeddi Post â chynnwys testun";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Postio ${content} ar Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Preifatrwydd";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Preifatrwydd Post";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Ceir ${count} opsiwn ar gyfer Cyhoeddus.";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Ceir ${count} opsiwn ar gyfer Dilynwyr yn Unig.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Cyhoeddus";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Dilynwyr yn Unig";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Postio ar Mastodon";
"dUyuGg" = "Post on Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Cyhoeddus";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Dilynwyr yn unig";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Methwyd postio. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Cyhoeddwyd y post yn llwyddiannus.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "I gadarnhau, rydych chi am ddewis Cyhoeddus?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "I gadarnhau, rydych chi am ddewis Dilynwyr yn Unig?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Followers Only?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Cyhoeddwyd y post yn llwyddiannus. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Ceir %#@count_option@ ar gyfer '${content}'.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
@ -13,23 +13,23 @@
<string>%ld opsiynau</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld o opsiynau</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld o opsiynau</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Ceir %#@count_option@ ar gyfer '${visibility}'.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
<string>%ld opsiynau</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld o opsiynau</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld opsiwn</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"16wxgf" = "Auf Mastodon veröffentlichen";
"16wxgf" = "Auf Mastodon posten";
"751xkl" = "Textinhalt";
"CsR7G2" = "Auf Mastodon veröffentlichen";
"CsR7G2" = "Auf Mastodon posten";
"HZSGTr" = "Welcher Inhalt soll veröffentlicht werden?";
"HZSGTr" = "Welcher Inhalt soll gepostet werden?";
"HdGikU" = "Veröffentlichen fehlgeschlagen";
"HdGikU" = "Posten fehlgeschlagen";
"KDNTJ4" = "Fehlerursache";

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Ανάρτηση στο Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Περιεχόμενο Κειμένου";
"CsR7G2" = "Ανάρτηση στο Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Τι περιεχόμενο θα αναρτήσεις;";
"HdGikU" = "Αποτυχία δημοσίευσης";
"KDNTJ4" = "Λόγος Αποτυχίας";
"RHxKOw" = "Αποστολή ανάρτησης με περιεχόμενο κειμένου";
"RxSqsb" = "Ανάρτηση";
"WCIR3D" = "Ανάρτηση ${content} στο Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Ανάρτηση";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Ορατότητα";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Ορατότητα Ανάρτησης";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Υπάρχουν ${count} επιλογές που ταιριάζουν στο «Δημόσιο».";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Υπάρχουν ${count} επιλογές που ταιριάζουν στο «Μόνο για Ακόλουθους».";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Δημόσιο";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Μόνο Ακόλουθοι";
"dUyuGg" = "Ανάρτηση στο Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Δημόσιο";
"ehFLjY" = "Μόνο Ακόλουθοι";
"gfePDu" = "Αποτυχία ανάρτησης. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Η ανάρτηση στάλθηκε με επιτυχία.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Απλά για να επιβεβαίωση, θες «Δημόσιο»;";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Απλά για επιβεβαίωση, θες «Μόνο Ακόλουθοι»;";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Η ανάρτηση στάλθηκε με επιτυχία. ";

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Υπάρχουν %#@count_option@ που ταιριάζουν με το ${content}.</string>
<string>1 επιλογή</string>
<string>%ld επιλογές</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Υπάρχουν %#@count_option@ που ταιριάζουν με το ${visibility}.</string>
<string>1 επιλογή</string>
<string>%ld επιλογές</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Post on Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Post on Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Followers Only?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Post on Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Post on Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Followers Only?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
"CsR7G2" = "Buat Postingan di Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Konten apa yang ingin diposting?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Gagal memposting";
"KDNTJ4" = "Alasan Kegagalan";
"RHxKOw" = "Kirim Postingan dengan konten berupa teks";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Postingan";
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilitas Postingan";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Tidak ada ${count} opsi yang cocok dengan 'Publik'.";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Tidak ada ${count} opsi yang cocok dengan 'Untuk Pengikut Saja'.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Publik";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Ada %#@count_option@ yang cocok dengan ${content}.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
<string>%ld opsi</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Ada %#@count_option@ yang cocok dengan ${visibility}.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<string>%ld opsi</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
"CsR7G2" = "Mastodonに投稿";
"HZSGTr" = "なにを投稿しますか?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "投稿に失敗しました";
"KDNTJ4" = "失敗の理由";
"RHxKOw" = "テキストコンテンツを投稿";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "投稿";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>「${content}」にマッチするオプションが %#@count_option@ あります。</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
<string>%ld </string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>「${visibility}」にマッチするオプションが %#@count_option@ あります。</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<string>%ld </string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Publicē Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Teksta Saturu";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Publicē Mastodon";
"CsR7G2" = "Post on Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Kādu saturu publicēt?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Publicēšana neizdevās";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Neizdošanās Iemesls";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Sūtīt Ziņu ar teksta saturu";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Ziņa";
"WCIR3D" = "Publicēt ${content} Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Ziņa";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Redzamība";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Ziņu Redzamība";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Ir ${count} opcijas, kas atbilst “Publisks”.";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Ir ${count} opcijas, kas atbilst “Tikai Sekotājiem”.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Publisks";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Tikai Sekotājiem";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Publicē Mastodon";
"dUyuGg" = "Post on Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Publisks";
"ehFLjY" = "Tikai sekotājiem";
"gfePDu" = "Publicēšana neizdevās. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Ziņa tika veiksmīgi nosūtīta.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Tikai apstiprinājumam, tu vēlējies \"Publisks\"?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Tikai apstiprinājumam, tu vēlējies \"Tikai Sekotājiem\"?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Followers Only?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Ziņa tika veiksmīgi nosūtīta. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Ir %#@count_option@, kas atbilst “${content}”.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
@ -13,17 +13,17 @@
<string>%ld opciju</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>1 opcija</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld opcijas</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Ir %#@count_option@, kas atbilst “${visibility}”.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
<string>%ld izvēles</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>1 izvēle</string>
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld izvēles</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Mastodon တွင် ပို့စ်တင်ရန်";
"751xkl" = "အကြောင်းအရာ";
"CsR7G2" = "Mastodon တွင် ပို့စ်တင်ရန်";
"HZSGTr" = "ဘယ်အကြောင်းအရာကို ပို့စ်တင်မလဲ?";
"HdGikU" = "ပို့စ်တင််ခြင်း မအောင်မြင်ပါ";
"KDNTJ4" = "မအောင်မြင်ရသည့် အကြောင်းပြချက်";
"RHxKOw" = "ပို့စ်ကို အကြောင်းအရာနှင့်တကွ တင်ရန်";
"RxSqsb" = "ပို့စ်";
"WCIR3D" = "${content} ကို Mastodon တွင် ပိုစ့်တင်ရန်";
"ZKJSNu" = "ပို့စ်";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "မြင်နိုင်မှု";
"Zo4jgJ" = "ပို့်စ်မြင်နိုင်မှု";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Public နှင့် ကိုက်ညီသော ရွေးချယ်စရာ ${count} ခု ရှိသည်။";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Followers Only နှင့် ကိုက်ညီသော ရွေးချယ်စရာ ${count} ခု ရှိသည်။";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, အများမြင်";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, စောင့်ကြည့်သူများ သီးသန့်";
"dUyuGg" = "Mastodon တွင် ပို့စ်တင်ရန်";
"dYQ5NN" = "အများမြင်";
"ehFLjY" = "စောင့်ကြည့်သူများသီးသန့်";
"gfePDu" = "ပို့စ်တင််ခြင်း မအောင်မြင်ပါ၊ ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "ပို့စ်ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ ပို့ခဲ့သည်";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "\"အများမြင်\" ကို ရွေးမည်် သေချာပါသလား?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "\"စောင့်ကြည့်သူများသီးသန့်\" ကို ရွေးမည်် သေချာပါသလား?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "ပို့စ်ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ ပို့ခဲ့သည်";

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>${content} နှင့် ကိုက်ညီသော ရွေးချယ်စရာ %#@count_option@ ခု ရှိသည်။</string>
<string>ရွေးချယ်စရာ %ld ခု</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>${visibility} နှင့် ကိုက်ညီသော ရွေးချယ်စရာ %#@count_option@ ခု ရှိသည်။</string>
<string>ရွေးချယ်စရာ %ld ခု</string>

View File

@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
"k7dbKQ" = "Het bericht is succesvol verzonden.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Ter bevestiging: wilde je Openbaar?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Wilde u Openbaar?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Ter bevestiging: wilde je Alleen volgers?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Wilde u Alleen Volgers?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<string>1 optie</string>
<string>%ld opties</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
<string>1 optie</string>
<string>%ld opties</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
"16wxgf" = "Dodaj post na Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Treść tekstowa";
"CsR7G2" = "Postuj na Mastodonie";
"HZSGTr" = "Jaką zawartość postować?";
"HdGikU" = "Publikowanie nie powiodło się";
"KDNTJ4" = "Powód niepowodzenia";
"RHxKOw" = "Wyślij post z tekstem";
"RxSqsb" = "Wpis";
"WCIR3D" = "Postuj ${content} na Mastodonie";
"ZKJSNu" = "Postuj";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Widoczność";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Widoczność postu";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Istnieją ${count} opcje pasujące do „Publiczne”.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Istnieje ${count} opcji pasujących do 'Tylko obserwujący'.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Publiczny";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Tylko obserwujący";
"dUyuGg" = "Postuj na Mastodonie";
"dYQ5NN" = "Publiczny";
"ehFLjY" = "Tylko dla obserwujących";
"gfePDu" = "Postowanie nie powiodło się. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Wysłano post pomyślnie.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Czy na pewno chciałeś 'Publiczne'?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Czy na pewno chcesz 'Tylko dla obserwujących'?";
"rM6dvp" = "Adres URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Wysłano post pomyślnie. ";

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Jest %#@count_option@ pasujących do '${content}'.</string>
<string>%ld Opcja</string>
<string>%ld Opcji</string>
<string>%ld Opcji</string>
<string>%ld Opcje</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Jest %#@count_option@ pasujących do '${visibility}'.</string>
<string>%ld Opcja</string>
<string>%ld Opcji</string>
<string>%ld Opcji</string>
<string>%ld Opcje</string>

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Publicação correctamente enviada.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Publicação correctamente enviada. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
"Zo4jgJ" = "การมองเห็นโพสต์";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "มี ${count} ตัวเลือกที่ตรงกับ ‘สาธารณะ’";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "มี ${count} ตัวเลือกที่ตรงกันกับ ‘สาธารณะ’";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "มี ${count} ตัวเลือกที่ตรงกับ ‘ผู้ติดตามเท่านั้น’";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "มี ${count} ตัวเลือกที่ตรงกันกับ ‘ผู้ติดตามเท่านั้น’";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, สาธารณะ";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>มี %#@count_option@ ที่ตรงกับ ${content}</string>
<string>มี %#@count_option@ ที่ตรงกันกั${content}</string>
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>มี %#@count_option@ ที่ตรงกับ ${visibility}</string>
<string>มี %#@count_option@ ที่ตรงกันกั${visibility}</string>

View File

@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Поділитись в Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Текстовий вміст";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Поділитись в Mastodon";
"CsR7G2" = "Post on Mastodon";
"HZSGTr" = "Який зміст допису?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Помилка при надсиланні";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Причина помилки";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Надіслати пост із текстом";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Допис";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Опублікувати ${content} на Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Допис";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Видимість";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Видимість допису";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Знайдено ${count} варіантів, що задовольняють \"Публічні\".";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching Public.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Знайдено ${count} варіантів, які відповідають \"Тільки для підписників\".";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching Followers Only.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, публічний";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, тільки підписники";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Поділитись в Mastodon";
"dUyuGg" = "Post on Mastodon";
"dYQ5NN" = "Публічно";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Тільки для підписників";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Помилка. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Допис успішно відправлено.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Вам дійсно потрібні \"Публічно\"?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Public?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Вам дійсно потрібні \"Тільки для підписників\"?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted Followers Only?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Допис успішно відправлено. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${content}. - 2</key>
<string>Знайдено %#@count_option@ відповідних '${content}.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${content}.</string>
@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld параметри</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld параметрів</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld параметрів</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<key>There are ${count} options matching ${visibility}.</key>
<string>Знайдено %#@count_option@ відповідних '${visibility}.</string>
<string>There are %#@count_option@ matching ${visibility}.</string>
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
<string>1 option</string>
<string>%ld параметри</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld параметрів</string>
<string>%ld options</string>
<string>%ld параметрів</string>
<string>%ld options</string>

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ extension Parser {
let value = [
pair.value.replacingOccurrences(of: "%s", with: "%@").replacingOccurrences(of: "\"", with: "\\\""),
pair.value.replacingOccurrences(of: "%s", with: "%@"),
let line = [

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import os.log
import Foundation
// conver i18n JSON templates to strings files
@ -11,13 +12,15 @@ private func convert(from inputDirectoryURL: URL, to outputDirectory: URL) {
for inputLanguageDirectoryURL in inputLanguageDirectoryURLs {
let language = inputLanguageDirectoryURL.lastPathComponent
guard let mappedLanguage = map(language: language) else { continue }
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: process %s -> %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, language, mappedLanguage)
let fileURLs = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(
at: inputLanguageDirectoryURL,
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey],
options: []
for jsonURL in fileURLs where jsonURL.pathExtension == "json" {
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: process %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, jsonURL.debugDescription)
let filename = jsonURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
guard let (mappedFilename, keyStyle) = map(filename: filename) else { continue }
guard let bundle = bundle(filename: filename) else { continue }
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ private func convert(from inputDirectoryURL: URL, to outputDirectory: URL) {
} catch {
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, error.localizedDescription)
@ -70,9 +74,6 @@ private func map(language: String) -> String? {
case "th.lproj": return "th" // Thai
case "tr.lproj": return "tr" // Turkish
case "vi.lproj": return "vi" // Vietnamese
case "el.lproj": return "el" // Greek
case "be.lproj": return "be" // Belarussian
case "hy-AM.lproj": return "hy-AM" // Armenian
default: return nil
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ private func process(url: URL, keyStyle: Parser.KeyStyle) throws -> String {
let strings = parser.generateStrings(keyStyle: keyStyle)
return strings
} catch {
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: error: %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, error.localizedDescription)
throw error
@ -116,13 +118,15 @@ private func move(from inputDirectoryURL: URL, to outputDirectoryURL: URL, pathE
let language = inputLanguageDirectoryURL.lastPathComponent
guard let mappedLanguage = map(language: language) else { continue }
let outputDirectoryURL = outputDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(mappedLanguage + ".lproj", isDirectory: true)
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: process %s -> %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, language, mappedLanguage)
let fileURLs = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(
at: inputLanguageDirectoryURL,
includingPropertiesForKeys: [.nameKey, .isDirectoryKey],
options: []
for dictURL in fileURLs where dictURL.pathExtension == pathExtension {
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: process %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, dictURL.debugDescription)
let filename = dictURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent
let outputFileURL = outputDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(filename).appendingPathExtension(pathExtension)
@ -131,6 +135,7 @@ private func move(from inputDirectoryURL: URL, to outputDirectoryURL: URL, pathE
} catch {
os_log("%{public}s[%{public}ld], %{public}s: %s", ((#file as NSString).lastPathComponent), #line, #function, error.localizedDescription)

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
<string>no characters left</string>
<string>no characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -231,28 +231,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>0 re-blogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profile",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Log you in on the server you created your account on.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different servers.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,69 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
@ -841,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>1 notificación no leyida</string>
<string>%ld notificacions no leyidas</string>
<string>Limite de dentrada superau en %#@character_count@ caracters</string>
<string>1 caracter</string>
<string>%ld caracters</string>
<string>Limite de dentrada restante: %#@character_count@ caracters</string>
<string>1 caracter</string>
<string>%ld caracters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>Seguiu per %1$@ y unatro mutuo</string>
<string>Seguiu per %1$@ y %ld mutuos</string>
<string>%@ %#@post_count@</string>
<string>1 media</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>1 publicación</string>
<string>%ld publicacions</string>
<string>1 favorito</string>
<string>%ld favoritos</string>
<string>1 reblogueo</string>
<string>%ld reblogueos</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>1 respuesta</string>
<string>%ld respuestas</string>
<string>1 voto</string>
<string>%ld votos</string>
<string>1 votante</string>
<string>%ld votantes</string>
<string>1 persona charrando</string>
<string>%ld personas son charrando d'esto</string>
<string>1 seguindo</string>
<string>%ld seguindo</string>
<string>1 seguidor</string>
<string>%ld seguidores</string>
<string>1 anyo restante</string>
<string>%ld anyos restantes</string>
<string>1 mes restante</string>
<string>%ld meses restantes</string>
<string>1 día restante</string>
<string>%ld días restantes</string>
<string>1 hora restante</string>
<string>%ld horas restantes</string>
<string>1 minuto restant</string>
<string>%ld minutos restants</string>
<string>1 segundo restante</string>
<string>%ld segundos restantes</string>
<string>Fa 1 anyo</string>
<string>Fa %ld anyos</string>
<string>Fa 1 mes</string>
<string>Fa %ld meses</string>
<string>Fa 1 día</string>
<string>Fa %ld días</string>
<string>Fa 1 h</string>
<string>Fa %ld h</string>
<string>Fa 1 min</string>
<string>Fa %ld min</string>
<string>Fa 1 s</string>
<string>Fa %ld s</string>

View File

@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Per favor, torna a intentar-lo.",
"please_try_again_later": "Per favor, torna a intentar-lo mas enta debant."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Error en rechistrar-se"
"server_error": {
"title": "Error d'o servidor"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Voto fallido",
"poll_ended": "La enquesta ha rematau"
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Error de publicación",
"message": "No s'ha puesto publicar la publicación. Per favor, revise la suya connexión a internet.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "No puetz adchuntar un video a una publicación que ya contiene imachens.",
"more_than_one_video": "No puetz adchuntar mas d'un video."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Error en a Edición d'o Perfil",
"message": "No s'ha puesto editar lo perfil. Per favor, intenta-lo de nuevo."
"sign_out": {
"title": "Zarrar Sesión",
"message": "Yes seguro de que quiers zarrar la sesión?",
"confirm": "Zarrar Sesión"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Yes realment seguro, de verdat, que quiers blocar %s a lo completo? En a mayoría d'os casos, uns pocos bloqueyos u silenciaus concretos son suficients y preferibles. No veyerás conteniu d'ixe dominio y totz los tuyos seguidores d'ixe dominio serán eliminaus.",
"block_entire_domain": "Blocar Dominio"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Error en Alzar Foto",
"message": "Per favor, activa lo permiso d'acceso a la biblioteca de fotos pa alzar la foto."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Yes seguro de que quiers eliminar esta publicación?",
"message": "Yes seguro de que quiers borrar esta publicación?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Limpiar Caché",
"message": "S'ha limpiau con exito %s de caché."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
"actions": {
"back": "Dezaga",
"next": "Siguient",
"previous": "Anterior",
"open": "Ubrir",
"add": "Anyadir",
"remove": "Eliminar",
"edit": "Editar",
"save": "Alzar",
"ok": "Acceptar",
"done": "Feito",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"continue": "Continar",
"compose": "Redactar",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"discard": "Descartar",
"try_again": "Intenta-lo de nuevo",
"take_photo": "Prener foto",
"save_photo": "Alzar foto",
"copy_photo": "Copiar foto",
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"see_more": "Veyer mas",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Compartir",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Compartir publicación",
"open_in_safari": "Ubrir en Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Ubrir en o navegador",
"find_people": "Troba chent a la quala seguir",
"manually_search": "Millor fer una busqueda manual",
"skip": "Omitir",
"reply": "Responder",
"report_user": "Reportar a %s",
"block_domain": "Blocar %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloquiar %s",
"settings": "Configuración",
"delete": "Borrar",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"tabs": {
"home": "Inicio",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notificacions",
"profile": "Perfil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
"switch_to_tab": "Cambiar a %s",
"compose_new_post": "Escribir Nueva Publicación",
"show_favorites": "Amostrar Favoritos",
"open_settings": "Ubrir Configuración"
"timeline": {
"previous_status": "Publicación Anterior",
"next_status": "Siguient Publicación",
"open_status": "Ubrir Publicación",
"open_author_profile": "Ubrir Perfil de l'Autor",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Ubrir Perfil d'o Reblogueador",
"reply_status": "Responder Publicación",
"toggle_reblog": "Commutar lo Reblogueo en a Publicación",
"toggle_favorite": "Commutar la Marca de Favorito en a Publicación",
"toggle_content_warning": "Alternar l'Alvertencia de Conteniu",
"preview_image": "Previsualizar Imachen"
"segmented_control": {
"previous_section": "Sección Anterior",
"next_section": "Siguient Sección"
"status": {
"user_reblogged": "%s lo reblogueó",
"user_replied_to": "En respuesta a %s",
"show_post": "Amostrar Publicación",
"show_user_profile": "Amostrar perfil de l'usuario",
"content_warning": "Alvertencia de Conteniu",
"sensitive_content": "Conteniu sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Preta en qualsequier puesto pa amostrar",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tocar pa revelar",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vota",
"closed": "Zarrau"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Vinclo: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Amostrar lo perfil: %s",
"email": "Adreza de correu: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Responder",
"reblog": "Rebloguear",
"unreblog": "Desfer reblogueo",
"favorite": "Favorito",
"unfavorite": "No favorito",
"menu": "Menú",
"hide": "Amagar",
"show_image": "Amostrar imachen",
"show_gif": "Amostrar GIF",
"show_video_player": "Amostrar reproductor de video",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca, dimpués mantiene pa amostrar lo menú",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
"mention": "Mención",
"link": "Vinclo",
"hashtag": "Etiqueta",
"email": "E-mail",
"emoji": "Emoji"
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Totz pueden veyer este post pero no amostrar-lo en una linia de tiempo publica.",
"private": "Nomás los suyos seguidores pueden veyer este mensache.",
"private_from_me": "Nomás los míos seguidores pueden veyer este mensache.",
"direct": "Nomás l'usuario mencionau puede veyer este mensache."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
"follow": "Seguir",
"following": "Seguindo",
"request": "Solicitut",
"pending": "Pendient",
"block": "Blocar",
"block_user": "Blocar a %s",
"block_domain": "Blocar a %s",
"unblock": "Desbloquiar",
"unblock_user": "Desbloquiar a %s",
"blocked": "Blocau",
"mute": "Silenciar",
"mute_user": "Silenciar a %s",
"unmute": "Desmutear",
"unmute_user": "Desmutear a %s",
"muted": "Silenciau",
"edit_info": "Editar Info",
"show_reblogs": "Amostrar los retuts",
"hide_reblogs": "Amagar los reblogs"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Filtrau",
"timestamp": {
"now": "Agora"
"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Cargar publicacions faltantes",
"loading_missing_posts": "Cargando publicacions faltantes...",
"show_more_replies": "Amostrar mas respuestas"
"header": {
"no_status_found": "No s'ha trobau garra publicación",
"blocking_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil d'este usuario\n dica que lo desbloqueyes.\nLo tuyo perfil se veye asinas pa ell.",
"user_blocking_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil de %s\n dica que lo desbloqueyes.\nLo tuyo perfil se veye asinas pa ell.",
"blocked_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil d'este usuario\n dica que te desbloqueye.",
"user_blocked_warning": "No puetz veyer lo perfil de %s\n dica que te desbloqueye.",
"suspended_warning": "Este usuario ha estau suspendiu.",
"user_suspended_warning": "La cuenta de %s ha estau suspendida."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Dentrar en o servidor an que creyiés la cuenta.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Escribir la URL u buscar lo tuyo servidor"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "Totas",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Categoría: Totas",
"academia": "academicos",
"activism": "activismo",
"food": "minchada",
"furry": "furry",
"games": "chuegos",
"general": "cheneral",
"journalism": "periodismo",
"lgbt": "lgbt",
"regional": "rechional",
"art": "arte",
"music": "mosica",
"tech": "tecnolochía"
"see_less": "Veyer Menos",
"see_more": "Veyer Más"
"label": {
"language": "IDIOMA",
"users": "USUARIOS",
"category": "CATEGORÍA"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Mirar comunidatz u escribir URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Trobando servidors disponibles...",
"bad_network": "Bella cosa ha iu malament en cargar los datos. Compreba la tuya connexión a Internet.",
"no_results": "Sin resultaus"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Borrar"
"username": {
"placeholder": "nombre d'usuario",
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre d'usuario ya ye en uso.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nombre a amostrar"
"email": {
"placeholder": "correu electronico"
"password": {
"placeholder": "clau",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "La tuya clau ha de contener como minimo:",
"character_limit": "8 caracters",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "marcau",
"unchecked": "sin marcar"
"hint": "La tuya clau ameneste tener a lo menos ueito caracters"
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Per qué quiers unir-te?"
"error": {
"item": {
"username": "Nombre d'usuario",
"email": "Correu electronico",
"password": "Clau",
"agreement": "Acceptación",
"locale": "Idioma",
"reason": "Motivo"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contiene un furnidor de correu no permitiu",
"unreachable": "%s pareixe no existir",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"reserved": "%s ye una parola clau reservada",
"accepted": "%s ha d'estar acceptau",
"blank": "Se requiere %s",
"invalid": "%s no ye valido",
"too_long": "%s ye masiau largo",
"too_short": "%s ye masiau tallo",
"inclusion": "%s no ye una valor admitida"
"special": {
"username_invalid": "Lo nombre d'usuario solo puede contener caracters alfanumericos y guións baixos",
"username_too_long": "Lo nombre d'usuario ye masiau largo (no puede tener mas de 30 caracters)",
"email_invalid": "Esta no ye una adreza de correu electronico valida",
"password_too_short": "La clau ye masiau curta (ha de tener a lo menos 8 caracters)"
"server_rules": {
"title": "Qualques reglas basicas.",
"subtitle": "Estas reglas son establidas per los administradors de %s.",
"prompt": "Si continas serás sucheto a los termins de servicio y la politica de privacidat de %s.",
"terms_of_service": "termins d'o servicio",
"privacy_policy": "politica de privacidat",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"button": {
"resend": "Reninviar"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"description": "Compreba que la tuya adreza de correu electronico sía correcta y revisa la carpeta de correu no deseyau si no l'has feito ya.",
"resend_email": "Tornar a Ninviar Correu Electronico"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"description": "T'acabamos de ninviar un correu electronico. Revisa la tuya carpeta de correu no deseyau si no l'has feito ya.",
"mail": "Correu",
"open_email_client": "Ubrir Client de Correu Electronico"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Inicio",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Sin Connexión",
"new_posts": "Veyer nuevas publicacions",
"published": "Publicau!",
"Publishing": "Publicación en curso...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_hint": "Toca pa desplazar-te enta alto y toca de nuevo pa la localización anterior"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nueva Publicación",
"new_reply": "Nueva Respuesta",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Fer Foto",
"photo_library": "Galería de Fotos",
"browse": "Explorar"
"content_input_placeholder": "Escribe u apega lo que tiengas en mente",
"compose_action": "Publicar",
"replying_to_user": "en respuesta a %s",
"attachment": {
"photo": "foto",
"video": "video",
"attachment_broken": "Este %s ye roto y no puede\npuyar-se a Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Describe la foto pa los usuarios con dificultat visual...",
"description_video": "Describe lo video pa los usuarios con dificultat visual...",
"load_failed": "Fallo de carga",
"upload_failed": "Fallo de carga",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "No se puede reconocer este adchunto multimedia",
"attachment_too_large": "Adchunto masiau gran",
"compressing_state": "Comprimindo...",
"server_processing_state": "Lo servidor ye procesando..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duración: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutos",
"one_hour": "1 Hora",
"six_hours": "6 Horas",
"one_day": "1 Día",
"three_days": "3 Días",
"seven_days": "7 Días",
"option_number": "Opción %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "La enquesta ye invalida",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "La enquesta tiene opcions vuedas",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Escribe una alvertencia precisa aquí..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Publica",
"unlisted": "Sin listar",
"private": "Solo seguidores",
"direct": "Solo la chent que yo menciono"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "Espacio pa anyadir"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Anyadir Adchunto",
"append_poll": "Anyadir Enqüesta",
"remove_poll": "Eliminar Enqüesta",
"custom_emoji_picker": "Selector de Emojis Personalizaus",
"enable_content_warning": "Activar Alvertencia de Conteniu",
"disable_content_warning": "Desactivar Alvertencia de Conteniu",
"post_visibility_menu": "Menú de Visibilidat d'a Publicación",
"post_options": "Opcions d'o tut",
"posting_as": "Publicando como %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Descartar Publicación",
"publish_post": "Publicar",
"toggle_poll": "Commutar Enqüesta",
"toggle_content_warning": "Commutar Alvertencia de Conteniu",
"append_attachment_entry": "Anyadir Adchunto - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Triar Visibilidat - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
"header": {
"follows_you": "Te sigue"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Anyadir Ringlera",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Nombre pa lo campo",
"content": "Conteniu"
"verified": {
"short": "Verificau en %s",
"long": "La propiedat d'este vinclo ha estau verificada lo %s"
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Publicacions",
"replies": "Respuestas",
"posts_and_replies": "Publicacions y respuestas",
"media": "Multimedia",
"about": "Sobre"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Silenciar cuenta",
"message": "Confirmar pa silenciar %s"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Deixar de Silenciar Cuenta",
"message": "Confirmar pa deixar de silenciar a %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Blocar cuenta",
"message": "Confirmar pa blocar a %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Desbloquiar cuenta",
"message": "Confirmar pa desbloquiar a %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Amostrar los reblogs",
"message": "Confimrar pa amostrar los reblogs"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Amagar los reblogs",
"message": "Comfirmar pa amagar los reblogs"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Amostrar imachen d'o avatar",
"edit_avatar_image": "Editar imachen d'o avatar",
"show_banner_image": "Amostrar imachen de banner",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Preta dos vegadas pa ubrir la lista"
"follower": {
"title": "seguidor",
"footer": "No s'amuestran los seguidores d'atros servidors."
"following": {
"title": "seguindo",
"footer": "No s'amuestran los seguius d'atros servidors."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Seguidores que conoixes",
"followed_by_names": "Seguiu per %s"
"favorited_by": {
"title": "Feito favorito per"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Reblogueado per"
"search": {
"title": "Buscar",
"search_bar": {
"placeholder": "Buscar etiquetas y usuarios",
"cancel": "Cancelar"
"recommend": {
"button_text": "Veyer Totas",
"hash_tag": {
"title": "Tendencias en Mastodon",
"description": "Etiquetas que son recibindo pro atención",
"people_talking": "%s personas son charrando d'esto"
"accounts": {
"title": "Cuentas que talment quieras seguir",
"description": "Puede que faiga goyo seguir estas cuentas",
"follow": "Seguir"
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Sin resultaus"
"recent_search": "Busquedas recients",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Borrar"
"discovery": {
"tabs": {
"posts": "Publicacions",
"hashtags": "Etiquetas",
"news": "Noticias",
"community": "Comunidat",
"for_you": "Pa Tu"
"intro": "Estas son las publicacions que son ganando tracción en a tuya rincón de Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
"Everything": "Tot",
"Mentions": "Mencions"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "te siguió",
"favorited_your_post": "ha marcau como favorita la tuya publicación",
"reblogged_your_post": "reblogueó la tuya publicación",
"mentioned_you": "te mencionó",
"request_to_follow_you": "solicitó seguir-te",
"poll_has_ended": "enqüesta ha rematau"
"keyobard": {
"show_everything": "Amostrar Tot",
"show_mentions": "Amostrar Mencions"
"follow_request": {
"accept": "Acceptar",
"accepted": "Acceptau",
"reject": "refusar",
"rejected": "Refusau"
"thread": {
"back_title": "Publicación",
"title": "Publicación de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"report": {
"title_report": "Reportar",
"title": "Reportar %s",
"step1": "Paso 1 de 2",
"step2": "Paso 2 de 2",
"content1": "I hai belatra publicación que te fería goyo d'anyadir a lo reporte?",
"content2": "I hai bella cosa que los moderadors habrían de saber sobre este reporte?",
"report_sent_title": "Gracias per denunciar, estudiaremos esto.",
"send": "Ninviar Denuncia",
"skip_to_send": "Ninviar sin comentarios",
"text_placeholder": "Escribe u apega comentarios adicionals",
"reported": "DENUNCIAU",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Paso 1 de 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Qué i hai de malo con esta publicación?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Qué i hai de malo con esta cuenta?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Qué i hai de malo con %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Tría la millor opción",
"i_dont_like_it": "No me fa goyo",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "No ye bella cosa que quieras veyer",
"its_spam": "Ye spam",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Vinclos maliciosos, compromisos falsos u respuestas repetitivas",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Viola las reglas d'o servidor",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Yes conscient de que infrinche las normas especificas",
"its_something_else": "Ye bella cosa mas",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Lo problema no encaixa en atras categorías"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "Paso 2 de 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Qué normas se son violando?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Tría totz los que correspondan",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "Nomás no me fa goyo"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Paso 3 de 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "I hai bella publicación que refirme este informe?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Tría totz los que correspondan"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "Paso 4 de 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "I hai bella cosa mas que habríanos de saber?"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "No quiers veyer esto?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Quan veigas bella cosa que no te fa goyo en Mastodon, puetz sacar a la persona d'a tuya experiencia.",
"unfollow": "Deixar de seguir",
"unfollowed": "Ha deixau de seguir-te",
"unfollow_user": "Deixar de seguir a %s",
"mute_user": "Silenciar a %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "No veyerás las suyas publicacions u reblogueos en a tuya linia temporal. No sabrán que han estau silenciaus.",
"block_user": "Blocar a %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Ya no podrán estar capaces de seguir-te u veyer las tuyas publicacions, pero pueden veyer si han estau blocaus.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Mientres revisamos esto, puetz prener medidas contra %s"
"preview": {
"keyboard": {
"close_preview": "Zarrar Previsualización",
"show_next": "Amostrar Siguient",
"show_previous": "Amostrar Anterior"
"account_list": {
"tab_bar_hint": "Perfil triau actualment: %s. Fe un doble toque y mantiene pretau pa amostrar lo selector de cuentas",
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Descartar lo selector de cuentas",
"add_account": "Anyadir cuenta"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Marcapachinas"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "S'usa pa quitar fotos pa las publicacions",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "S'usa pa alzar fotos en a Galería de Fotos",
"NewPostShortcutItemTitle": "Nueva Publicación",
"SearchShortcutItemTitle": "Buscar"

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -85,17 +85,17 @@
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>لَا حَرف</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>حَرفٌ واحِد</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>حَرفانِ اِثنان</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld حَرف</string>
@ -261,30 +261,6 @@
<string>%ld إعادَة تَدوين</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "إخفاقٌ فِي التَّصويت",
"poll_ended": "اِنتَهَى اِستِطلاعُ الرَّأي"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "التخلص من المسودة",
"message": "أكِّد للتخلص مِن مُحتوى مَنشور مؤلَّف."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "إخفاق في عمليَّة النشر",
"message": "فَشَلَ نَشر المَنشور.\nيُرجى التحقق من اتصالك بالإنترنت.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "مَحوُ ذاكِرَةِ التَّخزينِ المُؤقَّت",
"message": "مُحِيَ ما مَساحَتُهُ %s مِن ذاكِرَةِ التَّخزينِ المُؤقَّت بِنجاح."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "مُلاحظة",
"message": "فشلت الترجمة. ربما لم يتمكن مدير الخادم من تفعيل الترجمات على هذا الخادم أو هذا الخادم يقوم بتشغيل نسخة قديمة من ماستدون حيث الترجمات غير مدعومة بعد.",
"button": "حسنًا"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "حفظ الصورة",
"copy_photo": "نسخ الصورة",
"sign_in": "تسجيلُ الدخول",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "عرض المزيد",
"preview": "مُعاينة",
"copy": "نَسخ",
"share": "المُشارك",
"share_user": "مُشارَكَةُ %s",
"share_post": "مشارك المنشور",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "حظر %s",
"unblock_domain": "رفع الحظر عن %s",
"settings": "الإعدادات",
"delete": "حذف",
"translate_post": {
"title": "الترجَمَة مِن %s",
"unknown_language": "غير مَعرُوفة"
"edit_post": "تعديل",
"bookmark": "إضافة إلى الفواصل المرجعية",
"remove_bookmark": "إزالة الفاصلة المرجعية",
"follow": "متابعة %s",
"unfollow": "ألغِ متابعة %s"
"delete": "حذف"
"tabs": {
"home": "الرَّئِيسَة",
"search_and_explore": "البَحث وَالاِستِكشاف",
"notifications": "الإشعارات",
"profile": "المِلَفُّ التَّعريفِيّ",
"a11y": {
"search": "البحث",
"explore": "استكشف"
"search": "البَحث",
"notification": "الإشعارات",
"profile": "المِلَفُّ التَّعريفِيّ"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "مُحتَوى حَسَّاس",
"media_content_warning": "اُنقُر لِلكَشف",
"tap_to_reveal": "اُنقُر لِلكَشف",
"load_embed": "تحميل المُضمَن",
"link_via_user": "%s عبر %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "صَوِّت",
"closed": "انتهى"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "أظْهِرِ الصُّورَة",
"show_gif": "أظْهِر GIF",
"show_video_player": "أظْهِر مُشَغِّلَ المَقاطِعِ المَرئِيَّة",
"share_link_in_post": "مُشارَكَة الرابِط فِي مَنشور",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "اُنقُر مُطَوَّلًا لِإظْهَارِ القائِمَة",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "إعادة التدوين",
"unreblog": "التراجع عن إعادة التدوين"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "اُنقُر مُطَوَّلًا لِإظْهَارِ القائِمَة"
"tag": {
"url": "عنوان URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "فَقَطْ مُتابِعينَهُم مَن يُمكِنُهُم رُؤيَةُ هَذَا المَنشُور.",
"private_from_me": "فَقَطْ مُتابِعيني أنَا مَن يُمكِنُهُم رُؤيَةُ هَذَا المَنشُور.",
"direct": "المُستخدمِونَ المُشارِ إليهم فَقَطْ مَن يُمكِنُهُم رُؤيَةُ هَذَا المَنشُور."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "الترجَمَة مِن %s بِاستِخدَام %s",
"unknown_language": "غير مَعرُوفة",
"unknown_provider": "غير مَعرُوف",
"show_original": "إظهار الأصل"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s، مرفق %d من %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s عبر %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "المعاد تدوينها",
"favorites_title": "المفضلة",
"edit_history_title": "سِجِلّ التعديلات",
"edit_history_detail": "آخر تعديل %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "عُدّل في %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "سِجِلّ التعديلات",
"original_post": "المنشور الأصلي · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "لقد أُوقِفَ حِساب %s."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "رابط غير متحقق منه",
"followers_count": "%@ متابعين"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "تسجيلُ الدخول",
"learn_more": "تعلم المزيد",
"join_default_server": "انضم إلى %@",
"pick_server": "اختر خادمًا آخر",
"separator": {
"or": "أو"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "أهلًا بك على ماستدون",
"description": "ماستدون شبكة اجتماعية لامركزية، بمعنى أنه ليس هناك شركة واحدة تتحكم فيها. وهي تتألف من العديد من الخوادم التي تدار بشكل مستقل، وجميعها متصلة معا."
"servers": {
"title": "ما هي الخوادم؟",
"description": "تتم استضافة كل حساب ماستدون على خادم - ولكل منها قيمه وقواعده ومسؤوليه الخاصين. بغض النظر عن الشخص الذي تختاره ، يمكنك متابعة الأشخاص والتفاعل معهم على أي خادم."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "ما هو ماستدون؟"
"slogan": "شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي\nمرة أُخرى بين يديك.",
"get_started": "ابدأ الآن",
"log_in": "تسجيلُ الدخول"
"login": {
"title": "مرحباً بك مجددًا",
"subtitle": "سَجِّل دُخولَكَ إلى الخادِم الَّذي أنشأتَ حِسابَكَ فيه.",
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Log you in on the server you created your account on.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "أدخِل عُنوانَ URL أو اِبحَث عَنِ الخادِمِ الخاصّ بِك"
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "اختر خادمًا",
"title": "اِختر خادِم،\nأيًّا مِنهُم.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "اللغة",
"signup_speed": "سرعة التسجيل",
"category": {
"all": "الكُل",
"all_accessiblity_description": "الفِئَة: الكُل",
@ -323,47 +254,24 @@
"category": "الفئة"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "اِبحث عَن مُجتَمَعَات أو أدخِل عُنوانَ URL"
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Search communities or enter URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "يجري إيجاد خوادم متوفِّرَة...",
"bad_network": "حدث خطأٌ ما أثناء تحميل البيانات. تحقَّق من اتصالك بالإنترنت.",
"no_results": "لا توجد نتائج"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "الكل",
"instant": "تسجيل فوري",
"manually_reviewed": "مراجعة يدوية"
"language": {
"all": "الكل"
"search": {
"placeholder": "البحث عن اسم أو رابط تشعّبي URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "سوف نختار خادماً بناءً على لغتك إذا قمت بالمتابعة دون إجراء إختيار."
"privacy": {
"title": "الخصوصية",
"description": "على الرغم من أن تطبيق ماستدون لا يجمع أي بيانات، فإن الخادم الذي قمت بالتسجيل من خلاله قد تكون له سياسة مختلفة. خذ دقيقة للمراجعة والموافقة على سياسة خصوصية تطبيق ماستدون وسياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بخادمك.",
"policy": {
"ios": "سياسة الخصوصية - ماستدون لنظام التشغيل iOS",
"server": "سياسة الخصوصية - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "أوافق"
"register": {
"title": "إنشاء حساب",
"title": "أخبرنا عن نفسك.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "دَعنا نَبدَأُ بِإعدادِكَ عَلَى %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "حذف"
"username": {
"placeholder": "اِسمُ مُستَخدِم",
"duplicate_prompt": "اِسم المُستَخدِم هذا مأخوذٌ بالفعل.",
"suggestion": "مذهل_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "اِسم المُستَخدِم هذا مأخوذٌ بالفعل."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "اِسمُ عَرض"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "رمز سري",
"confirmation_placeholder": "أكّد كلمة السر",
"require": "رمز المرور الخاص بك يجب أن يحتوي على الأقل:",
"character_limit": "ثمانيةُ خانات",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "يحتوي %s على موفِّر خدمة بريد إلكتروني غير مسموح به",
"unreachable": "يبدوا أنَّ %s غير موجود",
"taken": "%s مأخوذ بالفعل. ماذا عن:",
"taken": "إنَّ %s مُستخدَمٌ بالفعل",
"reserved": "إنَّ %s عبارة عن كلمة مفتاحيَّة محجوزة",
"accepted": "يجب أن يُقبل %s",
"blank": "%s مَطلوب",
@ -422,13 +329,15 @@
"terms_of_service": "شُرُوط الخِدمَة",
"privacy_policy": "سِياسَة الخُصُوصيَّة",
"button": {
"confirm": وافق"
"confirm": نا مُوافِق"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "تحقَّق من بريدك الوارِد",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "اضغط على الرابط الذي أرسلناه إليك للتحقق من %@. سننتظر هنا.",
"title": "شيءٌ أخير.",
"subtitle": "أنقر على الرابط المرسل إليك لاستيثاق حسابك.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "اُنقُر عَلَى الرَّابِطِ الَّذي أرسَلناهُ إليكَ عَبرَ البَريدِ الإلِكتُرُونيّ لِلتَّحَقُقِ مِن حِسابِك",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "فتح تطبيق البريد الإلكتروني",
"resend": "إعادَةُ الإرسال"
"dont_receive_email": {
@ -441,11 +350,6 @@
"description": "لقد أرسلنا لك بريدًا إلكترونيًا للتو. تحقق من مجلد البريد غير الهام الخاص بك إذا لم تكن قد فعلت ذلك.",
"mail": "البريد",
"open_email_client": "فتح عميل البريد الإلكتروني"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "ألم تحصل على رابط؟",
"resend_in": "إعادة إرسال (%@)",
"resend_now": "أعد الإرسال الآن."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "تمَّ النَّشر!",
"Publishing": "يَجري نَشر المُشارَكَة...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "ماستدون",
"logo_label": "ُّزِرُّ الشِّعار",
"logo_hint": "اُنقُر لِلتمريرِ لأعلى واُنقُر مَرّةً أُخرَى لِلذَّهابِ إلَى المَوقِعِ السَّابِق"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "رائج على ماستدون",
"follow_all": "اتبع الكل"
"title": "ابحث عن أشخاص لمتابعتهم",
"follow_explain": "عِندَ مُتابَعَتِكَ لأحدِهِم، سَوف تَرى مَنشوراته في تغذيَتِكَ الرئيسة."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "مَنشُورٌ جَديد",
"new_reply": "رَدٌّ جديد",
"edit_post": "تعديل المنشور"
"new_reply": "رَدٌّ جديد"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "اِلتِقاطُ صُورَة",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "مُعالجة الخادم جارِيَة..."
"poll": {
"title": "استطلاع رأي",
"duration_time": "المُدَّة: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "ثلاثون دقيقة",
"one_hour": "ساعةٌ واحدة",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "سبعةُ أيام",
"option_number": "الخيار %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "الاِستِطلاعُ غيرُ صالِح",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "يوجَدُ خِيارٌ فارِغٌ فِي الاِستِطلاع",
"add_option": "إضافة خيار",
"remove_option": "إزالة الخيار",
"move_up": "أنقله إلى أعلى",
"move_down": "أنقله إلى أسفل"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "يوجَدُ خِيارٌ فارِغٌ فِي الاِستِطلاع"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "اكتب تَحذيرًا دَقيقًا هُنا..."
@ -529,7 +427,7 @@
"enable_content_warning": "تفعيل تحذير المُحتَوى",
"disable_content_warning": "تعطيل تحذير المُحتَوى",
"post_visibility_menu": "قائمة ظهور المنشور",
"post_options": "خياراتُ المَنشور",
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "نَشر كَـ %s"
"keyboard": {
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "تبديل تحذير المُحتَوى",
"append_attachment_entry": "إضافة مُرفَق - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "اختر مدى الظهور - %s"
"language": {
"title": "لغة النشر",
"suggested": "المقترحَة",
"recent": "الأخيرة",
"other": "لغات أخرى…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "يُتابِعُك"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "مَنشورات",
"my_following": "مُتابَعُون",
"my_followers": "مُتابِعُون",
"other_posts": "مَنشورات",
"other_following": "مُتابَعُون",
"other_followers": "مُتابِعُون",
"familiar_followers": "متابعة متبادلة"
"posts": "مَنشورات",
"following": "مُتابَع",
"followers": "مُتابِع"
"fields": {
"joined": "انضم في",
"add_row": "إضافة صف",
"placeholder": {
"label": "التسمية",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "الكُل",
"people": "أشخاص",
"hashtags": "وُسُوم",
"posts": "مَنشُورات"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "لا تُوجَدُ نتائِج"
"recent_search": "عَمَليَّاُت البَحثِ الأخيرَة",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "مَحو"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "هَذِهِ هِيَ المَنشُوراتُ الَّتي تَكْتَسِبُ شَعبِيَّةً فِي الرُّكنِ الخاصِّ بِكَ مِن مَاستُودون."
"favorite": {
"title": "المفضلة"
"title": "مُفضَّلَتُك"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "مَنشور مِن %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "الإعدادات",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "المَظهر",
"automatic": "تلقائي",
"light": "مضيءٌ دائمًا",
"dark": "مظلمٌ دائِمًا"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "المَظهَرُ وَالشُّعُور",
"use_system": "استخدم النِظام",
"really_dark": "مُظلمٌ حَقًّا",
"sorta_dark": "مُظلمٌ نوعًا ما",
"light": "مُضيء"
"links": {
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"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "الإشعارات",
"favorites": "بِالإعْجاب بِمَنشوري",
"follows": "بِمُتابَعَتي",
"boosts": "بِإعادَةِ تدوينِ مَنشوري",
"mentions": "بِالإشارَةِ إليّ",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "أيُّ شخصٍ",
"follower": "مُتابِعٌ",
"follow": "أي شخص أُتابِعُه",
"noone": "لَا أحد",
"title": "أشعِرني عِندما يَقومُ"
"preference": {
"title": "التَّفضيلات",
"true_black_dark_mode": "النَّمَطُ الأسوَدُ الداكِنُ الحَقيقي",
"disable_avatar_animation": "تَعطيلُ الصوَرِ الرمزيَّةِ المُتحرِّكَة",
"disable_emoji_animation": "تَعطيلُ الرُموزِ التَّعبيريَّةِ المُتحرِّكَة",
"using_default_browser": "اِستِخدامُ المُتصفِّحِ الاِفتراضي لِفتحِ الرَّوابِط",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "فَتحُ الرَّوابِطِ فِي مَاستودُون"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "المنطِقَةُ المُملَّة",
"account_settings": "إعداداتُ الحِساب",
"terms": "شُرُوطُ الخِدمَة",
"privacy": "سِياسَةُ الخُصوصيَّة"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "المنطِقَةُ اللَّاذِعَة",
"clear": "مَحوُ ذاكِرَةِ التَّخزينِ المُؤقَّتِ لِلوسائِط",
"signout": "تَسجيلُ الخُروج"
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"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "ماستودون بَرنامجٌ مَفتُوحُ المَصدَر. يُمكِنُكَ المُساهَمَةُ، أوِ الإبلاغُ عَنِ المُشكِلات عَن طريق مِنصَّة جيت هاب (GitHub) في %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "إغلاق نافذة الإعدادات"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "تجاهُل مبدِّل الحِساب",
"add_account": "إضافَةُ حِساب"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "جديد في ماستودون",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "بدِّل بين حسابات متعددة عبر الاستمرار بالضغط على زر الملف الشخصي.",
"accessibility_hint": "انقر نقرًا مزدوجًا لتجاهُل النافذة المنبثقة"
"bookmark": {
"title": "العَلاماتُ المَرجعيَّة"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "وُسُومُ المُتابَع",
"header": {
"posts": "مَنشورات",
"participants": "المُشارِكُون",
"posts_today": "مَنشوراتُ اليَوم"
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"follow": "مُتابَعَة",
"unfollow": "إلغاءُ المُتابَعَة"
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"invalid_link_error": "لا يبدو أن هذا رابط ماستدون صالح."
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"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "الرجاء فتح ماستدون لتسجيل الدخول إلى حساب."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "المتابِعون",
"configuration_description": "إظهار عدد المتابعين.",
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"followers_today": "%s followers today"
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"configuration_display_name": "متابعين متعددين",
"configuration_description": "إظهار عدد المتابعين لحسابات متعددة.",
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"configuration_description": "إظهار أحدث المتابِعين.",
"title": "أحدث المتابعين",
"last_update": "آخر تحديث: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "وسم",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
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<string>%ld гадоў засталося</string>
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<string>%ld дзён засталося</string>
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<string>%ld гадзін засталося</string>
<string>%ld гадзін засталося</string>
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<string>%ld хвілін засталося</string>
<string>%ld хвілін засталося</string>
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<string>%ld секунд засталося</string>
<string>%ld секунд засталося</string>
<string>1 год таму</string>
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<string>%ld месяцаў таму</string>
<string>%ld месяцаў таму</string>
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<string>%ld дзён таму</string>
<string>%ld дзён таму</string>
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<string>%ld гадзіны таму</string>
<string>%ld гадзін таму</string>
<string>%ld гадзін таму</string>
<string>1 хвіліну таму</string>
<string>%ld хвіліны таму</string>
<string>%ld хвілін таму</string>
<string>%ld хвілін таму</string>
<string>1 секунду таму</string>
<string>%ld секунды таму</string>
<string>%ld секунд таму</string>
<string>%ld секунд таму</string>

View File

@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
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"please_try_again_later": "Паўтарыце спробу пазней."
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"user_blocking_warning": "Вы не можаце праглядаць профіль %s, \nпакуль не разблакіруеце яго.\nВось так для іх выглядае ваш профіль.",
"blocked_warning": "Вы не можаце праглядаць профіль гэтага карыстальніка, \nпакуль ён не разблакіруе вас.",
"user_blocked_warning": "Вы не можаце праглядаць профіль %s, \nпакуль ён не разблакіруе вас.",
"suspended_warning": "Уліковы запіс гэтага карыстальніка прыпынены.",
"user_suspended_warning": "Уліковы запіс %s прыпынены."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Няма спраўджанай спасылкі",
"followers_count": "%@ падпісчыкаў"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Увайсці",
"learn_more": "Даведацца больш",
"join_default_server": "Далучыцца да %@",
"pick_server": "Выбраць іншы сервер",
"separator": {
"or": "або"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Вітаем у Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon - гэта дэцэнтралізаваная сацыяльная сетка, што азначае, што ні адна кампанія не кантралюе яе. Ён складаецца з мноства незалежна працуюць сервераў, злучаных разам."
"servers": {
"title": "Што такое серверы?",
"description": "Кожны акаўнт Mastodon размяшчаецца на серверы - кожны са сваімі каштоўнасцямі, правіламі і адміністратарамі. Незалежна ад таго, які сервер вы вылучыце, вы можаце сачыць і ўзаемадзейнічаць з людзьмі на любым серверы."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Што такое Mastodon?"
"login": {
"title": "З вяртаннем",
"subtitle": "Увайдзіце на серверы, дзе вы стварылі свой уліковы запіс.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Увядзіце URL або адрас сервера"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Абярыце сервер",
"button": {
"language": "Мова",
"signup_speed": "Хуткасць рэгістрацыі",
"category": {
"all": "Усе",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Катэгорыя: Усе",
"academia": "акадэмія",
"activism": "актывізм",
"food": "ежа",
"furry": "фуры",
"games": "гульні",
"general": "асноўныя",
"journalism": "журналістыка",
"lgbt": "лгбт",
"regional": "рэгіянальныя",
"art": "мастацтва",
"music": "музыка",
"tech": "тэхналогіі"
"see_less": "Паказаць менш",
"see_more": "Паказаць больш"
"label": {
"language": "МОВА",
"category": "КАТЭГОРЫЯ"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Знайдзіце супольнасць або ўвядзіце URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Пошук даступных сервераў...",
"bad_network": "Нешта пайшло не так падчас загрузкі даных. Праверце інтэрнэт-злучэнне.",
"no_results": "Няма вынікаў"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Усе",
"instant": "Імгненная рэгістрацыя",
"manually_reviewed": "Агляд кіраўніцтва"
"language": {
"all": "Усе"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Назва пошуку або URL-адрас"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Калі вы не выберыце сервер, то мы выберам яго на аснове вашай мовы."
"privacy": {
"title": "Прыватнасць",
"description": "Хоць праграма Mastodon не збірае ніякіх даных, сервер, праз які вы зарэгістраваліся, можа мець іншую палітыку. Знайдзіце хвілінку, каб азнаёміцца і пагадзіцца з палітыкай прыватнасці праграмы Mastodon і палітыкай прыватнасці вашага сервера.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Палітыка прыватнасці - Mastodon для iOS",
"server": "Палітыка прыватнасці - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Я згодны"
"register": {
"title": "Стварыць уліковы запіс",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Выдаліць"
"username": {
"placeholder": "імя карыстальніка",
"duplicate_prompt": "Гэта імя карыстальніка занята.",
"suggestion": адзвычайны_%@"
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "бачнае імя"
"email": {
"placeholder": "электронная пошта"
"password": {
"placeholder": "пароль",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Пацвердзіць пароль",
"require": "Ваш пароль павінен мець як мінімум:",
"character_limit": "8 сімвалаў",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "адзначаны галачкай",
"unchecked": "галачка знятая"
"hint": "Ваш пароль павінен змяшчаць мінімум восем сімвалаў"
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Чаму вы жадаеце далучыцца?"
"error": {
"item": {
"username": "Імя карыстальніка",
"email": "Электронная пошта",
"password": "Пароль",
"agreement": "Пагадненне",
"locale": "Мова",
"reason": "Прычына"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s змяшчае забароненага пастаўшчыка email",
"unreachable": "%s не існуе",
"taken": "%s ужо занята. Як наконт:",
"reserved": "%s з'яўляецца зарэзерваваным ключавым словам",
"accepted": "%s павінна быць прынята",
"blank": "%s абавязковы",
"invalid": "%s несапраўдны",
"too_long": "%s занадта доўгі",
"too_short": "%s занадта кароткі",
"inclusion": "%s не з'яўляецца значэннем, якое падтрымліваецца"
"special": {
"username_invalid": "Імя карыстальніка павінна змяшчаць толькі літары, лічбы і знак падкрэслівання",
"username_too_long": "Імя карыстальніка занадта доўгае (не можа быць больш за 30 сімвалаў)",
"email_invalid": "Несапраўдны адрас электроннай пошты",
"password_too_short": "Пароль занадта кароткі (павінен быць не менш за 8 сімвалаў)"
"server_rules": {
"title": "Некаторыя асноўныя правілы.",
"subtitle": "Правілы вызначаныя мадэратарамі дамена %s.",
"prompt": "Працягваючы, вы згаджаецеся з умовамі выкарыстання і палітыкай канфідэнцыяльнасці %s.",
"terms_of_service": "умовы выкарыстання",
"privacy_policy": "палітыка канфідэнцыяльнасці",
"button": {
"confirm": "Я згодны"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Праверце паштовую скрыню",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Націсніце на спасылку, якую мы адправілі вам для праверкі %@. Мы чакаем вас тут.",
"button": {
"resend": "Адправіць паўторна"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Праверце электронную пошту",
"description": "Праверце, ці правільны ваш адрас электроннай пошты, а таксама папку са спамам, калі вы гэтага яшчэ не зрабілі.",
"resend_email": "Адправіць email паўторна"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Праверыць свой паштовую скрыню.",
"description": "Мы толькі што даслалі вам электронны ліст. Праверце папку са спамам, калі не знайшлі яго.",
"mail": "Пошта",
"open_email_client": "Адкрыць паштовы кліент"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Не атрымалі спасылку?",
"resend_in": "Адправіць паўторна (%@)",
"resend_now": "Адпраўце зараз паўторна."
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Галоўная",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Па-за сеткай",
"new_posts": "Паказаць новыя",
"published": "Апублікавана!",
"Publishing": "Допіс публікуецца...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_hint": "Націсніце, каб пракруціць уверх, і зноў націсніце, каб перайсці да папярэдняга месца"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Папулярна ў Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Падпісацца на ўсіх"
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Новы допіс",
"new_reply": "Новы адказ",
"edit_post": "Рэдагаваць допіс"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Зрабіць фота",
"photo_library": "Галерэя",
"browse": "Агляд"
"content_input_placeholder": "Напішыце тое, аб чым думаеце",
"compose_action": "Апублікаваць",
"replying_to_user": "адказ %s",
"attachment": {
"photo": "фота",
"video": "відэа",
"attachment_broken": "Гэты %s пашкоджаны і не можа быць\nзапампаваны ў Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Апішыце фота для людзей са слабым зрокам...",
"description_video": "Апішыце відэа для людзей са слабым зрокам...",
"load_failed": "Не ўдалося загрузіць",
"upload_failed": "Не ўдалося запампаваць",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Немагчыма распазнаць гэты медыяфайл",
"attachment_too_large": "Далучэнне занадта вялікае",
"compressing_state": "Сцісканне...",
"server_processing_state": "Апрацоўка сервера..."
"poll": {
"title": "Апытанне",
"duration_time": "Працягласць: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 хвілін",
"one_hour": "1 гадзіна",
"six_hours": "6 гадзін",
"one_day": "1 дзень",
"three_days": "3 дні",
"seven_days": "7 дзён",
"option_number": "Варыянт %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Апытанне мае памылкі",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Апытанне мае пусты варыянт",
"add_option": "Дадаць варыянт",
"remove_option": "Выдаліць варыянт",
"move_up": "Перамясціць уверх",
"move_down": "Перамясціць уніз"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Напішыце сваё папярэджанне тут..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Публічны",
"unlisted": "Не ў спісе",
"private": "Толькі для падпісчыкаў",
"direct": "Толькі людзі, якіх я згадаў"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "Прабел, каб дадаць"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Дадаць далучэнне",
"append_poll": "Дадаць апытанне",
"remove_poll": "Выдаліць апытанне",
"custom_emoji_picker": "Меню карыстальніцкіх эмодзі",
"enable_content_warning": "Уключыць папярэджанне аб змесціве",
"disable_content_warning": "Адключыць папярэджанне аб змесціве",
"post_visibility_menu": "Меню бачнасці допісу",
"post_options": "Параметры допісу",
"posting_as": "Апублікаваць як %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Скасаваць допіс",
"publish_post": "Апублікаваць допіс",
"toggle_poll": "Адкрыць/закрыць апытанне",
"toggle_content_warning": "Уключыць/адключыць папярэджанне аб змесціве",
"append_attachment_entry": "Дадаць далучэнне - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Выберыце бачнасць - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Мова допісу",
"suggested": "Прапанаваныя",
"recent": "Нядаўні",
"other": "Іншая мова…"
"profile": {
"header": {
"follows_you": "Падпісаны(-а) на вас"
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"my_posts": "допісы",
"my_following": "падпісаны",
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"other_followers": "падпісчыкі",
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"joined": "Далучыўся",
"add_row": "Дадаць радок",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Пазнака",
"content": "Змесціва"
"verified": {
"short": "Спраўджана %s",
"long": "Права ўласнасці на гэтую спасылку праверана %s"
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"posts": "Допісы",
"replies": "Адказы",
"posts_and_replies": "Допісы і адказы",
"media": "Медыя",
"about": "Аб праграме"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Ігнараваць уліковы запіс",
"message": "Ігнараваць %s?"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Не ігнараваць уліковы запіс",
"message": "Не ігнараваць %s?"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Заблакіраваць уліковы запіс",
"message": "Заблакіраваць %s?"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Разблакіраваць уліковы запіс",
"message": "Разблакіраваць %s?"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Паказаць пашырэнні",
"message": "Пацвердзіце, каб паказаць пашырэнні"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Схаваць пашырэнні",
"message": "Пацвердзіце, каб схаваць пашырэнні"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Паказаць аватар карыстальніка",
"edit_avatar_image": "Рэдагаваць аватар",
"show_banner_image": "Паказаць відарыс банера",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Двойчы націсніце, каб адкрыць спіс"
"follower": {
"title": "падпісчык",
"footer": "Падпісчыкі з іншых сервераў не адлюстроўваюцца."
"following": {
"title": "падпісаны",
"footer": "Падпіскі з іншых сервераў не адлюстроўваюцца."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Падпісчыкі, якіх вы ведаеце",
"followed_by_names": "Мае сярод падпісчыкаў %s"
"favorited_by": {
"title": "Дадалі ў абранае"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Пашырана"
"search": {
"title": "Пошук",
"search_bar": {
"placeholder": "Пошук хэштэгаў і карыстальнікаў",
"cancel": "Скасаваць"
"recommend": {
"button_text": "Прагледзець усе",
"hash_tag": {
"title": "Папулярныя ў Mastodon",
"description": "Хэштэгі, якія прыцягваюць увагу",
"people_talking": "%s чалавек размаўляе"
"accounts": {
"title": "Вам могуць спадабацца",
"description": "Магчыма, вы захочаце падпісацца на гэтыя профілі",
"follow": "Падпісацца"
"searching": {
"posts": "Супадзенне паведамленняў \"%s\"",
"people": "Супадзенне профіляў \"%s\"",
"profile": "Перайсці да @%s@%s",
"url": "Адкрыць спасылку ў Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Перайсці да #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Няма вынікаў"
"recent_search": "Нядаўнія запыты",
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"posts": "Допісы",
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"news": "Навіны",
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"for_you": "Для вас"
"intro": "Допісы, што набіраюць папулярнасць у вашым кутку Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Абраны"
"notification": {
"title": {
"Everything": "Усе",
"Mentions": "Згадванні"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "падпісаўся на вас",
"favorited_your_post": "дадаў ваш допіс у абранае",
"reblogged_your_post": "пашырыў ваш допіс",
"mentioned_you": "згадаў вас",
"request_to_follow_you": "адправіў запыт на падпіску",
"poll_has_ended": "апытанне завяршылася"
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"show_everything": "Паказаць усё",
"show_mentions": "Паказаць згадванні"
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"back_title": "Допіс",
"title": "Допіс ад %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
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"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"report": {
"title_report": "Скарга",
"title": "Паскардзіцца на %s",
"step1": "Крок 1 з 2",
"step2": "Крок 2 з 2",
"content1": "Ці ёсць іншыя допісы, якія вы хацелі б дадаць да скаргі?",
"content2": "Ці ёсць што-небудзь, што мадэратары павінны ведаць аб гэтай скарзе?",
"report_sent_title": "Дзякуй за вашу скаргу, мы яе разгледзім.",
"send": "Адправіць скаргу",
"skip_to_send": "Дасылаю без каментарыя",
"text_placeholder": "Увядзіце або ўстаўце дадатковыя каментарыі",
"reported": "Мае скаргі",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Крок 1 з 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Што не так з гэтым допісам?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Што не так з гэтым уліковым запісам?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Што не так з %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Выберыце найлепшы варыянт",
"i_dont_like_it": "Мне не падабаецца",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "Гэта не тое, што вы хочаце бачыць",
"its_spam": "Гэта спам",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Шкодныя спасылкі, фальшывыя ўзаемадзеянні або адказы, што паўтараюцца",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Гэта парушае правілы сервера",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Вам вядома, што гэта парушае пэўныя правілы",
"its_something_else": "Гэта нешта іншае",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Гэта праблема не падпадае ні пад адну з катэгорыі"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "Крок 2 з 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Якія правілы былі парушаны?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Абярыце ўсе варыянты, што падыходзяць",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "Мне не падабаецца"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Крок 3 з 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Ці ёсць допісы, якія пацвярджаюць гэтую скаргу?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Абярыце ўсе варыянты, што падыходзяць"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "Крок 4 з 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Што-небудзь яшчэ, што мы павінны ведаць?"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Не хочаце бачыць гэта?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Калі вы бачыце на Mastodon нешта, што вам не падабаецца, вы можаце выдаліць чалавека са свайго асяроддзя.",
"unfollow": "Адпісацца",
"unfollowed": "Адпісаліся",
"unfollow_user": "Адпісацца ад %s",
"mute_user": "Ігнараваць %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "Вы не ўбачыце іх допісы або пашырэнні ў сваёй хатняй стужцы. Яны не даведаюцца, што вы іх ігнаруеце.",
"block_user": "Заблакіраваць %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Яны больш не змогуць падпісвацца на вас або бачыць вашыя допісы, але змогуць бачыць, што яны былі заблакіраваны.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Пакуль мы разглядаем яе, вы можаце прыняць меры супраць %s"
"preview": {
"keyboard": {
"close_preview": "Зачыніць перадпрагляд",
"show_next": "Паказаць наступнае",
"show_previous": "Паказаць папярэдняе"
"account_list": {
"tab_bar_hint": "Бягучы профіль: %s. Двойчы націсніце і ўтрымлівайце, каб паказаць пераключальнік уліковых запісаў",
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Закрыць пераключальнік уліковых запісаў",
"add_account": "Дадаць уліковы запіс"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Закладкі"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Тэгі, за якімі вы сочыце",
"header": {
"posts": "допісаў",
"participants": "ўдзельнікі",
"posts_today": "допісаў сёння"
"actions": {
"follow": "Падпісацца",
"unfollow": "Адпісацца"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Здаецца, гэта несапраўдная спасылка на Mastodon."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Выбачайце, але гэта сямейства віджэтаў не падтрымліваецца.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Калі ласка, адкрыйце Mastodon, каб увайсці ў уліковы запіс."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Падпісчыкі",
"configuration_description": "Паказаць колькасць падпісчыкаў.",
"title": "ПАДПІСЧЫКІ",
"followers_today": "%s падпісчыкаў сёння"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Больш падпісчыкаў",
"configuration_description": "Паказаць колькасць падпісчыкаў для некалькіх акаўнтаў.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Яшчэ адзін паслядоўнік",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Апошнія падпісчыкі",
"configuration_description": "Паказаць апошніх падпісчыкаў.",
"title": "Апошнія падпісчыкі",
"last_update": "Апошняе абнаўленне: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Хэштэг",
"description": "Паказвае нядаўні допіс з выбраным хэштэгам."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "Джон Мастадон",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "На жаль, мы не змаглі знайсці допісы з хэштэгам <a>#%@</a>. Калі ласка, паспрабуйце <a>#ІншыХэштэг</a> або праверце налады віджэта."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "Джон Мастадон",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Вось як будзе выглядаць допіс з <a>#хэштэгам</a>. Выберыце любы <a>#хэштэг</a> у наладах віджэта."

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "Выкарыстоўваецца, каб зрабіць фатаграфію для статусу допісу",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Выкарыстоўваецца для захавання фатаграфій у бібліятэку",
"NewPostShortcutItemTitle": "Новы допіс",
"SearchShortcutItemTitle": "Пошук"

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>resten %#@character_count@</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 caràcter restant</string>
<string>1 caràcter</string>
<string>%ld caràcters restants</string>
<string>%ld caràcters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld impulsos</string>
<string>1 impuls</string>
<string>%ld impulsos</string>
@ -424,7 +408,7 @@
<string>fa 1 dia</string>
<string>fa 1 día</string>
<string>fa %ld dies</string>
@ -440,7 +424,7 @@
<string>fa 1 h</string>
<string>fa 1h</string>
<string>fa %ld hores</string>
@ -456,9 +440,9 @@
<string>fa 1 min</string>
<string>fa 1 minut</string>
<string>fa %ld min</string>
<string>fa %ld minuts</string>
@ -472,9 +456,9 @@
<string>fa 1 s</string>
<string>fa 1 segon</string>
<string>fa %ld s</string>
<string>fa %ld segons</string>

View File

@ -2,56 +2,55 @@
"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Torna-ho a provar.",
"please_try_again_later": "Prova-ho més tard."
"please_try_again": "Si us plau intenta-ho de nou.",
"please_try_again_later": "Si us plau, prova-ho més tard."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Error en el registre"
"server_error": {
"title": "Error del servidor"
"title": "Error del Servidor"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Error en votar",
"title": "Error del Vot",
"poll_ended": "L'enquesta ha finalitzat"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Descarta l'esborrany",
"message": "Confirma per a descartar el contingut de la publicació composta."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Error en publicar",
"message": "No s'ha pogut enviar la publicació.\nComprova la connexió a Internet.",
"title": "Error de Publicació",
"message": "No s'ha pogut enviar la publicació.\nComprova la teva connexió a Internet.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "No es pot adjuntar un vídeo a un tut que ja contingui imatges.",
"more_than_one_video": "No es pot adjuntar més d'un vídeo."
"video_attach_with_photo": "No es pot adjuntar un vídeo a una publicació que ja contingui imatges.",
"more_than_one_video": "No pots adjuntar més d'un vídeo."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Error en editar el perfil",
"message": "No es pot editar el perfil. Torna-ho a provar."
"title": "Error al Editar el Perfil",
"message": "No es pot editar el perfil. Si us plau torna-ho a provar."
"sign_out": {
"title": "Tanca la sessió",
"message": "Segur que vols tancar la sessió?",
"confirm": "Tanca la sessió"
"title": "Tancar Sessió",
"message": "Estàs segur que vols tancar la sessió?",
"confirm": "Tancar Sessió"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Estàs totalment segur que vols bloquejar per complet %s? En la majoria dels casos bloquejar o silenciar uns pocs objectius és suficient i preferible. No veureu contingut daquest domini i se suprimirà qualsevol dels vostres seguidors daquest domini.",
"block_entire_domain": "Bloca el domini"
"title": "Estàs segur, realment segur que vols bloquejar totalment %s? En la majoria dels casos bloquejar o silenciar uns pocs objectius és suficient i preferible. No veureu contingut daquest domini i se suprimirà qualsevol dels vostres seguidors daquest domini.",
"block_entire_domain": "Bloquejar Domini"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Error en desar la foto",
"message": "Activa el permís d'accés a la biblioteca de fotos per a desar-la."
"title": "Error al Desar la Foto",
"message": "Activa el permís d'accés a la biblioteca de fotos per desar-la."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Eliminar la publicació",
"message": "Segur que vols eliminar aquesta publicació?"
"title": "Esborrar Publicació",
"message": "Estàs segur que vols suprimir aquesta publicació?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Esborra la memòria cau",
"message": "S'han esborrat %s de memòria cau."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Nota",
"message": "La traducció ha fallat. Potser l'administrador d'aquest servidor no ha activat les traduccions o està executant una versió vella de Mastodon on les traduccions encara no eren suportades.",
"button": "D'acord"
"title": "Neteja la memòria cau",
"message": "S'ha netejat correctament la memòria cau de %s."
"controls": {
@ -68,67 +67,54 @@
"done": "Fet",
"confirm": "Confirma",
"continue": "Continua",
"compose": "Redacta",
"compose": "Composa",
"cancel": "Cancel·la",
"discard": "Descarta",
"try_again": "Torna a provar",
"take_photo": "Fes una foto",
"save_photo": "Desa la foto",
"copy_photo": "Copia la foto",
"sign_in": "Inicia sessió",
"see_more": "Mostra'n més",
"sign_in": "Iniciar sessió",
"sign_up": "Crea un compte",
"see_more": "Veure més",
"preview": "Vista prèvia",
"copy": "Copia",
"share": "Comparteix",
"share_user": "Comparteix %s",
"share_post": "Comparteix la publicació",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Compartir Publicació",
"open_in_safari": "Obrir a Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Obre al navegador",
"find_people": "Busca persones a seguir",
"manually_search": "Millor cerca manualment",
"manually_search": "Cerca manualment a canvi",
"skip": "Omet",
"reply": "Respon",
"report_user": "Denuncia %s",
"block_domain": "Bloca %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloca %s",
"report_user": "Informa sobre %s",
"block_domain": "Bloqueja %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloqueja %s",
"settings": "Configuració",
"delete": "Suprimeix",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Tradueix del: %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconegut"
"edit_post": "Edita",
"bookmark": "Marcador",
"remove_bookmark": "Elimina el marcador",
"follow": "Segueix a %s",
"unfollow": "Deixa de seguir %s"
"delete": "Suprimeix"
"tabs": {
"home": "Inici",
"search_and_explore": "Cerca i Explora",
"notifications": "Notificacions",
"profile": "Perfil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Cerca",
"explore": "Explora"
"search": "Cerca",
"notification": "Notificació",
"profile": "Perfil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
"switch_to_tab": "Canviar a %s",
"compose_new_post": "Redacta un Nou Tut",
"compose_new_post": "Redacta un nova publicació",
"show_favorites": "Mostra els Favorits",
"open_settings": "Obre la configuració"
"timeline": {
"previous_status": "Tut Anterior",
"next_status": "Tut Següent",
"open_status": "Obre el Tut",
"open_author_profile": "Obre el perfil de l'autor",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Obre el perfil de l'impuls",
"reply_status": "Respon a la publicació",
"toggle_reblog": "Commuta l'Impuls del Tut",
"toggle_favorite": "Commuta el Favorit del Tut",
"previous_status": "Publicació anterior",
"next_status": "Publicació següent",
"open_status": "Obre la publicació",
"open_author_profile": "Obre el Perfil de l'Autor",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Obre el Perfil del Impulsor",
"reply_status": "Respon a la Publicació",
"toggle_reblog": "Commuta l'Impuls de la Publicació",
"toggle_favorite": "Commuta el Favorit de la Publicació",
"toggle_content_warning": "Commuta l'Avís de Contingut",
"preview_image": "Vista prèvia de l'Imatge"
@ -140,41 +126,34 @@
"status": {
"user_reblogged": "%s ha impulsat",
"user_replied_to": "Ha respòs a %s",
"show_post": "Mostra el Tut",
"show_post": "Mostra la Publicació",
"show_user_profile": "Mostra el perfil de l'usuari",
"content_warning": "Advertència de Contingut",
"sensitive_content": "Contingut sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Toca qualsevol lloc per a mostrar",
"tap_to_reveal": "Toca per a mostrar",
"load_embed": "Carregar incrustat",
"link_via_user": "%s través de %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vota",
"closed": "Finalitzada"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Enllaç: %s",
"hashtag": "Etiqueta: %s",
"mention": "Mostra el perfil: %s",
"hashtag": "Etiqueta %s",
"mention": "Mostra el Perfil: %s",
"email": "Correu electrònic: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Respon",
"reblog": "Impulsa",
"unreblog": "Desfés l'impuls",
"reblog": "Impuls",
"unreblog": "Desfer l'impuls",
"favorite": "Favorit",
"unfavorite": "Desfés el favorit",
"unfavorite": "Desfer Favorit",
"menu": "Menú",
"hide": "Amaga",
"show_image": "Mostra la imatge",
"show_gif": "Mostra el GIF",
"show_video_player": "Mostra el reproductor de vídeo",
"share_link_in_post": "Compartir l'Enllaç en el Tut",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca i manté per a veure el menú",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Impulsa",
"unreblog": "Desfés l'impuls"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca i manté per a veure el menú"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -182,50 +161,26 @@
"link": "Enllaç",
"hashtag": "Etiqueta",
"email": "Correu electrònic",
"emoji": "Emojis"
"emoji": "Emoji"
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Tothom pot veure aquesta publicació, però no es mostra en la línia de temps pública.",
"private": "Només els seus seguidors poden veure aquest tut.",
"private_from_me": "Només els meus seguidors poden veure aquest tut.",
"direct": "Només l'usuari mencionat pot veure aquest tut."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Traduït del %s fent servir %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconegut",
"unknown_provider": "Desconegut",
"show_original": "Mostra l'Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, adjunt %d de %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expandeix l'imatge. Toca dues vegades i manté pressionat per a mostrar les opcions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expandeix el GIF. Toca dues vegades i manté pressionat per a mostrar les opcions",
"expand_video_hint": "Mostra el reproductor de vídeo. Toca dues vegades i manté pressionat per a mostrar les opcions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Impulsos",
"favorites_title": "Favorits",
"edit_history_title": "Edita l'Historial",
"edit_history_detail": "Darrera edició: %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Editat %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edita l'Historial",
"original_post": "Tut Original · %s"
"unlisted": "Tothom pot veure aquesta publicació però no es mostra en la línia de temps pública.",
"private": "Només els seus seguidors poden veure aquesta publicació.",
"private_from_me": "Només els meus seguidors poden veure aquesta publicació.",
"direct": "Només l'usuari mencionat pot veure aquesta publicació."
"friendship": {
"follow": "Segueix",
"following": "Seguint",
"request": "Sol·licitud",
"request": "Petició",
"pending": "Pendent",
"block": "Bloca",
"block_user": "Bloca %s",
"block_domain": "Bloca %s",
"unblock": "Desbloca",
"unblock_user": "Desbloca %s",
"blocked": "Blocat",
"block": "Bloqueja",
"block_user": "Bloqueja %s",
"block_domain": "Bloqueja %s",
"unblock": "Desbloqueja",
"unblock_user": "Desbloqueja %s",
"blocked": "Bloquejat",
"mute": "Silencia",
"mute_user": "Silencia %s",
"unmute": "Deixa de silenciar",
@ -241,50 +196,27 @@
"now": "Ara"
"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Carrega els tuts restants",
"loading_missing_posts": "Carregant els tuts restants...",
"load_missing_posts": "Carrega les publicacions faltants",
"loading_missing_posts": "Carregant les publicacions faltants...",
"show_more_replies": "Mostra més respostes"
"header": {
"no_status_found": "No s'ha Trobat cap Tut",
"blocking_warning": "No pots veure el perfil d'aquest usuari\nfins que el desbloquis.\nEl teu perfil els sembla així.",
"user_blocking_warning": "No pots veure el perfil de %s\nfins que el desbloquis.\nEl teu perfil els sembla així.",
"blocked_warning": "No pots veure el perfil d'aquest usuari\nfins que et desbloqui.",
"user_blocked_warning": "No pots veure el perfil de %s\nfins que et desbloqui.",
"no_status_found": "No s'ha trobat cap publicació",
"blocking_warning": "No pots veure el perfil d'aquest usuari\n fins que el desbloquegis.\nEl teu perfil els sembla així.",
"user_blocking_warning": "No pots veure el perfil de %s\n fins que el desbloquegis.\nEl teu perfil els sembla així.",
"blocked_warning": "No pots veure el perfil d'aquest usuari\nfins que et desbloquegi.",
"user_blocked_warning": "No pots veure el perfil de %s\n fins que et desbloquegi.",
"suspended_warning": "Aquest usuari ha estat suspès.",
"user_suspended_warning": "El compte de %s ha estat suspès."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Enllaç no verificat",
"followers_count": "%@ seguidors"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Inicia sessió",
"learn_more": "Més informació",
"join_default_server": "Uneix-te a %@",
"pick_server": "Tria un altre servidor",
"separator": {
"or": "o"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Benvingut a Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon és un xarxa social descentralitzada, el que significa que cap empresa la controla. Es composa de molts servidors administrats independentment, tots interconnectats."
"servers": {
"title": "Què son els servidors?",
"description": "Cada compte a Mastodon esta allotjat en un servidor, cadascún d'ells amb els seus propis valors, normes i administradors. Tant és quin trïis, podràs seguir i interactuar amb gent de qualsevol servidor."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Què és Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Xarxa social\nde nou a les teves mans.",
"get_started": "Comença",
"log_in": "Inicia sessió"
"login": {
"title": "Ben tornat",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Tria un Servidor",
"title": "Mastodon està fet d'usuaris en diferents comunitats.",
"subtitle": "Tria un servidor en funció de la teva regió, interessos o un de propòsit general. Seguiràs podent connectar amb tothom a Mastodon, independentment del servidor.",
"button": {
"language": "Llengua",
"signup_speed": "Velocitat de registre",
"category": {
"all": "Totes",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Categoria: Totes",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Cercant els servidors disponibles...",
"bad_network": "Alguna cosa no ha anat bé en carregar les dades. Comprova la teva connexió a Internet.",
"no_results": "No hi ha resultats"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Tots",
"instant": "Registre instàntani",
"manually_reviewed": "Revisió manual"
"language": {
"all": "Totes"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Cerca nom o URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Escollirem un servidor basat en la teva llengua si continues sense res seleccionat.\nElegiremos un servidor basado en su idioma si continúa sin hacer una selección."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacitat",
"description": "Tot i que l'aplicació Mastodon no recull cap dada, el servidor mitjançant el qual et registres pot tenir una política diferent. Pren un minut per revisar i acceptar la política de privadesa de l'aplicació Mastodon i la política de privadesa del teu servidor.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Política de Privacitat - Mastodon per a iOS",
"server": "Politìca de Privacitat - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Hi estic d'acord"
"register": {
"title": "Crear un compte",
"title": "Anem a configurar-te a %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Anem a configurar-te a %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Suprimeix"
"username": {
"placeholder": "nom d'usuari",
"duplicate_prompt": "Aquest nom d'usuari ja està en ús.",
"suggestion": "increible_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Aquest nom d'usuari ja està en ús."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nom visible"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "contrasenya",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirma la Contrasenya",
"require": "La teva contrasenya com a mínim necessita:",
"character_limit": "8 caràcters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s conté un proveïdor de correu electrònic no autoritzat",
"unreachable": "%s sembla que no existeix",
"taken": "%s ja està agafat. Què et sembla:",
"taken": "%s ja sestà fent servir",
"reserved": "%s és una paraula clau reservada",
"accepted": "%s ha de ser acceptat",
"blank": "%s és requerit",
@ -426,13 +333,15 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Comprova la Teva Safata d'entrada",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Toca l'enllaç que t'hem enviat per a verificar %@. Esperarem aquí mateix.",
"title": "Una última cosa.",
"subtitle": "Toca l'enllaç del correu electrònic que t'hem enviat per a confirmar el teu compte.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Toca l'enllaç del correu electrònic que t'hem enviat per a confirmar el teu compte",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Obre l'aplicació de correu",
"resend": "Reenvia"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Revisa el teu correu",
"title": "Comprova el teu correu",
"description": "Comprova que la teva adreça de correu electrònic és correcte i revisa la carpeta de correu brossa si encara no ho has fet.",
"resend_email": "Torna a enviar el correu"
@ -441,35 +350,29 @@
"description": "Acabem d'enviar-te un correu electrònic. Revisa la carpeta de correu brossa si encara no ho has fet.",
"mail": "Correu electrònic",
"open_email_client": "Obre el Client de Correu electrònic"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "No has rebut l'enllaç?",
"resend_in": "Torna a enviar (%@)",
"resend_now": "Reenvia ara."
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Inici",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Fora de línia",
"new_posts": "Veure nous tuts",
"new_posts": "Veure noves publicacions",
"published": "Publicat!",
"Publishing": "S'està publicant...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Botó de logotip",
"logo_hint": "Toca per desplaçar-te cap a dalt i torna a toca de nou per tornar a la ubicació anterior"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular a Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Seguir a tothom"
"title": "Cerca Persones a Seguir",
"follow_explain": "Quan segueixes algú, veuràs les seves publicacions a Inici."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nou Tut",
"new_reply": "Nova Resposta",
"edit_post": "Edita el Tut"
"new_post": "Nova publicació",
"new_reply": "Nova Resposta"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Fes una Foto",
@ -483,8 +386,8 @@
"photo": "foto",
"video": "vídeo",
"attachment_broken": "Aquest %s està trencat i no pot ser\ncarregat a Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Descriu la foto per a les persones amb diversitat funcional...",
"description_video": "Descriu el vídeo per a les persones amb diversitat funcional...",
"description_photo": "Descriu la foto per als disminuïts visuals...",
"description_video": "Descriu el vídeo per als disminuïts visuals...",
"load_failed": "Ha fallat la càrrega",
"upload_failed": "Pujada fallida",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "No es pot reconèixer aquest adjunt multimèdia",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Servidor processant..."
"poll": {
"title": "Enquesta",
"duration_time": "Durada: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minuts",
"one_hour": "1 Hora",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Dies",
"option_number": "Opció %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "L'enquesta no és vàlida",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "L'enquesta té una opció buida",
"add_option": "Afegeix Opció",
"remove_option": "Treu Opció",
"move_up": "Desplaça Amunt",
"move_down": "Desplaça Avall"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "L'enquesta té una opció buida"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Escriu un advertiment precís aquí..."
@ -528,23 +426,17 @@
"custom_emoji_picker": "Selector d'Emoji Personalitzat",
"enable_content_warning": "Activa l'Avís de Contingut",
"disable_content_warning": "Desactiva l'Avís de Contingut",
"post_visibility_menu": "Menú de Visibilitat del Tut",
"post_options": "Opcions del Tut",
"post_visibility_menu": "Menú de Visibilitat de Publicació",
"post_options": "Opcions del tut",
"posting_as": "Publicant com a %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Descarta el Tut",
"publish_post": "Envia el Tut",
"discard_post": "Descarta la Publicació",
"publish_post": "Envia la Publicació",
"toggle_poll": "Commuta l'enquesta",
"toggle_content_warning": "Commuta l'Avís de Contingut",
"append_attachment_entry": "Afegeix Adjunt - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Selecciona la Visibilitat - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Llengua del Tut",
"suggested": "Suggerit",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Altre Llengua…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Et segueix"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "tuts",
"my_following": "seguint",
"my_followers": "seguidors",
"other_posts": "tuts",
"other_following": "seguint",
"other_followers": "seguidors",
"familiar_followers": "mutu"
"posts": "publicacions",
"following": "seguint",
"followers": "seguidors"
"fields": {
"joined": "S'hi va unir",
"add_row": "Afegeix fila",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Etiqueta",
@ -573,9 +460,9 @@
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Tuts",
"posts": "Publicacions",
"replies": "Respostes",
"posts_and_replies": "Tuts i Respostes",
"posts_and_replies": "Publicacions i Respostes",
"media": "Mèdia",
"about": "Quant a"
@ -589,12 +476,12 @@
"message": "Confirma deixar de silenciar a %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Bloca el Compte",
"message": "Confirma per a blocar %s"
"title": "Bloqueja el Compte",
"message": "Confirma per a bloquejar %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Desbloca el Compte",
"message": "Confirma per a desblocar %s"
"title": "Desbloqueja el Compte",
"message": "Confirma per a desbloquejar %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Mostra els Impulsos",
@ -628,7 +515,7 @@
"title": "Preferit per"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Impulsat Per"
"title": "Impulsat per"
"search": {
"title": "Cerca",
@ -650,35 +537,31 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Tuts coincidents amb \"%s\"",
"people": "Perfils coincidents amb \"%s\"",
"profile": "Vés a @%s@%s",
"url": "Obre l'enllaç a Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Vés a #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Tots",
"people": "Gent",
"hashtags": "Etiquetes",
"posts": "Publicacions"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No hi ha resultats"
"recent_search": "Cerques recents",
"clear_all": "Esborra-ho tot",
"clear": "Neteja"
"discovery": {
"tabs": {
"posts": "Tuts",
"posts": "Publicacions",
"hashtags": "Etiquetes",
"news": "Notícies",
"community": "Comunitat",
"for_you": "Per a tu"
"intro": "Aquests son els tuts que criden l'atenció en el teu racó de Mastodon."
"intro": "Aquestes son les publicacions que criden l'atenció en el teu racó de Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorits"
"title": "Els teus Favorits"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -705,72 +588,64 @@
"thread": {
"back_title": "Tut",
"title": "Tut de %s"
"back_title": "Publicació",
"title": "Publicació de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Configuració",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Aparença",
"automatic": "Automàtic",
"light": "Sempre Clara",
"dark": "Sempre Fosca"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Aspecte i Comportament",
"use_system": "Usa el del Sistema",
"really_dark": "Realment Negre",
"sorta_dark": "Una Mena de Fosc",
"light": "Clar"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notificacions",
"favorites": "Ha afavorit el meu estat",
"follows": "Em segueix",
"boosts": "Ha impulsat el meu estat",
"mentions": "M'ha mencionat",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "algú",
"follower": "un seguidor",
"follow": "a qualsevol que segueixi",
"noone": "ningú",
"title": "Notifica'm quan"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferències",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Mode negre fosc autèntic",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Desactiva avatars animats",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Desactiva emojis animats",
"using_default_browser": "Utilitza el navegador predeterminat per a obrir enllaços",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Obre enllaços a Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "La Zona Avorrida",
"account_settings": "Paràmetres del Compte",
"terms": "Termes de Servei",
"privacy": "Política de Privacitat"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "La Zona Picant",
"clear": "Esborra la memòria cau de Mèdia",
"signout": "Tancar Sessió"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon és un programari de codi obert. Pots informar de problemes a GitHub a %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Tancar la Finestra de Configuració"
"report": {
@ -778,7 +653,7 @@
"title": "Informa sobre %s",
"step1": "Pas 1 de 2",
"step2": "Pas 2 de 2",
"content1": "Hi ha algun altre tut que vulguis afegir a l'informe?",
"content1": "Hi ha alguna altre publicació que vulguis afegir a l'informe?",
"content2": "Hi ha alguna cosa que els moderadors hagin de saber sobre aquest informe?",
"report_sent_title": "Gràcies per informar, ho investigarem.",
"send": "Envia Informe",
@ -787,7 +662,7 @@
"reported": "REPORTAT",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Pas 1 de 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Quin és el problema amb aquest tut?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Quin és el problema amb aquesta publicació?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Quin és el problema amb aquest compte?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Quin és el problema amb %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Selecciona la millor coincidència",
@ -808,7 +683,7 @@
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Pas 3 de 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Hi ha alguns tuts que recolzin aquest informe?",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Hi ha alguna publicació que recolzi aquest informe?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Selecciona tot el que correspongui"
"step_four": {
@ -817,14 +692,14 @@
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "No vols veure això?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Quan veus alguna cosa que no t'agrada a Mastodon, pots eliminar la persona de la teva experiència.",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Quan veus alguna cosa que no t'agrada a Mastodon, pots eliminar la persona de la vostra experiència.",
"unfollow": "Deixa de seguir",
"unfollowed": "S'ha deixat de seguir",
"unfollow_user": "Deixa de seguir %s",
"mute_user": "Silencia %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "No veuràs els seus tuts o impulsos a la teva línia de temps personal. No sabran que han estat silenciats.",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "No veuràs les seves publicacions o impulsos a la teva línia de temps personal. No sabran que han estat silenciats.",
"block_user": "Bloca %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Ja no podran seguir ni veure els teus tuts, però poden veure si han estat blocats.",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Ja no podran seguir ni veure les teves publicacions, però poden veure si han estat bloquejats.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Mentre ho revisem, pots prendre mesures contra %s"
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Descartar el commutador de comptes",
"add_account": "Afegir compte"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Nou a Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Commuta entre diversos comptes mantenint premut el botó del perfil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Toca dues vegades per descartar l'assistent"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Marcadors"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Etiquetes seguides",
"header": {
"posts": "tuts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "tuts d'avui"
"actions": {
"follow": "Segueix",
"unfollow": "Deixa de seguir"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Aquest no sembla ser un enllaç vàlid de Mastodon."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Ho sentim però aquesta familia de ginys no està suportada.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Si us plau obre Mastodon per a iniciar sessió en un Compte."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Seguidors",
"configuration_description": "Mostra el número de seguidors.",
"title": "SEGUIDORS",
"followers_today": "%s seguidors avui"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Múltiples seguidors",
"configuration_description": "Mostra el número de seguidors per a múltiples comptes.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Un altre seguidor",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Els darrers seguidors",
"configuration_description": "Mostra els darrers seguidors.",
"title": "Els darrers seguidors",
"last_update": "Darrera actualització: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Etiqueta",
"description": "Mostra un tut recent amb l'etiqueta seleccionada."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-existeix-el.compte",
"content": "Ho sentim, no hem pogut trobar cap tut amb l'etiqueta <a>#%@</a>. Si us plau, prova una <a>#EtiquetaDiferent</a> o revisa la configuració del giny."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-existeix-el.compte",
"content": "Així és com es veuría un tut amb <a>#etiqueta</a>. Tria la <a>#etiqueta</a> que vulguis en la configuració del giny."

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld پۆستکردنەوە</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "نەتوانرا دەنگ بدرێت",
"poll_ended": "دەنگدانەکە کۆتایی هاتووە"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "ڕەشنووس هەڵمەگرە",
"message": "دڵنیا ببەوە بۆ وازهێنان لە ناوەڕۆکەت."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "نەتوانرا پۆستەکە بکرێت",
"message": "نەتوانرا پۆستەکە بکرێت.\nتکایە لە بەردەستبوونی هێڵی ئینتەرنێت دڵنیا بە.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "بیرگە پاک بکەوە",
"message": "سەرکەوتووانە بیرگەی %s پاک کرایەوە."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "هەڵی بگرە",
"copy_photo": "لەبەری بگرەوە",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "زیاتر ببینە",
"preview": "پێشبینین",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "هاوبەشی بکە",
"share_user": "%s هاوبەش بکە",
"share_post": "هاوبەشی بکە",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "%s ئاستەنگ بکە",
"unblock_domain": "%s ئاستەنگ مەکە",
"settings": "رێکخستنەکان",
"delete": "بیسڕەوە",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "بیسڕەوە"
"tabs": {
"home": "ماڵەوە",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "پرۆفایل",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "بگەڕێ",
"notification": "ئاگادارکردنەوەکان",
"profile": "پرۆفایل"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "ناوەڕۆکی هەستیار",
"media_content_warning": "دەستی پیا بنێ بۆ نیشاندانی",
"tap_to_reveal": "دەستی پیا بنێ بۆ نیشاندانی",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "دەنگ بدە",
"closed": "داخراوە"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "وێنەکە نیشان بدە",
"show_gif": "گیفەکە نیشان بدە",
"show_video_player": "ڤیدیۆکە لێ بدە",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "دەستی پیا بنێ و بیگرە بۆ نیشاندانی پێڕستەکە",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "دەستی پیا بنێ و بیگرە بۆ نیشاندانی پێڕستەکە"
"tag": {
"url": "بەستەر",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "تەنیا شوێنکەوتووەکانی دەتوانن ئەم پۆستە ببینن.",
"private_from_me": "تەنیا شوێنکەوتووەکانم دەتوانن ئەم پۆستە ببینن.",
"direct": "تەنیا بەکارهێنەرە ئاماژە پێکراوەکە دەتوانێت ئەم پۆستە ببینێت."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "هەژماری %s ڕاگیراوە."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "بچۆ ژوورەوە",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "تۆڕی کۆمەڵایەتی\nلەژێر دەستەکانت.",
"get_started": "دەست پێ بکە",
"log_in": "بچۆ ژوورەوە"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "ماستۆدۆن لە چەندان بەکارهێنەر پێک دێت کە لە ڕاژەکاری جیاواز دان.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "هەموو",
"all_accessiblity_description": "بەش: هەموو",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "ڕاژەکار دەدۆزرێتەوە...",
"bad_network": "هەڵەیەک ڕوویدا لە کاتی بارکردن. لە هەبوونی هێڵی ئینتەرنێت دڵنیا بە.",
"no_results": "ئەنجام نییە"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "خۆت تۆمار بکە لە %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "بیسڕەوە"
"username": {
"placeholder": "ناوی بەکارهێنەر",
"duplicate_prompt": "ئەم ناوە گیراوە.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "ئەم ناوە گیراوە."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "ناوی نیشاندان"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "تێپەڕوشە",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "تێپەڕوشەکەت لایەنی کەم پێویستیی هەیە بە:",
"character_limit": "8 پیت",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s خزمەتگوزارییەکی ئیمێڵی ڕێپێنەدراو بەکار دەهێنێت",
"unreachable": "%s بوونی نییە",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s بەکار هێنراوە لەلایەن یەکێکی تر",
"reserved": "%s وشەیەکی گیراوە",
"accepted": "%s دەبێت قبووڵ بکرێت",
"blank": "%s پێویستە",
@ -422,30 +329,27 @@
"terms_of_service": "مەرجەکانی بەکارهێنان",
"privacy_policy": "سیاسەتی تایبەتێتی",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm": "ڕازیم"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "کۆتا شت.",
"subtitle": "بۆ پشتڕاستکردنەوەی هەژمارەکەت ئەو بەستەرە بکەوە کە بە ئیمێڵ بۆمان ناردوویت.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "بەرنامەی ئیمێڵەکەت بکەوە",
"resend": "بینێرەوە"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "ئیمێڵەکەت ببینە",
"description": "دڵنیا بە لەوەی ئیمێڵەکەت دروستە و هەموو بوخچەکانت بگەڕێ.",
"resend_email": "ئیمێڵەکە بنێرەوە"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "ئیمێڵەکانت ببینە.",
"description": "ئیمێڵێکمان بۆ ناردیت. هەموو بوخچەکانت ببینە.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "بەرنامەی ئیمێڵەکەت بکەوە"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "بڵاوکرایەوە!",
"Publishing": "پۆستەکە بڵاو دەکرێتەوە...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "خەڵک بدۆزەوە",
"follow_explain": "کاتێک شوێنی یەکێک دەکەویت، پۆستەکانی دێتە بەردەمت."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "پۆستی نوێ",
"new_reply": "وەڵامی نوێ",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "وەڵامی نوێ"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "وێنە بگرە",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "کات: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 خولەک",
"one_hour": "1 کاتژمێر",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 ڕۆژ",
"option_number": "بژاردەی %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "ئاگادارییەکەت لێرە بنووسە..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "ئاگاداریی ناوەڕۆک نیشان بدە",
"append_attachment_entry": "پێوەکراوی پێوە بکە - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "شێوازی دەرکەوتن هەڵبژێرە - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "پۆستەکان",
"following": "شوێنکەوتن",
"followers": "شوێنکەوتوو"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "ڕیز زیاد بکە",
"placeholder": {
"label": "ناونیشان",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "هەمووی",
"people": "خەڵک",
"hashtags": "هاشتاگ",
"posts": "پۆست"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "هیچ ئەنجامێک نەدۆزرایەوە"
"recent_search": "گەڕانەکانی پێشترت",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "بیانسڕەوە"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "پۆست هەیە سەرنجیان لەسەرە لە گۆشەکەی تۆ."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "بەدڵبووەکانت"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "پۆستی %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "رێکخستنەکان",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "ڕووخسار",
"automatic": "خۆکار",
"light": "ڕووناک",
"dark": "تاریک"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "ڕووخسار و هەست",
"use_system": "سیستەم",
"really_dark": "زۆر تاریک",
"sorta_dark": "کەم تاریک",
"light": "ڕووناک"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "ئاماژەکان نیشان بدە",
"favorites": "پۆستەکەمی بەدڵ دەبێت",
"follows": "شوێنم دەکەوێت",
"boosts": "پۆستەکەم پۆست دەکاتەوە",
"mentions": "ئاماژەم پێ دەکات",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "هەرکەسێک",
"follower": "شوێنکەوتووێکم",
"follow": "هەرکەسێک شوێنی دەکەوم",
"noone": "هیچکەس",
"title": "ئاگادارم بکەوە کاتێک"
"preference": {
"title": "پەسەندەکان",
"true_black_dark_mode": "دۆخی ڕەش",
"disable_avatar_animation": "وێنە جووڵاوەکان ناچالاک بکە",
"disable_emoji_animation": "ئیمۆجییە جووڵاوەکان ناچالاک بکە",
"using_default_browser": "وێبگەڕی بنەڕەت بەکار بهێنە بۆ کردنەوەی بەستەرەکان",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "بەستەرەکان لەناو ماستۆدۆن بکەوە"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "ناوچە بێنازەکە",
"account_settings": "ڕێکخستنەکانی هەژمار",
"terms": "مەرجەکانی بەکارهێنان",
"privacy": "سیاسەتی تایبەتێتی"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "ناوچەی گەرم",
"clear": "بیرگە پاک بکەوە",
"signout": "دەربچۆ"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "ماستۆدۆن پڕۆژەیەکی سەرچاوەکراوەیە. دەتوانیت لە گیتهەب لە کێشەکان ئاگادارمان بکەیتەوە: %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "ڕێخستنەکان دابخە"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "پێڕستی هەژمارەکان دابخە",
"add_account": "هەژمارێک زیاد بکە"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "نوێ",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "هەژمارەکەت بگۆڕە بە دەستڕاگرتن لەسەر دوگمەی پرۆفایلەکە.",
"accessibility_hint": "دوو جار دەستی پیا بنێ بۆ داخستنی"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 znak</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld znaky</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld znaků</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld znaků</string>
@ -217,26 +217,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Selhání hlasování",
"poll_ended": "Anketa skončila"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Zahodit koncept",
"message": "Potvrďte odstranění obsahu složeného příspěvku."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publikování selhalo",
"message": "Nepodařilo se publikovat příspěvek.\nZkontrolujte prosím připojení k internetu.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Vyčistit mezipaměť",
"message": "Úspěšně vyčištěno %s mezipaměti."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Poznámka",
"message": "Překlad se nezdařil. Správce možná nepovolil překlad na tomto serveru nebo tento server používá starší verzi Mastodonu, kde překlady ještě nejsou podporovány.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Uložit fotku",
"copy_photo": "Kopírovat fotografii",
"sign_in": "Přihlásit se",
"sign_up": "Vytvořit účet",
"see_more": "Zobrazit více",
"preview": "Náhled",
"copy": "Kopírovat",
"share": "Sdílet",
"share_user": "Sdílet %s",
"share_post": "Sdílet příspěvek",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Blokovat %s",
"unblock_domain": "Odblokovat %s",
"settings": "Nastavení",
"delete": "Smazat",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Přeložit z %s",
"unknown_language": "Neznámý"
"edit_post": "Upravit",
"bookmark": "Záložka",
"remove_bookmark": "Odstranit záložku",
"follow": "Sledovat %s",
"unfollow": "Přestat sledovat %s"
"delete": "Smazat"
"tabs": {
"home": "Domů",
"search_and_explore": "Hledat a zkoumat",
"notifications": "Oznámení",
"profile": "Profil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Hledat",
"explore": "Prozkoumat"
"search": "Hledat",
"notification": "Oznamování",
"profile": "Profil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -127,8 +113,8 @@
"open_author_profile": "Otevřít profil autora",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Otevřít rebloggerův profil",
"reply_status": "Odpovědět na příspěvek",
"toggle_reblog": "Přepnout Reblog na příspěvku",
"toggle_favorite": "Přepnout Oblíbené na příspěvku",
"toggle_reblog": "Toggle Reblog on Post",
"toggle_favorite": "Toggle Favorite on Post",
"toggle_content_warning": "Přepnout varování obsahu",
"preview_image": "Náhled obrázku"
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Citlivý obsah",
"media_content_warning": "Klepnutím kdekoli zobrazíte",
"tap_to_reveal": "Klepnutím zobrazit",
"load_embed": "Načíst vložené",
"link_via_user": "%s přes %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Hlasovat",
"closed": "Uzavřeno"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Zobrazit obrázek",
"show_gif": "Zobrazit GIF",
"show_video_player": "Zobrazit video přehrávač",
"share_link_in_post": "Sdílet odkaz v příspěvku",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Klepnutím podržte pro zobrazení nabídky",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Klepnutím podržte pro zobrazení nabídky"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Pouze jejich sledující mohou vidět tento příspěvek.",
"private_from_me": "Pouze moji sledující mohou vidět tento příspěvek.",
"direct": "Pouze zmíněný uživatel může vidět tento příspěvek."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Přeloženo z %s pomocí %s",
"unknown_language": "Neznámý",
"unknown_provider": "Neznámý",
"show_original": "Zobrazit originál"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Rozšíří obrázek. Dvojitým klepnutím a podržením zobrazíte akce",
"expand_gif_hint": "Rozšíří GIF. Dvojitým klepnutím a podržením zobrazíte akce",
"expand_video_hint": "Zobrazí přehrávač videa. Dvojitým klepnutím a podržením zobrazíte akce"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Oblíbení",
"edit_history_title": "Historie úprav",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Historie úprav",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "Účet %s byl pozastaven."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Přihlásit se",
"learn_more": "Zjistit více",
"join_default_server": "Připojit se k %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Sociální sítě opět ve vašich rukou.",
"get_started": "Začínáme",
"log_in": "Přihlásit se"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"title": "Vítejte zpět",
"subtitle": "Přihlaste se na serveru, na kterém jste si vytvořili účet.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Zadejte URL nebo vyhledávejte váš server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon tvoří uživatelé z různých serverů.",
"subtitle": "Vyberte server založený ve vašem regionu, podle zájmů nebo podle obecného účelu. Stále můžete chatovat s kýmkoli na Mastodonu bez ohledu na vaše servery.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "Vše",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Kategorie: Vše",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Hledání dostupných serverů...",
"bad_network": "Při načítání dat nastala chyba. Zkontrolujte připojení k internetu.",
"no_results": "Žádné výsledky"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Pojďme si nastavit %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Pojďme si nastavit %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Smazat"
"username": {
"placeholder": "uživatelské jméno",
"duplicate_prompt": "Toto uživatelské jméno je použito.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Toto uživatelské jméno je použito."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "zobrazované jméno"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "heslo",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Heslo musí být alespoň:",
"character_limit": "8 znaků",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s používá zakázanou e-mailovou službu",
"unreachable": "%s pravděpodobně neexistuje",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s se již používá",
"reserved": "%s je rezervované klíčové slovo",
"accepted": "%s musí být přijato",
"blank": "%s je vyžadováno",
@ -422,30 +329,27 @@
"terms_of_service": "podmínky služby",
"privacy_policy": "zásady ochrany osobních údajů",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm": "Souhlasím"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "Ještě jedna věc.",
"subtitle": "Klepněte na odkaz, který jsme vám poslali e-mailem, abyste ověřili Váš účet.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Klepněte na odkaz, který jsme vám poslali e-mailem, abyste ověřili Váš účet",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Otevřít e-mailovou aplikaci",
"resend": "Poslat znovu"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Zkontrolujte svůj e-mail",
"description": "Zkontrolujte, zda je vaše e-mailová adresa správná, stejně jako složka nevyžádané pošty, pokud ji máte.",
"resend_email": "Znovu odeslat e-mail"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Zkontrolujte doručenou poštu.",
"description": "Právě jsme vám poslali e-mail. Zkontrolujte složku nevyžádané zprávy, pokud ji máte.",
"mail": "Pošta",
"open_email_client": "Otevřít e-mailového klienta"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Publikováno!",
"Publishing": "Publikování příspěvku...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Tlačítko s logem",
"logo_hint": "Klepnutím přejdete nahoru a znovu klepněte na předchozí místo"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Najít lidi pro sledování",
"follow_explain": "Když někoho sledujete, uvidíte jejich příspěvky ve vašem domovském kanálu."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nový příspěvek",
"new_reply": "Nová odpověď",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "Nová odpověď"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Vyfotit",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Zpracování serveru..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Doba trvání: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minut",
"one_hour": "1 hodina",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 dní",
"option_number": "Možnost %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Anketa je neplatná",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Anketa má prázdnou možnost",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Anketa má prázdnou možnost"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Zde napište přesné varování..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Přepnout varování obsahu",
"append_attachment_entry": "Přidat přílohu - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Vyberte viditelnost - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Sleduje vás"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "příspěvky",
"my_following": "sledování",
"my_followers": "sledující",
"other_posts": "příspěvky",
"other_following": "sledování",
"other_followers": "sledující",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "příspěvky",
"following": "sledování",
"followers": "sledující"
"fields": {
"joined": "Připojen/a",
"add_row": "Přidat řádek",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Označení",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Vše",
"people": "Lidé",
"hashtags": "Hashtagy",
"posts": "Příspěvky"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Žádné výsledky"
"recent_search": "Nedávná hledání",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Vymazat"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Toto jsou příspěvky, které získávají pozornost ve vašem koutu Mastodonu."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Vaše oblíbené"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Příspěvek od %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Nastavení",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Vzhled",
"automatic": "Automaticky",
"light": "Vždy světlý",
"dark": "Vždy tmavý"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Vzhled a chování",
"use_system": "Použít systém",
"really_dark": "Skutečně tmavý",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Světlý"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Upozornění",
"favorites": "Oblíbil si můj příspěvek",
"follows": "Sleduje mě",
"boosts": "Boostnul můj příspěvek",
"mentions": "Zmiňuje mě",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "kdokoliv",
"follower": "sledující",
"follow": "kdokoli, koho sleduji",
"noone": "nikdo",
"title": "Upozornit, když"
"preference": {
"title": "Předvolby",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Skutečný černý tmavý režim",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Zakázat animované avatary",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Zakázat animované emoji",
"using_default_browser": "Použít výchozí prohlížeč pro otevírání odkazů",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Otevřít odkazy v Mastodonu"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "Nudná část",
"account_settings": "Nastavení účtu",
"terms": "Podmínky služby",
"privacy": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "Ostrá část",
"clear": "Vymazat mezipaměť médií",
"signout": "Odhlásit se"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon je open source software. Na GitHub můžete nahlásit problémy na %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Zavřít okno nastavení"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Zrušit přepínač účtů",
"add_account": "Přidat účet"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Nový v Mastodonu",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Přepínání mezi více účty podržením tlačítka profilu.",
"accessibility_hint": "Dvojitým poklepáním tohoto průvodce odmítnete"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Záložky"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Sledované štítky",
"header": {
"posts": "příspěvky",
"participants": "účastníci",
"posts_today": "příspěvky dnes"
"actions": {
"follow": "Sledovat",
"unfollow": "Přestat sledovat"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -13,23 +13,23 @@
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb ei ddarllen</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb ei ddarllen</string>
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb eu darllen</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb eu darllen</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb eu darllen</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
<string>%ld hysbysiad heb eu darllen</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
<string>Mae'r terfyn mewnbwn yn fwy na %#@character_count@</string>
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld nodau</string>
<string>Mae'r terfyn mewnbwn yn %#@character_count@</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
@ -61,23 +61,23 @@
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld nod</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -85,17 +85,17 @@
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -128,17 +128,17 @@
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a %ld mewn cyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a pherson gyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and another mutual</string>
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a %ld mewn cyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a %ld mewn cyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a %ld mewn cyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Dilynwyd gan %1$@, a %ld mewn cyffredin</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
@ -152,17 +152,17 @@
@ -176,17 +176,17 @@
<string>%ld cyfrwng</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld cyfrwng</string>
<string>1 media</string>
<string>%ld gyfrwng</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld cyfrwng</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld cyfrwng</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld cyfrwng</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
@ -200,17 +200,17 @@
<string>%ld post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld post</string>
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld bost</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -224,17 +224,17 @@
<string>%ld ffefrynnau</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld ffefryn</string>
<string>1 favorite</string>
<string>%ld ffefryn</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld ffefryn</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld ffefryn</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld ffefryn</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
@ -248,41 +248,17 @@
<string>%ld ailflogiau</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld ailflog</string>
<string>1 reblog</string>
<string>%ld ailflog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld ailflog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld ailflog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld o ailflogiau</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
@ -296,17 +272,17 @@
<string>%ld ymatebau</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld ymateb</string>
<string>1 reply</string>
<string>%ld ymateb</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld ymateb</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld o ymatebau</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld ymateb</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
@ -320,17 +296,17 @@
<string>%ld pleidleisiau</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld pleidlais</string>
<string>1 vote</string>
<string>%ld bleidlais</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld phleidlais</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld pleidlais</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld pleidlais</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
@ -344,17 +320,17 @@
<string>%ld pleidleiswyr</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld pleidleisiwr</string>
<string>1 voter</string>
<string>%ld bleidleisiwr</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld phleidleisiwr</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld pleidleisiwr</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld pleidleisiwr</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
@ -368,17 +344,17 @@
<string>%ld person yn trafod</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld person yn trafod</string>
<string>1 people talking</string>
<string>%ld berson yn trafod</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld o bobl yn trafod</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld o bobl yn trafod</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld o bobl yn trafod</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
@ -392,17 +368,17 @@
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld yn dilyn</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
@ -416,17 +392,17 @@
<string>%ld dilynwyr</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld dilynwr</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld ddilynwr</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld dilynwr</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld o ddilynwyr</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld dilynwr</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
@ -440,17 +416,17 @@
<string>%ld blwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld flwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
@ -464,17 +440,17 @@
<string>%ld mis ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld mis ar ôl</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld fis ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld mis ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld mis ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld mis ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
@ -488,17 +464,17 @@
<string>%ld diwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld diwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld ddiwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld diwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld diwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld diwrnod ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
@ -512,17 +488,17 @@
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld awr ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
@ -536,17 +512,17 @@
<string>%ld munud ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld munud ar ôl</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld funud ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld munud ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld munud ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld munud ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
@ -560,17 +536,17 @@
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld eiliad ar ôl</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -584,17 +560,17 @@
<string>%ld blwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>1y ago</string>
<string>%ld flwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>%ld blwyddyn yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
@ -608,17 +584,17 @@
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>1M ago</string>
<string>%ld funud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
@ -632,17 +608,17 @@
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>1d ago</string>
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>%ldd yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
@ -656,17 +632,17 @@
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>1h ago</string>
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>%ld awr yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
@ -680,17 +656,17 @@
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>1m ago</string>
<string>%ld funud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>%ld munud yn ôl</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
@ -704,17 +680,17 @@
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>1s ago</string>
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>
<string>%ld eiliad yn ôl</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "Defnyddir hwn i gymryd llun am bost",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Defnyddir hwn i gadw llun yn eich Photo Library",
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "Used to take photo for post status",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Used to save photo into the Photo Library",
"NewPostShortcutItemTitle": "Post Newydd",
"SearchShortcutItemTitle": "Chwilio"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -2,19 +2,23 @@
"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Prøv venligst igen.",
"please_try_again_later": "Prøv venligst igen senere."
"please_try_again": "Please try again.",
"please_try_again_later": "Please try again later."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Tilmeldingsfejl"
"title": "Sign Up Failure"
"server_error": {
"title": "Serverfejl"
"title": "Server Error"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profile",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different servers.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<string>Noch %#@character_count@ Zeichen übrig</string>
<string>Noch %#@character_count@ übrig</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 Zeichen übrig</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld Zeichen übrig</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld Reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Fehler bei Abstimmung",
"poll_ended": "Die Umfrage ist beendet"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Entwurf verwerfen",
"message": "Bestätige, um den Beitrag zu verwerfen."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Fehler bei Veröffentlichung",
"message": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen des Beitrags.\nBitte überprüfe deine Internetverbindung.",
@ -41,17 +45,12 @@
"message": "Bitte aktiviere den Zugriff auf die Fotobibliothek, um das Foto zu speichern."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Beiträge löschen",
"title": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen möchtest?",
"message": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen willst?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Zwischenspeicher leeren",
"message": "%s erfolgreich aus dem Cache gelöscht."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Hinweis",
"message": "Übersetzung fehlgeschlagen. Möglicherweise haben die Administrator*innen die Übersetzungen auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert oder dieser Server läuft mit einer älteren Version von Mastodon, in der Übersetzungen noch nicht unterstützt wurden.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
"ok": "OK",
"done": "Fertig",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"continue": "Weiter",
"continue": "Fortfahren",
"compose": "Neue Nachricht",
"cancel": "Abbrechen",
"discard": "Verwerfen",
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Foto speichern",
"copy_photo": "Foto kopieren",
"sign_in": "Anmelden",
"sign_up": "Konto erstellen",
"see_more": "Mehr anzeigen",
"preview": "Vorschau",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"share": "Teilen",
"share_user": "%s teilen",
"share_post": "Beitrag teilen",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "%s blockieren",
"unblock_domain": "Blockierung von %s aufheben",
"settings": "Einstellungen",
"delete": "Löschen",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Von %s übersetzen",
"unknown_language": "Unbekannt"
"edit_post": "Bearbeiten",
"bookmark": "Lesezeichen",
"remove_bookmark": "Lesezeichen entfernen",
"follow": "%s folgen",
"unfollow": "%s entfolgen"
"delete": "Löschen"
"tabs": {
"home": "Startseite",
"search_and_explore": "Suchen und Entdecken",
"notifications": "Mitteilungen",
"profile": "Profil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Suchen",
"explore": "Entdecken"
"search": "Suche",
"notification": "Benachrichtigungen",
"profile": "Profil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "NSFW-Inhalt",
"media_content_warning": "Tippe irgendwo zum Anzeigen",
"tap_to_reveal": "Zum Anzeigen tippen",
"load_embed": "Eingebettetes laden",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Abstimmen",
"closed": "Beendet"
@ -155,8 +139,8 @@
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Link: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Profil anzeigen: %s",
"email": "E-Mail-Adresse: %s"
"mention": "Show Profile: %s",
"email": "Email address: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Antworten",
@ -168,13 +152,8 @@
"hide": "Verstecken",
"show_image": "Bild anzeigen",
"show_gif": "GIF anzeigen",
"show_video_player": "Filmwiedergabe anzeigen",
"share_link_in_post": "Link im Beitrag teilen",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Halte gedrückt um das Menü anzuzeigen",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Teilen",
"unreblog": "Nicht mehr teilen"
"show_video_player": "Zeige Video-Player",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Halte gedrückt um das Menü anzuzeigen"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -186,38 +165,14 @@
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Jeder kann diesen Post sehen, aber nicht in der öffentlichen Timeline zeigen.",
"private": "Nur die, die dem Autor folgen, können diesen Beitrag sehen.",
"private_from_me": "Nur die, die mir folgen, können diesen Beitrag sehen.",
"private": "Nur Follower des Authors können diesen Beitrag sehen.",
"private_from_me": "Nur meine Follower können diesen Beitrag sehen.",
"direct": "Nur erwähnte Benutzer können diesen Beitrag sehen."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Übersetzt von %s mit %s",
"unknown_language": "Unbekannt",
"unknown_provider": "Unbekannt",
"show_original": "Original anzeigen"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, Anhang %d von %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Erweitert das Bild. Doppeltippen und halten um Aktionen anzuzeigen.",
"expand_gif_hint": "Erweitert das GIF. Doppeltippen und halten um Aktionen anzuzeigen.",
"expand_video_hint": "Zeigt die Filmwiedergabe. Doppeltippen und halten um Aktionen anzuzeigen."
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Geteilte Beiträge",
"favorites_title": "Gefällt",
"edit_history_title": "Verlauf",
"edit_history_detail": "Letzte Änderung %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Bearbeitet %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Verlauf",
"original_post": "Originalstatus · %s"
"friendship": {
"follow": "Folgen",
"following": "Gefolgt",
"following": "Folge Ich",
"request": "Anfragen",
"pending": "In Warteschlange",
"block": "Blockieren",
@ -232,8 +187,8 @@
"unmute_user": "%s nicht mehr stummschalten",
"muted": "Stummgeschaltet",
"edit_info": "Information bearbeiten",
"show_reblogs": "Teilen anzeigen",
"hide_reblogs": "Teilen ausblenden"
"show_reblogs": "Reblogs anzeigen",
"hide_reblogs": "Reblogs ausblenden"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Gefiltert",
@ -242,7 +197,7 @@
"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Fehlende Beiträge laden",
"loading_missing_posts": "Fehlende Beiträge werden geladen …",
"loading_missing_posts": "Lade fehlende Beiträge...",
"show_more_replies": "Weitere Antworten anzeigen"
"header": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "Das Konto von %s wurde gesperrt."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Kein bestätigter Link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Anmelden",
"learn_more": "Mehr erfahren",
"join_default_server": "%@ beitreten",
"pick_server": "Einen anderen Server auswählen",
"separator": {
"or": "oder"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Willkommen bei Mastodon!",
"description": "Mastodon ist ein dezentrales, soziales Netzwerk. Das bedeutet, dass es nicht von einem einzigen Unternehmen kontrolliert wird. Das Netzwerk besteht aus unabhängig voneinander betriebenen Servern, die miteinander verbunden sind."
"servers": {
"title": "Was sind Server?",
"description": "Jedes Mastodon-Konto wird auf einem Server gehostet. Jeder Server hat dabei seine eigenen Werte, Regeln und Administrator*innen. Aber egal, für welchen Server Du Dich entscheidest: Du kannst mit Leuten von anderen Servern interagieren und ihnen folgen."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Was ist Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Soziale Netzwerke wieder in deinen Händen.",
"get_started": "Registrieren",
"log_in": "Anmelden"
"login": {
"title": "Willkommen zurück",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Server auswählen",
"title": "Wähle einen Server,\nbeliebigen Server.",
"subtitle": "Wähle einen Server basierend auf deinen Interessen oder deiner Region oder einfach einen allgemeinen. Du kannst trotzdem mit jedem interagieren, egal auf welchem Server.",
"button": {
"language": "Sprache",
"signup_speed": "Registrierungsprozess",
"category": {
"all": "Alle",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Kategorie: Alle",
@ -326,44 +257,21 @@
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Suche nach einer Community oder gib eine URL ein"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Verfügbare Server werden gesucht",
"finding_servers": "Verfügbare Server werden gesucht...",
"bad_network": "Beim Laden der Daten ist etwas schief gelaufen. Überprüfe deine Internetverbindung.",
"no_results": "Keine Ergebnisse"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Alle",
"instant": "Sofort",
"manually_reviewed": "Manuelle Überprüfung"
"language": {
"all": "Alle Sprachen"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Server oder URL eingeben"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Wenn Sie fortfahren, ohne eine Auswahl zu treffen, wird ein Server auf der Grundlage Ihrer Sprache ausgewählt."
"privacy": {
"title": "Datenschutz",
"description": "Obwohl die Mastodon-App keine Daten sammelt, kann der Server, über den Sie sich anmelden, eine andere Richtlinie haben. Nehmen Sie sich eine Minute Zeit, um die Datenschutzrichtlinie der Mastodon-App und die Datenschutzrichtlinie Ihres Servers zu lesen und zu akzeptieren.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Datenschutzerklärung - Mastodon für iOS",
"server": "Datenschutzerklärung - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Ich stimme zu"
"register": {
"title": "Konto erstellen",
"title": "Erzähle uns von dir.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Okay, lass uns mit %s anfangen",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Löschen"
"username": {
"placeholder": "Benutzername",
"duplicate_prompt": "Dieser Benutzername ist vergeben.",
"suggestion": "%@_ist_super"
"duplicate_prompt": "Dieser Benutzername ist vergeben."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "Anzeigename"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "Passwort",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Passwort wiederholen",
"require": "Anforderungen an dein Passwort:",
"character_limit": "8 Zeichen",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s verwendet einen nicht erlaubten E-Mail-Anbieter",
"unreachable": "%s scheint nicht zu existieren",
"taken": "%s ist leider schon vergeben. Wie wäre es mit:",
"taken": "%s wird bereits verwendet",
"reserved": "%s ist ein reserviertes Schlüsselwort",
"accepted": "%s muss akzeptiert werden",
"blank": "%s ist erforderlich",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Überprüfe deinen Posteingang",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Bitte klicke auf den Link, den wir an %@ geschickt haben, um dich zu verifizieren. Wir warten bis dahin einfach hier.",
"title": "Noch eine letzte Sache.",
"subtitle": "Schaue kurz in dein E-Mail-Postfach und tippe den Link an, den wir dir gesendet haben.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Schaue kurz in dein E-Mail-Postfach und tippe den Link an, den wir dir gesendet haben",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "E-Mail-App öffnen",
"resend": "Erneut senden"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check deine Emails",
"title": "Bitte überprüfe deine E-Mails",
"description": "Überprüfe, ob deine E-Mail-Adresse korrekt ist und sieh im Spam-Ordner nach, falls du es noch nicht getan hast.",
"resend_email": "E-Mail erneut versenden"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check dein Emailpostfach.",
"title": "Überprüfe deinen Posteingang.",
"description": "Wir haben dir gerade eine E-Mail geschickt. Überprüfe deinen Spam-Ordner, falls du es noch nicht getan hast.",
"mail": "E-Mail",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "E-Mail-Client öffnen"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Kein Link angekommen?",
"resend_in": "Erneut senden (%@)",
"resend_now": "Erneut senden."
"home_timeline": {
@ -454,22 +358,21 @@
"offline": "Offline",
"new_posts": "Neue Beiträge anzeigen",
"published": "Veröffentlicht!",
"Publishing": "Beitrag wird veröffentlicht",
"Publishing": "Beitrag wird veröffentlicht...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo-Button",
"logo_hint": "Zum Scrollen nach oben tippen und zum vorherigen Ort erneut tippen"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Beliebt auf Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Allen folgen"
"title": "Finde Personen zum Folgen",
"follow_explain": "Wenn du jemandem folgst, dann siehst du deren Beiträge in deinem Home-Feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Neuer Beitrag",
"new_reply": "Neue Antwort",
"edit_post": "Beitrag bearbeiten"
"new_reply": "Neue Antwort"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Foto aufnehmen",
@ -483,17 +386,16 @@
"photo": "Foto",
"video": "Video",
"attachment_broken": "Dieses %s scheint defekt zu sein und\nkann nicht auf Mastodon hochgeladen werden.",
"description_photo": "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben",
"description_video": "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben",
"description_photo": "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben...",
"description_video": "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben...",
"load_failed": "Laden fehlgeschlagen",
"upload_failed": "Upload fehlgeschlagen",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Medienanhang wurde nicht erkannt",
"attachment_too_large": "Anhang zu groß",
"compressing_state": "wird komprimiert …",
"server_processing_state": "Serververarbeitung"
"compressing_state": "Komprimieren...",
"server_processing_state": "Serververarbeitung..."
"poll": {
"title": "Umfrage",
"duration_time": "Dauer: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 Minuten",
"one_hour": "1 Stunde",
@ -503,14 +405,10 @@
"seven_days": "7 Tage",
"option_number": "Auswahlmöglichkeit %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Die Umfrage ist ungültig",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Die Umfrage hat eine leere Option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Nach oben",
"move_down": "Nach unten"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Die Umfrage hat eine leere Option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Hier eine Inhaltswarnung schreiben …"
"placeholder": "Schreibe eine Inhaltswarnung hier..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Öffentlich",
@ -529,8 +427,8 @@
"enable_content_warning": "Inhaltswarnung einschalten",
"disable_content_warning": "Inhaltswarnung ausschalten",
"post_visibility_menu": "Sichtbarkeitsmenü",
"post_options": "Beitragsoptionen",
"posting_as": "Veröffentlichen als %s"
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "Posting as %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Beitrag verwerfen",
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Inhaltswarnung umschalten",
"append_attachment_entry": "Anhang hinzufügen - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Sichtbarkeit auswählen - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Beitragssprache",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Kürzlich",
"other": "Andere Sprache…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Folgt dir"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "Beiträge",
"my_following": "folge ich",
"my_followers": "Follower",
"other_posts": "Beiträge",
"other_following": "folge ich",
"other_followers": "Followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "Beiträge",
"following": "Gefolgte",
"followers": "Folgende"
"fields": {
"joined": "Beigetreten",
"add_row": "Zeile hinzufügen",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Bezeichnung",
@ -597,12 +484,12 @@
"message": "Bestätige %s zu entsperren"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Teilen anzeigen",
"message": "Bestätigen, um Teilen anzuzeigen"
"title": "Reblogs anzeigen",
"message": "Bestätigen um Reblogs anzuzeigen"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Teilen ausblenden",
"message": "Bestätigen, um Teilen auszublenden"
"title": "Reblogs ausblenden",
"message": "Confirm to hide reblogs"
"accessibility": {
@ -613,15 +500,15 @@
"follower": {
"title": "Folgende",
"footer": "Folgende, die nicht auf deinem Server registriert sind, werden nicht angezeigt."
"title": "Follower",
"footer": "Folger, die nicht auf deinem Server registriert sind, werden nicht angezeigt."
"following": {
"title": "Gefolgte",
"title": "Folgende",
"footer": "Gefolgte, die nicht auf deinem Server registriert sind, werden nicht angezeigt."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Folgende, die du kennst",
"title": "Follower, die dir bekannt vorkommen",
"followed_by_names": "Gefolgt von %s"
"favorited_by": {
@ -645,25 +532,21 @@
"accounts": {
"title": "Konten, die dir gefallen könnten",
"description": "Vielleicht gefallen dir diese Konten",
"description": "Vielleicht gefallen dir diese Benutzer",
"follow": "Folgen"
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "URL in Mastodon öffnen",
"hashtag": "Wechseln zu #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Alles",
"people": "Personen",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Beiträge"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Keine Ergebnisse"
"recent_search": "Zuletzt gesucht",
"clear_all": "Alles löschen",
"clear": "Zurücksetzen"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Dies sind die Beiträge, die in deiner Umgebung auf Mastodon beliebter werden."
"favorite": {
"title": "Gefällt"
"title": "Deine Favoriten"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Beitrag von %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Einstellungen",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Darstellung",
"automatic": "Automatisch",
"light": "Immer hell",
"dark": "Immer dunkel"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Erscheinungsbild",
"use_system": "Systemeinstellung benutzen",
"really_dark": "Wirklich dunkel",
"sorta_dark": "Ziemlich dunkel",
"light": "Hell"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Benachrichtigungen",
"favorites": "Meinen Beitrag favorisiert",
"follows": "Mir folgt",
"boosts": "Meinen Beitrag teilt",
"mentions": "Mich erwähnt",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "jeder",
"follower": "ein Folgender",
"follow": "ein von mir Gefolgter",
"noone": "niemand",
"title": "Benachrichtige mich, wenn"
"preference": {
"title": "Präferenzen",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Vollständig dunkler Dunkelmodus",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Animierte Profilbilder deaktivieren",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Animierte Emojis deaktivieren",
"using_default_browser": "Standardbrowser zum Öffnen von Links verwenden",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Links in Mastodon öffnen"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "Der langweilige Bereich",
"account_settings": "Kontoeinstellungen",
"terms": "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen",
"privacy": "Datenschutzerklärung"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "Der Gefährliche Bereich",
"clear": "Medien-Cache leeren",
"signout": "Abmelden"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon ist quelloffene Software. Du kannst auf GitHub unter %s (%s) Probleme melden"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Einstellungsfenster schließen"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dialog zum Wechseln des Kontos schließen",
"add_account": "Konto hinzufügen"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Neu in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Wechsel zwischen mehreren Konten durch Drücken der Profil-Schaltfläche.",
"accessibility_hint": "Doppeltippen, um diesen Assistenten zu schließen"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Lesezeichen"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Gefolgte Hashtags",
"header": {
"posts": "Beiträge",
"participants": "Teilnehmer*innen",
"posts_today": "Beiträge heute"
"actions": {
"follow": "Folgen",
"unfollow": "Entfolgen"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Dies scheint kein gültiger Mastodon-Link zu sein."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Entschuldigung, aber diese Widget-Größe wird nicht unterstützt.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Bitte öffne Mastodon und melde dich mit einem Konto an."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
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<string>Ακολουθείται από %1$@ και έναν ακόμα κοινό</string>
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<string>%ld ακολουθούν</string>
<string>1 ακόλουθος</string>
<string>%ld ακόλουθοι</string>
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<string>Απομένει 1 ημέρα</string>
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<string>%ldχρ πριν</string>
<string>1μην πριν</string>
<string>%ldμην πριν</string>
<string>%1ημ πριν</string>
<string>%ldημ πριν</string>
<string>1ώ πριν</string>
<string>%ldώ πριν</string>
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<string>%ldλ πριν</string>
<string>1δλ πριν</string>
<string>%ldδλ πριν</string>

View File

@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Παρακαλώ προσπάθησε ξανά.",
"please_try_again_later": "Παρακαλώ δοκίμασε ξανά αργότερα."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Αποτυχία Εγγραφής"
"server_error": {
"title": "Σφάλμα Διακομιστή"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Αποτυχία Ψήφου",
"poll_ended": "Η δημοσκόπηση έληξε"
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Αποτυχία Ανάρτησης",
"message": "Αποτυχία δημοσίευσης της ανάρτησης.\nΠαρακαλούμε έλεγξε τη σύνδεσή σου στο διαδίκτυο.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "Δε γίνεται να προσθέσεις βίντεο σε ανάρτηση που ήδη περιέχει εικόνες.",
"more_than_one_video": "Δεν γίνεται να επισυνάψεις περισσότερα από 1 βίντεο."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Σφάλμα Επεξεργασίας Προφίλ",
"message": "Αδυναμία επεξεργασίας προφίλ. Παρακαλώ δοκίμασε ξανά."
"sign_out": {
"title": "Αποσύνδεση",
"message": "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θες να αποσυνδεθείς;",
"confirm": "Αποσύνδεση"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Σίγουρα θες να αποκλείσεις ολόκληρο τον %s; Συνήθως μερικοί συγκεκριμένοι αποκλεισμοί ή σιγάσεις επαρκούν και προτιμούνται. Δε θα βλέπεις περιεχόμενο από αυτό τον τομέα. Όσους ακόλουθους έχεις σε αυτόν τον τομέα θα αφαιρεθούν.",
"block_entire_domain": "Αποκλεισμός Τομέα"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Αποτυχία Αποθήκευσης Φωτογραφίας",
"message": "Παρακαλώ ενεργοποίησε την άδεια πρόσβασης στη βιβλιοθήκη φωτογραφιών για να αποθηκεύσεις τη φωτογραφία."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Διαγραφή Ανάρτησης",
"message": "Είσαι βέβαιος ότι θες να διαγράψεις την ανάρτηση;"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Εκκαθάριση Προσωρινής Μνήμης",
"message": "Επιτυχής καθαρισμός %s προσωρινής μνήμης."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Σημείωση",
"message": "Η μετάφραση απέτυχε. Ίσως ο διαχειριστής δεν έχει ενεργοποιήσει μεταφράσεις σε αυτόν τον διακομιστή ή αυτός ο διακομιστής εκτελεί μια παλαιότερη έκδοση του Mastodon όπου οι μεταφράσεις δεν υποστηρίζονται ακόμα.",
"button": "ΟΚ"
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"next": "Επόμενο",
"previous": "Προηγούμενο",
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"remove": "Αφαίρεση",
"edit": "Επεξεργασία",
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"confirm": "Επιβεβαίωση",
"continue": "Συνέχεια",
"compose": "Σύνταξη",
"cancel": "Άκυρο",
"discard": "Απόρριψη",
"try_again": "Προσπάθησε ξανά",
"take_photo": "Λήψη Φωτογραφίας",
"save_photo": "Αποθήκευση Φωτογραφίας",
"copy_photo": "Αντιγραφή Φωτογραφίας",
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"see_more": "Δες Περισσότερα",
"preview": "Προεπισκόπηση",
"copy": "Αντιγραφή",
"share": "Κοινοποίηση",
"share_user": "Κοινοποίηση %s",
"share_post": "Κοινοποίηση Ανάρτησης",
"open_in_safari": "Άνοιγμα στο Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Άνοιγμα στον Περιηγητή",
"find_people": "Βρες άτομα για να ακολουθήσεις",
"manually_search": "Μη αυτόματη αναζήτηση",
"skip": "Παράλειψη",
"reply": "Απάντηση",
"report_user": "Αναφορά %s",
"block_domain": "Αποκλεισμός %s",
"unblock_domain": "Άρση αποκλεισμού %s",
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"edit_post": "Επεξεργασία",
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"toggle_reblog": "Εναλλαγή Αναδημοσίευσης στην Ανάρτηση",
"toggle_favorite": "Εναλλαγή Αγαπημένου στην Ανάρτηση",
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"user_replied_to": "Απάντησε στον χρήστη %s",
"show_post": "Εμφάνιση Ανάρτησης",
"show_user_profile": "Εμφάνιση προφίλ χρήστη",
"content_warning": "Προειδοποίηση Περιεχομένου",
"sensitive_content": "Ευαίσθητο Περιεχόμενο",
"media_content_warning": "Πάτα οπουδήποτε για εμφάνιση",
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"mention": "Εμφάνιση Προφίλ: %s",
"email": "Διεύθυνση email: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Απάντηση",
"reblog": "Αναδημοσίευση",
"unreblog": "Αναίρεση αναδημοσίευσης",
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"unfavorite": "Αφαίρεση από αγαπημένα",
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"show_gif": "Εμφάνιση GIF",
"show_video_player": "Εμφάνιση προγράμματος αναπαραγωγής βίντεο",
"share_link_in_post": "Κοινοποίηση Συνδέσμου στην Ανάρτηση",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Πάτα παρατεταμένα για εμφάνιση μενού",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Αναδημοσίευση",
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"unlisted": "Όλοι μπορούν να δουν αυτή την ανάρτηση, αλλά δεν εμφανίζεται στη δημόσια ροή.",
"private": "Μόνο οι ακόλουθοί τους μπορούν να δουν αυτή την ανάρτηση.",
"private_from_me": "Μόνο οι ακόλουθοί μου μπορούν να δουν αυτή την ανάρτηση.",
"direct": "Μόνο ο αναφερόμενος χρήστης μπορεί να δει αυτή την ανάρτηση."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Μεταφράστηκε από %s χρησιμοποιώντας το %s",
"unknown_language": "Άγνωστο",
"unknown_provider": "Άγνωστο",
"show_original": "Εμφάνιση Αρχικού"
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"expand_gif_hint": "Επεκτείνει το GIF. Πάτα δύο φορές και κράτα πατημένο για να εμφανίσεις τις ενέργειες",
"expand_video_hint": "Εμφανίζει το πρόγραμμα αναπαραγωγής βίντεο. Πάτα δύο φορές και κράτα πατημένο για να δείς τις ενέργειες"
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"edit_history_detail": "Τελευταία επεξεργασία %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Επεξεργάστηκε στις %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Επεξεργασία Ιστορικού",
"original_post": "Αρχική Ανάρτηση · %s"
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"unblock_user": "Άρση αποκλεισμού %s",
"blocked": "Αποκλείστηκε",
"mute": "Σίγαση",
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"unmute_user": "Κατάργηση σίγασης %s",
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"edit_info": "Επεξεργασία Πληροφοριών",
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"hide_reblogs": "Απόκρυψη Αναδημοσιεύσεων"
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"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Φόρτωση αναρτήσεων που λείπουν",
"loading_missing_posts": "Φόρτωση αναρτήσεων που λείπουν...",
"show_more_replies": "Εμφάνιση περισσότερων απαντήσεων"
"header": {
"no_status_found": "Δεν Βρέθηκε Ανάρτηση",
"blocking_warning": "Δεν μπορείς να δεις το προφίλ αυτού του χρήστη\nμέχρι να τον ξεμπλοκάρεις.\nΤο προφίλ σου μοιάζει έτσι και σε αυτόν.",
"user_blocking_warning": "Δεν μπορείς να δεις το προφίλ του %s\nμέχρι να τον ξεμπλοκάρεις.\nΤο προφίλ σου μοιάζει έτσι κι σ' αυτούς.",
"blocked_warning": "Δεν μπορείς να δεις το προφίλ αυτού του χρήστη\nμέχρι να σε ξεμπλοκάρει.",
"user_blocked_warning": "Δεν μπορείς να δεις το προφίλ %s\nμέχρι να σε ξεμπλοκάρουν.",
"suspended_warning": "Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει ανασταλεί.",
"user_suspended_warning": "Ο λογαριασμός του %s έχει ανασταλεί."
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"scene": {
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"log_in": "Σύνδεση",
"learn_more": "Μάθε περισσότερα",
"join_default_server": "Γίνε μέλος %@",
"pick_server": "Διάλεξε άλλο διακομιστή",
"separator": {
"or": "ή"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Καλώς ήρθες στο Mastodon",
"description": "Το Mastodon είναι ένα αποκεντρωμένο κοινωνικό δίκτυο που σημαίνει ότι καμία εταιρεία δεν το ελέγχει. Αποτελείται από πολλούς ανεξάρτητους διακομιστές, όλοι συνδεδεμένοι μαζί."
"servers": {
"title": "Τι είναι οι διακομιστές;",
"description": "Κάθε λογαριασμός Mastodon φιλοξενείται σε ένα διακομιστή - ο καθένας με τις δικές του αξίες, κανόνες και διαχειριστές. Ανεξάρτητα από το ποιον μπορεί να επιλέξεις, μπορείς να ακολουθήσεις και να αλληλεπιδράσεις με άτομα από οποιονδήποτε διακομιστή."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Τι είναι το Mastodon;"
"login": {
"title": "Καλωσόρισες και πάλι",
"subtitle": "Συνδέσου στο διακομιστή στον οποίο δημιούργησες τον λογαριασμό σου.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Εισαγωγή URL ή αναζήτησε τον διακομιστή σου"
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"category": {
"all": "Όλοι",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Κατηγορία: Όλα",
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"activism": "ακτιβισμός",
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"music": "μουσική",
"tech": "τεχνολογία"
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"see_more": "Δες Περισσότερα"
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"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Αναζήτησε κοινότητες ή εισήγαγε URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Εύρεση διαθέσιμων διακομιστών...",
"bad_network": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά κατά τη φόρτωση των δεδομένων. Έλεγξε τη σύνδεσή σου στο διαδίκτυο.",
"no_results": "Κανένα αποτέλεσμα"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Όλες",
"instant": "Άμεση Εγγραφή",
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"all": "Όλες"
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"placeholder": "Αναζήτηση ονόματος ή URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Θα επιλέξουμε έναν διακομιστή με βάση τη γλώσσα σου αν συνεχίσεις χωρίς να κάνεις κάποια επιλογή."
"privacy": {
"title": "Απόρρητο",
"description": "Αν και η εφαρμογή Mastodon δε συλλέγει δεδομένα, ο διακομιστής που εγγράφεσαι μπορεί να έχει διαφορετική πολιτική. Πάρε ένα λεπτό για να ελέγξεις και να συμφωνήσεις με την πολιτική απορρήτου της εφαρμογής Mastodon και την πολιτική απορρήτου του διακομιστή σου.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου - Mastodon για iOS",
"server": "Πολιτική Απορρήτου - %s"
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"placeholder": "εμφανιζόμενο όνομα"
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"placeholder": "email"
"password": {
"placeholder": "κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Επιβεβαίωση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης",
"require": "Ο κωδικός σου χρειάζεται τουλάχιστον:",
"character_limit": "8 χαρακτήρες",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "επιλεγμένο",
"unchecked": "μη επιλεγμένο"
"hint": "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασής σου χρειάζεται τουλάχιστον οκτώ χαρακτήρες"
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Γιατί θέλεις να συμμετάσχεις;"
"error": {
"item": {
"username": "Όνομα χρήστη",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
"agreement": "Συμφωνία",
"locale": "Γλώσσα",
"reason": "Αιτιολογία"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s περιέχει πάροχο μη επιτρεπόμενων email",
"unreachable": "%s δεν φαίνεται να υπάρχει",
"taken": "%s χρησιμοποιείται ήδη. Τι θα έλεγες για:",
"reserved": "%s είναι δεσμευμένη λέξη-κλειδί",
"accepted": "%s πρέπει να γίνει αποδεκτό",
"blank": "%s απαιτείται",
"invalid": "%s δεν είναι έγκυρο",
"too_long": "%s είναι πολύ μεγάλο",
"too_short": "%s είναι πολύ μικρό",
"inclusion": "%s δεν είναι υποστηριζόμενη τιμή"
"special": {
"username_invalid": "Το όνομα χρήστη πρέπει να περιέχει μόνο αλφαριθμητικούς χαρακτήρες και κάτω παύλες",
"username_too_long": "Το όνομα χρήστη είναι πολύ μεγάλο (δεν μπορεί να υπερβαίνει τους 30 χαρακτήρες)",
"email_invalid": "Αυτή η διεύθυνση email δεν είναι έγκυρη",
"password_too_short": "Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ μικρός (πρέπει να είναι τουλάχιστον 8 χαρακτήρες)"
"server_rules": {
"title": "Ορισμένοι βασικοί κανόνες.",
"subtitle": "Αυτά ορίζονται και επιβάλλονται από τους συντονιστές %s.",
"prompt": "Συνεχίζοντας, υπόκεισαι στους όρους της υπηρεσίας και της πολιτικής απορρήτου για %s.",
"terms_of_service": "όροι υπηρεσίας",
"privacy_policy": "πολιτική απορρήτου",
"button": {
"confirm": "Συμφωνώ"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Έλεγξε τα Εισερχόμενα σου",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Πάτησε το σύνδεσμο που σού στείλαμε για να επαληθεύσεις το %@. Θα σε περιμένουμε εδώ.",
"button": {
"resend": "Επαναποστολή"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Έλεγξε το Email σου",
"description": "Έλεγξε αν η διεύθυνση email σου είναι σωστή καθώς και τον φάκελο ανεπιθύμητης αλληλογραφίας σας αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ήδη.",
"resend_email": "Επαναποστολή Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Έλεγξε τα Εισερχόμενα σου.",
"description": "Μόλις σου στείλαμε ένα email. Έλεγξε το φάκελο ανεπιθύμητης αλληλογραφίας αν δεν το έχεις κάνει ήδη.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Άνοιγμα Πελάτη Email"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Δεν έλαβες τον σύνδεσμο;",
"resend_in": "Επαναποστολή (%@)",
"resend_now": "Επαναποστολή τώρα."
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Αρχική",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Εκτός σύνδεσης",
"new_posts": "Δες νέες αναρτήσεις",
"published": "Δημοσιεύθηκε!",
"Publishing": "Δημοσίευση ανάρτησης...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_hint": "Πάτα για κύλιση στην κορυφή και πάτα ξανά για προηγούμενη τοποθεσία"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Δημοφιλή στο Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Ακολούθησε τους όλους"
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Νέα Ανάρτηση",
"new_reply": "Νέα Απάντηση",
"edit_post": "Επεξεργασία Ανάρτησης"
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"camera": "Λήψη Φωτογραφίας",
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"content_input_placeholder": "Πληκτρολόγησε ή επικόλλησε τί έχεις στο μυαλό σου",
"compose_action": "Δημοσίευση",
"replying_to_user": "απάντηση σε %s",
"attachment": {
"photo": "φωτογραφία",
"video": "βίντεο",
"attachment_broken": "Το %s έχει χαλάσει και δεν μπορεί να\nφορτωθεί στο Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Περιέγραψε τη φωτογραφία για τα άτομα με προβλήματα όρασης...",
"description_video": "Περιέγραψε το βίντεο για τα άτομα με προβλήματα όρασης...",
"load_failed": "Αποτυχία Φόρτωσης",
"upload_failed": "Η Μεταφόρτωση Απέτυχε",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Αυτό το συνημμένο πολυμέσων δεν μπορεί να αναγνωριστεί",
"attachment_too_large": "Υπερβολικά μεγάλο συνημμένο",
"compressing_state": "Συμπίεση...",
"server_processing_state": "Επεξεργασία Διακομιστή..."
"poll": {
"title": "Δημοσκόπηση",
"duration_time": "Διάρκεια: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 λεπτά",
"one_hour": "1 Ώρα",
"six_hours": "6 Ώρες",
"one_day": "1 Ημέρα",
"three_days": "3 Ημέρες",
"seven_days": "7 Ημέρες",
"option_number": "Επιλογή %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Η δημοσκόπηση δεν είναι έγκυρη",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Η δημοσκόπηση έχει κενή επιλογή",
"add_option": "Προσθήκη Επιλογής",
"remove_option": "Αφαίρεση Επιλογής",
"move_up": "Μετακίνηση Πάνω",
"move_down": "Μετακίνηση Κάτω"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Γράψε εδώ μια ακριβή προειδοποίηση..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Δημόσιο",
"unlisted": "Μη καταχωρημένο",
"private": "Μόνο ακόλουθοι",
"direct": "Μόνο άτομα που επισημαίνω"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "\"Διάστημα\" για προσθήκη"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Προσθήκη Συνημμένου",
"append_poll": "Προσθήκη Δημοσκ.",
"remove_poll": "Αφαίρεση Δημοσκόπησης",
"custom_emoji_picker": "Προσαρμοσμένος Επιλογέας Emoji",
"enable_content_warning": "Ενεργοποίηση Προειδοποίησης Περιεχομένου",
"disable_content_warning": "Απενεργοποίηση Προειδοποίησης Περιεχομένου",
"post_visibility_menu": "Μενού Ορατότητας Ανάρτησης",
"post_options": "Επιλογές Ανάρτησης",
"posting_as": "Ανάρτηση ως %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Απόρριψη Ανάρτησης",
"publish_post": "Δημοσίευση Ανάρτησης",
"toggle_poll": "Εναλλαγή Δημοσκόπησης",
"toggle_content_warning": "Εναλλαγή Προειδοποίησης Περιεχομένου",
"append_attachment_entry": "Προσθήκη Συνημμένου - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Επιλογή ορατότητας - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Γλώσσα Ανάρτησης",
"suggested": "Προτεινόμενες",
"recent": "Πρόσφατα",
"other": "Άλλη γλώσσα…"
"profile": {
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"follows_you": "Σε Ακολουθεί"
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"my_following": "ακολουθείς",
"my_followers": "ακόλουθοι",
"other_posts": "αναρτήσεις",
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"other_followers": "ακόλουθοι",
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"add_row": "Προσθήκη Γραμμής",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Ετικέτα",
"content": "Περιεχόμενο"
"verified": {
"short": "Επαληθεύτηκε στις %s",
"long": "Η ιδιοκτησία αυτού του συνδέσμου ελέχθηκε στις %s"
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Αναρτήσεις",
"replies": "Απαντήσεις",
"posts_and_replies": "Αναρτήσεις και Απαντήσεις",
"media": "Πολυμέσα",
"about": "Σχετικά"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Σίγαση Λογαριασμού",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωσε για σίγαση %s"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Άρση Σίγασης Λογαριασμού",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωσε για άρση σίγασης %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Αποκλεισμός Λογαριασμού",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση αποκλεισμού %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Άρση Αποκλεισμού Λογαριασμού",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση άρσης αποκλεισμού %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Εμφάνιση Αναδημοσιεύσεων",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση εμφάνισης αναδημοσιεύσεων"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Απόκρυψη Αναδημοσιεύσεων",
"message": "Επιβεβαίωση απόκρυψης αναδημοσιεύσεων"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Εμφάνιση εικόνας avatar",
"edit_avatar_image": "Επεξεργασία εικόνας avatar",
"show_banner_image": "Εμφάνιση εικόνας banner",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Διπλό πάτημα για άνοιγμα της λίστας"
"follower": {
"title": "ακόλουθος",
"footer": "Οι ακόλουθοι από άλλους διακομιστές δεν εμφανίζονται."
"following": {
"title": "ακολουθεί",
"footer": "Δεν εμφανίζονται ακολουθήσεις από άλλους διακομιστές."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Ακόλουθοι που γνωρίζεις",
"followed_by_names": "Ακολουθείται από %s"
"favorited_by": {
"title": "Αγαπημένο Από"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Αναδημοσίευση Από"
"search": {
"title": "Αναζήτηση",
"search_bar": {
"placeholder": "Αναζήτησε ετικέτες και χρήστες",
"cancel": "Άκυρο"
"recommend": {
"button_text": "Προβολή Όλων",
"hash_tag": {
"title": "Δημοφιλή στο Mastodon",
"description": "Ετικέτες που τραβάνε την προσοχή",
"people_talking": "%s άτομα μιλάνε"
"accounts": {
"title": "Λογαριασμοί που μπορεί να σου αρέσουν",
"description": "Μπορεί να θες να ακολουθήσεις αυτούς τους λογαριασμούς",
"follow": "Ακολούθησε"
"searching": {
"posts": "Αναρτήσεις που ταιριάζουν με «%s»",
"people": "Άτομα που ταιριάζουν με «%s»",
"profile": "Μετάβαση στο @%s@%s",
"url": "Άνοιγμα URL στο Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Μετάβαση στο #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Κανένα αποτέλεσμα"
"recent_search": "Πρόσφατες αναζητήσεις",
"clear_all": "Εκκαθάριση όλων",
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"for_you": "Για Σένα"
"intro": "Αυτές είναι οι αναρτήσεις που κερδίζουν την προσοχή στη δική σου γωνιά του Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Αγαπημένα"
"notification": {
"title": {
"Everything": "Όλα",
"Mentions": "Επισημάνσεις"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "σε ακολούθησε",
"favorited_your_post": "σημείωσε ως αγαπημένη την ανάρτησή σου",
"reblogged_your_post": "αναδημοσίευσε την ανάρτηση σου",
"mentioned_you": "σε επισήμανε",
"request_to_follow_you": "ζήτησε να σε ακολουθήσει",
"poll_has_ended": "η δημοσκόπηση έληξε"
"keyobard": {
"show_everything": "Εμφάνιση Όλων",
"show_mentions": "Εμφάνιση Επισημάνσεων"
"follow_request": {
"accept": "Αποδοχή",
"accepted": "Αποδέχθηκε",
"reject": "απόρριψη",
"rejected": "Απορρίφθηκε"
"thread": {
"back_title": "Ανάρτηση",
"title": "Ανάρτηση από %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"report": {
"title_report": "Αναφορά",
"title": "Αναφορά %s",
"step1": "Βήμα 1 από 2",
"step2": "Βήμα 2 από 2",
"content1": "Υπάρχουν άλλες αναρτήσεις που θα ήθελες να προσθέσεις στην αναφορά;",
"content2": "Υπάρχει κάτι που οι συντονιστές θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν για αυτή την αναφορά;",
"report_sent_title": "Σε ευχαριστούμε για την αναφορά, θα το διερευνήσουμε.",
"send": "Αποστολή Αναφοράς",
"skip_to_send": "Αποστολή χωρίς σχόλιο",
"text_placeholder": "Πληκτρολόγησε ή επικόλλησε επιπρόσθετα σχόλια",
"reported": "ΑΝΑΦΈΡΘΗΚΕ",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Βήμα 1 από 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Τι πάει στραβά με αυτή την ανάρτηση;",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Τι πάει στραβά με αυτόν τον λογαριασμό;",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Τι πάει στραβά με τον/την %s;",
"select_the_best_match": "Διάλεξε την καλύτερη αντιστοίχιση",
"i_dont_like_it": "Δεν μου αρέσει",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "Δεν είναι κάτι που θα ήθελες να δεις",
"its_spam": "Είναι σπαμ",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Κακόβουλοι σύνδεσμοι, πλαστή αλληλεπίδραση ή επαναλαμβανόμενες απαντήσεις",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Παραβαίνει τους κανόνες του διακομιστή",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Γνωρίζεις ότι παραβιάζει συγκεκριμένους κανόνες",
"its_something_else": "Είναι κάτι άλλο",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Το ζήτημα δεν ταιριάζει σε άλλες κατηγορίες"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "Βήμα 2 από 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Ποιοι κανόνες παραβιάζονται;",
"select_all_that_apply": "Επίλεξε όλα όσα ισχύουν",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "Απλώς δεν μου αρέσει"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Βήμα 3 από 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Υπάρχουν αναρτήσεις που τεκμηριώνουν αυτή την αναφορά;",
"select_all_that_apply": "Επίλεξε όλα όσα ισχύουν"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "Βήμα 4 από 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Υπάρχει κάτι άλλο που πρέπει να γνωρίζουμε;"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Δε θες να το βλέπεις;",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Όταν βλέπεις κάτι που δε σου αρέσει στο Mastodon, μπορείς να αφαιρέσεις το άτομο από την εμπειρία σου.",
"unfollow": "Άρση ακολούθησης",
"unfollowed": "Σταμάτησες να ακολουθείς",
"unfollow_user": "Άρση ακολούθησης του %s",
"mute_user": "Σίγαση %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "Δε θα βλέπεις τις αναρτήσεις ή τις αναδημοσιεύσεις τους στην αρχική σελίδα σου. Δε θα ξέρει ότι βρίσκεται σε σίγαση.",
"block_user": "Αποκλεισμός %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Δε θα μπορούν πλέον να σε ακολουθούν ή να βλέπουν τις αναρτήσεις σου, αλλά μπορούν να δουν αν έχουν αποκλειστεί.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Ενώ το εξετάζουμε, μπορείς να δράσεις εναντίον του %s"
"preview": {
"keyboard": {
"close_preview": "Κλείσιμο Προεπισκόπησης",
"show_next": "Εμφάνιση Επομένου",
"show_previous": "Εμφάνιση Προηγούμενου"
"account_list": {
"tab_bar_hint": "Τρέχον επιλεγμένο προφίλ: %s. Πάτα δύο φορές και κράτησε πατημένο για να εμφανίσεις την εναλλαγή λογαριασμού",
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Απόρριψη Εναλλαγής Λογαριασμού",
"add_account": "Προσθήκη Λογαριασμού"
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"title": "Σελιδοδείκτες"
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"title": "Ακολουθούμενες Ετικέτες",
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"participants": "συμμετέχοντες",
"posts_today": "αναρτήσεις σήμερα"
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"follow": "Ακολούθησε",
"unfollow": "Άρση ακολούθησης"
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"invalid_link_error": "Αυτό δεν φαίνεται να είναι ένας έγκυρος σύνδεσμος Mastodon."
"widget": {
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"unsupported_widget_family": "Λυπούμαστε, αλλά αυτή η οικογένεια Widget δεν υποστηρίζεται.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Παρακαλώ άνοιξε το Mastodon για να συνδεθείς σε έναν Λογαριασμό."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Ακόλουθοι",
"configuration_description": "Εμφάνιση αριθμού των ακολούθων.",
"title": "ΑΚΟΛΟΥΘΟΙ",
"followers_today": "%s ακόλουθοι σήμερα"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Πολλαπλοί ακόλουθοι",
"configuration_description": "Εμφάνιση αριθμού ακολούθων για πολλαπλούς λογαριασμούς.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Κι άλλος ακόλουθος",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Τελευταίοι ακόλουθοι",
"configuration_description": "Εμφάνιση πιο πρόσφατων ακολούθων.",
"title": "Τελευταίοι ακόλουθοι",
"last_update": "Τελευταία ενημέρωση: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Ετικέτα",
"description": "Εμφανίζει μια πρόσφατη ανάρτηση με την επιλεγμένη ετικέτα."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Λυπούμαστε, δεν μπορέσαμε να βρούμε αναρτήσεις με την ετικέτα <a>#%@</a>. Παρακαλώ δοκίμασε ένα <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> ή έλεγξε τις ρυθμίσεις widget."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "Γιάννης Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Έτσι θα φαινόταν μια ανάρτηση με <a>#hashtag</a>. Επίλεξε όποιο <a>#hashtag</a> θες στις ρυθμίσεις widget."

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "Χρησιμοποιείται για λήψη φωτογραφίας για την κατάσταση της ανάρτησης",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Χρησιμοποιείται για αποθήκευση φωτογραφιών στις Φωτογραφίες",
"NewPostShortcutItemTitle": "Νέα Ανάρτηση",
"SearchShortcutItemTitle": "Αναζήτηση"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profile",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different servers.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
@ -53,17 +53,23 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
<string>no characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +179,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profile",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different servers.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>Quedan %#@character_count@</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>Queda 1 caracter</string>
<string>1 caracter</string>
<string>Quedan %ld caracteres</string>
<string>%ld caracteres</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld adhesiones</string>
<string>1 adhesión</string>
<string>%ld adhesiones</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Error al votar",
"poll_ended": "La encuesta finalizó"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Descartar borrador",
"message": "Confirmá para descartar el contenido del mensaje redactado."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Error al enviar el mensaje",
"message": "Error al enviar en mensaje.\nPor favor, revisá tu conexión a Internet.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Limpiar caché",
"message": "Se limpió exitosamente %s de la memoria caché."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Nota",
"message": "Falló la traducción. Tal vez el administrador no habilitó las traducciones en este servidor, o este servidor está ejecutando una versión antigua de Mastodon en donde las traducciones aún no estaban disponibles.",
"button": "Aceptar"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Guardar foto",
"copy_photo": "Copiar foto",
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"sign_up": "Crear cuenta",
"see_more": "Ver más",
"preview": "Previsualización",
"copy": "Copiar",
"share": "Compartir",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Compartir mensaje",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Bloquear a %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloquear a %s",
"settings": "Configuración",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Traducido desde el %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconocido"
"edit_post": "Editar",
"bookmark": "Marcar",
"remove_bookmark": "Quitar marcador",
"follow": "Seguir a %s",
"unfollow": "Dejar de seguir a %s"
"delete": "Eliminar"
"tabs": {
"home": "Principal",
"search_and_explore": "Buscar y explorar",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"profile": "Perfil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Buscar",
"explore": "Explorá"
"search": "Buscar",
"notification": "Notificación",
"profile": "Perfil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Contenido sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Tocá en cualquier parte para mostrar",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tocá para mostrar",
"load_embed": "Cargar lo insertado",
"link_via_user": "%s vía %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Votar",
"closed": "Cerrada"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Mostrar imagen",
"show_gif": "Mostrar GIF",
"show_video_player": "Mostrar reproductor de video",
"share_link_in_post": "Compartir enlace en mensaje",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tocá y mantené presionado para mostrar el menú",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Adherir",
"unreblog": "Deshacer adhesión"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tocá y mantené presionado para mostrar el menú"
"tag": {
"url": "Dirección web",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Sólo sus seguidores pueden ver este mensaje.",
"private_from_me": "Sólo mis seguidores pueden ver este mensaje.",
"direct": "Sólo el usuario mencionado puede ver este mensaje."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Traducido desde el %s vía %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconocido",
"unknown_provider": "Desconocido",
"show_original": "Mostrar original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, archivo adjunto %d de %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expande la imagen. Tocá dos veces y mantené pulsado para mostrar las acciones",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expande el GIF. Tocá dos veces y mantené pulsado para mostrar acciones",
"expand_video_hint": "Muestra el reproductor de vídeo. Tocá dos veces y mantené pulsado para mostrar acciones"
"posted_via_application": "%s vía %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Adhesiones",
"favorites_title": "Favoritos",
"edit_history_title": "Editar historial",
"edit_history_detail": "Última edición: %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Editado el %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Editar historial",
"original_post": "Mensaje original · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "La cuenta de %s está suspendida."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Enlace no verificado",
"followers_count": "%@ seguidores"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"learn_more": "Aprendé más",
"join_default_server": "Unite a %@",
"pick_server": "Elegí otro servidor",
"separator": {
"or": "o"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Te damos la bienvenida a Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon es una red social descentralizada, lo que significa que no la controla una sola compañía. Está conformada por varios servidores administrados independientemente, conectados entre sí."
"servers": {
"title": "¿Qué son los servidores?",
"description": "Cada cuenta de Mastodon está alojada en un servidor, y cada servidor tiene con sus propios valores, reglas y administradores. No importa cuál servidor elijas, podés seguir e interactuar con cuentas alojadas en cualquier servidor."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "¿Qué es Mastodon?"
"slogan": "La red social,\nnuevamente en tu poder.",
"get_started": "Comenzá",
"log_in": "Iniciar sesión"
"login": {
"title": "Te volvemos a dar la bienvenida",
"title": "Hola de nuevo",
"subtitle": "Iniciá sesión en el servidor en donde creaste tu cuenta.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Ingresá la dirección web o buscá tu servidor"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Elegir servidor",
"title": "Mastodon está compuesto de cuentas en diferentes servidores.",
"subtitle": "Elegí un servidor basado en tu región, en tus intereses o uno de propósitos generales. Vas a poder interactuar con cualquier cuenta de Mastodon, independientemente del servidor.",
"button": {
"language": "Idioma",
"signup_speed": "Velocidad de registro",
"category": {
"all": "Todas",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Categoría: Todas",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Buscando servidores disponibles…",
"bad_network": "Algo salió mal al cargar los datos. Revisá tu conexión de Internet.",
"no_results": "No hay resultados"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Todos",
"instant": "Registro instantáneo",
"manually_reviewed": "Revisión manual"
"language": {
"all": "Todos"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Buscar nombre o dirección web"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Seleccionaremos un servidor basado en tu idioma si continuás sin hacer una selección."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacidad",
"description": "Aunque la aplicación de Mastodon no recolecta ningún dato, el servidor al que te registrés puede tener una política diferente. Tomate un minuto para revisar y aceptar las políticas de privacidad de la aplicación de Mastodon y las políticas de privacidad de tu servidor.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Política de privacidad - Mastodon para iOS",
"server": "Política de privacidad - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Estoy de acuerdo"
"register": {
"title": "Crear cuenta",
"title": "Vamos a prepararte en %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Vamos a prepararte en %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Eliminar"
"username": {
"placeholder": "nombre de usuario",
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso.",
"suggestion": "arg_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nombre para mostrar"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "contraseña",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirmar contraseña",
"require": "Tu contraseña necesita al menos:",
"character_limit": "8 caracteres",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contiene un proveedor de correo electrónico no permitido",
"unreachable": "%s parece no existir",
"taken": "%s ya está ocupado. Qué tal:",
"taken": "%s ya está en uso",
"reserved": "%s es una palabra clave reservada",
"accepted": "%s debe ser aceptado",
"blank": "%s es obligatorio",
@ -426,9 +333,11 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Revisá tu bandeja de entrada",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Pulsá el enlace que te enviamos para verificar %@. Te esperamos por acá.",
"title": "Una última cosa.",
"subtitle": "Tocá el enlace que te enviamos por correo electrónico para verificar tu cuenta.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tocá el enlace que te enviamos por correo electrónico para verificar tu cuenta",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Abrir aplicación de correo electrónico",
"resend": "Reenviar"
"dont_receive_email": {
@ -441,11 +350,6 @@
"description": "Te acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico. Revisá tu carpeta de correo basura / correo no deseado / spam, si todavía no lo hiciste.",
"mail": "Correo",
"open_email_client": "Abrir cliente de correo electrónico"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "¿No recibiste un enlace?",
"resend_in": "Reenviar (%@)",
"resend_now": "Reenviar ahora."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "¡Enviado!",
"Publishing": "Enviando mensaje…",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Botón de logo",
"logo_hint": "Tocá para desplazarte hacia arriba y tocá de nuevo para ir a la ubicación anterior"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular en Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Seguir a todos"
"title": "Encontrá cuentas para seguir",
"follow_explain": "Cuando sigás una cuenta, verás sus mensajes en tu línea temporal principal."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nuevo mensaje",
"new_reply": "Nueva respuesta",
"edit_post": "Editar mensaje"
"new_reply": "Nueva respuesta"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Tomar foto",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Servidor procesando…"
"poll": {
"title": "Encuesta",
"duration_time": "Duración: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutos",
"one_hour": "1 hora",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 días",
"option_number": "Opción %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "La encuesta no es válida",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "La encuesta tiene opción vacía",
"add_option": "Agregar opción",
"remove_option": "Quitar opción",
"move_up": "Subir",
"move_down": "Bajar"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "La encuesta tiene opción vacía"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Escribí una advertencia precisa acá…"
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Cambiar advertencia de contenido",
"append_attachment_entry": "Agregar archivo adjunto - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Seleccionar visibilidad - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Idioma del mensaje",
"suggested": "Sugerido",
"recent": "Reciente",
"other": "Otro idioma…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Te sigue"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "mensajes",
"my_following": "siguiendo",
"my_followers": "seguidores",
"other_posts": "mensajes",
"other_following": "siguiendo",
"other_followers": "seguidores",
"familiar_followers": "mutuales"
"posts": "mensajes",
"following": "siguiendo",
"followers": "seguidores"
"fields": {
"joined": "En este servidor desde",
"add_row": "Agregar fila",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Nombre de campo",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Mensajes que coinciden con %s\"",
"people": "Personas que coinciden con \"%s\"",
"profile": "Ir a @%s@%s",
"url": "Abrir dirección web en Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Ir a %s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Todo",
"people": "Cuentas",
"hashtags": "Etiquetas",
"posts": "Mensajes"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No hay resultados"
"recent_search": "Búsquedas recientes",
"clear_all": "Limpiar todo",
"clear": "Limpiar"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Estos son los mensajes que están ganando tracción en tu rincón de Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favoritos"
"title": "Tus favoritos"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Mensaje de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Configuración",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Apariencia",
"automatic": "Automática",
"light": "Siempre clara",
"dark": "Siempre oscura"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Apariencia",
"use_system": "Usar sistema",
"really_dark": "Oscuro de verdad",
"sorta_dark": "Algo oscuro",
"light": "Claro"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notificaciones",
"favorites": "Marca mi mensaje como favorito",
"follows": "Me sigue",
"boosts": "Adhiere a mi mensaje",
"mentions": "Me menciona",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "cualquiera",
"follower": "un seguidor",
"follow": "alguien a quien sigo",
"noone": "nadie",
"title": "Notificarme cuando"
"preference": {
"title": "Configuración",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Modo negro oscuro real",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Deshabilitar avatares animados",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Deshabilitar emojis animados",
"using_default_browser": "Usar navegador web predet. para abrir enlaces",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Abrir enlaces en Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "La zona aburrida",
"account_settings": "Configuración de la cuenta",
"terms": "Términos del servicio",
"privacy": "Política de privacidad"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "La zona picante",
"clear": "Limpiar memoria caché multimedia",
"signout": "Cerrar sesión"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon es software de código abierto. Podés informar errores en GitHub en %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Cerrar ventana de configuración"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Descartar cambio de cuenta",
"add_account": "Agregar cuenta"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Novedad en Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Cambiá entre varias cuentas manteniendo presionado el botón del perfil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Tocá dos veces para descartar este asistente"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Marcadores"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Etiquetas seguidas",
"header": {
"posts": "mensajes",
"participants": "participantes",
"posts_today": "mensajes hoy"
"actions": {
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Dejar de seguir"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Este no parece ser un enlace válido de Mastodon."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Lo sentimos, pero esta familia de widgets no es compatible.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Por favor, abrí la aplicación de Mastodon para iniciar sesión en una cuenta."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Seguidores",
"configuration_description": "Mostrar número de seguidores.",
"title": "SEGUIDORES",
"followers_today": "%s seguidores hoy"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Múltiples seguidores",
"configuration_description": "Mostrar número de seguidores para múltiples cuentas.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Otro seguidor",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Últimos seguidores",
"configuration_description": "Mostrar los últimos seguidores.",
"title": "Últimos seguidores",
"last_update": "Última actualización: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Etiqueta",
"description": "Muestra un mensaje reciente con la etiqueta seleccionada."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "Eugenio Mastodon",
"account": "@eugeniomastodon@no-existe-la.cuenta",
"content": "Lo sentimos, pero no pudimos encontrar ningún mensaje con la etiqueta <a>#%@</a>. Por favor, probá una <a>#EtiquetaDiferente</a> o revisá la configuración del widget."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "Eugenio Mastodon",
"account": "@eugeniomastodon@no-existe-la.cuenta",
"content": "Así es cómo se vería un mensaje con una <a>#etiqueta</a>. Elegí una <a>#etiqueta</a> que quieras en la configuración del widget."

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 carácter restante</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld caracteres restantes</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogueos</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Voto fallido",
"poll_ended": "La encuesta ha terminado"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Descartar borrador",
"message": "Confirma para descartar el contenido de la publicación."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Error de publicación",
"message": "No se pudo publicar la publicación.\nPor favor, revise su conexión a internet.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Limpiar Caché",
"message": "Se han limpiado con éxito %s de caché."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Nota",
"message": "Error al traducir. Tal vez el administrador no ha habilitado las traducciones en este servidor o este servidor está ejecutando una versión antigua de Mastodon donde las traducciones aún no están soportadas.",
"button": "Aceptar"
"controls": {
@ -75,10 +74,10 @@
"take_photo": "Tomar foto",
"save_photo": "Guardar foto",
"copy_photo": "Copiar foto",
"sign_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "Ver más",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"copy": "Copiar",
"share": "Compartir",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Compartir publicación",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Bloquear %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloquear %s",
"settings": "Configuración",
"delete": "Borrar",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Traducir desde %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconocido"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Borrar"
"tabs": {
"home": "Inicio",
"search_and_explore": "Buscar y explorar",
"notifications": "Notificaciones",
"profile": "Perfil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Buscar",
"notification": "Notificación",
"profile": "Perfil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,17 +132,15 @@
"sensitive_content": "Contenido sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Pulsa en cualquier sitio para mostrar",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tocar para revelar",
"load_embed": "Cargar incrustado",
"link_via_user": "%s vía %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vota",
"closed": "Cerrado"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Enlace: %s",
"hashtag": "Etiqueta: %s",
"mention": "Mostrar Perfil: %s",
"email": "Dirección de correo electrónico: %s"
"url": "Link: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Show Profile: %s",
"email": "Email address: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Responder",
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Mostrar imagen",
"show_gif": "Mostrar GIF",
"show_video_player": "Mostrar reproductor de vídeo",
"share_link_in_post": "Compartir enlace en publicación",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca, después mantén para mostrar el menú",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca, después mantén para mostrar el menú"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Sólo sus seguidores pueden ver este mensaje.",
"private_from_me": "Sólo mis seguidores pueden ver este mensaje.",
"direct": "Sólo el usuario mencionado puede ver este mensaje."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Traducido desde %s usando %s",
"unknown_language": "Desconocido",
"unknown_provider": "Desconocido",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, adjunto %d de %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expande la imagen. Toca dos veces y mantén presionado para mostrar acciones",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expande el GIF. Toca dos veces y mantén presionado para mostrar acciones",
"expand_video_hint": "Muestra el reproductor de video. Toca dos veces y mantén presionado para mostrar acciones"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -232,8 +187,8 @@
"unmute_user": "Desmutear a %s",
"muted": "Silenciado",
"edit_info": "Editar Info",
"show_reblogs": "Mostrar reblogs",
"hide_reblogs": "Ocultar reblogs"
"show_reblogs": "Show Reblogs",
"hide_reblogs": "Hide Reblogs"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Filtrado",
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "La cuenta de %s ha sido suspendida."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Iniciar sesión",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Las redes sociales\nde nuevo en tus manos.",
"get_started": "Empezar",
"log_in": "Iniciar sesión"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Inicie sesión en el servidor en el que creó su cuenta.",
"subtitle": "Log you in on the server you created your account on.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Introduzca la URL o busque su servidor"
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Elige un servidor,\ncualquier servidor.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "Todas",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Categoría: Todas",
@ -323,47 +254,24 @@
"category": "CATEGORÍA"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Buscar comunidades o introducir URL"
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Search communities or enter URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Encontrando servidores disponibles...",
"bad_network": "Algo ha ido mal al cargar los datos. Comprueba tu conexión a Internet.",
"no_results": "Sin resultados"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Háblanos de ti.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Deja que te preparemos en %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Borrar"
"username": {
"placeholder": "nombre de usuario",
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nombre a mostrar"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "contraseña",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Tu contraseña debe contener como mínimo:",
"character_limit": "8 caracteres",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contiene un proveedor de correo no permitido",
"unreachable": "%s parece no existir",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s ya está en uso",
"reserved": "%s es una palabra clave reservada",
"accepted": "%s debe ser aceptado",
"blank": "Se requiere %s",
@ -422,30 +329,27 @@
"terms_of_service": "términos del servicio",
"privacy_policy": "política de privacidad",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm": "Acepto"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "Una última cosa.",
"subtitle": "Te acabamos de enviar un correo a %s,\npulsa en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Toca el enlace que te enviamos por correo electrónico para verificar tu cuenta",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Abrir Aplicación de Correo Electrónico",
"resend": "Reenviar"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Revisa tu correo electrónico",
"description": "Comprueba que tu dirección de correo electrónico sea correcta y revisa la carpeta de correo no deseado si no lo has hecho ya.",
"resend_email": "Volver a Enviar Correo Electrónico"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Revisa tu bandeja de entrada.",
"description": "Te acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico. Revisa tu carpeta de correo no deseado si no lo has hecho ya.",
"mail": "Correo",
"open_email_client": "Abrir Cliente de Correo Electrónico"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "¡Publicado!",
"Publishing": "Publicación en curso...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Botón del logo",
"logo_hint": "Toca para desplazarte hacia arriba y toca de nuevo para la localización anterior"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Encuentra Gente a la que Seguir",
"follow_explain": "Cuando sigas a alguien verás sus publicaciones en tu página de inicio."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nueva Publicación",
"new_reply": "Nueva Respuesta",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "Nueva Respuesta"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Hacer Foto",
@ -485,15 +388,14 @@
"attachment_broken": "Este %s está roto y no puede\nsubirse a Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Describe la foto para los usuarios con dificultad visual...",
"description_video": "Describe el vídeo para los usuarios con dificultad visual...",
"load_failed": "Carga fallida",
"upload_failed": "Error al cargar",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "No se puede reconocer este archivo adjunto",
"attachment_too_large": "Adjunto demasiado grande",
"compressing_state": "Comprimiendo...",
"server_processing_state": "Procesando en el servidor..."
"load_failed": "Load Failed",
"upload_failed": "Upload Failed",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Can not recognize this media attachment",
"attachment_too_large": "Attachment too large",
"compressing_state": "Compressing...",
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duración: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutos",
"one_hour": "1 Hora",
@ -502,12 +404,8 @@
"three_days": "4 Días",
"seven_days": "7 Días",
"option_number": "Opción %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "La encuesta no es válida",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "La encuesta tiene una opción vacía",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Escribe una advertencia precisa aquí..."
@ -529,8 +427,8 @@
"enable_content_warning": "Activar Advertencia de Contenido",
"disable_content_warning": "Desactivar Advertencia de Contenido",
"post_visibility_menu": "Menú de Visibilidad de la Publicación",
"post_options": "Opciones de Publicación",
"posting_as": "Publicado como %s"
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "Posting as %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Descartar Publicación",
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Conmutar Advertencia de Contenido",
"append_attachment_entry": "Añadir Adjunto - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Seleccionar Visibilidad - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,24 +444,19 @@
"follows_you": "Te sigue"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "publicaciones",
"my_following": "siguiendo",
"my_followers": "seguidores",
"other_posts": "publicaciones",
"other_following": "siguiendo",
"other_followers": "seguidores",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "publicaciones",
"following": "siguiendo",
"followers": "seguidores"
"fields": {
"joined": "Se unió",
"add_row": "Añadir Fila",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Nombre para el campo",
"content": "Contenido"
"verified": {
"short": "Verificado en %s",
"long": "La propiedad de este enlace fue verificada el %s"
"short": "Verified on %s",
"long": "Ownership of this link was checked on %s"
"segmented_control": {
@ -597,12 +484,12 @@
"message": "Confirmar para desbloquear a %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Mostrar reblogs",
"message": "Confirmar para mostrar reblogs"
"title": "Show Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to show reblogs"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Ocultar reblogs",
"message": "Confirmar para ocultar reblogs"
"title": "Hide Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to hide reblogs"
"accessibility": {
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Todo",
"people": "Gente",
"hashtags": "Etiquetas",
"posts": "Publicaciones"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Sin resultados"
"recent_search": "Búsquedas recientes",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Borrar"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Estas son las publicaciones que están ganando tracción en tu rincón de Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Tus Favoritos"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Publicación de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Configuración",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Apariencia",
"automatic": "Automática",
"light": "Siempre Clara",
"dark": "Siempre Oscura"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Apariencia",
"use_system": "Uso del sistema",
"really_dark": "Realmente Oscuro",
"sorta_dark": "Más o Menos Oscuro",
"light": "Claro"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notificaciones",
"favorites": "Marque como favorita mi publicación",
"follows": "Me siga",
"boosts": "Rebloguee mi publicación",
"mentions": "Me mencione",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "cualquiera",
"follower": "un seguidor",
"follow": "cualquiera que yo siga",
"noone": "nadie",
"title": "Recibir notificación cuando"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferencias",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Modo oscuro negro real",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Deshabilitar avatares animados",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Deshabilitar emojis animados",
"using_default_browser": "Usar navegador predeterminado para abrir los enlaces",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Abrir links en Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "La Zona Aburrida",
"account_settings": "Configuración de Cuenta",
"terms": "Términos de Servicio",
"privacy": "Política de Privacidad"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "La Zona Picante",
"clear": "Borrar Caché de Multimedia",
"signout": "Cerrar Sesión"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon es software de código abierto. Puedes reportar errores en GitHub en %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Cerrar Ventana de Configuración"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Descartar el selector de cuentas",
"add_account": "Añadir cuenta"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Nuevo en Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Cambie entre varias cuentas manteniendo presionado el botón de perfil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Haz doble toque para descartar este asistente"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Marcadores"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Etiquetas seguidas",
"header": {
"posts": "publicaciones",
"participants": "participantes",
"posts_today": "publicaciones de hoy"
"actions": {
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Dejar de seguir"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."
"title": "Bookmarks"

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,15 +61,15 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%#@names@: "%#@count_mutual@</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld bultzada</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Hutsegitea botoa ematean",
"poll_ended": "Inkesta amaitu da"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Baztertu zirriborroa",
"message": "Berretsi idatzitako bidalketaren edukia baztertzea."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Hutsegitea argitaratzean",
"message": "Huts egin du bidalketa argitaratzean.\nEgiaztatu Interneteko konexioa.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Garbitu cache-a",
"message": "Behar bezala garbitu da %s cache-a."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -75,10 +74,10 @@
"take_photo": "Atera argazkia",
"save_photo": "Gorde argazkia",
"copy_photo": "Kopiatu argazkia",
"sign_in": "Hasi saioa",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "Ikusi gehiago",
"preview": "Aurrebista",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Partekatu",
"share_user": "Partekatu %s",
"share_post": "Partekatu bidalketa",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Blokeatu %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desblokeatu %s",
"settings": "Ezarpenak",
"delete": "Ezabatu",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Ezabatu"
"tabs": {
"home": "Hasiera",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profila",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Bilatu",
"notification": "Jakinarazpena",
"profile": "Profila"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -143,20 +129,18 @@
"show_post": "Erakutsi bidalketa",
"show_user_profile": "Erakutsi erabiltzailearen profila",
"content_warning": "Edukiaren abisua",
"sensitive_content": "Eduki hunkigarria",
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Ukitu edonon bistaratzeko",
"tap_to_reveal": "Sakatu erakusteko",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Bozkatu",
"closed": "Itxita"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Lotura: %s",
"hashtag": "Traolak: %s",
"mention": "Erakutsi Profila: %s",
"email": "E-posta helbidea: %s"
"url": "Link: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Show Profile: %s",
"email": "Email address: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Erantzun",
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Erakutsi irudia",
"show_gif": "Erakutsi GIFa",
"show_video_player": "Erakutsi bideo-erreproduzigailua",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Sakatu eta eutsi menua erakusteko",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Sakatu eta eutsi menua erakusteko"
"tag": {
"url": "URLa",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Beren jarraitzaileek soilik ikus dezakete bidalketa hau.",
"private_from_me": "Nire jarraitzaileek soilik ikus dezakete bidalketa hau.",
"direct": "Aipatutako erabiltzaileek soilik ikus dezakete bidalketa hau."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -232,8 +187,8 @@
"unmute_user": "Desmututu %s",
"muted": "Mutututa",
"edit_info": "Editatu informazioa",
"show_reblogs": "Ikusi bultzadak",
"hide_reblogs": "Ezkutatu bultzadak"
"show_reblogs": "Show Reblogs",
"hide_reblogs": "Hide Reblogs"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Iragazita",
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%s kontua kanporatua izan da."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Hasi saioa",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Sare sozialak\nberriz zure eskuetan.",
"get_started": "Nola hasi",
"log_in": "Hasi saioa"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Aukeratu zerbitzari bat,\nedozein zerbitzari.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "Guztiak",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Kategoria: Guztiak",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Erabilgarri dauden zerbitzariak bilatzen...",
"bad_network": "Arazoren bat egon da datuak kargatzean. Egiaztatu zure Interneteko konexioa.",
"no_results": "Emaitzarik ez"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Hitz egin iezaguzu zuri buruz.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Ezabatu"
"username": {
"placeholder": "erabiltzaile-izena",
"duplicate_prompt": "Erabiltzaile-izen hau hartuta dago.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Erabiltzaile-izen hau hartuta dago."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "pantaila-izena"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "pasahitza",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Zure pasahitzak izan behar ditu gutxienez:",
"character_limit": "8 karaktere",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s(e)k onartu gabeko eposta hornitzaile bat erabiltzen du",
"unreachable": "dirudienez %s ez da existitzen",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s dagoeneko erabiltzen da",
"reserved": "%s gako-hitz erreserbatu bat da",
"accepted": "%s onartu behar da",
"blank": "%s beharrezkoa da",
@ -422,30 +329,27 @@
"terms_of_service": "zerbitzu-baldintzak",
"privacy_policy": "pribatutasun-gidalerroak",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm": "Ados nago"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "Eta azkenik...",
"subtitle": "Sakatu epostaz bidali dizugun loturan zure kontua egiaztatzeko.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Ireki eposta aplikazioa",
"resend": "Berbidali"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Begiratu zure eposta",
"description": "Egiaztatu zure eposta helbidea zuzena den eta begiratu zaborraren karpeta.",
"resend_email": "Birbidali eposta"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Egiaztatu zure sarrerako ontzia.",
"description": "Eposta bat bidali dizugu. Egiaztatu zure zaborraren karpeta.",
"mail": "Posta",
"open_email_client": "Ireki eposta bezeroa"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Argitaratua!",
"Publishing": "Bidalketa argitaratzen...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Bilatu jarraitzeko jendea",
"follow_explain": "Norbait jarraitzen duzunean, bere bidalketak zure hasierako denbora-lerroan agertuko zaizkizu."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Bidalketa berria",
"new_reply": "Erantzun berria",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "Erantzun berria"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Atera argazkia",
@ -486,14 +389,13 @@
"description_photo": "Deskribatu argazkia ikusmen arazoak dituztenentzat...",
"description_video": "Deskribatu bideoa ikusmen arazoak dituztenentzat...",
"load_failed": "Load Failed",
"upload_failed": "Kargatzeak huts egin du",
"upload_failed": "Upload Failed",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Can not recognize this media attachment",
"attachment_too_large": "Eranskina handiegia da",
"compressing_state": "Konprimatzen...",
"attachment_too_large": "Attachment too large",
"compressing_state": "Compressing...",
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Iraupena: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutu",
"one_hour": "Ordu 1",
@ -502,12 +404,8 @@
"three_days": "3 egun",
"seven_days": "7 egun",
"option_number": "%ld aukera",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Inkesta ez da balekoa",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Idatzi abisu zehatz bat hemen..."
@ -529,7 +427,7 @@
"enable_content_warning": "Gaitu edukiaren abisua",
"disable_content_warning": "Desgaitu edukiaren abisua",
"post_visibility_menu": "Bidalketaren ikusgaitasunaren menua",
"post_options": "Bildalketaren aukerak",
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "Posting as %s"
"keyboard": {
@ -539,29 +437,18 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Txandakatu edukiaren abisua",
"append_attachment_entry": "Gehitu eranskina - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Hautatu ikusgaitasuna - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
"header": {
"follows_you": "Jarraitzen zaitu"
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "bidalketa",
"following": "jarraitzen",
"followers": "jarraitzaile"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Gehitu errenkada",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Etiketa",
@ -569,7 +456,7 @@
"verified": {
"short": "Verified on %s",
"long": "Esteka honen jabetzaren egiaztaketa data: %s"
"long": "Ownership of this link was checked on %s"
"segmented_control": {
@ -597,12 +484,12 @@
"message": "Berretsi %s desblokeatzea"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Ikusi bultzadak",
"message": "Berretsi birbidalketak ikustea"
"title": "Show Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to show reblogs"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Ezkutatu bultzadak",
"message": "Berretsi birbidalketak ezkutatzea"
"title": "Hide Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to hide reblogs"
"accessibility": {
@ -613,11 +500,11 @@
"follower": {
"title": "jarraitzaile",
"title": "follower",
"footer": "Beste zerbitzarietako jarraitzaileak ez dira bistaratzen."
"following": {
"title": "jarraitzen",
"title": "following",
"footer": "Beste zerbitzarietan jarraitutakoak ez dira bistaratzen."
"familiarFollowers": {
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Guztiak",
"people": "Jendea",
"hashtags": "Traolak",
"posts": "Bidalketak"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Emaitzarik ez"
"recent_search": "Azken bilaketak",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Garbitu"
@ -672,13 +555,13 @@
"posts": "Argitalpenak",
"hashtags": "Traolak",
"news": "Albisteak",
"community": "Komunitatea",
"community": "Community",
"for_you": "Zuretzat"
"intro": "Hauek dira zure Mastodon txokoan beraien lekua hartzen ari diren argitalpenak."
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Zure gogokoak"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -698,10 +581,10 @@
"show_mentions": "Erakutsi aipamenak"
"follow_request": {
"accept": "Onartu",
"accepted": "Onartuta",
"reject": "ukatu",
"rejected": "Ukatua"
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted": "Accepted",
"reject": "reject",
"rejected": "Rejected"
"thread": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "%s(e)n bidalketa"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Ezarpenak",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Itxura",
"automatic": "Automatikoa",
"light": "Beti argia",
"dark": "Beti iluna"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Itxura",
"use_system": "Erabili sistemakoa",
"really_dark": "Oso iluna",
"sorta_dark": "Ilun antzekoa",
"light": "Argia"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Jakinarazpenak",
"favorites": "Nire bidalketa gogoko egitean",
"follows": "Jarraitzen nau",
"boosts": "Nire bidalketa bultzatu du",
"mentions": "Aipatu nau",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "edozein",
"follower": "jarraitzaile bat",
"follow": "jarraitzen dudan edonor",
"noone": "inor ez",
"title": "Noiz jakinarazi:"
"preference": {
"title": "Hobespenak",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Benetako modu beltz iluna",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Desgaitu abatar animatuak",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Desgaitu emoji animatuak",
"using_default_browser": "Erabili nabigatzaile lehenetsia estekak irekitzeko",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Ireki estekak Mastodonen"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "Eremu aspergarria",
"account_settings": "Kontuaren ezarpenak",
"terms": "Zerbitzu-baldintzak",
"privacy": "Pribatutasun-gidalerroak"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "Eremu beroa",
"clear": "Garbitu multimediaren cachea",
"signout": "Amaitu saioa"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon software librea da. Arazoen berri eman dezakezu GitHub bidez: %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Itxi ezarpenen leihoa"
"report": {
@ -786,46 +661,46 @@
"text_placeholder": "Idatzi edo itsatsi iruzkin gehigarriak",
"reported": "SALATUA",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "1. urratsa 4tik",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Zer du txarra argitalpen honek?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Zer du txarra kontu honek?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Zer du txarra %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Aukeratu egokiena",
"i_dont_like_it": "Ez dut gustukoa",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "Ikusi nahi ez dudan zerbait da",
"its_spam": "Spama da",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Esteka maltzurrak, gezurrezko elkarrekintzak edo erantzun errepikakorrak",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Zerbitzariaren arauak hausten ditu",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Arau zehatzak urratzen dituela badakizu",
"its_something_else": "Beste zerbait da",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Arazoa ezin da beste kategorietan sailkatu"
"step_1_of_4": "Step 1 of 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "What's wrong with this post?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "What's wrong with this account?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "What's wrong with %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Select the best match",
"i_dont_like_it": "I dont like it",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "It is not something you want to see",
"its_spam": "Its spam",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies",
"it_violates_server_rules": "It violates server rules",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"its_something_else": "Its something else",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "The issue does not fit into other categories"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "2. urratsa 4tik",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Ze arau hautsi ditu?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Hautatu dagozkion guztiak",
"step_2_of_4": "Step 2 of 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Which rules are being violated?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "I just dont like it"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "3. urratsa 4tik",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Salaketa hau babesten duen bidalketarik badago?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Hautatu dagozkion guztiak"
"step_3_of_4": "Step 3 of 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "4. urratsa 4tik",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Beste zerbait jakin beharko genuke?"
"step_4_of_4": "Step 4 of 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Is there anything else we should know?"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Ez duzu hau ikusi nahi?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Mastodonen gustuko ez duzun zerbait ikusten duzunean, zure esperientziatik atera dezakezu pertsona hori.",
"unfollow": "Utzi jarraitzeari",
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Dont want to see this?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "When you see something you dont like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"unfollowed": "Unfollowed",
"unfollow_user": "%s jarraitzeari utzi",
"mute_user": "Mututu %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "Ez dituzu bere bidalketa eta birbidalketak zure hasierako jarioan ikusiko. Ez dute jakingo isilarazi dituztenik.",
"block_user": "Blokeatu %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "Ezin izango dituzte zure bidalketak jarraitu edo ikusi, baina blokeatuta dauden ikusi ahal izango dute.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Hau berrikusten dugun bitartean, %s erabiltzailearen aurkako neurriak hartu ditzakezu"
"unfollow_user": "Unfollow %s",
"mute_user": "Mute %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "You wont see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They wont know theyve been muted.",
"block_user": "Block %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if theyve been blocked.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "While we review this, you can take action against %s"
"preview": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Baztertu kontu-aldatzailea",
"add_account": "Gehitu kontua"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Berria Mastodonen",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Aldatu hainbat konturen artean profilaren botoia sakatuta edukiz.",
"accessibility_hint": "Ukitu birritan morroi hau baztertzeko"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Laster-markak"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."
"title": "Bookmarks"

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 merkki jäljellä</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld merkkiä jäljellä</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
<string>%1$@ seuraajaa, joista yhteistä</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and another mutual</string>
<string>%1$@ seuraajaa, joista %ld yhteistä</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@
<string>Yksi media</string>
<string>1 media</string>
<string>%ld mediaa</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
@ -168,25 +168,9 @@
<string>Yksi edelleenjulkaisu</string>
<string>1 edelleen jako</string>
<string>%ld edelleenjulkaisua</string>
<string>Yksi edelleenjulkaisu</string>
<string>%ld edelleenjulkaisua</string>
<string>%ld edelleen jakoa</string>
@ -200,9 +184,9 @@
<string>Yksi vastaus</string>
<string>1 reply</string>
<string>%ld vastausta</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>

View File

@ -12,14 +12,18 @@
"title": "Palvelinvirhe"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Äänestys epäonnistui",
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "Kysely on päättynyt"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Hylkää luonnos",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Julkaiseminen epäonnistui",
"message": "Julkaisun julkaiseminen epäonnistui.\nTarkista internet-yhteytesi.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "Videota ei voi liittää tilapäivitykseen, joka sisältää jo kuvia.",
"video_attach_with_photo": "Cannot attach a video to a post that already contains images.",
"more_than_one_video": "Ei voi liittä yhtä videota enempää."
@ -33,25 +37,20 @@
"confirm": "Kirjaudu ulos"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Haluatko aivan varmasti estää palvelun %s täysin? Useimmiten muutama kohdistettu esto tai mykistys on riittävä ja suositeltava toimenpide. Et näe kyseisen palvelun sisältöä julkisilla aikajanoilla tai ilmoituksissa. Tälle palvelulle kuuluvat seuraajasi poistetaan.",
"title": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %s? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"block_entire_domain": "Estä verkkotunnus"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Kuvan tallentaminen epäonnistui",
"message": "Myönnä kuvakirjaston käyttöoikeus tallentaaksesi kuvan."
"message": "Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän julkaisun?",
"message": "Haluatko varmasti poistaa julkaisun?"
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Puhdista välimuisti",
"message": "%s välimuisti tyhjennetty onnistuneesti."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Huomautus",
"message": "Käännös epäonnistui. Ehkä palvelimen ylläpito ei ole ottanut käännösominaisuutta käyttöön tai se käyttää Mastodonin vanhempaa versiota, joka ei vielä tue käännöksiä.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -75,43 +74,30 @@
"take_photo": "Ota kuva",
"save_photo": "Tallenna kuva",
"copy_photo": "Kopioi kuva",
"sign_in": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "Näytä lisää",
"preview": "Esikatselu",
"copy": "Kopioi",
"share": "Jaa",
"share_user": "Jaa %s",
"share_post": "Jaa julkaisu",
"open_in_safari": "Avaa Safarissa",
"open_in_browser": "Avaa selaimessa",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
"find_people": "Löydä tilejä seurattavaksi",
"manually_search": "Etsi sen sijaan manuaalisesti",
"manually_search": "Manually search instead",
"skip": "Ohita",
"reply": "Vastaa",
"report_user": "Ilmianna %s",
"block_domain": "Estä %s",
"unblock_domain": "Poista esto %s",
"settings": "Asetukset",
"delete": "Poista",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Käännetty kielestä %s",
"unknown_language": "Tuntematon"
"edit_post": "Muokkaa",
"bookmark": "Kirjanmerkki",
"remove_bookmark": "Poista kirjanmerkki",
"follow": "Seuraa käyttäjää %s",
"unfollow": "Lopeta käyttäjän %s seuraaminen"
"delete": "Poista"
"tabs": {
"home": "Koti",
"search_and_explore": "Etsi ja korvaa",
"notifications": "Ilmoitukset",
"profile": "Profiili",
"a11y": {
"search": "Haku",
"explore": "Selaa"
"search": "Haku",
"notification": "Ilmoitus",
"profile": "Profiili"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -125,94 +111,63 @@
"next_status": "Seuraava julkaisu",
"open_status": "Avaa julkaisu",
"open_author_profile": "Avaa tekijän profiili",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Avaa edelleenjulkaisijan profiili",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Avaa edelleen jakajan profiili",
"reply_status": "Vastaa julkaisuun",
"toggle_reblog": "Kytke julkaisun jakaminen",
"toggle_favorite": "Kytke julkaisun suosikkivalinta",
"toggle_reblog": "Toggle Reblog on Post",
"toggle_favorite": "Toggle Favorite on Post",
"toggle_content_warning": "Vaihda sisältövaroitus",
"preview_image": "Esikatsele kuvaa"
"preview_image": "Preview Image"
"segmented_control": {
"previous_section": "Edellinen osio",
"previous_section": "Previous Section",
"next_section": "Seuraava lohko"
"status": {
"user_reblogged": "%s julkaisi edelleen",
"user_reblogged": "%s jakoi edelleen",
"user_replied_to": "Vastasi %s:lle",
"show_post": "Näytä julkaisu",
"show_user_profile": "Näytä tili",
"content_warning": "Sisältövaroitus",
"sensitive_content": "Arkaluonteista sisältöä",
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Napauta mistä tahansa paljastaaksesi",
"tap_to_reveal": "Paljasta napauttamalla",
"load_embed": "Lataa upotus",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"poll": {
"vote": "Äänestä",
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Suljettu"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Linkki: %s",
"hashtag": "Aihetunniste: %s",
"mention": "Näytä profiili: %s",
"email": "Sähköpostiosoite: %s"
"url": "Link: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Show Profile: %s",
"email": "Email address: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "Vastaa",
"reblog": "Julkaise uudelleen",
"unreblog": "Peru uudelleenjulkaisu",
"favorite": "Merkitse suosikiksi",
"unfavorite": "Poista suosikkimerkintä",
"reblog": "Jaa edelleen",
"unreblog": "Peru edelleen jako",
"favorite": "Favorite",
"unfavorite": "Unfavorite",
"menu": "Valikko",
"hide": "Piilota",
"show_image": "Näytä kuva",
"show_gif": "Näytä GIF",
"show_video_player": "Näytä videosoitin",
"share_link_in_post": "Jaa linkki julkaisussa",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Näytä valikko pitkällä painalluksella",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Edelleenjulkaise",
"unreblog": "Peru edelleenjulkaisu"
"hide": "Hide",
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL-osoite",
"mention": "Mainitse",
"url": "URL",
"mention": "Mention",
"link": "Linkki",
"hashtag": "Hashtagi",
"email": "Sähköposti",
"emoji": "Emoji"
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Kaikki voivat nähdä julkaisun, mutta sitä ei näytetä julkisella aikajanalla.",
"private": "Vain heidän seuraajansa voivat nähdä julkaisun.",
"private_from_me": "Vain omat seuraajat voivat nähdä julkaisun.",
"direct": "Vain mainittu käyttäjä voi nähdä julkaisun."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Käännetty kielestä %s palvelulla %s",
"unknown_language": "Tuntematon",
"unknown_provider": "Tuntematon",
"show_original": "Näytä alkuperäinen"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, liite %d/%d",
"expand_image_hint": "Laajentaa kuvan. Näytä toiminnot kaksoisnapautuksella ja painamalla",
"expand_gif_hint": "Laajentaa GIF-kuvan. Näytä toiminnot kaksoisnapautuksella ja painamalla",
"expand_video_hint": "Näyttää videosoittimen. Näytä toiminnot kaksoisnapautuksella ja painamalla"
"posted_via_application": "%s sovelluksella %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Uudelleenjulkaisut",
"favorites_title": "Suosikit",
"edit_history_title": "Muokkaushistoria",
"edit_history_detail": "Muokattiin viimeksi %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Muokattiin %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Muokkaushistoria",
"original_post": "Alkuperäinen julkaisu · %s"
"unlisted": "Everyone can see this post but not display in the public timeline.",
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"friendship": {
@ -224,7 +179,7 @@
"block_user": "Estä %s",
"block_domain": "Estä %s",
"unblock": "Poista esto",
"unblock_user": "Poista käyttäjän %s esto",
"unblock_user": "Unblock %s",
"blocked": "Estetty",
"mute": "Mykistä",
"mute_user": "Mykistä %s",
@ -232,8 +187,8 @@
"unmute_user": "Poista mykistys tililtä %s",
"muted": "Mykistetty",
"edit_info": "Muokkaa profiilia",
"show_reblogs": "Näytä uudelleenjulkaisut",
"hide_reblogs": "Piilota uudelleenjulkaisut"
"show_reblogs": "Show Reblogs",
"hide_reblogs": "Hide Reblogs"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Suodatettu",
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "Tili %s on lakkautettu."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Ei todennettua linkkiä",
"followers_count": "%@ seuraajaa"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Kirjaudu sisään",
"learn_more": "Lue lisää",
"join_default_server": "Liity palvelimelle %@",
"pick_server": "Valitse eri palvelin",
"separator": {
"or": "tai"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Tervetuloa Mastodoniin",
"description": "Mastodon on hajautettu sosiaalinen verkosto, joka tarkoittaa sitä, ettei sitä hallitse mikään yksittäinen yritys. Se koostuu monista itsenäisesti ylläpidetyistä palvelimista, jotka on liitetty yhteen."
"servers": {
"title": "Mitä palvelimet ovat?",
"description": "Jokainen Mastodon-tili sijaitsee jollakin palvelimella, joilla on kaikilla omat arvot, säännöt ja ylläpitäjät. Palvelinvalinnastasi riippumatta voit seurata kaikkien palvelinten käyttäjiä ja viestiä heidän kanssaan."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Mikä Mastodon on?"
"slogan": "Sosiaalinen verkostoituminen\ntakaisin käsissäsi.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Tervetuloa takaisin",
"subtitle": "Kirjaudu palvelimelle, jolla loit tilisi.",
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Log you in on the server you created your account on.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Syötä URL-osoite tai etsi palvelintasi"
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Valitse palvelin",
"title": "Valitse palvelin,\nmikä tahansa palvelin.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Kieli",
"signup_speed": "Rekisteröintinopeus",
"category": {
"all": "Kaikki",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Kategoria: Kaikki",
@ -323,47 +254,24 @@
"category": "KATEGORIA"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Etsi yhteisöjä tai syötä URL-osoite"
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Search communities or enter URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Etsistään saatavilla olevia palvelimia...",
"bad_network": "Jokin meni pieleen dataa ladatessa. Tarkista internet-yhteytesi.",
"no_results": "Ei hakutuloksia"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Kaikki",
"instant": "Välitön rekisteröityminen",
"manually_reviewed": "Manuaalinen hyväksyntä"
"language": {
"all": "Kaikki"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Etsi nimeä tai URL-osoitetta"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Palvelin valitaan kielesi perusteella, jos jatkat ilman valintaa."
"privacy": {
"title": "Yksityisyys",
"description": "Vaikka Mastodon-sovellus ei kerää mitään tietoja, voi rekisteröitymiseen käyttämälläsi palvelimella olla eri käytäntö. Käytä hetki Mastodon-sovelluksen ja palvelimen tietosuojakäytäntöjen tarkasteluun ja hyväksyntään.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Tietosuojakäytäntö - Mastodon iOS:lle",
"server": "Tietosuojakäytäntö - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Hyväksyn"
"register": {
"title": "Luo tili",
"title": "Kerro meille sinusta.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Poista"
"username": {
"placeholder": "käyttäjänimi",
"duplicate_prompt": "Tämä käyttäjänimi on varattu.",
"suggestion": "häkellyttävä_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Tämä käyttäjänimi on varattu."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "näyttönimi"
@ -373,12 +281,11 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "salasana",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Vahvista salasana",
"require": "Salasanasi on oltava ainakin:",
"character_limit": "8 merkkiä",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "tarkastettu",
"unchecked": "tarkastamaton"
"checked": "checked",
"unchecked": "unchecked"
"hint": "Salasanassasi on oltava vähintään kahdeksan merkkiä"
@ -392,14 +299,14 @@
"email": "Sähköposti",
"password": "Salasana",
"agreement": "Hyväksy",
"locale": "Alue",
"locale": "Locale",
"reason": "Syy"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s sisältää estetyn sähköpostipalveluntarjoajan",
"unreachable": "%s ei näytä olevan olemassa",
"taken": "%s on jo varattu. Entäpä:",
"reserved": "%s on varattu avainsana",
"taken": "%s on jo käytössä",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s täytyy hyväksyä",
"blank": "%s vaaditaan",
"invalid": "%s on virheellinen",
@ -426,13 +333,15 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Tarkasta postilaatikkosi",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Napauta lähettämäämme linkkiä vahvistaaksesi tunnuksen %@. Odotamme täällä.",
"title": "Viimeinen asia.",
"subtitle": "Lähetimme juuri sähköpostin osoitteeseen %s, napauta siinä olevaa linkkiä vahvistaaksesi tilisi.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"resend": "Lähetä uudelleen"
"open_email_app": "Avaa sähköpostisovellus",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Tarkasta sähköpostisi",
"title": "Tarkista sähköpostisi",
"description": "Tarkista, että sähköpostiosoitteesi on oikea, sekä roskapostikansiosi, jos et vielä ole.",
"resend_email": "Lähetä sähköposti uudelleen"
@ -441,11 +350,6 @@
"description": "Lähetimme sinulle juuri sähköpostin. Tarkista myös roskapostikansiosi, jos et vielä ole.",
"mail": "Sähköposti",
"open_email_client": "Avaa sähköpostisovellus"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Etkö saanut linkkiä?",
"resend_in": "Lähetä uudelleen (%@)",
"resend_now": "Lähetä uudelleen nyt."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Julkaistu!",
"Publishing": "Julkaistaan julkaisua...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_hint": "Siirry ylös napautuksella ja edelliseen napauttamalla uudestaan"
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Suosittua Mastodonissa",
"follow_all": "Seuraa kaikkia"
"title": "Löydä tilejä seurattavaksi",
"follow_explain": "Kun seuraat jotakuta, näet hänen julkaisunsa kotisyötteessäsi."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Uusi julkaisu",
"new_reply": "Uusi vastaus",
"edit_post": "Muokkaa julkaisua"
"new_reply": "Uusi vastaus"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Ota kuva",
@ -482,18 +385,17 @@
"attachment": {
"photo": "kuva",
"video": "video",
"attachment_broken": "Tämä %s on viallinen, eikä sitä voida\nkopioida Mastodoniin.",
"attachment_broken": "This %s is broken and cant be\nuploaded to Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Kuvaile kuva näkövammaisille...",
"description_video": "Kuvaile video näkövammaisille...",
"load_failed": "Lataus epäonnistui",
"upload_failed": "Lähetys epäonnistui",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Medialiitettä ei tunnisteta",
"attachment_too_large": "Liite on liian suuri",
"compressing_state": "Pakataan...",
"server_processing_state": "Palvelin käsittelee..."
"load_failed": "Load Failed",
"upload_failed": "Upload Failed",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Can not recognize this media attachment",
"attachment_too_large": "Attachment too large",
"compressing_state": "Compressing...",
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Kysely",
"duration_time": "Kesto: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minuuttia",
"one_hour": "1 tunti",
@ -502,12 +404,8 @@
"three_days": "3 päivää",
"seven_days": "7 päivää",
"option_number": "Vaihtoehto %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Kysely on virheellinen",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Kyselyssä on tyhjä vaihtoehto",
"add_option": "Lisää vaihtoehto",
"remove_option": "Poista vaihtoehto",
"move_up": "Siirrä ylemmäs",
"move_down": "Siirrä alemmas"
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Kirjoita tarkka varoitus tähän..."
@ -519,7 +417,7 @@
"direct": "Vain mainitsemani tilit"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "Lisättävä tila"
"space_to_add": "Space to add"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Lisää liite",
@ -529,8 +427,8 @@
"enable_content_warning": "Ota sisältövaroitus käyttöön",
"disable_content_warning": "Poista sisältövaroitus käytöstä",
"post_visibility_menu": "Julkaisun näkyvyysvalikko",
"post_options": "Julkaisun valinnat",
"posting_as": "Julkaistaan tunnuksella %s"
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "Posting as %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Hylkää julkaisu",
@ -539,96 +437,85 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Vaihda sisältövaroitus",
"append_attachment_entry": "Lisää liite - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Valitse näkyvyys - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Julkaisun kieli",
"suggested": "Ehdotettu",
"recent": "Uusimmat",
"other": "Muu kieli…"
"profile": {
"header": {
"follows_you": "Seuraa sinua"
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "julkaisut",
"my_following": "seurattavat",
"my_followers": "seuraajat",
"other_posts": "julkaisut",
"other_following": "seurattavat",
"other_followers": "seuraajat",
"familiar_followers": "yhteiset"
"posts": "julkaisut",
"following": "seurataan",
"followers": "seuraajat"
"fields": {
"joined": "Liittynyt",
"add_row": "Lisää rivi",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Nimi",
"content": "Sisältö"
"verified": {
"short": "Vahvistettu %s",
"long": "Linkin omistajuus on tarkastettu %s"
"short": "Verified on %s",
"long": "Ownership of this link was checked on %s"
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Julkaisut",
"replies": "Vastaukset",
"posts_and_replies": "Julkaisut ja vastaukset",
"media": "Mediat",
"about": "Tietoja"
"posts_and_replies": "Posts and Replies",
"media": "Media",
"about": "About"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Mykistä tili",
"message": "Vahvista käyttäjän %s mykistys"
"title": "Mute Account",
"message": "Confirm to mute %s"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Poista tilin mykistys",
"message": "Vahvista, että haluat poistaa mykistyksen tililtä %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Estä tili",
"message": "Vahvista käyttäjän %s esto"
"title": "Block Account",
"message": "Confirm to block %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Poista tilin esto",
"message": "Vahvista tilin %s eston poisto"
"title": "Unblock Account",
"message": "Confirm to unblock %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Näytä uudelleenjulkaisut",
"message": "Vahvista edelleenjulkaisujen näyttö"
"title": "Show Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to show reblogs"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Piilota edelleenjulkaisut",
"message": "Vahvista edelleenjulkaisujen piilotus"
"title": "Hide Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to hide reblogs"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Näytä profiilikuvat",
"edit_avatar_image": "Muokkaa profiilikuvaa",
"show_banner_image": "Näytä bannerin kuva",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Avaa lista napauttamalla kahdesti"
"show_avatar_image": "Show avatar image",
"edit_avatar_image": "Edit avatar image",
"show_banner_image": "Show banner image",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Double tap to open the list"
"follower": {
"title": "seuraajaa",
"title": "follower",
"footer": "Seuraajia muilta palvelimilta ei näytetä."
"following": {
"title": "seurataan",
"title": "following",
"footer": "Seurauksia muilta palvelimilta ei näytetä."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Followers you familiar",
"followed_by_names": "%s seuraa"
"followed_by_names": "Followed by %s"
"favorited_by": {
"title": "Lisännyt suosikkeihinsä"
"title": "Favorited By"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Edelleenjulkaissut"
"title": "Reblogged By"
"search": {
"title": "Haku",
@ -650,35 +537,31 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Julkaisut haulla \"%s\"",
"people": "Käyttäjät haulla \"%s\"",
"profile": "Avaa profiilii @%s@%s",
"url": "Avaa URL Mastodonissa",
"hashtag": "Siirry #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Kaikki",
"people": "Tilit",
"hashtags": "Hashtagit",
"posts": "Julkaisut"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Ei hakutuloksia"
"recent_search": "Viimeaikaiset",
"clear_all": "Tyhjennä kaikki",
"clear": "Tyhjennä"
"discovery": {
"tabs": {
"posts": "Julkaisut",
"hashtags": "Aihetunnisteet",
"news": "Uutiset",
"community": "Yhteisö",
"for_you": "Sinulle"
"posts": "Posts",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"news": "News",
"community": "Community",
"for_you": "For You"
"intro": "Nämä julkaisut saavat huomiota Mastodonin nurkassasi."
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Suosikit"
"title": "Omat suosikit"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -686,22 +569,22 @@
"Mentions": "Maininnat"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "seurasi sinua",
"favorited_your_post": "lisäsi julkaisusi suosikkeihinsa",
"reblogged_your_post": "edelleenjulkaisi julkaisusi",
"mentioned_you": "mainitsi sinut",
"request_to_follow_you": "haluaa seurata sinua",
"poll_has_ended": "kysely on päättynyt"
"followed_you": "followed you",
"favorited_your_post": "favorited your post",
"reblogged_your_post": "reblogged your post",
"mentioned_you": "mentioned you",
"request_to_follow_you": "request to follow you",
"poll_has_ended": "poll has ended"
"keyobard": {
"show_everything": "Näytä kaikki",
"show_mentions": "Näytä maininnat"
"follow_request": {
"accept": "Hyväksy",
"accepted": "Hyväksytty",
"reject": "Hylkää",
"rejected": "Hylätty"
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted": "Accepted",
"reject": "reject",
"rejected": "Rejected"
"thread": {
@ -709,123 +592,115 @@
"title": "Julkaisu tililtä %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Asetukset",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Ulkoasu",
"automatic": "Seuraa järjestelmää",
"light": "Vaalea",
"dark": "Tumma"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Ilmoitukset",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Seuraa minua",
"boosts": "Omien julkaisujen edelleen jaot",
"mentions": "Mainitsee minut",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "kuka tahansa",
"follower": "seuraaja",
"follow": "kuka tahansa, jota seuraan",
"noone": "ei kukaan",
"title": "Ilmoita minulle, kun"
"preference": {
"title": "Lisäasetukset",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Todellinen mustan tumma tila",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Poista käytöstä animoidut avatarit",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Poista käytöstä animoidut emojit",
"using_default_browser": "Käytä oletusselainta linkkien avaamiseen",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "Tylsä alue",
"account_settings": "Tiliasetukset",
"terms": "Palveluehdot",
"privacy": "Tietosuojakäytäntö"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "Varovainen alue",
"clear": "Tyhjennä median välimuisti",
"signout": "Kirjaudu ulos"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon on avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmisto. Voit raportoida ongelmasta GitHubissa osoitteessa %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Sulje asetukset"
"report": {
"title_report": "Ilmoita",
"title_report": "Report",
"title": "Ilmianna %s",
"step1": "Vaihe 1/2",
"step2": "Vaihe 2/2",
"content1": "Onko julkaisuja, joita haluaisit lisätä ilmiantoon?",
"content2": "Onko valvojien syytä tietää tästä ilmiannosta?",
"report_sent_title": "Kiitos ilmoituksesta, tutkimme asiaa.",
"report_sent_title": "Thanks for reporting, well look into this.",
"send": "Lähetä ilmianto",
"skip_to_send": "Lähetä ilman kommentteja",
"text_placeholder": "Kirjoita tai liitä lisäkommentteja",
"reported": "ILMOITETTU",
"reported": "REPORTED",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Vaihe 1/4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "Mitä vikaa tässä julkaisussa on?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "Mitä vikaa tässä tilissä on?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "Mitä vikaa käyttäjässä %s on?",
"select_the_best_match": "Valitse sopivin",
"i_dont_like_it": "En pidä siitä",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "Tätä ei halua nähdä",
"its_spam": "Se on roskapostia",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Haitallisia linkkejä, valheellinen osanotto tai toistuvia vastauksia",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Se rikkoo palvelimen sääntöjä",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Tiedät sen rikkovan tiettyjä sääntöjä",
"its_something_else": "Jotain muuta",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Ongelma ei sovi muihin kategorioihin"
"step_1_of_4": "Step 1 of 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "What's wrong with this post?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "What's wrong with this account?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "What's wrong with %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Select the best match",
"i_dont_like_it": "I dont like it",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "It is not something you want to see",
"its_spam": "Its spam",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies",
"it_violates_server_rules": "It violates server rules",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"its_something_else": "Its something else",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "The issue does not fit into other categories"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "Vaihe 2/4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Mitä sääntöjä rikotaan?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Valitse kaikki sopivat",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "En vain pidä siitä"
"step_2_of_4": "Step 2 of 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Which rules are being violated?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "I just dont like it"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Vaihe 3/4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Onko raporttia tukevia julkaisuja?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Valitse kaikki sopivat"
"step_3_of_4": "Step 3 of 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "Vaihe 4/4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Pitäisikö meidän tietää jotain muuta?"
"step_4_of_4": "Step 4 of 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Is there anything else we should know?"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Etkö halua nähdä tätä?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "Kun näet Mastodonissa jotain sellaista, josta et pidä, voit sulkea käyttäjän käyttökokemuksesi ulkopuolelle.",
"unfollow": "Lopeta seuraaminen",
"unfollowed": "Seuraaminen lopetettiin",
"unfollow_user": "Lopeta käyttäjän %s seuraaminen",
"mute_user": "Mykistä %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "Et näe heidän julkaisujaan tai edelleenjulkaisujaan kotisyötteessäsi. He eivät tiedä sinun mykistäneen heidät.",
"block_user": "Estä %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "He eivät enää voi seurata tai nähdä julkaisujasi, eivätkä myöskään tiedä sinun estäneen heidät.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "Sillä välin kun tarkistamme tätä, voit ryhtyä toimenpiteisiin käyttäjää %s vastaan"
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Dont want to see this?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "When you see something you dont like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"unfollowed": "Unfollowed",
"unfollow_user": "Unfollow %s",
"mute_user": "Mute %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "You wont see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They wont know theyve been muted.",
"block_user": "Block %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if theyve been blocked.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "While we review this, you can take action against %s"
"preview": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Sulje tilin vaihtaja",
"add_account": "Lisää tili"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Uutta Mastodonissa",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Vaihda useiden tilien välillä pitämällä profiilipainiketta painettuna.",
"accessibility_hint": "Hylkää tämä ohjattu toiminto kaksoisnapauttamalla"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Kirjanmerkit"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Seuratut tunnisteet",
"header": {
"posts": "julkaisua",
"participants": "osallistujaa",
"posts_today": "julkaisua tänään"
"actions": {
"follow": "Seuraa",
"unfollow": "Lopeta seuraaminen"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Tämä ei näytä olevan kelvollinen Mastodon-linkki."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Valitettavasti tätä widgettiperhettä ei tueta.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Avaa Mastodon kirjautuaksesi tilille."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Seuraajat",
"configuration_description": "Näytä seuraajien määrä.",
"title": "SEURAAJAT",
"followers_today": "%s seuraajaa tänään"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Useita seuraajia",
"configuration_description": "Näytä seuraajien määrä useille tileille.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Toinen seuraaja",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Uusimmat seuraajat",
"configuration_description": "Näyyä uusimmat seuraajat.",
"title": "Uusimmat seuraajat",
"last_update": "Päivitettiin viimeksi %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Aihetunniste",
"description": "Näyttää hiljattaisen julkaisun valitusta aihetunnisteesta."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "Mikko Mastodon",
"account": "@mikkoMastodon@ei-sellaista.tiliä",
"content": "Valitettavasti emme löytäneet yhtään julkaisua aihetunnisteella <a>#%@</a>. Kokeile <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> tai tarkista widgetin asetukset."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "Mikko Mastodon",
"account": "@mikkoMastodon@ei-sellaista.tiliä",
"content": "Tältä aihetunnisteen <a>#aihetunniste</a> julkaisu näyttäisi. Valitse mikä tahansa <a>#aihetunniste</a> widgetin asetuksista."
"title": "Bookmarks"

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ restants</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>%@ caractère restant</string>
<string>1 caractère</string>
<string>%ld caractères restants</string>
<string>%ld caractères</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 reblog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Échec du vote",
"poll_ended": "Le sondage est terminé"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Abandonner le brouillon",
"message": "Confirmez pour abandonner le contenu de votre message."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "La publication a échoué",
"message": "La publication a échoué.\nVeuillez vérifier votre accès à Internet.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Vider le cache",
"message": "Cache de %s effacé avec succès."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "La traduction a échoué. Peut-être que l'administrateur n'a pas activé les traductions sur ce serveur ou que ce serveur utilise une ancienne version de Mastodon où les traductions ne sont pas encore prises en charge.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Enregistrer la photo",
"copy_photo": "Copier la photo",
"sign_in": "Se connecter",
"sign_up": "Créer un compte",
"see_more": "Voir plus",
"preview": "Aperçu",
"copy": "Copier",
"share": "Partager",
"share_user": "Partager %s",
"share_post": "Partager la publication",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Bloquer %s",
"unblock_domain": "Débloquer %s",
"settings": "Paramètres",
"delete": "Supprimer",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Traduit depuis %s",
"unknown_language": "Inconnu"
"edit_post": "Éditer",
"bookmark": "Ajouter aux signets",
"remove_bookmark": "Supprimer le signet",
"follow": "Sabonner à %s",
"unfollow": "Se désabonner de %s"
"delete": "Supprimer"
"tabs": {
"home": "Accueil",
"search_and_explore": "Rechercher et explorer",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Rechercher",
"explore": "Explorer"
"search": "Rechercher",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Contenu sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Tapotez nimporte où pour révéler la publication",
"tap_to_reveal": "Appuyer pour afficher",
"load_embed": "Charger l'intégration",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Voter",
"closed": "Fermé"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Afficher limage",
"show_gif": "Afficher le GIF",
"show_video_player": "Afficher le lecteur vidéo",
"share_link_in_post": "Partager le lien dans le message",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Appuyez et maintenez pour afficher le menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Annuler le re6blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Appuyez et maintenez pour afficher le menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Seul·e·s leurs abonné·e·s peuvent voir ce message.",
"private_from_me": "Seul·e·s mes abonné·e·s peuvent voir ce message.",
"direct": "Seul·e lutilisateur·rice mentionnée peut voir ce message."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Traduit de %s en utilisant %s",
"unknown_language": "Inconnu",
"unknown_provider": "Inconnu",
"show_original": "Afficher l'original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, pièce jointe %d sur %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Développe l'image. Appuyez deux fois et maintenez pour afficher les actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Développe le GIF. Appuyez deux fois et maintenez pour afficher les actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Affiche le lecteur vidéo. Appuyez deux fois et maintenez enfoncé pour afficher les actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favoris",
"edit_history_title": "Historique des modifications",
"edit_history_detail": "Dernière modification %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Édité %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Historique des modifications",
"original_post": "Message original · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "Le compte de %s à été suspendu."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Lien non vérifié",
"followers_count": "%@ abonné·e·s"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Se connecter",
"learn_more": "En savoir plus",
"join_default_server": "Rejoindre %@",
"pick_server": "Trouver un autre serveur",
"separator": {
"or": "ou"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Bienvenue sur Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon est un réseau social décentralisé, ce qui signifie quaucune entreprise ne le contrôle. Il est composé de plusieurs serveurs indépendants, tous connectés ensembles."
"servers": {
"title": "Que sont les serveurs ?",
"description": "Chaque compte Mastodon est hébergé sur un serveur — chacun avec ses propres valeurs, règles, et administrateurs. Peu importe celui que vous choisissez, vous pouvez suivre et interagir avec des personnes sur n'importe quel serveur."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Quest-ce que Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Le réseau social qui vous rend le contrôle.",
"get_started": "Prise en main",
"log_in": "Se connecter"
"login": {
"title": "Content de vous revoir",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Choisissez un serveur",
"title": "Choisissez un serveur,\nn'importe quel serveur.",
"subtitle": "Choisissez un serveur basé sur votre région, vos intérêts ou un généraliste. Vous pouvez toujours discuter avec n'importe qui sur Mastodon, indépendamment de vos serveurs.",
"button": {
"language": "Langue",
"signup_speed": "Inscription rapide",
"category": {
"all": "Tout",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Catégorie: Toutes",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Recherche des serveurs disponibles...",
"bad_network": "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des données. Vérifiez votre connexion Internet.",
"no_results": "Aucun résultat"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Tous",
"instant": "Inscription instantanée",
"manually_reviewed": "Approbation manuelle"
"language": {
"all": "Tous"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Rechercher le nom ou l'URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Nous choisirons un serveur basé sur votre langue si vous continuez sans en choisir un."
"privacy": {
"title": "Vie privée",
"description": "Bien que lapplication Mastodon ne collecte aucune donnée, le serveur auquel vous vous inscrivez peut avoir une politique différente. Prenez une minute pour examiner et accepter la politique de confidentialité de lapplication Mastodon ainsi que celle de votre serveur.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Politique de confidentialité - Mastodon pour iOS",
"server": "Politique de Confidentialité - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Jaccepte"
"register": {
"title": "Créer un compte",
"title": "Parlez-nous de vous.",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Mettons les choses en place pour %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Supprimer"
"username": {
"placeholder": "nom d'utilisateur",
"duplicate_prompt": "Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà pris.",
"suggestion": "incroyable_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Ce nom d'utilisateur est déjà pris."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nom affiché"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "mot de passe",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirmez le mot de passe",
"require": "Votre mot de passe doit être composé dau moins :",
"character_limit": "8 caractères",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contient un fournisseur courriel proscrit",
"unreachable": "%s ne semble pas exister",
"taken": "%s est déjà pris. Pourquoi pas:",
"taken": "%s est déjà utilisé",
"reserved": "%s est un mot clé réservé",
"accepted": "%s doit être accepté",
"blank": "%s est requis",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Consultez votre boîte mail",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Cliquez sur le lien que nous vous avons envoyé pour vérifier %@. Nous vous attendons ici.",
"title": "Une dernière chose.",
"subtitle": "Appuyez sur le lien que nous vous avons envoyé par courriel pour vérifier votre compte.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Appuyez sur le lien que nous vous avons envoyé par courriel pour vérifier votre compte",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Ouvrir lapplication de courriel",
"resend": "Renvoyer"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Vérifiez vos emails",
"title": "Vérifier vos courriels",
"description": "Vérifiez que votre adresse courriel est valide ainsi que votre fichier spam si ce nest pas déjà fait.",
"resend_email": "Renvoyer le courriel"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Consultez votre boîte mail.",
"title": "Vérifier votre boîte aux lettres.",
"description": "Nous venons de vous envoyer un courriel. Vérifier votre fichier spam si vous ne lavez pas déjà fait.",
"mail": "Courriel",
"open_email_client": "Ouvrir le client de messagerie"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Vous n'avez pas reçu de lien ?",
"resend_in": "Renvoyer (%@)",
"resend_now": "Renvoyer maintenant."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Publié!",
"Publishing": "Publication en cours ...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Bouton logo",
"logo_hint": "Appuyez pour faire défiler vers le haut et appuyez à nouveau vers l'emplacement précédent"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Populaire sur Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Tout suivre"
"title": "Trouver des personnes à suivre",
"follow_explain": "Quand vous suivez quelqu'un, vous verrez leurs messages dans votre flux daccueil."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nouvelle Publication",
"new_reply": "Nouvelle réponse",
"edit_post": "Modifier le post"
"new_reply": "Nouvelle réponse"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Prendre une photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Traitement du serveur..."
"poll": {
"title": "Sondage",
"duration_time": "Durée: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Heure",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 jour",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Le sondage est invalide",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Le sondage n'a pas d'options",
"add_option": "Ajouter une option",
"remove_option": "Supprimer l'option",
"move_up": "Déplacer en haut",
"move_down": "Déplacer en bas"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Le sondage n'a pas d'options"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Écrivez un avertissement précis ici..."
@ -515,7 +413,7 @@
"visibility": {
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Non listé",
"private": "Abonné·e·s seulement",
"private": "Abonnés seulement",
"direct": "Seulement les personnes que je mentionne"
"auto_complete": {
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Basculer lavertissement de contenu",
"append_attachment_entry": "Ajouter une pièce jointe - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Sélectionnez la Visibilité - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Langue de la publication",
"suggested": "Recommandé",
"recent": "Récent",
"other": "Autres langues …"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Vous suit"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "messages",
"my_following": "abonnements",
"my_followers": "abonné·e·s",
"other_posts": "publications",
"other_following": "abonnement",
"other_followers": "abonné·e·s",
"familiar_followers": "mutuel"
"posts": "publications",
"following": "abonnements",
"followers": "abonnés"
"fields": {
"joined": "Ici depuis",
"add_row": "Ajouter une rangée",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Étiquette",
@ -617,7 +504,7 @@
"footer": "Les abonné·e·s issus des autres serveurs ne sont pas affiché·e·s."
"following": {
"title": "abonnements",
"title": "abonnement",
"footer": "Les abonnés issus des autres serveurs ne sont pas affichés."
"familiarFollowers": {
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Publications ayant « %s »",
"people": "Personnes ayant « %s »",
"profile": "Aller à @%s@%s",
"url": "Ouvrir lURL dans Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Aller à #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Tout",
"people": "Personnes",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Publications"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Aucun résultat"
"recent_search": "Recherches récentes",
"clear_all": "Effacer tout",
"clear": "Effacer"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Ce sont les messages qui gagnent en popularité sur votre serveur Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favoris"
"title": "Vos favoris"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -686,7 +569,7 @@
"Mentions": "Mentions"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "sest abonné·e à vous",
"followed_you": "sest abonné à vous",
"favorited_your_post": "a ajouté votre message à ses favoris",
"reblogged_your_post": "a partagé votre message",
"mentioned_you": "vous a mentionné",
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Publication de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Paramètres",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Apparence",
"automatic": "Automatique",
"light": "Toujours claire",
"dark": "Toujours sombre"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Apparence",
"use_system": "Utiliser le thème du système",
"really_dark": "Très sombre",
"sorta_dark": "Légèrement sombre",
"light": "Clair"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Ajoute lune de mes publications à ses favoris",
"follows": "Me suit",
"boosts": "Reblogue mon message",
"mentions": "Me mentionne",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "nimporte qui",
"follower": "un abonné",
"follow": "toute personne que je suis",
"noone": "personne",
"title": "Me notifier lorsque"
"preference": {
"title": "Préférences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Vrai mode sombre",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Désactiver les avatars animés",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Désactiver les émojis animées",
"using_default_browser": "Utiliser le navigateur par défaut pour ouvrir les liens",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Ouvrir les liens dans Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "La zone ennuyante",
"account_settings": "Paramètres du compte",
"terms": "Entente de service",
"privacy": "Politique de confidentialité"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "La Zone Épicée",
"clear": "Vider le cache des médias",
"signout": "Se déconnecter"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon est un logiciel open source. Vous pouvez rapporter des problèmes sur GitHub au %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Fermer la fenêtre des paramètres"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Rejeter le commutateur de compte",
"add_account": "Ajouter un compte"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Nouveau dans Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Basculez entre plusieurs comptes en appuyant de maniere prolongée sur le bouton profil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Tapotez deux fois pour fermer cet assistant"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Favoris"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Tags suivis",
"header": {
"posts": "messages",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "messages aujourd'hui"
"actions": {
"follow": "Suivre",
"unfollow": "Ne plus suivre"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Cela ne semble pas être un lien Mastodon valide."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Désolé, mais cette famille de Widget n'est pas prise en charge.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Veuillez ouvrir Mastodon pour vous connecter à un compte."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Abonné·e·s",
"configuration_description": "Afficher le nombre d'abonnés.",
"title": "ABONNÉ·E·S",
"followers_today": "%s abonné·e·s aujourd'hui"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Abonné·e·s multiples",
"configuration_description": "Afficher le nombre d'abonnés pour plusieurs comptes.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Autres abonné·e·s",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Derniers abonné·e·s",
"configuration_description": "Afficher les derniers abonnés.",
"title": "Derniers abonné·e·s",
"last_update": "Dernière mise à jour: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Affiche un post récent avec le hashtag sélectionné."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Désolé, nous n'avons trouvé aucun message avec le hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Veuillez essayer un <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> ou vérifier les paramètres du widget."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Voici à quoi ressemblerait un message avec un <a>#hashtag</a>. Choisissez le <a>#hashtag</a> que vous voulez dans les paramètres du widget."

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ air fhàgail</string>
@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
<string>%ld charactar air fhàgail</string>
<string>%ld charactar</string>
<string>%ld charactar air fhàgail</string>
<string>%ld charactar</string>
<string>%ld caractaran air fhàgail</string>
<string>%ld caractaran</string>
<string>%ld caractar air fhàgail</string>
<string>%ld caractar</string>
@ -217,26 +217,6 @@
<string>%ld brosnachadh</string>
<string>%ld bhrosnachadh</string>
<string>%ld bhrosnachadh</string>
<string>%ld brosnachaidhean</string>
<string>%ld brosnachadh</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Dhfhàillig leis a bhòt",
"poll_ended": "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd gu crìoch"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Tilg air falbh an dreachd",
"message": "Dearbh tilgeil air falbh susbaint a phuist a sgrìobh thu."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Dhfhàillig leis an fhoillseachadh",
"message": "Cha deach leinn am post fhoillseachadh.\nThoir sùil air a cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Falamhaich an tasgadan",
"message": "Chaidh %s a thasgadan fhalamhachadh."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "An aire",
"message": "Dhfhàillig an t-eadar-theangachadh. Dhfhaoidte nach do chuir an rianaire na h-eadar-theangachaidhean an comas air an fhrithealaiche seo no gu bheil am frithealaiche a ruith seann-tionndadh de Mhastodon far nach eil taic ri eadar-theangachadh fhathast.",
"button": "Ceart ma-thà"
"controls": {
@ -76,15 +75,15 @@
"save_photo": "Sàbhail an dealbh",
"copy_photo": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen dealbh",
"sign_in": "Clàraich a-steach",
"sign_up": "Cruthaich cunntas",
"see_more": "Seall a bharrachd",
"preview": "Ro-sheall",
"copy": "Dèan lethbhreac",
"share": "Co-roinn",
"share_user": "Co-roinn %s",
"share_post": "Co-roinn am post",
"open_in_safari": "Fosgail ann an Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Fosgail sa bhrabhsair",
"find_people": "Lorg daoine gus an leantainn",
"find_people": "Lorg daoine a leanas tu",
"manually_search": "Lorg a làimh na àite",
"skip": "Leum thairis air",
"reply": "Freagair",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Bac %s",
"unblock_domain": "Dì-bhac %s",
"settings": "Roghainnean",
"delete": "Sguab às",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Eadar-theangaich o: %s",
"unknown_language": "Chan eil fhios"
"edit_post": "Deasaich",
"bookmark": "Comharra-lìn",
"remove_bookmark": "Thoir air falbh an comharra-lìn",
"follow": "Lean %s",
"unfollow": "Na lean %s tuilleadh"
"delete": "Sguab às"
"tabs": {
"home": "Dachaigh",
"search_and_explore": "Lorg is rùraich",
"notifications": "Brathan",
"profile": "Pròifil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Lorg",
"explore": "Rùraich"
"search": "Lorg",
"notification": "Brath",
"profile": "Pròifil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Susbaint fhrionasach",
"media_content_warning": "Thoir gnogag àite sam bith gus a nochdadh",
"tap_to_reveal": "Thoir gnogag gus a nochdadh",
"load_embed": "Luchdaich na tha ga leabachadh",
"link_via_user": "%s slighe %s",
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"vote": "Cuir bhòt",
"closed": "Dùinte"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Seall an dealbh",
"show_gif": "Seall an GIF",
"show_video_player": "Seall cluicheadair video",
"share_link_in_post": "Co-roinn an ceangal sa phost",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Thoir gnogag s cùm sìos a shealltainn a chlàir-thaice",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Brosnaich",
"unreblog": "Na brosnaich tuilleadh"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Thoir gnogag s cùm sìos a shealltainn a chlàir-thaice"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Chan fhaic ach an luchd-leantainn aca am post seo.",
"private_from_me": "Chan fhaic ach an luchd-leantainn agam am post seo.",
"direct": "Chan fhaic ach an cleachdaiche air an dugadh iomradh am post seo."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Air eadar-theangachadh o %s le %s",
"unknown_language": "Chan eil fhios",
"unknown_provider": "Chan eil fhios",
"show_original": "Seall an tionndadh tùsail"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, ceanglachan %d à %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Leudaichidh seo an dealbh. Thoir gnogag dhùbailte is cùm sìos airson gnìomhan a shealltainn",
"expand_gif_hint": "Leudaichidh seo an GIF. Thoir gnogag dhùbailte is cùm sìos airson gnìomhan a shealltainn",
"expand_video_hint": "Seallaidh seo an cluicheadair video. Thoir gnogag dhùbailte is cùm sìos airson gnìomhan a shealltainn"
"posted_via_application": "%s slighe %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Brosnachaidhean",
"favorites_title": "Annsachdan",
"edit_history_title": "Eachdraidh nan deasachaidhean",
"edit_history_detail": "An deasachadh mu dheireadh %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Air a dheasachadh %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Eachdraidh nan deasachaidhean",
"original_post": "Am post tùsail · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "Chaidh an cunntas aig %s a chur à rèim."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Gun cheangal dearbhte",
"followers_count": "Tha %@ ga leantainn"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Clàraich a-steach",
"learn_more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
"join_default_server": "Faigh ballrachd aig %@",
"pick_server": "Tagh frithealaiche eile",
"separator": {
"or": "no"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Fàilte gu Mastodon",
"description": "S e lìonra sòisealta sgaoilte a th ann am Mastodon agus is ciall dha seo nach eil e fo smachd aon chompanaidh a-mhàin. Tha e dèanta de ghrunn fhrithealaichean a tha gan ruith gu neo-eisimeileach ach ceangailte ri chèile."
"servers": {
"title": "Dè th anns na frithealaichean?",
"description": "Tha gach cunntas Mastodon ga òstadh air frithealaiche tha luachan, riaghailtean ⁊ rianairean sònraichte aig gach fear. Ge b e dè am frithealaiche a thaghas tu, s urrainn dhut daoine air frithealaiche sam bith a leantainn is bruidhinn riutha."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Dè th ann am Mastodon?"
"slogan": "A cur nan lìonraidhean sòisealta\nnad làmhan fhèin.",
"get_started": "Dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh",
"log_in": "Clàraich a-steach"
"login": {
"title": "Fàilte air ais",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Tagh frithealaiche",
"title": "Tha cleachdaichean Mhastodon air iomadh frithealaiche eadar-dhealaichte.",
"subtitle": "Tagh frithealaiche stèidhichte air na sgìre agad, d ùidhean, air far a bheil thu no fear coitcheann. S urrainn dhut fhathast conaltradh le duine sam bith air Mastodon ge b e na frithealaichean agaibh-se.",
"button": {
"language": "Cànan",
"signup_speed": "Luaths a chlàraidh",
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"all": "Na h-uile",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Roinn-seòrsa: Na h-uile",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "A lorg nam frithealaichean ri am faighinn…",
"bad_network": "Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr le luchdadh an dàta. Thoir sùil air a cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon.",
"no_results": "Gun toradh"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Na h-uile",
"instant": "Clàradh sa bhad",
"manually_reviewed": "Lèirmheas a làimh"
"language": {
"all": "Na h-uile"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Lorg ainm no URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Taghaidh sinn frithealaiche dhut stèidhichte air a chànan agad ma leanas tu air adhart gun taghadh."
"privacy": {
"title": "Prìobhaideachd",
"description": "Ged nach cruinnich aplacaid Mastodon fhèin dàta sam bith, dhfhaoidte gu bheil poileasaidh eadar-dhealaichte aig an fhrithealaiche leis a chlàraicheas tu. Gabh mionaid a toirt sùil air s ag aontachadh ri poileasaidh prìobhaideachd aplacaid Mastodon agus poileasaidh prìobhaideachd an fhrithealaiche agad.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd Mastodon airson iOS",
"server": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Gabhaidh mi ris"
"register": {
"title": "Cruthaich cunntas",
"title": "Gad rèiteachadh air %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Gad rèiteachadh air %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Sguab às"
"username": {
"placeholder": "ainm-cleachdaiche",
"duplicate_prompt": "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo aig cuideigin eile.",
"suggestion": "%@_iongantach"
"duplicate_prompt": "Tha an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo aig cuideigin eile."
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"placeholder": "ainm-taisbeanaidh"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "facal-faire",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Dearbhaich am facal-faire",
"require": "Feumaidh am facal-faire agad co-dhiù:",
"character_limit": "8 caractaran",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "Tha solaraiche puist-d nach eil ceadaichte am broinn %s",
"unreachable": "Tha coltas nach eil %s ann",
"taken": "Tha %s ga chleachdadh mu thràth. Dè mu dhèidhinn:",
"taken": "Tha %s ga chleachdadh mu thràth",
"reserved": "S e facal glèidhte a th ann an %s",
"accepted": "Feumaidh tu aontachadh ri %s",
"blank": "Tha %s riatanach",
@ -426,9 +333,11 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Thoir sùil air a bhogsa a-steach agad",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Thoir gnogag air a cheangal a chuir sinn thugad a dhearbhadh %@. Fuirichidh sinn ort an-seo.",
"title": "Aon rud eile.",
"subtitle": "Thoir gnogag air a cheangal a chuir sinn thugad air a phost-d airson an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Thoir gnogag air a cheangal a chuir sinn thugad air a phost-d airson an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Fosgail aplacaid a phuist-d",
"resend": "Ath-chuir"
"dont_receive_email": {
@ -441,11 +350,6 @@
"description": "Tha sinn air post-d a chur thugad. Thoir sùil air pasgan an truilleis agad mura d fhuair thu e.",
"mail": "Post",
"open_email_client": "Fosgail cliant puist-d"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Nach dfhuair thu ceangal?",
"resend_in": "Cuir a-rithist (%@)",
"resend_now": "Cuir a-rithist an-dràsta."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Chaidh fhoillseachadh!",
"Publishing": "A foillseachadh a phuist…",
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"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Putan an t-suaicheantais",
"logo_hint": "Thoir gnogag a sgroladh dhan bhàrr is thoir gnogag a-rithist a dhol dhan ionad roimhe"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Fèillmhor air Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Lean na h-uile"
"title": "Lorg daoine a leanas tu",
"follow_explain": "Nuair a leanas tu cuideigin, chì thu na puist aca air inbhir na dachaigh agad."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Post ùr",
"new_reply": "Freagairt ùr",
"edit_post": "Deasaich am post"
"new_reply": "Freagairt ùr"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Tog dealbh",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Tha am frithealaiche ga phròiseasadh…"
"poll": {
"title": "Cunntas-bheachd",
"duration_time": "Faide: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "Leth-uair a thìde",
"one_hour": "Uair a thìde",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "Seachdain",
"option_number": "Roghainn %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "Tha an cunntas-bheachd mì-dhligheach",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Tha roghainn fhalamh aig a chunntas-bheachd",
"add_option": "Cuir roghainn ris",
"remove_option": "Thoir an roghainn air falbh",
"move_up": "Gluais suas",
"move_down": "Gluais sìos"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "Tha roghainn fhalamh aig a chunntas-bheachd"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Sgrìobh rabhadh pongail an-seo…"
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
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"title": "Cànan a phuist",
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"recent": "O chionn goirid",
"other": "Cànan eile…"
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@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
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"other_followers": "luchd-leantainn",
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"joined": "Air ballrachd fhaighinn",
"add_row": "Cuir ràgh ris",
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"label": "Leubail",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Na h-uile",
"people": "Daoine",
"hashtags": "Tagaichean hais",
"posts": "Postaichean"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Gun toradh"
"recent_search": "Na lorg thu o chionn goirid",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Falamhaich"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Seo na postaichean fèillmhor nad cheàrnaidh de Mhastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Annsachdan"
"title": "Na h-annsachdan agad"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post le %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Roghainnean",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Coltas",
"automatic": "Fèin-obrachail",
"light": "Soilleir an-còmhnaidh",
"dark": "Dorcha an-còmhnaidh"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Coltas",
"use_system": "Cleachd coltas an t-siostaim",
"really_dark": "Glè dhorcha",
"sorta_dark": "Caran dorcha",
"light": "Soilleir"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Brathan",
"favorites": "Nuair as annsa leotha am post agam",
"follows": "Nuair a leanas iad mi",
"boosts": "Nuair a bhrosnaicheas iad post uam",
"mentions": "Nuair a bheir iad iomradh orm",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "Airson duine sam bith, cuir brath thugam",
"follower": "Airson luchd-leantainn, cuir brath thugam",
"follow": "Airson daoine a leanas mi, cuir brath thugam",
"noone": "Na cuir brath thugam idir",
"title": " "
"preference": {
"title": "Roghainnean",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Modh dubh dorcha",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Cuir beothachadh nan avataran à comas",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Cuir beothachadh nan Emojis à comas",
"using_default_browser": "Cleachd am brabhsair bunaiteach airson ceanglaichean fhosgladh",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Fosgail ceanglaichean ann am Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "An earrann ràsanach",
"account_settings": "Roghainnean a chunntais",
"terms": "Teirmichean na seirbheise",
"privacy": "Am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "Gnìomhan",
"clear": "Falamhaich tasgadan nam meadhanan",
"signout": "Clàraich a-mach"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "S e bathar-bog le bun-tùs fosgailte a th ann am Mastodon. S urrainn dhut aithris a dhèanamh air duilgheadasan air GitHub fo %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Dùin uinneag nan roghainnean"
"report": {
@ -797,7 +672,7 @@
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Ceanglaichean droch-rùnach, conaltradh fuadain no an dearbh fhreagairt a-rithist s a-rithist",
"it_violates_server_rules": "Tha e a briseadh riaghailtean an fhrithealaiche",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "Mhothaich thu gu bheil e a briseadh riaghailtean sònraichte",
"its_something_else": "S e rud eile a tha ann",
"its_something_else": "S rud eile a tha ann",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "Chan eil na roinnean-seòrsa eile iomchaidh dhan chùis"
"step_two": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Leig seachad taghadh a chunntais",
"add_account": "Cuir cunntas ris"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Na tha ùr ann am Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Geàrr leum eadar iomadh cunntas le cumail sìos putan na pròifil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Thoir gnogag dhùbailte a leigeil seachad an draoidh seo"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Comharran-lìn"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Tagaichean gan leantainn",
"header": {
"posts": "postaichean",
"participants": "com-pàirtichean",
"posts_today": "postaichean an-diugh"
"actions": {
"follow": "Lean",
"unfollow": "Na lean tuilleadh"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Tha coltas nach e ceangal Mastodon dligheach a tha seo."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Tha sinn duilich ach cha chuir sinn taic ris an teaghlach Widget seo.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Fosgail Mastodon a chlàradh a-steach gu cunntas."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Luchd-leantainn",
"configuration_description": "Seall an àireamh de luchd-leantainn.",
"followers_today": "%s luchd-leantainn an-diugh"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Iomadh luchd-leantainn",
"configuration_description": "Seall an àireamh de luchd-leantainn do dhiomadh cunntas.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Neach-leantainn eile",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "An luchd-leantainn as ùire",
"configuration_description": "Seall an luchd-leantainn as ùire.",
"title": "An luchd-leantainn as ùire",
"last_update": "An t-ùrachadh mu dheireadh: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Taga hais",
"description": "Seallaidh seo post o chionn goirid sa bheil an taga hais a thagh thu."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@chan-eil-an-cunntas.ann",
"content": "Tha sinn duilich ach cha do lorg sinn post sa bheil an taga hais <a>#%@</a>. Feuch <a>#TagaHaisEile</a> no thoir sùil air roghainnean a widget."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@chan-eil-an-cunntas.ann",
"content": "Seo an coltas a bhiodh air post le <a>#TagaHais</a>. Tagh <a>#TagaHais</a> sam bith a thogras tu ann an roghainnean a widget."

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ restantes</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>Queda 1 carácter</string>
<string>1 caracter</string>
<string>Quedan %ld caracteres</string>
<string>%ld caracteres</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld promocións</string>
<string>1 promoción</string>
<string>%ld promocións</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Fallou a votación",
"poll_ended": "A enquisa rematou"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Descartar Borrador",
"message": "Confirma que queres descartar o contido do borrador."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Fallou a publicación",
"message": "Fallou a publicación.\nComproba a conexión a internet.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Limpar caché",
"message": "Baleirouse %s da caché correctamente."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Nota",
"message": "Fallou a tradución. É posible que a administración non activase a tradución neste servidor ou que o servidor teña unha versión antiga de Mastodon que non ten soporte para a tradución.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Gardar foto",
"copy_photo": "Copiar foto",
"sign_in": "Acceder",
"sign_up": "Crear conta",
"see_more": "Ver máis",
"preview": "Vista previa",
"copy": "Copiar",
"share": "Compartir",
"share_user": "Compartir %s",
"share_post": "Compartir publicación",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Bloquear a %s",
"unblock_domain": "Desbloquear a %s",
"settings": "Axustes",
"delete": "Eliminar",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Traducido do %s",
"unknown_language": "Descoñecido"
"edit_post": "Editar",
"bookmark": "Marcar",
"remove_bookmark": "Eliminar Marcador",
"follow": "Segue a %s",
"unfollow": "Deixa de seguir a %s"
"delete": "Eliminar"
"tabs": {
"home": "Inicio",
"search_and_explore": "Buscar e Explorar",
"notifications": "Notificacións",
"profile": "Perfil",
"a11y": {
"search": "Buscar",
"explore": "Descubrir"
"search": "Busca",
"notification": "Notificación",
"profile": "Perfil"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Contido sensible",
"media_content_warning": "Toca nalgures para mostrar",
"tap_to_reveal": "Toca para mostrar",
"load_embed": "Cargar o contido",
"link_via_user": "%s vía %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Votar",
"closed": "Pechada"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Mostrar a imaxe",
"show_gif": "Mostrar GIF",
"show_video_player": "Mostrar reprodutor de vídeo",
"share_link_in_post": "Compartir Ligazón na Publicación",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca e mantén preso para menú",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Promover",
"unreblog": "Retirar promoción"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Toca e mantén preso para menú"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Só as seguidoras poden ver a publicación.",
"private_from_me": "Só as miñas seguidoras poden ver esta publicación.",
"direct": "Só a usuaria mencionada pode ver a publicación."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Traducido do %s usando %s",
"unknown_language": "Descoñecido",
"unknown_provider": "Descoñecido",
"show_original": "Mostrar o orixinal"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, adxunto %d de %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Desprega a imaxe. Dobre toque e manter para mostrar accións",
"expand_gif_hint": "Desprega o GIF. Dobre toque e manter para mostrar accións",
"expand_video_hint": "Mostra o reprodutor. Dobre toque e manter para mostrar accións"
"posted_via_application": "%s vía %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Promocións",
"favorites_title": "Favoritas",
"edit_history_title": "Editar historial",
"edit_history_detail": "Última edición %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Editada %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Historial de edicións",
"original_post": "Orixinal · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,49 +210,25 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "A conta de %s foi suspendida."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "Ligazón non verificada",
"followers_count": "%@ seguidoras"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Acceder",
"learn_more": "Saber máis",
"join_default_server": "Únete a %@",
"pick_server": "Elixe outro servidor",
"separator": {
"or": "ou"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Benvida a Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon é unha rede social descentralizada, onde ningunha empresa ten o control. Está formada por moitos servidores independentes comunicándose entre si."
"servers": {
"title": "Que son os servidores?",
"description": "Cada conta Mastodon está hospedada nun servidor — cada unha coas súas regras, valores e admins. Non importa cal elixas, podes seguir e interactuar con persoas de outros servidores."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "Que é Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Comunicación social\nde volta ás túas mans.",
"get_started": "Crear conta",
"log_in": "Acceder"
"login": {
"title": "Benvida!",
"title": "Benvido outra vez",
"subtitle": "Conéctate ao servidor no que creaches a conta.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Escribe o URL ou busca o teu servidor"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Elixe un Servidor",
"title": "Mastodon fórmano as persoas das diferentes comunidades.",
"subtitle": "Elixe un servidor en función dos teus intereses, rexión o un de propósito xeral. Poderás conversar con calquera en Mastodon, independentemente do servidor que elixas.",
"button": {
"language": "Idioma",
"signup_speed": "Rapidez no rexistro",
"category": {
"all": "Todo",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Categoría: Todo",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Buscando servidores dispoñibles...",
"bad_network": "Algo fallou ao cargar os datos. Comproba a conexión a internet.",
"no_results": "Sen resultados"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "Todo",
"instant": "Rexistro Instantáneo",
"manually_reviewed": "Revisión manual"
"language": {
"all": "Todo"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Buscar por nome ou URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Se non elixes ti, escolleremos un servidor en función do teu idioma."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacidade",
"description": "Aínda que a app Mastodon non recolle ningún dato, o servidor no que abriches a conta podería ter unha política diferente. Toma un intre para revisar e aceptar a política de privacidade da app Mastodon e a política de privacidade do teu servidor.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Política de Privacidade - Mastodon para iOS",
"server": "Política de Privacidade - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "Acepto"
"register": {
"title": "Crear conta",
"title": "Imos crear a túa conta en %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Imos crear a túa conta en %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Eliminar"
"username": {
"placeholder": "identificador",
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nome de usuaria xa está en uso.",
"suggestion": "rula_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "Este nome de usuaria xa está en uso."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "nome público"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "contrasinal",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirmar contrasinal",
"require": "O contrasinal debe ter polo menos:",
"character_limit": "8 caracteres",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s é un provedor de email non autorizado",
"unreachable": "%s semella que non existe",
"taken": "%s xa está pillado. Que tal:",
"taken": "%s xa está en uso",
"reserved": "%s é unha palabra reservada",
"accepted": "%s debe ser aceptado",
"blank": "%s é requerido",
@ -426,9 +333,11 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Mira na caixa de correo",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Preme na ligazón que che enviamos para verificar a conta %@. Agardamos por ti.",
"title": "O último detalle.",
"subtitle": "Preme na ligazón que che enviamos ao email para verificar a conta.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Preme na ligazón que che enviamos ao email para verificar a conta",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Abrir app de email",
"resend": "Reenviar"
"dont_receive_email": {
@ -437,15 +346,10 @@
"resend_email": "Volver enviar o correo"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Comproba a Caixa de correo.",
"title": "Mira na caixa de correo.",
"description": "Enviámosche un email. Se non aparece, mira no cartafol do lixo.",
"mail": "Correo",
"open_email_client": "Abrir cliente de email"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Non recibiches unha ligazón?",
"resend_in": "Reenviar (%@)",
"resend_now": "Reenviar agora."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Publicado!",
"Publishing": "Publicando...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Botón do logo",
"logo_hint": "Toca para ir arriba e toca outra vez para volver ao mesmo lugar"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular en Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Seguir a todas"
"title": "Atopar persoas para seguir",
"follow_explain": "Cando sigas a alguén verás as súas publicacións na cronoloxía de inicio."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "Nova publicación",
"new_reply": "Nova resposta",
"edit_post": "Editar publicación"
"new_reply": "Nova resposta"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Facer foto",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Procesando no servidor..."
"poll": {
"title": "Enquisa",
"duration_time": "Duración: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutos",
"one_hour": "1 Hora",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Días",
"option_number": "Opción %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "A enquisa non é válida",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "A enquisa ten unha opción baleira",
"add_option": "Engadir opción",
"remove_option": "Quitar opción",
"move_up": "Mover cara arriba",
"move_down": "Mover cara abaixo"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "A enquisa ten unha opción baleira"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Escribe o teu aviso aquí..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Marcar con Aviso sobre o contido",
"append_attachment_entry": "Engadir anexo - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Elexir visibilidade - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Idioma de publicación",
"suggested": "Suxerido",
"recent": "Recentes",
"other": "Outro idioma…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Séguete"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "publicacións",
"my_following": "seguindo",
"my_followers": "seguidoras",
"other_posts": "publicacións",
"other_following": "seguindo",
"other_followers": "seguidoras",
"familiar_followers": "mutuo"
"posts": "publicacións",
"following": "seguindo",
"followers": "seguidoras"
"fields": {
"joined": "Uniuse",
"add_row": "Engadir fila",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Etiqueta",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Publicacións coincidentes con \"%s\"",
"people": "Perfís coincidentes con \"%s\"",
"profile": "Ir a @%s@%s",
"url": "Abrir URL en Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Ir a #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "Todo",
"people": "Persoas",
"hashtags": "Cancelos",
"posts": "Publicacións"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "Sen resultados"
"recent_search": "Buscas recentes",
"clear_all": "Limpar todo",
"clear": "Limpar"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "Estas son as publicacións en voga no teu recuncho de Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favoritas"
"title": "Publicacións Favoritas"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Publicación de %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Axustes",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Aparencia",
"automatic": "Automático",
"light": "Sempre claro",
"dark": "Sempre escuro"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Aparencia",
"use_system": "Seguir o sistema",
"really_dark": "Realmente escuro",
"sorta_dark": "Algo escuro",
"light": "Claro"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notificacións",
"favorites": "Favorece a miña publicación",
"follows": "Me segue",
"boosts": "Promove a miña publicación",
"mentions": "Me menciona",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "calquera",
"follower": "unha seguidora",
"follow": "alguén a quen sigo",
"noone": "ninguén",
"title": "Avisarme cando"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferencias",
"true_black_dark_mode": "Modo negro verdadeiro",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Desactivar avatares animados",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Desactivar emojis animados",
"using_default_browser": "Usar navegador por defecto para as ligazóns",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Abrir ligazóns en Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "A zona aburrida",
"account_settings": "Axustes da conta",
"terms": "Termos do Servizo",
"privacy": "Política de Privacidade"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "A zona picante",
"clear": "Limpar caché multimedia",
"signout": "Pechar sesión"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon é software de código aberto. Podes informar de fallos en GitHub en %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Pechar ventá de axustes"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Desbotar intercambiador de contas",
"add_account": "Engadir conta"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "Novidade en Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Cambia dunha conta a outra mantendo preso o botón do perfil.",
"accessibility_hint": "Dobre toque para desbotar este asistente"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Marcadores"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Cancelos seguidos",
"header": {
"posts": "publicacións",
"participants": "participantes",
"posts_today": "publicacións de hoxe"
"actions": {
"follow": "Seguir",
"unfollow": "Deixar de seguir"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "Non semella ser unha ligazón válida de Mastodon."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Unha mágoa, pero hai soporte para esta familia de Widgets.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Abre Mastodon para iniciar sesión coa Conta."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Seguidoras",
"configuration_description": "Mostrar o número de seguidoras.",
"title": "SEGUIDORAS",
"followers_today": "%s seguidoras hoxe"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Varias seguidoras",
"configuration_description": "Mostrar o número de seguidoras para varias contas.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Outra seguidora",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Últimas seguidoras",
"configuration_description": "Mostra seguidoras recentes.",
"title": "Últimas seguidoras",
"last_update": "Última actualización: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Cancelo",
"description": "Mostra unha publicación recente co cancelo seleccionado."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@nonhai.talconta",
"content": "Lamentámolo, pero non atopamos nada co cancelo <a>#%@</a>. Inténtado cun <a>#CanceloDistinto</a> ou comproba os axustes."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@nonhai.talconta",
"content": "Este é o aspecto dunha publicación cun <a>#cancelo</a>. Elixe o <a>#cancelo</a> que queres nos axustes do widget. "

View File

@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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<string>התראה אחת שלא נקראה</string>
<string>שתי התראות שלא נקראו</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>%ld התראות שלא נקראו</string>
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and another mutual</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>%@ %#@post_count@</string>
<string>1 media</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>1 favorite</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>1 reblog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>1 reply</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>1 vote</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>1 voter</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>1 people talking</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>לפני שנה</string>
<string>לפני שנתיים</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld שנים</string>
<string>לפני חודש</string>
<string>לפני חודשיים</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld חודשים</string>
<string>לפני יום</string>
<string>לפני יומיים</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld ימים</string>
<string>לפני שעה</string>
<string>לפני שעתיים</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld שעות</string>
<string>לפני דקה</string>
<string>לפני שתי דקות</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld דקות</string>
<string>לפני שנייה</string>
<string>לפני שתי שניות</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>
<string>לפני %ld שניות</string>

View File

@ -1,906 +0,0 @@
"common": {
"alerts": {
"common": {
"please_try_again": "Please try again.",
"please_try_again_later": "Please try again later."
"sign_up_failure": {
"title": "Sign Up Failure"
"server_error": {
"title": "Server Error"
"vote_failure": {
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
"attachments_message": {
"video_attach_with_photo": "Cannot attach a video to a post that already contains images.",
"more_than_one_video": "Cannot attach more than one video."
"edit_profile_failure": {
"title": "Edit Profile Error",
"message": "Cannot edit profile. Please try again."
"sign_out": {
"title": "Sign Out",
"message": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
"confirm": "Sign Out"
"block_domain": {
"title": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire %s? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain and any of your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"block_entire_domain": "Block Domain"
"save_photo_failure": {
"title": "Save Photo Failure",
"message": "Please enable the photo library access permission to save the photo."
"delete_post": {
"title": "Delete Post",
"message": "Are you sure you want to delete this post?"
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
"actions": {
"back": "Back",
"next": "הבא",
"previous": "הקודם",
"open": "Open",
"add": "Add",
"remove": "Remove",
"edit": "Edit",
"save": "Save",
"ok": "OK",
"done": "Done",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"continue": "Continue",
"compose": "Compose",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"discard": "Discard",
"try_again": "Try Again",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
"open_in_safari": "Open in Safari",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser",
"find_people": "Find people to follow",
"manually_search": "Manually search instead",
"skip": "Skip",
"reply": "Reply",
"report_user": "Report %s",
"block_domain": "חסימת %s",
"unblock_domain": "הסרת חסימה מ־%s",
"settings": "הגדרות",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "פרופיל",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
"switch_to_tab": "Switch to %s",
"compose_new_post": "Compose New Post",
"show_favorites": "Show Favorites",
"open_settings": "Open Settings"
"timeline": {
"previous_status": "Previous Post",
"next_status": "Next Post",
"open_status": "Open Post",
"open_author_profile": "Open Author's Profile",
"open_reblogger_profile": "Open Reblogger's Profile",
"reply_status": "Reply to Post",
"toggle_reblog": "Toggle Reblog on Post",
"toggle_favorite": "Toggle Favorite on Post",
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"preview_image": "Preview Image"
"segmented_control": {
"previous_section": "Previous Section",
"next_section": "Next Section"
"status": {
"user_reblogged": "%s reblogged",
"user_replied_to": "Replied to %s",
"show_post": "Show Post",
"show_user_profile": "Show user profile",
"content_warning": "Content Warning",
"sensitive_content": "תוכן רגיש",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
"meta_entity": {
"url": "Link: %s",
"hashtag": "Hashtag: %s",
"mention": "Show Profile: %s",
"email": "Email address: %s"
"actions": {
"reply": "תגובה",
"reblog": "Reblog",
"unreblog": "Undo reblog",
"favorite": "Favorite",
"unfavorite": "Unfavorite",
"menu": "Menu",
"hide": "Hide",
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
"mention": "Mention",
"link": "Link",
"hashtag": "Hashtag",
"email": "Email",
"emoji": "Emoji"
"visibility": {
"unlisted": "Everyone can see this post but not display in the public timeline.",
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
"follow": "Follow",
"following": "Following",
"request": "Request",
"pending": "Pending",
"block": "Block",
"block_user": "Block %s",
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock": "Unblock",
"unblock_user": "Unblock %s",
"blocked": "Blocked",
"mute": "Mute",
"mute_user": "Mute %s",
"unmute": "Unmute",
"unmute_user": "Unmute %s",
"muted": "Muted",
"edit_info": "Edit Info",
"show_reblogs": "Show Reblogs",
"hide_reblogs": "Hide Reblogs"
"timeline": {
"filtered": "Filtered",
"timestamp": {
"now": "Now"
"loader": {
"load_missing_posts": "Load missing posts",
"loading_missing_posts": "Loading missing posts...",
"show_more_replies": "Show more replies"
"header": {
"no_status_found": "No Post Found",
"blocking_warning": "You cant view this user's profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"user_blocking_warning": "You cant view %ss profile\nuntil you unblock them.\nYour profile looks like this to them.",
"blocked_warning": "You cant view this users profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"user_blocked_warning": "You cant view %ss profile\nuntil they unblock you.",
"suspended_warning": "This user has been suspended.",
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
"subtitle": "Log you in on the server you created your account on.",
"server_search_field": {
"placeholder": "Enter URL or search for your server"
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
"academia": "academia",
"activism": "אקטיביזם",
"food": "אוכל",
"furry": "furry",
"games": "משחקים",
"general": "כללי",
"journalism": "journalism",
"lgbt": "להט\"ב",
"regional": "regional",
"art": "אומנות",
"music": "מוזיקה",
"tech": "tech"
"see_less": "See Less",
"see_more": "See More"
"label": {
"language": "LANGUAGE",
"users": "USERS",
"category": "CATEGORY"
"input": {
"search_servers_or_enter_url": "Search communities or enter URL"
"empty_state": {
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "שם משתמש/ת",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "שם תצוגה"
"email": {
"placeholder": "דוא״ל"
"password": {
"placeholder": "סיסמה",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
"checked": "checked",
"unchecked": "unchecked"
"hint": "Your password needs at least eight characters"
"invite": {
"registration_user_invite_request": "Why do you want to join?"
"error": {
"item": {
"username": "שם משתמש/ת",
"email": "דוא״ל",
"password": "סיסמה",
"agreement": "Agreement",
"locale": "Locale",
"reason": "Reason"
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
"invalid": "%s is invalid",
"too_long": "%s is too long",
"too_short": "%s is too short",
"inclusion": "%s is not a supported value"
"special": {
"username_invalid": "Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores",
"username_too_long": "Username is too long (cant be longer than 30 characters)",
"email_invalid": "This is not a valid email address",
"password_too_short": "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)"
"server_rules": {
"title": "Some ground rules.",
"subtitle": "These are set and enforced by the %s moderators.",
"prompt": "By continuing, youre subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %s.",
"terms_of_service": "terms of service",
"privacy_policy": "privacy policy",
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"button": {
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
"title": "Home",
"navigation_bar_state": {
"offline": "Offline",
"new_posts": "See new posts",
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
"photo_library": "Photo Library",
"browse": "Browse"
"content_input_placeholder": "Type or paste whats on your mind",
"compose_action": "Publish",
"replying_to_user": "replying to %s",
"attachment": {
"photo": "photo",
"video": "video",
"attachment_broken": "This %s is broken and cant be\nuploaded to Mastodon.",
"description_photo": "Describe the photo for the visually-impaired...",
"description_video": "Describe the video for the visually-impaired...",
"load_failed": "Load Failed",
"upload_failed": "Upload Failed",
"can_not_recognize_this_media_attachment": "Can not recognize this media attachment",
"attachment_too_large": "Attachment too large",
"compressing_state": "Compressing...",
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "חצי שעה",
"one_hour": "שעה",
"six_hours": "6 שעות",
"one_day": "יום אחד",
"three_days": "3 ימים",
"seven_days": "7 ימים",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
"visibility": {
"public": "Public",
"unlisted": "Unlisted",
"private": "לעוקבים בלבד",
"direct": "Only people I mention"
"auto_complete": {
"space_to_add": "Space to add"
"accessibility": {
"append_attachment": "Add Attachment",
"append_poll": "Add Poll",
"remove_poll": "Remove Poll",
"custom_emoji_picker": "Custom Emoji Picker",
"enable_content_warning": "Enable Content Warning",
"disable_content_warning": "Disable Content Warning",
"post_visibility_menu": "Post Visibility Menu",
"post_options": "Post Options",
"posting_as": "Posting as %s"
"keyboard": {
"discard_post": "Discard Post",
"publish_post": "Publish Post",
"toggle_poll": "Toggle Poll",
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
"header": {
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
"content": "Content"
"verified": {
"short": "Verified on %s",
"long": "Ownership of this link was checked on %s"
"segmented_control": {
"posts": "Posts",
"replies": "Replies",
"posts_and_replies": "Posts and Replies",
"media": "Media",
"about": "About"
"relationship_action_alert": {
"confirm_mute_user": {
"title": "Mute Account",
"message": "Confirm to mute %s"
"confirm_unmute_user": {
"title": "Unmute Account",
"message": "Confirm to unmute %s"
"confirm_block_user": {
"title": "Block Account",
"message": "Confirm to block %s"
"confirm_unblock_user": {
"title": "Unblock Account",
"message": "Confirm to unblock %s"
"confirm_show_reblogs": {
"title": "Show Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to show reblogs"
"confirm_hide_reblogs": {
"title": "Hide Reblogs",
"message": "Confirm to hide reblogs"
"accessibility": {
"show_avatar_image": "Show avatar image",
"edit_avatar_image": "Edit avatar image",
"show_banner_image": "Show banner image",
"double_tap_to_open_the_list": "Double tap to open the list"
"follower": {
"title": "follower",
"footer": "Followers from other servers are not displayed."
"following": {
"title": "following",
"footer": "Follows from other servers are not displayed."
"familiarFollowers": {
"title": "Followers you familiar",
"followed_by_names": "Followed by %s"
"favorited_by": {
"title": "Favorited By"
"reblogged_by": {
"title": "Reblogged By"
"search": {
"title": "Search",
"search_bar": {
"placeholder": "Search hashtags and users",
"cancel": "Cancel"
"recommend": {
"button_text": "See All",
"hash_tag": {
"title": "Trending on Mastodon",
"description": "Hashtags that are getting quite a bit of attention",
"people_talking": "%s people are talking"
"accounts": {
"title": "Accounts you might like",
"description": "You may like to follow these accounts",
"follow": "Follow"
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
"discovery": {
"tabs": {
"posts": "Posts",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"news": "News",
"community": "Community",
"for_you": "For You"
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
"Everything": "Everything",
"Mentions": "Mentions"
"notification_description": {
"followed_you": "followed you",
"favorited_your_post": "favorited your post",
"reblogged_your_post": "reblogged your post",
"mentioned_you": "mentioned you",
"request_to_follow_you": "request to follow you",
"poll_has_ended": "poll has ended"
"keyobard": {
"show_everything": "Show Everything",
"show_mentions": "Show Mentions"
"follow_request": {
"accept": "Accept",
"accepted": "Accepted",
"reject": "reject",
"rejected": "Rejected"
"thread": {
"back_title": "Post",
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"report": {
"title_report": "Report",
"title": "Report %s",
"step1": "Step 1 of 2",
"step2": "Step 2 of 2",
"content1": "Are there any other posts youd like to add to the report?",
"content2": "Is there anything the moderators should know about this report?",
"report_sent_title": "Thanks for reporting, well look into this.",
"send": "Send Report",
"skip_to_send": "Send without comment",
"text_placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
"reported": "REPORTED",
"step_one": {
"step_1_of_4": "Step 1 of 4",
"whats_wrong_with_this_post": "What's wrong with this post?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_account": "What's wrong with this account?",
"whats_wrong_with_this_username": "What's wrong with %s?",
"select_the_best_match": "Select the best match",
"i_dont_like_it": "I dont like it",
"it_is_not_something_you_want_to_see": "It is not something you want to see",
"its_spam": "Its spam",
"malicious_links_fake_engagement_or_repetetive_replies": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies",
"it_violates_server_rules": "It violates server rules",
"you_are_aware_that_it_breaks_specific_rules": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"its_something_else": "Its something else",
"the_issue_does_not_fit_into_other_categories": "The issue does not fit into other categories"
"step_two": {
"step_2_of_4": "Step 2 of 4",
"which_rules_are_being_violated": "Which rules are being violated?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply",
"i_just_dont_like_it": "I just dont like it"
"step_three": {
"step_3_of_4": "Step 3 of 4",
"are_there_any_posts_that_back_up_this_report": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"select_all_that_apply": "Select all that apply"
"step_four": {
"step_4_of_4": "Step 4 of 4",
"is_there_anything_else_we_should_know": "Is there anything else we should know?"
"step_final": {
"dont_want_to_see_this": "Dont want to see this?",
"when_you_see_something_you_dont_like_on_mastodon_you_can_remove_the_person_from_your_experience.": "When you see something you dont like on Mastodon, you can remove the person from your experience.",
"unfollow": "Unfollow",
"unfollowed": "Unfollowed",
"unfollow_user": "Unfollow %s",
"mute_user": "Mute %s",
"you_wont_see_their_posts_or_reblogs_in_your_home_feed_they_wont_know_they_ve_been_muted": "You wont see their posts or reblogs in your home feed. They wont know theyve been muted.",
"block_user": "Block %s",
"they_will_no_longer_be_able_to_follow_or_see_your_posts_but_they_can_see_if_theyve_been_blocked": "They will no longer be able to follow or see your posts, but they can see if theyve been blocked.",
"while_we_review_this_you_can_take_action_against_user": "While we review this, you can take action against %s"
"preview": {
"keyboard": {
"close_preview": "Close Preview",
"show_next": "Show Next",
"show_previous": "Show Previous"
"account_list": {
"tab_bar_hint": "Current selected profile: %s. Double tap then hold to show account switcher",
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "Used to take photo for post status",
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "Used to save photo into the Photo Library",
"NewPostShortcutItemTitle": "New Post",
"SearchShortcutItemTitle": "Search"

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>%ld unread notification</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string>%#@character_count@ left</string>
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -173,22 +173,6 @@
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>

View File

@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
"title": "Vote Failure",
"poll_ended": "The poll has ended"
"discard_post_content": {
"title": "Discard Draft",
"message": "Confirm to discard composed post content."
"publish_post_failure": {
"title": "Publish Failure",
"message": "Failed to publish the post.\nPlease check your internet connection.",
@ -47,11 +51,6 @@
"clean_cache": {
"title": "Clean Cache",
"message": "Successfully cleaned %s cache."
"translation_failed": {
"title": "Note",
"message": "Translation failed. Maybe the administrator has not enabled translations on this server or this server is running an older version of Mastodon where translations are not yet supported.",
"button": "OK"
"controls": {
@ -76,9 +75,9 @@
"save_photo": "Save Photo",
"copy_photo": "Copy Photo",
"sign_in": "Log in",
"sign_up": "Create account",
"see_more": "See More",
"preview": "Preview",
"copy": "Copy",
"share": "Share",
"share_user": "Share %s",
"share_post": "Share Post",
@ -92,26 +91,13 @@
"block_domain": "Block %s",
"unblock_domain": "Unblock %s",
"settings": "Settings",
"delete": "Delete",
"translate_post": {
"title": "Translate from %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown"
"edit_post": "Edit",
"bookmark": "Bookmark",
"remove_bookmark": "Remove Bookmark",
"follow": "Follow %s",
"unfollow": "Unfollow %s"
"delete": "Delete"
"tabs": {
"home": "Home",
"search_and_explore": "Search and Explore",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"profile": "Profile",
"a11y": {
"search": "Search",
"explore": "Explore"
"search": "Search",
"notification": "Notification",
"profile": "Profile"
"keyboard": {
"common": {
@ -146,8 +132,6 @@
"sensitive_content": "Sensitive Content",
"media_content_warning": "Tap anywhere to reveal",
"tap_to_reveal": "Tap to reveal",
"load_embed": "Load Embed",
"link_via_user": "%s via %s",
"poll": {
"vote": "Vote",
"closed": "Closed"
@ -169,12 +153,7 @@
"show_image": "Show image",
"show_gif": "Show GIF",
"show_video_player": "Show video player",
"share_link_in_post": "Share Link in Post",
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu",
"a11y_labels": {
"reblog": "Re-blog",
"unreblog": "Undo re-blog"
"tap_then_hold_to_show_menu": "Tap then hold to show menu"
"tag": {
"url": "URL",
@ -189,30 +168,6 @@
"private": "Only their followers can see this post.",
"private_from_me": "Only my followers can see this post.",
"direct": "Only mentioned user can see this post."
"translation": {
"translated_from": "Translated from %s using %s",
"unknown_language": "Unknown",
"unknown_provider": "Unknown",
"show_original": "Show Original"
"media": {
"accessibility_label": "%s, attachment %d of %d",
"expand_image_hint": "Expands the image. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_gif_hint": "Expands the GIF. Double-tap and hold to show actions",
"expand_video_hint": "Shows the video player. Double-tap and hold to show actions"
"posted_via_application": "%s via %s",
"buttons": {
"reblogs_title": "Reblogs",
"favorites_title": "Favorites",
"edit_history_title": "Edit History",
"edit_history_detail": "Last edit %s"
"edited_at_timestamp_prefix": "Edited %s",
"edit_history": {
"title": "Edit History",
"original_post": "Original Post · %s"
"friendship": {
@ -255,36 +210,13 @@
"user_suspended_warning": "%ss account has been suspended."
"user_list": {
"no_verified_link": "No verified link",
"followers_count": "%@ followers"
"scene": {
"welcome": {
"log_in": "Log In",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"join_default_server": "Join %@",
"pick_server": "Pick another server",
"separator": {
"or": "or"
"education": {
"mastodon": {
"title": "Welcome to Mastodon",
"description": "Mastodon is a decentralized social network, meaning no single company controls it. Its made up of many independently-run servers, all connected together."
"servers": {
"title": "What are servers?",
"description": "Every Mastodon account is hosted on a server — each with its own values, rules, & admins. No matter which one you pick, you can follow and interact with people on any server."
"a11y": {
"what_is_mastodon": {
"title": "What is Mastodon?"
"slogan": "Social networking\nback in your hands.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"log_in": "Log In"
"login": {
"title": "Welcome back",
@ -294,10 +226,9 @@
"server_picker": {
"title": "Pick Server",
"title": "Mastodon is made of users in different servers.",
"subtitle": "Pick a server based on your region, interests, or a general purpose one. You can still chat with anyone on Mastodon, regardless of your servers.",
"button": {
"language": "Language",
"signup_speed": "Sign-up Speed",
"category": {
"all": "All",
"all_accessiblity_description": "Category: All",
@ -329,41 +260,18 @@
"finding_servers": "Finding available servers...",
"bad_network": "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.",
"no_results": "No results"
"signup_speed": {
"all": "All",
"instant": "Instant Sign-up",
"manually_reviewed": "Manual Review"
"language": {
"all": "All"
"search": {
"placeholder": "Search name or URL"
"no_server_selected_hint": "Well pick a server based on your language if you continue without making a selection."
"privacy": {
"title": "Privacy",
"description": "Although the Mastodon app does not collect any data, the server you sign up through may have a different policy. Take a minute to review and agree to the Mastodon app privacy policy and your servers privacy policy.",
"policy": {
"ios": "Privacy Policy - Mastodon for iOS",
"server": "Privacy Policy - %s"
"button": {
"confirm": "I Agree"
"register": {
"title": "Create Account",
"title": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"lets_get_you_set_up_on_domain": "Lets get you set up on %s",
"input": {
"avatar": {
"delete": "Delete"
"username": {
"placeholder": "username",
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken.",
"suggestion": "amazing_%@"
"duplicate_prompt": "This username is taken."
"display_name": {
"placeholder": "display name"
@ -373,7 +281,6 @@
"password": {
"placeholder": "password",
"confirmation_placeholder": "Confirm Password",
"require": "Your password needs at least:",
"character_limit": "8 characters",
"accessibility": {
@ -398,7 +305,7 @@
"reason": {
"blocked": "%s contains a disallowed email provider",
"unreachable": "%s does not seem to exist",
"taken": "%s is already taken. How about:",
"taken": "%s is already in use",
"reserved": "%s is a reserved keyword",
"accepted": "%s must be accepted",
"blank": "%s is required",
@ -426,26 +333,23 @@
"confirm_email": {
"title": "Check Your Inbox",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we sent you to verify %@. Well wait right here.",
"title": "One last thing.",
"subtitle": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account.",
"tap_the_link_we_emailed_to_you_to_verify_your_account": "Tap the link we emailed to you to verify your account",
"button": {
"open_email_app": "Open Email App",
"resend": "Resend"
"dont_receive_email": {
"title": "Check your Email",
"title": "Check your email",
"description": "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you havent.",
"resend_email": "Resend Email"
"open_email_app": {
"title": "Check your Inbox.",
"title": "Check your inbox.",
"description": "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you havent.",
"mail": "Mail",
"open_email_client": "Open Email Client"
"didnt_get_link": {
"prefix": "Didnt get a link?",
"resend_in": "Resend (%@)",
"resend_now": "Resend now."
"home_timeline": {
@ -456,20 +360,19 @@
"published": "Published!",
"Publishing": "Publishing post...",
"accessibility": {
"logo_label": "Mastodon",
"logo_label": "Logo Button",
"logo_hint": "Tap to scroll to top and tap again to previous location"
"suggestion_account": {
"title": "Popular on Mastodon",
"follow_all": "Follow all"
"title": "Find People to Follow",
"follow_explain": "When you follow someone, youll see their posts in your home feed."
"compose": {
"title": {
"new_post": "New Post",
"new_reply": "New Reply",
"edit_post": "Edit Post"
"new_reply": "New Reply"
"media_selection": {
"camera": "Take Photo",
@ -493,7 +396,6 @@
"server_processing_state": "Server Processing..."
"poll": {
"title": "Poll",
"duration_time": "Duration: %s",
"thirty_minutes": "30 minutes",
"one_hour": "1 Hour",
@ -503,11 +405,7 @@
"seven_days": "7 Days",
"option_number": "Option %ld",
"the_poll_is_invalid": "The poll is invalid",
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option",
"add_option": "Add Option",
"remove_option": "Remove Option",
"move_up": "Move Up",
"move_down": "Move Down"
"the_poll_has_empty_option": "The poll has empty option"
"content_warning": {
"placeholder": "Write an accurate warning here..."
@ -539,12 +437,6 @@
"toggle_content_warning": "Toggle Content Warning",
"append_attachment_entry": "Add Attachment - %s",
"select_visibility_entry": "Select Visibility - %s"
"language": {
"title": "Post Language",
"suggested": "Suggested",
"recent": "Recent",
"other": "Other Language…"
"profile": {
@ -552,16 +444,11 @@
"follows_you": "Follows You"
"dashboard": {
"my_posts": "posts",
"my_following": "following",
"my_followers": "followers",
"other_posts": "posts",
"other_following": "following",
"other_followers": "followers",
"familiar_followers": "mutuals"
"posts": "posts",
"following": "following",
"followers": "followers"
"fields": {
"joined": "Joined",
"add_row": "Add Row",
"placeholder": {
"label": "Label",
@ -650,20 +537,16 @@
"searching": {
"posts": "Posts matching \"%s\"",
"people": "People matching \"%s\"",
"profile": "Go to @%s@%s",
"url": "Open URL in Mastodon",
"hashtag": "Go to #%s",
"no_user": {
"title": "No User Account Found",
"message": "There's no Useraccount \"%s\" on %s"
"segment": {
"all": "All",
"people": "People",
"hashtags": "Hashtags",
"posts": "Posts"
"empty_state": {
"no_results": "No results"
"recent_search": "Recent searches",
"clear_all": "Clear all",
"clear": "Clear"
@ -678,7 +561,7 @@
"intro": "These are the posts gaining traction in your corner of Mastodon."
"favorite": {
"title": "Favorites"
"title": "Your Favorites"
"notification": {
"title": {
@ -709,68 +592,60 @@
"title": "Post from %s"
"settings": {
"overview": {
"title": "Settings",
"general": "General",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"support_mastodon": "Support Mastodon",
"about_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
"server_details": "Server Details",
"logout": "Logout %@"
"about_mastodon": {
"title": "About",
"more_settings": "Even More Settings",
"contribute_to_mastodon": "Contribute to Mastodon",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
"clear_media_storage": "Clear Media Storage"
"server_details": {
"about": "About",
"rules": "Rules",
"about_instance": {
"title": "Administrator",
"message_admin": "Message Admin",
"legal_notice": "A legal notice"
"general": {
"title": "General",
"title": "Settings",
"section": {
"appearance": {
"section_title": "Appearance",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light",
"system": "Use Device Appearance"
"title": "Appearance",
"automatic": "Automatic",
"light": "Always Light",
"dark": "Always Dark"
"design": {
"section_title": "Design",
"show_animations": "Play Animated Avatars and Emoji"
"look_and_feel": {
"title": "Look and Feel",
"use_system": "Use System",
"really_dark": "Really Dark",
"sorta_dark": "Sorta Dark",
"light": "Light"
"links": {
"section_title": "Links",
"open_in_mastodon": "Open in Mastodon",
"open_in_browser": "Open in Browser"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"favorites": "Favorites my post",
"follows": "Follows me",
"boosts": "Reblogs my post",
"mentions": "Mentions me",
"trigger": {
"anyone": "anyone",
"follower": "a follower",
"follow": "anyone I follow",
"noone": "no one",
"title": "Notify me when"
"preference": {
"title": "Preferences",
"true_black_dark_mode": "True black dark mode",
"disable_avatar_animation": "Disable animated avatars",
"disable_emoji_animation": "Disable animated emojis",
"using_default_browser": "Use default browser to open links",
"open_links_in_mastodon": "Open links in Mastodon"
"boring_zone": {
"title": "The Boring Zone",
"account_settings": "Account Settings",
"terms": "Terms of Service",
"privacy": "Privacy Policy"
"spicy_zone": {
"title": "The Spicy Zone",
"clear": "Clear Media Cache",
"signout": "Sign Out"
"notifications": {
"title": "Notifications",
"policy": {
"title": "Get Notifications from",
"anyone": "Anyone",
"followers": "People who follow you",
"follow": "People you follow",
"noone": "No one"
"alert": {
"mentions_and_replies": "Mentions & Replies",
"boosts": "Boosts",
"favorites": "Favorites",
"new_followers": "New Followers"
"disabled": {
"notification_hint": "Turn on notifications from your device settings to see updates on your lock screen.",
"go_to_settings": "Go to Notification Settings"
"footer": {
"mastodon_description": "Mastodon is open source software. You can report issues on GitHub at %s (%s)"
"keyboard": {
"close_settings_window": "Close Settings Window"
"report": {
@ -840,67 +715,13 @@
"dismiss_account_switcher": "Dismiss Account Switcher",
"add_account": "Add Account"
"wizard": {
"new_in_mastodon": "New in Mastodon",
"multiple_account_switch_intro_description": "Switch between multiple accounts by holding the profile button.",
"accessibility_hint": "Double tap to dismiss this wizard"
"bookmark": {
"title": "Bookmarks"
"followed_tags": {
"title": "Followed Tags",
"header": {
"posts": "posts",
"participants": "participants",
"posts_today": "posts today"
"actions": {
"follow": "Follow",
"unfollow": "Unfollow"
"extension": {
"open_in": {
"invalid_link_error": "This doesn't seem to be a valid Mastodon link."
"widget": {
"common": {
"unsupported_widget_family": "Sorry but this Widget family is unsupported.",
"user_not_logged_in": "Please open Mastodon to log in to an Account."
"followers_count": {
"configuration_display_name": "Followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers.",
"title": "FOLLOWERS",
"followers_today": "%s followers today"
"multiple_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Multiple followers",
"configuration_description": "Show number of followers for multiple accounts.",
"mock_user": {
"display_name": "Another follower",
"account_name": ""
"latest_followers": {
"configuration_display_name": "Latest followers",
"configuration_description": "Show latest followers.",
"title": "Latest followers",
"last_update": "Last update: %s"
"hashtag": {
"configuration": {
"display_name": "Hashtag",
"description": "Shows a recent post with the selected hashtag."
"not_found": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "Sorry, we couldnt find any posts with the hashtag <a>#%@</a>. Please try a <a>#DifferentHashtag</a> or check the widget settings."
"placeholder": {
"account_name": "John Mastodon",
"account": "@johnMastodon@no-such.account",
"content": "This is how a post with a <a>#hashtag</a> would look. Pick whichever <a>#hashtag</a> you want in the widget settings."

View File

@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>1 unread notification</string>
<string>%ld unread notifications</string>
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>1 character left</string>
<string>%ld characters left</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and another mutual</string>
<string>Followed by %1$@, and %ld mutuals</string>
<string>%@ %#@post_count@</string>
<string>1 media</string>
<string>%ld media</string>
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>1 favorite</string>
<string>%ld favorites</string>
<string>1 reblog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>1 re-blog</string>
<string>%ld re-blogs</string>
<string>1 reply</string>
<string>%ld replies</string>
<string>1 vote</string>
<string>%ld votes</string>
<string>1 voter</string>
<string>%ld voters</string>
<string>1 people talking</string>
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>1y ago</string>
<string>%ldy ago</string>
<string>1M ago</string>
<string>%ldM ago</string>
<string>1d ago</string>
<string>%ldd ago</string>
<string>1h ago</string>
<string>%ldh ago</string>
<string>1m ago</string>
<string>%ldm ago</string>
<string>1s ago</string>
<string>%lds ago</string>

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More