chore: update i18n resources
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title")
internal enum VoteFailure {
/// The poll has expired
internal static let pollExpired ="Localizable", "Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired")
/// The poll has ended
internal static let pollEnded ="Localizable", "Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded")
/// Vote Failure
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title")
@ -295,10 +295,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal enum Poll {
/// Closed
internal static let closed ="Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed")
/// %@ left
internal static func timeLeft(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft", String(describing: p1))
/// Vote
internal static let vote ="Localizable", "Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote")
@ -330,20 +326,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal enum Timeline {
/// Filtered
internal static let filtered ="Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered")
internal enum Accessibility {
/// %@ favorites
internal static func countFavorites(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ reblogs
internal static func countReblogs(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs", String(describing: p1))
/// %@ replies
internal static func countReplies(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies", String(describing: p1))
internal enum Header {
/// You can’t view this user’s profile\n until they unblock you.
internal static let blockedWarning ="Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning")
@ -377,10 +359,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal enum Timestamp {
/// Now
internal static let now ="Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now")
/// %@ ago
internal static func timeAgo(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo", String(describing: p1))
@ -407,14 +385,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static let disableContentWarning ="Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning")
/// Enable Content Warning
internal static let enableContentWarning ="Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning")
/// Input limit exceeds %ld
internal static func inputLimitExceedsCount(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount", p1)
/// Input limit remains %ld
internal static func inputLimitRemainsCount(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount", p1)
/// Post Visibility Menu
internal static let postVisibilityMenu ="Localizable", "Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu")
/// Remove Poll
@ -543,12 +513,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
/// Your Favorites
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Scene.Favorite.Title")
internal enum Hashtag {
/// %@ people talking
internal static func prompt(_ p1: Any) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Hashtag.Prompt", String(describing: p1))
internal enum HomeTimeline {
/// Home
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Scene.HomeTimeline.Title")
@ -609,20 +573,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static let following ="Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following")
/// posts
internal static let posts ="Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts")
internal enum Accessibility {
/// %ld followers
internal static func countFollowers(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers", p1)
/// %ld following
internal static func countFollowing(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing", p1)
/// %ld posts
internal static func countPosts(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts", p1)
internal enum Fields {
/// Add Row
@ -661,10 +611,6 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static let replies ="Localizable", "Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies")
internal enum PublicTimeline {
/// Public
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Scene.PublicTimeline.Title")
internal enum Register {
/// Tell us about you.
internal static let title ="Localizable", "Scene.Register.Title")
@ -1019,6 +965,60 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal enum A11y {
internal enum Plural {
internal enum Count {
/// Plural format key: "Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@"
internal static func inputLimitExceeds(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "a11y.plural.count.input_limit_exceeds", p1)
/// Plural format key: "Input limit remains %#@character_count@"
internal static func inputLimitRemains(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "a11y.plural.count.input_limit_remains", p1)
internal enum Date {
internal enum Day {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_day_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "", p1)
internal enum Hour {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_hour_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "date.hour.left", p1)
internal enum Minute {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_minute_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "date.minute.left", p1)
internal enum Month {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_month_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "date.month.left", p1)
internal enum Second {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_second_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "date.second.left", p1)
internal enum Year {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_year_left@"
internal static func `left`(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "date.year.left", p1)
internal enum Plural {
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_people_talking@"
internal static func peopleTalking(_ p1: Int) -> String {
@ -1029,6 +1029,18 @@ internal enum L10n {
internal static func favorite(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "plural.count.favorite", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_follower@"
internal static func follower(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "plural.count.follower", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@count_following@"
internal static func following(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "plural.count.following", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@post_count@"
internal static func post(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "", p1)
/// Plural format key: "%#@reblog_count@"
internal static func reblog(_ p1: Int) -> String {
return"Localizable", "plural.count.reblog", p1)
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد تسجيل الخروج؟";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "تسجيل الخروج";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "فشل التسجيل";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "انتهت مدة صلاحية الاستطلاع";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "The poll has ended";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "فشل التصويت";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "إضافة";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "العودة";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Content Warning";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Tap anywhere to reveal";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Closed";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "%@ left";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Vote";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Show Post";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Show user profile";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "الإشعارات";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "الملف التعريفي";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "بحث";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ favorites";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ reblogs";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ replies";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtered";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "You can’t view this user’s profile
until they unblock you.";
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@ Your profile looks like this to them.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "تحميل المزيد من المنشورات...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "إظهار المزيد من الردود";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "الأن";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "منذ %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Add Attachment";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "اضافة استطلاع رأي";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "منتقي مخصص للإيموجي";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "تعطيل تحذير الحتوى";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "تنشيط تحذير المحتوى";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "Input limit exceeds %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "Input limit remains %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Post Visibility Menu";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "إزالة الاستطلاع";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "This %@ is broken and can’t be
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@ uploaded to Mastodon.";
tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "شيء واحد أخير.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Your Favorites";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ people talking";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "See new posts";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "غير متصل";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "Published!";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "إغلاق المعاينة";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "إظهار التالي";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "إظهار السابق";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld followers";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld following";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld posts";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "متابِع";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "مُتابَع";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "منشورات";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@ tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "وسائط";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "منشورات";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "ردود";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Public";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "الاتفاقية";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "البريد الإلكتروني";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "اللغة المحلية";
@ -2,6 +2,54 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -26,6 +74,30 @@
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -146,5 +218,197 @@
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Comprova la teva connexió a Internet.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "Estàs segur que vols tancar la sessió?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Tancar Sessió";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Error en el registre";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "L'enquesta ha finalitzat";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "L'enquesta ha finalitzat";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Error del Vot";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Afegeix";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Enrere";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Comprova la teva connexió a Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Advertència de Contingut";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Toca qualsevol lloc per mostrar";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Finalitzada";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "Falten %@";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Vota";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Mostra la publicació";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Mostra el perfil de l'usuari";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Comprova la teva connexió a Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Notificació";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Perfil";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Cerca";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "favorits de %@";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "impulsos de %@";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "respostes de %@";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtrat";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "No pots veure el perfil d'aquest usuari
fins que et desbloquegi.";
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@ El teu perfil els sembla així.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Carregant les publicacions que falten...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Mostra més respostes";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "Ara";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "fa %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Afegeix Adjunt";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Afegir enquesta";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Selector d'Emoji Personalitzat";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Desactiva l'Avís de Contingut";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Activa l'Avís de Contingut";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "El límit d’entrada supera a %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "El límit d’entrada continua sent %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Menú de Visibilitat de Publicació";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Eliminar Enquesta";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "Aquest %@ està trencat i no pot ser
@ -175,7 +168,7 @@ carregat a Mastodon.";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.ThirtyMinutes" = "30 minuts";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.ThreeDays" = "3 Dies";
"Scene.Compose.ReplyingToUser" = "responent a %@";
"Scene.Compose.Title.NewPost" = "Nueva publicació";
"Scene.Compose.Title.NewPost" = "Nova publicació";
"Scene.Compose.Title.NewReply" = "Nova Resposta";
"Scene.Compose.Visibility.Direct" = "Només les persones que menciono";
"Scene.Compose.Visibility.Private" = "Només seguidors";
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@ carregat a Mastodon.";
toca l'enllaç per a confirmar el teu compte.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "Una última cosa.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Els teus Favorits";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ persones hi estan parlant";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "Veure noves publicacions";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Fora de línia";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "Publicat!";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ toca l'enllaç per a confirmar el teu compte.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Tanca la Vista Prèvia";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Mostrar Següent";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Mostrar Anterior";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld seguidors";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "seguint a %ld";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld publicacions";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "seguidors";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "seguint";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "publicacions";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@ toca l'enllaç per a confirmar el teu compte.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Mèdia";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Publicacions";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Respostes";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Públic";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Acord";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "Correu electrònic";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Idioma";
@ -330,15 +318,15 @@ qualsevol servidor.";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Follows" = "Em segueix";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Mentions" = "M'ha mencionat";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Title" = "Notificacions";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Anyone" = "ningú";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Anyone" = "algú";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follow" = "a qualsevol que segueixi";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follower" = "un seguidor";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Noone" = "ningú";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Noone" = "algú";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Title" = "Notifica'm quan";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.DisableAvatarAnimation" = "Desactiva avatars animats";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.DisableEmojiAnimation" = "Desactiva emojis animats";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.Title" = "Preferències";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.TrueBlackDarkMode" = "Mode autèntic negre fosc";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.TrueBlackDarkMode" = "Mode negre fosc autèntic";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Preference.UsingDefaultBrowser" = "Utilitza el navegador predeterminat per a obrir enllaços";
"Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Clear" = "Esborra la memòria cau de Mèdia";
"Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Signout" = "Tancar Sessió";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>El límit d’entrada supera a %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 caràcter</string>
<string>%ld caràcters</string>
<string>El límit d’entrada continua sent %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 caràcter</string>
<string>%ld caràcters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 publicació</string>
<string>%ld publicacions</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld persones en parlen</string>
<string>1 seguit</string>
<string>%ld seguits</string>
<string>1 seguidor</string>
<string>%ld seguidors</string>
<string>1 any restant</string>
<string>%ld anys restants</string>
<string>1 mes restant</string>
<string>%ld mesos restants</string>
<string>1 dia restant</string>
<string>%ld dies restants</string>
<string>1 hora restant</string>
<string>%ld hores restants</string>
<string>1 minut restant</string>
<string>%ld minuts restants</string>
<string>1 segon restant</string>
<string>%ld segons restants</string>
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
"Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.BlockEntireDomain" = "Block Domain";
"Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.BlockEntireDomain" = "Domain blockieren";
"Common.Alerts.BlockDomain.Title" = "Bist du dir wirklich sicher, dass du die ganze Domain %@ blockieren willst? In den meisten Fällen reichen ein paar gezielte Blockierungen oder Stummschaltungen aus und werden bevorzugt. Du wirst den Inhalt von dieser Domain nicht mehr sehen. Deine Folgenden von dieser Domain werden entfernt.";
"Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Message" = "Successfully cleaned %@ cache.";
"Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Message" = "%@ erfolgreich aus dem Cache gelöscht.";
"Common.Alerts.CleanCache.Title" = "Zwischenspeicher leeren";
"Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgain" = "Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgainLater" = "Bitte versuchen Sie es später nochmal.";
"Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgain" = "Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"Common.Alerts.Common.PleaseTryAgainLater" = "Bitte versuche es später nochmal.";
"Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Delete" = "Löschen";
"Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Title" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Beitrag löschen möchten?";
"Common.Alerts.DiscardPostContent.Message" = "Bestätigen Sie um den Beitrag zu verwerfen.";
"Common.Alerts.DeletePost.Title" = "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen möchtest?";
"Common.Alerts.DiscardPostContent.Message" = "Bestätige um den Beitrag zu verwerfen.";
"Common.Alerts.DiscardPostContent.Title" = "Entwurf Verwerfen";
"Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Message" = "Profil kann nicht bearbeitet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.";
"Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Message" = "Profil kann nicht bearbeitet werden. Bitte versuche es erneut.";
"Common.Alerts.EditProfileFailure.Title" = "Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Profils";
"Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.MoreThanOneVideo" = "Es kann nicht mehr als ein Video hinzugefügt werden.";
"Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.AttachmentsMessage.VideoAttachWithPhoto" = "Es kann kein Video an einen Beitrag, der bereits Bilder enthält, angehängt werden.";
"Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Message" = "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen des Beitrags.
Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.";
Bitte überprüfe deine Internetverbindung.";
"Common.Alerts.PublishPostFailure.Title" = "Fehler bei Veröffentlichung";
"Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Message" = "Bitte aktiviere den Zugriff auf die Fotobibliothek, um das Foto zu speichern.";
"Common.Alerts.SavePhotoFailure.Title" = "Foto konnte nicht gespeichert werden";
"Common.Alerts.ServerError.Title" = "Serverfehler";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Confirm" = "Abmelden";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden möchten?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "Bist du sicher, dass du dich abmelden möchten?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Abmelden";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Anmeldefehler";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "Diese Umfrage ist abgelaufen";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "Die Umfrage ist beendet";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Fehler bei Abstimmung";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Hinzufügen";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Zurück";
@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Block" = "Blockieren";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockDomain" = "%@ blockieren";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockUser" = "%@ blockieren";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked" = "Blocked";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked" = "Blockiert";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo" = "Information bearbeiten";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Follow" = "Folgen";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Following" = "Following";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Following" = "Folge Ich";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Mute" = "Stummschalten";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.MuteUser" = "%@ stummschalten";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Muted" = "Stummgeschaltet";
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Request" = "Anfragen";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Unblock" = "Blockierung aufheben";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.UnblockUser" = "@%@ entblocken";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Unmute" = "Unmute";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.UnmuteUser" = "Unmute %@";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Unmute" = "Nicht mehr stummschalten";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.UnmuteUser" = "%@ nicht mehr stummschalten";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ComposeNewPost" = "Neuen Beitrag verfassen";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.OpenSettings" = "Einstellungen öffnen";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Common.ShowFavorites" = "Favoriten anzeigen";
@ -83,84 +83,77 @@ Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.SegmentedControl.PreviousSection" = "Vorheriger Abschnitt";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.NextStatus" = "Nächster Beitrag";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenAuthorProfile" = "Profil des Verfassers ansehen";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenRebloggerProfile" = "Open Reblogger's Profile";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenRebloggerProfile" = "Profil des teilenden Nutzers öffnen";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.OpenStatus" = "Beitrag öffnen";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviewImage" = "Bildvorschau";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.PreviousStatus" = "Vorheriger Beitrag";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ReplyStatus" = "Auf Beitrag antworten";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleContentWarning" = "Toggle Content Warning";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleFavorite" = "Toggle Favorite on Post";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleReblog" = "Toggle Reblog on Post";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleContentWarning" = "Inhaltswarnung umschalten";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleFavorite" = "Favorit vom Beitrag umschalten";
"Common.Controls.Keyboard.Timeline.ToggleReblog" = "Teilen vom Beitrag umschalten";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Favorite" = "Favorit";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Menu" = "Menu";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reblog" = "Reblog";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Menu" = "Menü";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reblog" = "Teilen";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Reply" = "Antworten";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unfavorite" = "Aus Favoriten entfernen";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unreblog" = "Undo reblog";
"Common.Controls.Status.Actions.Unreblog" = "Nicht mehr teilen";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Inhaltswarnung";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Tippe irgendwo zum Anzeigen";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Beendet";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "%@ verbleiben";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Abstimmen";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Show Post";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Beitrag anzeigen";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Benutzerprofil anzeigen";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Email" = "E-Mail";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Emoji" = "Emoji";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Hashtag" = "Hashtag";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Link" = "Link";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Mention" = "Mention";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Mention" = "Erwähnung";
"Common.Controls.Status.Tag.Url" = "URL";
"Common.Controls.Status.UserReblogged" = "%@ reblogged";
"Common.Controls.Status.UserRepliedTo" = "Replied to %@";
"Common.Controls.Status.UserReblogged" = "%@ teilte";
"Common.Controls.Status.UserRepliedTo" = "Antwortet auf %@";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Home" = "Startseite";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Benachrichtigungen";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Profil";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Suche";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ favorites";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ reblogs";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ replies";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Gefiltert";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "Das Profil dieses Benutzers
kann nicht angezeigt werden, bis er dich entsperrt.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockingWarning" = "Du kannst das Profil dieses Benutzers nicht anzeigen
solange du es nicht entsperrst.
Dein Profil sieht für diesen Benutzer so aus.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockingWarning" = "Du kannst das Profil dieses Benutzers nicht sehen
solange du den Benutzer nicht entsperrst.
Dein Profil sieht für diesen Benutzer auch so aus.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.NoStatusFound" = "Kein Beitrag gefunden";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.SuspendedWarning" = "This user has been suspended.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockedWarning" = "You can’t view %@’s profile
until they unblock you.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockingWarning" = "Du kannst %@'s Profil nicht anzeigen
solange du es nicht entsperrst.
Dein Profil sieht für diesen Benutzer so aus.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserSuspendedWarning" = "%@’s account has been suspended.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.SuspendedWarning" = "Dieser Nutzer wurde gesperrt.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockedWarning" = "Du kannst das Profil von %@ nicht sehen
bis der Benutzer dich entsperrt.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserBlockingWarning" = "Du kannst %@s Profil nicht sehen
solange du diesen Benutzer nicht entsperrst.
Dein Profil sieht für diesen Benutzer auch so aus.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.UserSuspendedWarning" = "Das Konto von %@ wurde gesperrt.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadMissingPosts" = "Fehlende Beiträge laden";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Lade fehlende Beiträge...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Weitere Antworten anzeigen";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "Gerade";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "vor %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Anhang hinzufügen";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Umfrage hinzufügen";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Custom Emoji Picker";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Disable Content Warning";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Enable Content Warning";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "Input limit exceeds %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "Input limit remains %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Post Visibility Menu";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Benutzerdefinierter Emojiwähler";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Inhaltswarnung ausschalten";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Inhaltswarnung einschalten";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Sichtbarkeitsmenü";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Umfrage entfernen";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "This %@ is broken and can’t be
uploaded to Mastodon.";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "Dieses %@ scheint defekt zu sein und
kann nicht auf Mastodon hochgeladen werden.";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionPhoto" = "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben...";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.DescriptionVideo" = "Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschreiben...";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.Photo" = "Foto";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.Video" = "Video";
"Scene.Compose.AutoComplete.SpaceToAdd" = "Space to add";
"Scene.Compose.AutoComplete.SpaceToAdd" = "Leerzeichen um hinzuzufügen";
"Scene.Compose.ComposeAction" = "Veröffentlichen";
"Scene.Compose.ContentInputPlaceholder" = "Tippe oder füge ein, was dir am Herzen liegt";
"Scene.Compose.ContentWarning.Placeholder" = "Schreibe eine Inhaltswarnung hier...";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.AppendAttachmentEntry" = "Add Attachment - %@";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.AppendAttachmentEntry" = "Anhang hinzufügen - %@";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.DiscardPost" = "Beitrag verwerfen";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.PublishPost" = "Beitrag veröffentlichen";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.SelectVisibilityEntry" = "Select Visibility - %@";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.SelectVisibilityEntry" = "Sichtbarkeit auswählen - %@";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.ToggleContentWarning" = "Inhaltswarnung umschalten";
"Scene.Compose.Keyboard.TogglePoll" = "Umfrage umschalten";
"Scene.Compose.MediaSelection.Browse" = "Durchsuchen";
@ -169,7 +162,7 @@ uploaded to Mastodon.";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.DurationTime" = "Dauer: %@";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.OneDay" = "1 Tag";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.OneHour" = "1 Stunde";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.OptionNumber" = "Option %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.OptionNumber" = "Auswahlmöglichkeit %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.SevenDays" = "7 Tage";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.SixHours" = "6 Stunden";
"Scene.Compose.Poll.ThirtyMinutes" = "30 Minuten";
@ -181,24 +174,23 @@ uploaded to Mastodon.";
"Scene.Compose.Visibility.Private" = "Nur für Folgende";
"Scene.Compose.Visibility.Public" = "Öffentlich";
"Scene.Compose.Visibility.Unlisted" = "Nicht gelistet";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.DontReceiveEmail" = "I never got an email";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.DontReceiveEmail" = "Ich habe keine E-Mail erhalten.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Button.OpenEmailApp" = "E-Mail-App öffnen";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Description" = "Check if your email address is correct as well as your junk folder if you haven’t.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.ResendEmail" = "Resend Email";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Title" = "Check your email";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Description" = "We just sent you an email. Check your junk folder if you haven’t.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Description" = "Überprüfe, ob deine E-Mail-Adresse korrekt ist und sieh im Spam-Ordner nach, falls du es noch nicht getan hast.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.ResendEmail" = "E-Mail erneut versenden";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.DontReceiveEmail.Title" = "Bitte überprüfe deine E-Mails";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Description" = "Wir haben dir gerade eine E-Mail geschickt. Überprüfe deinen Spam-Ordner, falls du es noch nicht getan hast.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Mail" = "Mail";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.OpenEmailClient" = "Open Email Client";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Title" = "Check your inbox.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.OpenEmailClient" = "E-Mail-Client öffnen";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.OpenEmailApp.Title" = "Überprüfe deinen Posteingang.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Subtitle" = "Wir haben gerade eine E-Mail an %@ gesendet,
tippe auf den Link, um Dein Konto zu bestätigen.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "Noch eine letzte Sache.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Deine Favoriten";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ Leute reden";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "Neue Beiträge anzeigen";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Offline";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "Veröffentlicht!";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Publishing" = "Publishing post...";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Publishing" = "Beitrag wird veröffentlicht...";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.Title" = "Startseite";
"Scene.Notification.Action.Favourite" = "hat deinen Beitrag favorisiert";
"Scene.Notification.Action.Follow" = "folgt dir";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ tippe auf den Link, um Dein Konto zu bestätigen.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Vorschau schließen";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Nächstes anzeigen";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Vorheriges anzeigen";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld Folger";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld Gefolgte";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld Beiträge";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "Folger";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "Gefolgte";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "Beiträge";
@ -224,32 +213,31 @@ tippe auf den Link, um Dein Konto zu bestätigen.";
"Scene.Profile.Fields.Placeholder.Label" = "Bezeichnung";
"Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUsre.Message" = "Bestätigen zum Entsperren von %@";
"Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnblockUsre.Title" = "Konto entsperren";
"Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Message" = "Confirm to unmute %@";
"Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Message" = "Bestätige um %@ nicht mehr stummzuschalten";
"Scene.Profile.RelationshipActionAlert.ConfirmUnmuteUser.Title" = "Ton einschalten";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Medien";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Beiträge";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Antworten";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Öffentlich";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Vereinbarung";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "E-Mail";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Sprache";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Password" = "Passwort";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Reason" = "Begründung";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Username" = "Benutzername";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Accepted" = "%@ must be accepted";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blank" = "%@ is required";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blocked" = "%@ contains a disallowed email provider";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Inclusion" = "%@ is not a supported value";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Invalid" = "%@ is invalid";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Reserved" = "%@ is a reserved keyword";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Taken" = "%@ is already in use";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooLong" = "%@ is too long";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooShort" = "%@ is too short";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Unreachable" = "%@ does not seem to exist";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.EmailInvalid" = "This is not a valid email address";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.PasswordTooShort" = "Password is too short (must be at least 8 characters)";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameInvalid" = "Username must only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameTooLong" = "Username is too long (can’t be longer than 30 characters)";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Accepted" = "%@ muss akzeptiert werden";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blank" = "%@ ist erforderlich";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Blocked" = "%@ verwendet einen nicht erlaubten E-Mail-Anbieter";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Inclusion" = "%@ ist kein unterstützter Wert";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Invalid" = "%@ ist ungültig";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Reserved" = "%@ ist ein reserviertes Schlüsselwort";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Taken" = "%@ wird bereits verwendet";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooLong" = "%@ ist zu lang";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.TooShort" = "%@ ist zu kurz";
"Scene.Register.Error.Reason.Unreachable" = "%@ scheint nicht zu existieren";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.EmailInvalid" = "Dies ist keine gültige E-Mail Adresse";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.PasswordTooShort" = "Passwort ist zu kurz (mindestens 8 Zeichen erforderlich)";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameInvalid" = "Benutzername kann nur alphanumerische Zeichen und Unterstriche enthalten";
"Scene.Register.Error.Special.UsernameTooLong" = "Benutzername ist zu lang (darf nicht länger als 30 Zeichen sein)";
"Scene.Register.Input.Avatar.Delete" = "Löschen";
"Scene.Register.Input.DisplayName.Placeholder" = "Anzeigename";
"Scene.Register.Input.Email.Placeholder" = "E-Mail";
@ -267,13 +255,13 @@ tippe auf den Link, um Dein Konto zu bestätigen.";
"Scene.Report.Step2" = "Schritt 2 von 2";
"Scene.Report.TextPlaceholder" = "Zusätzliche Kommentare eingeben oder einfügen";
"Scene.Report.Title" = "%@ melden";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Description" = "You may like to follow these accounts";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Description" = "Vielleicht gefallen dir diese Benutzer";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Follow" = "Folgen";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Title" = "Accounts you might like";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.Accounts.Title" = "Konten, die dir gefallen könnten";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.ButtonText" = "Alle anzeigen";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Description" = "Hashtags that are getting quite a bit of attention";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Description" = "Hashtags die an Aufmerksamkeit zunehmen";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.PeopleTalking" = "%@ Leute reden";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Title" = "Trending on Mastodon";
"Scene.Search.Recommend.HashTag.Title" = "Angesagt auf Mastodon";
"Scene.Search.SearchBar.Cancel" = "Abbrechen";
"Scene.Search.SearchBar.Placeholder" = "Hashtags und Benutzer suchen";
"Scene.Search.Searching.Clear" = "Zurücksetzen";
@ -300,21 +288,21 @@ tippe auf den Link, um Dein Konto zu bestätigen.";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Button.Category.Tech" = "Technologie";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeLess" = "Weniger anzeigen";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Button.SeeMore" = "Mehr anzeigen";
"Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.BadNetwork" = "Something went wrong while loading the data. Check your internet connection.";
"Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.BadNetwork" = "Da ist etwas schief gelaufen. Bitte versuche es erneut oder überprüfe deine Internetverbindung.";
"Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.FindingServers" = "Verfügbare Server werden gesucht...";
"Scene.ServerPicker.EmptyState.NoResults" = "Keine Ergebnisse";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Input.Placeholder" = "Finde einen Server oder trete deinem eigenen bei...";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Category" = "KATEGORIE";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Language" = "SPRACHE";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Label.Users" = "BENUTZER";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Title" = "Pick a server,
any server.";
"Scene.ServerPicker.Title" = "Wähle einen Server,
beliebigen Server.";
"Scene.ServerRules.Button.Confirm" = "Ich stimme zu";
"Scene.ServerRules.PrivacyPolicy" = "Datenschutzerklärung";
"Scene.ServerRules.Prompt" = "By continuing, you’re subject to the terms of service and privacy policy for %@.";
"Scene.ServerRules.Subtitle" = "These rules are set by the admins of %@.";
"Scene.ServerRules.TermsOfService" = "terms of service";
"Scene.ServerRules.Title" = "Some ground rules.";
"Scene.ServerRules.Prompt" = "Wenn du fortfährst, unterliegst du den Nutzungsbedingungen und den Datenschutzrichtlinien für %@.";
"Scene.ServerRules.Subtitle" = "Diese Regeln werden von den Administratoren von %@ festgelegt.";
"Scene.ServerRules.TermsOfService" = "Nutzungsbedingungen";
"Scene.ServerRules.Title" = "Einige Grundregeln.";
"Scene.Settings.Footer.MastodonDescription" = "Mastodon ist quelloffene Software. Du kannst auf GitHub unter %@ (%@) Probleme melden";
"Scene.Settings.Keyboard.CloseSettingsWindow" = "Einstellungsfenster schließen";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Appearance.Automatic" = "Automatisch";
@ -344,9 +332,8 @@ any server.";
"Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Signout" = "Abmelden";
"Scene.Settings.Section.SpicyZone.Title" = "Der Gefährliche Bereich";
"Scene.Settings.Title" = "Einstellungen";
"Scene.SuggestionAccount.FollowExplain" = "When you follow someone, you’ll see their posts in your home feed.";
"Scene.SuggestionAccount.Title" = "Find People to Follow";
"Scene.SuggestionAccount.FollowExplain" = "Wenn du jemandem folgst, siehst du deren Beiträge dann in deinem Home-Feed.";
"Scene.SuggestionAccount.Title" = "Entdecke Benutzer zum Folgen";
"Scene.Thread.BackTitle" = "Beitrag";
"Scene.Thread.Title" = "Beitrag von %@";
"Scene.Welcome.Slogan" = "Social networking
back in your hands.";
"Scene.Welcome.Slogan" = "Soziale Netzwerke wieder in deinen Händen.";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -47,7 +95,7 @@
<string>1 Reblog</string>
<string>%ld reblogs</string>
<string>%ld Reblogs</string>
@ -61,7 +109,7 @@
<string>1 vote</string>
<string>1 Stimme</string>
<string>%ld Stimmen</string>
@ -77,7 +125,7 @@
<string>1 voter</string>
<string>1 Wähler</string>
<string>%ld Wähler</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld Leute reden</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "Are you sure you want to sign out?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Sign Out";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Sign Up Failure";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "The poll has expired";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "The poll has ended";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Vote Failure";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Add";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Back";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Content Warning";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Tap anywhere to reveal";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Closed";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "%@ left";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Vote";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Show Post";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Show user profile";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Please check your internet connection.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Notification";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Profile";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Search";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ favorites";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ reblogs";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ replies";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtered";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "You can’t view this user’s profile
until they unblock you.";
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@ Your profile looks like this to them.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Loading missing posts...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Show more replies";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "Now";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "%@ ago";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Add Attachment";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Add Poll";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Custom Emoji Picker";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Disable Content Warning";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Enable Content Warning";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "Input limit exceeds %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "Input limit remains %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Post Visibility Menu";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Remove Poll";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "This %@ is broken and can’t be
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@ uploaded to Mastodon.";
tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "One last thing.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Your Favorites";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ people talking";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "See new posts";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Offline";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "Published!";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Close Preview";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Show Next";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Show Previous";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld followers";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld following";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld posts";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "followers";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "following";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "posts";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@ tap the link to confirm your account.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Media";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Posts";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Replies";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Public";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Agreement";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "Email";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Locale";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Por favor, revisá tu conexión a Internet.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "¿Estás seguro que querés cerrar la sesión?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Cerrar sesión";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Error al registrarse";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "La encuesta finalizó";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "La encuesta ha terminado";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Error al votar";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Agregar";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Volver";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Por favor, revisá tu conexión a Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Advertencia de contenido";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Toca en cualquier lugar para mostrar";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Cerrada";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "Quedan %@";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Votar";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Mostrar mensaje";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Mostrar perfil de usuario";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Por favor, revisá tu conexión a Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Notificación";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Perfil";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Buscar";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ veces marcado como favorito";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ adhesiones";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ respuestas";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtrado";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "No podés ver el perfil de este usuario
hasta que dicho usuario te desbloquee.";
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@ Tu perfil le aparece así a este usuario.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Cargando mensajes faltantes…";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Mostrar más respuestas";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "Ahora";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "hace %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Agregar archivo adjunto";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Agregar encuesta";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Selector de emoji personalizado";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Deshabilitar advertencia de contenido";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Habilitar advertencia de contenido";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "El límite de entrada excede %ld caracteres";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "El límite de entrada permite %ld caracteres";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Menú de visibilidad del mensaje";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Quitar encuesta";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "Este archivo de %@ está roto
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@ y no se puede subir a Mastodon.";
pulsá en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "Una última cosa.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Tus favoritos";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ cuentas hablando";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "Ver nuevos mensajes";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Desconectado";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "¡Enviado!";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ pulsá en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Cerrar previsualización";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Mostrar siguiente";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Mostrar anterior";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld seguidores";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "siguiendo a %ld";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld mensajes";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "seguidores";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "siguiendo";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "mensajes";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@ pulsá en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Medios";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Mensajes";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Respuestas";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Pública";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Acuerdo";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "Correo electrónico";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Idioma de la interface";
@ -331,7 +319,7 @@ el que quieras.";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Mentions" = "Me mencionó";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Title" = "Notificaciones";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Anyone" = "cualquiera";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follow" = "cualquiera que sigo";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follow" = "alguien a quien sigo";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Follower" = "un seguidor";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Noone" = "nadie";
"Scene.Settings.Section.Notifications.Trigger.Title" = "Notificarme cuando";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld cuentas hablando</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Por favor, revise su conexión a internet.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "¿Estás seguro de que deseas cerrar la sesión?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Cerrar Sesión";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Error al registrarse";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "La encuesta ha caducado";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "La encuesta ha terminado";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Voto fallido";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Añadir";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Atrás";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Por favor, revise su conexión a internet.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Advertencia de Contenido";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Pulsa en cualquier sitio para mostrar";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Cerrado";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "Quedan %@";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Vota";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Mostrar Publicación";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Mostrar perfil del usuario";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Por favor, revise su conexión a internet.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Notificación";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Perfil";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Buscar";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ favoritos";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ redifusiones";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ respuestas";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtrado";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "No puedes ver el perfil de este usuario
hasta que te desbloquee.";
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@ Tu perfil se ve así para él.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Cargando publicaciones faltantes...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Mostrar más respuestas";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "Ahora";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "Hace %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Añadir Adjunto";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Añadir Encuesta";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Selector de Emojis Personalizados";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Desactivar Advertencia de Contenido";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Activar Advertencia de Contenido";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "%ld en exceso sobre el límite de entrada";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "%ld restante hasta el límite de entrada";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Menú de Visibilidad de la Publicación";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Eliminar Encuesta";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "Este %@ está roto y no puede
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@ subirse a Mastodon.";
pulsa en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "Una última cosa.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Tus Favoritos";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ personas están hablando de esto";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "Ver nuevas publicaciones";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Sin Conexión";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "¡Publicado!";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@ pulsa en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Cerrar Previsualización";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Mostrar Siguiente";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Mostrar Anterior";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld seguidores";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld siguiendo";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld publicaciones";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "seguidores";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "siguiendo";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "publicaciones";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@ pulsa en el enlace para confirmar tu cuenta.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Multimedia";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Publicaciones";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Respuestas";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Pública";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Aceptación";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "Correo electrónico";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Idioma";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld personas están hablando de esto</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Veuillez vérifier votre accès à Internet.";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "Voulez-vous vraiment vous déconnecter ?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "Se déconnecter";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "Échec de l'inscription";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "Le sondage a expiré";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "Le sondage est terminé";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "Le vote n’a pas pu être enregistré";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "Ajouter";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "Retour";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ Veuillez vérifier votre accès à Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "Avertissement de contenu";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "Tapotez n’importe où pour révéler la publication";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "Fermé";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "%@ restantes";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "Voter";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "Montrer la publication";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "Montrer le profil de l’utilisateur";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@ Veuillez vérifier votre accès à Internet.";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "Notification";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "Profil";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "Rechercher";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ favoris";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ reblogs";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ réponses";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "Filtré";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "Vous ne pouvez pas voir le profil de cet utilisateur
tant qu'il ne vous aura pas débloqué.";
@ -136,14 +132,11 @@ Votre profil ressemble à ça pour lui.";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "Chargement des publications manquantes...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "Charger plus de réponses";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "À l’instant";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "il y a %@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "Joindre un document";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "Ajouter un Sondage";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "Sélecteur d’émojis personnalisé";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "Désactiver l'avertissement de contenu";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "Basculer l’avertissement de contenu";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "La limite d'entrée dépasse %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "La limite d'entrée reste %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "Menu de Visibilité de la publication";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "Retirer le sondage";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "Ce %@ est brisé et ne peut pas être
@ -193,7 +186,6 @@ téléversé sur Mastodon.";
tapotez le lien pour confirmer votre compte.";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "Une dernière chose.";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "Vos favoris";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ personnes parlent";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "Voir les nouvelles publications";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "Hors ligne";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "Publié!";
@ -212,9 +204,6 @@ tapotez le lien pour confirmer votre compte.";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "Fermer l'aperçu";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "Afficher le suivant";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "Afficher le précédent";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld abonnés";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld abonnés";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld publications";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "abonnés";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "abonnements";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "publications";
@ -228,7 +217,6 @@ tapotez le lien pour confirmer votre compte.";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "Média";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "Publications";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "Réponses";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "Public";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "Accord";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "Courriel";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "Lieu";
@ -2,6 +2,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>1 character</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -18,6 +50,22 @@
<string>1 post</string>
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -98,5 +146,133 @@
<string>%ld personnes en parlent</string>
<string>1 following</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>1 follower</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>1 year left</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>1 months left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>1 day left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>1 hour left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>1 minute left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>1 second left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "本当にサインアウトしますか?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "サインアウト";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "サインアップに失敗しました";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "投票は終了しました";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "投票は終了しました";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "投票の失敗";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "追加";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "戻る";
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockDomain" = "%@をブロック";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockUser" = "%@をブロック";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked" = "ブロック済み";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo" = "Edit Info";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo" = "編集";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Follow" = "フォロー";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Following" = "フォロー中";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Mute" = "ミュート";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "コンテンツ警告";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "どこかをタップして表示";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "クローズド";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "残り%@";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "投票";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "トゥートを見る";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "プロフィールを見る";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "通知";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "プロフィール";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "検索";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ いいね";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ ブースト";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ リプライ";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "フィルター済み";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "ブロックされているようです...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockingWarning" = "ブロックを解除するまでこのユーザーをみることはできません。
@ -133,14 +129,11 @@
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "読込中...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "リプライをもっとみる";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "今";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "%@前";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "アタッチメントの追加";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "投票を追加";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "カスタム絵文字ピッカー";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "コンテンツ警告を無効にする";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "コンテンツ警告を有効にする";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "最大文字数を超えました。 %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "入力制限は残り %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "投稿の表示メニュー";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "投票を消去";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "%@は壊れていてMastodonにアップロードできません。";
@ -188,7 +181,6 @@
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Subtitle" = "先程 %@ にメールを送信しました。リンクをタップしてアカウントを確認してください。";
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "さいごにもうひとつ。";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "あなたのいいね";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@人がこの話題について話しています";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "新しいトゥートを見る";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "オフライン";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "トゥートしました!";
@ -207,9 +199,6 @@
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "プレビューを閉じる";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "次を見る";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "前を見る";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld フォロワー";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld フォロー中";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld トゥート";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "フォロワー";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "フォロー中";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "トゥート";
@ -223,7 +212,6 @@
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "メディア";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "トゥート";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "リプライ";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "公開";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "契約";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "メール";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "地域";
@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Input limit exceeds %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
<string>Input limit remains %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld characters</string>
@ -16,6 +44,20 @@
<string>%ld posts</string>
@ -86,5 +128,117 @@
<string>%ld people talking</string>
<string>%ld following</string>
<string>%ld followers</string>
<string>%ld years left</string>
<string>%ld months left</string>
<string>%ld days left</string>
<string>%ld hours left</string>
<string>%ld minutes left</string>
<string>%ld seconds left</string>
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Message" = "您确定要退出吗?";
"Common.Alerts.SignOut.Title" = "退出";
"Common.Alerts.SignUpFailure.Title" = "注册失败";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollExpired" = "此投票已过期";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.PollEnded" = "投票已结束";
"Common.Alerts.VoteFailure.Title" = "投票失败";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Add" = "添加";
"Common.Controls.Actions.Back" = "返回";
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockDomain" = "屏蔽 %@";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.BlockUser" = "屏蔽 %@";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Blocked" = "已屏蔽";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo" = "编辑资料";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.EditInfo" = "编辑";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Follow" = "关注";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Following" = "正在关注";
"Common.Controls.Friendship.Mute" = "静音";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
"Common.Controls.Status.ContentWarning" = "内容警告";
"Common.Controls.Status.MediaContentWarning" = "点击任意位置显示";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Closed" = "已关闭";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.TimeLeft" = "剩余 %@";
"Common.Controls.Status.Poll.Vote" = "投票";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowPost" = "显示帖子";
"Common.Controls.Status.ShowUserProfile" = "查看用户个人资料";
@ -116,9 +115,6 @@
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Notification" = "通知";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Profile" = "个人资料";
"Common.Controls.Tabs.Search" = "搜索";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountFavorites" = "%@ 个喜欢";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReblogs" = "%@ 条转发";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Accessibility.CountReplies" = "%@ 条回复";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Filtered" = "已过滤";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Header.BlockedWarning" = "您不能查看此用户的个人资料
@ -137,14 +133,11 @@
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.LoadingMissingPosts" = "正在加载帖子...";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Loader.ShowMoreReplies" = "显示更多回复";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.Now" = "现在";
"Common.Controls.Timeline.Timestamp.TimeAgo" = "%@";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendAttachment" = "添加附件";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.AppendPoll" = "添加投票";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.CustomEmojiPicker" = "自定义表情选择器";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.DisableContentWarning" = "关闭内容警告";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.EnableContentWarning" = "启用内容警告";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitExceedsCount" = "输入字符限制超出 %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.InputLimitRemainsCount" = "输入字符限制剩余 %ld";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.PostVisibilityMenu" = "帖子可见性";
"Scene.Compose.Accessibility.RemovePoll" = "移除投票";
"Scene.Compose.Attachment.AttachmentBroken" = "%@已损坏
@ -194,7 +187,6 @@
"Scene.ConfirmEmail.Title" = "最后一件事。";
"Scene.Favorite.Title" = "你的喜欢";
"Scene.Hashtag.Prompt" = "%@ 人正在讨论";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.NewPosts" = "查看新帖子";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Offline" = "离线";
"Scene.HomeTimeline.NavigationBarState.Published" = "已发送";
@ -213,9 +205,6 @@
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ClosePreview" = "关闭预览";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowNext" = "显示下一个";
"Scene.Preview.Keyboard.ShowPrevious" = "显示前一个";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowers" = "%ld 个关注者";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountFollowing" = "%ld 正在关注";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Accessibility.CountPosts" = "%ld 个帖子";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Followers" = "关注者";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Following" = "正在关注";
"Scene.Profile.Dashboard.Posts" = "帖子";
@ -229,7 +218,6 @@
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Media" = "媒体";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Posts" = "帖子";
"Scene.Profile.SegmentedControl.Replies" = "回复";
"Scene.PublicTimeline.Title" = "公开";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Agreement" = "协议";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Email" = "电子邮箱";
"Scene.Register.Error.Item.Locale" = "地区";
@ -2,6 +2,34 @@
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>输入字符限制超出 %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld 个字符</string>
<string>输入字符限制剩余 %#@character_count@</string>
<string>%ld 个字符</string>
@ -13,7 +41,21 @@
<string>%ld 个帖子</string>
@ -86,5 +128,117 @@
<string>%ld 人正在讨论</string>
<string>%ld 人正在关注</string>
<string>%ld 个关注者</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 年</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 个月</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 天</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 小时</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 分钟</string>
<string>剩余 %ld 秒</string>
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
"16wxgf" = "Publicar a Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Publica a Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Contingut del Text";
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"RxSqsb" = "Publicació";
"WCIR3D" = "Publicar ${content} a Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Publica ${content} a Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Publicació";
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Textinhalt";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Beitrag";
"CsR7G2" = "Post";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Senden fehlgeschlagen";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Fehlerursache";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Beitrag mit Textinhalt senden";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Beitrag";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Beitrag";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Sichtbarkeit";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Sichtbarkeit des Beitrags";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Public’.";
@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Beitrag";
"dUyuGg" = "Post";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Senden fehlgeschlagen. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "Beitrag wurde erfolgreich gesendet. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Enviar a Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Contenido del texto";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Enviar";
"CsR7G2" = "Post";
"HZSGTr" = "¿Qué contenido enviar?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Error al enviar mensaje";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Motivo del error";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Enviar mensaje con contenido de texto";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Enviar";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Enviar ${content} a Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Enviar";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibilidad";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilidad del mensaje";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Hay ${count} opciones que coinciden con \"Público\".";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Public’.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Hay ${count} opciones que coinciden con \"Sólo para seguidores\".";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Followers Only’.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, público";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, sólo para seguidores";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Publicar";
"dUyuGg" = "Post";
"dYQ5NN" = "Público";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Sólo para seguidores";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Error al enviar mensaje. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "El mensaje se envió exitosamente.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Sólo para confirmar, ¿querías que este mensaje sea PÚBLICO?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Public’?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Sólo para confirmar, ¿querías que este mensaje sea SÓLO PARA SEGUIDORES?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Followers Only’?";
"rM6dvp" = "Dirección web";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "El mensaje se envió exitosamente. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Publicar en Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Contenido del Texto";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Publicación";
"CsR7G2" = "Post";
"HZSGTr" = "¿Qué contenido publicar?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "Publicación fallida";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Motivo del fallo";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Enviar publicación con contenido de texto";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Publicar";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Publicar ${content} en Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Publicar";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibilidad";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilidad de la Publicación";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Hay ${count} opciones que coinciden con «Público».";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Public’.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Hay ${count} opciones que coinciden con «Solo seguidores».";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Followers Only’.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Público";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Solo Seguidores";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Publicar";
"dUyuGg" = "Post";
"dYQ5NN" = "Público";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Solo Seguidores";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "Error al publicar. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "La publicación se envió correctamente.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Solo para confirmar, ¿querías «Público»?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Public’?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Solo para confirmar, ¿querías «Solo seguidores»?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Followers Only’?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "La publicación se envió con éxito. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "Publier sur Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "Contenu textuel";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "Publication";
"CsR7G2" = "Post";
"HZSGTr" = "Quel contenu publier?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "L'envoi a échoué";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "Raison de l'échec";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "Envoyer un message avec du contenu textuel";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "Publication";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "Publier ${content} sur Mastodon";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "Publication";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibilité";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Visibilité de la publication";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à « Public ».";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Public’.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "Il y a ${count} options correspondant à « Abonnés uniquement ».";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Followers Only’.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, abonnés seulement";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "Publication";
"dUyuGg" = "Post";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "Abonnés seulement";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "L'envoi a échoué. ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "Léa publication a été envoyée avec succès.";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez bien diffuser en « Public » ?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Public’?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Juste pour confirmer, vous vouliez bien diffuser en « abonnés uniquement » ?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Followers Only’?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "La publication a été envoyée avec succès. ";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";
@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
"16wxgf" = "分享到 Mastodon";
"16wxgf" = "Post on Mastodon";
"751xkl" = "文本内容";
"751xkl" = "Text Content";
"CsR7G2" = "帖子";
"CsR7G2" = "Post";
"HZSGTr" = "要发送的内容是什么?";
"HZSGTr" = "What content to post?";
"HdGikU" = "发送失败";
"HdGikU" = "Posting failed";
"KDNTJ4" = "失败原因";
"KDNTJ4" = "Failure Reason";
"RHxKOw" = "发送带有文本内容的帖子";
"RHxKOw" = "Send Post with text content";
"RxSqsb" = "帖子";
"RxSqsb" = "Post";
"WCIR3D" = "在 Mastodon 上发送 ${content}";
"WCIR3D" = "Post ${content} on Mastodon";
"ZKJSNu" = "帖子";
"ZKJSNu" = "Post";
"ZS1XaK" = "${content}";
"ZbSjzC" = "可见性";
"ZbSjzC" = "Visibility";
"Zo4jgJ" = "帖子可见性";
"Zo4jgJ" = "Post Visibility";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "有 ${count} 个选项匹配 “公开”";
"apSxMG-dYQ5NN" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Public’.";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "有 ${count} 个选项匹配 “仅关注者”";
"apSxMG-ehFLjY" = "There are ${count} options matching ‘Followers Only’.";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content},公开";
"ayoYEb-dYQ5NN" = "${content}, Public";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content},仅关注者";
"ayoYEb-ehFLjY" = "${content}, Followers Only";
"dUyuGg" = "帖子";
"dUyuGg" = "Post";
"dYQ5NN" = "公开";
"dYQ5NN" = "Public";
"ehFLjY" = "仅关注者";
"ehFLjY" = "Followers Only";
"gfePDu" = "发送失败。 ${failureReason}";
"gfePDu" = "Posting failed. ${failureReason}";
"k7dbKQ" = "帖子发送成功。";
"k7dbKQ" = "Post was sent successfully.";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "确认要选择 “公开”?";
"oGiqmY-dYQ5NN" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Public’?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "确认要选择 “仅关注者”?";
"oGiqmY-ehFLjY" = "Just to confirm, you wanted ‘Followers Only’?";
"rM6dvp" = "URL";
"ryJLwG" = "帖子发送成功。";
"ryJLwG" = "Post was sent successfully. ";
Reference in New Issue